Journey into Hunkland

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Alcohol is a strange beast. It can be the trigger to some of the worst ideas and best nights of your life, or it can leave you waking in the morning feeling like a stranger in your own skin and the sound of drums banging in your heads, or in the case of Syrian and Mack, it can lead to a bit of both. The dusky and wolf were doing what most college students do on an uneventful Friday night, splitting a bottle of rum they acquired through what could be equated to the college's black market (buying it off a senior for double the price) and shooting the shit with each other while an old Senses Fail album blasts from the shitty speakers on Mack's laptop.

"Okay....Devon Childs." Syrian said, taking a swig from the bottle.

"The football player?" Mack responded "he seems like such a meat head!"

"Mack, this is a question of sex, not a long term committed relationship!" Syrian responded, wagging his large canine tail (courtesy of his husky father.) Mack grinned and flicked a rubber band at Syrian's antlers (courtesy of his deer mother.)

"Why, would you fuck him?" Syrian nodded, his tail wagging faster and faster. Mack grinned, "is there anyone you won't fuck?"

"You mean besides you?" Another rubber band found its way from Mack's paws into the trajectory of Syrian's antlers.

"You mean to tell me you don't get hard at the thought of all those big sweaty jocks, walking around in their jock straps, showering together and giving each other friendly gropes and blow jobs!"

"I think you've been watching too much porn Syrian, that is NOT how college sports works!"

"Well maybe not back in Canada, but here in the U.S. Who knows? I mean football is nothing but two hours of big muscular guys groping each other for a big brown ball!"

"Is there anything you won't sexualize?" Mack snapped back, taking a big chug of the rum.

"Well you sure like sucking off Sailor Jerry." Mack coughed a bit of the rum up from laughter.

"Alright, that one was good, I'll give you that, but the fact remains, the football players are not in their locker room having sex with each other."

"Well of course not all of them, but there must be a few that stay after with the promise of 'pumping iron' or other jock stuff, but they just end up fucking!." Another swig of rum on both ends.

"That is so stupid!" Another swig.

"Well if you're so sure, why don't we put money on it?" Another swig.

"And how are you going to prove it?" Another swig.

"Let's go, right now! Practice let out ten minutes ago." Another swig.

"Just walk into the boys' locker room and see if there's an orgy going on?" Another swig.

"Hic....come on, worst case scenario we raid their lockers for their jock straps." It may have been the alcohol, or it may have been his own libido coming to light, but Mack smiled, setting down the nearly empty bottle of rum.

"Alright, let's do it!"

Devon contently slammed his locker shut. The hyena was a linebacker who stood at six foot six and weighed upward of 250 pounds of pure muscle, it wasn't surprising when he got the letters from D1 schools about recruiting him the following year. As a defensive end he came at opponents swift as a ghost and as hard as a freight train. Devon took the towel off from around his waist to dry his hair. "I swear, I wish I could just keep them in dreads all the time." He shouted out to the team in general. As soon as the words left his mouth he felt a slap on his bare ass. The hyena yelped and turned around to see the mischievous grin of his teammate Skyler Noire, a tiger who stood at six foot two, yet he rivaled Devon in the competition of muscle. If Devon hit like a freight train, Skyler hit like two freight trains swarming with killer bees.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Robin asked, his tail standing erect, similar to Devon's cock.

"Same as ever, working out! So what girl you thinking about?" Devon asked pointing to Robin's erect cock.

"Oh just a certain hyena!" Skyler replied with a grin.

"Big tits?"

"Huge!" Devon lightly smacked the cougar on the back of his head.

"Sooo, I got a friend interested in working out with us!" Skyler said with a sly grin. Devon's ears perked up. "That new guy from Germany."

"The back up QB?" Devon asked looking towards the well built wolf who was removing his towel. The snow white towel dropped to the wolf's feet, exposing his soft buttocks. Devon growled contently. Robin called the wolf's name, and Drake spun around revealing his blue and red hetero-chromatic eyes and elegant blond hair. Devon's eyes trailed down Drake's abs, finely crafted through years of intense work outs (mostly sex.) When his eyes got to the wolf's cock they absolutely lit up! Standing at a proud nine inches, Drake's cock was as toned as the rest of his muscles, one might even say it was his most worked muscle.

"You're smiling this much and you haven't even seen his feet!" Skyler whispered teasingly in Devon's ear "and yes, I asked him, he is down for that." The hyena grinned.

"Hey Dev, Skyler, you guys coming to Sam's party tonight?" Their teammate Xander, a red fox, asked as he exited the locker room with most of the team. Devon sent a gaze towards Drake's feet.

"Can't tonight man, got to work out."

The walk from their dorm to the stadium was a simple ten minute walk in reality, but to Mack and Syrian it was a drunken adventure complete with chasing puffs of cigarette smoke and delaying for five minutes to ask a homeless man if he played the latest Halo game. By the time the pair arrived at the stadium, practice was over, and all the (or almost all) of the players were leaving for their cars to find the parties they would arrive fashionably late too.

"Hey guys! The party's this way!" a red fox called to the pair as he was walking to his car, flanked by a ram and a bear.

"Oh yeah!" Syrian shouted enthusiastically "We're just going to lift weights!" The red fox laughed.

"Alright, suit yourselves guys, I'm sure you can find a party if you get bored."

"So is this your first time?" Devon asked Drake as the three of them stood there naked in a triangular formation. Drake laughed.

"No no" the wolf said, his accent rough as sandpaper and thick as a block of wood, yet it only made Robin and Devon become more aroused. "Back in Germany I practically had a harem!" Drake laughed "Guess I'll be expanding it tonight, no?" Devon blushed at that, he didn't normally like to be on the bottom, but there was just something about this wolf that made him want to fall to his knees.

"I guess!" the hyena said "we'll see how it goes."

Syrian and Mack walked in on an interesting sight. Skyler was laying on one of the locker room benches, while Drake lay on top of the cougar, the pair 69-ing each other. At Drake's feet was Devon, ecclesiastically licking the wolf's paw pads and masturbating, his eyes shut in ecstasy. Drake eventually began thrusting his cock and and out of Skyler's mouth, rhythmically jamming it down the cougar's throat. Skyler was happy to return the favor and soon the two were rhythmically fucking each others mouths! Devon didn't notice as he was too deep in his own world of Drake's foot paws, his tongue slurping all over the wolf's soles, and his lips cusping around his toes from time to time. Syrian grinned and bumped Mack with his elbow. "I do believe we had money on this." the dusky whispered smugly. Mack sighed and reached for his wallet.

The discovery and transaction went unnoticed by the trio of football players, each so close to their respective orgasms that they had temporarily checked out of reality, too preoccupied with the tensing of their muscles as semen built in their loins. Devon was the first to cum, shooting hard long streams from his large cock that coated Drake's paw pads as well as leaving stains in Skyler's blonde hair. Devon shuddered and collapsed off his knees, falling into a sitting position as another stream of cum shot from his cock. Skyler and Drake finished each other off at about the same time, each feeling a rush of hot sticky semen flood down their throat as a similar rush of semen left their shafts. Contently the three opened their eyes, ignoring the stick in their fur, that's when they say them. A chubby dusky and a small wolf, both swaying in the wind of Captain Morgan. The trio grinned, all feeling up for a second round.

"So what are you two pervs doing here?" Devon asked, standing up and walking over to Syrian and Mack. The hyena towered over the both of them. The pair grinned.

"I call the little wolf!" Drake called from the back.

"Little?" Mack said angered. Drake smirked and walked up to the pair, showing them he was just as big as Devon.

"Yes, little." Drake said leading Mack by the wrist into the showers.

"Well I guess we get this cute thing." Skyler said, slapping Syrian on the ass. Syrian squeed.

Drake looked at the now naked Mack. He smiled at his smaller brother in species and turned the water faucet on. Before the pair knew it water burst from the shower head at a speed almost matching Devon's orgasms, drenching their fur. Drake gently grabbed Mack's head and slowly pressed the wolf down onto his knees, putting the wolf eye level with his throbbing cock. Mack obediently opened his mouth, allowing Drake to slide his cock in the second mouth tonight.

Drake's large cock may have been nothing to a bigger guy like Robin, but to a small creature such as Mack it went down as easy as a metal pipe, a sweet metal pipe that tasted constantly of sex and love, but a metal pipe none the less. Mack's tail wagged, banging against the claustrophobic walls of the shower stall as Drake shoved his dick down the smaller wolf's throat.

Drake growled contently as the bottom of his shaft grinded against Mack's soft tongue, with Mack licking the droplets of shower water off said shaft. Mack could feel his own erection growing , the wolf's meat shyly peaking out from behind his sheathe, an orgasm building in his loins. Drake saw this and laughed, raising his left foot paw, grasping Mack's cock between his thick toes. Drake smiled as he began gliding his foot along the length of Mack's shaft, all while feeling Mack's tongue glide along his.

Syrian's fluffy tail wagged in anticipation as he contorted to a crawling position, supporting himself with his hands and knees. Ever since taking up yoga three years ago Syrian found it much easier to hold up his body weight on these appendages. While Syrian had his flashback of an attractive fox teaching yoga, Devon and Skyler flanked the dusky. Devon reached down and took off the dusky's glasses "You won't be needing those." the hyena teased. With the removal of his glasses, the dusky's vision blurred. For some reason this excited him more, these two blurred figures looked more attractive shrouded in mystery. "Open wide!" the hyena commanded sweetly. The dusky was all too happy to oblige as he felt the hyena's fat cock slide into his open maw, brushing against his flat teeth and dry tongue. Syrian felt drops of pre tunnel down his throat as the hyena stuck the full length of his cock into the dusky's mouth. Behind him an rivaling stout cougar cock was slowly working it's way into Syrian's loose tail hole. Syrian wagged his tail, brushing it against Skyler's finely carved abs, as the dusky felt his own cock grow hard. A thrust into his throat, a thrust into his ass. The hyena and the cougar worked hard, despite their hard workout earlier these two still had plenty of energy in them to fuck a plump adorable dusky like Syrian.

Drake's semen is a sweet as honey, smoothly gliding down his throat like silk. Then again, it's not like Mack put up much of a fight. The smaller wolf more than happily suckled on the larger wolf's cock, hungry for more of his semen! Drake laughed, though he loved dominating in any circumstance he especially loved in when the sub was willing . Mack was not only willing but his enthusiasm outmatched Drake's even. Mack continued suckling on Drake's cock long after he had ceased. Drake, figuring the wolf must still be hungry tickled Mack's cock with his toes, feeling Mack's semen shoot up through his loins, shooting out the head of his cock and landing all over his toes. Drake slide his cock out of Mack's mouth. "Still hungry?" Mack nodded. Drake presented his foot to Mack "Well best get licking!"

A fat cock in the ass is healthy! That was Syrian's motto, and he was a nursing major, so who are we to doubt him. And a fatter cock in the mouth can't hurt either, even if it does hurt with his breathing, or it should were Syrian not a better cock sucker than a nurse, and he was a damn good nurse. He was giving Devon and Skyler something their "girlfriends" (read: covers) could never give them, pleasure. Despite his girlish walk Syrian was still man enough for both of them, likely manlier than them both with the way he could take two dicks like a champ. The dusky slithered his tongue hungrily against the hyena's shaft, taking in every bit of sweat that was on the cock, growing harder at every chance he got to taste it, while the cougar's cock sent shock-waves of pleasure up his spine, any pain he felt with the pair's less than elegant entry was overridden by the sheer amount of orgasm that was traveling through his entire body!

Mack was never really into feet, yet that didn't deter him from obediently licking his own semen off of Drake's foot. There was just something about the wolf, something that was so alluring about him. His perfect body, complimented by his perfectly imperfect heterochromia, his thick German accent that hit all the right notes of sweet and commanding, or maybe it was that he did indeed have lovely feet. Mack was never into feet, but he had to admit, the wolf had some very nice feet on him, finely pedicured and cared for. They made for a delicious plate to lick his dessert of semen off, so delicious that Mack found himself continuing to lick long after the semen had been cleaned off the foot. Drake smiled at that and picked up Mack by his arm "Come now, we'll continue this at home!"

Through the blurred vision Syrian saw two figures leave the gym, he figured it must be Mack and his man. The drunk dusky curved his lips upward into a smile as his tail wagged faster. He heard the pair wish Drake good byes and a good night before they resumed their positions. "Took you two long enough." Syrian slurred out, muffled by Devon's cock "now let's get back to fucking eh?"

Xander staggered drunkenly through the parking lot. "Are you sure we won't get caught?" the bear asked the fox as he followed him, the ram in tow.

"God! Don't worry so much John." The ram shot back "Xander knows what he's doing."

"Yea!" Xander said, "Trust me, noone will be in the locker room at this hour!"

"FASTER FASTER!" Syrian shouted as the pair continued to drill him from both sides. The more he tasted Devon's cock the more he wanted to taste Skyler's though. The dusky decided it was time to change things up. With a swift movement he kicked Skyler off from his back side, sending the bewildered tiger tumbling back over a bench. Syrian then proceeded to shove Devon onto his back with the ferocity of his husky father. Then with the speed of his deer mother Syrian sat down on Devon's still erect cock, yelping in pleasure as his fat cock slid into his ass. "Now get up and stick your cock in my mouth!" He yelled to Skyler. The tiger was quick to oblige, both him and the hyena scared by the dusky's new found dominance. Syrian opened wide for Skyler's cock, sucking on it hungrily in a way that kind of frightened Robin.

"Whoa whoa, slow down babe." The tiger said. The dusky gave him a look that stitched his mouth shout. Syrian closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of two hunky guys belonging to him! He continued to suck on Skyler while riding Devon, feeling the orgasm rising in both of them, as well as himself. Wanting to finish all of them at the same time he gave one final suck and one final drop down onto Devon's cock, putting him balls deep. The pair came in Syrian and he loved it as Devon's semen shot up like a rocket into his prostate!

Syrian's load meanwhile, shot with a standard arc trajectory, right onto Devon's face, coating it in hot sticky cum. Content, Syrian stood up and kissed Skyler on the lips, allowing the semen he collected from the tiger to slide into the tiger's own maw, leaving him wide eyed and awe struck.

"Well that was fun boys, now I'm off to see what Mack and the German hunk are up to, you two have fun. Ciao!" Syrian said as he galloped out of the locker room, swaying his hips contently.

Devon and Skyler panted. They were confused, tired and a bit frightened by what just happened. But above all they were satisfied, excited and hungry for more.

"We..." Skyler started "We didn't get his number did we?"



Just then the locker room door opened and in walked a drunken fox, flanked by a drunk ram and a drunk bear.

"Oh hey Xander!" Devon said, still laying on the floor, his face covered in cum.

"Hey.." Xander blurted out "What are you two doing here?"

"Oh just working out! You?"

"Also bout to go work out!"

Devon and Skyler smiled.

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