A Helping Hand

Story by dsc85 on SoFurry

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An Argonian and Khajiit help each other out in more ways than one.

Ra'Shirr drew his fur-trimmed cloak closer and shivered. Windhelm was already well-known throughout Skyrim as one of her coldest locales, but this morning was particularly brutal. As a Khajiit, he was much more accustomed to the arid, scorching sands of Elsweyr. Ra'Shirr longed for the charming villages and sugary comfort food of his homeland, but knew he could never go back. Returning to his old ways was simply too enticing, and he feared he would end up dead if he tried.

The cat was making his way towards the city docks, having completed a transaction at the New Gnisis Cornerclub the night before. The bar was frequented mostly by Dunmer, but crafty Khajiit like himself knew that it was also the nexus for much of Windhelm's seedier operations. Ra'Shirr's prize would be waiting for him around noon near the Argonian Assemblage, or so claimed the shifty Imperial he dealt with. The segregated reptilians of Windhelm were forced to live there in squalor.

Ra'Shirr caught a glimpse of emerald as he rounded the corner and guessed he must have finally found him. Xelam was an Argonian barely out of his teens. He always stood out in a crowd, with his very unique, opalescent turquoise-green scales and fiery red eyes. Although Xelam wasn't the quickest of the Argonians living in Windhelm, he more than compensated for his shortcomings with a determined work ethic. Scouts-Many-Marshes, a fellow Argonian, had taken him under his wing. Between the loading and unloading of ships, his egg-brother had even offered some tips to properly maintain his hunting armor. Xelam's likeable personality went a long way towards securing his future in an unfamiliar town.

Xelam had moved from Black Marsh, the home of his people, as a mere hatchling. His father was a skooma addict whose obsession with getting a fix drove the family into poverty. They were a relatively affluent clan back in Stormhold, but in Whiterun they were just another bunch of lizards. Xelam wasn't above panhandling for septims just so they could have dinner. After far too many unpaid loans, his father disappeared one Morndas, leaving only him and his mother. Then, just last month, she had succumbed to the especially harsh winter and Xelam was all alone. He moved from Whiterun to Windhelm, hearing about the plentiful opportunities for Argonians. What he wasn't told was how most of them actually lived under a system of indentured servitude.

"Are you Xelam?" Ra'Shirr asked of him in the Argonians' native tongue, Jel. The reptile was taken aback by his inquiry, as so few non-Argonians even tried to learn the language. It was considered nearly impossible for anyone other than children of the Hist to develop more than a passing grasp of Jel. His former "master," an Imperial, certainly didn't want to dignify their race by trying. Xelam gave the stranger a once-over. The Khajiit didn't look too much older than he was, maybe late-twenties or early-thirties. Aside from a rumpled tunic, he looked well-kempt. His obsidian claws, while retracted, shone under the sunlight. His fur was a neutral tawny color, contrasting with light blue eyes reminiscent of the Nords.

"Yes, sir. I take it you are Ra'Shirr?" With little fanfare, Xelam's boss had informed him that morning his services would no longer be needed. The Imperial was selling the kid's contract to a Khajiit that had just drifted into town. The underground slave trade didn't see too much of the feline race, who had a reputation as poor thieves and skooma dealers. The others in the Assemblage were jealous, mainly because the Nord sailors overseeing their work were not the kindest or most lenient of people.

"You got it. I have heard many rumors about your strength, and seeing you in person really shows me how true they were."

"Uhh, thank you, sir." Xelam wasn't really sure what to make of the compliment. He guessed it meant he would have to do some menial task, like transfer crates onto ships leaving the harbor. After weeks of doing the same job over and over, he had learned to get used to the repetition. "I'm ready to start working today, whatever you need."

"Your job is somewhat...complicated. Let's go somewhere warmer and talk. I have a room at the Cornerclub." The Argonian wasn't going to argue with his new master, despite the cryptic approach. Perhaps it was the Hist, an ethereal presence that connected all Argonians back to their origins in Black Marsh, but Xelam found himself immediately trusting Ra'Shirr.


Over a few draughts of what the bartender called "the finest brew in all Tamriel," Ra'Shirr explained he owned a small shipping company that needed to build up its crew. Xelam half-listened to the Khajiit's pitch as he glanced around the bar. The Argonians in Windhelm were considerably insular, and he didn't often get the opportunity to people-watch. Most of the patrons were Dunmer, as expected, but he noticed a few Nords as well. Luckily, not all of them were closed-minded. At least one other Argonian was there, sitting in the corner and very obviously drowning his sorrows. It infuriated Xelam to see his people in such a sorry state.

Xelam snapped back to attention when he heard what Ra'Shirr said next.

"But that's not what I want you for. I need an administrator, someone who would work well with the other Argonians in the Assemblage. Someone like you."

"Me? I hardly have the schooling for something like that!"

"Nonsense. You might not want to admit it, but you've got a solid head on your shoulders. I knew it from the minute you opened your mouth. It's how you carry yourself, how you think before you speak. I don't need some arrogant prick running the show here. A hard worker is more important."

Xelam shrugged. If the Khajiit wanted him to do something other than lifting boxes, he had no problem with it. He stared at the lonely Argonian. Besides, he was determined to make a difference in Windhelm, and this might just be his opportunity.


In the intervening weeks, Ra'Shirr and Xelam had developed a rapport. Xelam took to his administrative duties quite well, even negotiating a slight pay raise for the taxed Argonians. He had no doubt the Khajiit pulled some strings behind the scenes to make sure he was successful. After all, his people had been receiving the same paltry wages for over a decade. Ra'Shirr had also defended Xelam when he accidentally bumped into Rolff, a well-known racist Nord.

"Watch where you're going, lizard!" he had yelled. The appellation was considered a slur among Xelam's people, harkening back to before they found enlightenment under the Hist.

Ra'Shirr brandished his claws in return. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Rolff just grumbled and continued on his way, probably intending to spout more of his vitriol over at Candlehearth Hall.

Xelam and Ra'Shirr had bonded over their less than favorable run-ins with skooma. The Argonian discovered Ra'Shirr had smuggled moon sugar, the powerful drug's active ingredient, from Elsweyr in his teenage years. The Empire's finest arrested him in a sting one day, and after spending a year in the Imperial City under lock and key he decided to become a legitimate entrepreneur. The cat emphatically promised he was done with the narcotic forever after Xelam relayed his own life story.

They had more than a bit of personal chemistry, too. Both were quiet, knowing that listening was just as important as talking. They also had a passion for their work, pouring in extra time to ensure the job got done correctly and efficiently. The Argonian, in fact, really liked Ra'Shirr, and often caught himself wondering what it would be like to take their relationship beyond mere acquaintanceship. Xelam wasn't used to dealing with other races, though, so he didn't know how to approach the Khajiit. The Argonians, for one, had incredibly convoluted friendship rituals related to the Hist. He didn't want his lack of knowledge about Khajiiti culture to wind up offending one of his only contacts in the town. Xelam only hoped the lingering glances he often cast the cat's way were noticed.

Then, one afternoon, Ra'Shirr suddenly grabbed Xelam's shoulder as he was supervising the inventory of a ship out of Vvardenfell.

"Xelam, I need you to come by my room at the Cornerclub tonight. I'll explain more when you get there."

"No problem. I'll be there around midnight." The Argonian was happy to oblige. Ra'Shirr quickly became one of the few friends he had, and it seemed he was actually liked for who he was, despite any flaws. Only a few Argonians had grown that close to him, and even that was probably more of a shared commiseration than anything.


Xelam leaned on the counter and nodded at Ambarys, the Dunmer proprietor of the Cornerclub. The bar was crowded, but no more so than usual on a Loredas night. "I'm looking for a Khajiit named Ra'Shirr. Tall cat, blue eyes."

The blue-skinned bartender pointed above his head. "Shirr? Sure, he's here all the time. He's renting out the top floor for the night. Last I saw your friend should still be up there."

Xelam turned to begin ascending the stairs, but Ambarys stopped him.

"Sure you don't want a little, er, liquid courage first? Got a new shipment of Argonian Bloodwine in just this morning. Seventy-five septims just for you."

"No...thanks." The Argonian had no idea what he was talking about. It was clear he was just going to talk to Ra'Shirr, not brawl with him, right?

"Suit yourself." Ambarys stifled a sly grin as Xelam continued on his way.

When Xelam entered the Khajiit's modest room, a furred paw immediately clasped over his mouth from behind, while another held him in place. Razor-sharp claws painfully dug into his scales.

"Sithis, what's going on?" At least, that's what Xelam tried to ask. It came out sounding more like sss mrph mrff uff and much too quiet for anyone else to hear. He struggled against his captor, but he was no Shadowscale. Without the foresight to prepare for such an assault, everything soon went black.


When Xelam came to, he found he couldn't move at all. His arms were chained high above his head, as were his legs below him. The Argonian struggled against the binding force, to no avail. It was then he saw piercing azure eyes staring at him across the room. Ra'Shirr was reclining in a wooden chair typical to Skyrim, sipping on Honningbrew mead.

"You're in for a night that would make Sanguine himself blush, Xelam." Ra'Shirr grinned devilishly and set down the bottle.

"What? What are you talking about?" The Argonian was devastated, convincing himself that Ra'Shirr was in reality no better than any other slave master. He was just personal property to the Khajiit, despite everything they had gone through. But why such a sudden attitude change ? Ra'Shirr neared Xelam's immobilized body. The Argonian steeled himself for a lashing that would not come.

Inexplicably, Ra'Shirr dropped to his knees and bowed his head, as if considering his next action. Then, in one swift movement, he ripped the sack cloth covering the Argonian off. The modest fabric fell in tatters to the uneven floor. His malehood, impressive even for an Argonian, stood bare.

"Oblivion, what are you doing? Surely I wasn't that bad at my job. Please give me my dignity," Xelam pleaded.

He was floored by what happened next. Ra'shirr took the Argonian's shame and began teasing it, pawing at it and pumping away. Xelam's biological imperative overwhelmed the seriousness of the situation and his emerald pole slowly emerged from its sheath. The Khajiit helped him along by turning his back to the Argonian and grinding up and down against his cock. As soon as it was hard enough, Ra'Shirr put his lips to the head and began tonguing the slit.

"I think you're misunderstanding, Xelam. I'm not here to torture you. At least, not in the 'beat you to death' way."

"But...but how did you know I was interested?"

"Oh, come on. How do you think I learned Jel? I've been around Argonians long enough to know when they're attracted to someone. Between the pheromones and glances it was pretty obvious."

Ra'Shirr placed a warm, downy paw on Xelam's hardened shaft. Using the Argonian's own pre as a lubricant, the Khajiit smoothly kneaded the toughened flesh, occasionally focusing on his sensitive tip. Xelam shuddered when Ra'Shirr brushed a claw against his slit. The Khajiit made sure to back off whenever he saw Xelam tightening up and beginning to thrust into his hand, edging him right to the brink over and over again.

"Please, don't stop," Xelam whimpered after Ra'Shirr took his hand away yet again. Ra'Shirr grabbed the Argonian's waist and squeezed at the warm scales. Then he tilted his head back and took in Xelam's musky scent. He smirked.

"I wouldn't be a very good host if I made you cum so soon," he responded. The Khajiit retreated and began rummaging around in a nearby end table. "Let's try something a little different."

When Xelam thought of furthering his friendship with Ra'Shirr, he was guessing they would first go hunting together, perhaps share a few drinks at the bar. He never would have predicted the Khajiit would be so forward. But he wasn't complaining. Not after going so long without companionship of any kind.

Ra'Shirr found the worn, brass key and jar of amber liquid he was looking for and unshackled Xelam from the wall. The Argonian fell to the floor with a dull thud, his muscles aching. While he was composing himself, Ra'Shirr stripped bare and threw his clothes into a corner. He reached underneath Xelam's chin and forced his head up. To underscore his dominance and show off his own pride, Ra'Shirr stood at his full height with hips splayed wide. His friend eyed the toned body with a mixture of fear and awe. The Khajiit's other paw pointed down.

"Start sucking."


The Khajiit wrenched Xelam's mouth open and slammed his erection between the pebbly lips. The Argonian nearly gagged with inexperience, but kept the bucking rod in his mouth. Xelam's deft, reptilian tongue worked wonders on Ra'Shirr's cock, to where the cat had to hold himself back a few times. After a few minutes of sheer bliss, Ra'Shirr grabbed the limber Argonian, once again caught off-guard, and threw him onto the bed. Xelam groaned at the manhandling.

"You might be free, but I still own you." Ra'Shirr brushed his claws across the Argonian's neck. "I can do whatever I wish, Xelam. Don't forget that."

He tied the Argonian's wrists to the bed with bits of twine, making sure to restrict his movement as much as possible. Ra'Shirr guided his member and prepared to enter his friend, but first opened the mysterious vial of salve.

"Got this from a fellow Khajiit, one of the roaming traders. This should make things a little easier." He applied the goop to his cock and pushed up against Xelam's entrance. The lubricant produced a pleasant tingling sensation for both of them and allowed the Khajiit to ease in. After a couple inches, he decided to leave Xelam wanting.

Ra'Shirr's spiky cock raked against the Argonian's flesh as he pulled out, producing about as much electric pleasure as pain. Although he had never lain with a Khajiit before, Xelam had expected as much from reading a famously scandalous passage in The Real Berenziah. He moaned and clutched at the sheets. The Khajiit gave him no respite before cramming his monster back into his friend. It might have hurt, the Argonian reasoned, but the corresponding feeling of completeness was oh-so-worth-it.

"By the nine, you're so fucking tight! Have you ever done this before?" Ra'Shirr found it a struggle to fit in the last bit of his length.

Xelam hesitated, embarrassed to reveal his virginity. "Well, uh, not exactly."

"There's-a-first-time-for-everything-then," Ra'Shirr grunted out from between gritted teeth.

Ra'Shirr varied his thrusts, alternating slow, fluid motions with the occasional frenetic pounding. The twine came loose with all their undulating, but he was not about to let his friend have any control. Ra'Shirr wrapped a paw around the back of Xelam's neck and slammed his face down into the pillow. Then, he grabbed one of the Argonian's arms and twisted it for leverage as he rammed away. Finally, the cat took Xelam's drooling malehood and stroked it in earnest. Ra'Shirr would be the one to dictate when he came, hopefully at the same time as himself. The Argonian was almost freely dripping pre by now, splattering it all over the sheets in time with Ra'Shirr's tugs.

The Khajiit reveled in his pleasure building higher and higher and had to prevent himself from drooling in lust. He was forcing the Argonian to ride him like one of the bays over at the stable now, taking Xelam's supple body and forcing it on top of himself again and again. At last, after a few particularly powerful thrusts, Xelam hissed. He needed release and he needed it now.

"Oh, cum in me!"

Ra'Shirr didn't need to hear his plea twice. The cat roared loudly enough for even the rowdy bar's patrons below to whip their heads skyward. He buried himself as deeply into Xelam as he possibly could and forced the Argonian's shoulders back to stay there. A sharp breath and moan signaled sweet release, and Ra'Shirr began spurting volley after tremendous volley of his seed into his lover. His cock pulsed violently as it delivered its white-hot load. Xelam may have been the virgin, but Ra'Shirr had been saving up for quite a while and it showed. His friend found it hard to fathom how his balls could even hold that much sperm.

The spreading warmth was too much for Xelam. Just as Ra'Shirr so richly desired, he came simultaneously, the Argonian's thick, white cream jetting out onto the sheets. His steel-hard malehood also throbbed with each gush, and his load intermingled with the puddle of pre he had been squirting all night. He made a series of incoherent moans and feebly tried to grasp at Ra'Shirr's arm.

As their orgasms dwindled, Ra'Shirr flopped down onto his side and brought Xelam's heaving body with him. He playfully batted at Xelam's hyper-sensitive cock and fondled the tip. It elicited an annoyed but lustful hiss from the Argonian, his softening erection jerking away from the stimulus. Ra'Shirr was waning, too, and he slipped out of Xelam with a sound that made both of them blush. A few strings of cum were still adhered to his malehood.

"So, what'd you think?"

"By the Hist, I don't know what to say. I've never felt so alive in my life." Xelam rolled behind the cat with every ounce of energy he had left and wrapped his arms around Ra'Shirr's waist. After such a difficult upbringing and so much stress and heartache, he was at peace. It didn't matter how transient the sensation turned out to be. Ra'Shirr was the only one he had ever met who could truly relate to his struggles. Xelam pulled the now-dozing Khajiit closer and ran a scaly hand through his fur, feeling his steady purring before drifting off himself.

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