Sacred Hunt

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The raucous sound of parrots taking to wing erupted through the rainforest and made a jaguar startle as she perched on a broad branch, as motionless as she could make herself. Hada had to struggle to keep herself from responding to the way they shrieked and darted through the overhead branches. Her spotted coat blended in the shadows and sunlight that dappled the forest floor so she became a part of the backdrop rather than standing out to any prey animals that might be moving in the early evening. It was hard to remain so still, so quiet for so long. She had to measure her breath with the sound of her heart beat and block out the sounds of the forest around her so they didn't disturb her. She had been waiting for this day since she was a cub, a day that she would be counted as a true member of her village and gain her adult status.

At nineteen she was of an age to earn her place with the Hiwara. She had come into her twelfth heat only days ago, an honored number because it would be on that heat that she was offered up to a male as his mate. It was that heat that was said to ensure strong cubs that would be fleet of paw and swift of eye, one that brought down the blessings of their gods. She only had to prove herself worthy and to do that she was cast into the forest alone, with only her bow and a set of light arrows to protect her and bring down her prey. It wasn't the large spears that could bring down nearly any beast, or even the wicked poison darts that could poison an enemy, it was a bow that her mother had used and her mother's father, generations had taken it for their ceremony, and now it was hers. It was a weapon that would take great skill to take down prey with it, or an enemy.

She shifted on her belly and moved her paws upwards and ignored the way the bark bit into the curve of her belly and breasts. It was rough and abraded the places that her fur was the thinnest. She had to move uncomfortably back and forth to relieve the pressure. She longed for her tanned hide to protect her, but that wasn't allowed. There was no place for artificial camouflage in her Sacred Hunt, she had to behave as her long gone ancestors had and use the color of her coat to protect her from her prey's sight. It was growing old fashioned, some of the newest generation wore their normal outfits out on their hunt, but not her. The male that she wished to take as her mate was one of the old tradition, a powerful black jaguar who was renowned for his wisdom and skills. His gentle nature tempered a fire deep within his soul that was rarely roused. She had known him since they were bumble footed cubs, a devotion that had deepened with age.

_The discomfort is worth it, it is worth anything. _ She thought to herself as the slanting sunlight showed movement in the undergrowth. A few monkeys had come down from the treetops, eager for a bit of the nuts that had fallen down from the canopy. Not the prey she wanted.

Chakin was highly sought after male, one that could have had his pick of any of the available females and was often flirted with by those older and younger of age. He had eyes for her, a privilege that made her body shiver in a subdued manner as she watched the forest begin to come alive for the evening. Her heat didn't make it any easier on her, the thought of those competent dark paws sliding along her body, the way his teeth would feel on the nape of her neck. He was gloriously muscled and had purred a promise in her ear as she had set off for her Hunt. He would have her, it truly didn't matter if she brought back a monkey or one of the swift dappled deer, or the highest prize of all a predator. It only mattered that she returned and he would take her into his home. He enjoyed her quiet fire and ways, no matter how others might try to lure him, he would not let his eyes stray. They had known each other too long to let each other be taken by another. He had told her firmly when he had become an adult, that she would be his mate, he would ensure it, no matter what.

They would do it properly, they would be mated in every sense of the word, and when she returned he would claim her in the darkness of their newly shared home. His heavy girth would plunge into her body, ending the swollen need that had made the last few days a delicious sort of hell. Hada had to concentrate to stop her tail from lashing back and forth with her impassioned thoughts, and just in time too. The bushes moved and shifted, not low to the ground like one of the smaller animals, but higher up and towards the start of the path that she had settled above. The jaguar's muscles shifted and tensed while she tried to see into the bushes. Her deep green eyes narrowed into thin slits as the bushes shifted and bounced, she didn't dare move for an arrow, not yet. But she did shift her bow up so it could be held at the ready.

After several breaths, a tall deer stepped out of the dark green foliage, the rust-red muzzle working and chewing while it turned the elegant head around. A set of fine dark antlers spread along the top of his head, the tines curled up sharply and caught the last bit of the evening light. She could see the white of his throat as the deer stepped out onto the path with a bobbing of his head, revealing sides that were dappled in snowy white. The black pad of his nose started to twitch actively, snuffling and shifting around as if he were trying to catch a stray scent on the air. He was big, easily a hundred pounds, old enough to be taken as prey and impressive for her Hunt. Hada slowly moved a paw back to the quiver that rested against her hip to draw out an arrow.

The buck turned his head left and right, but not up, a foolish move given the fact that feral jaguars hunted in many parts of the forest, but that was his loss. After assessing that there was no danger he started down the path and she drew out an arrow to notch into her bow. It took all of her control to move her body into a sitting position without making noise. Her tail curled itself around the branch while she drew the bow back and sighted along the straight line. The worn gleaming wood felt warm in her paw as she marked a spot just behind the shoulders. She had to try and hit him right between the ribs. A gut shot wouldn't work, an eye shot would, but she wanted to go for the heart. Strike the heart and it would be a good omen for the start of her adult life.

Guide the arrow, straight and- She started to go over the old hunting prayer, when the world erupted in a dark black mass that crashed through the trees and struck the deer beneath her.

Hada froze as the buck let out a screeching cry and it went down with a glossy black shape on his back, white claws flashed in the light as the scream turned into something wet and gargling. For a hysterical moment, she thought it was Chakin and he had come after her and had some bizarre reason for interrupting her hunt. She could see darker rosettes on the velvet dark coat, but her eyes came to terms with what she was really seeing. A massive four legged jaguar twisted his head and used his long white teeth to end the life of the animal she'd meant to be her own prey. The buck ended his life with a quivering of his legs before going still, his crimson blood dribbled down onto the path as the brute released the neck and moved a large paw to pin down against ribcage of his prey. Three hundred pounds of deadly feline, the largest jaguar she'd ever heard of.

She nearly cursed at her fate, but it never came to her mind, she stared down at the ultimate symbol of her Hunt. One that was rarely seen in her village, to bring back a jaguar would mark her as the highest hunter, the most worthy of females. Not just because it was like herself, but because it was a dangerous game for a Hunt. A feral jaguar was enough like her that it could be impossible to sneak up on one when her body was announcing her receptive womb. She didn't exactly smell like another feral, but it was close enough that a male would take interest and pay attention to it. His body was primed and trained to recognize that scent, not even covering it would help her. He'd at least get a taste of it and go seeking more.

The male lashed his tail and reached down to grip the neck of the buck again before hauling it up in his maw. She drew her bow back and tilted it down so she could try and take sight on the back of the brutes neck. The big cat pulled the carcass beneath her while she tried to mark the spot that would sever between the skull and vertebrae. She let her breath out and relaxed as the world narrowed down to herself and the beast that would make her an adult. The bow string quivered as the creature halted and moved his head down to try and get a better grip on his prey. There was a clear shot to back of his neck and she let her arrow fly straight and true. Her heart soared, a clean kill, a clean strike, and the jaguar jerked his head up again so the arrow sliced down along the curve of his cheek and ear.

The beast snarled out, releasing his meat and flattened his ears while Hada immediately tried to jerk backwards to get her back against the tree. She'd missed him, he'd moved just enough that the arrow had struck him through his ear and grazed his cheek. His pale green eyes stared up at her before the dark lips wrinkled black to show his fangs and let out a screeching cry. She didn't hesitate, she bolted before he could decide to fight or run. She launched herself from the branch like one of the monkey's and threw herself towards the tree next to her before tumbling down into the undergrowth. She didn't look to see if the brute was following, she just rolled forward and trusted her paws to take off running and leaving the injured beast behind her.

She wasn't silent, but she was swift, she had to get distance between them so that the beast decided to go back to eating its prey rather then adding a dessert to the menu. She slid down along the slope just beyond the bushes and caught her outstretched paw on a tree trunk to swing around so she could aim herself to the river. She didn't even hear him following, didn't realize he had launched after her the moment she'd moved, all she knew was that one moment she had the safety of the river looming close to her and the next a paw crashed against her hip and sent her rolling. The weight took her down as the beast roared out and slammed her down into the damp thick earth. Her tail lashed and she groped for one of her arrows as a large paw slammed down hard against her shoulder and foul hot breath hit against the back of her neck.

Her hand paw strained and tried to catch a hold of one of her arrows, anything that could be used as a weapon while the breath panted against her. She flattened her ears down and squeezed her eyes shut, ready for the jaws to snap her neck as he had the buck. She fumbled against the edge of the feathered arrow tip, but the bite didn't come. The grip on her shoulder lifted up and relaxed while she contorted herself, the hot breath pulled away from her neck, like a blessing from the gods. She let out a breath of relief and gripped the edges of the arrow as his weight shifted away from her, but not off her. The next hot puff of breath hit against the base of her tail and nudged at it, the padded nose rubbed against the curve of her ass cheek while she pulled the arrow out.

"BACK!" She snarled out and struck out with the arrow, the wickedly hooked tip hit against the feral's shoulder and yanked against it hard enough to cut through the smooth fur.

The male jerked back, but he didn't snarl at her, he crinkled his lips back and dropped his jaw as he started to suck in air rapidly. It wasn't a grimace to precede an attack, but savoring the scents on the air while her heart started to pound faster against her chest. She didn't wait to see what he would do, she lunged forward, intent on getting to the river where she'd have a chance to get away from him in the swift rushing water. She didn't even get more than a foot away before his weight crashed against her again and the claws raked lightly against her back bringing her back down onto the ground. She squeezed her eyes shut, but he didn't attack, but went back to snuffling against the curve of her ass and the base of her tail.

Fear and humiliation waged against each other as his nose bumped and pushed against her intently, drawing in her scent with his lips wrinkled back. Every story, every hushed scandalized whisper she had ever heard went through her head. The ferals that had been attracted to a females scent, no matter that she was two legged, the males that had managed to claim four legged females. The taboo act that proved they were still related to the primal heart of the forest. She had never wanted to believe it, never credit it, but the hot breath was panting just beneath the base of her tail before he lifted his head again. The harsh thick scent of male was on the air, each breath that she drew was filled with it, unable to escape it. It wasn't like Chakin's warm rich spice, but harsh and abrasive.

"NO!" She shrieked out the word and clamped her tail down before launching forward again. She kicked wildly back, hoping to strike against the blocky head to daze the beast.

She scrambled through the rich loam, writhing and trying to escape, but the black jaguar was faster. He lunged forward with a baritone scream and brought her down to the ground again. His paws clapped down against either side of her hips and reached down to snap at her neck. She felt welts raising against her skin as he pushed her down and the forepaws slipped down to either side of her shoulders. His teeth caught the loose skin at the nape of her neck. The teeth dug down hard and forced her head up as she kicked back against the beast's hind legs. When she tried to jerk forward too hard, the beast snapped forward and caught the beat of her neck and gave a threatening shake. The pressure of those powerful jaws tightened to the point of pain making her cry out. The more she struggled, the harder he gripped, until she could barely wheeze out a breath. She was forced to stop fighting or her life was forfeit.

The jaguar let out a vibrating purr of approval when she went limp in his grip and didn't hesitate to crouch down over her prone form. The powerful hind legs spread to either side of her hips while she twisted at the feel of the warm heavy back pressing against the line of her spine. His hot breath smelled of fresh spilled blood and male musk, a scent that made her belly tense and her entire body go tense. The grip on the teeth on her neck, the warm scent, the feel of the weight on her was everything she had been thinking of earlier, but it was twisted as the weight pushed harder against her. The feral's hips dropped down low enough that something heavy and wet rubbed right against the base of her spine. The grinding push rubbed against the grain of her fur while she yanked forward with a short shriek, wet precum slimed against her.

His cock, he was slipping out of his sheath, bumping and caressing against her as he yanked harder against her nape. The teeth twisted hard against her, pulling and triggering her body with an instinct that she'd never had triggered before. Her hips jerked up high, her tail jerking slightly while the weight shifted against her. She knew what she wanted and she tried to pull her hips down again, but it was too late. His hips crouched down low behind her and the thick heavy weight dragged down along the base of the tip. A pearly ooze of precum coated against the fur before the weight dropped down and smeared right along her exposed pucker. Her paws dug down hard against the ground, her claws gripped into the damp soil as the black jaguar chuffed and bumped forward. For the first time, she felt slimy hard flesh grinding against her estrus swollen lips, it teased against her, rubbing and pushing back and forth.

The barbs flared out and caught against her overly sensitive vulva, her stomach twisted in reaction as they teased over the nerves. Her entire body tensed up, humiliating pleasure mixed with her fear as he jabbed forward in short hard pushes. The tip hit hard here and there, shoving against the folds and probing here and there. Her hips jerked forward as she tried to get away from the probing touch, her breathing came out in harsh gasps before the hips suddenly gave a shift and the tip slid between her puffy lips. The cock oozed out a thick dribble of precum before pushing right up against her virginal opening before slamming forward.

Hada screeched out in sudden pain as the hardened tip wedged and yawned open her passage, forcing her body to mold around the first shaft of her life. It hurt, it was so painful that tears welled up in her eyes as he caught against her hymen and there was a moment of terrible pressure. It built up before he jabbed forward ruthlessly and made his claim. The tip smeared thick precum through her, bubbling up from the tip, already rich with sperm as it wedged ever deeper. The haunches were arched up so she could feel his belly lifting higher in the air so he could fit more and more of his spire inside of her. The animal claimed her, stretching and pushing all the way in until his heavy orbs clapped up between her legs.

Her aching passage clutched around him and contracted, she couldn't stop herself, her entire body was primed for just this moment. The harsh stabbing push of a male's cock rubbing inside of her before he pulled backwards. The swollen girth dragged outwards, the barbs flared open wide so she cried out raggedly while the barbs raked along her clutching passage. Her estrus primed body had grown swollen, not just her soft puffy lips, but her inner passage so the nerves felt raw as they were abraded by the male's barbs. He dragged backwards almost before popping free before plunging forward with a short hard buck that forced the tip back deep inside of her. Her hips jerked forward and she tried to yank away, but the male's grip on her neck kept her in place. His hot breath hit against her before he plunged forward again.

The tip nearly bottomed out inside of her while she tried to squeeze around him, her inner walls caressed and teased him, trying to pull him deeper no matter what her mind was screaming at her. Her body was flushed with desire while she felt the barbs raking through her, pulling and dragging in such a way that they teased her heat. Her inner body wanted nothing more than to have him claim her, her stomach was tense with desire while the next buck forward clapped his heavy orbs against her. The thick precum spilled out of the tip and smeared along her passage, but it was forced along with her own arousal as she squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth. She couldn't believe this was happening, her heat given over to an unthinking creature. With a short shriek she gave a yank forward and tried to break away from him, she didn't want him to sire her cubs.

The teeth yanked harder, the fangs dug in until she felt the skin nearly breaking and the male punished her with a sudden lunging thrust that forced the cock all the way into the hilt before yanking back. The barbs raked through her and made her belly tighten up, deep inside of her the beast started to force her to ovulate for him. Her uterus, already primed with her season, was contracting pushing the ova into the vulnerable fallopian tubes. She cried out, but he didn't stop, his hips started to hammer against her in rapid hard bucks. The barbs flared open wider and wider, scraping and dragging, pulling and teasing her as her own muscles betrayed her by clutching down tightly around him. She squeezed and suckled from the base all the way to the tip. It made her jerk forward again, but the weight shoved harder against her, refusing to let her move.

The heavy orbs clapped up against her with each and every thrust as pain and pleasure warred against each other. Every horror story she had heard of females mated by animals flashed through her mind as her claws scraped through the soil and kicked it up as she tried to fight. The weight drove the breath from her as the powerful hips began grinding harder, the tapered tip jabbed so deep and she felt the next hot glob of precum splattering out from him. Her breathing wheezed out raggedly while her body continued to clutch around him. She squeezed her ears down against her head as the short bucking thrusts started to stimulate the achingly sensitive nerves to the point that it made her whimper out shallowly. If it had been Chakin she would have enjoyed it, if it had been Chakin she would have savored it and adored it, but it was a beast, a beast that only worked to push himself closer and closer to his own peak.

The hips suddenly crashed forward hard enough that her haunches were pushed up into the air. She screeched out in pain as the barbs stiffened to be dug into her tender body. She twisted her head up and cried out raggedly, her body clutching around him, some of the slickness oozed out around the base, smeared along the sheath. The muzzle finally released her neck as the jaguar shrieked out in pleasure and she intimately felt the balls starting to twitch and heave up. The cock throbbed within her silken passage, pumping and pushing up the first hot creamy rush of seed that splattered out of the tip. It was a warmth that eased the pain and ache deep in her womb, thick globs splattered up hard against the barrier of her cervix.

With each pump it hit deeper, coating and being drawn in by her own contracting muscles. Each pull of her body drew the sperm rich seed deep inside of her, invading her vulnerable womb and the ova that he had forced her to release for him. All Hada could do was cry out as he continued to push his cum ever deeper, the first seed to grace her body and the first to flare life inside of her. The throbs continued for a handful of breaths before he suddenly jerked backwards. Her tender body was treated to another raking of the barbs as the male pulled back and tugged the dark red barbed cock from her ravaged folds. She let out a weak cry and scrambled forward just as the tip popped free with a wet noise and spilled out a strand of thick cum to smear along her inner thigh. She didn't care, she had to get out of here, she had to get back to her village, to the river, to try and clean the vile seed out of her.

She barely got a few feet away before the weight slammed down against her again. Her throbbing aching folds contracted as the weight dropped down against her, not hunched over her, but laying over her body. All three hundred pounds of the jaguar sprawled on her, his breath panted against the edge of her ears while she whimpered out shallowly. She could feel some of the warm rich seed being forced out of her folds, a dim relief as he lounged over her trapped body. Deep within her, the beast's virile sperm pushed deeper, twisting and wriggling to penetrate the barrier of the first of her vulnerable ova.

~ ~ * ~ ~

It was late the next day when Hada stumbled back into her village. The jaguar had enjoyed her over and over again, the powerful weight had kept her in place between sessions as time and again the barbs had ravaged her heat swollen body. She couldn't escape it, and in the end, she had humiliatingly enjoyed herself as he stimulated her. It had been terrifying, but in the end he had released her after she had been well seeded and her legs streaked with sticky cum and male scent. She had pushed into the water of the river and let it clean her, but there was nothing she could do about what remained inside of her. Nearly a dozen breedings had ensured she would swell with mixed cubs, a night with Chakin would prove she was no longer a virgin.

And so, she stumbled into her village without the prey of her Sacred Hunt or any mark to show that she had succeeded, a failure. The sight of her village had made it impossible to regret that lack, she wanted only safety as she stumbled to her home and swayed back and forth. She could still, faintly, smell the musk of the male on her fur as she was greeted by the females who had been expecting her back. Not in celebration, but in shock of her drawn features and the marks that were spread over her neck and shoulders.

"What happened to you?!" One of her friends spoke out as her legs trembled with exhaustion and relief at being back.

"Nothing.. j-just.." She tried to find an answer, a lie, but the idea was repugnant. She didn't want to simply make up a tale.

"Where is the bow?" Her sister was sharper with the question, and they continued to fall one from another, questions she did not know how to answer, could not answer, not without shaming herself.

"Please, I just want home.." She tried again, and swallowed as another breath brought with her a sharp scent of male still on her tongue.

"Did you give up?" Another of her friends chirped up while she tried to push past them towards the relative safety of her home.

"Silence. Hada is an adult now," A baritone voice sent an unwilling shiver down her spine, deep and forceful. "I, personally, bring her prize as she brought it to me. To prove her worth as a hunter."

"Chakin.." Hada flattened her ears in shame at the sound of his voice, not quite grasping what he was saying.

She turned around to face the muscular male, his body as handsome as it ever was, with rich dark black and covered in rosettes that flashed darker in the brilliant sunlight. He dropped a mangled buck to the ground, a broken arrow buried in the midst of a red ruin of meat. Her arrow. She recognized the fletching as her own at least, but the buck was partially mauled. She looked at it briefly before her friend, her childhood friend, stepped up and caught her arms with his paws and stepped forward to greet her. Her eyes were drawn up to his broad face and froze at what she was looking at. The tear in his ear was scabbed over, but the slice along his cheek was still fresh looking and showed the dark skin beneath it.

"I knew you would not disappoint me, my mate," He growled affectionately, and for the first time she saw a wild light in his eyes as he gripped her. "And now you are I promised you would be."

That cut had looked so much larger when she'd last seen it, but he hadn't walked on two legs. She stared into the face of the jaguar that had taken her virginity and her cubs.

With These Broken Wings: Chapter 4

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