
Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

"You are terrible, you know that." Sean laughed a little as his lover ran a light hand down the line of his spine so a shiver trailed through him.

"Mmm, you said you wanted something different, and this... is different." Lyle ran a finger along his bare back and caressed all the way down towards the curve of his ass.

Sean flushed a little bit and turned so that he was facing his lover and glanced around the room. Normally they met up at either of their homes, though rarely in public, Lyle's father never quite approved of their liaison together and would have a fit. Sean didn't have a family to worry about, or at least, he didn't have one that he knew about. He'd grown up in the foster system and had been quite proud of the fact that he was able to get into a rather high ranked college on a scholarship. He wasn't even that bothered by his lack of a family, after all, he had always had good foster parents, he'd never really gotten into that much trouble or given into the urge to join up at the mini gangs that formed in various homes. He knew the stigma attached to people of his background and he was always careful to ensure that he didn't fall in with it. He didn't want to become someone that others thought of as worthless or a source of trouble.

He didn't even get into much trouble at school. He was offered a position working in the library and he had leapt at it from moment one. It wasn't a lot of pay, but it was enough for him to live on, especially when coupled with the fact he had enough grants to pay for housing and books. He loved books, he loved the library, so the job was a pleasure to do. His life was starting to push towards a point that he knew he was going to be a success one day. His teachers saw it too, he was given extra attention at school and offered several opportunities that would push him towards graduating a bit faster than the rest of his year. The only thing his life lacked was a family and any real close friends. Neither of which he had ever had much luck in obtaining.

No, he had never really worried about what others would think of him and Lyle, but it was certainly nice to have a different backdrop for their fun and games. His lover had been nearly beside himself in eager happiness to show him the house that he was watching for the weekend. It was a grand affair with more rooms then he could feasibly count and attached to a farm that sprawled out as far as the eye could see. It was a place of wealth with the inside decorated lavishly in thick soft carpets and what looked like real paintings on the wall and vases that could have been antiques. Lyle seemed perfectly at home as he'd led his lover into the living room with a sly smile on his face

He knew the owner, the man was going out of town and had left him in charge which meant he had the ability to invite people over if he really wanted to and as long as the person invited could be quiet about it. Lyle was always doing things like that, he was always skirting the rules as if they didn't apply to him as long as he could find a way to break them without being caught. Sometimes it was a bit worrisome given the amount of trouble the young man could get in, but other times, like now, it was tantalizing to know that they were doing something so covert, so forbidden and no one would be the wiser for it. It made him grin to himself as he stretched out and watched as his lover moved through the house as if he'd been here a hundred times before. Or perhaps Sean was just projecting because anyone walking nude through a house with that level of comfort said something of the familiarity.

Lyle had promised an evening that would be one to remember and had privately shown him a website that had sent his cheeks burning red. He knew that his lover possessed some amount of money and wealth, it was obvious to even the densest person that he had access to his father's funds more often the most people in similar situations. His father gave loose reign to his expenses for college and rarely asked for proof that they were spent on things that were needed. His latest obsession was with an up and coming business that was boasting the use of nanotechnology to develop suits that would allow a person to take on aspects of other creatures. It was supposedly developed for the movie audiences at first in a last ditch effort to make a comeback from the CGI effects that had overrun the make up and special effects companies. And it had worked.

The technology was nearly perfect. The creations that they made could be suited onto a person and the nanotechnology would attach itself to a series of nerves and muscles that would make it become workable by the actor. They could feel the suit as if it were their own and move it naturally. There were no heavy layers of makeup, no long hours in a seat, and the effects were startling realistic. The technology bent reality in ways that made Sean feel dizzy as he had seen it in one production in which a dragon suit had been used. The dragon had been large, four legged and had wings, but the suit had performed flawlessly until it was all over the latest magazines and how the actor had been able to actually fly using the wings that had been designed for just that purpose. It was entirely unthinkable that he lived in an age where this was possible, but he had seen it with his own eyes. And Lyle had found another use for it in the website.

It had been listed under a discreet link labeled "Private Commissions" and there had been several pages and a series of links that one had to follow before he had been shown a website that offered to suits for an astounding price and slightly altered. These weren't just suits to be used on a movie set, they were incredibly detailed and incredibly realistic. Right down to certain portions of the anatomy that left him blushing furiously. The dog suit had come complete with a series of detailed pictures of what it would offer the owner, as had the cat suit. They were all labeled neatly and the transaction done under a third party name so things were more difficult to trace. The suits had been designed for the porn industry and a rising subgenre that enjoyed bestiality which was entirely illegal in the US. But a person in a suit.. now that wasn't illegal.

The suit itself came with a controller just like the ones they used in the movies, it was mostly for show, but it held emergency codes as well as different settings. Some would turn someone into a full horse, others would turn him into a near human just with certain parts that were less human then others. He'd glanced at all the functions, but Lyle had been so damned persuasive. His lover had grinned and told him that there was no need for the controller, he only really wanted one setting after all and what use did he have for things that would make him change colors or grow to pony size or any number of settings. Sean realized how gone he was with his lover when he hadn't argued, the idea had been embarrassingly arousing.

"Come here.." Lyle disturbed his thoughts with a laugh and Sean blinked and flushed a little bit as his naked lover ran his fingers along the flat rubber grey suit that was set on a coat rack.

"I'm not sure about this. I don't even know what a horse does..." He ventured and stepped forward as his lover made a show of caressing the spill of the tail with gentle fingers.

"A horse listens to his groom who will take care of him..." His lover was nearly purring the words as his fingers stroked the suit. "A horse is entirely in control of his groom and willingly obeys all things. Don't they?"

"I.. guess.." Sean's cheeks were a deep red as he stepped closer to the suit.

The floppy empty horse head stared at him just like any other costume. It looked like anything he could have bought at a costume house, but it wasn't. It was rigged with the technology that would make it more alive once it was activated. Lyle had been so excited when he saw the grey stallion outfit and had nearly pleaded to be allowed to buy it for Sean. He had a fantasy of being a groom to a fine noble stallion. A fantasy that involved a lot more then being brushed and taken care of. It had made Sean's ears burn to hear the way Lyle had lovingly described the way he thought of his prospective stallion and now he'd be able to make it happen. He swallowed a little bit and reached up to unhook the heavy rubber suit and opened the back to reveal the sensors that were imbedded in the material.

Lyle seemed to sense his doubts and moved behind him to trail his hand up along his back and pressed forward. The younger man's slight frame was pressed so close to him and there was the slightest brush of the loins caressing the curve of his ass. Sean drew in a breath and let it out with a shiver as he leaned backwards into the touch and allowed his lover's hand to spread the suit open so he could step forward. He knew this was more then just a little game, it was the most kinky thing he'd ever done, but that was also part of the arousing excitement for him. He'd never behaved like this before and the idea of doing it now sent a thrill through him even through his doubts. He could feel his lover shifting his hips just enough that he felt the firm cock brushing right along the curve of his ass.

With a swallow he stepped into the suit and slipped his leg into the smooth rubber interior and had to lean back so he could lift the leg up so the hoof flopped a little on the end. It was awkward, but he was able to get his other leg in as well and felt his toes crammed uncomfortably into the hooves as Lyle helped tug the front up against him. He lifted his hands to slide into the forelegs, or arms, he wasn't quite sure what to call them. The suit was a curious mixture of horse and human, though it possessed no hands and certainly didn't have the face of a man, but the overall body had something of a human mixed in. That made him feel a bit better about this entire roleplay as he let his fingers ball up into fists and slip down into the hoof at the ends of either foreleg and the rubber pressed against his chest.

He glanced down briefly and saw the line of the grey belly, but his eyes lingered on the heavy black pouch that was along the lowest point. He'd never been around horses before, or at least not up close, but it certainly looked right. It was massive, far larger than his own modest girth and it rested above a set of dark black orbs. It would have looked ludicrous on his own body, even the thought of being hung like that made him flinch, but the outfit was supposedly going to make him larger. Nearly the size of a full grown horse when all was said and done and he supposed that the size of the sheath would equal the size it would be on a full grown horse when all was said and done. It certainly looked impressive enough to make him look over it a bit.

Lyle gave a grind of his hip that drew a moan from Sean's lips as he felt the cock pushing upwards until something slick oozed out of the tip. Always before his lover had been on top and he didn't mind it in the least bit, he enjoyed being on the bottom most of the time, but tonight he would be the one on top. It made him bite his lower lip and stop any protest as the head of the suit was pulled up and over his own blocking out any light. The suit wasn't activated, it wouldn't activate until it had been sealed up and then he would be able to see. It made him feel claustrophobic as he heard his own breath and felt it making the rubber grow moist just in front of his nose. Lyle didn't even wait for him to give the go ahead. The younger man stepped back and tugged the suit tight before there was a soft hissing sound.

The rubber tightened around Sean's chest and gripped down over him as he let out a yelping sound in reaction to the way that it pulsed around him. It squeezed over his legs and stomach, it clutched along his arms and the rubber snapped down over his head as he was sealed into the suit. He stumbled away on his awkward rubber covered feet and tried to call out, but it was too hard. The small pads sent electric shocks through him and he dropped to the ground trying to stop the sensation of ants crawling over his skin. The heat grew as the suit shifted and adjusted to his body shape the way it was designed to. Parts loosened, parts tightened and others remained the same as the nanotechnology came online with a thrum that made him wonder if it was as terrifying for actors who had to wear this stuff!

The first change he realized was that he no longer felt his feet and hands, they numbed over as he tried to push up onto his feet again. He couldn't even feel his toes, just a dull pressure there as he swayed up on all fours and tried to kneel. His legs wouldn't bend right, he couldn't get them to drop down the way they would naturally, instead they curved strangely until he felt as if he were crouching and using his hands for balance. With a panting cry he opened his lips and he drew in a breath that didn't come with the humid air of the suit, but was fresh and pleasantly cool as it slid over his tongue and his spread nostrils. He opened his eyes and blinked rapidly as his vision was strangely distorted and off center.

"Easy, easy, boy..." Lyle's voice was amused and his lover's hand moved to cup under his chin as he was still trying to get his bearings.

Sean kept only one eye open to try and stop himself from growing dizzy, and it helped somewhat, but not a lot. He could see a massive grey nose jutting out from his face and dark thick lips that shifted at the end. A horse's nose. He opened the other eye cautiously and became aware of his entire body feeling heavier and larger then it had a moment before. He felt muscles rippling over him as he pushed himself up unsteadily and kept his hands down on the ground so he would be braced while he pushed himself up onto his feet. That was the hardest part, his feet were no longer his feet. He could barely feel them as he shoved himself up and swayed back and forth for a few moments. The hooves scraped against the ground, both the front and back as Lyle kept murmuring and stroking along the edge of his cheek.

"Stop that." He tried to say, but the only thing that spilled past his supple thick lips was a whicker that made him freeze.

He didn't say anything about me not being able to speak! The thought gave him a moment of panic and he flattened his ears down on his head. God, that's right, his ears would move now.

"Shhh shh... come on, old son, let's just walk it out, eh?" Lyle's voice was a croon as the hand under his chin rubbed up and over his nose.

Sean drew in a breath automatically and tasted the slightly sweet scent on the air of his lover and snuffled against the palm curiously. It smelled of apples and a bit of vanilla from some sort of soap, and beneath that was the warm smell of a human. His mind filtered through the scents as the pad of his nose was stroked ever so lightly. The gentle touch kept him from panicking as Kyle murmured and he marveled at his sense of smell. The entire room was filled with strange new scents that his dull human nose hadn't picked up. It was overwhelming to try and filter them all out, but he struggled to at least push them back to the point that he could think. The suit had obviously worked, but it was disorienting and his mind felt as if it were no longer quite running on the same path it should have been. It felt slow and weighed down.

He pulled his soft nose away from his lover and turned his head to look back at himself, his strangely humanesque body was a solid grey and the fur was more solid and gleaming instead of rubber. It looked incredibly lifelike to his eyes with the fur smooth and brushed down so that it gleamed in the light. A thick grey tail flicked behind him, the long hairs now individual and silken looking when compared to the bulky affair that they had been. Even the hooves looked solid and heavy instead of soft and rubbery. The suit was entirely different, entirely lifelike looking and it made him a bit uneasy as he realized that he could not feel his fingers or hands, not really. He lifted a hoof and dropped it back down with a muted clopping noise that thudded against the carpet before he shook himself out. To get out of the suit, he'd have to have Lyle let him out. He certainly couldn't manage it himself.

I probably should have thought of this before I agreed to do this... He thought wryly and turned his head around to try and share his humor with his lover.

But the moment his head turned around something dark blue slipped over his head deftly and dropped behind his ears. The straps wrapped around his muzzle and under his jaw as Lyle's fingers moved quickly around his head. It was startling and normally he would have protested with words, but his body reacted despite himself. His head jerked up and he pranced backwards as the buckles on the halter were being snugged down to lay flat along his cheeks. He blew out a hot breath and gave his head a short shake back and forth to feel the weight of it settling down along his nose and behind his ears. It was strange feeling and Lyle only laughed as he dropped his head to try and rub it off against one of his strange forelegs.

"Easy there, fellow, we can't have you escaping can we?" Lyle leaned down to take the halter and pulled his head up.

Sean's head now topped the other boy's by at least half a foot, if not more. He was taller even standing on all fours then he had ever been when he'd walked on two legs. It wasn't that he just felt bigger, it was that he really was bigger in all aspects. He snorted and flared his nostrils as Lyle moved to clip something beneath his chin and onto the halter. He narrowed his eyes a little bit and shivered as his lover moved in and stroked a finger lightly down the curve of his cheek. Of course the younger man didn't realize that Sean was having issues, it wasn't like he could talk, he likely was just getting into the role that they had agreed upon before he'd even put on the suit. That, more then anything else, calmed him down and made him stop fidgeting save for the lashing of his newly acquired tail.

This is all just a bit of role play, I just didn't realize it would be so unsettling. He let his lips drop down and lip lightly against the touch along the edge of his cheek as the fingers slipped upwards.

"I think I know exactly the room for this..." Lyle gave a sinful little smile. "Come along, Ember, let's go get you brushed down and cleaned up."

Sean whickered an agreement as he settled into his role and tried to put aside his unease at his new form. After all, this would be the first, and perhaps only, time he had ever been the one on top. And now he had the equipment to truly show himself at his best. As he walked he could feel the swell of the sheath swaying back and forth beneath his belly, still soft and loose. He wasn't aroused... yet. But soon. Very soon. The newly changed Sean rumbled in his throat and allowed his lover to lead him off as placidly as he would if he were truly a horse.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The room that Sean found himself in was nothing so common as a barn or shed, instead he was pulled into a sun room that had a smooth wooden floor that scuffed beneath his heavy hooves and enough room that they could both easily move. Lyle seemed to almost be trembling with eagerness and Sean's smugness only increased as the younger man tied off the lead and ran his fingers along the curve of his neck. He wasn't normally so smug or given to feeling confident, but with his body so newly changed into a powerful animal and the knowledge that he could have easily gotten away if he really wanted to made him feel in charge. After all, he wasn't really a horse, but a human. The rope wouldn't stand up to him in the least little bit if he truly put some effort into breaking it or used his mobile lips to undo the loose knot.

He was amazed, though, that Lyle had come prepared with a set of brushes that looked and smelled as if they had come from a real stable. He flicked his ears back a bit at the strange horse scent, but his groom murmured softly before stepping up to his side and ran the curry comb along the curve of his neck. The gentle touch glided down towards his shoulder before repeating a little further down. Apparently his lover hadn't been kidding when he said he wanted to play the part of a groom, Sean had assumed he would be led into this room and perhaps have a bit of playful talk as if he were a horse and then they could abandon the roles for their own amusements.

It was almost amusing.. or perhaps cute, the way that Lyle had shoved himself back into a pair of pants that looked worn as if they had been often used for work, but left himself bare chested. He almost looked like a farm boy as he had spoken as if Sean truly were the horse 'Ember'. He was called 'old son' or 'fine lad' or 'handsome fellow' in endearing tones that people reserved for their animals. He felt flushed and a bit embarrassed at the way he was spoken of, but it also soothed him as he was forced to stand on all fours as if were a placid horse for his groom to tend to him. He even went so far as tossing in a whicker or two to add a bit of realism to his actions. It would be all the sweeter when they went beyond the play acting.

The strokes were gentle, almost sensuous in their own right as they danced down along the curve of his side and brushed towards his chest. The light touch made him flare his nostrils a little bit and press into them as Lyle murmured soft words that meant nothing at all. His partner seemed to fall easily into the role of caring for a horse with firm strokes that moved along his shoulder and chest as if trying to get rid of any dirt that might be there. For Sean, it was almost boring to stand here and be fussed over. If he had been in his human body he would have been more then annoyed at being primped at and he knew that. He knew he would have put an end to it or at least instigated that they do something else. He even tried to toy with the idea of figuring out how to get THIS body to react in a sexual way to stop the grooming, but... there was something strange about this form.

The nano suit was something that changed the body, he knew that, but for the first time he felt something was more than just a little off about his mind. He knew exactly how he should have felt, but something overrode those as the brush ran along the underside of his chest and then along the curve of his haunches. He shifted a bit, but then leaned into the strokes while letting himself start to relax under the gentle caresses that moved along him and made his breathing start to slow down. His nostrils flared open wide and he drooped his head as the steady movements were nearly hypnotic as Lyle no longer talked, but hummed softly to himself. It wasn't even really a song, but nearly tuneless so it added to the strangely entrancing air of being brushed.

Sean tried to pull his mind back from that relaxed sensation, but it was so easy to fall into it when he was being stroked and brushed. So easy to allow himself to close his eyes and melt away under the caressing strokes that made him whicker out softly under his breath when Lyle found a sensitive part of his body. Even his tail stopped the nervous twitching and held still as the shirtless young man walked around him. His ears tipped back and he let out a soft puffing breath and drooped his head down a bit further towards the ground. His heavy neck arched itself as his groom moved up his side just as he worked down the other. Those swift competent hands caressed him and teased him lightly and made him press into their touches with groans of pleasure when he felt them working along his underside.

His mind felt slowed, almost a bit drugged, but it wasn't the sort of drug that he cared to shrug away. It was as if he were wrapped in padding so that his real thoughts couldn't push through right away, they were slowed until they didn't carry any urgency with them as the brush gently worked up his neck and his groom's hand moved to brush along the underside of his jaw. The young man smelled of apples and vanilla and the slightest hint of sweat as he started to put a bit of force behind the strokes to free the worst of the tangles that the horse boasted. Sean turned his head and pushed his nose against the curve of the hip and drew in a deep draw that that relaxing scent before blowing it out again. It made him feel light and almost airy as he whickered softly to himself.

"You like that, eh?" Lyle moved a hand down to rub behind one of his tapered ears. "I thought you would, you are too handsome not to like it."

Sean arched his neck and felt a thrill of pleasure. He was very handsome, the brush had smoothed any fur that might have been out of place and made his muscles feel relaxed. He even held still as the brush worked along the sensitive curve of his cheeks and carefully ran through his forelock. He blinked a little as his nose was pressed right against the bare pale chest of his lover. His soft rubbery lips brushed back and forth lightly as he drew in a deeper breath and shifted on all fours. It wasn't until the young man had moved away that he realized he should have licked him, he should have used his larger tongue to tease the vulnerable belly and nipples to rouse his partner. It made him shiver his skin a bit and shake off a bit of the relaxed effects.

"There we go, Ember, aren't you lovely now? Just needed a bit of a brush down to get you all set to rights." Lyle's voice was definitely satisfied and one hand gave his shoulder a light slap.

Sean whickered in response and gave his head a shake to clear the last of the cobwebs, but he did feel.... Better. He felt as if he had been brushed clean and his hide felt smooth and fresh. He flicked his tail a little and turned his head as Lyle moved and stroked against his haunch teasingly before turning to heave something up from one side of the little bench. The plastic bucket thudded and bits of suds drooled over the edge in a froth that reached towards the ground as the stallion flicked his ears up curiously. He didn't know much about horses, but he knew that there was little point in brushing one and then washing it. Kyle tilted his head back and gave that slow smile again, the one that said he was thinking of things that made Sean's stomach tighten a little bit as one of the young man's hands glided along the underside of his chest.

"Now there, lad, we can't have the mare's upset at you, can we? We don't want you being a filthy beast." Lyle all but purred those words and Sean tugged at the lead his halter was attached at.

The hand on his belly dropped down and sank into the sudsy water as Sean tried to keep himself calm despite the fact that he felt a little thrill at the tone of his lover's voice. The young man used a thick soft sponge to gather up water until it was dribbling with foamy bits of suds as well. The stallion had to crane his head back and pull against the halter as his lover moved beneath him and one slick hand reached up to cup the dark spread of his sheath and gently stroked along it while the other brought the sponge up and back to his swollen orbs. The water was so warm and slick, it washed away his earlier misgivings entirely as the gentle touch worked along the heavy orbs and he spread his legs so that they hung a bit more heavily between his legs, inviting Lyle to go further.

The hand on his sheath was slick with soap suds and worked the nimble edges of his fingers along the outside of his pouch. He wasn't used to having a sheath, or even how his body had been transformed into a horse. The touch was pleasant, even a bit arousing as the sponge worked along the heavy orbs between his legs and made him shift his stance. His nostrils flared a little as his lover didn't make an attempt to lean in to lick him, instead he worked as he had when grooming, a gentle touch that worked the fur clean as the water dribbled between his legs from the wet sponge. It was stroked back and forth so he felt the suds gathering along the plump orbs and the finger tips gathered up some of the wetness to spread along the swell of his sheath.

His stomach tensed just a touch as the finger tips rolled forward and curled just a touch along the inside of his sheath. It was such a strange touch as they wriggled forward and carried forward some of the slick bubbles with them so they spread into the opening. He'd never had someone touch him that way and he flattened his ears as the fingers rubbed inwards and curled just enough that they wrapped around the tip of his hidden dark shaft. The thumb fluttered lightly against the swollen cock tip with such a light touch that it sent shivers down his spine and he started to relax. The sponge dropped away from his orbs, but only to be pushed back into the bucket of warm water while Lyle pushed his fingers into the pouch of his sheath. The strangeness slowly started to slip away as the agile finger tips massaged around the dark crown that started to push out into the light.

The weight of it spread the opening of his sheath as his cock dropped and was greeted by the brush of the soap laden sponge. It wasn't like any sort of foreplay he'd ever had, but the touch was soothing as well as arousing. The water was warm and his groom was gently working him as inch by inch his dark shaft pushed out of his sheath and swung down beneath him. His eyes closed and he flared his nostrils to draw in a deep breath as the fingers moved up towards his base and carried with it the spread of soap before gliding back down again. His sheath yawned open wide so the sponge could rub around the edges and the suds started to dribble down the dark length of him. When he opened his eyes and craned his head, there was a surge of fierce confidence at the sight of the swelling spire.

He was large, so large, larger then he'd ever dared dream and he rumbled as his girth flexed a little under Lyle's stroking fingers. He worked over the cock to spread the soap thickly over him from the base all the way up to the ring that was exposed right at the middle. Every touch was a new experience that made him shift and fidget while a low laugh greeted his movements. His groom moved a soapy hand down and cupped right at the blunt crown and gave a squeeze that rubbed the thumb right over the opening of his urethra and made his entire body tense. His head jerked up as his stomach muscles tensed and sent his cock flexing upwards in an attempt to thrust through the gentle touch. The stallion shivered his skin a little only to have the hand repeat the motion that made him jerk forward again in the odd thrust.

The soapy sponge dropped back down into the bucket only to get soaked before it was lifted and rung out over his girth. The water spilled down over him and coated his cock in a thick rush of water that coated the suds away and left him dripping down towards the ground. He stomped a hind hoof and flagged his tail as the touch left him, his lover made no attempt to reclaim his swelling girth so he tried to sidle to one side with his dark cock swinging back and forth. He twisted his head against the lead rope and yanked roughly against it in an attempt to jerk it free so he could properly see his lover, but it only had so much give and Lyle was moving away.

"There, properly cleaned." The fingers moved to trace right along his haunch lightly and he squealed out a protest. The sound was humiliating, but he bucked and felt his equine cock flexing again until the tip thudded against his chest with a lewd wet noise.

"Aren't you happy to be clean?" His lover's words were a low purr that made Sean flush along his ears. "Poor, Ember, you thought there'd be a mare here didn't you?"

Sean squealed again as he felt strangely light headed, as if all his thought processes and blood flow had spilled to his loins. He had known lust before, but this made him feel almost dizzy as the fingers moved back down beneath and cupped one swollen feeling ball. The fingers kneaded along him so he groaned and went so far as to flick his tail up behind him as they rubbed back and forth. The thumb trailed right between the orbs and brushed a little bit higher, nearly to his pucker before gliding down. He was trembling as the young man leaned in close to his haunches and looked up at him with an amused expression fixed on his face.

"It would be a shame to waste this.." The fingers moved forward to cup along the roll of his sheath and to his cock. "I've always wondered what it would be like to play the mare..."

YES! YES DAMNIT! I want a mare. Sean whickered out and gave an awkward buck of his hips as if to agree with his lover.

Lyle's laughter should have been reassuring, but it was oddly humiliating as he released the hanging cock and reached up to loosen the lead on the halter. Sean nearly knocked him over as it seemed as if he were about to be released without relief, but he only let the lead have a lot more slack then it had while he was being groomed. The young man was so close that the former man could smell the faint scent of sweat and warm arousal clinging to him. It made his heart speed up and his mind slow as his shaft slapped up lewdly against his belly again. A thick dribble of precum escaped the tip as his lover stepped away and unbuttoned the top of his worn pants with a breathy chuckle.

Sean's attention was fixated on the slow roll of the fabric that was pushed downwards around the spread of the hips and edged ever lower towards the arch of the pale ass cheeks. He rumbled and lunged forward, but Lyle had only loosened the lead so far. He was forced to prance just out of reach with his cock jutting beneath him hard and read. The young man turned and flaunted his ass by bending over and removing his pants with deliberate slowness. The former man was finding it hard to reason, hard to think of anything but the hot feel of something clutching around his cock. He squealed and pawed the ground before lunging again, only part of him humiliated at how fully he was getting into the roll.

"That's right, you want to be a stallion.." Lyle kicked the pants to one side and turned around with his own nine inches stiff along his belly. The young man was almost panting as he looked Sean over. "Good, Ember, easy fellow, easy.. that's a lad..."

The soft murmured words barely stilled Sean as his lead was gripped and his head forced down a bit. He swung his hips around and high stepped in place as Lyle ducked down and moved a hand to press along one of his furred arms. He shivered a little and the hand gave a firm tap forward that startled him a few steps ahead of him. The next tap came to his other leg and he stepped forward again with a snort. He didn't want to play games! He squealed a little bit and threw his head up only to have the next tap force him forward again and his chest pushed up against a padded bench that must have been used by the owner to enjoy the sun room.

Lyle's laughter almost distracted him as the next tap to his legs came with a command of UP. Sean flattened his ears and stared at the bench dubiously, but it was hard to argue when his lover was cupping the tip of his blunt glans and running his fingers over and over it again. It was so hard to come up with a reason for him to misbehave when all he wanted to do was sink into those feelings. With a groan he lifted a foreleg and then the second to stand on the padded bench. It groaned a bit, but held, as he was pushed into an angle with his haunches sloping down behind him and his lover letting out a soft approving sound as the hand on his cock tip gave a squeeze.

"That's a fine lad.." Lyle murmured softly and Sean felt him moving beneath him. He felt the pale back brushing against his humanesque chest and one of the boy's hands moved up to wrap around his foreleg.

The hand holding the tip of his cock teased it upwards until the stallion felt his swollen tip brushing rush along the swell of the soft rump cheeks. He pulsed almost immediately and sent out a thick dribble of precum to ooze down along the edges of the skin before prancing on his hind legs. His lover didn't remove his hold, instead he kept guiding it up and down the bare ass crack while he squealed out a bit of frustration. He was enjoying the roleplay, but his body was near aching with need at this point. He was finding it hard to think. With a short snort he crouched his haunches down low and pushed his hips upwards just enough that the tip of his cock nudged right between the exposed legs and glided up along the smooth shaved orbs. He whickered out and dropped his head as far as he could to watch as Lyle braced himself against his strange foreleg-like arms.

The former man gave a few slow thrusts that slipped his thick swollen glans upwards and probed a bit higher before gliding down again. It was harder then he had imagined trying to find the opening and he ended up squealing and snapping at the air until he pushed forward and felt the vulnerable pucker pressed against the tip of his cock. Lyle's other hand moved to his other wrist to keep ahold of his powerful looking arms as he tensed his haunches up and groaned before driving himself forward. The smearing precum mingled with the wetness from being washed off and he wedged against that too tight ring with a tremor of pure pleasure. The walls started to slowly yawn open around him , stretching wider and wider as he snorted and let out a short squeal.

His lover's yelp of discomfort was lost in the rush of pleasure as he felt the slickened passage wrapping around him and clutching down tightly. A dribble of precum oozed into the passage as Sean let himself relax into his role of a stallion and claimed his 'mare'. The inches wedged deeper and deeper as the anal ring was forced to stretch lewdly around him, almost to the point that his lover squirmed under him. He stepped forward on his hind legs and arched his back as he gave several short hard thrusts to help ease his way inwards, but there was no easy way to stretch Lyle open. The inner walls clamped down around him and squeezed, his girth was being pulled inwards by the powerful inner muscles as he gave a grinding push forward.

His tip dribbled out spills of precum that oozed out over the edges and helped lubricate the way as he felt his lover's fingers gripping roughly against his strong arms. He leaned down slightly so the spread his back and belly pressed over the smaller young man and gave another bucking shove. His dark equine cock bowed slightly as he tried to push too deep and the medial ring plunged inwards all the way to the point that it was snugged right up against the lewdly stretched pucker. Sean's tail jerked upwards before dragging ever so slowly backwards and feeling his partner arching up as he cried out. Inch by slippery inch he drew his cock from the clutching eager walls, struggling against the grip of the inner body that tried to pull him back in.

He drew back until his cock tip nearly pulled out from the spread pucker before his hips arched and he bucked forward again. The walls parted around him, hot and tight, slippery and eager, as he plunged all the way in until his medial ring was pushed up against the opening signaling he could pull back. He felt a rush of wild desire and confidence flowing through him, his spirits lifted as he spread his haunches open wider and started to thrust in short hard bursts. His muscled haunches rippled and tensed as he plunged in and then slowly drew back out again, teasing along the passage as Lyle cried out above him. His mind turned those cries into shrill equine squeals of pleasure as he adopted his role of the eager stallion with his groom. He knew what his partner wanted, he wanted to have Sean act just like a horse, and he would. Entirely like a horse!

He stopped caring about trying to be gentle or easy. He stopped caring about anything except the way his hips were driving forward and the thickness of his glans was being caressed and teased. His heavy orbs swayed behind him as he flagged his tail up high and on each draw back he had to tremble to a halt to keep his cock tip from pulling free with a lewd sound before plunging forward again. He folded his ears down tight to his head and his chest burned with each trembling breath he drew in. It was a lust like he'd never felt before, it chased out everything out from his mind as he hunched his back and the strokes started to shorten as Lyle writhed and twisted under him.

He strained to try and nip the back of the other boy's neck, but he couldn't quite reach, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the pounding of his own heart and the feel of the rippling muscles that pulled him inwards every time. His orbs started to tighten up between his legs as he drove himself inwards roughly and his haunches spread open wide to wrap around the slender human hips. The next thrust forced his tip in almost too deep as the medial ring suddenly plunged inwards with a wet popping noise before being tugged out and plunged back in again. The heady feel of the so hot body clutching around him as if his lover was trying to have him hilt proved too much to the changed man.

With a short squeal he bucked forward and felt Lyle's hips being forced up into the air as his tail flagged and started to bob up and down. He felt dizzy as the first hot wave of pleasure spilled through him and his tip flared open wider and wider. A splatter of cum erupted out of his tip and into the passage, hitting deep within his partner as he trembled and felt the walls milking around him. Those tight clutching muscles pulled from his medial ring all the way to his achingly splayed open tip as his breathing came out in ragged pants. It was almost exquisitely pleasurable, almost painful, and he gave himself over to it with a low deep groan that was echoed by his 'groom'. The hot thick seed was drooling out from around his cock and even that gave him a feeling of triumph. He had well and truly claimed Lyle in all ways.

"I think that, is quite enough of that." The brisk words made his ears snap up and Lyle groan out a protest, but that was all he had time for. Something shocked the line of his back and it speared through him. Dimly he felt his body swaying and sliding, but it was too late to catch himself. Darkness snagged him and pulled him away.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You could have at least let us finish." The young man, Lyle, snapped for the third time as Douglas walked around the downed horse with an appraising eye.

"You can finish in the corner if you wish." He snapped out and snorted as the boy hugged the blanket tighter around himself. His legs showed a gleam of equine seed still leaking from him. "Your friend here was certainly finished."

The answer was a curse that made Douglas' lips twist back in a smile as he looked over the passed out form and caressed his fingers along the edge of the remote and it's buttons. The stallion's sides rose and fell steadily while the slippery flaccid shaft was draped on the ground, still exposed and drooling a bit of gel from the tip. It was a strangely lovely sight, the stallion caught in that moment at the height of his pleasure and taken away to sleep as if it had all been too much for him. There were artists from centuries past who might have enjoyed painting such a creature in repose had it been a man or manlike, perhaps even the thinly furred human chest and stomach would have moved them to passion despite the equine features.

He moved his hand out and slid it lightly along one grey light and watched as the hoof twitched a little bit. It was hard to believe that the bright young man that had walked into his house was now trapped in this suit. There was little to be seen of him, not when his body was so enlarged and changed. The face certainly didn't reflect any human features, it was long muzzled with plush grey lips and a spill of pale dove grey hair that flopped along his forehead and nearly covered his eyes in his sleep. No, he couldn't see the lad he'd come after in this suit, but he had watched him put it on. He knew his quarry had finally come home to him and the punishment that awaited him.

Sean was a good lad. A smart boy. All sorts of lovely compliments that were paid to him with bright voices from the teachers and students alike. But not from Douglas Anderson. Not from his son. He had watched his own offspring being pushed aside for a rising star that had taken the college with his head full of fine ideas and bright visions of the future. His son, Adam, had been forced to step aside and accept the best money could buy, but not what he deserved. The boy had a fine head on his shoulders and should have been a leading innovator in his field, but Sean's humble background had turned him into some sort of mascot and pet for the facility and students alike.

Let the impoverished say what they liked about how they were kept down by the demands of the rich, it worked the other way as well. His son should have been hand picked for an internship this summer at a government job that would put him under the eye of some of the top men in the country. Douglas had already gotten word that he had been picked over in favor of Sean. A boy who's grades were far below what his own son's were and did not deserve it except the college and the committee had felt that they should have him represent the face of the college. It was unbearable, and it had been the final nail in the coffin after two years of these slights and injustices.

"My payment." Lyle spoke up in a discomfited voice. "And I'll want the bonus for my time wasted in all of this."

"You are a singularly amoral creature, did you know that?" Douglas grunted as he stood up and straightened his coat. "But this wouldn't have worked without you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick envelope.

"And the bonus is here?" The young man opened the envelope to reveal the stack of money warily.

"As promised, ten thousand for seducing him, and five thousand for luring him into the suit." Douglas gave a tilt of his head. "Now you can leave here, I'm done with you."

"It was to be twenty thousand even!" Lyle's features stiffened.

"Fifteen thousand. You failed to give him the body I wanted, as well as deciding to let him have you." Douglas didn't keep the distaste from his voice. He had seen quite enough from the camera room that he didn't have to say anything. He knew what the lad had been doing quite intimately. "And if you won't leave, you may supervise him being moved to the stables. I have a few grooms coming up."

"I want to watch him wake up." The immoral boy actually grinned and Douglas frowned before shaking his head.

"Very well, go on and help. But first..." Douglas looked down at the controller, "He should be in the agreed upon form before he wakes up in his new home..."

e~ ~ * ~ ~

The steady sounds of someone sweeping slowly invaded Sean's dreams as he struggled to push his head back under the pillow so he could go back to bed and forget about them. It was annoying and made it hard to concentrate as the swish swish swish kept growing louder and louder. He curled up and tried to bring his legs in close and push his arms beneath the pillow when he was stopped by his limbs refusing to bend the right way. They shifted wrongly and made it hard for him to get his arms beneath the pillow. With a groan he opened an eye and blinked as he stared down at the dark hooves that were tucked up against the curve of his belly and he gave his head a shake.

It came back to him slowly, but he grinned as he recalled what he had done with his lover the night before. Things got foggy towards the end, but he was assured that he had put a lasting impression on the young man who had bought the suit. He must have passed out from the exertion and unfamiliar body, that was natural enough. With a groan he moved one of his arms, but it was no longer human like, instead it bent like a horses would as he shifted it up and moved the other right behind it. He blinked a bit, but tried to heave himself upwards as he brought his legs beneath his haunches.

It was awkward and he felt so heavy, but he managed to get himself up and onto all fours with a bit of a shake that spilled hay from his mane and tail. With a snort he lashed his tail back and forth and looked around blearily. Hay? He looked down and found himself standing in straw with hay piled in a corner. Some of it had rolled onto him as he slept, but the straw was strewn about evenly. He pricked his ears up and looked around, only to find himself in a stall in the midst of a stable. He could hear the sweeping growing louder as he shifted and thudded his hooves beneath him loudly. This wasn't right. He'd been in the sun room? His mind felt slow as he shook his head out a few times to clear it.

Lyle, he must want to continue the game. Damn, how did he get me down here? Sean walked forward to the stall door and peered out with a cross between amusement and anger at waking up like this. I suppose I'll play along, it was certainly exciting enough yesterday.

As he draped his large head over the stall door he whickered out invitingly to his 'groom' who was likely the one sweeping in the hopes to wake him. It made him crest his neck a little bit and flick his tail as he looked down the line of stalls ready to be taken out so the game could begin anew. Except... There was no familiar Lyle waiting in the hall. A strange woman was sweeping the stall floor without paying the least bit of attention to him. She was entirely oblivious to everything except her work as she pushed around the corner and took the dirty pile of straw with her.

"Oh my...." A soft voice reached his ears and Sean twisted his head with an eager whicker, only to nearly come face to face with two people walking up the line of stalls.

One was Lyle and that made his ears go up excitedly, but the second one was a well dressed young man in a loose white blouse that was neatly buttoned up around his wrists, but unbuttoned at the neck. The shirt was tucked into a set of dark black tight riding pants that were trimmed in what looked like silver, or something like it, something expensive at least. He wore a set of knee high boots that clicked sharply against the ground as he walked, the heels almost metallic sounding on the concrete. It was a familiar face, vaguely, as if he'd seen it before, but not someone he really knew. He turned his attention towards Lyle and tried to frown.

His lover only grinned as if it were a large joke and leaned over to murmur something to the other boy who was looking him over. They were both smiling at him and Sean snorted roughly before stepping back with a thudding clop of his hooves and set his ears back. He wasn't into threesomes and he wasn't about to be a part of this when it was obvious that his lover was quite interested in the young man at his side. The former man stepped all the way back into the stall and kept his ears pinned flat and tried to curl his lip in a frown as the door was swung open and the men invaded his space. The young man said something to Lyle in a soft tone, almost mockingly so that the other boy laughed and shook his head before responding.

Sean couldn't move, couldn't breath as the pair of them spread around him and started to look him over as if they were testing something out. It wasn't that they were there, it was that when they spoke the words were oddly slurred together and didn't make much sense to him. They were too fast and strange for him to catch clearly, but it was obvious that they understood one another. He shied away a bit as the strange young man said something in a garbled way and moved forward to catch him right beneath the halter so his head was forced down. His nostrils flared and he tasted the scent of horses on the lad, and fresh clean clothes and a hint of cologne as the arm was just beneath his nose.

Panic started to rise up as they talked to each other and the hold on his halter didn't give him a way to escape. Their voices were chipper as Lyle moved around him and gave his haunches a firm slap. Sean tried to calm down, he tried to breath deep and concentrate as they spoke so he could try and pick out what they were saying. He closed his eyes and ignored the fact that they were surrounding him and tried to get a feel for what they were saying. The words should have made perfect sense, they weren't French or Spanish, they were English. He could almost hear familiar words like 'the' and 'of', words that he knew extremely well, but the rest flowed together in a way that made it sound like a foreign tongue. Even when he tried to make the words slow down they slid away from his mind before he could get a good hold on them. He was left baffled.

His eyes came open with a snap when the grip on his halter was exchanged and suddenly his head was pulled down. The half familiar young man gripped his lips and peeled them back roughly so that he was baring his teeth. One of the thumbs pushed up and shoved right into the gap of his teeth roughly enough that he was forced to open his lips wide and part his teeth so that he was yawning open right in the young man's face. The grip on the gape shifted so the thumb was pushed against his tongue while the upper hand gripped his nose and pulled his lips all the way back. It was humiliating and awkward so he tried jerking back, but Lyle gave the halter a jerk so that he was pulled back into place.

He was only allowed to drop his lips and close his mouth as a third voice joined the boys, a deeper voice that made him jerk his head back with an angry squeal. An older gentleman, well dressed, was leaned over the edge of the stall door with a smile on his face. He was talking to the strangely familiar boy and gesturing at Sean while he shivered his skin and gave a shake of his body. What sort of game was Lyle playing at? Was this just an elaborate version of the game they had just been playing? It could have been, after all, his lover did have the strangest habits when it came to what he wanted to do, but this went beyond all that.

The well dressed young man rubbed along his cheek and gave him a slight pat on the neck as he spoke to the older one. They looked familiar, almost like father and son, and as they spoke Lyle moved out of the stall. He was left with a stranger rubbing his ears in a familiar manner that made his skin crawl so he stepped away and started to follow after his lover. He wasn't going to stand here and deal with the weirdness of this situation one moment more. He was done. He'd get Lyle to open up the suit and he'd get out of here so he could put his mind straight. He pushed past the well dressed young man and started out of the half open stall door when a shock jolted through him. His head jerked up high and he felt the suit tighten around him and his legs froze as a hand slapped him on the rump cheeks.

"LYLE!" Sean tried to call out his lover's name, but only a whinny spilled past his lips. The older man grinned and tapped a controller on his palm.

A silver grey controller that matched the grey of his suit. The controller that had been designed to make adjustments and changes to the suit. And the man was tapping it against his hand with a smile on his face as the younger man moved to give his head a shove so he was turned around. There was a faint prickle through his body as the man spoke from behind him in a voice that was clear, a voice he couldn't ignore.

"Be good to that gelding now, son, Ember cost quite a lot." They echoed in Sean's ears as he the young man gave him a rough slap to the shoulder and rub before going for the door.

Lyle didn't even look back as he was left standing with his ears tipped back flat against his head and a feeling of dread forming in him. He wasn't sure which part of the statement terrified him most. That he'd been bought or the word gelding.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sean had ample time to mull over both as he was left in the stall all day with little more then his horrified thoughts that he'd been sold by his lover. There was only one worker in the stable, a young woman who looked like the man and lad, obviously a relation of some sort. She barely gave him more than a look over before she fed him and offered him a bit of a rub on the nose and moved on to the next of her charges. He was left in the stall while he had confirmed what they had said with a moment of the most humiliating contortions imaginable. He had managed to bring one of his legs up a bit and twisted his head until he was able to look along his haunches and the heavy sheath that still hung along his belly to see what had been done.

There were no heavy proud orbs that swayed between his legs, there wasn't even a sensation of them in the suit, there was just an empty spot where they had been. He couldn't quite make out if there was a scar or stitches, but it was disturbing to see the proud heavy swell of his sheath, but nothing behind it to boast. It unnerved him and left him almost listless as he walked around his stall and tried to find a way out of it. His nostrils flared and blew out hot puffs of breath as he nosed against the ground here and there, but disdained the food that he was offered. He was given several days to be left by himself save for the woman that tended the stable and the occasional glimpse of one of the men.

It was those glimpses that allowed him to remember where he'd seen the young man, but it gave him no real answer as to why. It was Adam, a young man from many of his classes who hadn't even been in the same social grouping. They never talked to one another, never had any interaction, but he had no idea why he was here. He could think of no reason why Lyle would do this to him either. It made no sense, nothing made sense. The fact that he was contained to a stall and given no room to run, nothing to distract himself, nothing to even help him understand what was going on made things all the worse. There were no distractions from his situation.

By the third day he had caved and eaten some of the grain as the lesser evil, he was tired of the stall, tired of the same view and heartily tired of having only his own troubled thoughts running through his mind. He was tired of being forced to go to the bathroom in the same place he had to sleep, especially tired of pissing on the ground with his softened shaft hanging half out of his sheath where anyone could see. It was humiliating, it was embarrassing, but the worst of it was the steady march of boredom as other horses were taken out to the pasture or exercised or even talked to, he was ignored. It stirred parts of him that made him ready to bite or kick something, but fearful of doing anything like that for fear of being ignored longer then he already was.

So when Adam came down to the stable with a grin on his face and made a beeline for his stall Sean couldn't help but lift his ears hopefully as the young man came up to the door and clucked his tongue. He had spent four days of boredom with his only interaction being the girl who mucked his stall without saying anything, the sight of an attentive face was a balm to his restless soul. The isolation had stirred parts of himself that he barely recognized. He had been alone before and had no problems, but this loneliness had made his skin crawl uncomfortably. Anything was better then being alone in his stall. Anything was better then silence.

He stepped to up to the door of his stall and allowed the young man to stroke his cheek while he babbled something that made no sense. For a moment Sean just listened to the strange words and relaxed as the fingers rubbed up along his ears in a gentle stroke. The other hand cupped his cheek and he flicked his ears up when the boy moved back a little so the hand rubbed along the soft thickness of his lips. He breathed in the scent of soap and human together, and felt a stab of humiliation at his own relief that he was being given attention. He should have squealed and screamed his anger, but he was humiliating grateful that he was being stroked and fussed over in the way he was. It made him arch his thick neck and rumble low in his throat when the voice softened almost to a croon.

He has to have the controller on him, he has to know that I'm really a human. He clung to that thought even as he felt himself melting when the fingers tickled right beneath the curve of his chin and rubbed upwards.

The young man man turned his head to said something to someone down the hall with a high pitched chirping voice that made the former man flick his ears up. He lifted his head from the fussing attention and frowned, half expecting to see Lyle come to see how he had fared for his days in the stall. Part of him was still convinced that his lover was going to come back and reveal this all to be some strange sort of joke that had been played on him. It would be like him to behave like that as a rough jest at his partners expense, but there was no familiar lean form. Instead, a heavy looking man waved a hand and pointed towards a hall before answering back in the same slurred words that made Sean prance a bit and throw back his head.

Adam laughed softly and reached over to hook a finger under his halter before moving to one side of the stall door so it could be unlatched. His nervousness at the strange man was washed away with a rush of hope as the door was pushed open and swung wide so that it offered him an opening past the confines of his prison. His ears pricked up high while his head was forced low enough that a lead could be clipped beneath it and he was tugged forward. He pranced and tossed his head up as he stepped past the door with a rough snort at leaving the familiar confines. It had felt too long since he'd been past them and all he could feel was a rush of relief as the young man held onto the lead and let him shake himself out and nearly prance in a circle.

His body was heavier then it had been when he was first changed, but for the first time he was treated to the feeling of his large forelegs moving the way they were designed to. They lifted and dropped with heavy noises, but he positively floated over the air as he tried to get the worst of his nervous tension out. His nostrils flared open wide and he sucked in a deep breath that tasted the air and savored the scent of it and freedom before turning his head towards the door. Perhaps Lyle hadn't told them that he was really a person, there was so much being done with nanotechnology it was likely that these people had no idea that there was a person inside. He blew out a snort and tugged roughly at the lead and tried to see out the main door to judge how far they were from the main house or an open gate.

If I can get out of here, I can at least get someone to understand what's wrong. And then I'll wring Lyle's neck for this! He thought as Adam tugged harder on the lead and forced his head around as he was still struggling towards the door.

"Ember!" The laughing voice called the name that Lyle had tacked onto him and he hesitated from his attempts to drag the lead out of the lads hands.

The laughter continued and the lead was tugged again, just a bit harder, so he was pulled around unhappily and towards the second opening of the barn door. The one where a large white van was backed up against the door and the doors of it were opened up wide. The large strange man had a leather looking apron flung over his front as he opened up several tool boxes and started to dig around them and setting things out. For a minute it looked like it was some sort of workman coming to do some repair somewhere in the barn, but he wasn't getting out any tools that Sean recognized as being for home repair. They were strange, knives and hooked knives, thick squat nails, pinchers, it was something out of a torture scene. He was led up throwing his head high in the air as he heard Adam murmuring 'Ember' among the other words while he was stroked.

The large man grinned with a flash of blunt teeth and gave his head a shake as he reared slightly and let out a squeal when he smelled smoke. The scent of the smoke scent a visceral wave of fear through him and his mind blurred slightly as he tried to back away from it. His more rational thoughts would have realized that the heat was contained in a small brazier and was of no harm to him, but he wasn't thinking with that mind. He was thinking only of the fear of the smoke brought and he struggled as Adam pulled him up to an open stall that was bare of any hint of straw or hay. It only had a plain concrete floor with a drain set in it. He reared again and his skin trembled as he tried to swing his haunches around and Adam brought his head down.

One of the young man's hands rested right along the bridge of his nose above his muzzle while the soft voice murmured in his ear. He had no idea what that voice was saying, it could have been cursing for all he knew, but it murmured softly and steadily, a gentle series of sounds that came with the word 'Ember'. The gentle hand rubbed over his nose and stroked along his nostrils until the scent of human filled over the scent of smoke. Ember trembled still at the memory of the smoke smell and his sides had a sheen of sweat on them as the high bred gelding was led forward. Adam kept talking as step by step he was pulled into the empty stall so he could be cross tied securely, far enough from the walls that he couldn't damage a hoof or hit himself against anything.

"Shhh shh... Ember.." Adam kept speaking, his eyes bright as the hand rubbed the geldings nose and he felt himself relaxing under the gentle reassurance that he was alright. He wasn't going to be hurt. He blew out a shivering breath and gave himself a shakeout to rid himself of the tingling feeling along his spine.

The larger man finally straightened up and pushed the stall door open wider, but he didn't do it so quickly that it startled the restless gelding. Ember flicked his ears forward dubiously as the man came towards him and made a soft clucking sound before rubbing a hand down one of his forelegs. It felt strange as the hand gripped right above the rise of his hoof, but he lifted it up slowly so that the underside could be bared and the hand cupped it so he didn't have to hold it up by himself. He tried to turn his head, but his master's hands cupped his cheeks and murmured soothingly. It was almost a crooning sound that made his breathing relax while the hands spread along either side of his cheeks.

He didn't even move as something scraped along his hoof. He felt the pressure there, which was strange, but it didn't hurt as the scraping noise could be heard with a soft grunt. He dropped his head down and pressed his large nose right against Adam's stomach so his head was tilted to one side to try and watch the man that stood beside his raised hoof. The stranger was examining it and probing it with a hooked knife before he went back to hooking the ragged edges at one side and smoothly cutting in a circle. The knife was sharp, sharp enough that it went smoothly through the hard hoof and cut away the ragged and unkempt parts and revealed smooth whole hoof beneath it.

The gelding lashed his tail a bit as the bit of hoof was dropped and another tool was drawn out of the pocket of the apron, but it wasn't so frightening as the knife. The large file was set to his hoof and he jerked his head up as it started to scrape back and forth. His hoof was tugged slightly with it as it moved around the edges and smoothed where the knife had cut around the edge of his hoof. He let out a snort and tried to lift his hoof up, but the hold just tightened and he was forced to suffer the feeling of the file going back and forth rapidly. With a snort he threw his head up and dropped it back down to tug at the leads, but Adam gripped under his halter with an amused laugh just as his forehoof was dropped back down.

It felt queer to be standing on it, it wasn't bad, but it felt different so he leaned a bit more heavily on the rest of his hooves instead of the freshly cut and filed one. The farrier moved back behind his haunch and picked up a hind hoof so he had no choice but to raise it up to be tended like the rest. He didn't like it, not at all, but he had no choice as the hoof was cupped in the powerful hand the process began all over again. He tipped his ears back to show his displeasure and Ember gave himself a short shake to shiver his skin along his back. Adam seemed prepared for his restlessness and some nagging thought made him pause as he smelled something sweet and minty. A hand appeared right in front his nose with a fat striped peppermint while his thoughts tried to shift.

Ember couldn't remember quite why he shouldn't eat out of someone's hand, but it didn't matter, not really. He hadn't been eating as well as he should have been so the offering was one he used his tongue to scoop up gratefully and his thick lips brushed along the edges of the palm before he crunched it up. It wasn't a hard candy, but soft, and melted on his tongue as he rolled it back and forth and forgot about the annoying man tending his hoof. He was too grateful for the treat to complain that badly and once it was gone he flared his nostrils and tried to find more.

I'm better then this... He thought to himself, but it was hard to recall as the peppermint scent was still there.

Adam laughed and lifted his arms so that he had to strain forward to snuffle against the finely made shirt and the loose front. He blew out a hot breath as his leg was dropped and another picked up while he was searching for the treat. He lipped and pulled at the clothing before he started to nuzzle against the sides and hips. The farrier was laughing and he felt his ears flush, but his mouth was watering for the sweet taste of the soft mint he had just had. It was so much better than the grain, and tasted sweeter. He pushed at the hips and snuffled one side and then the other until he hit the strongest smell of mint yet. He sent out a blast of hot breath against the pocket before working his lips against it.

The young man didn't try to help him, he lifted his arms up above his head as the farrier finished with his other hoof and moved away with a chortle. Sean was forced to use his lips and scrap with his teeth to lick and wedge the pocket open. He pushed his tongue into it, but his tongue was too thick. He wriggled and pushed harder, but it wouldn't go and he nipped a little bit to try and make the mint push up towards top of the pocket while Adam yelped. He ended up wetting the pants down before a hand pushed at his large muzzle and heard the boy call him Ember and say something else. He didn't care about the something else, because the hand dug into the wet mauled pocket and brought out the treat for him.

He whistled happily and pushed his nose into the muzzle to scoop up his treat as the farrier returned, but this time with the small brazier. It didn't take him long to have the taste of soft mint on his tongue sour as he watched a gleaming orange horse shoe pulled out of the heat with the pinchers and his hoof was lifted up in the air. The former man rolled his eyes and jerked forward in shock as he saw that hot thing dropping down to his hoof. He could feel the residual heat against his smooth leg, but the hold on the farriers legs was tight and kept his hoof in place while his head was managed by Adam's agile hands.

The shoe shoved down against his hoof with a hiss of smoke and stream that rose up into the air while an impression of the shoe was burnt into the bottom of his hoof. The harsh scent made him wrinkle his nose back a before his head was shoved down hard against the lad's chest and stomach. It didn't remain there long before he was pulled away and pushed into a bucket of water to cool it now that it had made an impression on his hoof.

They're shoeing me... Sean thought the words in a slow daze, they almost didn't make sense as he tried to think them.

They still didn't make sense as the first blow of the hammer started to send the nail through his trimmed and filed hoof. He jerked his head up high and tried to pull against the leads, but there was little hope of freeing himself. Adam gripped either side of the halter and forced his head down so he couldn't struggle as the hammer beat against his hoof. The most disturbing part was he couldn't really feel more then the faintest sensation of pressure and his hoof being moved about. He tried to flex his fingers within the suit, but they felt strangely numb and distant. He couldn't tell if he was actually able to flex them or not. He could only shiver his skin as the shoe was secured onto his hoof and the ends of the nails clipped off one after another.

".....Ember.." Adam's words only had one he really understood, the name that Lyle had tacked onto his persona. A tremor ran down his back before he drew in a breath that was supposed to comfort him, reassure him, but it only made his mouth water at the lingering scent of peppermints filled it

~ ~ * ~ ~

By the time Sean was fully shod he had eaten several mints and succumbed to the embarrassing caresses with a pleasure that confused him. Adam seemed to take smug pleasure any time he pushed into the strokes of the hands, so much so that he felt humiliated by his own body's desire to be touched and reassured. When he was done he was grateful that he wasn't led back to his stall, the idea of being tossed in there and forgotten again stirred the most basic instincts he possessed. Instead, the young man took his lead and led him out of the barn while he scuffed and high stepped in reaction to the heavy feel of the shoes on his hooves.

The outside of the barn revealed that he was indeed at the same home that he had come to with Lyle. The grand house was set far back from the stable, but he recognized it's tall roof and peaks. It was just one more reason for him to believe that his lover had brought him hear with the intent to do all of this. Some part of him still prayed that this was some elaborate joke or extended role play that would end with him being pulled out of the suit, but the new shoes made him wonder. Would he be able to drag his hands out with the nails in his hooves? Would they damage his actual hands since he didn't possess the tough hoof in real life? Even beyond those worries, his legs felt weighted down as Adam pulled him beside the barn and gave his haunch an affectionate slap.

It startled him and he snorted in annoyance as the hand shoved against his hind end and forced him to swing around. He nearly pushed up against a fence by the shove and the young man started to say something as if he were talking to him. Sean jerked his head up a little, but a gentle touch just beneath his chin teased him so he pushed his weight into the touch. The strokes brushed up and near his cheek lightly before gliding down towards his chin. The words went from what sounded like normal speech to a croon where whatever was being said didn't really matter. Not when he was being stroked and the fingers that teased up towards his thick sensitive lips. They spread wide enough that he was nearly rubbing nose.

The words he spoke were a croon that filled Sean's ears and made his muscles relax while the young man's other hand stroked along his shoulder. The fingers were a feather light caress that sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn't just a shiver of enjoyment, but a brush of fear as the fingers spread along the line of his ears and his mind relaxed. Even when the crooning words were interrupted with a command he didn't stir. He dropped his head as the fingers stroked right along the line of his crest and teased the base of his mane. It made him relax, his body and his mind both, he wanted the attention and reassurance.

A female voice made his ears prick up and he twisted his head slightly as the girl who worked in the stable came out hauling a saddle on each hip. She looked annoyed as she glanced at Adam and heaved one of the saddles over the fence in front of him before shoving the next at what he assumed was her brother. He grinned at her and took the saddle, but the hand remained on Sean's neck to stroke and rub along the line of his mane reassuringly. Sean strained to pick out just a bit of the speech, but it all sounded warped to him. He had no idea what they were discussing, and most of him stopped caring as long as he was being touched and petted with light strokes. The fingers moved up along his mane before the young man gave a shake of his head and sent the girl off with a final sharp word.

The hand on his neck trailed down gently and gave his back a light stroke while Sean flared his nostrils a little bit. The fingers traced down the line of his spine as the gelding turned his head to watch, but the young man started to murmur softly when he snorted restively. He couldn't quite get his mind to work, it was calm and placid as Adam moved back and set down the saddle so he could pull out a thick fluffy looking pad. It smelled of horses, warm and strangely familiar, as it was pulled up and along the line of his back. His skin shivered a little bit in reaction, but it wasn't uncomfortable, the material was soft as it was pulled up high along his shoulders.

The young man started to talk again, amusement in his tone, as he picked the saddle up from the ground and heaved it up and over the geldings back. Ember shivered little at the unfamiliar weight and nearly shied away, but his master's words were a gentle reassurance as the confident hands pulled the saddle up. It sat wrong on his back, it felt too large so that it sloped back towards his hindquarters and made him sidle away to one side. His heavy hooves thudded beneath him as Adam caught his halter and pulled his head down so the saddle could be adjusted. It was tugged and turned a little before the straps were pulled down beneath his barrel. The tug pulled along his chest before the human clucked to himself and shook his head.

The saddle was pulled off and tossed over the fence while Ember gave a prance and blew out a nervous breath. The only calm came with the gentle touch of the humans hand brushing over his neck as the second saddle was tossed over him. It landed a bit more lightly then the first one had and fit more comfortably along his back. It was pulled a bit higher up towards his shoulders as Adam walked around him and tested and shifted it with firm pulls. The strange words that slurred from the man's lips didn't mean anything to him, but the tone was comforting and soothing. It was all about the tone of the voice and the cadence that left him relaxed as the leather straps were dropped down to either side and pulled beneath his belly with a firm tug. It was the tone that made Ember's eyes half close.

There was no harm when his master spoke to him so, no danger that he would harm him or disturb him, he was safe. The soft sounds only rose up when he shifted restively and gave slight slaps against the shoulder so he put his legs down solidly as the girth was tightened around his chest. He turned his head about to watch the process curiously as the strap was buckled to lay flat and pin the saddle pad to his back. The stirrup flaps were brought down and the gleaming silver stirrups unbuckled so they could be loosened to flop down to either side of his chest. It felt strangely right and comforting to have it on him. It was secure and even when he gave a shiver of his skin it barely stirred, but it wasn't so tight that it would hurt his breathing. There was just enough slack that two fingers could slip beneath it.

Once the saddle was on, his master picked up a light looking bridle that gleamed with a bright silver bit and decorative silver rings at the cheek bands. Ember didn't even struggle as his master lifted his head up and draped the head band over his heads and the straps dropped down along his cheeks. The murmured words kept him still as he let the strap be tightened and the cold bit pressed upwards right against his dark lips. He twitched them a little bit as the finger tips rubbed along his jaw line to tease him into opening his mouth for the press of the bit. Some part of him balked at the sudden taste of metal, but he should be well behaved. He should be polite and well mannered, he was such a good horse.

The bit slipped over his tongue and fell naturally into the gape of his teeth so that the taste of metal flowed over his senses. He wrinkled his nose a little bit and tried to shake his head a little to get it out, but it was secured as the bridle was buckled down to lie firm over his head. Once it was in place his master undid the straps of his halter and peeled it off from beneath the bridle. The rougher fabric fell down along his neck as he gave a shake out and let the young man pull it off and hook it over the edge the fence. He pranced backwards a little bit and threw his head up as the reins were tugged and pulled lightly so that he pranced forward.

His mind stirred and tried to remember what was wrong, he tried to recall what was wrong with this situation. His ears pulled back flat to his head as the lad tending him moved up to grip right beneath the bit and bridle to give a little tug. The bit pulled against his tongue so that it was forced down while he pawed and tried to recall what was going on. It felt like sticky molasses clinging to his mind as the voice murmured oh so seductively in his ear. He wanted to behave, he wanted to earn the sweet tone of praise from the young man, but at the same time he was horrified that he was reacting so sweetly to him and bowing down to the tack that had been put on him.

With a low laugh the reins were thrown over his neck and Adam moved to his side. He knew what was coming, he hadn't been around horses all his life, but he knew what all of this meant. He tried to will himself to drop down onto his belly to put a stop to the humiliation, but the part of him that bathed in the attention that he was getting only wanted to be given more attention and to make his master proud. The feelings tumbled together and were woven with the magic of the soft foreign words that gave him no indication of meaning except for the tone that was being used. It gave him a dependence on listening closely that made it easier for the part of his mind that was striving to please him to push to the forefront.

Adam set his boot into one of the stirrups and didn't even try to get someone to hold Sean's head as he swung up with a creak of leather and the feel of the weight dropping down onto his back. Even knowing it was coming, he still lunged forward with a short nervous whicker as the weight dropped down and he felt the leg on the other side of his broad barrel finding the stirrup. The reins were brought up as he high stepped and threw his head up high, a white ring showing at the edge of his vision. The leather reins tugged firmly so the bit pulled his head down while he tried to fight it. His nostrils flared open wide as he pranced and tried to back up to relieve the pressure. It was strange, too strange, he didn't want to carry someone as if he were truly a horse! The human emotions struggled to break free as he pranced backwards and twisted in a circle.

Adam laughed, the laughter ran over him before he heard the name 'Ember' before the heels suddenly dug down against his side. He'd been expecting that he'd be allowed to bounce and prance as he would so he could get used to the rider, but his master had other things in mind. The weight leaned forward as he sprang forward from the touch against his sides and launched himself away from the fence. His forelegs stretched out wide as the weight shifted against his back and the young man cried out again, this time a bit louder while the reins tugged against the corners of his sensitive lips. The white of the fence flew by him as his hooves drummed beneath him, and still the heels dug in against his side to urge him to greater speed. With a squeal the gelding tossed his head up and tried to turn around in a sharp twist meant to throw his rider from his back. He wasn't an animal.

"HOO! HOOOOO EMBER!" The reins tugged firmly and turned his head in a complete circle so he pranced about with his tail lashing back and forth.

Sean's lips were forced open so he chewed at the air while trying to get the bit from his mouth, his nostrils were spread open wide as he tried to give a little buck, only to be pulled back down again. It was humiliating to feel the bite of the bit, but it was worse not to be able to get the rider off his back. He tried to buck, but the reins kept him twisting in a circle as his legs moved and sent up puffs of dust. His nostrils flared open wide with each hot snort before he gave a short buck upwards to jostle the rider, able to finally get his hind legs off the ground. He expected to hear anger or outrage or any number of things from Adam, but what he got was a great burst of delighted laughter and suddenly something was brought down along the curve of his haunches. It stung and sent a rush of heat along his rump as it snapped him.

It was startling enough that the next kick of the heels startled him forward with his head tossed up high and eyes rolling. He stretched his legs out and tore down the lane with the fence that lined it. His neck stretched out and his rider let him stretch it out as his muscles bunched up and relaxed through the burst of movement. He felt his hooves hitting the ground beneath him and lifting off before dropping again, but none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was the burst of wild energy that flowed through him and finally was offered an escape. His ears pulled back against his head as he didn't just gallop, he RAN. He ran with every bit of power in his body, as if he could run away from it all. Run away from the betrayal of his lover, run away from the body of the horse, run away from his gelding state, run away from the farm and humiliations, run away from it all.

It was that fierce desire that flowed through him, but it was the sound of Adam's joyful voice as he called out to the gelding that made his body respond. It wasn't the touch of the reins or knees, it was a sensation of the movements of his rider on his back, the subtle shifts as he tore along the lane and didn't think as he was suddenly pulled to one side. He let himself go off the trail with his tail streaming behind him as the energy and attempt to run flowed away into the mind that always lurked with him, was him, was a strange new him. It was the feel of his body doing exactly what it had been born to do, exactly how he wanted to do it. He was Running, something that deserved a capital letter. A sensation he had never felt as a man, a oneness with the rider on his back and the world spreading beneath him.

The smallest thought came to him, as a child he had never known a oneness of a united family, not even as an adult, now he had it. It was a glorious feel of Adam leaning down over him and moving with him, encouraging him with rein, knee and voice. Ember stretched himself out as the lather started on his legs and neck, the sweat spread over him, but he didn't care, it was glorious exaltation as he felt as if he were flying! There was nothing between him but the air and the pounding of his own body as he gave himself over to his rider. He was going so fast he couldn't think, couldn't plan, but Adam could. The tug of the reins and the shift that turned him onto the paths that made him strain and twist. Ember didn't blink when he came to a down tree, he only charged to it with the utter confidence that he was able to FLY!

He took the jump with his body stretching and extending for one glorious moment that seemed to hover as he cast the bonds of the earth aside and felt the wind sliding beneath him. His rider stood up in the stirrups and craned over his arched shoulders for that all important jump, only to let out a great shout as they came to earth again. His entire body trembled as his hooves hit the ground and began to run again without breaking stride. This was life, this was truly living. The gelding gave his soul over to his rider, his safety, his trust, a sweet oneness that was like nothing he had ever felt. How could he deny it? Even the stirring deep in his mind of fear and panic were washed away in the exaltation.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Good ride, Adam!" Douglas called out to his son as Adam came riding up on the sweating prancing gelding. The high bred horse had his head up and legs lifted up as he side stepped and flirted with starting up his run again.

"He's a natural, father! He didn't even balk at that first jump. Give me a year and he'll be winning titles as a hunter." Adam leaned forward and slapped the sweat streaked net. "That's my fine Ember! Good lad!"

"He always was a natural at what he put his mind too." The older man's lips twitched up in a slow smile. "I'm sure you'll get him trained up properly in no time, for now, we'll set him in with the mares. Haven't had a gelding in ages, about time the girls had a boy to boss around, eh?"

Ember threw his head up, his eyes showing a glimmer of panic that Douglas ignored. The suit was doing its job, bit by bit, he would be turned. Each time he gave into the natural urges they became instinctive and pushed away the knowledge of man. He could remove the boy from the suit today, but he would always be part animal. He would always be something of a horse, but that would be a waste of a fine beast. This creature was well worth the money. Worth every penny.

With These Broken Wings: Chapter 3

The warmth of the sun spread over Alaine's form as he stretched his full length beneath Aratha's golden eye and let it soak into his itching scales. The remains of his last meal sat heavily in him as he resisted the urge to squirm against the dew wet...

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Bound and Chained

"Up! GET UP!" The voice rattled like sharp shards of glass in Siobhan's head and made her squeeze her eyes shut a bit more tightly. "I SAID UP!" The crack of the whip struck her haunch so hard that it made her hiss out and open one of her dark...

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2

Alaine was flying. His wings rowed through the air and the sun was warm on his back. No longer did the ache and pain of his crippled body haunt him. His scales were the color of the sky itself and he was whole and complete. The clouds were beneath him,...

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