Bound and Chained

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

"Up! GET UP!" The voice rattled like sharp shards of glass in Siobhan's head and made her squeeze her eyes shut a bit more tightly. "I SAID UP!"

The crack of the whip struck her haunch so hard that it made her hiss out and open one of her dark azure eyes open just a crack to see the heavy face of her captor peering down at her. The rough grey leathery skin made him look like every other damned creature she'd seen, only the armor was different and had a slice of blue tied around the waist to signify who he was. She closed her eyes again and let out a hissing breath that barely wheezed out around the cage that wrapped around her muzzle to make sure that she couldn't open it any wider then she could. She wanted to ignore him, she was so terribly tired, she had been tired for days now.

"I SAID UP!" The whip cracked again and this time the tip lashed right around the curve of her bare ass so she snarled and lunged upwards.

The changes on her neck warned her, but not in time. Her bound arms and legs were brought up short so she dropped down to her chest painfully and wheezed out as she tried to struggle back onto all fours. Damn them, they'd managed to get the collar on her after they'd darted her the last time she'd come in from work. She'd heard the threats yesterday evening, but they often bandied about various threats to each other on what they were going to do. Normally nothing came of them, the orcs were a strange group and didn't seem to have much in the way of organization to her eye, but then, how would she know? She had only ever seen the working camp and she'd only been here for the last week to slave away beneath their lashes and sharp commands.

The rough laughter of the orc in charge of the beasts made her flush in humiliation as she carefully pulled herself back up again. Her back hurt so badly from being on all fours, but at least she was able to straighten up slightly against the restraints that clapped around her. The wrist restraints were joined to the restraints at her ankle in a form hobbles that used braided leather with a strong length of chain worked into it make it strong. She could stand up on her legs properly, but it left her bent awkwardly and hunched as she was unable to stand up all the way before the hobbles forced her to stop. It didn't ease her aching back in the least bit, it only made it work, so she was forced to walk on all fours where at least it didn't hurt so terribly much physically, it only wounded her pride.

The orc dumped a bucket of what looked like finely chopped meat, fur and bone down into a trough that was set close to the entrance of the makeshift cage and stirred the rest of the denizens in the cage. She wrinkled her lips back and pulled away from the muck, the scent of it so early in the morning nauseated her so she didn't fight the large creatures that stepped forward and started to snap and growl at each other through their muzzles so they could claim first feeding rights. She hadn't fallen so low as to fight for her food... yet. She tried to maintain that bit of pride as she stepped back with slow careful steps and dropped down onto her haunches so she could somewhat sit up, though her hands were still pressed in the hard packed dirt.

The orc grunted a bit at her, but didn't make a move to whip her, instead he picked up another bucket and moved on to the next cage. He could have just let her sleep off her exhaustion, but she had learned within the first few days that they had no real patience for the animals in their care. Siobhan's eyes wandered towards the beasts feeding and winced at the way that sucked down the stuff with happy wet noises. It wasn't just the fact that she was caged with them that made her feel horror, but the fact they looked so very much like her in so many ways.

The drakken were abominations in her eyes. The large beasts were at least twice her weight, though they were only a few hands taller then her, their weight was based on their muscled bodies. They had deep chests and powerful hind quarters that she had seen at work. Their heads were nearly like hers with a tapered muzzle that spread into a broad forehead before rising up to be crowned by branching horns. Her own only spread out into six points, but the females had broader horns that should have towered above them if the hooked tips hadn't been cut off and capped in metal to keep them dull instead of the sharp weapons that they should have been. As dull as the beasts themselves.

Their tails weren't long or flowing, they were short and thick like Siobhan's and ended in a perfect spade shape, though they lacked the ridges that ran along her back. It was still close enough to her own tail that it made it look eerie to her as they fed and snapped up food with their tails stiff out behind them to keep them balanced. They had the same scales that she had, shaped like spades and colored like the earth from a deep brown that was nearly black all the way to a fresh light green like new spring grass. Her own scales were a dark green with a hint of blue beneath so that she matched the great pine trees of her home. Perhaps if she had been the color of the soil or even bark she wouldn't have been caught off guard, but her coloration made her easy to spot against the ground.

The orcs, or at least that's what they called themselves, had landed on the shores with great ships powered by more oars then she'd ever seen in her life. They were rough and rowdy with loud voices that had disturbed the edge of her village's territory. They weren't dragons such as herself, they didn't even have scales, but many creatures didn't have scales. They had obviously been intelligent and she would have been happy to go and meet with them to see what they had come to her peoples shore for, except she had seen the drakken. The beasts had lumbered off the boats with snarls and groans, their chains rattling as they were herded into make shift pens by the orcs. At the time she'd thought they might be her people, horribly disfigured, but still her people. She had tried to go home to her village to fetch warriors that would better assess what was going on, but she hadn't counted on the scouts.

She still wasn't sure what had happened, but she'd felt something sting her hip as she ran and the world had gone strange and melty. She hadn't been able to balance on her legs and her eyes had drooped until she couldn't hold them up anymore. When she'd woken up she'd been stripped of her personal possessions and thrown into hobbles like the rest of the poor creatures in their care. They'd even strapped a muzzle on her, one that had to be padded to even fit her because her muzzle was smaller than the rest of the animals. It was only then that she realized that they weren't like her, their vacant eyes and placid movements showed her that they were little more then animals no matter how they might resemble her. It had been terrifying as she'd been thrown into their company in a small enclosure that was made up of what looked like older females and given the same attention.

The orcs spoke a rough language, but it was a trade tongue, the sort of language that she heard when her tribe went to the port city far to the north near the edge of the mount ranges. She had learned it, or at least enough of it that she could be understood and understand others, but it did her no good. From the first day she was kept firmly muzzled and the hobbles tightened to the point that she could barely walk in them let alone try and stand up. It had been humiliating to stand on the hard packed ground with her head weighed down beneath the metal of the muzzle while they walked by her and some stopped to look her over. And worse, they handled her and touched her with rough calloused hands until she had learned to listen closely to the rough words. They weren't exactly the tradespeech, but they were close enough that she could pick out what they were saying in part.

They had come farther than they had thought, and they had brought their drakken with them to help erect a fort on the island of Ronish, but they had overshot it. The drakken had sickened and died along the way, they had lost several of the females to the lack of food and the unruly males who had bullied and fought over them. It had been a loss to them that had left them with barely ten beasts left and only three females to the seven bulls. The females could work, but it was limited as they didn't have the strength the males did to haul great loads without tiring and they would be put out of action when they were breeding. And they had been relieved and exultant to find a young female on the second day they had been here.

They believed that she was an offshoot of the drakken, another breed that grew in this country a bit differently than the rest. Their hands had felt filthy as she'd been hauled to all fours so they could rub along her sides and shoulders. She had snarled and snapped, tried to force words out from behind the muzzle as they had examined her minutely, even to the point of yanking her short thick tail up and cupping between her legs and probing against her stomach to see if she were indeed female. By the time they were done she was flushed and enraged at their treatment, never in her life had she been handled so casually and without any regard to her personal feelings. She had felt dirty and soiled before crawling to one side of the shared pen and ignored them.

"Not eating again." One of the orcs spoke from outside of the pen and she suppressed the urge to hiss as she remained seated stiffly upright.

"Might not take to the feed, wild caught ones are always difficult." The overseer shrugged a shoulder. "She'll come 'round, set her to work on the trash again today so she's not given hard labor."

"We need her, the two females are already bred, the old one is past her prime and will likely not take another clutch. Without more males we will have to send back and that would take months, if not a year to get more. If we are lucky." The other orc grimaced slightly.

"Aye, I know, but she's of a slightly smaller breed..." The overseer watched her closely enough that Siobhan bared her teeth and awkwardly got up on all fours to move behind the feeding females to get out of sight. "Might not mix well or the bull might kill her if she's not his type. Or she might just be a young female, they don't really grow heavier until a few clutches, the young females are supposed to be the hunters after all."

"I'll have a word with one of the chiefs, they'll have a solution or at least an idea. I've had the youngsters out scouring the hills for more. It would solve all of our problems if we just found some of the wild males and harnessed them. She was easy enough to tame." The other orc shrugged. "But they're your duty to tend too. I have to oversee the plans for the fort once we get the rock out of here."

Siobhan was left trembling behind the females that ate and finally drew in a breath as a few left with their metal grated muzzles slimed with blood and thicker things. She had to eat, she knew she did, but the idea of eating the slop of their leavings left her stomach churning. Under the critical eye of the overseer she forced herself to take a place at the trough where there was still enough that she might fill her belly and dropped her head down. At least the high walls of the trough hid the tears that rolled down her muzzle as she started to eat. Eventually one of her village would come forward and they would see she was a thinking creature.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Siobhan knew what noon would bring and each day was a new lesson in humiliation as the overseer personally dragged her out of the cage and harnessed her up. It wasn't even a harness like she was used to seeing, but the straps ran over her belly six times and joined to a heavy collar that was too large for her neck. The buckles slapped against her scaled sides as the entire rig was weighted down with plates of metal meant to slow down a drakken, but to her they were just heavy, too heavy. Only after they had weighted her down would the hated hobbles be removed and she was backed up to a cart so they poles could be guided through their slots on either side of her chest. They rubbed against her sides and chest while she snarled and hissed her displeasure. The hobbles were gone, but they left the hated muzzle snapped into place, the only difference was they hooked reins to either side of the metal so she could be guided.

All of it smelled of drakken, not herself. It wasn't a bad smell, but it was different and ruffled her as the scents were almost peppery and stung her nose. The drakken didn't' work as she worked, she was forced to haul debris and trash from the beach, their work was in hauling rocks and timber. The females were used to down trees while the males pulled the heavy loads since they had the greatest endurance, only she was given the job that involved refuse and trash. At the best of times it would be bits of driftwood that had collected on the beach, at the worst it would be the spoiled food and filth from the camp that had be taken out and buried.

The overseer wasn't the one to work with her after she was harnessed up, she was given over to a short looking male named Nip. The name was ludicrous, but so was the creature. Once she was secured in the cart he scrambled up on to the back and used a thin branch as a whip to cut her haunches and forced her to move forward. She bristled as she was forced to throw her weight against the collar of the harness and step forward one slow step at a time. Her nostrils flared as she struggled against the burden of the harness and metal weights to surge forward. The many straps helped even out the load so none of them bit into her too cruelly, but she was forced to step forward slowly to get the cart rolling while Nip slashed at her with the switch.

"G'yup! Don't be a lazy beast!" He called out as she strained forward and felt the cart creaking behind her as the wheels started to turn and dig against the sand.

Nip's harsh calls came with lashes of the switch in a way no other handler treated the drakken, she was the only one gifted with such an orc. He was rough and ill mannered even for his own kind and there was little wonder why he was being forced to do the filthy job of cleaning up the camp. He probably thought he'd finally been elevated when they'd presented her to him to help out. It made her flinch as she wasn't even accorded the respect that the drakken were given. With a snarl she lunged forward and finally the cart started to roll behind her and follow close to her thick tail. The strikes of the switch left welts against her scales as she puffed and panted to move the cart towards the roughly made camp. Her eyes narrowed down a little bit as she felt the weight in the cart shifting and bouncing as she came to one side of the tents.

Siobhan lifted her head and glanced back to see the orc dropping into the bed of the cart so he could lean out the back as she walked. That meant she wasn't going to haul driftwood or anything 'harmless', she was going to be forced to haul trash. She dropped her head down to her forearms as she walked forward and felt the damp earth squishing around her short thick fingers as she moved. He didn't try to control her, but there were only so many places she could go between the tents. He remained in the back and flung bits of trash into the cart to weigh it down. Most of it was harmless enough, bits of leftover food or bones from the night before, some scraps of unusable hide or broken wood. Others were better left unmentioned judging by the smell.

She worked through the camp one slow step at a time as Nip started to goad her into going faster as the sun started to move above her and she became aware of the burn of her muscles as she the cart grew heavier, too heavy. The weights on the harness made her feel as if she could barely lift her legs, but she was given no choice as her handler snapped the switch down and purposefully caught her right along her inner leg where the scales were softer and finer then the rest of her body. With a groan she jerked forward and continued step by painful step through the camp until she could catch sight of the edge that was marked off with a band of rope. Her nostrils flared a little bit at that sight of hope and she tried to speed up, but it was nearly impossible.

The amount of waste that the camp could dredge up in a night varied as they worked, they often had to replace tools or remade things that had finally broken, and none of it was light. The more progress they made with their 'fort' the more they would begin to break down what they had to shift the camp more effectively for defense. The harness scraped over her scales as she drooped her head down and felt the reins loosening along her back as Nip clambered back into the seat. Her breathing came out in harsh wheezes as she pulled the cart all the way to the point that she was sure she was going to fall over if she took it another step.

Her lungs ached and burned as she stumbled to the edge of the trash pit that had been freshly covered over by Nip the day before. She wrinkled her nose at the faint scents, but at least that meant she could sag in the harness and suck in breath after trembling breath. Her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to concentrate on breathing more then anything else. Her lungs burned and ached, her body throbbed and made it hard for her to concentrate on anything except her own pain as her handler started to recklessly dump things out of the cart. She was exhausted enough that she barely stirred when some of the filth was flung past her and splattered against her haunch. All that mattered was trying to catch her breath as best she could and the faint feel of her legs shaking under her.

"Nip! If you kill her you will be flogged." The harsh voice of one of the other handlers made her pry open an eye before squeezing it shut again so she could go back to panting.

"She's a lazy brute, barely half way done and she was ready to lay down." Nip flung some more trash out into the pit. "I cannot be blamed that she does not wish to work."

"No, but you can be beaten." The orc came with a creak of leather and the heavy sounds of his drakken on it's muzzled lead. "She's all in, you should have taken several small trips instead of just one."

"I have better things to do then coddle the beast!" Nip sounded furious and suddenly a rough hand forced her head up.

"Look at that, she is drooling she is overheated." The man sounded disapproving, but Siobhan only felt a shock of horror. She sucked in a breath and tried to lick her lips where a fine foam had started on the edges of her jaws from her harsh breath.

It was beyond intolerable to be seen like this and she jerked her head free so she could turn her head a away with a low growl while they continued to speak about her proper care. She found herself staring at a large near black beast that was settled next to his handler with a curious look on his face. The male's horns were large, they were at least three foot high with several capped branches that showed him to be quite old if she was any judge. He wasn't paying attention to the squabbling orcs, but staring at her intently and parting his jaws open as wide as they would go in the muzzle. His tongue darted out time and again to push at the grate as he shifted oh so slowly. If she hadn't been able to keep an eye on him she might not have realized that he was shifting towards her as panted weirdly.

It made her hackles rise and she jerked back as much as she could in the traces. The cart rocked slightly as she came up against one of the poles and nearly upset it. Her nostrils flared wildly as the beast pushed closer to her and shoved his head forward so it strained against his lead. The odd panting grew a bit faster and he let out the strangest sound she'd ever heard. If hearing was what she actually did, it made her bones thrum as the beast crooned in a near subsonic level that made the ground vibrate under her paws. She snarled and tried to curse at him, but Nip yanked her head backwards as the drakken's handler suddenly laughed roughly.

"Nay, Burr, you know better. To work with us and not to pleasure." The orc grinned down at her and slapped her shoulder so hard it nearly knocked her over. "We'll see you later, eh girl? Get you out of that harness."

The rough humored orc forced the large drakken away from her with a yank of the reins that dragged his head away. Her eyes followed the near black form as it stomped away, but she wasn't watching his body, but what was between his haunches. Several swollen inches of blunt fleshed girth was exposed to the light and forced the vent open wide as it hung down heavy and swollen. The tip curled in a strange S shape with the tip spread in a spade. She jerked her head up and hissed violently enough that Nip had to yank and hang from her reins to keep her settled down. She meekly finished the rest of her work, her mind numbed by the rough joke of the orc and the male who had started to snuffle at her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"She doesn't act like any sort of cow in heat I've seen." The overseer yanked roughly against one of the leather straps that forced her chest down so hard against the wooden post she snarled in protest.

"Burr was after her, you know him. He has no use for cows unless they're ripe." The man who had handled the dark drake gave a shrug. "You said she could be a subspecies, well, try it out. If they're closely related he'll get her with a clutch and she'll be able to give something back for all the food you've been spilling down her throat."

The overseer seemed more inclined to think that Burr would tear her apart, but he wasn't fighting for her. She wanted someone to speak up for her when she couldn't get the words out herself! He yanked roughly against another strap that forced her arms up to either side of her pinned body and latched them together so she wasn't able to stand on all fours at all, she was raised only by the bar. She'd heard them talking, it was to keep her from getting enough traction with her forelegs to break free of her bonds to do some harm to the perspective stud, but for her it was just another way to make her back ache. Her muzzled head was tied down to the backs of her arms so her neck was even at an odd angle while her back was stretched out and her legs forced to hold up straight and stiff.

Most humiliatingly of all, she had her ankles locked into some sort of oversized restraints that pressed a metal pole between them so they were splayed so far open she had no way to cover or protect herself. She could feel her legs spread open and her thighs exposed as she was positioned as if she truly were some animal in heat and ready to be mated. She twisted and threw herself against the restraints with a growl as the overseer personally tested each line and ran his hands down along her legs in a familiar fashion. The only comfort that she was offered was padding stuffed into the cuffs around her ankles because they were far more slender then those of the drakken, but it also made her lose her chances of being able to yank one of her legs free so she could escape or fend off her unwanted suitor.

The camp bustled around her, not even glancing at the normal sight of a 'cow' about to be bred. COW! The name stung so much that she felt like sobbing and she would have if she had any tears left. She only had her humiliated anger as the Burr's handler gave her side a rough slap and laughed before leaving to fetch the male. Despite her situation her mind still shied away from the idea of the bull trying to breed her. He was bigger then her, he outweighed her, there was no way any of them expected her to be able to fit anything the size of the beast inside of her body. Her stomach cramped and she squeezed her eyes shut as she listened to the bustle of the camp.

It wasn't supposed to be this way, She thought with despair. My people would have never done this to an animal, let alone a person.

_ _

"Get that muzzle off him! You know he'll smack her with it!" The overseer's voice roared out from above her and she snapped her eyes open with a whimper.

"I'm not taking it off until he's in there or he'll take an arm off. Easy! BURR! Ho lad! Stand down!" The handler's words came with a muffle grunting noise and hissing pant that sent a cold chill through her stomach and made her breath come out in a shallow pant. This wasn't going to happen. She couldn't let it happen!

"Where in the second hell do you think you're going, Nip! This is your cow, get over here and hold her head damn you!" The overseer stormed away leaving the small orc bolting towards her with wide eyes.

Siobhan twisted her head as much as she could to see the heavy bodied drakkan being led towards the door of the pen. It was had been hastily erected with just enough room to hold the stocks that she was bound in and a good few feet around her in all directions. The drakken leaned over the fence and started to peel his lips back in that odd pant he had done earlier so she let out a ragged cry and lunged forward. Nip's hands caught either side of her muzzle and pushed her head down painfully to try and keep her in place as the gate opened behind her. Not like this, NOT LIKE THIS! Not bound in the middle of a camp with an animal behind her. Her first time was supposed to be with one who had won her challenge, who had won her regard and favor. A brave dragon that earned a name among his own people who would come seeking out a female to match him.

"DAMNIT BURR!" The handler roared out as she writhed and tried to awkwardly hop her hips forward as the great weight hit against her as the beast was swung around.

"Just get the muzzle off him and get out of there! Oh no, not you Nip! Stay with your beast, if she takes harm it will be your hide!" The overseer yelled at the young orc who clutched her muzzle and visibly trembled. "Teach him to overwork a beast.."

The last words were muttered and she had to strain to hear them, but they didn't offer any comfort to her as the big male was trying to jostle her with his haunches. The muffled noises burst into a echoing bellow as the muzzle fell free of his lips and she heard the handler scrambling out of the way. She wanted to be sick as the massive head smacked against her haunch roughly enough that the pole holding her up strained and protested the abuse. If only she had been freed of her own muzzle she could put a stop to this one way or another, but it remained stubbornly on her. Burr's was the first she'd seen removed and he seemed to relish it as his muzzle scraped against her hip back and forth as if he were whetting it. It made her writhe as the hot blast of air hit along her back and he rumbled low in his throat.

The odd sounds were almost a purr, but not soothing, not when she had a glimpse of his underside and the fact that he was responding to her just as he had before. His hot breath was now unencumbered as it glided along the base of her tail and panted in short bursts that made tremors run down the length of her spine. A hot slimy tongue rolled out and smeared along the base of her thick tail wetly before the muzzle shoved beneath it and she let out a high pitched shriek. Her eyes bulged as the hot tongue smeared up along her inner legs and the nose ground itself against her loins as it shoved upwards.

The saliva smeared over her scales leaving a film of it behind as she tried to find a way to free a leg to move away. The best she could do was bend her legs slightly before the bonds of her upper body stopped the movements. Hot tears started to rise up as the tongue worked upwards and slathered right over her exposed folds before he leaned back and snuffled against them. The wet feel of that disgusting tongue made her stomach churn as Nip kept petting her forehead over and over again. The young orcs eyes were wide as he clutched against the muzzle, nearly clinging to it as the drake made his presence known in no uncertain terms. The smearing wetness spread itself over her folds again as the dark purple tongue probed and shoved against her as if tasting what she was offering him. She didn't want to offer him anything! She wanted only to be free, but his low growl vibrated her entire body before his head jerked up away from her.

His saliva coated her legs and the air cooled it as the drake started to let out a low bellow that made her tremble. She'd never had a male touch her there, never had one explore and slurp so lewdly, she could smell the reek of him. A harsh scent that stung her nose and made her cough as Nip's wide eyes remained behind her. She did the only thing she had left to her, she dropped her tail down to cover herself. Why was he even doing this to her? She was no animal to come into season like a beast, she wasn't anything he could breed with, he wasn't even his species! A cold tendril of fear uncurled in her stomach as the drake's muzzle shoved between her legs again and the slimy tongue worked against the tender scales of her vent and forced her tail away. Could he smell if she was ovulating? She didn't go into season like an animal, but she could still get pregnant at certain times of the month.

"Told you, she'll come 'round, the virgin females are always the worst when it comes time, but next round she'll be the one chasing him before he's even ready." Burr's handler sounded smug as the hot tongue tip pushed against her vent and tried to pry it open.

Siobhan let out a harsh cry as the tip wiggled and wedged against the petals before they were forced open and the scrape of the tongue rubbed along the sensitive inner lining. She dug her nails against the pole and tried to brace herself as he explored her in a leisurely manner, almost mocking her with the way his tongue rolled and pushed inwards. Her eyes slid to the side to try and find something to distract her, anything to make the sensation of the slippery tongue rubbing at her go away. It didn't hurt, worse, it teased her and rubbed over vulnerable places that sent shocks of pleasure through her. It made her back arch up as he wedged his tongue into her passage so the virgin walls clutched down around him.

She found something to distract her. Her eyes slid to where the dark beasts haunches were just within view and the heavy cock had pushed out into the light. It swayed between his haunches like a weapon. The spade shaped tip glistened with cloudy precum that oozed towards the ground, but it was the rest of it that she stared it. It was curved like an S and swayed beneath him like an equine shaft, but the base of the cock was hooked. She could see bristling spines ringing around it, painful looking even from the corner of her eyes and she lunged forward harder against the pole again as the drake's tongue pushed harder into her body.

Her only hope wasn't hope at all, but the fact that she was too small to possibly get to the point the wicked looking base could be used on her. She didn't know what they were, but she wasn't a drakken. It was possible that he could tear her apart trying to mate her if he used whatever those were. As it was, the swollen shaft was thick around as her wrist and stiffened as he moved about. His hot tongue tip slipped free with a lewd squelching noise that left strands of his saliva clinging to her outer lips as he chuffed up at her. Nip bolted backwards with a squeak that made the overseer and Burr's handler roar with laugher as the beast stomped around behind her and slid his damp muzzle up along her curve of her rump.

Damp muzzle.. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she realized that he'd managed to force her body to grow damp for him. He'd coaxed that much out of her.

The dragoness barely had time to try and lock her legs in place behind her before the drake heaved upwards and pushed his head up along her bound back. Her breath was pushed out of her as his weight nearly collapsed her knees before a pair of massive dark forepaws pressed up on either side of her bound arms. The white talons curled out to grip against the wood and weight lifted from his back. The large muzzle dropped down and rubbed against her shoulder before the teeth scraped against her and tried to find some purchase against her scaled shoulder. She whimpered and tried to move her head down to protect her neck as the powerful beasts weight bowed the pole downwards as he stepped forward.

Something hot and heavy dragged along the curve of her back before dropping down a smacking noise. Precum drooled out of the tip in heavy strands that leaked downwards and pooled against the base of her shaft. The weight of it made her whimper as she tried to get her muzzle free of the bonds that held it. She wanted to move, she wanted some part of her body she could control and fight back with. Her short thick tail only slapped and cracked against the edges of the beasts haunches as his hind legs spread open around her hips and he crouched down to drag the slimy cock tip down along the base of her tail so it slipped off with a final dribble of precum. If she could get her head free she could strike him with the metal muzzle, something, anything.

Burr let out a grunt as his haunches swung upwards and rubbed the dark spade shaped tip upwards against her glistening mound. The curve of his scaled belly forced her tail to one side so it beat against his side as he jabbed in short movements that slipped the glans up along her ass cheeks and then down along her belly. The bubbling dribble of precum marked her and felt almost feverishly hot against her body as he claws scraped against the wood and he finally clamped his jaws against the back of her shoulders and gripped roughly as if punishing her for not being able to find the mark.

"NIP! Go grab him and get him in or he'll hurt her!" The overseer barked out the order and the wide eyed orc swallowed. "Don't give me that damn look, he won't hurt you if you're trying to help him."

Siobhan closed her eyes, she didn't want to see him move behind her, she didn't want him to see her slippery folds and the precum streaked thighs the beast had given her. She didn't want him to watch as she was deflowered on the beasts cock. Her breathing came out in ragged gasps that ended in a yelp as the teeth on her shoulders twisted hard enough to bruise and she jerked against the bonds that held her in place. Nip must have moved to grip the swollen cock because the next roll forward brushed against her taut anal ring before it was suddenly jerked down to push against her folds and wedge along the tight small opening.

The drake growled out a rumble of pleasure before lurching forward hard enough the crown forced her folds open whether she was ready or not. Her shriek came with her eyes snapping open wide as her body was forced open around the swollen tip and wedged wider and wider. The drake's powerfully muscled hips shoved him forward with no gentle easing or care for her, but a jerk that forced the spade shaped tip to pop into her body as her walls convulsed around him. The next drool of hot cum spilled into her tender passage and brought with it a burning sensation that made her screech out. She thrashed wildly as it felt as if she were being stung along her passage. It wasn't just being stretched open so wide, it was the thick precum itself that sent the burn deep inside of her. She shrieked out as loud as she could and threw her weight backwards.

"Easy lad, she's not dying, he's just getting her ready for him." Burr's handler sounded amused as the bull plunged forward again.

Every thrust forced the precum inwards and the burning pain spread until tears rolled down her cheeks and the next thrust was lewd and squelching as the sheer thickness of him forced some of his own precum out. Her inner walls convulsed and clutched around him instinctively as she tried to struggle her way free. Inch by steady inch he forced himself into her until her folds were a lewd reddened O. Nip didn't come back to her head, perhaps he stared at her being violated or he had bolted, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but the overwhelming sensation of the spade shaped tip digging into her stomach until it ground right up against her cervix and the drake above her let out a grunt and pushed harder against the spongy barrier.

The precum smeared against that opening, it made her stomach cramp as she twisted within the bonds and her breathing came harsh and ragged. The bull shoved a few more times as if trying to find a way to pierce past her cervix, but eventually dragged backwards with a slick sound as inch by inch spilled free of her body. The tip dragged outwards until her folds bulged around him only to have him thrust forward again almost immediately. Her hips were jerked up and the burning pain only renewed and doubled as her body nearly tore around him to hold the swollen girth. He didn't stop until he slammed up against her cervix and snapped roughly against her shoulders so she flinched away. His snarl rang in her ears as he tried heaving himself forward against the tender opening that had never been made to accept him.

"Too small, I told you." The overseer's voice snapped out in annoyance. "We'll have to damn near kill him to get him off and she'll still be burning."

"Easy, she's not his first virgin, let him break her in at his own pace." Burr's handler's voice was a lazy drawl. "She won't want him off anyhow, she knows she needs him to lock inside of her to wash away the venom. No use hurting both of them just because he's got a tight fit."

VENOM?! The thought sent terror through her as the drakken slammed forward again and hit against her cervix as he started to thrust. That's venom?!

_ _

The tip oozed precum constantly that only made the burning worse as his hips started to grind in shorter thrusts that drew only a few inches past her aching folds before plunging forward again. Her cervix bruised and ached as he ground himself against it, liberally coating it with the burning precum that felt as if it were going to destroy her entirely. Her breath came out in ragged hiccupping cries as he dragged backwards and nearly popped his tip out before slamming home again. What was the venom supposed to do? Kill her? Threaten to kill her unless she bred with him? Her fingers dug furrows against the wood as the bull slammed against her again and nipped roughly against her neck.

Thrust after rough thrust her body was forced to mold around his cock and squeeze along it even as it coaxed more of the burning precum out of his tip. It coated and smeared along her passage until she felt sore and raw inside. It wasn't pleasure for her, it was terror and pain as the bull started to put his weight into the apex of each thrust. Inch by inch he nearly tore into her as the opening of her cervix was forced to relent along the blunt tip. His breathing was harsh and ragged against the back of her neck as he wedged himself inwards and the mixture of precum and her own slickness was forced out to run along her inner thighs. She shrieked and threw her weight downwards as the swollen dark crown pierced into her very womb with a bubbling of the venomous precum that sent the burning sensations so deep into her body.

"TOLD YOU!" Burr's handler sounded exhaltant as his beast managed to work his way past her last barrier.

The drake's hips worked in a series of jerky thrusts against her, short and shallow until she was barely able to breath as each thrust wedged a bit more into her body. The squelching noises rang in her own ears as her tongue lolled out as far as it would go and she groaned out as the heavy bodied beast suddenly lunged forward and the thickest portion of base spread her lips open. Strange bumps grazed just inside of her passage as Burr went tense over her and his haunches dropped down a bit lower. His scaled loins pushed up flush with her ass as she felt stuffed nearly to the breaking point. Her mind lost in the maddening burning sensation to the point she forgot what she'd seen on him, forgot everything but the need for it to all be over.

Burr pulled back and Siobhan screamed out in a high pitched animalistic sound as the drag back flared the sharp spines around his base open and hooked into her abused flesh. Her walls clamped down as the spikes barely hooked into her flesh and forced her to hold still as he growled out and pushed his weight down against her as inch by inch the girth seemed to swell inside of her as she choked out sobs. She could barely think past the pain as her own pulsing body dug the spines deeper into her abused flesh as the beast held still. His low growl thrummed down her spine before the thick swollen tip in her womb throbbed and pulsed heavily. She could barely think as the first heavy rush of thick semen erupted out of the beasts tip and tainted her previously untouched womb.

Thick hot ribbons of cum splattered into her, she could nearly feel it hitting against her back wall as the beast held still over her and pumped the sperm rich seed ever deeper. Every shift of his hips sent it plunging into her. Siobhan wanted to cry out her horror and rage at being so violated, but when she parted her muzzle as far as it would go, all that came out with a groaning moan of relief. The thick seed splattered over her vulnerable womb and coated deep within her and where the creamy spill fell the burning sensation melted away beneath it. Her walls contracted harder around the spines and she didn't care, her body milked him as she found her relief to the acid like burn inside of her.

The throbbing cock spilled hot globs inside of her, too much for her slender build, too much for anyone other than a cow of his kind. The drakken's come spilled out around her violated cervix and ran down along his cock, soothing away the burn of the venomous precum until she was letting out soft relieved sounds in her throat. The whimpering moans were pure relief as she trembled under his weight and bathed in the sensation of the lack of pain. She ached, she was overwhelmingly stretched and the spines at the base that locked him in place hurt her, but she wasn't burning alive. She nearly sobbed with relief as the sperm rich seed continued to ooze out of his tip and seek out every part of her womb it could reach. Nothing mattered but ending that pain, she even shifted her body enough to try and help forced the cum down lower to ease the very start of her abused passage.

"There we go, lad. You can fetch her when he's done." The overseers voice sounded satisfied. "He'll take care of the venom and she'll snarl him off when he's done, she knows she can't be rid of him once he's inside of her until he's bred her. You don't clean her out now, let that seed take. She's small enough he'll take care of the venom himself without your aid."

"Yessir." Nip's voice was a bit shaky, but Siobhan couldn't rouse a feeling of shame past the relief.

The bull grunted down at her and licked the back of her neck with a slimy tongue as some of the thick seed oozed out the run down her inner thigh. His breath came out a bit raggedly as he relaxed and enjoyed his conquest. Her eyes sagged shut and she drew in a deep breath before blowing it out in relief. It was over. It was all over.

Deep within her violated womb the thick heavy strands of cum worked. Billions of writhing animalistic sperm penetrated her body ruthlessly and flowed up along the channels of her most hidden places to find the vulnerable ova. They didn't care if she was thinking or not, her body didn't care, she drew up that potent seed deep enough it could penetrate her eggs and sire a clutch to swell her belly with.

With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2

Alaine was flying. His wings rowed through the air and the sun was warm on his back. No longer did the ache and pain of his crippled body haunt him. His scales were the color of the sky itself and he was whole and complete. The clouds were beneath him,...

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 1

The distant sound of thunder rolled down the carved mine shafts and bounced against the pale limestone so that it seemed as if the very mountain was growling its displeasure with the world. Alaine only knew it was the sound of thunder because he was...

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The Guardian

The sound of rain hitting the window and the occasional thunder roll were the only sounds in the library as Mina tucked her legs up beneath her in an unladylike pose and flipped the page in her book. The duller sounds of the rain drops on the roof...

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