Alternate Interrogation Techniques

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Commission for my friend

Can you tell I've been reading too much Game of Thrones? o: Also 20 points to whoever gets my game references

Lord Ves Iorveth tapped his fingers against the wood table as he stared intently at his captive. Five days of torture and the yote had said naught save "The Queen is false." It was the rebels rallying cry. Ves would like to take the traitor's lowborn tongue. "Let's see him scream his rallying cry then." Ves would muse with the jailor after every failed interrogation. Now for the sixth time the mouse sat across from the coyote at his wit's end and ready to try less conventional methods. When Ves was a boy an old mage had told him "You catch more flies with honey, than you do with vinegar." Time to see if those words rang true. Right on time a page came in with a flask of wine and two glasses. They were laid on the table and the page departed. Ves looked over the yote as he poured the wine. Hand bound behind him, covered in scars from the whips, yet still with that defiant fucking look in his eyes. I'll take his eyes too! When the wine was poured Ves broke the silence.

"So what's your name my formidable foe?" That took the yote off guard, just as Ves had hoped. If this works I'll have to send that old mage a bottle of fine vintage.

"J...Jon m'lord." That took Ves off guard. Is he mocking me? If he thinks he can I'll have his fucking cock!

"You still address me as your lord?" Ves asked as he took a sip of wine. He grabbed the other glass and brought it to the yote's muzzle, he lapped at it like a lowborn dog. Fitting.

"O course I dos, you is m'lord, the queen is false is all... some lords agree they does." Ves thought he couldn't be any more surprised than he already was. He was shocked to learn that other lords were involved with this rebellion. He was more shocked that he didn't think of that already. Of course! Of FUCKING course! The fine equipment, the training. These men aren't farmers with stolen armor, they're the armies of other Lords! But which ones. He decided he'd send the mage an entire vineyard of they both lived to see the end of this war.

"That's interesting" Ves said "It makes sense now, my men said you and your battalion fought much too well to be a farmhand. You were a guard weren't you?"

"Sargent of The Night Shift m'lord." Jon said proudly.

"Whom did you serve?" Jon didn't answer. Ves didn't expect him to, not yet anyways, not until the yote had more wine, maybe a woman.

The wine flowed freely down the throats of both the mouse and his captive as Ves moved the conversation in various directions. Which singer was the best? Could Ser Rolas dehorse Ser Harns? Would Ser Flynn crush Ser Renly with his war-hammer or would Ser Renly's quickness and short sword prevail? Wine or ale? Southern or Northern wine? Northern or Southern women? Ves finally moved to the subject of their firsts. "I don't think I'll ever forget my first..."

Ves had been a man of seven and ten when he'd had his first. Like all things, he saw what he wanted and took it, and why wouldn't he? He was Lord of the Harrenhall so long as his father was off playing war on the sea. Ves would march through his castle halls clad in the finest, most gleaming armor, carrying a sword of the finest steel. Neither had tasted battle, nor had Ves unless beating his father's various bastards in local tourneys counted as war. When he saw her, he knew he wanted her, and he was going to take her. The cat had been a kitchen girl, daughter of a maid, eight and ten if Ves recalled correct. Ves was blunt with her, a simple stroll up "I want you to share my bed tonight." And why wouldn't she want to? Were she lucky she might even father his bastard, a great honor to be bestowed upon a peasant girl like her. She giggled with a sweet smile.

"M'lord I must stay at my post, lest you and your Lady Mother go hungry." She tried to be as cordial as possible, she tried to use reason. It might have worked on a shyer, nicer young lord, but not on Ves. He insisted, stronger than before. "M'lord my maidenhood was taken by another, surely spoiled maidens are beneath your magnificence." The girl was smart, she knew what to say, not that Ves cared. He took her, dragging her by the hair to his bed, he was even less gentle when he bedded her. She had sobbed through the whole thing, and for that he fired her and her maid mother.

"...the first time is always so sweet." Ves sipped his wine then brought Jon's glass to his muzzle. "How about you? You're a handsome lad you surely must have deflowered a farm girl or two in your time."

"Well actually m'lord...." Jon started. If he's a virgin a woman will be even more tempting, I think I have him. " was a man."

Jon had been seven and ten. The harvest had been successful and that called for a celebration. Officially the Queen frowned upon such pagan practices, and his Lord was supposed to as well. But Jon's lord was well loved, the kind of Lord the kitchen girl had hoped for in Ves, and when it came time for the harvest celebration Jon's Lord simply demanded that they change the reason to something else.

"My half birthday or something... you're a smart man you'll figure it out." The Lord had said to the village elder. So now the village was aghast with music, dance, food and wine in celebration of Lord Corvo's bastard sister's half birthday (Not that Jon told Ves which Lord it was.) Jon had been with his friends, singing, dancing, wrestling, drinking when a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Get me some wine stranger." Garret was a silver fox, all the boys found it fitting he would then make his living stealing silver.

"You son of a whore." Jon yelled gladly as he handed Garret some wine. Garret clutched the glass in his right hand, two fingers and a thumb wrapped around it. At six and ten years Garret had already lost his pinky and ring fingers to the Queen's justice for thievery.

"I really thought they'd hang me the second time they caught me, but all they did was steal another finger. Maybe they see I'm too cute to hang."

"Maybe you deflowered the princess and that spared you." One of Jon's friends called. Garret smiled.

"Maybe I did, all them nobles look the same."

"We thought you were dead." Garret laughed and guzzled his wine, he was wearing a finer cloak than even the village elder had. Black as night and light as a feather.

"You lads should know that no man can kill Garret the Silver!"

"...then what happened?" Ves asked. Make a note to not let this 'Garret the Silver' to escape the Queen's justice again, and if he did really deflower the princess we'll have one more finger of his before he hangs, I swear it.

"Me and Garret'd been friends ever since we was kits m'lord." Jon continued "He'd run off to the big city the day he could outrun his Pop, carrying half his weight copper..."

" then I'd made it to Varia" Garret continued telling his friends. Night had fallen, many had went to bed, the singers had all moved their performances to the tavern, unaware that Garret had collected a tax on their tips. "I have to say Varia just doesn't have the same sky." The group sat atop a hill that they had called the Green Keep in childhood. It was there they would play Knights, Maidens and Monsters, Come into my Castle and various other games. "Anyways I get to the city, and the first man I pickpocket catches me." There was a collective gasp "No don't you lads go thinking I fucked it up THAT early. Turns out the man I tried to pickpocket was a thief himself, what are the bloody odds! The Gods were good to me that day, and I do mean the GODS lads, these pious holy men of the Lamb are just as corrupt as the Queen, I swear it on me mother. Anyways the man drags me to a back alley, and I think he has right bloody mind to slit my throat, so I struggle and scream and bite! But with one hand, one bloody hand I swear it! He pins me to the wall, looks in my eyes with his deep yellow ones. He was a wolf that one, black as my cloak! He looks into me with his eyes and says 'Not bad, but you've got a lot to learn kid.' I stop my struggling and he takes me to a brothel that I learn is headquarters of the Thieves Guild. Yes Lommy I said Thieves Guild, it's real." Garret took out a ring from his pocket, a ring of fine silver adorned with crows and dragons. "This is their sigil it is." He continues his story, he had trained under the old black wolf , learned things he had never thought of before. "...I got damned good." He held up his hand with the severed fingers "but not perfect as you lads can see."

The story drolled on, and the more rash side of Ves just wanted to cut the coyote's throat and be done with it. But the ambitious side of Ves pushed on, if he delivered only a single name of a traitor Lord the Queen's favor would grace his family for centuries.

"...and eventually all the other lads retired to the tavern, or to the beds of fair maidens (Ves doubted they were fair.) and it was just me n him, lookin up at the moon silver as his fur."

Jon and Garret lay on the Green Keep, their bellies full of wine. "So what made you come back Garret?"

"You really think I'd miss a harvest festival?"

"There's harvest festivals closer to Varia I'm sure." Garret had been Jon's first kiss. When playing 'Come into my Castle.' Jon and Garret got paired when all the girls were claimed by others, so Jon played the fair maiden letting the strong knight Garret into her castle. Garret had kissed him that day, on the cheek and it had set Jon's cheeks ablaze.

"I learned a lot more than just thieving in the brothel. I learned how to talk like a lord, how to seduce a woman, how to seduce a man. I learned how fun sex with a man could be." The Lamb forbade man to lie with man, not that Garret cared, and in this moment Jon cared not either. They leaned into each other for a kiss, and Garret, quick as always, stole Jon's clothes from him before slipping out of his own cloak. They made love on the green keep, maiden and knight.

"...his cock was as rich and silver as the rest of him. The smell of it more intoxicating than wine. When his seed spilled into my mouth I was drunk on him. I confessed my love to him that day, I told him that even though I didn't want to admit it, I thought of him whenever I touched my loins. After that night I thought of him whenever I bedded a maiden. I keep hoping he'll come into my castle again someday." For a moment it was as if Jon totally forgot where he was. Who the man across from him was. He spoke to Ves like a friend, and that gave Ves a wicked idea.

"Oh the wine is out, I'll go get some more."

Jon had woken up alone on the Green Keep, Garret's clothes were strewn next to his at the foot of the hill. He staggered down the hill to put his breeches on, they felt heavier. He searched his pockets to find them lined with coppers...and one silver. A silver ring.

Ves walked back to Jon's dungeon naked, save for an old black cloak. His bare-feet padded softly against the cold stone floor. The jailor gave him an odd look. "Advanced interrogation technique." The jailor said nothing, merely nodded. Ves strode into the cell, his cock erect. He had to admit the thought of this excited, he'd never laid with a man before, and he might as well try it once. "Oh Jon, will you come into my castle?" Ves said with a grin. Jon was aghast, even more so when Ves stood him up from his stool and pushed him to his knees, eye level with his cock. Ves grabbed Jon by his headfur, twisting slightly and shoved the coyote's muzzle into his hard pink cock.

"Big whiffs, Maiden." He could hear Jon whimper as he inhaled sharply, his wagging tail betrayed his enjoyment. Perfect. The musk of his cock shot up Jon's nostrils, heavy as smoke and intoxicating as ale. Wait till he tastes my cock, he'll be singing. When he had enough of the coyote smelling him, he grabbed one of the various torture instruments that lined the wall and clipped Jon's ear, leaving a hole in it. Jon yelped loudly, tears rolled from his eyes. Ves smiled and dragged his captive to the far back wall, where chains protruded from the walls. He slapped Jon into these chains, the angle kept him kneeling like a good little cock slut. "Open your mouth!" Jon obliged in-spite of himself. Ves rammed his cock into Jon's muzzle, slapping the back of his mouth with it. Jon gagged a bit but Ves wouldn't let up so Jon had to adapt. In and out like a battering ram against the walls of Jon's throat Ves' cock went, slamming a little harder each time as he felt his seed build up in him, just as it did in Jon, they were both nearing climax when Ves tore his cock away from Jon. Jon whimpered like a babe away from its mother's teat. "Do you want my seed Maiden?" Ves teased his prisoner. Jon whimpered and begged for it. Ves leaned into the coyote's recently pierced ear "Then tell me his name."

Jon told Ves his Lord's name. He could have told the Queen himself with how loud he shouted it. "LORD CORVO! LORD CORVO OF THE MOONFALL!" Jon shouted as if he was starved, forgetting every kindness Lord Corvus ever did for him, his friends or his village. "HE CONSIPIRED WITH LORD ATKINS AND OTHERS I DON'T KNOW THE OTHERS NOW PLEASE M'LORD!"

Ves smirked, he had all he needed. He could walk out now, leaving this yote sobbing like a pup for his cock. Ves didn't though, he enjoyed this too much, his cock was throbbing ready to spill seed, why waste that? Ves pressed the head of his cock right up against Jon's muzzle "Lap at it like the lowborn dog you are." Jon did, he lapped at it like he lapped at the wine, like his ancestors lapped at streams for water, and Ves' stream spilled bountiful onto Jon's tongue. It sent shivers up the mouse as the wet canine tongue lapped at his slit, even as he came. When the last of his seed had coated Jon's tongue and muzzle he stumbled back breathing heavily, along with Jon, who's seed decorated the floor of the cell.

"Th....thank you...m'lord." Jon said between pants. Ves stood up and walked over to the wall on the left.

"You're quite welcome... you have a talented tongue for a traitor." Ves said as he grabbed a torture instrument off the wall "I think I'll take it."

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