Guard Duty

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The sound of the door hissed open and expelled a rush of sharp musky air that made the line of fur along Vix's neck rise up while he continued to grip the edges of his shield. His fingers flexed a little bit, trying to find a good hold along the handle while he tried not to shake. The fox's head was partially masked with the riot helmet and shield that was closed down right over the bridge of his muzzle. It made it hard to see, but it protected him as he heard others shifting behind him, their boots clattered against the ground and crowded against him. A few of them were edging forward towards the open door while he hung back and flattened his ears, his other hand moved to pluck up the swinging baton that hung down along the curve of his hip.

"Sir, I don't know if we should go forward..." Vix blinked his eyes rapidly and shifted backwards a little so he could see the heavy set bear that was frowning at the obvious damage to the sliding doors.

"We have to, standard ops is that the police can't be called," Bruin growled unhappily and gave his head a shake. "You go last, you're the smallest, Edgar, up with me now!"

Vix swallowed another protest while a heavy bodied wolf pushed forward to match the bear leaving him partnered with a smaller badger. He hadn't signed up for this when the laboratory had advertised security positions as being available. He'd assumed it would be an easy job, walking around, just making sure no one broke in, that was it. It seemed to be a straight forward position that would pay exceedingly well. He'd leapt at it the first time he saw it and barely glanced at the employee handbook as they outlined procedures. It had all seemed reasonable, who they could talk to, who they could interact with, what they could say. The lab had top security due to their research, it had all made sense. Until tonight. When everything had all gone to hell.

He still didn't know what was going on, but he had been suited up in riot gear and given a baton as well as a shield before he knew what the alarms meant. It was a bulky suit, one he remembered being shown when he'd first come on board at the labs, but he had never thought he'd actually wear it. He'd been told that there was an alert, it had been triggered by one of the few night time workers and it was a code for an all out alert. It had been embarrassing for the badger to help him gear up, but at least he it was all snugged down properly and was supposed to protect him. It was hot and too heavy, it made him want to pant to try and relieve the burning heat, but he didn't dare as he watched the wolf and bear start to step into the room in front of him.

"Has this happened before?" He hissed towards the badger, Lock. The male gave his head a short shake back and forth.

"No, but Bruin knows what to do. They have some weird shit going on and they're trained to deal with it." Lock moved forward. "Just keep your ear piece on, okay?"

"Yeah, keep it on." Vix licked his lips, the fox was nearly trembling in place as his thick bushy tail flicked back and forth along the ground. His breath came in short bursts while he moved with his partner.

They stepped into the hall and the lights were gone. It was pure primal darkness that was only broken by the open door. The soft hissing sounds and the buzzing told him there was electricity, but they lights were out. He lost sight of the larger pair immediately and brought his shield up so he could keep it in front of his relatively unprotected muzzle. The boots clattered loudly on the ground and rang in his ears as the stormed down what he knew was a narrow hall. He'd patrolled it often enough, but this was the first time he feared it.

"Vix, get to the left, take the stairs down. Lock, you take up. Edgar and I will sweep here." The voice crackled over his head piece and stopped himself from whining.

"Shouldn't we go in pairs?" He replied and moved a paw out to feel against the wall.

"We need to assess the situation, it's from this floor, but we need you both to ensure that the top and bottom floors are safe," The sharp reply was snapped back at him and he swallowed.

"Yes, sir." He replied and fumbled forward a bit as he found the metal spread of the door. His paw flexed a little as Lock crowded behind him.

"Don't worry, kid," Lock gave him a playful nudge as he pushed the door open into the stairwell. "It's probably just the boss giving us a trial run. Just keep your head set on and I'll be up in a flash if there's trouble. Those two have the problem floor."

"Yeah," he grinned a bit and pushed the door open before blinking in the light. "Just gimme a holler if you see anything either."

The stairwell didn't even flicker as he took the stairs towards the upper level and heard the rattle of armor as Lock went downstairs at a far brisker pace. He felt inadequate, he had no idea what he was supposed to be looking for or even what he was doing. He just knew that he had to check out to make sure everything was alright, call Bruin if it wasn't and contact any of the nightworkers and get them out. Had someone gotten into the lab? They did animal testing, it wouldn't be unheard of for local groups to get together to have some sort of mass release of the poor animals. Or it could be someone who didn't want the newly genetically modified plants that they were making so they could be grown in third world countries that didn't have fertile soil. Who knew what they'd take exception to.

He reached the second floor and pushed out into the hall with a breath of relief. It was brightly lit and looked just as he'd last seen it. The doors were all firmly shut and he stretched out a little bit in his heavy gear before relaxing. It was probably just a new drill, they did them every now and then. It wasn't that unheard of. He grinned to himself and the fox peeled off his helmet with a groan as his damp fur was exposed to the cool air. He ran a paw through it and tucked the helmet under an arm as he started his patrol just like he normally would. It was probably a drill for Edgar, the big wolf was from the military and was always striving to improve the way things ran within the lab. At least he wasn't walking in the dark like the other two.

The fox set his helmet to one side and shouldered off his shield as he got towards the end of the long hall and started to spread his shirt so cool air hit him. He ran his fingers along the fur of his head so it fluffed up again, he hated being over heated. When this was all done he'd have a word with Bruin about drills like this. He understood why they happened, but he hated the outfit, if he could get away with not wearing it during drills he'd take it.


_ _

Vix froze as the hissing noise seemed to come from all around him. His ears folded back and he turned about to see the hall empty behind him. There wasn't even a shadow or a door closing, nothing. He turned back to the end of the hall and moved a paw to test the closest door, perhaps it was just one of the workers setting up the lab.


_ _

He wiggled the locked door a few times and felt his heart starting to beat faster. The hiss came with a rippling of movement, a creaking and straining that made him stiffen while he drew in a deep trembling breath and looked around. Suddenly, his helmet with the comm unit and shield looked far too far away. There was nothing around him that should make that sound. It had to be someone here.

"Hello? Security here, we're running a routine check!" He called out nervously, and tried to keep his voice from cracking


_ _

The hiss came again, closer and seemed to wrap around him. The fox licked his lips and backed away from the door. He just had to get to his helmet and then he could call for Lock to come up and help check things out. There was a scraping noise while he started to scramble for his helmet, the hissing noise burst out loud enough that he almost felt air hitting against him. With a lunge and twist he fumbled for the edge of his helmet while the sound of movement kept growing closer. There was nothing that should have been moving! Nothing that he could see!

Something slammed hard into the front of his stomach and nearly doubled him over as it twisted itself right along the edges of his sides and wrapped round him. It knocked his breath out as he struggled to get his fingers along the underside of his helmet. His paws spread open wide while he kicked forward and something else wrapped around one of his legs before he could pull it away. The tight grip wrapped itself towards his thigh while he twisted to one side with a guttural cry of fear. It was pinning him, holding him, something had him!

"LOCK!! LOOOOOOCK!" He screeched out the name as he belatedly tried to get at his baton. "HELP! LOCK!!!"

He twisted around in terror to find another length twisting itself right around the upper curve of his arm and clutched tightly. Something thick, blue-green, and heavy that tensed down around him as he tried to break himself free. His nostrils flared as he found himself staring up at something twisted along part of the ceiling. The thick tendrils of ivy-like coils wrapped around him and twisted along the spread of his waist. They were larger than his arms, he kicked out wildly and struggled backwards against the hold. Whatever it was tried to yank him upwards by one of his legs. It was like something out of a nightmare, made of twisting tendrils and the occasional flash of curled leaves that spread and pulled together in rippling pulses. His lips twisted backwards and he bared his teeth in anger and terror as he was pulled higher towards the ceiling. The hope of his helmet and comm unit taken away as he was hauled towards the heart of the creature.

Another tendril twisted around his head and neck, an almost delicate one when compared with the girth of the one that wrapped around his leg and chest. It wound itself upwards and ran right along the slender length of his muzzle. He tried to scream out against it, but the tip of the tendril plunged forward and spread between his lips. The rubbery tendril plunged and pinned down against the spread of her tongue and made him push against it trying to get it out. He twisted and writhed in the grip as he was pulled back up against the mass of broad tendrils. Another hissing sound spilled out from the creature while he whimpered and then gagged as the tendril plunged forward and pushed deeper into his muzzle while he gagged around it. His eyes flashed an edge of white as more of the slender tendrils slipped out and caressed along his body.

The armor made it hard to have a real hold against him, but the tips of it slipped forward and ran beneath the body plates. He tried to kick out, twisting a little bit while he let out a ragged whimpering cry. His ears flattened while one of the tendrils slipped forward and ran along the length of his spine. The one in his mouth pushed and rubbed firmly around his tongue. The rubbery texture rubbed and caressed as he felt the faint sting burning along the roof of his mouth. The thinnest portion tickled his throat as the tendril down his spine gave a yank and tug along the edge of his uniform. He could barely cry out as he heard the material starting to tear away, he was gagging and coughing raggedly, his throat contracting around the foreign object.

His armor fell off, clattering to the ground, as something hot and thick oozed out of the pores along the tendril. He gagged as the taste spread along his tongue and cheeks, wetness oozing out while he struggled to cough it up. His lips writhed backwards as the ooze spilled along his lips while he tried to shriek out in terror. The wetness oozed out into the back of his throat, but some of the creamy sap spilled out around his cheeks. He kicked backwards with his paws and moved his hands up to clutch against the tendrils. His claws clamped down around the plant and tore it, shaking and pulling it away so that his claws tore at the thick rubbery tendril, but it plunged forward and sent a rush of the tacky sap oozing out into his maw until he was forced to swallow around it.

There was a heat rushing through him, spreading along his belly as the grip of the tendrils around the edges of his ankle and gave it a yank. The delicate tenders wrapped along his chest and caressed through his bare soft fur as the thicker ones braced him and kept him in place. He couldn't writhe free, no matter how he struggled and kicked about. The grip was yanking and peeling down his pants, tearing the material as if it weren't made of Kevlar. Another hiss spilled from around him while there was a probing push that ripped apart the seams. He squeezed his eyes shut and dug his fangs down into the tendril only to have a sudden plunge forward that sent another spill of sap. It was oozing down along his jaws, tacky and sticky while he tried to twist in the tentacles grips.

It wasn't any good, his terror was only mounting as his pants were torn and the frayed edges dropped down to the ground. His breathing was coming in short gasps while he pinned his ears down flat to his head. It was so hard to breath and the heat was only growing, rolling through him as the thin tendrils twisted and curled upwards along the thinner fur of his chest. The light strokes caressed right along the tender buds of his nipples making him jerk upright and snap his eyes wide. It was a stroke that sent a quiver of pleasure through him and trailed down the line of his spine. The tendrils were exploring him, lewdly probing and moving down with the largest ones to peel his legs forcibly open. Another tendril twisted down and caressed towards the lower portion of his belly.

The light brush twisted along the opening of his soft plush sheath, caressing up and down lightly, running upwards towards the spread of his opening. He let out a keening cry as the thin tendril oozed out a spill of syrupy sap that left a tingling warmth spreading through him. The gentle press slipped inwards and spread the pouch open wider, pushing along the dark red tapered tip. He squirmed his hips and arched upwards as the edges of the tendril wrapped around it and gave a slow stroke downwards pushing the sheath down to show his rousing shaft. He hardened under the touch while he began to tremble in place, his nostrils flared open wide in short hard bursts.

The creature, whatever it was, was probing him and twisting up and wrapping around his upper leg so that it trailed just beneath them. Another tendril, thicker then the thicker ones, moved to wrap around the base of his tail. He snarled out and jerked his head back, and the tendril slipped from his lips with strands of syrupy sap clinging to them. It tasted sweet to his tongue, making it hard to breath as he lolled his tongue out with ragged pants. It wasn't trying to kill him or crush him, it was a light touch that rubbed up to run right behind the swell of his balls. He snarled out and gave a jerk forward, kicking outwards against the thicker tendrils even as his dark red cock started to push out into the air. His body was reacting, a dribble of precum oozed out of his tip to splash down against the ground.

"HELP! GOD PLEASE! LOCK!" He shrieked out angrily and then broke off with a yelping cry as one of the thinner tendrils trailed up and pushed right behind his orbs.

His secret, his hidden secret, a fact that caused him nothing but problems and shame in his youth and something he refused to admit as an adult. The tendril probed the soft dark lips of his spade shaped sex and trailed up and down it. It made him quiver and he snapped his jaws shut as his cock was coiled by one of the tendrils. His entire body was shaking in the tentacles, wracked between terror and arousal as the probing touch pushed against his soft outer lips. He licked his lips and tasted the sap there, sticking to his fur and whiskers as he tried to squirm forward. The hold on his tail kept it raised up high in the air, yanking up high enough that he was nearly being supported by that alone. His chest was pressed hard against the thick tentacle that cupped his chest and balanced him in place.

The fox let out a keening cry as the tip of the tendril on his sex gave a teasing stroke, rubbing and pushing forward. The wetness clung to him while he let out a short harsh noise as he felt the tip push forward and spread the feminine sex open. The outer lips spread open while his hips gave a jerk forward, unable to stop himself as the longer the sap rested on his tongue, within his belly, the harder it was to think. He bit his lower lip and gave a twist of his hip before groaning when the tendril started to push forward. Yawning him open wider and wider, caressing the silken inner walls as he was left clutching around him. He'd never had both parts handled at once, he'd never been teased like this, it was so hard to think. So hard to do anything except shake in place and writhe.

The next slow push forced the tendril deeper, the inner passage yawned open so wide that he was crying out shallowly. His own arousal was spilling out around it, being pushed out around the edges as the tendril on his chest lowered him down. His hips were pushed up higher in the air so he was bared to the creature. The longer tendrils twisted down his legs and kept them bent at the knees as he struggled to thrust forward against the hold around his cock. The thickness of his knot popped out and bobbed against his belly, and his breathing came out raggedly. The hissing sound came in shorter bursts as the tendril twisted within his passage and rubbed ever deeper. The smear of wet sap clung to his inner walls as it gave another lunge.

It wasn't until the tip suddenly wedged right up against his cervix that he felt his stomach cramping down. The sap that was burning through his body was like a fever, every touch, every stroke, every movement made him unable to think about the faint cramps of his belly. His fingers dug into the tendril that curled against his muzzle and started to push forward. It brushed against his lips and curled forward so he was forced to open them up to feel it plunging into his maw. The wet sap clung along his tongue and roof of his mouth as he groaned out raggedly. The tendril against his cervix began to push forward, thinning down and pressing against the barrier it found while his cries were muffled by the wedging tip that worked towards his throat.

His eyes shut tightly and he only let out the faintest cry as the tip of the tendril plunged into his unprotected womb. The thickest portion of the base yawned him open wide while he was locked in a rush of need and pleasure so intense he started to hump into the touch. It no longer mattered that this creature was terrifying and like nothing he'd ever seen. The only thing that mattered was the pounding of his heart beat the thick oozing sap that coated his throat with warmth. He suckled around the tendril with a groan while grinding against the touch around his cock. The smallest portion of the tendril wrapped firmly around his swelling knot as he bucked his hips forward and drew back again. Grinding and pushing against it needily. He wanted this.

It wasn't until the rubbery tendril that penetrated his female sex started to spread open that he felt a shock of terror and tried to break past the pounding of his own heart beat. With a groan something pushed and wedged against his soft outer lips. The tendril was growing wider, spreading by the moment as he shuddered in place. His breathing came in labored gasps, growing shallower as he fought the plunge of the tentacle into his throat to gag him. The orb wedged and yawned his outer lips open wider and wider, forcing them to stretch while he twisted in place. His fingers dug down hard enough to dig into the plant like creature, but it didn't stop as something was forced into his passage. Larger then a knot, larger then anything he should have been able to take.

His muscles were stretching and rubbed around the thing, caressing it and stroking it as it pushed inwards. His walls clamped down and tried to squeeze it out, but the tip just pushed forward into his body. Deeper and deeper. With a high pitched whimper he felt the tendril on his cock starting to pump and squeeze as it worked to distract him. He splayed his ears as he couldn't' stop his hips from jerking forward even as his inner passage was forced to mold around the orb. It was pressed inwards against the constricting muscles while he struggled to free his legs, his tail, anything. Whatever it was, it wasn't trying to lock in place with him. It was pushing into him. It wedged itself right up against his cervix as the tendrils on his cock started to clutch around his knot.

He couldn't escape it, not even his fear could push it away. His need was pushed closer towards his peak as he squeezed his eyes shut and ground himself against them. He could barely stand the way the orb stretched him as it pushed right up against the barrier of his cervix. He tensed up while the tendril gave a pulsing squeeze around the base of his knot. The fox snapped his jaws shut and let out a breathy cry as the pressure built around his knot, squeezing and clutching tightly as he humped forward. The movement pulled at the orb inside of him, but he couldn't stop himself from clutching down around the tendril in his vulnerable passage. The next rippling squeeze of the tendril around his cock pushed him over the edge.

His hips jerked forward before his cock started to throb and pulse within the grip of the tendril. The suckling pulls and pressure around his swollen knot kept him on edge as he cried out raggedly. A rush of pleasure rolled through him as the first pulse of seed spilled out of his tip. His fear and discomfort at the orb pushed into his body was lost as nothing mattered by the rapid pounding of his own heart. He gripped around the tendril in his muzzle, pulling and clutching around it, as he gave himself over to the pleasure and felt bits of seed splattering up against his own belly. He rolled and pushed his hips back and forth, grinding and caressing through the hold.

Through it all the orb pushed against his vulnerable cervix. The pressure started to grow as it spread the tight ring of muscle open, yawning it wider and wider while his hips were pushed higher up in the air. The tendril on his chest tightened and pulled him back onto the orb that started to wedge him open to the point of almost pain. Wetness, his own arousal and sap, was pushed out from the edges of his sex while he cried out in a harsh ragged noise. With a sudden lunge forward the orb pushed past the barrier of his cervix and plunged into him with a wet popping noise. The weight shifted low in his body as something large and heavy spilled out of the tentacle and dropped into his vulnerable open womb. He let out a ragged muffled cry as his stomach bulge around the orb, but the thing wasn't done.

Hot thick ooze started to spill out from the tip, hitting against his cervix and oozing into his womb in throbbing pulses. He could feel it spilling down along the long tendril, spilling towards the tip while the tendril twisted and turned. He couldn't even cry out for help as he trembled in the grip of the creature, feeling the foreign weight pressed so deep inside of him. The tendrils continued to squeeze and pull along his throbbing cock, purposefully caressing along him to keep him on edge. Thick viscous sap bubbled out and oozed around the strained opening of his soft folds. All he could do was whimper as the creature continued to molest him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Damn, it got another on." A low growl reached Vix's ears as he tried to pry open one eye. He felt so sore, his lower belly was uncomfortably full and the ground was hard.

"I see that. Damn, sir, I thought he was a full male. Never would have hired him if not." A familiar voice, Lock, reached him and he felt a hand gripping his shoulder before giving a shake. "C'mon, Vix, up you get!!"

Vix pried open an eye as he was hauled up onto his paws. The fur around his jaws felt matted and slicked down, a sweet taste lingered on his tongue. The armored badger held him up and propped him against his side while he swayed back and forth. He felt weighed down along his belly, unable to quite get his paws under him. The badger supported him while he kept his ears tipped back against his head and blinked at the group that surrounded him. His boss was glaring down at him in exasperation as he tried to say something, but all that came out was a rough croaking sound. His throat was so sore, every time he tried to swallow was a new hell off prickling pain. He remembered being in the clutches of the strange creature, and the way that he'd been used over and over again. He could still taste it on his tongue, the scent of it clung to his fur, he was bathed in it.

"You should have told us, boy!" The bear snarled at him and pulled off his helmet to reveal smoothed down fur. "Thing doesn't have any use for a male, but a female.... Edgar, go find out form the doc what ops are for this, been an age since we had a girl on the force. No doubt it's taken."

"Yessir!" The wolf answered smartly while Vix tried to make sense of everything.

He lowered his head to where he felt weighed down and finally saw what they were talking about. He could see the swell of his lower belly that was protruding out around a round orb that had drawn the skin taut. The pale fur was smeared with sap and precum, but there was no mistaking that the creature had managed to well and thoroughly seed him. He moved a trembling paw up to touch the bulge of his stomach and felt around the edges. It was round, as large as his fist, but what really made his stomach swell was the thick sap that had been pumped into him and cushioned the seed or egg that had been placed inside of him.

"What happened to me?" He croaked out and let Lock push him down onto a stool.

"The same thing that happens to any female, damn thing loves girls." The badger looked almost apologetically. "Look at it this way, you're about to become a part of a magnificent moment in science."

"And be well compensated." Buine interjected, though he sounded less then pleased. "Damn, need to run another ad. Be damned politics, this time I'm putting down males only!"

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