A New Kind of Treat

Story by dsc85 on SoFurry

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Neron the dragon discovers something tasty.

A New Kind of Treat

I'm gonna get something to eat, one way or another.

Neron banked his sleek frame, readying himself to touch down. The scarlet dragon had been enjoying a warm summer morning, flying high along the coast where he made his home. Thanks to the excellent thermals that day, Neron was able to glide through the sky longer than he ever had, just basking in the sun. A few hunger pangs, however, put his pleasure to an end. It was time to find a meal.

As he broke through the scattered cloud cover and got closer to landing, Neron realized just how far he must have flown. None of the surroundings looked familiar. For whatever reason, jagged peaks forming the shore appeared to glimmer in the sunlight. He wanted to investigate, but first decided to choose a relatively flat clearing further inland. Neron alit with a nimble grace that belied his ferocity.

Movement between his powerful hind legs caught Neron's attention. Looking down, he spotted what seemed to be ants scurrying around. After prodding some with a clawed toe, he grabbed a handful and threw them in his mouth. The bodies yielded with a satisfying crunch, as he was accustomed to, but they were much tastier than the usual bugs he was forced to snack on between kills. There were an enormous amount of them around here, now that he thought of it. Picking at a couple that had gotten stuck between his teeth with an ivory claw, Neron scooped up more.

He brought them close to his eye and squinted. Their midsections came in a rainbow of colors, but their arms and legs were a more subdued, earthy hue. Neron mashed two claws together, the squirming mass becoming a red smear. Hmm. They definitely bleed more than ants. No matter. He licked his fingers clean with a smile.

Happy that he had found nourishment so quickly, Neron began stomping around, playfully obliterating a few clusters of the things. "Look out below!" He bellowed, raising one of his feet. Neron allowed the muscular limb to hang in the air for several moments before clenching his fists and slamming it to the ground.


The humans didn't really know what to make of the growing wave of crimson. Most figured it was a hot air balloon or perhaps some flashy advertisement. Their confusion gave way to astonishment as a living, breathing creature soon stood astride of the city's suburbs. Even straining their necks they could only see clearly to Neron's sturdy waist. Before they had the ability to flee from whatever he was, a large crowd was lifted into the heavens on his palm.

Failing to find purchase as the hand tipped toward Neron's greedily salivating mouth, the throng tumbled end over end towards oblivion. A majority slammed into the dragon's pitch black tongue, slick with anticipation. The lucky ones were skewered on his blindingly white fangs, bodies crumpling under the force. Others were ground into a fine paste, sandwiched between two teeth. The rest were simply gulped down, facing an agonizing fate as acids slowly ate away at them.

Those fortunate enough to remain on the ground were forced to endure a torrent of gore and blood as Neron messily consumed their kinsmen. Friends, loved ones, neighbors. It didn't matter. The dragon had chosen with impunity who would suffer at the hands of his cavernous maw.

More were annihilated by Neron's meaty toes as he merely shifted his stance, snuffed out of existence in an instant. Screams were drowned out by a horrendous crunching of bone, with blood and other bodily fluids squirting out and spraying whoever remained nearby. Then, the colossal foot, dwarfing the even the vast mountains nearby, began to slowly lift itself into the sky. The mashed remains of those caught under his bulk grotesquely stretched out, stuck to the ground and straining against the upward force. When the sinewy carnage eventually gave way, Neron brought his appendage to its apex and delivered the mocking taunt. The sound alone caused the humans to grab their heads in pain, all the while futilely trying to hide or run away. Some dropped to their knees and prayed for a god that would not come. The dragon wasted no time in slamming his almighty foot down, causing an earthquake of unimaginable magnitude that felt as though the Earth itself had been sundered.


Neron raised his heel to better grind the laughably small insects into the soil. Dumb fuckers. They probably don't even know what's going on. The overwhelming feeling of power aroused him, and soon his malehood emerged from its slit. Gripping the shaft, Neron aimed his cock so that it dripped pre over the hapless creatures. He watched a few struggle in vain attempts to free themselves from the clear, salty liquid before becoming still. Placing his claws on his hips, Neron jeered, "What, can't you guys swim?"

Deciding it was time to check out the shiny spires that dotted the coastline, he lumbered forward, making sure to catch as many of the specks under his shadow as possible. It only took a couple devastating steps before he was upon the humans' crowning achievement, the capital city of their civilization.


The town was decimated. Even a warzone had more dignity than the hellish scene that lay before the remaining humans. The pavement was slick with blood, limbs strewn everywhere. As if the dragon's immeasurable height weren't intimidating enough, the titanic cock that dominated their vision instilled more fear than embarrassment. The few drops that Neron had shaken from it smashed into the ground, crushing denizens and flooding the streets. The viscous, sticky pre was impossible to escape from.

Those who lived closer to the city couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Neron's gargantuan foot blotted out the sky as he took a step, immediately wiping out thousands as it crashed down. Hundreds more were caught between the dragon's toes, flattened as he unconsciously squeezed them together.


Neron noticed that more of the morsels were gathered here than he had ever seen out in the clearing. Taking the opportunity to satiate his hunger one last time, he scooped up as many as he could fit in a fist and downed them all. After releasing a satisfied belch, he gazed closer at some of the sparkling rocks. They were very narrow and seemed to reflect the sun's rays. Upon realizing that the humans had built the structures themselves, Neron only laughed. They really need to be taught their place.


By now, the humans in the city knew something was amiss. Coupled with one of the strongest tremors ever felt, they had seen a figure in the distance rapidly growing nearer. When Neron came upon them, the streets devolved into chaos, rioting just to escape the dragon's wrath. The police had done little to combat him, more concerned with fleeing themselves. After all, what were mere bullets to a god? Two black pads adorning each of his feet proved the turmoil fruitless, as they were immense enough to block any hope of escaping. Spectators gazed skyward to see Neron straddling the metropolis, his bulky arms crossed and a spiteful gaze penetrating every last one of them. Those chosen to satisfy Neron's appetite didn't stand a chance, trapped on the streets like cattle.

His powerful stomach churned with enthusiasm as the fresh meat was introduced. It was not a quick death, hours passing before the humans finally succumbed to the corrosive fluids. From below, their cries of anguish were faintly heard by petrified onlookers.


Wanting to teach the pitiful micros a lesson, he effortlessly swiped off the upper half of one of the taller buildings. Neron grabbed his enormous member once again and crammed it forcefully inside. A majority of the humans inside, foolishly believing they might be safer inside than out, were instantaneously crushed. Those who remained were violently jostled as Neron reoriented the tower. Each tried to punch, kick, and claw their way free of the commanding wall of flesh. The more they resisted his efforts, the more his senses were stimulated and the faster he pumped the husk. Much too small to contain him, it began to disintegrate.

Crazed by visceral animal lust, he relished the feeling of bodies underneath his feet, smearing vast numbers under his sole. With a flick of his toes, Neron liquefied a few stragglers. His claws eventually reached a frenetic pace, flying up and down his shaft. He groaned with exertion, nearing sweet release. The dragon had just enough time to direct his cock where the most humans were congregated. An earsplitting roar accompanied Neron's orgasm, with streams of scorching cum pulping most of the undulating mass that remained.

As a final insult, he kicked over the remains of the tallest skyscraper with ease and pulverized the wreckage. The city was little more than a caustic pool of blood and semen by that point, survivors left only to wallow in agony. Neron stomped off into the distance, hungry for more of this delicious new treat.

(Thirty years later)

Gaia. Humanity's last bastion of society. Three hundred of the makeshift capital's fiercest and most disciplined warriors departed one day to tame their own personal hell. The humans' target was a so-called "destroyer of worlds," the moniker borrowed from some long-forgotten ancient religious text. Not a single person had returned from that crusade. Not one. The humans had sustained heavy losses in the past, but the forfeiture of one of their most vital sources of defense, raw manpower, put them in an inescapable position.

The city's governing body determined the only way to avoid their certain annihilation would be to send more humans than ever before to assault the scaly terror en masse. They conceded that many would die so at least a few could remain. Neron had arrived decades ago, the dragon destroying human civilization underfoot in the process. One thousand of Gaia's citizens bravely volunteered to take down the giant beast. The capital's inhabitants had been seriously thinned by Neron's efforts, so the band was loosely organized at best.


Neron sat sprawled in the cavern he called his home, snacking on yet another human's remains. The dragon licked a few stray drops of blood from his ivory claws and gravelly lips. He never got tired of the taste, even after consuming tens of thousands of people. Neron wasn't otherwise fond of the micros, though. He detested the way they tended to get stuck between his fangs, and they were never grateful when their god hand-picked them to be his meal.

"I'm still waiting for a medal," he called over jokingly to a cage full of his toys, "for ridding the world of you despicable mites." He marveled at how pesky they could be for specks that he often crushed without noticing. That was another thing, too. Without fail, just after he would clean himself, some lowly human would decide to get in his path, firing a "gun" or pelting him with grains of sand. The bodily fluids and gore were a real pain to wash off after they adhered to his feet. Occasionally he would leave the guts as a warning to anyone who would dare get close to him.

Neron was sick of the humans' ability to infest absolutely everything as well. Every other day he smashed one crawling on his body, and he shuddered to think about the itchiness felt every time he trampled on...what did they call them? Ah, yes. "Cities." The dragon would have to rake his sharpened claws across each foot to shred humans who hitched a ride. To their credit, Neron was hard-pressed to match the satisfaction derived from running a claw between his toes and grinding any ensnared there into mush.

The humans he didn't crush or eat were saved for later use. There certainly weren't any female dragons around, if Neron's sense of smell was to be trusted, so they would serve as a source of stimulation. He needed handfuls of them even to stay erect, and they had a bad tendency to smear. Their bodies usually exploded when he did.

Neron patted his stomach. All this thinking of humans is making me hungry. The dragon strode towards the pen that enclosed humans captured on his last raid and chose one at random. If there was one thing Neron loved doing, it was teasing them. They always fell over themselves in sycophantic devotion, realizing too late that he had no intention of keeping them alive. "No, please master! I-I heard you liked being worshipped. I'll bow before your feet, lick them, anything," one had said recently. Neron only remembered him for how crunchy he was. He hoped the one he now held would be just as sweet.

"I have a story for you human," Neron began. "It's about the last of your kind I ate. He really didn't like it. You should have seen the hopelessness in his eyes as I snapped every bone in his body," the dragon wistfully recalled. "All it took were a few swallows to devour him--still alive, mind you--whole. I could feel him wriggling all the way down. So what I'm trying to tell you is that you're fucked, you know that, right? But I suppose there's no harm in telling me why you should live."

The man animatedly chattered away, but he was far too small for Neron to perceive anything beyond the usual "please" or "family." On the whole, humans were a necessary evil, he reflected as the bug continued to writhe. They were annoying morons, but still a good source of sustenance and animalistic fulfillment. As he was about to pop it into his mouth, he heard a slight buzzing. Neron dropped the human he was holding, condemning him to a painful death. The dragon didn't care as the body burst at his feet. There were plenty left. What interested him more at the moment was the noise, steadily growing louder. He ambled to the entrance of his cave to see what the commotion was about.


The humans were roaring as they neared Neron's dwelling, pouring out all of their combined fury and pain in a vicious display. Although none of them had actually seen the dragon, as he left few survivors in his wake, they knew that with their combined force they could take him on. The legion attacked as soon as the curved horn that crowned Neron's head emerged from the dank lair. A cacophony of gunfire and rocketry filled the air, along with the smoky odor of gunpowder. Their combined efforts barely dented a scale, with most of the artillery bouncing off his durable skin.

Neron crossed his arms with a withering leer as the firing died down, the humans having wasted most of their ammunition already. He was still partially bathed in shadow as he taunted, "You're serious, right? Trying to take on a fully grown dragon with your pathetic sticks? I shed scales bigger than the whole lot of you. Well, just remember: you asked for this."

He fully materialized from the alcove and many of the men and women gasped. Neron didn't need to speak another word to strike fear into their hearts. The scene instantly dissolved into chaos as many lost their nerve simply realizing how large the dragon truly was. He lifted a foot and obliterated the front lines, crushing hundreds of humans in a single step. One lucky man who found himself squarely between two toes survived, only to be suffocated against scaly flesh gripping like a vise as Neron wiggled them.

"Oops, I must have slipped. Oh, well." Blood oozed from underneath Neron's sunk-in sole, blending in well with his crimson scales. Perhaps two or three hundred humans remained now, cornered like wild animals between the dragon's claws and cowering in fear.

"I don't understand your attitude, humans. After all, I'm sure you have heard tales of my might. What did you think would happen? Besides, we all know what you would do if the tables were turned." Neron had learned a bit about the humans over the years. "You have no respect for anything but yourselves, so why should I be any different?"

He commanded the mass to remain still, and upon lifting his razor-sharp claws they obeyed. Then he took the foot, strewn with gore, and hovered it over them. The deep crevasses forming his footprint were overflowing with blood. A drizzle of coppery, acrid liquid assaulted the group. The sight of splattered bodies made them wretch, let alone the smell of death.

"You all will split into two groups. I will stomp one and torture the other, but you will not know which is which. Either way all will die. I expect gratitude for even allowing you a choice."

The gathered throng didn't know what to do. On the one hand, refusing to cooperate would probably mean a death all the more torturous and humiliating. On the other, they were going to willingly participate in their own slaughter. After a short while, they resolved into two distinct halves. Their duty was to protect their families back home at all costs. That would be difficult pasted to a dragon's toe, but perhaps they could concoct an improvised plan while appeasing the brute.

He pointed to the group on his left and said, "You picked wisely. That is, a quick end. Those of you on the right will watch. If I see a single head down..." he allowed their imagination to fill in the silence. With a grin, he slammed his foot down on the group with more enthusiasm than ever. The remaining humans saw every last body compress, pop, and violently spew gore.

"Nice and warm," Neron remarked. "if a little crunchy. Now, for the rest of you! My, as you would say, 'spoils of war.'"

He pinched a few into his palm and brought them up to his open mouth. He could feel himself drooling, and the unfortunate few resting there were covered in saliva as he breathed out. "Mmm. I can feel the acids churning. I'm hungry for meat, humans." His tongue darted out and scooped them up in one swift movement.

The humans rolled around on his tongue, battered by the strong muscle and growing dizzy with the tumultuous motion. He licked each one to taste their delicious flesh, the lithe tongue twisting and contorting to savor them. A solitary man found himself between two teeth, and Neron didn't hesitate to crunch down and slurp the bright red liquid right out of him.

Swallowing humans tended to be particularly difficult because they were smarter than they looked. That wasn't very hard, Neron thought to himself. They fought against his swirling tongue, so he tilted his head back and began swallowing over and over. The humans could not resist gravity and the rush of fluids at the same time, and all tumbled toward the back of his throat. Each splooshed into a sea of caustic acid after falling at breakneck speed. The dragon's stomach growled and rumbled with approval as each human began to digest. The walls were too slick to take hold, so everyone was forced to float, resigned to their inevitable death. Every breath they took only hastened their demise, sensitive tissue scorched by poisonous vapor.

The dragon then pointed down to a human standing apart from the main group. "Start running." The man began sprinting, but before he could take more than a few steps the massive foot was over him, dragging his body back to the giant's shadow. Neron ran his foot up and down the human's length before lowering it over his body. At first, the man could punch and kick at the rough skin, but he was eventually forced onto his knees, then his back. Finally the pressure increased more and more until his body finally gave way. Squelch.

"Too slow!" Neron chuckled at his own twisted sense of humor. He then groaned, a fire in his loins building. "All this killing is making me horny, humans. Do you think you can handle a dragon's seed?"

He grabbed ten humans. Four he put inside his vent, leaving them to feel their way around in darkness. Three he placed in the slit of his stiffening cock. "I hear dragon pre tastes pretty good. Enjoy!" The last three he dropped in his palm, which he then took to grip his hardened shaft. Two were little match for the pressure between his hand and his malehood, and as Neron expected, they ended up as a bloody smudge. The third was trapped in his foreskin. He continued to shuttle his gigantic hand back and forth across the slick, pulsating surface regardless, occasionally squirting some pre over the ground-dwelling humans. If they weren't forced to swallow the salty fluid, they were overcome by his powerful musk.

They didn't know it, but each human contributed to their own demise. The ones crawling around in his cloaca would send random shocks of electric bliss through Neron with their light touches. The sensitive tip of his cock bucked every time the human stuck in his foreskin came into contact. Finally, those in his slit produced a pleasant tingle inside him.

Neron soon found himself past the point of no return, so he began stroking the drooling pole with reckless abandon. It took all the self-control he had to direct his convulsing member where his thick cream would destroy the most humans.

"Fuck, hu-humans. I'm gonna blow! H-here it c..." Neron couldn't finish, consumed in waves of pleasure.

The first blast of cum rocketed out of his shaft and impacted the ground as if fired from a mortar. The humans trapped inside his cock were liquefied in the process. The top layer of soil was ripped up and humans sent flying by the stream. They had no time to recover as another gush came, then two more. As his orgasm slowed, he allowed the last few drops to splatter around, each impacting the ground with a boom.

He panted and clutched at his deflating cock. When it retracted back into his vent, it crushed the humans still inside. Only ten or so warriors were left. Neron pointed to one of the larger puddles of his off-white, opaque seed. "You think you outsmarted me, fuckers? Try again. You will bathe in it now." They were plopped in the middle of the pool of dragon seed. "I wonder whether it will dissolve you before you drown in it. Doesn't matter as long as it's painful."

Neron surveyed the damage. An enormous footprint was emblazoned on the moist earth. In the center lay a pile of crushed humans, barely recognizable and from which a river of blood flowed freely. The crimson stream joined with a lake of his seed to create a creamy amalgam. One or two humans who inexplicably survived the entire ordeal were thrashing in the viscous liquid, slowly losing the fight to keep their heads above his sperm. Feeling sympathetic, he took a toe and ground them into the ocean of cum, ending their struggles. A few strings of sinewy gore and semen stretched and snapped with an audible thwack as he brought the toe back up.

"Humans live for a century if they're lucky and if you aren't blowing each other's heads off you're fucking like roaches. I did you all a favor." Neron returned to his cave for a much needed rest. He happily rubbed his stomach, churning with dissolved bodies, and vowed to punish the humans he had jailed back home for their kin's transgressions. Perhaps he could even beat out of them the location of their new capital and pay it a visit. He wouldn't be a very good dragon if he let humanity become complacent, after all.


Perspective Nix was having a terrible day, to say the least. The young raptor's usual insubordination put him on the verge of losing his job, and he was also falling behind on rent. As soon as the late shift ended, Nix bounded out of the office, his...

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