Swan Song

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

Chicago was filled with wind, as promised, but also with a rush of cold weather that made it impossible to move through the streets without being wrapped head to toe. Ethan had come here hoping to enjoy the city, but so far he'd only seen a handful of sights and the rest of the time he was forced to sludge through an unseasonable winter burst that had dumped nearly two feet of snow in the place and made it impossible for him to get out of the damned place like he'd planned. It was infuriating and boring to spend day after day in his hotel, not daring to go down to the pier or do anything more than poke his head at the museums, which everyone else took into their heads to do. So he could either spend his time in crowded tourist traps, or spend his time bar hopping as he hoped the weather would clear.

He had been here too long, he'd meant this to be a short trip to join up with a small group that he had joined months ago. The Human Alliance was an up and coming group was lobbying for furries to be classified as animals instead of humans. It was something he believed in whole heartedly, the creatures were flooding the streets and straining the resources of the United States. They were stealing jobs that should have belonged to humans and would likely end up in the system getting assistance that they didn't deserve. They looked like animals, they were animals, why not treat them like such? Enforce sterilization to prevent breeding, limit the amount of children they could have, tag them and chip them so they could be properly tracked.

How many are there? There's no census, they're fucking everywhere. They're breeding and hunting and god knows what. Wolves, tigers, bears, lions, how can we expect them to be safe? There could be millions of them! _ Ethan thought as he pushed against the wind and set his head deeper into his winter jacket. _Well... at least there is one less after last night.

_ _

The scarf hid his small smile as he dug his hands deeper into his pockets. The Human Alliance Conference had broken up on Monday, on Tuesday he'd had a small group of like minded people approach him with an offer to go out on the town. He'd been a bit bored at the time, and they'd promised to show him a side of the beasts, a slur for the anthros, that he'd never seen before. He'd been ready to bolt when they'd dragged him into a bondage club filled with pounding animalistic bodies offering themselves for sale. It had been disgusting, another reason that they shouldn't be allowed to have a place in society. They brought depravity with it. A swan had sidled up to him, soft in snowy white feathers and a startling red-orange beak, and offered to do any of their darkest dreams for a night if only they would pay the fee. He had been so suggestive, with an elongated neck and small dark eyes, wearing nothing but his own feathers.

It had been sickening, he asserted to himself, the way he had informed them that he was quite male, entirely male, only hidden. He would eagerly show them all what he possessed, but in private. His 'friends' had readily agreed on the condition they go to their hotel where it was entirely private. Ethan had felt disgusted at their idea to take a beast back with them, a male beast at that, but one of them had soothed them that it was all in good fun. The swan had come with them like the sweet little predator it was, following timidly as they took him back to the car, but not to the hotel. It had been a night to remember as they had treated the beast to what his kind should be treated to. To be hunted, and killed, purifying the world from their filth and freeing up more space for the real humans in the world.

Ethan's breath came a bit faster as he balled his fists up in visceral memory of the night before, he hadn't just watched them pluck the swan, he had helped. The animalistic cries had been lost in the cold Illinois weather as they tore the feathers from his neck and chest, mockingly telling him that he should strive to fit in. In the end the swan had died, only after one of the men had proven that it was indeed a male. Forcing out the dark red appendage from the genital slit to mock over. Ethan had found a part of himself that he had never imagined before, a part of him that had panted and lusted after what he saw. He had felt disgusted, but so terribly intrigued, and his new 'friends' had promised him another round for tonight if he'd join them.

Is it wrong? God never wanted these abominations on the earth, not man or animal. They fall into depravity and lust like beasts. If man rules over animals, he rules over these ones. _ He turned a corner as he mulled over the thoughts, his legs carrying him to The Kipling, another club that catered to beasts selling their bodies. _If man hunts the beasts of the forest, what does it matter that we hunt these ones? They infect our race, our country.

_ _

He had been raised believing in the bible, believing in the laws of God Almighty and these beasts didn't fit there. God created the Heavens and the Earth, he did not create the anthros. They had no place in the Holy Scripture. They appeared in pagan tales, but not in the good book. They were outside of the reach of the Lord and therefore they should be snuffed out. The Human Alliance had pushed for them to be marked as animals, but this was taking it further. He shivered a little as he caught sight of the flashing neon sign that showed a growling tiger ahead of him. The snow had partially covered it, but it still snarled angrily at him. The Kipling, a hot new club that catered to the exotic crowd, and where he would meet up with his fellow hunters. A grin crossed his lips as he picked up his pace.

Tyger Tyger burning bright.. He thought softly and let out a muffled laugh. This was what it meant to be a man, to hold sway over the beasts of the world.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Anar." The young sparrow chirped out softly, disturbing the businessman's attempt at working out the latest computer program that was supposed to run searches through the cameras. Anar lifted his head and growled out softly.

"What?" He didn't bother hiding his annoyance, he was feeling particularly unhappy with the evening as it was. His accountant, a sweet looking sparrow with bold black cheeks and the softest dun feathers along his head flattened his feathers in fear. "Cheek, I didn't mean to snap. I'm trying to figure out this twice blasted thing."

"Sorry, sir, it's just. You said to fetch you if we had any repeats tonight crossing things, you know how Ruger is."

"Yes, yes," Anar stretched out and winced as he felt himself contained in the too small body of a human, his fingers refused to flex the right way when he spread them. "What's the old rhino up to?"

"There's a group in The Kipling, same as was at Old Easte last night. He says that they're missing a few members, but it's definitely the same folks." Cheek bobbed his beak nervously. "The ones that were with Song, sir. Leastways, the ones that were described."

"Are they now?" Anar's skin twitched in an attempt to raise ear tufts he didn't currently possess. He clicked a few buttons to bring up the screens for the Kipling. "When did they show up?"

"Not more than ten minutes ago, sir." Cheek looked a little more at ease when he wasn't snapped at. "Faust called us to report it, sir."

"Excellent." Anar looked at the grainy surveillance footage of the club in question and began to tap out a few commands on the keyboard. "Tell Faust I'll be sending my men down shortly to escort them out. Alert he bouncers that they are to keep things calm, we have a high human population down there tonight and I don't want trouble."

"Sir." The sparrow bobbed his head in understanding before letting himself back out. It gave the man time to send out his commands via mass text.

He didn't need confirmation they had gone through, he could see his men on various screens reacting to what he'd sent. Faust was a good middle man, he ran the clubs under the head of St. Louis, and wasn't dominant enough to be a threat to anyone. It ensured that Anar's city had a firm presence when it came to entertainment and places of work for the harmless anthros. He had no interest in the day to day running of such a sensual business, his attention was fixed on the security firm that he ran for some of the largest businesses in the state. It required nearly all of his attention, but he always had time to spare for his people, his security company allowed for them to live in relative safety as they he kept safe houses and guards throughout the city to keep an eye on trouble. He didn't accept failure, he didn't accept defeat.

With a hiss he stepped back from the computer and stood up, the human body felt constraining and unnatural as he tried to bend it so he could stretch. With a growl he stalked over to depress a button that would lock the outer office door and spun a spell over his body. The small weak human shape melted away with a rush that revealed dark blue feathers and flares of white along his under throat and chin. His clothing stretched and shifted with his body as the gryphon let his human guise become a thing of the past and felt a beak hardening and curving down to a sharp tip. His broad wings spread open over his back, flaring the long primaries as he let out a breath of relief when his body became more flexible and cat like. Finally he could stretch his aching spine and curl the length of his tail behind him in a flash of spotted blue and white.

One of the swans was missing, one of the creatures deemed harmless and who had offered to work at the clubs Faust ran. Those clubs were well protected, they were supposed to be safe, but someone had killed one of his swans. He had felt the death, a sensation that made his stomach turn and brought him out of a sound sleep with the last flash of red pain that echoed from the one he should have protected. Not all lords had that power, to connect with their people, but the gryphons did and the dragons. It allowed him to feel safe, secure, that he would know when his people were in danger and he would be able to save them. Foolish hope, foolish pride, had been wiped away with the single ghostly scream as one of his people had been murdered while he slept safe in his bed. He could not give back the swan his life, but he could grant them revenge. Sometimes that was the only comfort one could have left, a cold comfort, but it was al he had.

_I failed to protect Song, and where I failed there, I will triumph with my revenge. _ He growled to himself before pulling his chair out with one dark black claw-hand. Faust would guide his men to the guilty and then the games would truly begin.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"LET ME GO!" Ethan screamed the words out for the hundredth time, his throat hurting so badly as the abraded muscles had grown raw over the last day and a half.

He had been snatched just outside of the club by a pair of swift moving wolves, black as night, and thrown into a van before he could protest. He'd been thrown in with men he recognized, his friends from the Human Alliance. They had all raised their complaints and threats loud and clear, but had been entirely ignored. No one had come to rescue them, no one had bothered doing more than snarling an order to be quiet. They'd been unloaded into a warehouse near the docks, thrown into dank cells that smelled like rust and copper. There was light to see, yes, but nothing worth seeing. They were all pushed into separate cells that formed a sort of honey comb that interlinked so they could see one another, but that was it. Each cell had a rough looking bed, a toilet (barely) and that was it. And one by one they had been taken away.

Ethan had no idea who as doing this, only that they were being held by a group of beasts, mainly wolves, and no one would talk to him or answer his questions. The men that were taken away weren't seen again, they were simply escorted out of the place with much screaming and kicking, and that was that. There was no reason he could see for it, they didn't talk, the wolves simply came and gathered one of them and hauled them out. He was sure they were dead, how could they let them live? The beasts were finally showing a face that others had suspected, but no one had dared speak of. It was true, they were more than what they seemed. They were everything that the Human Alliance had hinted at and dreaded. How could you trust animals? They always reverted back. Had they eaten his friends in some foul ceremony?

Ethan dropped down onto the rough bed and put his head in his hands with a groan. He should have never gone out with the group when they revealed their true purpose. They'd roused up gods knew what and now people were paying for it one by one. He turned his bleary eyes to the empty cage that was almost against the wall. He hadn't even known the name of the last man taken, they'd just come for him and dragged him away. He hadn't talked to any of them, he hadn't wanted to seem as if he knew any of them. Not that he believed the beasts would listen to him, they didn't pay any attention to what was said. They just came and threw in food every day and left. At least the food wasn't terrible, they brought in takeout sandwiches and tossed the moist meat filled bread into the cells . It was better than some sort of slop or kibble. As for bathing, he winced away from that thought, they weren't given soap and water, but hosed down daily. He had no idea how long he'd been here, long enough that a beard had started to grow along his jaw line.

"This is the last one?" A voice made him look up to see a shadow spilling across the cells.

"Yes, sir. The rest are dealt with, this is the last one." The familiar rasp of a wolf's voice reached him while Ethan watched the figure stepping into the room.

It wasn't a wolf, or even the hyena he'd seen among the wolves, but something larger and misshapen as the dull lights made it hard to make out the hunch of the back. A large hooked beak could be made out, a set of tall strange shaped ears, but the body was built all wrong to be a bird. Ethan dragged himself up to his feet and ignored his tattered appearance. His clean clothes had turned grey after being sprayed down so often and being stuck in the uncomfortable cage. The beast padded forward so he came into the light and gave Ethan a clear view of what he was dealing with. It took time for his mind to come to terms with what exactly he was seeing.

The head was patterned after some sort of eagle or hawk, with a large hooked black beak and a pair of ear tufts like an owl would have. Dark red eyes watched him impartially from out of dark brilliant blue feathers and the striking black outline that bisected softer grey-white cheeks and a throat. There was no such thing as a blue hawk, but the rest of the creature was just as impossible. It didn't have vestigial wings like the swan had, but a broad set that rested along his back, rising up behind the shoulders and folded neatly so the primaries didn't brush the ground behind him. The black hand-claws were scaled over like a birds and had wickedly hooked talons that looked nearly as long as his fingers. The lower body was feline, dark blue paws peeped out from the hem of a pair of neatly pressed khaki's and a long spotted blue and white tail twisted and curled behind him.

"What are you?" Ethan croaked and tried to straighten himself up, his breathing came a bit faster as the beast approached the cage. The raptorial head tilted to one side to regard him from one deep set eyes.

"What I am is your judge and jury, human." The creature purred from the clacking beak. "Are you enjoying yourself? You've lasted the longest so far."

"Let me out of here! I have rights!" Ethan wrapped his hands around the rusted bars and tried to sound dominant.

"Ahh, you have, sadly, cast away those rights by slaying one of the people that I am sworn to protect," he rumbled in response. "So we must have justice for the one that you've harmed."

" I didn't do anything!" Ethan stiffened and tried to ignore the surge of panic. "I was just with them to hang out, I didn't do anything."

"Mmm, I do hate liars. We've gotten the story by bits and pieces from your... friends. It took a while, I must admit, but patience is a virtue. I am Anar, Lord of Chicago." The beast let out a soft laugh. "And since you are the last, you will be the one to pay me my pound of flesh for what I've lost."

"Lord of..." He trailed off and then snarled. "What the hell are you talking about? You have no right to hold me here. I am a free human, beast, and I'm not going to be treated like this because you've got your feathers in a bunch."

The creature moved to unlatch the key with a careful twist of his clawed fingers and grinned as he spoke, "Your status as a human has been revoked, by your own hand. Now, now you fall to me."

The door swung open and Ethan lunged forward in a desperate bid to escape, but a hand at his throat caught him with negligent ease. He gagged slightly as the fingers dug down against either side of his windpipe so he couldn't push forward or he'd risk killing himself. The only thing he could do was twist and move his hands up to clutch at the scaled wrist to try and make it let him go. The creature hauled him forward and he stumbled over the ground and from his cage. He put a hand out to try and catch himself, but he ended up pushing right against Anar's silk shirt. He could feel feathers beneath it before he was pushed forward and away from the cages.

"Let me show you the games that gryphon's play," Anar purred in his ear and then lifted his voice. "Fang, I want you to come with us, it's time for our last human to pay the price of their transgressions. Intimately."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ethan was pushed into a room that boasted just one small bed, though it was lavishly decorated, and the gryphon filled the rest of the room with a wolf at his side. The wolf was gleaming silver with black guard hairs that darkened along his muzzle and hand paws so that he looked like a Siamese cat, almost. The rest of him was a pure silver, and Ethan meant every inch. The wolf had stripped outside of the room while he was pushed into it, baring the heavy plump sheath and a set of round orbs that swung negligently between his legs. The room was too small, there wasn't enough room to run away or to hide, and the only entrance was blocked by the pair of males.

"Remove his clothing, Fang. He will not need them." Anar shrugged out of his shirt, baring a white feathered chest edged in darkest blue.

"I AM NOT FUCKING YOU TWO!" Ethan's voice cracked with fear as the wolf, Fang, approached him with a wicked grin.

"Of course not, m'dear, we're going to fuck you." The wolf drawled out and caught him by an arm. "And you'll love it, I promise."

"I don't want a beast to touch me!" He wriggled backwards, but the creature caught his shirt in one large paw and twisted it firmly.

The fabric had withstood days of being washed, poorly dried and then washed again. The seams gave way easily, tearing along his shoulders before the material bared his chest. He tried to cover himself and reached down to grip the edge of his pants as the wolf pushed him back against the edge of the bed. He'd never been around a predator fur, he'd always been around the weaker herbivores or the showy deer, the wolf was huge. The fur was fluffed up around the edges of his neck as he towered over Ethan and caught the edges of his pants. He whimpered out softly and twisted, as he struggled to hold his pants up, but the wolf's paws twisted the fabric downwards. He cried out raggedly as he felt the fabric slipping down and he jerked backwards, falling onto the bed in his attempt to get away. He'd entirely forgotten the gryphon.

"Come now, such a fuss," Aran purred at him deeply and caught him on the shoulders to give him a forceful tug.

"Let go!" Ethan shrieked and it turned into a yelp as his pants were caught again and pulled downwards partially bearing his cock.

"You don't want us to let go, do you?" The gryphon pulled harder and he was turned around so he was facing the feline upper legs and thighs.

"YES I DO!" He cried out again and struggled to hold his pants up against the wolf's assault, but it was hard with his body halfway turned around onto his chest.

The gryphon settled down on the bed and pulled Ethan onto his lap, filling his senses with the hot thick scent of animal on the air. It was slightly spicy, warm scented and exotic all at once. The fingers teased talons right along the back of his neck and raised goose bumps as his breath came out in a trembling burst. The hands pulled him closer and guided him until his chest was rested right against the upper legs where the fur brushed against his chest. The scent made him dizzy, it wasn't unpleasant, but each breath was full of it. It grew with each breath he took as his grip on his pants started to loosen. The gryphon pulled his head up so he was looking right into those strange red eyes, like a goshawks eyes, that penetrated him and drew him inwards. The pupils flared open wide swallowing the crimson so there was only a ring of ruby red around the edges.

It wasn't just black, it was like a primal darkness that reached out to swallow him, followed on the scent that he was drawing in. Ethan felt a wave of panic as he felt his pants being drawn away from him, he tried to struggle away from it, but the darkness enveloped his mind and gripped it. He couldn't look away, couldn't get his hands to move. The filthy beasts were touching him, stripping him while they were naked themselves. It was abhorrent, sinful, everything against the ways of God and he tried to reach for a prayer to help him. This was what Satan wanted of him, he wanted him to turn away from God and fall into the depravity of these animals. He was stronger than this, he had the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ on his side. With that warrior he couldn't fail!

"Demon.." He whispered the word and tried to look away, but the eyes only came down closer as clawed fingers slipped beneath his chin and guided him closer to that strangely alluring scent.

"No, human..." The words sounded so far away and the darkness that gripped his mind flared red, pushing away his thoughts. "I am your salvation."

The grip on his chin pulled him down until his nose brushed something softly furred just as something hot and wet slipped up between his legs. He let out a muted cry as a broad tongue pushed up and rolled right along his balls. It should have brought a shudder of disgust from him, to have something so like a dog licking at him in a familiar way, but the grip on his mind pushed out that thought. Why should he struggle? Why should he fight it? He had taken one of their lives, and they were giving him pleasure in return. It sent a tremble through him as he let himself be pressed against the heavy furred pouch and drew in a deep breath. That scent, it flared need through him as the other hand trailed sharp claws along his back, not hard enough to hurt, but light enough to send tremors through him and arch up against it.

The gryphon continued to murmur to him as his lips were pushed up along the line of the sheath, he brushed up higher up, guided by the touch under his jaw. The scent was filling his nose and he wanted it, he wanted every breath of it. The mind caressed his own, clutching him and keeping him in place as the eyes released their hold. It didn't matter, he was already nearly touching the dark jet black tip that was pushed out into the light. It seemed unnervingly natural to lick out against the tip, dragging around the edges so he felt fleshy barbs teasing against his tongue tip. The hot tongue between his legs continued, rubbing and curling around his balls until he pushed his hips up with a muted whimper. He knew he shouldn't do this, but he couldn't stop himself from reacting to them. His cock started to thicken and harden, pushing along his stomach with his arousal.

"Suck me, human, taste me, drink me," The gryphon growled down at him and Ethan complied, it seemed so horribly natural to spread his lips open and wrap them around the tapered tip of the shaft.

His warm tongue pushed beneath it as the wolf's paws clutched against his ass cheeks and squeezed. He pushed his ass up into the air against the touch as the first syrupy drop of precum oozed out of the cock tip and splattered against his tongue. The salty-sweet taste of it spread over his taste buds while his breath caught in his throat at the sudden heat of it. It was like liquid fire rolling down his tongue, but at the same time he craved it, the very thickness of it made him suckle hotly around the gryphon's cock tip and pull more of it into his mouth. He rasped his tongue around the edges of the fleshy barbs that dragged along the spread of his tongue. He swallowed the precum and pushed down as the hardened cock started to push out into his muzzle.

Hazily, he knew that he was starting to grow warmer as the gryphon's hips rolled upwards and the girth plunged deeper into his mouth. He nearly gagged around it, but that didn't stop him from trying to fit more into his maw. The wolf's tongue grazed wetly upwards and caught against Ethan's cock as the slow powerful strokes made him cry out and twist his hips slightly. The grip of the paws spread his ass cheeks open wide, the hot breath of the wolf hit against his silky pucker while the next dribble of precum spilled into his muzzle. God, he didn't care, he cared about nothing but the heat of the thick ooze spilling down his throat. The gryphon's hips rolled back and forth slowly, pulling and tugging through him as something brushed against the edges of his cheek.

He could feel something tickling against his skin, itching, but he tried to ignore it. He gave himself over to pushing down along the cock and lifting up again, running his tongue along the barbs and then smoothing back down again. Each time the barbs flared out and tickled against his tongue the gryphon crooned his pleasure and Ethan nearly felt the approval radiating from the beast. He moved his hands up and wrapped his hands against the furred hips so that he could brace himself. The bucking hips pushed upwards just as something thicker fell down against his neck and shoulders. It tickled against his cheeks and clung there so he had to free his hand to brush it away. He opened his eyes and jerked his lips back so the cock spilled out with a wet popping noise.

"HAIR?!" Ethan tried to shake away that haze of passion, even as Fang's hot tongue wrapped itself around the base of his cock and drew a moan from him. He trembled while staring down at the loose bits of hair that clung to his fingers.

The gryphon's growl pulled him away again, and made his lips drop down to the tip, his hair was falling out! It should have mattered, it should have, but it didn't, not when a thick bubble of precum was smeared against his lips and clung to him. He opened his mouth and wrapped it around the tip so he could suckle it into his maw and pulled around the tip. He became aware of his body starting to feel flushed with more than desire that was growing. He arched upwards a little and felt the hot wolf's tongue pushing upwards towards the tip and then dragged backwards again. The tongue fluttered and rolled his balls back and forth slowly, teasing and curling along the base. He twisted and dug his fingers into Anar's hips as a bit more hair fell along his shoulders.

He realized that he wasn't just going bald when his skin started to itch and he snapped his eyes open. He pushed down along Anar's cock and swallowed another gooey glob of precum while he watched pale whiteness spreading along his cheeks. It became harder to feel his lips as he rubbed and pushed downwards before pulling up again. It was like the nerves were fading away, but he tried to concentrate on what he was doing. His breathing became rougher and not even the feel of the wolf's tongue wrapping along his balls stopped his startled cry as his body started to feel too tight, too tense. He could barely keep himself concentrated on the powerful feel of the cock plunging forward and dragging backwards in his muzzle.

"SCHTAP!" He got the word out, slurred as he pulled away from the cock. He felt his back arching and twisting as something ran along the line of his back.

Anar didn't try to force him back as he whimpered and looked down to see that his fingers were strangely shifting. White spikes were pushing out into view, rising up from the skin and they were everywhere. They were on his upper arm, his lower arm, they were coming from his skin which felt increasingly sensitive. He tried to ask something of the gryphon, but his lips wouldn't work right, they were growing stiffer and hardening while his vision started to become a bit unfocused. The wolf continued his work oh so eagerly, the tongue curled up and suddenly a hot muzzle wrapped around one of Ethan's balls and suckled it tight. He could feel his cock pulsing against his belly, but not his skin, it was brushing against something soft.

With a cry he reached down and felt feathers spreading along his chest, pure snowy white and it was forming an even coating. He reached up and fumbled with his lips while the gryphon leaned back and cupped his hardened length in one hand, the fingers rubbed up and down the spire, teasing his barbs. He didn't look concerned, he looked amused as he forced up another dribble of viscous precum to ooze over the edges of his finger tips. Ethan tried to ask a question, but it came out raggedly as bones started to shift as well. They elongated as the entire shape of his head began to change. His lips pushed outwards and darkened, they grew and flattened slightly and tapered towards an angle. It was a beak, he was growing a beak!

His arms grew and changed so the bones were more like wings, the wrists shaped differently and the fingers elongated without fingernails. As he stared at them in horror he realized that his head was growing more slender and his tongue grew slender and tapered. It jutted out from his beak as he panted shallowly and he tried to pull away from the wolf. The tongue was working him, the mouth had pulled both of his orbs to be held along the broad tongue. A feat that shouldn't have happened so easily, but it was happening, the mouth was suckling on them as he twisted and watched the feathers spreading down, but not on his legs. The legs were darkening and the skin growing firmer.

"Ahhh, let's not be distracted my lovely one," Anar murmured and the black hand moved forward to smear a thick dribble of precum over his forming beak.

"Pleash.." He croaked out in terror, but the scent was filling him.

"You give back to us, my lovely swan.." The gryphon rubbed his fingers beneath Ethan's beak while he panted out raggedly and felt the warm rush of the mind wrapping forward to grab him. "You want this, this is what was hiding beneath you, what was waiting to burst from your skin."

"I.. wanted.." Ethan tried to keep his mind on the horror, but the tongue was pushing harder up against his balls and pinned them against his loins.

"Yes, yes you did..." The gryphon's paw moved down and Ethan trembled as it trailed along his elongated neck. It felt so good, so sensitive to have the fingers teasing downwards towards his shoulders.

He allowed himself to be guided down until his beak brushed against the tip of the cock. Without lips, it was hard to figure out what he should do, but the gryphon coaxed him to spread his beak and suddenly gave a thrust upwards. The former man let out a gagging sound as the girth drove into him, spreading him open and plunged into his throat. It was automatic to panic, but he realized that he wasn't choking around the thick girth, it was just straining his slender throat open. He whimpered and closed his beak down firmly while his tongue was pushing upwards and grazed back and forth along the dark black shaft that rubbed upwards. He nearly forgot what the wolf was doing, except his lower body was starting to flush with hot need. It was a growing sensation as the tongue started to rub upwards and graze over the smooth flesh where his balls had been.

Where his balls had been... He felt a moment of panic, but then the tongue started to push upwards. The swan braced himself, as his webbed toes spread open wide when it pushed higher up and caressed in slow swirling movements. The tongue plucked and pulled along his cock while his stomach started to tense up. Ethan knew he should have panicked about what was happening, he should have panicked as he felt his cock growing smaller and more sensitive to the dragging tongue that worked against him. The hot breath panted against him while things began to grow different inside of him, his cries were muffled as the gryphon's cock plunged harder into his throat and the barbs continually teased and pulled along his elongated throat. All he could do was work those powerful muscles and clutch around him as his changed feathered fingers contracted tightly around the gryphon's hips.

His cries changed and he nearly gagged as the wolf's tongue suddenly pushed forward HARD. It pushed inwards and parted a passage he had never possessed and muscles he'd never felt clamped down tightly around the rolling appendage. He squeezed and contracted greedily around it, pulling and squeezing as the tongue rubbed and pulled along him and made him squirm back and forth. He rocked backwards as the sensation sent tremors of desire through him, like nothing he'd ever felt before. The tongue seemed to find nerves to tease that made his fingers spasm and his legs spread open wider for Fang to tease him.

I'm.. female.. The thought hit her and nearly made her choke as the gryphon pulled back and the barbs rubbed along her throat again. She struggled to pull back and Anar allowed her too, but not far. He continued to rub his glistening tip along the edges of his dark black beak.

"Do you know how a gryphon is made, lovely swan?" His voice was deep and rumbling as strands of precum clung from the tip to his beak. The wolf's tongue pulled outwards slowly while her walls contracted down eagerly no matter what her racing mind thought.

"No.." She managed the word past gasping breaths, she wanted the wolf, it was a near painful need that grew through her belly and refused to be ignored.

"We're hybrids," Anar murmured and smeared the precum around the edges, the tip dribbled out another ooze of precum. "Like mules, we're sterile, such a pity... But we can be created with a touch of magic. My mother was a blue jay, such a colorful bird, transformed from a human that desired to be something new and exotic. My father was a jaguar who enjoyed a long night with her. And tonight, we will make a new gryphon, one that will be beautiful and exotic. Not of cat and bird, but of swan and wolf."

"I.. c-can't.." She whimpered as the powerful paws moved up to her hips and she felt Fang's grip flexing lightly. "Please.."

"You want this.. You want a fertile egg of your own, you want Fang's cock pumping into you, stretching you, fertilizing that sweet new womb of yours.." Anar murmured and the claws teased down her long neck lightly. "You will pay back the flesh you took, not with your death or suffering, but with your eggs."

She tried to ignore the pressure on her mind, it ensnared her and wrapped around her, pulling her down as she struggled against it. She wanted to pray, to reach out for God to save her from this new horror, but the gryphon's grip didn't waver. It pulled up a hot need that made her hiss out and jerk her head backwards from the cock teasing her. Her stomach contracted tightly while the wolf pulled her hips up and her tail feathers fanned out. She could feel her soft plush lips glistening in the light, wet with more than just the wolf's saliva, but with the fertile rush of her body announcing her readiness. A base need gripped her and she whimpered out in defeat. The weight of the wolf slid along her back as the hands slipped down along her stomach and spread upwards.

It wasn't until they reached her chest that she realized that she'd changed in an entirely new way, the fingers curled and flexed right against the soft mounds of her breasts. The fingers kneaded and lightly, squeezing them as a new weight pressed against her. The gryphon pulled her head down and started to grind against her beak hotly while the wolf's cock pushed up right along the crease of her ass cheeks. A dribble of wetness coated the feathers and trailed downwards, running right along the inner curve of her cheeks. The wolf rubbed back and forth while his claws curled a bit more firmly against her breasts and sharp teeth nipped at the base of her neck. She whimpered out and spread her beak to Anar's cock tip and licked out with her narrow tongue, rubbing right around the spread of the glans. She wanted this, she needed this, she wanted to be filled, to be fucked and taken by the wolf.

"That's right," The wolf growled against her neck and dropped his hip down so that the tapered tip of his cock rubbed right down against the opening of her virgin passage.

Ethan whimpered shallowly and felt the cock pushing into her beak and wedged into her throat again while she leaned forward. She dropped her hands down against the bed so she was standing on all fours while the tip wedged hard against her soft folds. She let out a ragged cry as the glans forced her cunny to spread open wider and wider. The walls clutched down while she twisted and squirmed in place as it slipped into her passage with a hot rush of precum that spilled into her passage. It was almost painful as the grip on her breasts flexed and suddenly the hips gave a short hard thrust forward. There was a moment of overwhelming pressure before the cock slammed into her body and her hips were pushed forward.

The thickness of the base rubbed against her as she started to clutch and suckle around the dark red boned spire. Her breathing came out raggedly as the gryphon started to give short hard bucks that pushed her beak against the edges of the sheath. She dug her fingers into the covers and pulled backwards a little as the wolf ground himself up against her, the weight of the balls bumped against her inner thighs. When he drew back she felt a rush of pleasure as the flesh stroked through her and pulled along her passage. Her wetness clung around him as another jet of precum emptied into her before he slammed forward again. Her own body was pushed forward and she was nearly swallowing every last inch of the cock into her throat and beak.

Her muscles squeezed around Anar greedily, pulling as the dribbles of thick precum inwards so the heat and need kept building. Her sense of who she was became disjointed under the pure primal sensations of the males she was sandwiched between. The harsh thrust of the wolf rammed her forward again while the knot rubbed right up against her outer lips and tried to pry her open and then he pulled back. She whimpered and pushed back against him as the tapered tip caressed and rubbed through her with each thrust forward. Her inner muscles suckled around him, trying to pull him in deeper, as her own wetness started to be pushed out around her soft stretched cunny, the syrupy wetness clung to her feathers as the wolf's paws rubbed down towards her stomach.

The tongue rubbed along her neck as her throat was stretched over and over. The barbs teased her and tugged along her throat, making it impossible to drawn in a deep breath, instead she panted in short shallow gasps around him. Her own saliva was pushed out around the edges, drooling wetly and not caring that she was making a mess of herself. She squeezed her eyes shut and gave herself over to it as the barbs started to spread open wider and pulled along her throat making it hard to swallow around him. Her fingers balled up the covers to try and brace herself against them, but it didn't work, the powerful hips clapped harder while the balls bounced between her legs with their heavy weight.

"Tight.. aren't you.." The wolf whined out against her neck and gave another thrust that pushed the knot up hard to catch against her clit.

She moaned out, the only response she could possibly give, one that humiliated her even as she couldn't stop it. She felt the knot pushing and trying to push the soft lips open around the thick weight at the apex of each thrust. Anar suddenly lunged forward roughly, the push wedged her beak against the sheath and pushed it downwards. The base started to grow thicker and broader, forcing itself forward and making her beak yawn open uncomfortably wide. She couldn't stop what the gryphon wanted, her mind wouldn't even contemplate disobeying him, the knot slipped into her beak and pinned her tongue down flat. The moment it did, it began to swell to an apex and lock itself in place in her beak, she couldn't even pull back.

The barbs flared wide before she heard a high pitched raucous cry above her and the dark black cock started to pulse inside of her throat. Her inner walls clamped down tightly and pulled around him, she squeezed and suckled as the first hot splatter of gryphon cum hit her throat hard. She swallowed it down as fast as she could, whimpering as the wolf didn't stop hammering into her. The wet squelching noises of his cock pumping in and out rang in her ears while she tried to swallow each hot jet that was being pumped into her throat. Eventually, a dribble of thick pearly cum oozed out around the edges of her beak and spilled down to the gryphon's sheath.

Anar's sounds turned into a deep purr, one that made her tremble while the wolf's paws moved down to clutch against her hips. He was pulling and teasing her, the thick dribbles of precum jetted out of the tip, smearing through her passage and joining with her own humiliating arousal. Her cheeks flushed hotly beneath her feathers, but it didn't stop her from moaning out in pleasure. The steady feel of the shaft caressing her, rubbing her, stimulating her made her arch her hips higher in the air while letting herself fall into raw need. The knot was pushing against her folds, grinding and pushing against the outer lips, while she pushed back against him.

The swell of the knot started to plunge inwards and forced her cunny open. The walls were spread wider and wider, straining around the base of the cock, almost painfully wide as the tip jabbed deep enough he was grinding against a barrier. The wolf's sharp teeth nipped down against the back of her neck and dug in hard enough that she cried out and tried to jerk her beak free of the gryphon's cock. Anar suddenly gave a buck forward to keep her in place, oozing out another thick dribble of precum as the wolf drove himself in harder. Ethan let out a short muffled cry as the knot wedged itself into her tender stretching muscles. Her feathers sleeked down against her body as she heard a lewd wet popping noise and the cock plunged into her entirely.

Her silken muscles clamped down around the wolf's spire as he gave a series of short hard thrusts, tugging and pulling along her soft folds. Each pull backwards put pressure on the knot and nearly pulled it free before plunging forward again. With each thrust it started to swell open wider, the entire cock was growing thicker and swelling inside of her. She felt it pulsing as the wolf's balls jostled and bumped against her. She trembled and felt her own need growing, it was pushing past every thought and protest she might be able to bring up. She knew what was going to happen, and it no longer mattered. Her entire body tensed up and she clamped down tightly around the cock that rubbed and stroked her, she squeezed and pulled around him rhythmically. She let out a moaning cry around Anar's cock as the knot swelled nearly to the point that it was tearing her.

The wolf's snarl vibrated her shoulder as the next throb of his cock spilled out something hot and thick deep inside of her. A rush of his seed splattered deep inside of her, rushing to fill her as her walls started to squeeze and suckle around the cock. She pulled the warmth deeper into her vulnerable womb, letting it flood her while the knot kept her locked in place. She couldn't get away from him, the knot kept her snug back against him while the gryphon gave a hard tug of his cock. The barbs raked through her throat before the knot popped free and pulled out of her beak with a wet spill of seed that clung to the edges of her beak. Ethan dropped her head down low and whimpered as another hot splatter of sperm-rich cum flooded into her body and spilled in deeper.

She could barely breath as the wolf gave a slow grind forward so she could intimately felt the balls twitching as it pushed up another hot rush of cum. The next spill of cum pushed into her, so deep that the warmth spread along her lower belly as millions of sperm spread and tried to seek out her newly made ova. She massaged around the knot that made her soft folds bulge about him, a hint of wetness oozed out around the edges. She flattened her feathers as she tried to catch her breath, feeling Fang's heart beat pounding against the curve of her shoulders.

"Do you feel it, Pen?" Anar rumbled down at her and moved his hand to cup beneath her slimy beak so she was forced to look up at his fierce visage. "Do you feel it oh so deep inside of you? All that seed, sparking life that will make you swell?"

"Please.." She whimpered out, her words hoarse from her sore throat.

"Oh no, this is your payment for the death of my swan. You shall replace him." One of the taloned fingers moved up to rub along the edge of her beak, smearing the precum around there. "And you shall be our newest attraction, because the world will see what we do with those who sin against us. You will be our lesson to the world."

Ethan could only whimper, her breathing came out in short harsh noises as the next hot jet of seed emptied itself into her filling womb. She tried to pull forward, but it only yanked around the knot and forced another spurt of creamy seed into her body.

"Forget your human name. It dies here, as Song died at your hands. You shall be Pen, because pen you are." Anar murmured softly. Pen. A female swan.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"COME! THE RAREST SHOW IN THE EARTH! THE BIRTH OF THE FUTURE!!" The voice roared out over the microphone and reached Pen as she blinked her eyes rapidly.

Her body trembled, but that only made the chain rattle around her throat as she shifted and blinked out at the line of human faces watching her. Their eyes were bright and eager, some held their cellphones up as if they were going to record what was happening. Her breathing came out in short pants as the pressure in her belly was almost unbearable, she found it hard to think about anything except for the swell of her stomach. She squeezed her eyes shut as a camera flashed and she tried to turn away from them, but the chains on her legs didn't give her enough slack. They rattled and clattered while the audience laughed in approval and a few more clicks and flashes greeted her.

She couldn't hide herself, she crouched entirely nude above a sparse nest made of hay and bits of straw woven together. The only thing that she had been allowed to wear was a woven silver collar that was patterned after twined ivy. A gold leash led from it to an O ring up in the ceiling so she couldn't even sit down, she could just crouch to relieve her legs. She panted from her parted dark black beak while she shifted again and the twined silver ivy on her legs grew tighter as she tried to find a direction she could hide herself in. The entire group was ranged around in a circle so they could better see her, her soft pink folds were exposed as the pressure was mounting no matter how badly she tried to deny it. She was going to lay her egg, an egg conceived beneath the wolf that had spent a week mounting her, fucking her, making her his toy.

"Lovely Pen is grateful you have all come to see her," A man drawled and she pried open eye to see a well dressed man with silver edged hair standing within the confines of her 'nest box'. "My poor lovely swan..."

Anar, the gryphon, or rather Edmund William Anaring the founder and president of Azure Security Firm Inc, the largest security firm in the Midwest, stood there with a smile on his features. He was hosting the event, a mockery of an event that made her whimper as her inner walls contracted and she felt the massive orb shifting low in her belly. It was large, too large, larger then anything a swan should have laid even her own size. He'd told her that a gryphon egg was always large, a trial to any creature that bore one, which was why there were so few gryphons in the world. Rarely did someone carry one voluntarily, it was considered better suited as a punishment to someone instead of something one sought after.

She tried to keep her eyes on him when her body tensed up and she felt her entire body trembling as wetness clung along her outer folds. She pushed and her muscles wrapped around the egg inside of her, she cried out raggedly as she started to push around it. It hurt, it hurt so horribly that she could barely think as her muscles were stretched around it. Her tongue jutted forward as she pushed harder and had to force herself to do it, she wanted to stop, she wanted to deny what was happening, but her body wasn't going to allow her that. She dug her fingers into her palm and braced herself as the next push wedged the egg lower into her passage and her folds clutched around it. She could feel every part of it, the smooth shell, the tapered edge, everything. The camera's began to flash faster as she drooped her head down to her chest, her long neck arched and strained against the leash.

A hand brushed against the edges of her shoulders, ruffling against her feathers as she pushed down again. Pen opened an eye and whimpered as her Master stood near her with a smile on his face, his fingers slipped along the underside of her beak.

"Smile for your audience, pretty bird. You don't want them to feel neglected." The command was in Anar's voice, and it pulled along her mind until she obediently turned her gaze to the humans that surrounded her.

When the pain hit her again and the pressure built she squeezed around the egg, but kept her eyes open. The cameras flashed over and over again, her folds gaped open and wrapped around the egg as she tried to swallow a scream of pain. Her muscles were being nearly torn around it as she tried to get the orb from her body. She jerked a bit and the egg was pushed into the light, the thinnest edge of it gaped her folds open so they were lewdly put on display. The pain shot through her, an agony that nearly brought a scream past her lips as she stared out at the gathered group. She could see faces she recognized, she watched them taking pictures and murmuring to each other, vile names for her and all her kind.

Edmund Anaring, owner of the largest Midwest security firm, had truly outdone himself for the Human Alliance convention and delivered them something they might enjoy. Her pain, her humiliation, the egg being pushed from her body. She sucked in a breath and then let out a shriek of pain she could no longer hold back as the egg spread her folds, nearly tearing them. The first egg, and Anar had promised that he would have another from her and another. It was so rare to have a female that they could breed gryphons from without guilt or regret.

Sacred Hunt

The raucous sound of parrots taking to wing erupted through the rainforest and made a jaguar startle as she perched on a broad branch, as motionless as she could make herself. Hada had to struggle to keep herself from responding to the way they...

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 4

"Not like that! You swim like a dog!" The mocking voice made Alaine bristle as his paws churned in the lake water so he could keep his head above ground. All around him Otterkin swam and dove beneath the water, they gamboled and played around his...

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Reap What You Sow: Part 1

"I damned well don't care what you think, you ain't proved shit and if I see you around my sons you'll be taking it up with me." The masculine roar reached the bedroom situated in the corner of the house, a small room, barely enough to hold a twin...

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