Keeping Them Safe

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The sound of birds drew Drake from his dreams, chattering and chirping that made the gold dragon flick his tail slightly and wind it closer to his haunches. The warmth of the sun spread over his wings and made him feel drowsy and lazy, the addition of a full belly just added to those sensations. He wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and go back to his dreams, but the sound of a passing flock of birds were loud enough that it became useless to try. With a groan he lifted his head up and peeled back his lips to yawn hugely and glare up at the creatures winging back and forth. Spring had finally come and so had the normal twittering life to chase away the winter. He arrowed his eyes a little and gave his head a shake, rearing his neck back until his curved ribbed horns brushed against the back of his neck. He spread his paws out and twisted to unkink his aching muscles.

He automatically turned his head around to lick against the scales that had grown wrong along the base of his neck. They would be shed eventually and then grow straight and true, but for now, they were still wrong feeling where the collar had once rested as they grew. He nosed them lightly and snorted out with annoyance before folding his sun warmed wings against his sides and looked out over his territory. Not the cold sterile cage that he had known in his youth, but a sweeping forest nestled against the base of a mountain. The grass was thick and green, the leaves starting to unfurl on the trees and fine rich prey could be found in the forest. It was more wealth then he had ever dreamed imaginable and it was all his.

With a soft growl he heaved himself up onto all fours to settle on his haunches as he looked over the forest line, his eyes straining to see the shape that had become more dear to him than he had ever imagined. They had been trapped in the same hell, locked into cages in a place the men had called a lab. Their cages too small and their food was just enough to live on, they'd been pumped full of drugs as whatever the two legged creatures wanted to do was done. It had been humiliating to be so used, but he had been younger and hadn't been quite so sure how to get away or how to fight them. What was he supposed to do? He only knew that he was another one of their strange experiments, an attempt to create an intelligent deadly soldier by making an entirely new hybrid. He had raged and snarled at first, but he needn't have worried about them probing him too terribly much.

The tiger that had been locked in the cage next to him had been worked over far more diligently. The men had, at first, tried to find a female of his species, but had failed. The line was an old and unique one, slowly having been killed out due to their appetites and forced raids on the villages. They were not like normal tigers, but one that was nearly the size of a dragon with the powerful lithe build of a feline. Nimr often spoke of his homeland, his people, what he was missing and how he had been captured. They had become almost friends, until man had changed it all. Drugs pumped into the tiger, day after day of their bodies being primed and ready until Drake was half mad with an edge of desire that was driven on by the scents they created. Pheromones that only a female dragon should have boasted, but they hadn't come from a female or a dragon. Whatever they had done to Nimr, it had made the dragon forget himself, forget everything but the rich scents on the air.

Nimr had fought and snarled, but in the end Drake had plunged into that roused body and tried to extinguish his need. It had been a hot rough mating and followed by more. The humans in the lab often forcing them to spend nights in one another's cages. He had felt ashamed later on, but when he tasted that scent he could think of nothing else but the burning need that filled him. It was no surprise that the humans had found a way to make up for the fact that the tiger was male and not of the same species, but it still shocked him when the striped form had started to swell. It was then that he hesitantly tried to talk to his fellow prisoner with something like warmth. The instinctive need of a male to protect future young had come to the fore, though Nimr had shunned it at first.

Drake stirred and shifted on his ledge, his wings flickering back against his body at the half remembered moments of passion all caught on video within the lab. He wasn't sure what the humans planned to do with the eggs the tiger had ended up bearing, they never would know. The rubbles of the lab were left behind them, nothing more than ivy twined bit of rocks and cracked glass. He had been roused to a killing wrath when they'd tried to pull the egg bearing tiger away from him, and when he came back to himself he had smashed a good portion of the lab to get to freedom. It was a lifetime ago, left behind them both as they retreated to the safety of the untamed mountains. They had shed their collars and formed a territory that was surrounded by rough large jutting mountains and quarries. They had learned their lesson about mankind, and it was here they had started their lives. Nimr, Drake, and two eggs that had been laid by the tiger, much to his embarrassment.

Nania and Rorra were strange looking creatures, neither dragon nor tiger, but some mix between them both. They didn't possess wings, a fact he mourned, but their bodies were scaled and muscular, lithe as tigers and striped over with brilliant gold stripes set on a vibrant orange background. They were lovely, deadly and bright younglings, a joy to be around and teach. Nimr had been besotted with them both, teaching them to hunt afoot, while Drake taught them all there was to know of his dragon heritage. He adored them, they were intelligent and loving, swift and agile. They were deadly, quiet hunters, slowly growing into adults that would be able to find territory of their own. Mates of their own. They would soon leave their parents behind and leave the protective territory that Nimr and he had painstakingly picked out and chance mankind.

The drake flexed his paws a little against the ground and let out a low growl to himself. He didn't like the idea of them leaving he and Nimr's presence. The world wasn't big enough anymore and they were unique and flightless. How easy would it be to capture them? They were exotic and strange looking, and what he knew of mankind told him that they would be placed in a cage or forced to carry harnesses or saddles for humans. The drive to find their own territory would outweigh the tales of caution that he and his tiger had given them so often. They would stop thinking about anything except what instinct made them desire, territory of their own, mates for their future young. It made him flick his wings against his back and rumble unhappily to himself. Nania with her brilliant dark gold stripes and long elegant tail, strong Rorra with her orange so light it was nearly gold and her ability to move as silently as her tiger father. Gone and abused beneath the hold of the humans when they were captured, not if.

His eyes nearly closed against future pain while the sun seemed colder to his glistening scales. The sound of a high pitched screech burst through the day, echoing along the mountains and bringing his head up in a jerk. The shriek came out again, higher pitched and drawn out. It barely died away when he leapt from the cliff and snapped his wings out into the wind. He knew that voice, Rorra was crying out!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nania burrowed down partially beneath the bushes, her eyes wide and breathing coming too fast as she watched the scene in front of her. Her paws flexed against the ground, tearing up small furrows in the giving dirt while she tried to make herself smaller. Her sister, Rorra, was trembling with her sharply tapered muzzle spread open in a cry as their father rolled his hips forward. The tiger's heavy furred weight kept her pinned in place while Nania watched the dark shaft wedging itself into the small scaled vent. It looked impossibly large compared to the slight dragon hybrid, but it was straining the lips open wider and wider with a lewd wet noise. Nimr's jaws gripped the back of the pale orange-gold neck and kept the girl in place as the wide furred haunches spread open around her. She wasn't trying to escape, though, even if she did look half panicked and her voice let out high pitched calls with each powerful roll forward.

She wasn't quite sure what was happening. She had been on the hunt with her sister, intent on taking down larger prey now that they were finally old enough to be near adult size. It had been a perfectly ordinary hunt, save that their father, Nimr, had met them half way and followed along with a curious smile on his face. His nose had been twitching and he seemed more interested in watching them then looking for signs of prey, but they hadn't thought anything about it. The hunt had been a bust. They had been increasingly more restless in the last two days, finding it hard and uncomfortable to remain still for any amount of time. Neither of them had known what they were doing or aiming for, except for deer, but Rorra had been insistent that they try further out. It had seemed like such a good idea. The restlessness had grown as they left the lair they shared with their fathers behind.

Nania had forgotten Nimr was following them with an intent to join the hunt, Rorra likely did as well. It had seemed like a good idea when Rorra led them down from the forest and towards the one opening in the foothills that they knew about. Nania had wanted to know what was past them, Rorra only translated that want into action. They could leave the foothills, the restlessness would fall away as soon as they saw somewhere new. Somewhere they could strike out on their own and claim their own territory. The thoughts had been so natural that they hadn't even had to speak about them, just lifted their heads up higher and started to move at a jog. Nimr had been forgotten entirely, but he had not forgotten them. Without warning, the tiger had pounced on Nania and purred down at her. Murmuring that she was ready to be an adult, and she had no need to leave this safe place, there was only danger out in the great wide world.

She had felt lost and panicked when their father had begun to lick beneath her sister's tail. Rorra had squeaked and whimpered, but didn't try to escape the long agile appendage that spread along her folds. Instead, she had hiked her hips up and pushed back against the touch with curious noises. It had made Nania grow aware of her own strange feelings that had been growing at the sight. She'd watched her father's pale furred sheath spread open so that a thick dark red tip pressed into view and lowered towards the ground. It wasn't the first time she'd seen one of her parents' shafts, but it was the first time she'd seen one harden and grow thicker. Each pulse of blood made it fill out before her eyes while her sister's tender loins were explored with long slow strokes of his tongue. Only when Rorra had been panting and trembling, whimpering and squeaking, had the tiger stood up and stepped over her, his cock bobbing and hard beneath him.

"Good.. girl.." Nania's eyes shot back to the scene in front of her as Nimr's hips gave a sudden jab and the last hint of red plunged into Rorra's achingly spread folds. "You have.. what you need here.."

Nania whimpered softly to herself as her father's haunches drew back and revealed a glistening spire, while Rorra let out another piercing cry. Her paws dug down against the ground and her back arched as the inches pulled from her. It made Nania's body tense and twist uncomfortably against the dirt, unable to look away from the scene. She started to shake while watching the tiger plunging his hips forward again, a slimy bit of wetness oozed out around the edges before he pulled back again. Rorra's cries picked up pitch each time he pulled from her. Nania's body was reacting to a need she'd never experienced before, it was an aching burn that made her squirm back and forth against the ground, her tail hiking slightly.

She wanted to edge closer, but at the same time she was afraid of what she was watching. It made her body feel feverishly hot and her paws flexed against the ground. Rorra's eyes opened and looked straight at her, they were edged with white as their father plunged forward again and forced her to stretch open ever water. Wetness was being forced around the edges of the dark red cock smoothed along the vulnerable folds. She hiked her hips up a little and let out a rowling cry low in her throat as they continued in front of her. She was so lost in watching that she barely heard the sound of wing beats. She barely saw the flash of gold.

"What are you doing?!" Her other father's voice was a growl as Drake flipped his wings back and Nania turned her head with a whimper. He was looming just above Nimr and Rorra, the tiger gave a grinding push forward before lifting his head to his mate.

"Ensuring they stay," The tiger growled softly while Rorra whimpered beneath him. "They would leave soon... smell them, rich and fertile, coming to adulthood. How can we let them leave?"

Her Papa curled his lips back and made a show of snuffing the air, the horns right in front of his muzzle nearly brushed the ground as he turned his head back and forth. "So you put an end to their heat?"

"Oh yes... They will not need to leave if we tend them... personally.." Nimr purred and drew his hips back slowly, startling a cry from Rorra, "Let Daddy take away that awful heat, and you will nest here. Forever.."

Nania waited for her Papa to stop them, to say something else, he certainly look enraged as his lips peeled back to show his teeth. The broad golden wings spread open to either side as he drew in a deep breath, for what she thought was a snarl or to yell at his mate, but the sound never came. He only drew in another breath and turned his head slowly, ever so slowly, towards her. Her sister's cries came again as the tiger continued his rolling thrusts, while she was left staring up into the bright eyes of her Papa. The dragon stepped forward towards the hybrid and lowered his head to snuffle right along the curve of her shoulder. The scent of him came to her, not the normal comforting warm scent she had always known, but it was male and musky, the scent that made her belly tense up and her entire body flush.

"Is that it?" Drake murmured and drew his head along her side while he stepped forward, his wings spread open to either side. The snuffling trailed towards her haunches while she crouched and started to shake. "Do you feel restless? Too warm? Needy, my little one?"

"I..." She tried to answer, but a soft noise spilled out before she could stop herself. A quiet croon that brushed right along the base of her tail. The heat of it tickled against the scales of her ropey tail while she lashed it back and forth.

Rorra's cries were coming sharper now as Nania's tail was flipped upwards for her Papa's muzzle to slip beneath. His long hot tongue flicked out and dragged right between her haunches making her jerk forward in shock. She'd watched Nimr licking her sister, but now she felt the warm slick heat spreading over her folds. The tongue tip toyed along her puffy vent, tickling against it so she pushed her haunches up into the air. The heat was growing worse, making it impossibly sensitive as she spread her front legs in front of her. Drake's growl was a deep thrumming purr as he caressed his tongue up and down along her outer folds. The tip wedged and pushed inwards, forcing her virgin folds to part for him, already slick from watching as her sister was deflowered right in front of her.

Nania couldn't stop watching the tiger on her twin, the powerful thrusts were rocking her back and forth while Rorra's muzzle was spread open with short harsh breaths. It was something to watch as Drake's tongue explored her, rubbing her swollen passage so her hind legs started to splay open wider for him. It roused need inside of her, a restless need that had been growing with each day, and soon it was reaching a peak under the harsh hot scents of sex and male. Her Papa's powerful paw moved up and hooked right against the curve of her haunch. When it moved upwards to press just in front of the base of her tail she pushed her haunches in the air automatically. Her breathing came out faster as he drove that need ruthlessly towards a fever pitch.

The paw pressed down on her haunches and pinned them in place as his long muzzle pushed harder against her folds. She arched and cried out, echoing how her sister had cried, as her body was forced to stretch open around the tongue. It rolled and explored her, forcing her to convulse the walls around the girth. Her wetness was forced out around the edges, smearing along the golden muzzle that tested her. It wasn't painful, it sent tremors of pleasure running down her spine as she arched her hips higher and rocked back and forth slowly. She trilled a little bit, a sound that was set off by a snarl while Nimr started to shorten his thrusts against Rorra. She wanted to watch, but she couldn't, Drake was eagerly exploring and testing her until she was shaking. His tongue pulled from her with a wet slick drag that made her inner walls suddenly clamp down around nothing. Drake licked his way higher, curling and rubbing along the line of her spine.

The hybrid jerked her head up and twisted it about in time to see the powerful weight of her sire sliding over top her, with something red jutting out between his haunches. She'd watched NImr do this, she'd seen it happen, and even knowing it didn't stop her from becoming almost frightened as his chest and stomach pushed over her own. A low rumble vibrated from between the large muzzle as he covered her and spread his wings. The heat of the slippery tongue grazed around the base of her neck before nipping sharply. She turned her head back and watched her sister's body shaking and arching up beneath Nimr. Her eyes were squeezed shut as the tiger suddenly lunged forward with a sharp powerful thrust that pushed her hips into the air.

Drake's forepaws gripped either side of her hips as the tip of his cock slipped up and left a slimy spill along her puffy heat swollen folds. She dug her paws down against the ground, knowing what was coming, but fearing it. He felt so large grinding against her and pushing along her outer lips, but that didn't stop him from rolling forward. The wet tip pressed forward and yawned her outer lips open before a sharper jab plunged into her achingly sensitive passage. She found out intimately why Rorra had been shrieking the first time the tiger rolled his hips down against her. Nania let out a screeching cry as the driving push forward forced her wider and wider. Her untrained inner walls started to contract and clutch around him, squeezing tightly as his powerful hips pushed forward inch by inch. Something thick and wet oozed out of his tip and help slicken her passage for her father's girth.

His jaws clamped down harder against the back of her neck and yanked up so her head forced higher in the air. She flattened her rounded ears down and cried out again as the next thrust forced the ridges to pluck along her sensitive inner lips. She opened her eyes wide and watched as Nimr lifted himself from her sister. Rorra was sprawled out under him trembling as she watched the dark red cock pulling out with a spill of thick white cream from the violated folds. She gaped at them while Rorra squirmed on the ground beneath the powerful tiger, but Drake's pressing hips made it too hard to look for long. The deeper he went, the thicker he grew. The outer lips were being stretched open too wide, almost painfully wide as she let out soft helpless noises.

She scrabbled with her paws against the ground, but it didn't pull her off him, his weight kept her securely pinned in place as he wedged inwards. Her outer lips were pushed in on themselves as she intimately felt the ridges stroking and caressing inside of her. It was pleasurable and painful all at once as he kept her hips lowered down and her tail pinned up along the side of her haunch. The hot breath hit against the back of her neck while he drove forward again, this time hard enough that there was a lewd squelching sound as the base of the cock plunged into her. Her belly felt swollen trying to hold him, he was larger, so much larger then his tiger mate. She was writhing against the ground with her soft noises coming out as whimpers and cries.

The gold dragon held still above her, letting her grow used to him as her inner walls contracted and pulsed around him. She clutched and suckled from the base all the way towards the tip. Each of the ridges were pressed within her where even the smallest movement stimulated her fever hot body. She opened her eyes again to a wet noise and watched Rorra licking their father's cock. The tip bristled with barbs as the young females tongue scooped up the hot slippery ooze and swallowed it down. No wonder she had been crying out each time he pulled back. When Drake pulled his hips back, there was no scrape of barbs, but his heavy girth yanked and tugged so the ridges popped free one at a time. She splayed her hind legs open wider and writhed beneath him in need.

Her heart started to pound faster against her chest as he dragged himself out until a drool of viscous precum oozed out along her outer folds and inner hind legs. He lifted his hips until only the bulbous glans was resting inside of her ever eager body and then let out a snarl. His forelegs hooked right on either side of her haunches and gave it a sudden yank backwards while her Papa bucked forward again. He forced her to stretch around him again, her silken passage straining to hold him while she started to shudder. She cried out raggedly as he hilted himself and his scaled loins pushed all the way up against her tender outer lips. The grinding rub pressed up and down, scraping the scales against her puffy lips before he pulled back again.

The ribbing of his cock caressed her, stimulated her, making her suckle around his cock with growing need. She couldn't stop herself, her body wanted this, she was aching for it even without knowing it. She dropped her chin down against her forepaws as he dragged back again, starting to thrust in short rough movements. His teeth gripped and yanked hard against the loose skin at the nape of her neck, using it to keep himself braced while the driving thrusts clapped hard against her haunches with lewd slapping sounds. She was growing slicker around him, clutching and gripping him as she watched Rorra dropping down to the ground again. Nimr stood on all fours above her, starting to crouch down with his dark red cock hardened once more and oozing clear viscous precum from the tip.

Nania's entire body started to tense up as she watched as her sister started to be taken again, her glistening seed coated folds exposed to the tapered tip that lowered itself. Drake's growl trailed down her throat as her father suddenly drove forward and started to thrust in harsh thrusts. They built up on each other, driving ever deeper, ever harder, rubbing the ridges through her until she could barely think. The need that was growing and filling out made her wrinkle her lips back with a ragged little groan when her Papa's forepaws clutched on either side of her hips. He dug in firmly against her, dragging her backwards and forcing her to hilt on his cock. The base pushed her outer lips open wide as the ridges began to grow more pronounced within her suckling inner muscles.

He pushed her ruthlessly towards the edge, she'd seen what had happened with Rorra, she knew what was coming. Her hind legs scraped against the ground while her hips were pushed ever higher in the air. Tremors rocked through her, making it impossible to think, barely hearing her sister's high pitched cries through her own hammering heart. Drake released her neck and roared out as she suddenly started to pulse and contract around him. The inner walls were molding around his cock as her entire body began to tremble. It was a rush of pleasure that she had been waiting for and her father was oh so eager to deliver as his claws scraped right along the inner curve of her haunches to keep her in place against his loins.

The cock started to throb and pulse within her passage before her Papa gave exactly what she needed. His cock tip drove itself up against her cervix, a near painful pressure, before the first thick was of fiery seed erupted from his tip. Nania clawed against the ground as rope after heavy rope splattered inside of her, flooding against her cervix and coating her fertile inner body with sperm rich cream. She milked and pulled from the base to the tip, milking it for every hot gooey drop while she pressed against the ground. She felt light headed as the cock that had created her seeded her and gave short hard thrusts trying to force it ever deeper into her vulnerable womb. Her own cries were mingled with her sisters and the lewd squelching noise as Nimr made his claim again.

Drake's wings dropped down to either side of her body while he rumbled above her. His tongue stroked right along the back of her neck as the next throb sent up a thicker glob of cum into her belly. She could feel it oozing deep inside, being forced around the dark red cock so some of the cream was spilling along her outer lips. Only some, most of it was pushing into her ripe womb, millions of sperm spreading and racing towards her vulnerable ova. Ensuring that she'd swell with her own siblings soon and putting an end to the restless heat that had been growing in her for the last few days.

"That's my girl," Papa growled softly and licked along her neck, grinding and rolling his hips back and forth with lewd wet noises. "We'll make sure you never need look beyond our borders for your home."

Nania opened her eyes to watch as Rorra cried out raggedly and was rocked forward as the tiger gripped the base of her neck and started to plunge forward in rough violent thrusts. The wetness was being forced out over and over as he moved all over again. Rorra's hips were pushed up into the air, pressing up tightly against the furred white loins. She couldn't look away, not when her own father was grinding back and forth slowly inside of her. The ridges pulled along her while the paw moved up to cup right against the sweep of her scaled belly. It wasn't over, just beginning. The warmth that flowed within her lower belly soothed away that restless need that had been lurking and she let out a soft cry and pushed back against him, as his weight shifted and started to pull the swollen girth from her in a wet slippery line.

"Y-yes, Papa.." She answered and raised her hips so the hardened cock could pull free with a lewd wet noise. A thick strand of her own father's cum spilled from between her folds and oozed along her hind legs.

Nimr's roar broke out in front of her as Rorra's body was pinned flat down against the ground as the white furred orbs started to pulse and twitch sending a fresh rush of sperm laden cum into the vulnerable passage. They had everything they needed here, why should they leave?

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