Reap What You Sow: Part 1

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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"I damned well don't care what you think, you ain't proved shit and if I see you around my sons you'll be taking it up with me." The masculine roar reached the bedroom situated in the corner of the house, a small room, barely enough to hold a twin sized bed, a beaten nightstand and battered bookcase.

Daniel did his best to ignore the conversation as he propped his head up against a wadded up pillow and pretended to read the book he'd picked out. It was a lost cause, he knew it was. He couldn't help but listen with disgusted fascination as his father began to curse in increasingly colorful language to whoever had the bad luck to call and complain about Marty. It wasn't the first call, it certainly wouldn't be the last. His older brother was always getting himself into trouble and ever since he'd graduated his obsession with making a quick buck had taken a dark turn. One that Daniel struggled with every day, ever since he'd overheard Marty and his best friend Simon chatting away about their evening plans last month.

Dog fighting. And the worst sort. They had signed up with a group that ran dog fights in the tristate area and recruited people to bring them dogs. Not just fighters, but bait dogs, dogs just to kill in the ring before the real fight. They went out every weekend and poached the local areas to try and find dogs they thought would do. Sometimes they got them legally through online ads and people looking for homes, but most of the time they simply stole them off the street. They'd cruise around a run down area and look for a dog that was tied out or in a backyard and snag them. They thought it was a huge joke to do it, and if they couldn't get the dog, they'd often do worse. He was almost positive that they'd poisoned the neighbors dog last week, the pretty little beagle had been such a sweet girl, and now she was gone.

I wish Mom were still alive. I wish I were home, really home.. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to cry as he heard his father starting to scream at the phone.

This house was a place of horrors for him. His mother and he had lived in a neat apartment in a nicer part of town, not rich, but nice and cozy. It hadn't been perfect, but he'd had a large room and she'd allow him to buy as many books as he wanted to get. He'd done well in school, gotten good grades, he had been so content then, but then it had all turned south. She'd gone down hill so soon after the cancer had struck. She hadn't even told him at first, she'd just said she was feeling a bit ill and let him go about happy as could be. He didn't find out until he'd come home from school and found his father sitting in their nice neat living room in his grubby garage clothes. The man was larger then life and terrifying, just as he remembered from when he was little. And that's when it all changed for the worst.

His mother wanted him to get to know his father and his half-brother. He was told he was going to spend weekends there from now on, and she'd told him why she was so ill. Daniel didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to complain and make her life even harder. He'd thought it would be only a few weeks that he'd put up with the grubby old town home in the ghetto. He thought that he'd be able to go home once his mother felt better, so he put on such a brave face. He spoke as kindly as he could about his father and step-brother, despite the fact that Marty was worse than a bully and often enjoyed taunting his younger brother. It didn't matter, he'd thought he'd be going home to his mother at the end of each hellish weekend. Until she'd been admitted into the hospital, until she didn't get better, until his world turned into the sole custody of his abusive father.

_I wish I had told her... Oh god, Mom, I don't want to be here. _ Daniel squeezed his eyes shut and felt tears threatening to creep out. Six months of this hell and he was so tired of it all.

Marty's illicit activities at least kept the older boy from tormenting him too much, it gave him a chance to heal from the bruises he'd gotten from their 'brotherly' quarrels. Daniel felt a stab of guilt at being happy his brother was stealing and conning dogs to be sold into hell, just so he didn't get beat on as much. Not that his father treated him gently, the old man would fly into rages when he tried to hide in his room. He kept trying to drag him out to the garage to work and put pressure on him to skip school on Friday afternoons so he could do more work. Not that he got paid, why on earth would his father pay him?

Two years. Just two years and I'll be 18 and out of here. He thoughts and drew in a shivering breath. He could go to college, he could get a real job. I just need to get a grant, that's all.

_ _

"Jesus, fag, what the fuck are you doing up here?" Marty's voice was a lazy drawl as he shoved the door open and looked in the room.

"Go away." Daniel set his eyes resolutely back on his book.

"Hell no, Dad said to come grab your lazy ass and get downstairs." The older boy stepped into the small room and seemed to fill it up.

Marty was big, not fat, but BIG. He should have been playing football on some college team or perhaps wrestling. He had a barrel chest and large arms, not from weights, but from working at the garage from the time he was a kid. The black wife beater was strained over his chest, deliberately too small to show himself off to the best possible advantage. He grinned as he stepped closer and reached out to try and snag the book Daniel was reading so he was forced to jerk backwards to avoid the grab. He hated his half-brother, the older boy was a brute, cruel and malicious.

"C'mon, punk. Don't sit up here reading that shit, Dad's fucking pissed. You were supposed to work at the garage this afternoon." Marty stepped back and narrowed his eyes. "Don't think you can slack off, he's gonna beat the shit outta ya if you keep missing work."

"I don't know anything about cars!" Daniel sat up and swung his legs over the edge of his bed, he knew better than to keep lying there It would just give Marty the excuse he wanted to have to beat on him.

"Well you sure as hell aren't going to learn about it sitting up here!" His brother wrinkled his nose a little bit. "Now get your punk ass downstairs before I kick it there."

"Fine," Daniel ducked out the door before his half-brother could take a swing at him. He'd learned how to move fast when his half brother was around. If he hesitated or stopped to say something he'd get hit.

He'd never been hit before he'd come here. His father rarely hit him, he didn't have to. The old man had a mouth on him and knew exactly what to say to make sure he felt two inches tall when he wanted to. The times he did get physical, it wasn't a punch, it was a shove or kick, a strike hard and fast that would leave him sore for days on end. His mother had always been so kind, so gentle with him. At first, he'd found himself crying at night in his confusion and hurt, but now... Now he just felt weary and despairing. He wondered if they'd ever really hurt him, ever push him so far that he'd end up in the hospital somewhere.

I could tell someone. This is illegal. He thought to himself, as he went down the stairs. He'd threatened to, once, and that's when Marty had been let loose on him in a mock brotherly fight. He'd been told in no uncertain terms that if he reported the violence, Marty would take the blame as having brotherly fights. It wasn't that uncommon, it was even believable since they'd been caught fighting at school in the past. I'm stuck, damnit. I'm stuck. I just want out of this place.

_ _

"Danny!" His father's growling voice made him wince. He was never Daniel, always Danny or Dan to his father. The old man knew he hated it. "Where the fuck were you?"

"Upstairs, doing homework." He mumbled and turned to face the old man. The ever present cigarette was dangling from the man's lips, threatening to scatter ashes over the carpet.

"You should have been at the shop today!" His father snarled. "I ain't supporting you so you can sit upstairs and read. You'll work, by God, and work hard! Marty's done hours at the shop and you think you'll just slink away from it?! At least your damn brother found a way to make more money without being a burden on me!"

"I don't know anything about cars!" Daniel protested. "You always scream I'm in the way when I'm down at the shop!"

"Then you damn well better learn!" The old man roared. "What's the point of you whinin' about how you want ta go to college when you can't even learn how to work a car?!"

"I.. I don't want to work in a garage! I hate it! I'll get a part time job if you want-" He started to explain, but was drowned out when his father snarled out a curse.

"You want a part time job?! Ya got one! I ain't driving your ass to some corner store when you got a job right in my own shop."

"He's stuck up. His Mom pampered the hell outta him." Marty interjected with a slow smile, he was leaning back on a door way. "You should hear him whinin' at me when I'm out doin' my job. Always bitchin' and complainin' about the poor little puppies."

"It ain't right! It's illeg-" He started to retort, but he had made a mistake. He'd used the one word that was never allowed in this house. Illegal.

"I'll give you fucking illegal!" His father roared and struck out before he could try and take the word back.

The fist caught him right on the shoulder, a large meaty hand that sent him stumbling backwards with a yelp of pain. The old man had been working in a garage from the time he could turn a wrench and that strength rested in his muscled arms and chest. He hit the wall hard, but kept control of himself enough not to smack his head on the wall. He'd learned how to take a hit, he'd learned to keep himself from dropping to the ground. He moved a hand up to the throbbing pain on his shoulder and winced at the new bruise.

"You know what, you little shit, you don't want to work at the garage? You're going out with Marty and his friend. Get the fuck outta my house and you'll do at least one job to bring money into this house! I won't fucking tolerate you sucking money out of my damn pocket without even bothering to contribute." His father roared the words at him, looming over him threateningly. "You think you gotta free ride because your mother died? God rest her soul, she'd be horrified that you're an ungrateful little prick after I took you in!"

Daniel stared at his father and fought the sick turn in his stomach. Go out with Marty and Beau? Go out stealing peoples pets? He whimpered a little, only to see the fist coming in towards his shoulder again. All he could do was curl forward and hope that it wouldn't land in the same aching spot. His mother would be horrified at where he was now, if she could only see him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The hot humid Louisiana air rushed from the open window and wrapped around Daniel as he huddled in the back of the beaten up car that his half-brother drove down the poorly paved road that ran along the edge of the bayou. The air was thick with the scent of rotting vegetation and tepid water, so humid that he could almost taste the moisture as he breathed it in. He concentrated on the fact that the wind from the window dried some of the sweat of his cheeks and brows, that it was catching on the stapled fabric of the roof of the car and making it bounce, that Marty and Beau reeked of pot as they passed a joint back and forth in the front of the car. Anything to distract him from the soft whimpers and scuffling noises that came from the back of the old station wagon. Anything to keep him from thinking about the three dogs that Marty had snatched from backyards earlier in the evening.

He didn't want to be here, but he had no choice. Marty had dragged him from the house with a few well placed kicks and curses and pushed him into the back of the car before picking up Beau. They'd had a few houses that they wanted to hit early on in the evening when the dogs had been placed out. Two pit bull mixes and a scared looking boxer puppy. They'd gotten them, shoved them into too small cages in the back of the car and driven away all before the owners could react or notice them. Daniel had managed to not be a part of the actual snatching, but he'd been the one to open the cage doors and shove them shut. He felt filthy, he felt tainted by the fact these dogs were beloved pets of someone, and they were being driven out to the middle of the swamps where they'd be paid for by the dog fight owners. They'd die, horrible deaths, and he had been a part of sending them here.

I'm sorry.. He thought back at the whimpering boxer pup. I'm so so sorry. I'm a coward, I'm an idiot...

_ _

"Hey, fag-bait, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Beau's words came with a creaking of the seat in front of him. "Jesus, Marty, your little pussy brother is crying."

Too late, Daniel felt the wet streaks staining his cheeks from where he'd been crying. He hadn't even noticed he'd started tearing up. Hastily, he wiped his cheeks roughly to try and hide the evidence of his break down.

"Oh for the love of.." The car swerved a little as Marty twisted in his chair and then barked a laugh. "The fuck is wrong with you?"

"It's the wind, lemme alone." He mumbled in response and tried to push further back in the seat. "Let's just get this over with."

"Aww poor little puppies make you sad?" Beau twisted all the way in the seat so he was leaning between the gape in the front seats. "God, you are so fucking weird. They're just dogs, they ain't anything. Greatest sport on earth, better then fucking football and wrestling. You ain't even seen a fight."

"I don't want to." He stared out the window and towards the swamp. "I think it's sick."

"Don't even start, Beau." Marty took another long draw off the joint. "Little ass bandit is all high and mighty. Shoulda seen his Mom, real high class. Don't know how Dad banged her, but he got raised with a silver spoon. He won't even get his little hands dirty."

"Ha! That right, pussy?" Beau leaned back to face the front of the road. "Was she a hot little bit of ass? He ain't too bad looking for a gay boy."

"I'm not gay and don't talk about my mother like that!" Daniel straightened up, only to fall back as Marty deliberately swerved the car.

"I dunno, she had cancer when I saw her. I ain't into corpses, I think Dad banged her before she died though. Yanno, one last hurrah." Marty drawled the words out, his eyes flicked up in the rear view mirror as Daniel felt a surge of rage building him. "Musta been like fucking a skeleton."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He lunged forward against the seat belt. "NEVER TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER THAT WAY!!"

"GET THE FUCK BACK!" Beau leaned back and reached out slap him, hard, with a broad hand that sent him rocking back. "Little pup has some spunk." The other boy grinned. "Or at least he wants some. Ya jealous? Want your old man's cock, like your mother."

Daniel's stomach churned with rage and nausea, how could they even say that?! He balled his fists up and wanted to lunge at them, punch, kick, anything to make them stop. Beau looked like he was just waiting for an excuse. The leaner boy was nearly six feet tall, but it was all wiry muscle that made him a fast and hard fighter. He actually made his extra money working in some underground fights, good money at that, not that he'd ever end up in school. He had dropped out when he was fourteen and had barely gotten his GED. He planned on getting by in the fighting ring and supplementing using whatever money he brought in when he was running with Marty. It was impossible to strike back, even to defend his mother's honor. His own.

Daniel's stomach turned in disgust while he kept his attention to the window, earning him a mocking laugh from the older boy. His half-brother seemed content on driving as he tried to stop himself from crying. Tried to stop his mind from imagining his mother ever touching his father, ever. She'd always said that he used to be a good man when he was in high school. He'd been shy and quiet, a bit awkward, but not a bad man. Daniel didn't imagine his father as anything other than the tyrant who had come to rule over his life. He had to have been different once, his mother had been such a kind and giving woman. She'd been intelligent and worked in a good job, what had gone wrong when she'd been younger?

"HOLY SHIT!" Marty's exclamation came with a sudden jerk of the car that sent the dogs barking behind them and Daniel scrabbling to hold his seat belt as he nearly was thrown forward.

"Did you see the size of that fucking dog?!" Beau twisted around as, belatedly, Daniel did the same to see what was going on behind them. "Turn around!"

"I am, I am!" Marty mumbled and the car slowed just enough to run off the road in an U-turn. "Fucking huge as hell!"

"Car's full, man." Beau slumped in the seat as the car turned about. "We can dump the dogs we got if we wanna grab that one."

Daniel's heart went cold as he tried to strain against the seat belt. The head lights cut through the darkness and showed the pale asphalt and the faded yellow line. He looked through the darkness and tried to spy the dog they were talking about. He didn't want to doom another dog. He just wanted this over with, he wanted to go home and get a shower and forget this night.

"Hell no, I ain't dumping a dog here. It'll leave a trail if someone picks it up. And Jean will fuckin' kill me if he gets caught out here." Marty growled and the car crept along. "There it is!"

Daniel blinked a little bit as the head lights flashed on a pair of eyes that glowed in the reflection. A large furred animal was trotting down the road, seemingly intent on some destination or another. The headlights showed the flash of color, a deep sandy red that formed a thick ruff of fur, a pricked up pair of triangle shaped ears that were angled forward and a tail that was held level behind it. The tapered muzzle was dropped down towards the ground, sniffing at something, and didn't look remotely dog like. It didn't even look like a husky.

"Hit it!" Beau let out a barking laugh, "Go on! We can take it out, might be one of Jean's gotten loose."

"Heh, we wouldn't want him to get caught with loose monsters like that, eh?" Marty's voice was sly and mocking, and the car suddenly started to speed up as he hit the gas.

"HEY! You can't just hit it!" Daniel stared at the dog that kept trotting along the road, heedless of the car that was starting to speed up. The headlights bounced along it until the head lifted and it stared at the car as if confused by it. That's when he saw it. It wasn't a dog.

_Red wolf. Canis Rufus _ His thoughts slowed, they'd been trying to reintroduce these wolves into the area for years, he didn't think they were even around here. They were nearly extinct. And his half-brother was about to run one down.

It was the panic that moved him, where his fear normally would have kept him in place. He leaned back and kicked out against the back of his brother's seat. He hit it hard enough that his brother let out a curse and the entire car suddenly went twisting to one side. There was a screech of the breaks as the head lights lost sight of the wolf that had been peering at them, seemingly without any intention of moving, but it didn't matter. The car banked a hard left and screeched to a halt that drove the seat belt across him hard enough that he knew he was going to end up being bruised.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT!" Marty's roar filled the car as he fumbled with the buckle so he could get out of the restraint. "I coulda been killed!"

"I'll grab him!" Beau reached back and made a grab for him as the belt came free. Daniel writhed away and fumbled to kick open the door.

Adrenaline fueled him as he stumbled out of the car and nearly tripped on the damp grass. His heart was pounding while he looked around, but didn't see the wolf anywhere. It had gotten away. It wasn't going to end up killed by his cruel brother and his friend. Relief welled through him as he heard the dogs in the back of the station were barking and yelping. Beau came out of the car cursing, followed by Marty who's face was darkened with rage. Daniel didn't have time to get out of the way, he couldn't even make himself move as his half-brother made a lunge at him.

"What the fuck was that about?!" Marty tackled him and a fist hit him hard in the side so he cried out from the impact.

"That was a red wolf! They're endangered, you can't kill one!" He ducked away as another fist aimed towards his head. He needed to make himself a ball to avoid the sudden attack.

Marty wasn't that bright, he wasn't that studied, but he knew how to make Daniel hurt. The fists hit him hard against the side and chest. The hammered him hard enough that he cried out repeatedly as he tried to avoid the blows that came with curses and foul names. He couldn't quite duck all the way, and one hit landed firmly on his mouth that made him cry out as he saw stars. He tasted blood in his mouth as he cut the inside of his cheek on his teeth from the blow. Dimly, he could hear Beau laughing and encouraging him to show the 'faggot' what happened to people who messed with their plans. Any protest he made was soon lost in the violence of the attack. It left him gasping and trembling as he curled forward and attempted to duck his head down when a blow hit his already aching shoulder.

"Shit! MARTY! Dumb fucking dog!" Beau's exclamation stopped the attack and Daniel curled against the damp earth as the blows ceased.

"Fucking brute." Beau heaved himself up with a kick aimed at Daniel's side, it made him whimper out as it hit right against his ribs.

Daniel managed to roll over onto his knees and lifted his head to see a shadowy form staring at them impartially. The eyes glowed green in the light of the headlights, but it was mostly lost to shadows. It was massive, larger then any dog he'd ever seen. The head would have come up to his chest at least, more like a pony then a wolf. Not even the sight of the two older boys standing up and staring at it made the beast move. It just shifted position as the head lowered a little and then lifted up again, the soft sounds of pants coming from that direction. Why wasn't it running? Shouldn't it have been afraid of humans?

"Fucker looks like he's just asking for it." Beau bared his teeth in a grin while Daniel struggled to two legs, his breathing coming a bit rough as his side ached from the kick.

"Don't hurt him, they're endangered." He wheezed out and grimaced as blood dribbled down the edge of his chin.

"I'll give you endangered, ass fucker!" Marty snarled and aimed another kick at him. "Beau, go grab the bat, I'm not going to let this little shit win."

"You can't!" Daniel protested as the lanky Beau moved around the car and flipped open the back door so he could bring out a wooden bat.

"Yanno what, you little shit, because of you, we're goin' to just hurt it. Just break a leg an' then leave it. Just because of you, you'll leave that thing out here to die slow and painful." Marty loomed above him and grinned. "I bet you're happy now, eh? Killin' an animal nice an' slow?"

"I'm not killing anything!!" He leaned back against the car and lifted his shirt sleeve up to try and stop his bleeding lip. "Leave it alone."

"Damn, it bolted! C'mon, we can catch it. Big son of a bitch!" Beau barked out and swung the bat experimentally.

"You stay the fuck here, faggot. If you even so much as budge, I'm going to feed you to the fucking pit dogs, understand?" Marty grabbed the front of his shirt and hauled him forward with a threatening snarl. "And don't even fucking think about getting in the car!"

His half-brother released his collar and made him sag backwards against the old rusted metal. The car was still running, but they didn't bother turning it off. They bolted in the direction the wolf had been standing, leaving Daniel bleeding and trembling with the sound of dogs whimpering behind him.

I wish I were dead... For the first time in his life, Daniel meant every word as his side ached with each breath from his brother's beating.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of the bayou at night was filled with insects and frogs that sang so it was hard to even think as Marty shoved through the bushes. A fog rolled in from the cooling swamp water and made everything hard to see clearly, like he was walking in the middle of a cloud. He was pissed. He was beyond pissed. That arrogant little prig had ruined his night. First with his sniveling and whining about what they were doing, and then by nearly getting them killed. He was half tempted to drag the damn dog back with him when he found it, then he could make Danny be the one to hand over the animal to Jean. A wolf. That was ludicrous. Did the kid think they were in the middle of Montana or some place? Wolves in Louisiana. It was beyond laughable. That's what he got for sticking his nose in books all the time instead of learning about the ways of the world. His father had been right, the kid was nothing but trouble.

He was half convinced the little pussy was gay. The way that he was always so eager to keep himself neat and clean, the way he was never with any girls, it was just sick. It made him growl to have a half-brother that would even think about taking it up the ass from anyone. It also roused a darker thought in his mind, one that he had talked about only with his best friend. If the little fucker wanted to be gay, perhaps he just needed to be shown what that meant. Sometimes, late at night, he was tempted to sneak into his half siblings bedroom and shove his face down in a pillow. To pin him down under his weight and fuck the little shit like the girl he was. He wondered if Danny would end up moaning for more and grinding beneath him, or crying like the little pussy he was. Either way, it was an interesting thought, one that became more and more tempting with each day.

Marty wasn't gay, he had a few girls that he fooled around with, but that didn't mean he couldn't show his damned half-brother what he really was. He was relatively sure that Danny was still a virgin, Marty had never been with a virgin. He'd be tight, and he'd be able to control the entire situation. Who would the kid tell? No one. He could just imagine that pale body sprawled out under him, the struggling of the back, the tight passage wrapping around his cock. He'd probably squeal exactly like a girl as he was fucked. The thought made him breath a bit faster and his body react. After tonight, he'd give in. He'd let Danny go home, pass out, and then he'd show the boy what a little faggot he really was. A moaning little whore.

He wants to be a pain in my ass? I'll be a pain in his. He thought with a barking laugh to himself before shoving through another bit of brush. But that would be for later, for now, he had other plans.

"You see anything?!" He called out as he felt water leaking over his boots. "I'm gettin' near the water, don't want to end up gator bait."

"Nothin' this way!" Beau's voice was distant and Marty growled before shoving forward again, cursing the fact he had hadn't brought a flashlight with him.

It was idiotic to come out here in the middle of the night. The gators probably weren't up on the banks at this time of night, they'd be hunting, but there was still a chance that he'd startle up one. He wasn't going to head back without first finding the damn dog, though. He'd been so pissed when he'd gotten out of the car that he'd nearly throttled the little shit right then and there, but now he was out in the middle of a swamp hoping to catch a dog. He'd take it out on the kid when he got back, if he didn't find the dog, he'd use the branch he'd picked up for something else. It was time that the kid learn his place in the scheme of things. He'd started to get more prickish about what his jobs were going to be. Marty wasn't going to work for his old man, he had better things to do.

Things that he liked. Dog owners made it so easy to snatch their animals, it was like they were asking for it. They'd let the dog out the back door and never think twice and the mutts were generally too damn stupid to do more then bark a few times. The ones that were trouble makers or tried to bite, he learned how to handle those as well. Beau loved those jobs, the ones where they fed a dog antifreeze or used his old man's gun to silence them. It wasn't anything personal, he told himself, it was just good business. He had enough dogs snatched in the last few months that he'd had to branch out, like tonight. People were starting to put up ads and warnings in Shreveport, he had to range further out into the country to find the animals that were worth stealing. And Jean was always very very good at making it worth his while.

Two hundred bucks for a pit bull, a hundred for every aggressive breed like boxers and german shepherds, and fifty bucks for any other dog he snatched up. The man ran the largest dog fights in the state, ones that were all but sanctioned by the cops in the area that had grown up with Jean. Hell, most of them came in on the weekends to place bets. Marty had earned a few hundred dollars from the fights alone. They were grisly vicious affairs, the best sort of sport, where too powerful dogs went at each other with the intent to kill. It was a damn sight better then guys in padding crashing into each other. It made him feel alive to be a part of the screaming betting crowd, and one day he hoped to own one of the fighters. Something quick and vicious, something powerful enough that it would survive any fight and win him some real cash.

His thoughts had wandered with his own plans for the future, so he nearly missed the sudden shadow that appeared off to his left. Only the fact it moved and shifted made him glance that way and see the large form freeze again. At first, he thought it was Beau, slugging along in the middle of the swamp in an attempt to bracket the dog. Then the creature shifted and he saw it was something on all fours. Four legs. Marty grinned savagely to himself, dumb brute, hadn't even tried to run.

"Here boy!" He whistled softly, "C'mere you big mutt, gotcha a treat right here." He crooned the last words in a parody of a fond voice, the shape shifted again.

The fog made it hard to tell how close it was, close enough that it disrupted the treeline at least, and the large roots that jutted from the ground. He inched closer with another call to try and lure the beast to him. He moved his hand back and held the branch close to his leg so that it wouldn't be seen until it was too late. Maybe he could stun the damned thing and still get a profit from it, if not, he'd make the fucking dog hurt. All because Danny was such a whimpering coward. Maybe that would toughen his half-brother up somewhat. Something had to.

"Cher, ya be smellin' o' blood an' meanness." A drawling voice came from his right and he froze as the shadow in the fog leapt forward and elongated itself strangely.

"Who the fuck is there?" He swung up the branch and turned to face where the voice had come from. The fog swirled strangely, shifting shadows and dancing them in front of his eyes so it was hard to see if there truly was someone there.

"Wha' ya be doin' out here, eh? Carryin' yon stick?" The shadows rippled and he heard something moving, close, closer then he thought.

Marty stumbled back a little as something hissed and scraped just out of sight. He kept the branch up, ready to defend himself. "Lookin' for my damn dog! You seen him? Big husky."

"Ahh... Wha' dat, Judgment?" The voice seemed amused, "Oui, yon be a betaille, eh? Ain't no tayeut here, mon cher."

"The fuck?" He snarled the words out and had to sort through his limited understanding of how the Cajun's spoke. "I'm not an animal, get the fuck outta here, coonass!"

"Dat any way ta talk to moi?" The shadows shifted again. "Cher, you be inna heep o' trouble, comin' here an' reekin' o' blood an' hate. Huntin' a friend o' mine, tcah!"

In the distance, he heard a sudden shriek break through the frog and insect song. It was high pitched, almost like a woman's scream and Marty felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He nearly jerked around to see if he could see what had caused it, but he couldn't turn away from the shifting shadows in front of him.

_A fox, it was just some damn fox. _ He thought and shoved away the fear that it had been Beau screaming out in the darkness.

"Listen, I don't want no trouble, I'll get outta here, alright? I'm on my way to Jean's, that's it. Just was out here-" He started to back away, but stumbled over something that struck at his legs.

"Bon, mon ami, don't let the betaille escape," The shadows shifted gain as something hard and thick pushed against his legs. Something muscled and scaled wrapped around his calves and he yelped out.

"A FUCKING SNAKE!" He scrambled backwards, but the large body twisted up around him, the weight hit his legs and writhed upwards as he tried to push away. "GET IT OFF ME!!!"

Something loomed over him, the fog rippled and the shadows seemed to fade away beneath the light of the curved crescent moon. A face leaned down towards him, but no human face had ever boasted a long muzzle, or the great sweeping horns that rose up from the top of his head. The face was splashed with white in an odd pattern that looked like a grinning deer skull peering down at him. He didn't even have time to wonder about it, he was too busy fighting against the snake that was wrapping around him, the weight dragging him down. He kicked and twisted, but the cool scales tightened and clamped down around his chest, squeezing down around him until he could barely breath, barely think past the crushing pain of being the creature's prey.

"Dis da one?" The deer-like man lifted his head while Marty twisted backwards. A sickly green light flared above him, a glowing ball that bounced and twisted casting eerie light over the creature that crouched in front of him.

"Let me the fuck go! My brother is waiting at the car, he'll report me missing!" He snarled out and tried to free his arms, only to freeze as a massive head lifted up from his chest.

He'd seen snakes in zoos before, he'd even seen monsters out in the swamps, this one was larger then anything that should have existed. The head was twice the size of his head with pale yellow eyes and a large blunt muzzle. A pattern of green ran over the head and disappeared while it swayed back and forth. It was big, nearly big enough to eat him, big enough to hurt him. And the muscles contracted harder as a third face came into view. A red dog peered down at him from over a long muzzle with triangle shaped ears pricked forward before snuffing curiously.

"That's the one, they hurt the younger one, he waits and cries." The beast spoke in a guttural tone as it pulled away. "You have taken care of the other?"

"Oui, my shadows, dey be hungry tanight," The skull faced deer replied smoothly. "Go to de younger one, watch him, Ah will take care of dis one."

"My thanks, Creole," The dog man bobbed his head strangely while Marty struggled and twisted in the grip of the snake.

The deer-man, Creole?, reached down with one thick fingered hand and spread his fingers open just above Marty's face as he tried to find the breath to call for help. All breath was being squeezed out of him by the snake. One of the large creature's fingers moved and brushed against either side of his face and words began to spill from his strange lips. No muzzle should have been able to speak that way, but they spilled out seemed natural. The words were strangely French and garbled, he couldn't understand what they meant, only that they ran together and shadows seemed to spill from the finger tips. He nearly went cross eyed as he watched the darkness spilled down and clung to his skin. The scent of spiced tobacco filled the air while he struggled to get away.

"Let.. stop that!" He hissed out, only to feel the coils tightening again, threatening to cut off his air supply. The shadows felt hot as they brushed against him and spread along the edge of his jawline and neck. He twisted and arched and bucked in the bonds, but he couldn't escape whatever the creature was doing to him.

"Ya reap what ya sow, cher, an' dis be a long time comin'," The words were cold and heartless and came just before a soul crushing wave of pain tore through him. His shrill scream joined the night, just as Beau's had, softer only because of the snake's merciless grip.

Things were changing and shifting, his body ached as his muscles seemed to tighten to the point that they felt like they were about to snap. He arched himself and twisted about, but the snake held him in place. The hissing sound warned him as the pain spiked along his nose and lips, muffling his screech as he felt it growing swollen and sensitive. The sickly green light didn't spare him as his nose started to bulge strangely and push outwards, it ached and felt overly sensitive as his skin tightened and heated up. It was like a fever rushing over him, flooding him, spilling over his body and making even his teeth hurt. The coils of the snake just made other parts of him hurt as he arched up into the air and screamed out again.

His lips stretched thinner over his mouth, pushing outwards as his bones started to change as well. Tendons started to stretch and shift, twisting and pushing outwards so that his teeth started to rearrange themselves in his mouth. They sharpened so they pushed against his tongue, making him cry out as he nearly cut himself. His legs shifted in the coils of the snake, the bones shortening, thickening, elongating, nothing remained the same. The pain continued to build, throbbing in time with his heart beat as he felt his arms beginning to shift, struggling in the grip of the snake. Resting them on his sides didn't feel comfortable, it made his shoulders ache as joints started to pop wetly. He couldn't bare it, he couldn't take it, the screams came out raggedly while the snake began to release him. He couldn't have run even if he had wanted to. The world was fire and heat, his body twisting and contorting into a shape that it should have never been possible. He could only close his eyes as the pain and fear took it's toll. He didn't care what happened; he just wanted it to stop. Unconsciousness was the sweetest blessing he could hope for.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Marty came back to himself, in he didn't know how long, he only knew his body was aching, hurting, and every breath sent burning pain along his chest. The sound of the bayou was around him, loud and chattering still, while he heard a soft whining sound come again and again. He whimpered softly and tried to curl up in a ball, but his body didn't want to work the way it should. When he tried to curl forward, he felt his body twisting oddly and his legs pulling up at the strangest angle. The high pitched whine turned into a rough yelp so he tried to wriggle himself onto his knees. He pried his eyes open, but there were sparks of light flashing there making it hard to concentrate on anything but the way he was swaying back and forth. He pushed his hands down and heaved himself up with a groan before dropping down onto his ass. His legs didn't bend right.

He carefully pried open an eye and let out a yelping cry as he found himself staring at the skull patterned face of the deer-man. Creole was watching him intently, his body nearly covered in the snake that had trapped him. The creature had it's scaled head on the deer's shoulder and was watching him impartially, while its master tilted his head. The glowing green lights showed him plainly, not just his face. The creature had a white belly and a darker stripe that ran along either side of his body. In the light, he didn't look like a deer, but some sort of antelope like creature. With two straight horns that rose up nearly two feet above his head, decorated with bone and metal cuffs that dangled feathers that brushed down the curve of his cheek. At his side, was a large grey pit bull that was whining softly under its breath, the clipped ears pinned back against its head.

"So ya awake, eh cher?" Creole murmured and rubbed his hand up along the dog's ears. "Bon, bon, always hardest fer de bitches, eh?"

"BITCH?!" Marty roared out, or rather, he meant to roar out, instead a deep bark erupted from his mouth while he tried to stand up.

His body still wasn't working right, but he knew why, even before he turned to look at it. The feverish moments before he'd lost consciousness had shown him what he was becoming. He twisted his head a little and cried out as he twisted in a circle on all four paws. Brown and white splashes of fur met him, complete with a stub tail and large dog paws shifted on the damp bayou soil. He had the dimmest memories of feeling his body changing, his fingers shortening and claws hardening, but he had woken up to the reality. He scrambled backwards and tried to look down at himself, but the blunt muzzle made it hard to look at his chest.

"Ahh cher, don't be so surprised, eh? Now ya body is like yer soul." Creole drawled out and moved his hands up to ruffle the big grey dog's ears. "Eh, Beau? Tis a good thing."

BEAU?! _ He yelped to himself and stared at the massive pit bull that was whining constantly under his breath. _Oh god, he did this to Beau too?!

_ _

"Now, one last thing, mon ami," Creole purred softly and lifted out a hand. The tips of his fingers flexed a little bit as his snake lifted its large head upwards. "Ah heard those dirty thoughts, Ah heard why ye wanted ta do ta de boy. Evil. Dat be what ya be, evil."

The fingers flexed again and something like a flash of dark red erupted at him. It was just a spark, but he tried to scramble away on all fours to escape it. His paws churned the ground while he yelped in terror and attempted to jerk to one side. It didn't matter, the spark hit him hard, right against the chest where it spread a sharp rush of fire through his veins. His heart started to pound faster, hammering against his chest as he froze. His ears flattened back against his head, clipped and useless, while he felt the fire spreading downwards along the broadness of his chest. It slipped lower and lower, flaring outwards until his stomach cramped up and twisted in reaction. He arched his back up and tried to ignore it, but the warmth flowed deeper.

Invisible fingers tickled and teased through his loins, it wasn't painful, but a strange fire that swelled parts of his body and made things in his belly ache and twist. His breathing came out in short whimpers as he tried to look at himself to see what was being done to him. Panic started to grow as he felt his lower belly tighten and his nose twitched while he twisted around. Finally, he had to behave in a humiliating fashion and drop down on his rump and twist his body back and lift a hind leg. It was an awkward position, made worse by the laughter from Creole as he tried to see what was wrong. And it was written there right between his legs. Where he couldn't possibly miss it.

The dark spade shaped sex was puffy and swollen looking, larger then what he'd normally seen on a female dog and the flesh drawn taut. It felt overly warm and ached as he let out a keening cry low in his throat at the sight. He had been well hung, thick and big enough to make the girls complain about his size, but there was nothing left of him. Nothing even remotely human or male. The soft lips glistened in the strange green light and she could feel the folds pulsing in time with her heart beat. She whimpered a little bit and dropped her hind leg as she heard Beau let out an eager noise deep in his throat. She jerked her head up and growled as the big grey dog strained forward with a large red tongue sweeping over his lips.

"Ahh mon ami, so eager?" Creole rubbed his head behind the back of the dogs neck. "Do ya see, cher?" The beast looked up at Marty with a smile teasing his strange muzzle. "Recognize his want? Ah saw ya thinkin' of the boy, eager ta make him scream, will you scream, cher?"

Let me go! Marty backed up with a high pitched whine as Beau let out another low growl and shifted his front paws.

The movement brought her eyes down to between the forelegs and the realization that her best friend had remained male. Proudly male. The heavy dark sheath wobbled slightly beneath him, swollen and plump, with the edge of the tip showing something pink edging out into the light. It rested right above a pair of leathery orbs that rested against the ground, but were soon jiggling as his best friend tried to stand up before he sat back down again with an anxious noise in his throat. Marty drew in a breath, but it was a trembling one, flooded with a harsh scent of dog on the air. It was a coppery sweet scent that made her back away again, one step at a time to get away from the big male that was showing some obvious interest in her.

"Ahh no, tayeut, ya won't get away so easy." Creole reached out again as she tried to back further away and something snapped around her chest. Shadows reared out of the fog and darkness to twist around her and tightened so she couldn't back up any further. "Ya ever wonder what ya done? All da poor ones lost fer money, loved ones, pets, dumb beasts..."

_They were animals! _ She howled to herself and let out a keening whine as Beau stood up again, licking his chops with a soft whine. His eyes were bright with intelligence, but that didn't stop him from inching forward one step at a time.

"Females bred an' sucklin' pup after poor pup, males thrown ta de pits. Filth." The creature spat out with distaste and stood up. "Now ya regret, mon ami, Ah see it in yer eyes, but only fer fear o' what's ta happen."

Marty trembled as more shadows twisted up and wrapped around her throat, they clamped down and tightened until her whines came out with soft wheezing noises. Her entire body was shaking and twisting, but there was no escape as the shadowy bonds kept her in place. Like the breeding stand that Juan used when he wanted to breed pups from prized fighters. They were meant to make sure a female couldn't fight or escape a male, he'd always laughed at it. He'd seen it used twice, the females had yelped and snarled, but they had been kept in placed as the males hammered into them no matter what they said. At the time it had almost been arousing to see how they struggled and cried when knotted, but now she felt a rush of icy fear as Beau kept slinking forward, his hips jerking slightly as he snuffled the air eagerly.

_No no no, not this! I'm human! I'm a man!! I'm not a dog! _ She protested as Creole leaned back on a twisted oak tree, making no attempt to stop Beau.

Her changed friend was huge, the muscles showed beneath his glossy coat and his head was squared off with a pair of powerful jaws. She had known Beau all her life, she had been friends with the boy as they grew up together, but now her friend was sniffing the air faster and faster. His tail wagged faster as he advanced close enough that he nearly brushed her shoulder and she felt the hot breath hitting against her. She started crying out and writhing to get away, snapping at the air, but the shadow restraints held her still, she could only wiggle a little back and forth. Her snarls didn't even phase him as the cold nose jabbed against her and Beau drew in a deep breath. This close, Marty could smell hot rank male on the air and made her tremble as her loins started to react to that scent.

She almost choked on it as he slipped down her side and snuffled messily against her. The cold wet nose shoved against her while he inched towards her trapped hindquarters. When his loins came closer she could smell the musk even more, and the strange green lights revealed the cock that was pushing out into the light, dribbling onto the ground while he pushed and nosed up against the base of her tail. She tried to drop her tail to cover herself, but she couldn't get it down to really cover herself. She blocked his access to her pucker, but it was too short to touch her heat swollen folds. She jerked forward harder, her paws scrabbled against the ground just before Beau's hot long tongue pushed out against her aching folds.

Marty snarled frantically at the dog behind her, but the tongue spread her folds open with a wet slurping noise. Her ears flushed a hot red as the working tongue pushed and rubbed, caressed and wiggled against her. The big grey dog growled out and then whined eagerly as he tried to push his tongue between the folds. This was her friend! Her very best friend, and he was eating her out without a single show of guilt or remorse. She snapped her jaws at the air, a bit of froth forming at the corners as her eyes bulged wildly. The tongue wedged inwards and for the first time, she felt the hot tongue wriggling and working in deeper. It wedged inwards while her inner walls contracted and squeezed around him instinctively.

The big dog let out a huffing noise before slowly pulling his tongue back, there was a lewd wet noise as it slipped out and made her hunch her hips upwards. She wanted to sob, even as her body was flushed with a humiliating tinge of need. Her slickness showed her arousal, no matter what her mind was screaming, the scent of the dog was infecting her, flooding her senses. She dug her paws in harder against the ground as Beau shifted beside her and let out a low warning growl. His weight bumped against her hindquarters, and she knew what was going to happen. She let out a snarling curse of warning, but Beau's head pushed up against her hindquarters and shoved up harder against her bared rump. That was her only real warning as he shifted his hips to her barking cries that tried to tell him to stop.

Her friend didn't listen, his weight pushed up over her back and large clumsy forepaws hooked around her hips as he pushed down against her restrained body. She kicked back against him, and turned her head as much as she could to snap at him, but he ducked his head down and snapped against her neck. His lips curled back to bare his teeth in warning as he yanked against her haunches, the slimy tip of the cock jabbed up against the curve of her hips. The smear of wetness spread along the edges of her docked tail as she tried to tuck her hips down. This couldn't happen, damnit! This shouldn't happen. The paws yanked harder, with the blunt claws dragging along her belly as the dog jabbed wildly at her vulnerable swollen sex.

She wasn't prepared when the tip slipped down and pushed right up against her aching folds, and only held there for the briefest moment before Beau slammed forward. Marty shrieked out as the boned tip wedged into her body and speared deep into her passage. Her walls were forced to stretch open around him, the tender swollen passage aching as she tried to hold the boned girth that jabbed deep within her body. He didn't stop, he pushed forward inch by inch, until she felt the rough edges of a sheath grinding against her. His hot breath hammered against his neck as he held himself there for a moment, growling softly as her inner walls massaged and contracted around his girth. It was humiliating as her body reacted to him with a rush of need that had her shaking.

Beau drew back, barely half his girth, before plunging forward with a sharp buck that drove her against the shadowed restraints as he drove himself into her warm body. Wet splatters of precum dribbled out of his tip, tainting her body as he started to hammer his hips in short hard bucks. His paws clutched at her, dragging her back, as his head slipped forward and brushed against her shoulder. His tongue lolled out and smeared her shoulder with a wet coating of drool as he pistoned himself in and out. Her swollen folds were forced in on themselves and then pulled out again as he dragged himself out, nearly all the way, before slamming forward again. The thickness at the base ground and pushed against her while she tried to stop her high pitched cries from spilling from her muzzle.

It was painful, her body ached from his shaft claiming every bit of her virginity, but it also forced pleasure on her as he stroked and tugged along her passage. His snarls and grunts were punctuated with lewd wet noises as her own arousal was forced out around him as each thrust started to push her swollen vulva open. The rubbing pushes of the cock forced her forward as he tried to wedge himself ever deeper no matter how she protested. Through it all, her walls caressed and suckled around him, she clamped down tightly to try and stop him from pulling out, only to have him drive back into her. Her own breathing became ragged as her toes dug into the ground. His hips pushed forward hard enough she realized that she wasn't just feeling the rough edges of the furred sheath grinding against her vulnerable outer lips. He was pushing forward something hard and thick, grinding against her as his paws yanked harder against her.

Beau's growl spiked higher up as she tried to jerk her hips up while she felt the knot trying to wedge itself into her passage. Her walls yawned open wider and wider before he pulled back again, a slimy dribble of precum spilled deeper into her, spreading the warmth. She knew whwat was coming, she knew what he was going to do, and her terror only mounted as she tried to snap at the muzzle that dropped down against her shoulder. Her lips twisted back as he snarled back up at her and vengefully slammed forward and forced the knot forward. He strained those vulnerable folds open wider and wider while she snapped harder against his muzzle. She nearly caught his nose, but he jerked his head around and snapped at the back of her neck. His teeth dug into the tender muscles so she couldn't even twist around as his shuddering hind legs as he forced his knot forward.

Her walls finally gave way to the heavy bulb and she jerked forward, unable to even cry out as she saw stars when the swollen knot slammed home. Her walls nearly tore around him as his cock lodged deep inside of her, the tip wedged up tight against her cervix, a pressure that just added to her torment. Her inner walls rippled around him, growing slicker and hotter while he hammered back and forth. The knot was pulling against her muscles, but didn't slip out, her own body clamped down tightly around him, holding him inside of her fertile body. She felt the teeth clutching harder against her as the sharp thrusts rocked her back and forth against the restraints, the tip tapped and ground itself against the barrier to her vulnerable womb as her breathing came out in short wheezing cries. With each thrust the knot grew larger and larger, stretching her as it worked muscles she'd never had to ensure that she wouldn't escape his breeding.

Beau let out a final snarl drove himself forward and she felt his cock starting to pulse inside of her. Her own body reacted to him, pulsing and pulling from the base all the way to tip, even as she tried to deny what was happening to her. The throbbing shaft suddenly spilled out a hot sperm rich rush of cum directly inside of her. She felt the heat being flung from the tip and splattering against her vulnerable cervix while she cried out a protest. Her ears flattened tight to her head, her body trembled and twisted in place, but still she felt a flush of pleasure as the creamy cum pushed ever deeper into her passage. Each pulse flung out another rope, locked inside by the swollen knot while she remained trembling on all fours, half dazed as her best friend did his best to fill her stomach with a litter of pups. His knot felt as if it were splitting her apart, and there was no escaping it until he was done with her.

"Bon bon..." Creole's voice seemed to come from a distance, and the shadowy restraints faded away so she could sag on all fours, the weight of her friend shifting above her.

Beau's forelegs dropped away before he stepped back, the moment he moved she yelped out as he tugged at the knot. His forelegs slipped to one side first, and then he swung his hind leg over so she felt the full twitching balls pressing up against her as he moved to stand ass to ass with her. She whimpered softly to herself as another hot pulse of cum erupted from the tip. Her body being ravaged by a sudden rush of eager sperm that spread through her vulnerable womb, no way to escape what was happening to her.

"Now, Ah believe the boy needs seen too..." Creole's voice was a murmur and Marty looked up to see the creature rubbing against the edge of the snake's jaw line. "Bon bon, Judgment, he will need lookin' after, oui. Beau! Come, cher! We have business!"

To her horror, Beau moved and stepped forward, yanking hard at the knot that still joined them as he moved in answer to the call. She yelped out and walked backwards awkwardly to try and keep him from tearing her open. She didn't want to see Danny like this!!!

Reap What You Sow: Part 2

The sound of the crickets were wild and sweet on the air, but Daniel didn't care about them. Didn't care about the plaintive song that was ringing in the air and rising upwards, didn't care about the fog that was rolling through the road. He crouched...

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"You are terrible, you know that." Sean laughed a little as his lover ran a light hand down the line of his spine so a shiver trailed through him. "Mmm, you said you wanted something different, and this... is different." Lyle ran a finger along his...

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 3

The warmth of the sun spread over Alaine's form as he stretched his full length beneath Aratha's golden eye and let it soak into his itching scales. The remains of his last meal sat heavily in him as he resisted the urge to squirm against the dew wet...

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