Punishing Heat

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Heads up for Age Progression!

"I just want to play a game!" Safiya's whining voice came from the doorway and Booker fought the urge to pick up the book at his side and launch it at the door to send her away.

"I told you, I have work to do. Go watch your movie." He told her for the sixth time and stifled his frustration.

"But I've seeeeen it before." His cousin whined while he tried to keep himself from showing how annoyed he was with her. "Dad let me bring a board game with me!"

"We'll play it when I'm done with this!" He snapped out and watched as the little dark haired girl gave a pout, but pulled back from the door to leave him alone.

Not that Booker was easily able to go back to his work. His notes were spread out in front of him, his texts books opened and ready, but he'd been disturbed and he found it hard to figure out where he had been at. He was coming towards Spring finals and that meant he had to hit the books harder than usual, a fact that was entirely disrupted by the fact his Uncle had come to the states to do a presentation at his college. Grant State had paid a great deal to fund his work in Africa and wanted to see what he'd found, which meant two weeks of his Uncle, whom he adored, his Aunt, who was rather silly, but fun and his cousin who seemed to want to spend every last minute with him. His parents had gone off with his aunt and uncle to a dinner in his uncle's honor, an event he'd assumed he'd be attending, but had been left behind so he could watch after his cousin. For the third time this week.

His father had been apologetic about leaving him behind to baby sit, he'd even offered to give him a treat for the hard work he was putting in. There was a hint that it would be a car, finally a car of his own, one that he would be able to take instead of being forced to take the bus everywhere. That's the only reason he could stand all this, that and Safiya wasn't really that bad, she was just eager to play with him. He'd tried to entertain her at first, play the games she wanted to play and movies she wanted to watch, but she'd gotten more and more clingy. He had work to do and tonight he was determined that he was going to do it. She was seven years old, old enough to be able to entertain herself with a movie for a time. Except she kept coming in and asking if he wanted to play this game or that game, or she wanted a snack, or she wanted a movie changed out, any number of things.

With a sigh he sprawled out on his belly and gave up on studying for his finals and pulled out the neatly bound document that his uncle had given to him as a gift. It was a rough draft of what he would be presenting to the college in a few days, his findings from a small tribe in West Africa that had finally joined the modern world. It was a presentation about shamanism and spiritualism as compared to the South American tribes. It was interesting to see something from the rough area that his father and mother had been born in, it was intriguing. It wasn't as important as his own work, but it was able to keep his attention even when he wanted nothing more then to go yell at his little cousin. He flipped open the pages and tried to find where he left off the last time. It was easy to find it, especially given the high quality photo of a dark green stone, polished and carved into a grouping of animals.

The Poro Stone. It was something his grandfather had told him about when he was younger, a stone that had united a small tribe and held back the tide of civilization. It was created from a stone that had been found in the stomach of a man killing lion. They had taken it, carved it and imbued it with the spirit of the animals, but not for hunting. It was unusual in that it was never designed to be used by a man at all, but by a woman. It was a woman's symbol, a symbol of virility and fertility. It was used to give a woman the heat and desires of an animal, the power to bear strong sons and daughters and a gift to any woman coming of age. It was steeped in mystery on how it worked, but it was passed down among the highest level women to be used when they were old enough to understand their own bodies. It was one of the most sacred of rituals.

Some people said that they actually transformed into animals, mating and breeding mindlessly with no thought except for the heat of need that was built up. His uncle had a theory that it shifted the mind into a dream state, took the spirit from the body and into another place. It was a transformation of the spirit that seemed so terribly real that they only believed that it happened to their bodies in truth. It was there that a prospective couple would mate and breed. Their souls would intertwine to become one as they mated on another plane, rousing their bodies and ensuring that they would be a fertile couple when they came together.

His uncle had written his own theories, along with theories on lycanthropy alongside it. There were hundreds of stories about werewolves and people changing into animals, but he had ideas that the stone was used to boil in water with ingredients that would bring on powerful hallucinations. It wouldn't really add anything to the mix, but the mushrooms or fungus or whatever else they chopped up and boiled. The South Americans had a similar stone, but it was a gem, and used in that way. There were a lot of notes on that ritual, after all, it had been discovered decades ago and presented. The Poro Stone could be a link between the continents to prove that they weren't so far removed as people assumed. A link between tribes.

I wish Dad would let me go back with him to Africa. Booker sighed a little as he looked over a few of the roughly made notations. But he had college, he had a degree he was working too and that meant he had to keep his eye on the ball.

His father was firm on that. He had come to this country as an immigrant and worked hard to get his degree at GSU, he had done his best to provide for his family, his wife, he believed in America and wanted his son to succeed. At times it was frustrating to always be under the watchful eyes of his parents, but he loved to learn. He still hadn't picked his major, there were too many things he wanted to study and it was hard to just settle on one. Eventually he would have to and that time was coming sooner then he wanted it too. He really should work on narrowing down the field, but now he had another one to add. He could learn archeology and anthropology like his Uncle, he could travel and learn about cultures and where he had come from, where others came from. He wouldn't be stuck in one place, but end up all over the world...


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Booker startled with a curse as something broke in the living room followed by the sound of Safiya's yelp of surprise. He nearly knocked the papers off his bed as he scrambled up to his feet and ran towards the door. He should have known that she was going to cause trouble if he took his eyes off her. He ran through the door and down the hall towards the living room, only to find the guest room door wide open and Safiya already there staring down at shattered glass all over the floor. The girl's eyes wide while she clutched something tightly to her chest and was backed up against the bed. Water was everywhere and two of the bright black and orange fish that had been in the aquarium were gasping and twitching on the ground.

"Oh for fucks sake, Safiya!" Booker snapped and looked over the mess. "Move back!"

"I didn't know it was gonna break..." Her voice was subdued as he pushed her to one side and away from the mess.

"What were you doing?!" He snatched up the fish and got them out of the glass and ran into the bathroom so he could drop them in a glass and fill it with water. He didn't know if they'd live or not, but at least it was something.

"I was playin' a game.." Her voice was a little subdued as he came back and saw her edging towards the door, her hands still clutching something.

"What is that?!" He reached out and snagged what she was clutching too, a bright green polished stone with uneven markings. She'd taken out the Poro Stone, an artifact that was worth more than his house. "SAFIYA! That is not a toy!"

"It's Daddy's!" She squeaked out and made a dodge. "So you can't touch it!"

"Give me that right now!" He barked out and made a grab, only to have her jump away giggling as if it were a game. Her little tongue sticking out from between her lips.

"NOPE! Mine now! Gotta catch me!" She giggled and made a bolt for the door, her long hair bouncing behind her.

Booker snapped. She darted out the door laughing while he was standing in the middle of twenty gallons of spilled fish water and broken glass, and she wasn't even sorry. He reached out and snagged her shoulder so he could use the other hand to pry the stone out of her clutching fingers. She protested and tried to wriggle away before he swatted out with the flat of his hand and caught her right on the rump cheeks in a firm spank that cracked against her covered skin.

"You are not to play with this! This is valuable!" He yelled while she finally gave up the Stone and looked up at him with stricken eyes. Tears started to well up in her dark brown eyes, rolling down the pale brown skin before he could stop them. "Safiya, just go watch your movie, okay?"

"I HATE YOU!!!" She shrieked out and turned around to run down the hall away from him. Booker drew in a breath and reached a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose before trying to count to ten.

"Damnit, I'm no good at this." He finally sighed and looked at the mess, at least he could clean it up and then make amends. Maybe the fish would survive despite their trauma.

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Safiya threw herself on the couch as hot tears rolled down her chubby cheeks, her bottom burned from where she'd been spanked, but not nearly as bad as her pride or her hand. She'd always loved her cousin Booker and he'd always been nice, but he'd suddenly turned mean. She'd just wanted to play with the stone her Daddy had brought back, it had been so pretty and caught the light. She'd started to throw it around before making a game out of trying to toss it into the fish tank with the fish. She hadn't meant to break the aquarium, it had just been an accident. She sniffled a little and sat up, ignoring the slight sting to her bottom, that hurt a little, but her hand was hurting worse. When her cousin had hit her with the palm of her hand the stone had dug into her hand hard. Something had stabbed her right in the palm of the hand.

There was a little blot of blood welling out from where it had jabbed her, and she wanted to go cry to her cousin to make him put a bandaid on it, but he would only get mad again. She sat up and sniffled while trying to move her hand away from herself. The cut hurt, it was burning and aching worse then anything else. She had scraped her knees raw before, but this was even worse, it made her tremble a little before balling her fingers up around the hurt. She stuffed her knuckles in her mouth and sat back on the couch while trying not to cry any more. She didn't want her cousin any angrier at her and she didn't want to be spanked again. Not even her Daddy spanked her!

As her lips touched her knuckle she felt a sudden stab of real pain, pain enough that she let out a weak cry and pushed her knuckles further into her mouth. She curled forward with a whimper as the pain ran through her, it made her belly cramp down and her legs hurt. She started to shake, trembling uncomfortably while she attempted to keep herself from making any more noise, even as she was scared. She felt the color drain from her face as she dropped on her side and another cramp twisted through her body, twitching along her back and making her curl her legs up so she could curl herself into a small ball. Her breathing came out in short gasps as the simple draw of blood from the stone gave her an opening to plunge through her body.

The Poros Stone should have needed the blood of her first cycle to trigger it, but any blood would do, especially after the magic had been denied for so long. Her breathing came out in great laboring gasps while her body shuddered and twisted, the muscles rippled down along the line of her spine. Her fingers flexed a little bit and suddenly there was a popping cracking sound. She tried to scream for her cousin, she tried to get help, but all that came out was a whimper as suddenly the bones in her arms began to grow heavier and thicken. They elongated and stretched, twitching and the ligaments lengthening while her knuckles began to grow. It hurt, it hurt so badly more tears started rolling down her cheeks, but still she couldn't call out.

Her fingers grew thicker and broader, the thumb pulling backwards as her wrists grew and she realized that her entire body was starting to grow in strange new ways. Her legs were pushing outwards and filling out around the edges. She couldn't quite move them properly as the muscles strained and made her skin stretch taut. She let out a whimper of fear and tried to scramble up onto all fours, but nearly fell down onto the ground as her shirt started to tear and strain along the line of her back. Her pretty shirt, the one with all the animals, tore from her as her back grew broader and her shoulders popped painfully. Her shorts were tearing open and she couldn't stop them, but that wasn't the most frightening change.

Hair! No, fur! Fur was sliding over her arms, she could see it in little tufts, all soft and gold as it spilled down towards her fingers. White claws slipped out of her nails and curled downwards, flexing a little bit as she tried to crawl towards the hallway and safety of her cousin. The fur was sliding over her chest, the clothing was binding her and she was forced to tear at it, trying to rip it away, it hurt so badly. The pressure was hurting her. She let out a ragged hissing sound when the heat and pain started to slide right along her face. Her jaws extended while she groaned out and her baby teeth hurt. She shifted her tongue around while the canines started to curl downwards. They nearly caught against her tongue and cut her, she moved it back before she was hurt.

Her breathing came out in shallow gasps while she looked down and saw her nose growing and spreading along the edges. Whiskers spilled out to dance up and down while she rolled against the ground, her hands moved down to where her pants had started to tighten. Something was hurting her just above her bottom. Hurting worse then the spanking, worse than anything. She arched upwards and used her clumsy large paws to tear at her shorts. She had to rip at them, tearing them apart, scraping against the fabric with large claws. She saw the fur turning white along her belly, her flat chest starting to spread open wider as a pair of twin orbs pushed out. The tiny nipples began to grow thicker and larger, like her mothers. She ripped at the jeans harder as the pain at her back grew worse, tearing downwards she felt something suddenly give way.

The pressure was relieved as she tore the cloth away from her, and a long ropey tail spilled out. She flattened her ears down flat to her head, her forming muzzle twisting back in a growl as she revealed her plumpening mound. It was growing along with her, her body was aging, showing the curves of adulthood, but not of a human. A lioness with golden fur dappled along the sides and pale along her inner thighs while Safiya stared down at herself with panicked confusion. The pain was throbbing through her and growing worse when she felt a sudden warmth spread through her belly. It wasn't just pain, it was liquid fire that poured through her lower body and made her cry out with a ragged yowl. It was a burning need that was like nothing she had ever experienced.

In her mind, a true lioness worked, a creature of desire heat and need, something that pushed against the child's mind and tried to throw it away. Safiya trembled in the midst of her destroyed clothing, the little pink shirt ripped apart, and felt only that she needed something deep inside of her. It was a painful urge that made her squirm and arch against the ground, her lips twisted back before she drew in a breath and let out a yowling cry that wasn't human at all. Her eyes flashed open wide as she heard a short intake of breath and she blinked wildly. The young girl was lost under the adult lionesses need and her eyes fell on her cousin, Booker standing so male in the middle of the hall, his eyes wide and watching her. She needed him!

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Booker knew something was wrong the moment he heard stifled pained sobs coming from the living room. At first, he'd thought that Safiya was upset from his spank, something he regretted as soon as he'd worked off some of his frustration cleaning up the broken glass. He'd sighed and gone to make it alright with her, to apology and bring her a treat of some sort. He hadn't gone further than the hall before he realized that there was something terribly wrong. Something that went far beyond a little girl's upset at being spanked. He'd turned the corner in time to see her falling from the couch with a cry, her body blurring and shifting under a roll of fur and rippling muscles. Her face lost under a blossoming muzzle and her hair fading away to glossy golden fur instead of her normal tan complextion.

He stood in terror as a lioness was remade in front of him, not a lion cub, but a full grown lioness with a body coated in glossy fur. An animal mingled with human features, complete with a set of soft plump breasts and a sweeping white furred belly. Her eyes a vivid orange-amber that seemed to glow as she growled and stared down at herself. He had no idea what to do, he could only stand there gaping at the creature that his cousin had become. It made no sense to his rational mind, there was no possible way that it could have happened, no way it should be possible. His mind with blank, he couldn't get his body to move, even when the lips wrinkled back and showed a set of formidable white teeth that gleamed in the light. And then she turned to him.

It wasn't Safiya staring at him, at least, he didn't think so. The lioness' eyes dilated as she rolled over onto her hands and knees and she let out a curious rowling cry in his direction. Her long tail lashed back and forth as the last bit of clothing fell from her body and she moved forward with her eyes locked on him. Booker's breath came in short rapid pants, trying to will himself to run as she walked on hands and knees with a grace that was both deadly and seductive. Her hips rolled and swayed, her arms shifted and rippled with muscles beneath the broad golden paw hands. She let out another cry as she approached him with her eyes brightening. Her whiskers bristled in front of her, nearly coming up to his legs before he managed to stumble back.

"Get back!" He cried out, only to have the paw hand swipe out to clutch against the curve of his leg so he couldn't move more than a pace back.

He froze as white claws unsheathed themselves and caught right against his bare skin below the shorts and gave him new reason to panic. His breath came in short hard gasps while the lioness who had been his cousin came in close. Her golden form slipping in so close that he felt a brush of plush pelt rubbing right along her lower legs. A warm puff of breath teased out against his leg as she lifted her head and brushed her muzzle up higher and tickled along her inner thighs. The whiskers brushed against him so he cried out and moved his hands down to try and shove the broad head away from him only the have the claws flex out again. They pricked and raised welts along the backs of his leg, almost drawing blood so he moved his hands away.

"Safiya... I-I gotta call your Dad," His voice cracked as the large leonine head moved up and suddenly rubbed lewdly right against the front of his jeans. "SAFIYA!"

The low growled warned him from trying to push her again while the muzzle rubbed right up against the front of his pants, grinding against the hidden bulge of his shaft. Her breathing came out in a hot burst while she drew in a breath and the hand paws moved upwards to slide to either side of his hips. He was trembling, unable to move as she moved her head back and started to lick hotly right against the material. The tongue was broad and hot, scraping upwards while she pressed in closer and ran her paws up until they clutched right against the edge of his jean shorts. He moved his hands down and tried to shove her away, but his own cousin licked harder, dragging her tongue harder back and forth, trying to get at what she wanted.

He couldn't stop himself, the touch of the tongue and the heat made his body react even as he struggled against it. The claws raked against right against the curve of his ass in a sudden violent motion that tore the jean shorts and cut his flesh. He let out a short harsh cry as shallow cuts were made over his ass and dragged downwards, loosening the material even as she tried to shove her muzzle against his groin. The plumping length of his shaft started to thicken more while the muzzle licked harder, the breath coming out raggedly as she explored him. He tried to shove away, but the paws prevented him while her tongue started to push his jeans away. Her sounds coming out in low eager noises as another shove forced the tongue down the protective material. Booker let out a high pitched cry as his cousin's tongue curled and found the bare head of his glans, rolling it around until a dribble of precum bubbled up from him and he groaned out.

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Safiya knew what she wanted, she knew what her body needed, her tongue curled around the tip of the revealed shaft and tried to suckle it. Her cousin wriggled around and she flexed her paws again, forcing him to hold still while she tore away the fabric of his pants. She hated that it was in the way, she wanted all of him. She could smell the warm scent of male on the air, it was filling her nostrils and making her breath coming out faster and her loins heat up. She could feel her body burning and her tail lashed back and forth wildly, snapping while she licked downwards and pulled the jeans down until they fell down to the ground. She lowered her muzzle and let out a hot breath right against the swell of the orbs, her broad red tongue swiped against them until her cousin started to whimper out shallowly and his movements became more frantic.

She snarled angrily when his hands tried to shove her away, and leaned back enough that she could swipe out with her paw. He was male, she needed a male, she would not tolerate him denying the need of her body. Booker let out a high pitched yelp as the blow sent him tumbling down to where she could slip over him. Her broad paws pushed down against his stomach and pinned him while lowering her muzzle back down to that arousing male scent. She licked slowly, dragging her tongue from the base of the cock all the way to the tip, caressing him, teasing him and making him writhe under her touch. He was babbling at her in high pitched bursts, but he couldn't move her as his tongue rolled back and forth over the glans. Gathering up the salty precum that oozed from the tip and swallowing it greedily. She could feel herself responding, the slickness growing from her folds.

When he tried to move forward again she ran her claws down to either side of his body, smelling the faint coppery scent of blood as she licked harder. His body was twitching under her touch, arching and rippling while she growled out raggedly. Her lips wrapped right around the cock tip and drew it into her muzzle, her sharp teeth careful as she pulled around him and pushed downwards. It wasn't exactly what she wanted, no, it wasn't shaped right. She need barbs, she needed something to stimulate her, tease her, he was smooth all over. The thoughts rolled through her mind what she wanted, her cousin needed to be like her, he needed to have what she wanted. She growled and pushed her tongue harder beneath his glans and savored those thoughts.

His body started to twitch, the magic began to blossom, the stone gave her the shape and fertility of a lioness, but she needed another cat to offer his virility. She knew this, the magic knew this. She ran her paws to either side and delicately lowered her tongue to roll over his balls as he pushed at her head, crying out roughly. His muscles started to tense and relax, twitching and jerking as she suckled another thick drop of precum from him. Willing him to change.

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Booker squeezed his eyes shut and cried out. He could barely stop himself from reacting as the feverish hot muzzle clutched down around his cock and pulled it in deeper. He looked down frantically as his formerly little cousin moved her head up and then down. The tongue curled itself right around the base of his cock while he was left squirming in place. His breathing turned ragged as he reached his hands down and tried to push her head away, but she wouldn't stop. He had never done this with anyone and now he couldn't stop himself, it felt good, no matter how he knew it was wrong it felt good. He arched his hips up higher and pushed himself into her muzzle, his breathing started to come out faster and his gasps made his chest lift and fall rapidly. It was when she drew back and started to lick right beneath the swell of his sac that he felt the first stab of pain rock through him.

His back arched and his stomach tensed up with the first stab that rushed through him and made his entire body shudder in place. His fingers drew into fists while his stomach twisted and something started to happen. He whimpered out and frantically tried to back away from her, but the lioness only snarled out and lifted her head. She licked her lips while his muscles started to twitch and jerk, tensing and cramping while he tried to curl in on himself. He struggled and pulled back, only to have the muzzle push forward again to lick against his cock tip. His bones started to shift and change, he could feel them growing stronger by the moment, thickening and the muscles growing taut. Her tongue was almost painful as it lapped around his tip, ignoring his pained whimpers.

His fingers started to change, they twisted down and grew smaller, thickening by the moment as claws pushed out from beneath his nails. Fur, deep rich fur, blossomed from his skin, dark as night, and rushed along his arms. He was barely conscious of the fact that his young cousin was moving, he was staring as his teeth elongated and a muzzled pushed forth. His head changed, whiskers spilling out to either side while his ears grew rounded and outwards. His entire body was changing, he was growing and the fur rolled over his chest as it had on Safiya. He legs were changing, his feet growing more compact and paw like while bones popped and shifted. It was painful and through it all he was conscious of his cousin's touch.

Her fur rubbed over him, stroking him, brushing against his cock as she loomed above him. He felt a moment's terror and snarled up at her, his fangs bared as he tried to remain himself. He pushed at her while her tawny legs spread over him her belly pressed right against his throbbing shaft. He glanced down and groaned out in despair, his cock was starting to grow thinner, tapering down around the tip. Things, barbs, were bristling around the glans as it darkened into a thick glossy red. A thick roll of fur started to form right at the base, a pouch that was pushed down around the base of his cock that grew heavier by the moment. His cock throbbed hotly against his lower belly and rubbed up against her while she lowered herself closer and licked roughly against the curve of his neck, teasing through the fur that was starting to grow there.

He tried to shove her away as she rumbled to herself, his eyes catching sight of swollen folds. He couldn't stop himself from watching those soft plump outer lips. The fur was thinner there, showing it pink, almost reddish, while the inner lining gleamed wetly. He could smell the warm scent of female on the air, it was flooding his senses making him breath in short shallow puffs. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment and he rolled his hips up, trying to grasp her own with his forming hand-paws, attempting to clutch either side of the hips to drag her down. She smelled so good, she smelled rich and in need, he wanted her, he wanted to fuck her, breed her, pound into her until she was yowling for him. The thought made his cock throb harder against him and he nearly dragged her hips up so he could impale her on his changed shaft, but he was distracted.

Something pressed out from behind him, the pressure was growing as his legs started to bend and change into something like an animals. It made him clear his mind as he pushed his hips upwards and felt his knees changing positions rapidly. He pulled them up a little bit and groaned out as they bent the wrong way, or at least, it felt like that, the knee was beyond recognition. It had at least distracted him from the thought of his cousin's body. This was Safiya! She was seven years old, she wasn't this thing! He dropped his hands away with a whimper and tried to struggle away, but her weight kept him pinned as her soft plump folds rolled and caressed right against his dark heavy balls.

The fangs thickened along his muzzle, his tongue grew broader and spread out in a wide spill while his breath came out in short hard puffs. His entire body started to tremble while he rocked his hips back and forth, a press that jabbed him right up against her belly. His broad hand paws moved up to slip along the white breasts, he didn't want to, but he moved to grip them and squeeze them so he felt the thickened nipples against the palm of his hand. He squeezed and kneaded them, teasing and caressing with gentle massaging movements while the fur trailed down along his back and he started to snarl out angrily, something was building deeper and deeper inside of him. It was something so large, so terrifying, that it was threatening to consume his mind and body both.

"SAFIYA!" He tried to cry out, his voice a garbled animal sound as his cousin rolled her hips up so his cock grazed against the plush folds. Her breasts were nearly pressing against him as she growled.

He could feel it in his mind, something was blossoming open, larger then himself, a flash of black launching itself towards his consciousness. A leopard snarled out and drew in a breath, a breath flooded with rich fertile pheromones. He could feel his orbs starting to swell as he drew in a shuddering breath, terrified at his own thoughts while her hips rolled down. The tip of his barbed cock was pressed against her and she pressed herself down on him. The leopard in his mind snarled with pleasure and eagerness even as he let out an angry denial, her hips dropped down as her virginal passage clamped down around him and made him jerk upwards, driving himself into her body as his tip pressed against a small barrier and tore past it. He lost himself in the creature that he had become.

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Pain, pain rocked through Safiya even as she bit her lower lip in pleasure to feel the cock driving into her body at last. The heat and need mingled together as the girth pressed up for a moment right against her hymen and pushed hard against it. The pressure kept building until his hips suddenly jerked upwards with a buck that tore through the thin barrier. She screeched out, the pain blossoming through her even as she was filled with something so large that she could barely hold it. Her paws flexed down against the glossy black shoulders, gripping tightly as the male snarled back up at her. A thick dribble of wetness oozed out of the tip and smeared along her passage as she dropped down and seated herself right on a set of soft furred orbs. Every last inch of him stretched her, forced her to spread open, painful even as she felt a rush of needy pleasure. Her muscles caressed and wrapped around him before he let out a baritone roar.

Safiya didn't even realize what was happening, he pulled back and something spread open around his tip to rake through her and suddenly the dark black leopard rolled beneath her. He twisted and rocked her over onto her back until she was muzzle to muzzle with the snarling male. That was how it was supposed to be. She snarled back, her eyes bright with lust as he pinned her down and forced her legs to either side of him. His hips slammed down hard against her and drove his cock all the way back inside of her. His balls slapped up against the curve of her rump before he pulled backwards, raking her with his barbs so her stomach contracted with need and desire. She clutched around him, suckling and squeezing as he drew back almost to the point that his cock pulled from her wet slippery body and then drove back against her.

She moved her paws up and raked against his back as he started to thrust deep inside of her, short hard movements that rocked her against the ground. Every last shred of her virginity ripped away by the barbs as he teased them through her, forcing her body to react, her body to give up the fertile ova. She twisted and writhed beneath the weight, rowling out as he snarled angrily up at her, his paws clutching her while his breath came out raggedly and he pulled her down, forcing her to hilt time and time again on his cock. Her own arousal was forced out around his cock, oozing a bit of preseed as it was plunged back into her making her jerk beneath him. She bit back a cry, a ragged noise of need and desire both that made her lower belly burn and ache with her desire. Even though part of her was confused and scared at what was happening, it was the Lioness that knew what she wanted.

Suddenly he pulled backwards, ripping from her body with a painful drag that made her jerk in reaction as a thin strand of precum clung from the glans to her folds. He snarled down at her, lifting his body upwards while glaring at her. She knew, the lioness in her mind knew, what he wanted from her. She twisted on the ground with a groan, yowling out her need as she drew her arms and legs beneath her and he lifted up higher so that she was positioned on her hands and knees, her ass pushed up in the air. Her tail flicked to one side as the male purred out his pleasure and leaned down over her. His heavy cock smeared along the curve of her ass cheeks, trailing the wetness there before he leaned down and sharp teeth gripped her right on the nape of the neck, right where she was the most sensitive, as he scruffed her firmly and his cock plunged back into her eager body.

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Female. Heat. Need. Booker hissed out as he felt the female beneath him, but it wasn't right, his lips wrinkled back in frustration. The female wasn't supposed to be on her back, she was supposed to be on her belly, ass in the air. Her tight body clutched around him, suckling and squeezing from the base all the way to the tip, but he pulled from her. His tip yanking free so he was pulsing against his stomach and he lifted up. He let her turn beneath him as was proper, the way a female should present herself to a male when she was in heat. He gripped her golden scruff in his dark jaws, yanking her head upwards just as he dropped his cock down to plunge back into her feverish heat. The walls wrapped around him again as he bucked forward in a firm hard thrust.

Some part of him was horrified at what he was doing, but the rest of him was far too eager to give into the need. The hips plunged forward so his balls slapped up between her legs with a rough clapping noise before pulling back again. He pulled his barbs through her, abused them, caressed them, worked through the silken passage. He knew what he needed to do, rouse her, forced her body into ripeness and seed her well. He growled around her scruff and plunged forward hard enough to sink his tip in nearly against her barrier before dragging back out again. Some of the wetness oozed out from around him, coating his dark black sheath at the apex of each and every thrust. His whiskers trembled slightly, bristling upwards while he moved his hand paws down to clutch her hips.

He pulled her back to meet him, demanded her body for his own while his belly arched up time and time again. Her snarls were music to his ears as her inner walls clamped down and drove his barbs in even further into the glossy passage. He was drooling out thick rivulets of precum, spilling them constantly as he worked in shorter and harder strokes, driving himself against her. He flattened his ears down against his head and let out a groaning cry of pleasure, his entire body started to tense up as he felt his heavy balls drawing up between his legs. There was a great pressure building around him, clinging to him, wrapping around him as he continued with the rough harsh movements that forced her lower onto the ground beneath him

Booker released his cousin's nape as her walls suddenly contracted hard enough he had to force his thickened red cock into her, deep enough that he felt the tip grinding right against her cervix. He roared out his pleasure, a rough scream that exploded out of him while his heavy balls started to twitch and heave up tight between his legs. With a shudder his cock tip erupted in a sudden hot rush of creamy seed spilled out of his tip, splattering against the barrier of the cervix. The thick sperm rich cum was flung in rope after rope, answering the heat of the lioness beneath him who writhed and cried out. Her body shuddering as it got its first taste of life giving seed.

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The lioness cried out, her head pulled back while her lips wrinkled all the way back. Her walls contracted tightly around the glossy red cock that pulsed within her, massaging and milking it as the tip suddenly spilled out a hot rush of cum. She trembled, her body jerking slightly as she felt the heat flowing against her cervix, the pulses drawing it inwards. Her virginal passage greedily took it, letting millions of sperm erupt into her ripe body to seek out the ova that the leopard had coaxed her into giving up for him. And all she could do was tremble under him and grind back while the heavy orbs twitched and heaved up, pushing more and more into her body. She splayed her ears to either side and pushed her hips up higher in the air.

The leopard remained on her back, pinning her down for a long moment while his barbs remained raised up and rasping through her. The last bit of wet seed spilled out, smearing into her body while his hand paws moved away from her hips and dropped down to either side of her. She knew what was coming, she knew instinctively what he was going to do, and she didn't fight it. He lifted himself up and suddenly tore himself out of her, leaping backwards on two stumbling legs. The movement awkward as if he were used to more limbs. The red barbs tore through her body and made her shriek out before the tip popped free and spilled out a thick ooze of white cream that dribbled down towards the ground. She twisted around to strike at him with one paw, trying to drive him away, but he was already gone. His heavy dark shaft swaying between his legs still oozing wetly down along his inner thigh fur.

She snarled roughly, before rolling over with a groan, twisting and writhing against the ground while his seed warmed her belly. Even now claiming her, making sure that she would soon swell and grow heavy with his cubs. Her rasping purr came out, vibrating the air as she wriggled back and forth, arching up while her tail lashed this way and that. The moment she was on her back wriggling about Booker came to her, his eyes wide as he dropped down and lowered his lips to her abused puffy mound, oozing his seed. He lowered his head and dragged his tongue right along her, caressing upwards in a wet push that rolled between her folds and caressed right along the puffy clit. Her tongue caressed in slow smooth circles, dancing back and forth while she bathed in his regard, groaning to herself. Soon he'd recover and she'd present to him again, and again... and again...

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"Safiya? Booker? Oh my god, what happened?!" His father's voice burst out and Booker jerked to see the tall dark man standing in the door way, one hand holding a plastic bag from a local restaurant.

"D-dad?" He croaked out and blinked, looking down at his feet blankly and where the wet water had soaked in the carpet.

"How did the aquarium break?" His father moved into the room and placed the bag down with a frown. "Safiya? Did you do this?"

"Uncle Mosi?" Safiya's voice sounded slurred and Booker whirled around with his breath caught in his throat. She padded in from the hall with large confused eyes, her brows furrowed a little bit.

His little cousin didn't look hurt, she was in the same clothes she had been in when he sent her out of the room. Her hair was a little rumpled and she was wiping sleep from her eyes as she looked around the room in confusion and he mirrored it. He looked down at himself, his clothes were in place, he was entirely human. Not a bit of fur was on him, no hint of torn clothes, no mess between his legs, no taste on his lips. He trembled a little bit and ran a hand along his hair as his father continued to stare at him as if he were going insane.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" Mosi stepped into the room and sighed a little as his feet squished on the carpet. "Alright which one of you did this?"

"Ah.. Safiya and I were playing a game, it got knocked over." Booker cleared his throat and moved a hand over his forehead again, feeling the smooth skin. "Sorry, Dad. The fish are in a cup in the bathroom."

"Safiya! Hey baby, are you causing problems." His Uncle Tabansi came in and swept up the little girl with a smile. "Whew, I thought you two were safe being left at home alone! What a mess!"

"Sorry, Daddy!" her voice was bright, note even disturbed. A dream? Had it all been a dream of some sort?

He stepped forward to help his Dad start to clean up the mess when he looked down and saw the stone sitting there on the damp carpet. The design had changed from the mingled animals, it used to be so many different types, but now it was only two. A lioness and leopard twisted together, twined against one another and snarling into one another's features. Their eyes bright and wicked looking even in the cold polished stone. Had it only been a dream? Or something more? He glanced up to his cousin and swallowed, heat flushing to his face as his trembling hands moved to pick up the glass that had fallen.

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His Favorite

_Patience... Patience comes with the sweetest reward of all..._ Tennith crooned to himself as his daughter trembled just beneath his broad paw. "Papa?" Jallia squeaked out nervously as the large blue drake ran his tongue in a hot wet line around...

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Keeping Them Safe

The sound of birds drew Drake from his dreams, chattering and chirping that made the gold dragon flick his tail slightly and wind it closer to his haunches. The warmth of the sun spread over his wings and made him feel drowsy and lazy, the addition of...

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Guard Duty

The sound of the door hissed open and expelled a rush of sharp musky air that made the line of fur along Vix's neck rise up while he continued to grip the edges of his shield. His fingers flexed a little bit, trying to find a good hold along the handle...

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