Friday Night

Story by dsc85 on SoFurry

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Sive, a racist skink, pisses off the wrong orca.

Sive bolted upright, suddenly awoken from a deep slumber. His heart fluttered erratically against a sea of beige scales as he frantically glanced around. Where the hell am I? It was clear the surroundings were anything but his familiar home, where he would usually wake up after a night of heavy drinking. The landscape encompassing the skink looked... well, he could only describe it as alien. With Sive's vision still blurry from sleep, it appeared to be a wheat field, or at least some type of grain. The reptile slipped a broad, flat blue tongue between parted lips to taste the air, but there was little to detect. Tan spires, similar in hue to himself, snaked skywards all around him. Oddly, they stretched off to infinity and were much taller than any rural wheat crop he had seen. But wasn't he just out partying in the city the night before? God, I really must've been out of it.

The skink tried to mentally retrace his steps. He was at The Swamp, meeting a few friends on a Friday night. They had made it a tradition to gather there at the end of every work week to hang out and decompress. Sive had stayed behind after they left because he wanted to finish his unusually tasty drink. After polishing off the sweet nectar, he drew a blank. I think there was someone else there. What was his name? Mars..ton? There was a planet somewhere in his name, I know it. Considering the situation the skink was now in, he immediately suspected the... dolphin, I guess? One of those fishy bastards... spiked his drink.

Sive had spent the night making scores of bawdy jokes about cetaceans. Saying they were all ne'er-do-wells, questioning their lineage, that sort of thing. The reptile-dominated government had subjugated orcas and dolphins for years, but after intense lobbying and many legal battles they were finally on the cusp of full equality. The skink didn't like it at all. In his mind, even an ostensibly kind one was just looking to screw you over the first chance they got. There was no question they were the scum of the earth.

"Those fish aren't fit to lick the floor, if you ask me," Sive had boasted, loud enough for a nearby orca at the bar to hear.

A head turned, its dusky eyes narrowing to slits. "Actually, we're not fi--"

"Fuck off. Was I talkin' to you?"

The orca said nothing, but tightened his grip on a frosty mug of lager. Sive knew he had riled him up and pushed further.

"That's what I thought. See? Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Now they're even talking back to us." He returned to his friends. "Where was I? Oh, yeah. Well, you know their women are all whores and'll fuck anything that moves..." He continued to relate a story about one particularly promiscuous orca he knew in college.

After another half hour of indirect belittlement, the neighboring orca got up to leave. Before exiting the saloon, the black and white cetacean surprised Sive by patting him on the shoulder. "What comes around goes around, buddy. Name's Earthor, by the way."

"Why the fuck should I care about your name? I'll never see your fucking face again, if I can help it. And keep your little words of wisdom to yourself."

The orca just smiled.

But it didn't make sense for this Earthor fellow to slip him something. Why go through with it, only to take him out into the middle of nowhere and dump him alone? Was it a cruel prank played by one of his buddies? Sive groaned and felt a familiar jackhammering to the brain. Here it comes, the skink thought. I'm gonna have to get home to sleep this off. Sive reached into his pocket to fish for his cell phone, but a physical jolt made him miss. His blood ran cold, or at least as much as a reptile's could, upon realizing the pounding wasn't coming from his head. Before he knew it, the ground was undulating. Fuck, an earthquake? I thought we don't get any here.

Sive had seen plenty of Godzilla movies in the past, but nothing had prepared him for the scene that unfolded before his eyes. A behemoth suddenly strode into view and covered what looked like miles in an instant to tower over the skink. He could only make out an enormous pair of black and white legs at his size. Two godly feet were attached to them, and he stared in amazement as they lifted into the sky with ease and rushed forward. Sive's clothes were buffeted by strong gusts every time the being took a step. A wooden subfloor strained and creaked as if the weight could cause it to give way any second. Suddenly, it all clicked. He wasn't in a field. This is a fucking carpet!

The orca, as Sive could finally discern, slowly tilted his head and peered down. He didn't seem to have noticed the tiny skink, but then he pulled out what looked like a monocle and dropped to his knees. The floor violently shook once again as they touched down. The cetacean placed this odd glass to his eye and began scanning the carpet, muttering to no one in particular all the while. Sive reflexively gasped as the orca's face drew closer and filled his vision. The view was so all-consuming it put any billboard or movie-theater screen to shame. The orca's mouth was open slightly, displaying rows of knife-like teeth. A gargantuan, pitch black eye blinked slowly through the monocle.

"He should be right around here."

Sive couldn't place the voice, distorted to a low booming rumble, but it still sounded familiar. He did, however, figure out that the "monocle" was actually a magnifying glass. The skink was so small as to be invisible to this mighty orca. Thinking the giant could save him from his predicament, Sive stuck out his tongue and filled his lungs with air to stand out among the fibers. The cetacean frowned upon noticing the motion and lowered his magnifier.

"What's this? Great, another fucking bug in my house. I stomp and squash all day, but still you guys won't get the message."

"Oh, fuck. No, I'm a skink! Please! Fuck!" Sive shouted. The reptile regretted he didn't first consider how most people squish first and ask questions later when they saw a crawling dot his size. Now there was no way out, as the orca surely only heard only a cornered bug's desperate squeaking.

"I know it's you, moron. Remember me? Earthor, from the bar. I made sure you got a ride after you stumbled out of the bar. You should be glad I was there. Someone else might have taken advantage of you."

Sive shook his head. "W-what? How could you have possibly heard me? I must be smaller than an ant!"

Earthor stroked his chin. "Well, you see, I'm the one who shrunk you. The liquid I used to do so has...special properties. One of which allows for us to communicate regardless of size." He feigned a pout. "Besides, it'd be no fun if I couldn't hear your pleas."

The skink's mouth gaped. "This is a fucking crime! I could have you put away for life!"

"No, this is karma. Now you're just like your ancestors, skittering around and living off the crumbs of those above you. Better find the nearest hole to crawl into to hide from my foot!"

Sive forgot about his size for a moment and exploded. "What the fuck did you do to me, you dumb fish? Get me back to normal right now!"

Earthor only turned his head and called, "Hey, Wyl, I want you to meet a lizard." The shout, like rolling thunder, threatened to burst Sive's eardrums. He clutched at his ears and wept. Although the pounding he felt earlier was just the orca walking, that didn't mitigate the fact he was still fighting off a killer hangover.

Wyllin and Earthor were just roommates, but looked so alike and got along so well that they might as well have been twins. The two-toned orcas were young, sociable, and not afraid to show off their chiseled bodies. Lately, with the weather becoming ever warmer, they were spending most of their time at the ocean surfing and taking in the sun. Earthor's friend, as a matter of fact, had just returned from a late beach party.

Wyllin sauntered into the room and peered over Earthor, who was still kneeling down.

"Jesus, Thor, you shrunk another one? One of these days they're gonna catch you."

"Would you shut up? Don't worry, I made sure to cover my tracks. He's dead as far as the outside world's concerned." Earthor playfully punched Wyllin's shoulder. "Hey, I think you like these little guys more than I do sometimes. Besides, I don't have a choice. There was just enough of the elixir for one more."

"Well, OK. But only because you know I love doing this so much."

Earthor slammed one of his feet down next to Sive. The skink tumbled end over end as hurricane-force winds assaulted his body. The foot created a gravity well that he rolled towards after settling back to the floor. He came to rest between two black and white toes, which slammed together to trap the skink there. The orca wiggled his shiny, rubbery digits, making the ground around Sive rumble and forcing him to take in their musky scent.

Orcas' feet were plantigrade, in contrast with many reptiles. Earthor's own had four jet-black toes, and a white patch that ran along his arch. Between each toe was a thin membrane that helped with swimming. This hydrodynamic webbing extended to their hands as well. Like the rest of his body, his foot had pliable skin. The impressive appendage now had in its grasp one particularly diminutive skink.

"There was something you said. 'They aren't fit to lick the floor.' Well, you're gonna kneel down like a cheap lizard bitch and lick until your tongue bleeds, dirt." Earthor crossed his arms and waited.

Sive, trapped inside the living cavern, had no choice but to drop to his knees. The orca couldn't see it, of course, but he did feel the faintest of tickles on one of his toes. He would have killed to know what it looked like from the skink's perspective. Meanwhile, far below Earthor's gaze, Sive was choking down fibers, dirt, and other crumbs that stuck to the bare foot. He washed it down with the ample stale sweat pooling there. The skink hung his head in shame. There was no greater insult than serving at the whims of an orca, let alone like this. He begrudgingly unfurled his long, forked tongue and continued lapping up the sweat.

"Keep going, bug," Earthor boomed. "Wyllin, come here. I want you to see this."

The other orca ripped the magnifier out of Earthor's hand and peered at Sive. "So he's doing it already? What a pathetic little insignificant speck. I--" Wyllin paused and cocked his head. "You know what, I just had an idea. I'll be right back." He ducked into a side room, then emerged holding something that made Earthor smile.

"Oh, you really are evil. Give 'em here."

It was a pair of Earthor's favorite sandals. They were well-worn, bearing an outline of his footprint from so many days at the beach. A single strap rose out of its blue foam for his toes. Each flip flop was still coated in a thin layer of sand from his last visit. The orca dropped one shoe in front of his foot and freed Sive by spreading his two toes apart.

"What are you waiting for? Get on it." He was leering down now.

Sive found it a challenge for him to ascend a near-vertical slope to simply reach the sandal's surface. He had to climb like a gecko, desperately searching for hand-holds whenever possible. He panted as he finally collapsed on one of Earthor's toe-prints. The strap towered over him, and he leaned on it for support as he gulped down precious air. Sive was horrified to bathe in the sandal's warmth and moisture.

A terrible crunching sound then came as Earthor slid his foot into the flip flop. He was crushing the grains of sand that lay all over its surface. The orca's toes bent and pulled the strap closer, along with Sive. The skink was pinned against the clear plastic obelisk and his face forced once again into a sweltering cleft between two of Earthor's digits.

"I think I'll take a quick refreshing walk, Wyl. Gives you something to look forward to when I get back."

The other orca whimpered. "Just hurry, all right? I can't wait much longer."

Earthor grabbed a pair of jeans draped over a chair. It was warm that night, so he was happy to go shirtless. He nodded to Wyllin and stepped outside. A trip around their block should be enough to put the skink in his place, he thought. It would only take a few minutes, but hopefully each second was pure hell for the racist.

Sive was too preoccupied evading Earthor's monstrous toes to pay attention to their discussion. They drummed against the flip flop like a series of mini-explosions while the orca spoke. Sweat flew into the air and drenched the skink. Then, all of a sudden, the orca's heel lifted from the back of the sandal. His toes dug into the yielding foam. Sive hugged the strap as he was lifted into the air and away from the carpet he had grown accustomed to. A weighty slap accompanied Earthor's heel hitting the sandal on ascent. Finally, the foot sailed through space before it crashed back to earth. This motion repeated ad nauseam while the orca walked.

Earthor paid special attention to his feet as he walked. The cetacean ground his toes into the flip flop before lifting it, wiggled them incessantly, and mashed them against the strap. The boulders squeaked as they rubbed over Sive's body, occasionally cutting off what little light he had. The more Earthor walked, the more humid and stale the air around the skink became.

Sive was so small compared to Earthor he concocted a plan. Perhaps if he clung to the transparent webbing between two of his toes, the orca would think he had been crushed or found a way to run away. He stuck there like the many crumbs that had already adhered to its surface, some bigger than himself.

Then his stomach rumbled. The skink was hungry, but the only sustenance in sight consisted of the particles stuck to Earthor's webbing. He lapped one up and swallowed. It tasted horrible, but it was better than nothing. The reptile cried. Here he was, clinging for dear life to the skin of what he considered one of the worst races in the world. He was a dust mote to the orca, thousands of times smaller than Earthor. His meal was dirt beneath the giant's notice. Wherever the cetacean was going, Sive was being brought along for the ride against his will. Then, unexpectedly, there was a rush of acceleration as the orca brought the sandal up to his face.

"You still down there?" Earthor had sensed Sive was no longer tending to him, and was checking the underside of his foot. Pasted there was the beige skink, who contrasted with the darker skin around him. The orca tapped on the webbing a few times to dislodge Sive onto the tip of one of his fingers.

"We're almost back, so I'll keep you in my hand for now. Wyllin is going to be happy." He closed a fist around the reptile while he ascended the stairs to their house.

"Too hard! Too hard!"

"Whoops, sorry." Earthor genuinely apologized, finding it difficult to hold the speck without crushing it outright. He wasn't planning on killing Sive just yet. The orca opened his front door. Wyllin, sitting on their couch, perked up.


Earthor wagged a finger. "Not yet. I want one more thing." He turned an open palm upside down on a nearby end table. A beige dot appeared on its oak surface.

The orca pointed down at Sive. "Do you regret what you did?"

"Yes, p-please. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean it!"

"You're so fucking pitiful. You just pick on those who can't fight back. Now you're gonna find out how it feels." The orca flexed his muscles and clenched his fists.

"Please, it was just words! Have some mercy!"

Earthor snorted. "Us? Mercy? We're just mindless sex fiends looking for a hole to fuck. Isn't that what you said at the bar?"

Sive's tongue darted out nervously as he considered his next words. His excellent sense of smell was overwhelmed with the odor of liquor. A giant was one thing, but an inebriated giant was especially frightening. He only hoped Earthor wasn't an angry drunk.

"I-it was a joke! You didn't think I meant any of that, did you? Some of my best friends are orcas, I swear!"

Earthor hemmed and turned to Wyllin. "So, Wyl, are you ready?"

His friend grinned. "You know it. God, I've been crawling the walls waiting for you to ask."

"Ready for what? What's going on?" Sive was totally in the dark.

"Well, bug, let's just say you're getting front row seats to the biggest show of your life," Earthor responded.

The skink wracked his brain, trying to guess what the orca meant by such a cryptic message. A show. Hmm. Well, it's not going to be fun for me, I can assume that much. A show. Well, hopefully it didn't involve sex, because the two of them looked pretty horny...

Uh oh.

Sive watched defenselessly as Wyllin unzipped Earthor's jeans and began sucking on his tapered penis. Earthor's lower body blushed a shade of pink in response. When his cock was ready, he licked his finger and pressed it on the speck to adhere the skink to it. Then, he rubbed Sive off into his slit, lodging the reptile as deep as he could.

There it was. The ultimate insult to any man. Dominated by his sex. Sive strained and tried to push himself out of Earthor's cock, but he was held tight by the enveloping flesh. He watched helplessly as the orca approached Wyllin's entrance. Earthor slapped his friend's backside. The sight of his roommate's naked body bent over and ready for penetration was enough to make his prehensile member ramrod straight. The skink then lurched forward into warm darkness before being pulled out again. Earthor was rocking back and forth as he fucked his best friend. Sive's head spun as the orca's thrusts in and out of Wyllin wore on.

"You gonna cum soon?" Earthor eventually asked.

"An hour ago I was hard just looking at the little guy. What do you think?" Wyllin replied with a huff as Earthor's pride buried itself into him.

"Fair enough."

The orca grabbed onto Earthor's dorsal fin for leverage and gyrated his hips to grind his roommate's cock even deeper. Earthor groaned and released some pre, the squirt dislodging Sive from his tube and leaving the skink trapped in Wyllin's cavernous hole. The reptile could hear slap, slap, slap as Earthor's balls collided with Wyllin's flesh.

"Oh, fuck me, I can feel him crawling around! Fuck, that feels - ugh!" Wyllin slammed his lower body against Earthor in a fit of horniness. The other orca moaned with an approaching orgasm.

Sive heard a thunderous, muffled groan and knew what was coming. He sprinted as fast as he could from the cetacean's pulsing cock, but he slipped on Wyllin's pre-slicked walls and was overtaken by the orca's climax. A wall of sperm slammed into the skink and pushed him deeper into Wyllin, the first powerful spurt followed by several more. Earthor's enormous head then began pulling backwards, and Sive's disgust was overwhelmed by a desire not to get trapped in Wyllin's anus. He trudged through the goopy fluid and jumped just in time to grab hold of the orca's yawning slit.

Earthor pulled out slowly, the suction releasing a wave of cum from Wyllin's core. A violent quake threatened to dislodge Sive as the orca's softening penis smacked wetly against his thigh. Try as he might, his arms were just too weak to hold onto Earthor's gaping slit, and Sive let go only to land in his semen. A stain was forming as evidence of the two orcas' lovemaking.

The skink, bruised and broken, now lay in a puddle of slowly drying cum beneath both orcas. A bead of sperm hung precariously from the hole on Earthor's cock. As his penis swung back and forth, the droplet dislodged and fell on top of Sive. Liquid splashed all around him, and the force of impact only added to his pain. The spot it produced was clear enough to miss the orcas' efforts to notice him. When Earthor went to shift his weight, he put a hand down on the bedding. Sive could only gurgle "No!" before the enormous heel of his hand made the reptile's body crumple and explode.

"Shit, did you hear that? Where'd he go?"

Earthor unknowingly ground Sive's remains further into the bed with his wrist. "Who knows? He's gotta be long dead by now. Heh, the fucker probably drowned in my cum. I would've loved to see the look on that asshole's face as my cock swallowed him up. So much for reptilian superiority. "

Wyllin shrugged. "That's what you get for putting us down for so long, I guess."

Sive's co-workers never did find out what happened to him after that fateful night. Few people cared, as his overt racism didn't win over too many friends. Most assumed the hateful bastard had gotten drunk and fallen into a ditch somewhere. As for the skink's body, it was just another barely-perceptible stain to be washed off Earthor's hand.

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