Family Part 2

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#2 of Family

Blargh, I got a job several months ago, and the commute makes it so that I'm away from home 8am-8pm. I've had no time to write, and this was almost written in a one paragraph a day sort of way.

Anyway, sex between dragons while a man watches in involved in this story. Enjoy!

Family Part 2

Aside from having an enlightening conversation about the location of a dragon's testicles and the details of a female dragon's heat cycle, Hiosky and Jacob washed in the nearby river which flowed from the channels through theNekumeMountainsquite uneventfully. The water was pure from the melting of the ice and snow from winter, though the same could not be entirely be said for the packet of river flow that had cleansed the two males of their spilled seed.

They strolled leisurely back to their home, a cave fit for a king of men. Jacob had gone to the river with his father with nothing in his arms but a pair of plain brown pants, and he wore them now as he walked in front of his foster father. The dragon followed, letting him lead so that he could set the pace for their movements.

It was slow in draconic terms, but the dragon didn't mind. The man in front of him was no longer the child he was before, and their morning deeds had shown him how fully mature he had become. He remembered how short a time it was that he could've carried the human boy on his back in flight, and how he could cradle him within a single paw when he was but a baby. Time moved too fast, he thought, and it afflicted his son in a manner that had become more and more difficult for him to deal with as he grew closer to him.

He sighed. Undoubtedly his mate felt the same, and she was even fonder of their adopted son than he could guess. Runalesca had wanted to raise him since the beginning, an idea he hadn't found quite as meritorious as he did now.

Regardless, it would be difficult to deal with his mate when the time came. And he wasn't even thinking about the long departure; rather, he was more concerned with the fact that Jacob was at the age where men sought out a life for themselves. Runalesca would not easily let him go, though he knew their son should be allowed to choose his own path.

By the time they reached the last lonely trail to the mouth of their cave, the sun was well past noon, but nowhere near evening time yet.

Hiosky did a double-take when he saw Runalesca's brilliant blue shine in front of their cave. She was in heat, which was why she had flown away for business and patrol, and he had not expected her to return until late in the evening when sleep would override her need to mate. In her current state, however, she would've easily smelled the lingering scent of his seed, and he had no good explanation for why his scent would be all over Jacob's body.

He tried to nudge Jacob to divert another way, but it was already too late. The blue dragoness saw them and hastened over to her mate, her wings gently flapping as she used them to lift herself slightly so she could run faster.

Hiosky stuck a paw on his snout, his embarrassment quite evident even if she could not have smelled his secret. He figured it would be best to come clean with her, and she would hopefully understand that she couldn't baby their son anymore.

"Hiosky!" Runalesca jumped through a few trees to shortcut to where his mate was standing still, and then she noticed Jacob was there as well. "What happened? Is everything okay? I heard you roar from all the way in Travistin and flew over as soon as I could."

Hiosky's hind legs quaked and he felt his paw burning on his snout. He was utterly abashed, his cry of ecstasy having been taken as a cry for help. He hadn't even realized he had roared so loudly! "Umm," he began to say, but then Runalesca cut him off.

"Wait," she said. "What is this? I smell you." The blue scales on her neck flexed as she craned her head down to creep closer to her mate's loins. "I smell you." She sniffed again, and her head twisted to Jacob. "I smell you on our son."

"Ah," the red dragon stammered, "well, yes, that's quite correct."

Runalesca squinted her eyes at him, demanding an explanation without verbalizing it.

Hiosky took a deep breath, grunted, and nodded. "Right, well, I was teaching him. Yes yes, you know very well what I was teaching him, that smell is unmistakable. The point, I mean, is that he's an adult now - I mean I know he's not in dragon terms but we've gone over this before, he's an adult by the count of men and there are things a father must teach his son when it comes that time."

Runalesca shut her eyes and a low rumble thrummed from her throat. A few seconds later, she opened them back up and looked into her mate's eyes. "Fine," she said. "I can understand that. But why does it smell like he's been plastered head to toe with your seed?"

"Well, I sort of offered a more...practical lesson after an academic one. I thought the boy could learn, well, you know, technique."

Jacob piped up after hiding behind his father. "I wanted to learn, mother. I wanted to know how to mate."

Runalesca frowned. "Fine. Alright." Jacob could've sworn he saw a tear leak out of her eye. "You're right Hiosky, you're always right."

"Runa," the red dragon replied, "I didn't mean it that way. I wasn't trying to remind you-"

"No," she said, "of course not. Try to get the smell off you before I return tonight." Without another look, the icy blue dragoness took wing and left, leaving a gentle gust of wind in her wake.

There was a period of silence as both father and son watched her depart.

After she was gone, Jacob faced his father and asked, "What was that about?"

"Nothing. It was nothing. Come on then, let's go for a walk to air us off our scents."

Jacob nodded and walked with his father, taking the lonely road back away from their home, the dragon taking the lead now but always keeping a slow pace to allow his adopted son to keep up.

"Are you sure about this?"

Jacob nodded at his father. "I want to explore. I don't want to stay cooped up in this cave forever."

Hiosky tilted his head downward. "I know, son. Trust me, I know the feeling. It's hardly my place to stop you. But your mother will be more difficult to convince."

"I still have to ask."

"And if she rejects?"

"Then I'll, well, I'll respect her wishes."

Hiosky grinned at him. "If she won't let you, then whenever she's in heat and must leave my presence, I'll pretend not to see you. You know, leaving and such."

Jacob wrapped his arms around one of his father's forearms, the tough scales warm from his fire element. "Thanks, dad."

The dragon smiled. "Think nothing of it."

And so they waited in their home, the glimmering crystals and golden ornaments that adorned the walls of their cave fading as the light of day sank away. Hiosky went around to light the torches near the entrance and in his study with his breath before retiring to his journal. He did leave out the details of his lesson in mating in the new entry, though he did not neglect to write the fact that he loved his son.

When the last period was dotted, he heard steps coming from outside. Runalesca had returned, and Jacob was waiting for her.

Hiosky had already warned his son that he would not partake in their talk, but if he needed his support he would come. So he stayed in his study, his thoughts trapped in a book, while his mate listened to their son's plea to see the world.

He was practically hiding, and for good reason. Runalesca was never one that held her emotions quite well; a trait more common to a dragon of his kind rather than her icy lineage's.

So he was not entirely surprised when she came bursting into his study, her snout practically fuming with frost.

"It was you, wasn't it? You set this all up! You wanted him to leave! You encouraged him! You never wanted him, and now that he's grown up you're done studying him!"

Hiosky shut his book and looked flabbergasted at her. A sound began to form inside his throat, but he couldn't formulate a response before she turned and stomped out of the cave, her eyes shining wet with tears and her tail swishing with anger.

Naturally, he followed her. He paused when he saw Jacob at the entrance, his brows furrowed as if he had done something terribly wrong. Hiosky craned his head down and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll handle it."

That said, the dragon had nowhere near the confidence he'd faked. He tried to walk calmly out of the cave, but his legs trembled as he approached his mate.

She sensed him and stopped crying. "Why?" she whimpered.

Hiosky wrapped a wing around her back, the extended membrane stretched over her own pair of curled wings. He sat on his haunches and flipped his tail on top of hers. "Runa. I love him. You know I love him. He's our son. I know I didn't want to be a father those many years ago, but I've changed. He's changed me."

She choked. "I-I know. I didn't mean what I said, but I don't want him to go."

"We have to let him go his own way eventually. It's the duty of every parent."

"You don't understand how hard it is to see him grow up so fast. It's not fair."

"They always grow up fast, human or not."

A tear dripped off of Runalesca's scales, their blue color shimmering from the moonlight. "I don't want him to leave."

Hiosky slid his head next to his mate's and nuzzled her cheek. "Runa, do you remember when we were young? Remember your parents?"

The ice dragon let out a faint chuckle. "I remember."

Hiosky kept on nuzzling her. "Remember how hard they tried to keep you from seeing me?"

"Yes." A smile crept onto her face. "I always wondered who they would let me go with if not with a son of a member of the Court."

Hiosky smiled too. "You could've done better than a bookworm like me."

She let out another chuckle. "You tried harder than the rest. You were the only one I liked. You're the only one I fell in love with."

There was a moment of silence, and then they both laughed for a good long while.

"I got you eventually," Hiosky said. "Your parents couldn't keep you caged forever."

Runalesca sighed. "I understand what you're saying. I know. I know I should let go, but it doesn't make it any less painful."

"I know it hurts. There will always be hurt. It's part of being a parent. Whenever he's sick, he's injured, or he's leaving, it hurts. But that's what we signed up for. Before Jacob came, I knew that. I was afraid of the hurt. That's why I never wanted a child. But I've learned that the ups are far greater than the downs, how it's all worth it, and I'm not afraid anymore."

She sniffed. "What are you saying?"

"We've raised one child already and he's a fantastic adult now, by the standards of either men or dragon. Don't get me wrong, I will always be a father to my son. But what I'm getting is that, well, if you would have it, I'm ready to become a father of two."

Runalesca tilted her head sharply. "You, really? You mean it?"

"I mean it. How about it, dear? Stay home tomorrow. You're still in the middle of your heat cycle, aren't you?"

She sniffed again, though it was a happier sniffle. "Yes, yes Hiosky, yes."


"So can I?"

Hiosky grinned, one side of his mouth curved at his son and the other at his mate. "I told you he was curious," he said. "What do you say, dear?"

Runalesca threw her head back. "Oh very well. But stay a good distance away from us, Jacob. You can watch, but you have to do it from a safe distance. Your father gets rather carried away when he's excited."

Hiosky barked out a laugh. "Carried away? My, and who's the one with the tail that thrashed apart a solid wooden table that one time we rolled too close to the furniture?"

"I think you're forgetting about the time you nearly caused a cave-in at our home before this one."

The red dragon's eyes flitted away from anything remotely sapphire in the area. "Ah, right, was hoping you wouldn't remember that."

Runalesca forced her blue mass back into her mate's sight and grinned. "Enough talk," she said, and then she set herself down onto carpet. She rolled over and presented herself to her mate, her wings splayed out invitingly. "Let's start."

The fire dragon nodded and tossed his head sideways toward his foster son. "To begin, women love foreplay. Now, just like we discussed yesterday about the touching and the tongues."

Jacob had moved several feet away from his parents, but he could still see how his father crawled down until the tip of his snout was pointed into his mother's nether regions. A bit of pink showed, and he moved a little until he could see the tongue slathering all over his mother's crotch, the soft moistened flesh seeking a similar piece of flesh.

The man didn't take his eyes off it. He felt hotter as he saw his father's tongue slide out of his mouth and into his mother's waiting sex, and he nearly shivered when he heard his mother's moans reverberate throughout the cave.

Hiosky breathed once he had wiggled the entire length of his forked tongue into his mate. Runa had been and still very much was in heat, and her pheromones, divulged straight from the richest source, flooded the fire dragon's mind and heated his body. He played with her sweet hole, but he could only tolerate a few more breaths of musk-laden air before he stopped, his need to breed his mate pushing to the forefront of his mental processes.

Normally he'd resist and make sure Runa was just as pleased as he was, but this time there were no inhibitions. This time they mated truly to breathe life into a new being, not simply for the sake of pleasure, and the thought urged him to plunge his cock, which had fully hardened after the first whiff of her heavy scent, into his mate, the seed bubbling in his internal balls ready to do what they were created to do.

For Hiosky, the world had shrunk to only one thing: Runalesca. He had completely forgotten the fact that Jacob sat a few feet away from them, and so the red dragon neglected to speak after he pulled his tongue back into his mouth.

Jacob, however, hadn't really needed to ask what he was going to do next. He could see his father crawl over his mother, the two dragons' belly scales rubbing and heating. Jacob saw his mother practically quake from the pleasure of just feeling the body of the fire dragon on top of her, his literal heat warming her icy core while her mating heat fueled his desire.

A small part of Hiosky's mind was embarrassed at how quickly he'd devolved into such animalistic instinct since normally he'd tease his mate far longer than he had this time. But that voice was put away; if there was ever any time to divulge in his baser mating instincts, it was now.

Hiosky did not hesitate once his head reached his mate's. He gave her snout a quick nuzzle, and then he plunged his hard length into her waiting hole, the flesh easily accommodating the red dragon's cock after being coated in her heat-induced fluids and Hiosky's saliva.

And so Hiosky began breeding his mate. Jacob watched in wonder at how his father's shaft, which had been so large that he had to fully wrap his arms around it just to hug it, sank so easily into his mother's hole. His father had taught him how to pleasure himself with his finger, and how a male could mate with another male with his tongue the same as with a female, but it was now that he could witness first-hand how a male mated with a female.

The human hadn't realized it, but he'd unconsciously taken off his pants when the show started, and his right hand was already pumping his hardening cock. It was when Runa flapped her wings once, sending a relatively harsh blast of wind his way, did he notice how he was touching himself.

The heat in him grew more and more intense as he watched the scene, his father grunting louder as he pounded his dragon cock harder and harder into his mother while she moaned and writhed in what must've been the same intense pleasure he had felt when his father had flicked his tongue against his special spot inside his ass. It was rather strange, he thought, especially since he had no idea what mating was just two days ago, yet the spectacle before him made his hand stroke his cock faster.

It was an instinctual need, he reasoned, to help facilitate procreation. He dared not ask his father for verification, not because he feared that interrupting him would invoke a wrathful reply, but rather because he didn't want to stop what was clearly making both he and his mother happy beyond measure.

Want. Desire. Jacob wanted what his parents were having. He wanted to have a mate of his own. He kept watching them mate, his hand pumping his cock at a moderate pace, and he wished his hand was someone else's. His eyes wandered, and he looked at how his father's frills on the top of his head rippled and flexed as he thrust back and forth, how his wings settled tensely over his mother's wings, and how their tails had entwined, the muscles in those long appendages tightening to grapple the other with each time the red dragon hilted inside her.

Jacob smiled. His parents, red and blue, were perfect for each other. He wondered what sort of person he'd like in his life, and he conjured images of various people kneeling before him, their mouths in place of his hand.

He couldn't make up his mind. He'd imagined men, women, and even a dragon, though shrunken to human size, but the image of a perfect mate eluded him. Perhaps one did not exist, and he would have to seek one out once he left his home.

The human smiled. He didn't know what his father had said, but he had made his mother accept his departure. He didn't know when he'd leave, but the itch of wanderlust grew stronger with every passing day. Perhaps he'd go as early as tomorrow, or perhaps next week. He decided to think about it later, and to focus now on the pleasure filling the cave from all three of them.

The two dragons were making more loud and lewd noises as their mating session progressed, and Jacob could see fluids spilling out of his mother's vent every time his father pull his cock out, leaving the tapered head inside. He knew the fluid couldn't have been the red dragon's seed, having witnessed first-hand how much he produced, and he guessed it was a mixture of the pre-cum he'd seen the dragon cock make and whatever equivalent fluid his mother's vagina made.

His eyes shifted upwards to their heads. When Hiosky had begun breeding his mate, he'd had his head lifted above her, his neck craning upward as far as possible. Now, it had descended to lie next to his mate's, and their snouts nuzzled aggressively against each other as their lower halves melded back and forth.

The sight of his parents rubbing their faces together burned Jacob's heart more than the sight of their mating tools interacting. Hiosky might've temporarily forgotten his better self because of the large dose of pheromones he'd taken initially, but now he remembered to love. It was an endearing notion that only caused the man to yearn for his own special other to snuggle against.

For now, however, he had only himself and the tools his body offered him. The heat inside him was almost unbearable now, so he took off his shirt, revealing his finely chiseled muscles and a bit of sweat glistening all over his skin. He flexed his abs, forged from his hunting runs, and curled onto his back, his rump slightly raised from the ground. Jacob took his finger, licked it, and wriggled it into his back end like his father had taught him to. He curled it around until he found that spot the dragon's tongue had hit before, and he shuddered a bit when he tapped it.

The human tried to rub that spot a bit harder, but the pleasure was nowhere near as great as when his foster father had lapped his tongue against the same little nub. It was the same situation his cock was experiencing: despite his vigorous efforts, he failed to reach the bliss he'd felt when the dragon's long, wet, and forked tongue stroked and tugged around his meat.

Despite the lesser peak of physical pleasure, his mind enhanced every movement he performed. The smell of the two dragons' deepening musk and scent mixed with their grunts and groans, triggering every sense in Jacob's body aside from taste.

Judging from the pressure in the man's loins, that was going to change very soon.

Jacob's moans were drowned out by his much louder parents' sounds (and in fact just the sploshing of their fluids was loud enough to overwhelm him), but he moaned anyway for no particular reason other than that he felt like doing it. His strokes became longer and longer, not short and swift but slow and harder, the bottom of his fist striking his bumping balls hard enough to make a plopping sound, and soon his breaths became more like gasps.

His balls pulled closer to his body, and then they spilled their contents. Jacob arced and strained his back as he came, the first blast of his cum splattering onto his chest. His right hand kept on coaxing his cock to fire more, and it obliged, shooting more than he'd usually do, but it was a little less intense than when his father had made him cum.

Still, the sensation of his ass muscles contracting around his finger was new, and with the sound of sex never escaping his ears, the orgasm was just as pleasurable as any he'd ever had.

Alas, eventually his hand could encourage no more drops to spill, and he was left lying on the carpet, a dopey expression on his face. He had a gentle smile, content and a little tired, and for a while he forgot about his parents.

When his anal muscles finally stopped contracting, he pulled his finger out and set his left hand aside, the arm a little sore from fatigue. His right hand was covered with the seed that had dribbled out near the end of his climax, and he brought it up to his face. He stared at the sticky fluid, a little reluctant about tasting it, but then he remembered how his father had swallowed all of it and seemingly enjoyed it. He supposed he should try some too, in case if ever another male were to be his mate.

He brought the hand closer, the sticky white fluid never relinquishing a single drop as it approached his mouth. It came closer, slowly, closer, until he could smell the very essence of himself.

Then a pair of roars rattled him enough to force him to sit up in reflex, both his hands supporting him, and the cum on his hand was lost into the carpet.

For a few seconds, all Jacob could see was a large red mass on top of a large blue mass, but then his eyes focused and he could see what was happening. Hiosky had buried himself entirely into his mate, and the human saw his hips struggle to shove more of his length into her, but there was no more left to give.

Nevertheless, it was clear that his father was cumming into her. Clearish white fluid spilled out their sides wherever it could escape, and there would be more every other second or so, in time with what he remembered was the frequency of the red dragon's cock pulses.

And, just as he remembered, there was a ridiculous amount of it. The mixture of his father's seed and his mother's juices spilled out between them with enough volume to be considered a fountain, and there was no doubt that the carpet would become oversaturated by the time he was done cumming.

There was also no doubt in anyone's mind that Hiosky had sown enough seed into his mate's womb to guarantee impregnation, the male's volume more than capable of filling no less than two more dragonesses to the brim.

Jacob spent not too much time watching that. He was more curious as to how his parents were kissing each other, their eyes shut and their mouths locked over each other's. He could see his father's head frills stretch and relax in rhythm with his climax, their thin leathery skin extending past the length of his horns when fully tensed. They kept their kiss for a good long while, and it lasted even after the fountain between their legs stopped pumping out sexual fluids.

When it did end, Hiosky pulled his head far away. They both gasped for air, their chests heaving as they took deep breaths. There was steam too, steam that sizzled into the air above Runalesca's mouth, some of which was sucked back in when she huffed for air.

When their breathing returned to normal, they both smiled at each other.

"I usually win," Hiosky said.

"Not this time," Runalesca replied.

"You've been holding back before, haven't you?"

She nodded. "Wasn't enough to win though."

The red dragon grinned. "So neither fire nor ice."

Runalesca nodded and blew at the steam, making some of it fly into her mate's face. "But water. Our child will be of water."

"That's sweet. He or she'd be better at putting out fires than his mother."

Runalesca smirked and wrapped one wing around Hiosky. "All but one," she said.

Jacob smiled as his feelings melted from his parents' affection for each other, and his heart yearned for someone to share the same kind of adoration. He was ready to journey into the world.

Hiosky was a little bit surprised, after all three of them had washed in the river, that Jacob had no more questions about mating other than the one about their kiss. Humans were an incredibly curious bunch after all, but perhaps his son had been clever enough to fill in the holes himself.

"It was sort of a game, sort of a bit of magic," Hiosky explained to his adopted son. "When dragons of opposing elements mate, they like to have a little friendly duel between their breath weapons when they orgasm."

"So," Jacob said, "you were breathing fire into mother?"

The dragon nodded. "And she was blowing ice right back at me. When dragons mate to reproduce, the duel sort of represents what element their child will take. Don't ask me how, it involves magic, and that art has been lost for several centuries."

"I see. So because neither you nor mother won, my future little brother or sister will be a water dragon?"

"Correct," Hiosky said, quite a bit entertained by the thought. "Anymore questions?"

"Not really, I think I'm satisfied for the moment!"

"Good. Now about the matter of your departure."

"Right. I think I'd like to go two days from now, if that would be alright with mother."

Hiosky grunted. "A bit soon, but I think she'll be fine."

"He can go," Runalesca said, "but he has to take the amulet."

"Runa," Hiosky begged, "you know how dangerous it would be if the amulet were to fall into the wrong hands."

"You know how easy it is for humans to get hurt. I won't let him leave without any protection."

"Catastrophe could fall on more than one if you give him the pendant. It's a dangerous gamble, and you know it."

"I don't care. He means the world to me, and if the world had to fall to protect him I would have him a thousand times over. Besides, many human generations have passed since those dark days when we were still children and did not understand. Humans are so very forgetful of their own history, this you know."

"That I know, yet there are few amongst them who are very clever. I say again, it is a dangerous thing to do, but if you must do it then I will not object any further."

"I must."

A low rumble echoed in Hiosky's throat. "So be it."

Two days passed quickly, and Jacob studied hard with his father to fill in the gaps of his knowledge in interaction with humans. Money, politics, and laws were all he studied those two days, and during the nights Runalesca wanted him to sleep by her side.

But the day came, as inevitable as the day Jacob would leave the world forever, and it took all will the blue dragon could muster not to cry as she stood by her mate by the entrance of their home. Jacob stood before them with a small backpack, full of food, supplies, and quite a bit of money from the tributes of the people of Rhufune.

Hiosky lowered his head to his son's level. "Son," he said, "I know you seek to find fame, recognition, and maybe even make your parents proud of you. But know this. We are proud of you. Your mother and I beg you not to do anything reckless or extremely dangerous. We would rather have you known as the best healer of Rhufune than to hear word of you becoming a mighty warrior of the west. Please, for your mother's sake, don't believe that you have to become a great fighter to make us proud, and don't seek danger for fame."

Runalesca walked forward too, and she presented her son her gift. "I beg you not to seek danger," she said, "but I know it can come whether you seek it or not. Take this amulet, and it will protect you when you need it."

The man respectfully took the pendant from her mother's jaws and put it around his neck. "I won't do anything to worry you, mother."

She smiled. "Thank you, Jacob."

Hiosky shut his eyes for a moment before looking at his son again. "One last thing before you leave," he said. "Remember those novels I made you read. Terrible people like that exist. You must always be wary of who you deal with. Know this too. Not all dragons are like your parents, son. In the eastern lands, the wyrms there do not bow to the Protectorate, and they swear allegiance to no one." He lowered his head until he was right in front of his son. "For instance, I hear rumors of a fire-drake that has destroyed an entire kingdom, and he has taken residence in a single spire far to the east. The world is full of deceit and danger, and not all of it will be as obvious as that."

Jacob gave him a firm nod. "Understood, father."

The red dragon smiled. "Try not to venture too far away, not when you're still so young, alright? You still have to come back in six months."

"We can't have you missing your little sibling's hatching after all," Runalesca said.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," Jacob said. He took a few steps back. "Goodbye father, goodbye mother!"

"Goodbye!" Hiosky said.

"Be good, dear," Runalesca said.

"I will!"

And with that, Jacob turned to face the road through the forest, the Nekume Mountains and home behind him, the whole world ahead of him.

Family Part 1

_Family_ It was eighteen years ago when it happened. The region around the Nekume mountains was under the protection of a pair of mated dragons, Runalesca and Hiosky, a blue female and a red male, respectively. Human villages dotted the area known...

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By Fire or Ice

_By Fire or Ice_ _ _ Anivia was right. The world would end in ice. The flames crackled in our fireplace. We had no more fuel to feed it. It was the only thing keeping us alive. We, my mate and I, had moved our bed next to the fireplace. We kept it...

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Winter Illusions

_Winter Illusions_ Roy laughed as he tossed a fireball through a ring of water that his other half, Jonathan, was making. The two were performing their magic act at the Hollywood and Highland Center, a large outdoor shopping mall located quite a...

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