By Fire or Ice

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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I was starting to get afraid that I couldn't write a short story less than 5 pages (a requirement for many writing classes, blargh) anymore, so I tried my damned hardest to write this one and try to resharpen that skill.

Two male wolves, gay M/M sex ahead, warning, etc

This was inspired by how cold it's been the past few days, plus a song from Lord of the Rings. It goes like this:

When the cold of winter comes

Starless night will cover day

In the veiling of the sun

We will walk in bitter rain

But in dreams

I can hear your name

And in dreams

We will meet again

When the seas and mountains fall

And we come, to end of days

In the dark I hear a call

Calling me there,

I will go there

And back again

By Fire or Ice

_ _

Anivia was right. The world would end in ice.

The flames crackled in our fireplace. We had no more fuel to feed it. It was the only thing keeping us alive.

We, my mate and I, had moved our bed next to the fireplace. We kept it burning, our small flicker of life. It would not last, we knew.

Nobody knew what had happened, but suddenly our little planet had been pushed into a larger orbit around the sun, ushering in a new ice age. It would be a permanent one unless the world miraculously moved inward and closer to the sun again.

We lived in defiance against the cold. We didn't know why we bothered, but we wanted to live. I wanted to hold on to my mate for as long as possible. Power died long ago. We don't know if anyone else is alive. We kept the curtains unfurled, their velvety smoothness blocking our view of the outside. There's only us, the bed, the fire, and the frozen food we cook under the mantle.

We were both wolves, my mate and I, but don't think one of us is an alpha and the other a beta. We were both equals, lovers, in bed and in life. And soon, in death.

Our fur did nothing to help us against the frigid cold. Zero degrees and dropping, the last radio transmission we heard had said. No hope.

But we still lived.

There were at least three thick blankets covering us on the bed, plus our clothing and fur, but it didn't help much. At times, the biting cold felt like it could just pierce right through everything, rendering our attempt to live miserable.

It felt like it was wrapping all around us now as the fire dimmed. Our shared body heat, even under all the insulation we had, was not enough to weather through the relentless cold.

I was shivering. I felt my mate shivering. We were dying.

The upper halves of our heads still poked out of the bed sheets, the top part of our muzzles pointed right at each other. Our black noses touched, his grey fur tickling my brown fur. I looked at his eyes and they were full of uncertainty, fear, and hopelessness. My eyes probably looked the same to him.

"N-need heat," he said, his breath like a fog machine.

I made just as much fog. "I know," I said. "The fire's going out."

"One last thing to try," he stammered. "To make heat."

Before I could ask, he ducked under the sheets. I didn't have long to think before I felt what he was doing.

He pulled off my pants, both of them, and the triple layer of boxers I had on. I didn't complain. It wouldn't matter soon anyway.

I heard him shuffle under the covers, and I could guess that he was doing the same to himself.

I doubted it would do anything though. It might warm us up a little, but we would still fail in the end.

But it would feel good to do it one last time. Besides, my wolf wasn't giving me much of a choice.

I felt cold fur press against my waist, encouraging me to turn over. I rolled as they commanded, letting my lean belly settle onto the relatively warm mattress, my back having kept it so before.

A few moments later, I felt another mass, this one also relatively warm compared to everything else, lie on top of me. The tip of his muzzle came out of the blanket next to my head and I heard him whisper, "Lift your butt, please?"

He hadn't put himself over there, so I nodded and bent my legs until my rump was raised, and I let my tail sway over to my back, granting my wolf our, most probably, last chance to make love this way.

I didn't know how he could've possibly gotten hard in this murderous cold, but he'd somehow managed. I felt his cock pushing on my entrance. I'd gotten used to him, thankfully, so we didn't need any lube. He'd done the same for me.

In any case, his cold member felt smaller than usual anyway, and I'm sure our balls were in no mood to hang low. He plunged it deep into me with one desperate thrust, and I could not feel his heavy pair of nuts swing against my butt. I couldn't even feel my own balls. There was only numbness between my legs, but a little bit of warmth was returning to my sheath, our last share of passion hardening it despite the hopelessness of our situation.

He kept his body close to mine, his belly pressed tightly against my back, but our upper clothing kept us from feeling each other's raw naked bodies. But it was enough to feel our lower halves mingle, our furs brushing together. The cold fur started warming up as they entwined together the more my mate dug into me, and soon I felt warm in places that haven't felt warm since we'd started sleeping by the fireplace.

There was a certain kind of desperation in his thrusts. Not desperation for release, but rather for passion, for movement. It was meant to assure him that I would not die and to let me know that he was alive and well. To him, humping me was part of a fight for survival.

It was a fight he was doomed to lose.

My paws dug into the mattress's cloth as my mate's cold canine cock warmed up, the friction from his frantic thrusting heating both his tool and my insides. I felt a little pleasure from him banging into my prostate, but it didn't feel like when he was having sex to maximize both our pleasure. He didn't try pulling out far before slamming back in because he didn't want to leave the aura of my body's warmth, but the speed at which he was screwing me made up for it.

It was almost too fast. Before I knew it, I felt that familiar bulge of canine flesh bounce against my entrance, begging to enter. I doubted he'd tie me. Tying the knot would make us stop moving, and that would be fatal. I peeked to the side. The fire was still dimming.

Maybe we could toss our bed sheets in. Our pants. Something. But we didn't. We held on to our useless covers hoping the temperature wouldn't drop low enough to defeat us.

Just like how we were frantically mating to keep our heat production up. It would be useless in the end. Neither of us would say it, though.

Like I thought, he didn't tie with me. I felt him spill his seed inside me, the heat like ecstasy emanating from my lower insides, fed from the warmth still deep within my mate's body. He didn't howl with pleasure like he usually did when he came.

His wolven seed would never be able to create a puppy inside me, but that was the case for everyone in the world right now. There would be no future generation. We could only preserve our past, our history, in writing and in computers. But paper rots, and computers are not impervious to damage from ice crystals. It's likely nobody would ever find the data anyway, even if it survived a million years into the future. There was no guarantee that there even would be life on this planet anymore. This wasn't a video game like Mass Effect.

I let my rump fall back down to the bed after he finished pumping everything he had into me. We stayed like that for a while, our increased heat generation working nicely with the insulation from our covers. I hadn't been touched down there, but my cock still managed to stay half firm even while my wolf squashed me down over it onto the bed, the lower part of my belly feeling my throbbing length just asking for attention. His body and warmth kept me semi-hard and, for the moment, content.

It didn't last. Maybe five or so minutes later, I couldn't even feel the heat from his seed anymore. Everything was cold again. My cock started retreating back into my relatively warm body. My mate stirred, and I felt him get off of my back.

He poked his head out of the sheets, and his grey face had brightened as if he had found hope. "Now your turn," he said.

"Okay," I stuttered back to him.

He lied down onto his belly like I had, and then I rolled under the sheets until my body was on top of his. I sniffed his neck, taking in whatever scent I could through the wretched cold, and I tried to think as sexy thoughts as I could to coax my shaft back out of my sheath.

As hard as I tried to imagine me fucking my mate like there was no tomorrow, I couldn't. Because there likely wasn't going to be a tomorrow. All I could think of was the fire. Our lives depended on that fire.

Maybe if we were like the legendary dire wolves of ancient legend, we'd be able to survive longer. But still not much longer. Winter was here, and this one would be the last season the world would see.

I couldn't get into the mental groove for sex, so instead I tried to physically force it to happen. My mate moved into the same position as I had, his rump and tail raised into the air just waiting for a big wolf cock to fill it.

I rubbed my limp member along the curve of his butt, letting the physical pleasure override my thoughts. It was difficult. Nevertheless, I managed to get hard enough to solidly push into my mate's tail hole. I could feel his cold cum start to leak out of my ass now, its temperature now uncomfortable as it dribbled down onto my shriveled balls.

Before it could get anymore discomforting, I started thrusting into him. I tried to do more than he did, my paws rubbing and moving all along whatever parts of him I could touch. Friction couldn't defeat such omnipresent cold either, but it was worth the temporary comfort it gave to both of us.

That was all we could look for now. Temporary comfort.

That's what I sought for when I made love to my mate. Maybe for the last time. Temporary comfort. Temporary pleasure.

Temporary. That's what everything in life is though, isn't it? Pleasure, pain, suffering, happiness, joy; everything is fleeting. Maybe I'm just being cynical. Who wouldn't be when they're watching their life flicker, the flames in our fireplace like an hourglass. When the sand was gone, we'd be gone.

But the heat was addictive. The heat our bodies made as we mated was entrancing, and I wanted more. I knew he wanted more. I pounded him harder and harder, letting the pleasure well up between my legs. My knot grew, and I so desperately wanted to tie with my mate, but I knew I shouldn't. I resisted the urge.

I kept on hammering into him, and I felt him wriggle as my flesh assaulted his sweet spot. My mate was lucky: his prostate was apparently much more sensitive than mine. I had no doubt he'd be able to cum again if I changed my thrusting angle just a little. I knew exactly how to do it.

I wanted him to feel good. He wanted me to feel good, but it wasn't his fault I couldn't cum hands-free. He probably would've pawed me off but realized his cold paws would've been anything but pleasurable.

I adjusted my cock until I could feel it hitting my target, and then each thrust started making my mate moan. It was a good sound to hear. I growled with his moans, our music of love melding with the crackling of the fire. I didn't notice how quickly our sounds had drowned out the sound of the flames.

But I was living for the moment, for the temporary. I felt my mate clench his tail hole, his intent clearly to make me cum first. He rhythmically clenched it in time with my thrusts, and soon I couldn't hold it any longer.

Unlike my mate, I howled, fully embracing the temporary pleasure for what it was. I managed to keep myself from tying with him and sealing our fate, and I let him have what warmth remained inside me. Even though I was spurting my cum into him, I kept pounding his furry hole until I felt his body shiver violently from ecstasy instead of cold. He whimpered this time instead of staying quiet. It was good to feel his insides spasm as they contracted around my cock, milking me of whatever seed my hindered balls could produce.

But then it was over. Temporary. Fleeting.

Reality returned.

I clambered off of him and rolled onto my side so I could look at him in the face again. He also rolled onto his side to look at me. His eyes stared into mine as if I had the answer, the key to our salvation, but then they rolled down when I said nothing.

"It didn't work," he said as if sex would've saved us. "It's still cold."

There was one thing that wasn't temporary. I believed it could outlast the unceasing cold.

"Our love will endure despite it," I said, my voice more firm now. "I love you."

"Mm," he said, "I love you too." A few moments passed and then he added, "I can't feel my fingers."

"Put them under my arms," I said.

He did, and I put my hands under his arms. We pressed our bodies as close as physics would allow, but our shared body heat wouldn't be enough.

The heat from our love making session was fading just as fast as the fire was.

"I'm afraid," my lovely wolf said.

"I know," I said, my words once again weak and stuttered. "I am too. But remember, everybody dies some time. At least we'll be in each other's arms when it happens."

I guess that comforted him a bit, because right after he leaned in to lock his muzzle around mine. We didn't let go.

Perhaps in the far future aliens would find our frozen world, and they'd find us still together in a block of ice, locked in our embrace. It was an oddly reassuring thought.

Then the fire died out completely, leaving only the sound of our slowing breaths passing through our noses.

The ravenous cold shrouded all around us, piercing through our layers of cloth like nothing and numbing our entire bodies. But we didn't relinquish each other's bodies or mouths, though it was so cold now that we couldn't even will our tongues to meet.

The numbness went deeper, chilling us to the bone.

I closed my eyes.

"Till death do we part," is what many who marry say.

Not us. We are forever.

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