A favourite Situation 5

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#5 of Favourite Situaion

A month into his servitude, Spencer attempts to help make Matts life a little easier. But will Thomas allow it?

A favourite situation 5

By kendo Kawabata

Spencer looked up at the man in front of his desk and just gave him a look. His desk was covered, albeit neatly, in books and binders, and a very big mug of assorted pens. A computer monitor took up the rest of the desk, but it wasn't anything special. Just a work computer. Spencer shook his head as he sat back in his black desk chair.

'seriously, you're expecting that?" he asked the tall white haired flamedramon. The male opposite him stood in front of his desk, waering a rather impeccable looking dark green suit. His boss was always wearing a suit and tie combo.

"it is in the manual" said Thomas as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "So therefore i would like it to happen" he pointed out. "And as his overseer, I'm expecting you to do it."

"yes, I know it is" spencer said as he sat back in his chair. "I've read the manuals and theory books as well, but just because its written in the book doesn't mean it will work." He picked up the book in question and held it in his hand. It was titled "Slave Behaviour and You."

"Do you know who write these things?" Spencer asked. "Glorified desk jockeys who typed them up in an afternoon, thinking that this is how the real world works. But these desk jockeys haven't set foot in the real world for at least six months and have forgotten what its actually like. The person who wrote this book, is full of it" he pointed out.

"spencer, I know that you want to have what you think is matts best interests at heart, but at the end of the day, I am the one in charge" Thomas said as he looked at the blackwargreymon. With Spencer sitting there in his chair, Thomas seemed bigger then him, but only a little.

Spencer shook his head as he slowly stood up. It was only by standing up that he had the height advantage over the flamedramon. But unlike most, Thomas was not intimidated by his size.

"Thomas, matt needs time off every week" spener said to him.

"no spencer, he doesn't" Thomas said as he looked up at him.

Spencer shook his head again as he walked over to the windows that surrouned his enclosed office. The view was not that great, surrounded by nothing but shelves of assorted goods for Thomas' shipping business. the only light that came in was from the overhead lighting on the ceiling. and it was almost black in his office without that lighting.

Spencer looked out of the window, and standing at the right angle, he could see matt in his area. Although it was a very limited view on things.

Matt was standing by the desk, looking over his paperwork on a delivery that had come in a while ago. Even from that angle spencer could see that matt was tired. With the way his shoulders were slumped and he was moving slowly, the boy was exhausted, both mentally and physically. Even as he watched he saw Matt rub the side of his head in an attempt to wake himself up.

"look Thomas" spencer said as he didn't turn around. "matt has been working here for the last month almost non stop. He needs a break" spencer said as he watched his charge. "You can't expect him to work at this level non stop and keep going. He'll crash and burn soon, and it will not be good for his health."

"are you considering this because of the fact that he screwed up a few days ago?' Thomas asked as he unfolded his arms and placed his hands behind his back. "And he's been having to catch up with his work since?" he asked.

"yes, if you want to put it that way" said spencer as he turned to look at Thomas.

Thomas looked back at him, as they both knew what they were talking about.

Three days ago, matt had cracked under the pressure.

Three deliveries that were supposed to arrive the day before hadn't arrived, and when they did, they had been delivered at the same time as another four deliveries were already unloading. Which were right behind a preivous three deliveries that morning.

So, for matt, that meant almost ten deliveries within the same hour. And virtually no space for the trucks to park or to unload their goods. And there was only one person they were willing to blame for the mixup.

With multiple angry truck drivers yelling abuse and delivery workers throwing boxes around and demanding space that Matt couldn't give them, the poor boy had tried his hardest to handle the situation by himself.

But it had seemed that none of the drivers were willing to even consider giving him a chance. They ganged around the poor boy each one yelling that his delivery was the more important one and that he had to take care of him first. And they seemed to grow angrier the more Matt tried to sort things out.

It was only after one of them suggested that they should beat the hell out of him, because he was 'just a dirt shit slave', that Matt had finally called Spencer, tears streaming down his face as he just simply broke over the phone. Although he wasn't making sense due to how worked up he was, Spencer could tell matt was in a lot of trouble and had sent over three of the other workers to help him.

It took a couple of hours to sort everything out and a bit longer for Matt to calm down.

"look, matt tried the best he could, and yes, I know he failed" Sncer said as he looked at Thomas. "but matt tried to hold on as long as he could, and honestly, I doubt any of the other workers would have been able to handle that much abuse at once."

"but the fact is, matt failed" Thomas said. "and, from what timothy has said, you refused to punish him for it. That kind of failure deserves a punishment."

"timothy is wrong" spener said as he looked at Thomas. "there is more then one way to punish a slave, and not all of them require physical discipline" he said. "And matt did not fail in the way you are thinking" he pointed out. "those delivery drivers screwed up their own schedules and were late of their own accord. If they had arrived when they were scheduled, that mess would not have happened."

"so how did you punish him?" Thomas asked, as if he hadn't heard or considered what Thomas was saying.

"He punished himself" spencer said. "matt felt as if he had let me down and he coulnd't stop apologising to me or to the other workers for disturbing them. I felt he was sorry and he had been through enough."

"and that you consider a good punishment?" Thomas said. "It sounds like you were rather lenient to me" he pointed out. "And that is not what an overseer should be doing. Slaves need discipline. They are not free people."

"Thomas, if you want to punish him, fine. Do it" spencer said as he looked at him. "timothy punishes him regularly enough, and luke is always having a go at him for one thing or another. That kid has a temper and I think it could be a problem" spencer said. "matt doesn't need to have you punishing him over something that happened and has been dealt with."

"so then why do you think that matt needs time off?" Thomas asked.

"because he does" spener said as he leant his back against the window and corssed his arms. "he has been working since the day you dropped him off. And he hasn't had any actual rest since he started" spencer said. "He needs some time off every week to rest and recuperate so he can stay at the top of his game."

"he gets enough sleep. That should be enough" Thomas said. "that is what the books say, and that is what the teachers in the courses say. I am doing everything by the book, and it is enough. a minimum of six hours sleep every night is more then enough for any slave, and he is gettign more then the minimu requirement."

Spencer shook his head and looked back up at Thomas. The man was stubborn, he had to give him that. Spencer had met a lot of people who were more financially better off then others, and to him they were all the same. That money meant they were better then him and the other 'mediocre' kinds of people.

"Thomas, I do not mean any disrespect in any of this. I know that you are doing everything by the book, and you have read every book cover to cover. I know you have put timothy and luke in classes so they can learn what they need to know. And I know that you want things to run smoothly."

"But, to be perfectly honest, I have had a slave for six years, and I have more hands on experience then you" spencer pointed out. "you haven't spoken to matt since you dropped him off, and you want timothy and luke to handle him in your absence. All my role is, is basically a babysitter until I get my own masters license.

"I honselty don't care what the books say, because what is written in a book is a far cry from how things work in the real world" spencer continued. "the books say that yes, sleep is enough of a rest peiod for a slave, as long as it doesn't go any less then the recommended six hours minimum" he said. "But sleep doesn't do enough for someone, and even you can agree with me on that."

"Sunday is the slowest day in the week, and there are no delieveries to be done. Sunday is really a day for matt to catch up on things and keep the place reasonably clean. If he gets a couple of hours to rest up, so be it. Every slave needs a break now and then. Not just physically, but mentally."

"you really believe that?" Thomas asked him. He did not look convinced though. In fact Spencer had to admit that Thomas did not seem to be really listening at all.

"if I didn't, I wouldn't be trying to convince you" spencer said to him. "matt needs time to rest and deal with what's going on. A couple of hours a week, one afternoon a week is not going to hurt the business and it is not going to do him much harm. it can only be beneficial for him."

Thomas said nothing for several long moments as he appeared to thinking it over at least. Spencer kept quiet for the moent as he let his boss think things through.

"so what are you saying exactly?" Thomas asked finally. Spencer sighed and shook his head.

"one afternoon. Sunday afternoon" spencer said. "no work, no visits from you, timothy or luke, or even me. Just one afternoon where, once he's done his required jobs, he can rest. Have a little 'me' time to himself to sit back and take a break from it. Sunday afternoon is slow enough that its not going to hurt anything."

Thomas said nothing as he listened. He looked out of one of the windows for a moment, although Spencer knew that he could see matt from that angle. It was a poor attempt at best.

"And you really think that this is going to help him?" Thomas asked.

"check your books if you want" spencer said. "it says a break is not mandatory, nor is it deniable. It boils down to the masters choice in how they rear their slave" spencer said. "matt cannot work like this and not take a break now and then. The longer he goes without a proper break now and then, the harder he is going to crash and it will longer for him to recover."

"It's just one afternoon a week. It's only a couple of hours" spencer said. "only after he's done his work. Even you have to admit that its good for him."

Thomas thought it over for several long moments before he made his decision.

"alright. But on one condition" Thomas said.

"And what is that?" spencer asked.

"I want matt to see a B.O.S.S therapist" Thomas said.

"Excuse me?" spencer asked in disbelief.

"if you have concerns over matts coping ability with what's going on, then why not ask someone to come in and see how he's coping then?" Thomas said. "Aftger all, you are just trying to convince me that you have Matts best interest at heart, right?" he asked.

"A therapist? Why? He doesn't need to see one" SPencer said.

"if matt speaks to the therapist and manages to clear everything and is in a stable piece of mind, then I'll not disagree with your proposal" Thomas said. "Unless you know somethign is going on and you don't want Matt to see a therapist?" he asked. "Are you afraid he'll find something out?"

'How dare you' spencer thought ot himself as he felt a flare of anger rise up inside him. He had just spent the last half hour trying to convicne Thomas to actually do something nice for Matt, and now here he was starting to twist his words around.

Spencer was smart enough to know when he was backed into a cornor. If he refused now, things would possibly get worse for Matt. He shook his head and sighed, knowing what he had to agree too.

"and what if he doesn't?" spencer asked. "those b.o.s.s therapists don't have the best reputation in being fair" he said. "you ask any normally trained therapist or psychiatrist and they'll tell you that those B.O.S.S. reps take shortcuts to get their degrees."

"Regardless of what people think about the b.o.s.s. reps, Matt will see one. If he fails, then I will take matters into my own hands. As you have been hinting, i should take a more interested role in Matts training. So if he fails, I will deal with it, and I will not hear anymore about Matt getting breaks again ever" he said as he met Spencers stare. "Deal?"

"alright. Deal" spencer said, although he didn't like the concept at all. And he felt like he had no say in the matter either.

"Very well" Thomas said with a light smile and a nod. "I will arrange for one to arrive this sunday, when all the work is done. I'll let him in myself" he said. "And I do promise you Spencer, as long as you follow the book everythign will turn out alright" he said as he opened the door to the office and left.

Spencer sighed as he shook his head yet again. He did notice though, that Thomas didn't even look in Matts direction as he left.

The object was a small round disc of glass. It barely covered his palm, and it had no edge, and no handle to hold it. The glass was magnifying, and it enlarged the lines on his palm. Lines that had never been there before on his smooth soft skin. Lines that were becoming more frequent due to the increased volume in work.

It had fallen out of one of the packages, only which one wasn't known. Over a thousand or more boxes had arrived in the last month, each one with differnet items wrapped up inside. So many boxes, so many things. Each one forgettable when he got ahold of the next box.

Matt sat on his bed, holding the small piece of glass in his hand. He had been staring at it for the last hour, just doing nothing but looking at it. Sometimes touching it, sometimes moving it. BUt mostly just looking.

It was Sunday, and all of the work had been done that morning. The last delivery had been over with and it was past lunch time. The warehouse was quiet again, and he was all alone. Now he was on his bed by himself looking at this small object he had found under his desk.

How long it had been sitting there, he didn't know. It had been covered in dust and had been sitting there unfound for a while. Which package it had been in orginaly, matt didn't know either. So many boxes came in and out he had given up ages ago trying to keep track.

What felt important though, was that it now belonged to him.

He slowly ran his finger over the flat smooth surface. He could see his enlarged fingers through the glass, but not the reflection of his disfigured face. His hands were looking so rough, and it more noticable up close.

It felt nice, he had to admit, to have something that belonged to him. not something that was given to him because someone else wanted him to have it, or given to him because some book or text said it was ok.

This belonged to him because he wanted it. It was something he could own. And it made him feel better.

He heard a knck on his door and those quick sharp raps on the wood knocked him out of his admiration of his glass. He pulled himself off the bed and looked around for a moment in a bid of desperation to hide his special object.

Making a very quick decision he hurriedly shoved the piece of glass underneath his meagre mattress.Taking just a moment to make sure his bed was tidy and there was no obvious bulge to show that somethign was hidden in there.

Matt quickly straightened up and made sure he looked at least presentable. Once his tunic was straightened up and he had slipped his corded sandles back on his feet, he stood up and straightened the facial chains thatk ept him tied to the cord on the ceiling. HOpeing that he looked decent enough, he opened the door to his room.

Standing there was a young looking yellow horse with a neat and tidy dark brown mane, with a pair of slim looking black framed glasses perched on his nose. He looked like a librarian version of Spirit from the Disney movie.

"you must be matt" The horse said with a pleasant smile. "I'm Tate, the therapist from b.o.s.s.. I'm here for our appointement. Your master just let me in. I'm afraid he had some kind of meeting to ge ttoo, so he's not going ot be joining us."

"oh, yes sir" matt said with a nod as he stepped aside. "please, come in" he said as he gestured inwards.

Tate ddn't even say thank you as he strode into the room. He seemed to act like he was already the center of the room and didn't look back as Matt closed the door. Almost at once he opened the clipobard he was holding and wrote something down.

"Slave looks at my eye level, without being given permission first" Tate wrote as he spoke loudly enough for matt to hear.

"i...i'm afraid I don't have much to offer you' matt said as he close the door. "I can only offer you water" he said as he gestured to the dishes at the sink.

"Water is fine" said tate with a nod. Matt nodded as he went to the sink and poured his cup of water full and handed it to the horse. Tate however smiled, but it wasn't a kind smile.

"a slave should never hand his own cup to anyone" the horse pointed out. "you know it might carry diseases" he said. Matt slowly broughtthe cup down. "Slave diseases are different from freeman diseases, and its considered a high insult for you to hand me your own cup" he said with a smile.

"i...I'm sorry sir' he said as he looked at the floor. "I don't have any other cups. No-one...no-one stays to visit " he said. "So i'm not permitted to have anymore."

"The slave thinks a sob story is an acceptable excuse to insult his visitor" Tate said under his breath as he wrote down on his clipboard."I'm not interested in yourcup situation" Tate said as he looked up at matt. "there is a vending machine in the main area of this warehouse. Can you reach it?" he asked.

"yes sir" matt said with a nod. Matt had already tested out where he was able to walk to aroudn the warehouse. THe vending machine was one of the things he was able to reach, but he was not permitted to use it for himself. Although he was alone at times, he didn't dare try it.

"Good. I want a coke. And make sure it's cold" Tate said as he sat himself down on matts desk chair.

"yes sir" matt said without looking up as he placed the cup on the sink and then left the room. He managed to keep his head high and his face expressionless as he walked down the steps and across the loading hall.

Thankfully, over the last month Matt had learned to keep his face and his emotions blank. It hadn't been easy, not with some of the things that Timothy and Luke put him through. Spencer though, was doing what he could to help, but even he couldn't help stop the tears at night.

The machine was full and the sodas were free, so matt pushed the button for coke and it fell into the bottom of the machine with a clunking noise. He took the can and tapped the top of it several times to flatten it out a bit.

When he arrived back at his room he found that Tate had made himself at home already, his clipboard open and his pages covered matts desk. He was still busy writing on the paper with his pen and looked up when Matt returned.

"good. Your back" Tate said as he looked up, but the smaile was nothing kindly at all. He took the can of coke without saying thank you as he wrote a few things on his papers. "Take a seat' he said as he gestured to the bed. He put the can on the desk but didn't open it as he kept writing.

Matt sat down on the edge of the bed, sliding the long chain back over his sholder. He found it was easer that way to have it over his shouler then banging against his face. He did wish more then once that he didn't have the stupid thing, but who would honour his wishes anyway?

Tate said nothing as he continued to write. A few times he looked up and looked around the room, seeming to find something before looking back at his clipboard. He seemed to be in no hurry to talk to Matt.

Matt said nothign as he sat, waiting as patiently as he could. he didn't say anyhting, nor did he move as he watched the pony. His therapist, he noticed, couldnt have been more then twenty, maybe twenty one. He had to have been the same age area as Matt, and it was kind of disblieving that the pony was in more authority then Matt.

Tate finally opened his can and took a drink. Matt knew the can was fresh and it was cold, the vending machine was kept chilled at all times. But Tate obviously found something wrong with the drink as he simply stood up and dumped the pretty much full can in the sink and let it drain away.

"now matt, do you know why I'm here?" tate asked as he sat back on the chair and looked over at Matt. He picked up his clipboard and his pen. "Slave thinks an inadequate can of dink is perfectly acceptable" he wrote.

"yes sir" matt said with a nod. "overseer spencer told me that you would be coming today to talk to me about my mental state of being" matt said.

"yes, that is correct" tate said with a nod as he leant back against his chair. "I'm glad that you can listen. It's refreshing to know."

"Matt, tomorrow you're going to be seeing a therapist" spencer said as they sat at the desk in the loading bay. The big digimon did not looks pleased at the prospect, and the menacing look on his face made Matt feel uncomfortable.

"why?" matt asked as he stood at the end of the desk, looking down at spencer who sat in the chair. Although he was a lot smaller then his ex father, Matt had only the slightest of height advantages.

"because Thomas wants you to see one" spencer said as he looked up at him. "and i had the feeling that it was going to happen even if I said something against it. You're...master seemed to suggest that if I did say somethign against it, it meant something funny was going on" he admitted.

"why do I need to see one?" matt asked. "is it because I messed up the other day? I did apologise for that, a lot" he admitted as he stood, looking down at the floor a little.

"partly" spencer said. "matt, I'm not angry that you messed up. You held on as longas you could, but even a normal worker would have cracked sooner or later under that much pressure" he said.

"I'm still sorry I disappointed you" matt said as he looked at the floor. "I wanted to be able to handle it" he said.

"matt, I told you, I'm not angry' spencer said as he stood up. "you told me you're sorry a hundred times over and I believe you" he said as he put his hand on the boys shoudlers. The comforting hand made Matt feel a little better as he looked up at the towering big male.

"I'm still sorry" matt said, and he felt sorry as he said it.

"I know" spener said as he gave the boys shoulder a squeeze. "but, this is part of why Thomas wants you to see a therapist" he said. "he wants you to see him because he says he needs to check how you're doing. You know, how you're handling the transition and such' he said.

"why doesn't he just ask me?" matt asked. "I could tell him right to his fuckign face how i'm coping with all this shit and...I..I'm sorry" Matt said as he suddenly paled a little, realising that he had just spoken out of turn in a big way.

Spencer just chuckled to that and shook his head in amusement.

"That could be why. You'd probably have no control over your emotions when speaking to him, and I know that what you two have is very, VERY volatile, in a sense" he said as he sat back down in the chair. "You just got worked up speaking to me about your father, I can only imagine how verbal, and maybe physical it could get between you two" he said.

"that's possible" matt admitted with a nod, the chain on his face clanging gently against his skin. The stupid chain smacked him against the head or the face no matter what he did. It didn't hurt, but it was a horrible reminder of his lowly status.

"I don't know if that's the reason though, so I can't really say" Spencer said to him. "But, you're seeing one, and I need to tell you matt, that if you can show you've managed to settle into your new life, you'll be granted something in your benefit" Spencer said.

"like what?" matt asked, looking up a bit.

"every Sunday afternoon will be yours to do with as you see fit" spencer said.

"but..i'm already..." matt said.

"no, you're not" spencer said. "the ony reason you have that time off is because I don't have work for you to fill in the time with" he said as he picked up a big black diary from the top of the desk. He flipped the book open and flicked through several pages.

"Since you've started work here, you've worked practically seven days a week, from the moment you wake to the moment the work is done. But not even a regular person can work that much without killing themselves" Spencer explained. "Sundays are mostly catch up days since we don't have deliveries, and you always get the work done I set for you to do."

"Thomas doesn't want you to have spare time. You can read the rules if you like, but he believes that a slave sholdn't have spare time to dwell on things, because it allows their mind to wander and their mindsets crumble" he said. "And spare time is considered a bad thing if used in abundance."

"so...I'm not allowed to have spare time because its bad for me?" matt asked. He had never heard of such a thing, but then again the rules of Slavery were vastly different from the rules of employment.

"yes" spencer said. "but its not an official rule, more like a guideline. It really does just depend on how a master or anyone rears their slaves. It's personal choice. But Thomas doesn't want you to have official time to rest" spencer said. "but I do."

"so, what does my spare timehave to do with a therapist" matt asked. "I really am not understanding all that much" he admitted.

"if you can prove to the therapist that you are...well, coping" spencer said "then you'll be able to have each Sunday afternoon off officialy, after your work is finished" spencer said. "No visits from Luke or Timothy, or anyone else. It'll just be time for you to enjoy."

"and if I don't?" matt asked.

"I assume he's going to punish you" spencer said. "I do not know how, or what he's doing, but he said that he'll handle it himself. And I get the feeling its not going to be pleasant."

"oh" matt said softly. It sounded too good to be true that his ex father would do somethign for Matts benefit alone.

"so please matt, behave. We can speak like friends like we've been doing, only because I dont mind it. But this is a rep from the B.O.S.S., and it will be his word they'll listen too. Your word doesn't exist" he pointed out.

" Speak properly, and don't tell him anything he doesn't want to hear" spencer said. "most likely they will want to hear that you are thankfull and happy and eager to serve, so please be carefull with what you say. Do not trust him to be on your side, or confide in him with anything. Just please be carefull Matt."

"now matt, have you ever talked to a therapist before" tate asked as he made himself comfortable in the desk chair.

'no sir, I haven't" matt said as he sat there with his hands in his lap. That part was true. even after his mother had died, he hadn't seen anyone. His then father had never seen the point in letting him see one.

"well, basically, I'm just going to ask you a few question and have a bit of a talk with you, just to see how well your coping with everything that's going on" Tate said as he leant back, looking at ease, and not really all that professional.

"alright sir" matt said with a nod as he sat straight. "I will answer everything as best that I can" he said.

"now then, how have you been enjoying being a slave?" Tate asked as he looked up at matt. "I'd like to know exactly how you've been happy since the transition from freeman to slave" he said with a smile.

For a moment matt wasn't able to answer the question and he had to think on it for a moment. How exactly was he supposed to answer a question like that when he wasn't happy at all? He had been thoroughly miserable and pent up since he had been enslaved.

But he had to answer the question, and as good as possible.

"Well...its been a difficult transition" he said slowly, and somewhat carefully. "but I think I'm settling in alright."

"that's not the answer I'm looking for" tate said with a light grin on his face. "I didn't ask how you were settling in, I asked how you were enjoying servitude" he said as he wrote something on his papers. "Slave cannot answer the questions properly"

Matt said nothing for a moment as he was practically ordered to change his answer. That answer wasn' good enough?

"matt, please answer the question" tate said as he looked up from where he was writing.

"It's...got its ups and downs" matt said finally. He didn't want to flat out say he hated it almost all the time, which he honestly did.

"matt, please be more specific" Tate said as he wrote in his clipboard. "do you like being in servitude or not? I need a good answer. A GOOD answer" he said pointedly. "Slaves cannot sit on the fence on this. If you like it, please say so. If you do'nt, then it will be added to the report that things will need to change."

Matt closed his eyes as he forced himself to keep calm. Already he could see where this was going, and he had a horrible feeling that 'things will need to change' would mean 'not in your best interest.' He took a deep breath and he had to almost force the words out of his motuh, before he found a way to actually say them.

"I am enjoying it" he said finally, his thoughts turned on the moments when he made spencer proud of him. For some reason, thinking of the big blackwargreymon made it easier to speak.

"good. That's better" Tate said as he continued to write. Matt let out a brief sigh of relief before hwas asked the next question. "Slave is happy" Tate wrote.

"now, how has your handlers been treating you?" tate asked. "how has Timothy been towards you?" he asked. "From what I understand, he is very enthusiastic with his school work and his handler duties."

"Come on matt, open up" timothy said as he looked down at his brother. Matt was on his knees, his hands tied behind his back with rope. He looked slowly up at his brother, not saying a word, and not wanting to do what he said.

But the pocket tawse in his brothers hand was out, and he had already been struck several times already, not just on his backside, but across his face as well. Although with the way the tawse was designed, you'd never know where he was struck.

"open up matt" timothy said as he pointed to the soft cock that was hanging out of his jockstrap, his sweat pants draped around his ankels. Timothy had dirt marks on his face and across his clothing, and he had the horrible smell of sweat and dirt wafting off of him. The dirty musky smell from his crotch suggested he had been wearing his jockstrap for who knew how long without washing it.

"you drink every drop and not miss a single drip, then I'll turn your device off for the night" timothy said with a grin. "but only if you swallow everything. Would you like that matty? a whole night to paw off that little baby dick of yours? I bet your balls are fit to bursting with that slave juice of yours. wouldn't a nice pawing be pleasant for you?" he teased with a smirk.

Matt said nothing as he felt his face heat up. He swore that he could almost light up the dark loading area of the warehouse with his face alone. But what hurt more was that, for some horribly unexplainable reason, his cock began to harden at the idea of what he was about to do.

Closing his eyes he opened his mouth and felt timothys length smack itself on his tongue. He closed his mouth and wrapped his lips around the soft length.

He recoiled when he felt the tawse strike him on the side of the face and he opened his eyes up to see Timothy looking down at him and wagging the thin stick across Matts face.

"You keep your eyes open bitch" Timothy said with a sneer. "you keep your eyes on me at all times, and you look anywhere else but on me, i'll let you in on how your balls get paddled" he promised.

Matt swallowed a lump in his throat as he took a deep breath adn took his handlers cock, so much bigger then his own back into his mouth and he forced his eyes to stay open as he looked up at the sneering smirking face above him.

The stream of rank acrid liquid splashed over his tongue without warning and matt had to fight back the urge to gag on the stream of rancid urine. Obviously, nothing but gatorade and red bull didn't make urine taste any better to bear.

"good boy. Swallow it all and you get a treat" timothy said. "you do want to paw don't you? You want to paw that baby dick of yours? Then swallow it all" he ordered as he grabbed matt by the back of his head and held him steady.

Matt fought every urge he had to resist and kept swallowing as fast as he could. His stomach churned with the vile liquid that was slowly filling him up and he fought the urge to openly cry from the degrading act.

He found it hard to keep his focus on his handlers smirking sneering face and it was harder to not cry when he was forced to keep his eyes open. his nose wanted to tear itself off his face to avoid the horrible sweaty smell of the teenagers crotch, and his stomach wanted to just vomit up everything it was being forced to drink.

Once again, he was sacrificing his dignity just for a chance to relieve himself.

Timothy watched as his slave drank almost obediently, seeing him screw up his face to the taste of his urine. He made a mental note to help train matt to smile and look like he was enjoying it next time he decided to do this.

As he felt his bladder slowly drain timothy watched more intently as matt continued to drink. He was almost surprised to see that matt might actually pull it off and earn his reward for once. And he had managed ot keep his eyes on timothy the entire time as well.

But matt grinned as he gave matts head a gentle nudge, just a twist in the right direction and the cornor of matts lips began to leak.

Timothy said nothing as he watched only the faintest of dribbles run down the side of matts mouth as he finished draining his bladder into his slaves throat. Matts eyes went wide in shock as the slave realised that he had failed after coming so close to doing it.

"Well well, look at that matty" timothy said with a smirk as pullled his cock from his slaves lips. He smacked his half hard length, the tube of flesh growing harder by the moment as he slapped and smacked matts face, leaving splatters of piss over his face.

Matt looked down at the floor as he was cockslapped over and over again. he could feel the rancid liquid drip on his face and onto the floor between his legs. Timothy tapped the end of his tawse against Matts chin. Matt flinched from the hard taps as he looked up at his handler. "you didn't do it. Almost, but almost is not good enough."

"now, get up and bend over. For not doing the job, you need to be punished" timothy said with a smirk as he indicated to the desk nearby. Matt said nothing as he bowed his head and slowly stood up without a word of complaint.

"matt, can you answer the question?' tate asked, seeing a slightly far away look in Matts eyes.

Matt snapped out of his memory as he looked over at the horse for amoment. For a moment he wondered what to say.

"Timohty...is rather heavy handed in his discipline" matt said. "I...have trouble trusting him.' he admitted.Tate said nothing for several moments as he seemed to consider what Matt was saying.

"Is that the best you can do?" Tate asked as he looked over at matt.

"yes sir" matt said with a nod. if he had to change the answer, he felt he would say something he would regret later.

"Well, I see" tate said with a nod as he continued to write. "Thinks Timothy is untrustworthy" Tate wrote on his paper before he looked back up. "Now, about luke. How has he been treating you? I understand that LUke has been getting mixed results with his course work."

"what the hell is wrong with you?"

Matt jumped out of his skin, dropping the papers he was carrying as his ex cousin yelled at him from behind so suddenly it actually scared him. Luke had a habit of walking up behind Matt and screaming so loud at him that Matt, more then once, almost fell over from the shock.

"what...what's wrong?" matt asked as he turned around to find Luke, his younger handler standing there with a sheet clutched firmly in his hand and the pocket tawse in the other. Matt swallowed a lump in his throat as he saw the tawse was out and the tight grip on it by his handler meant only one thing.

"you signed the form wrong. Again" luke said in anger as he slapped the paper against matts chst, making the boy step back a few steps. "this is the third time you have signed it in the wrong place" he shouted.

"luke I'm...I'm sorry" matt said as he brought his hands up to try and put something between him and the slapping paper.

"and what have you been told about resisting? You shold be honoured you'r getting disciplined from your handler" luke shouted at matt as he slapped the paper down on the desk.

"I.i'm sorry luke...I'll try harder" matt stammered as he brought his hands down, hoping that if he apologides enough his ex cousin would perhaps spare him. although it was wishfull thinking. it always had been.

"Save it you useless idiot" luke snapped at him. "bend over the desk now. I'm sick of reminding you. Maybe this will teach you to listen" he ordered as he grabbed matt by the back of his head and pushed him face down on the desk and brought the tawse up in his hand.

The first crack that smacked on Matts backside made him cry out in pain. The tawse never left a mark on his body, but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt like a bastard. Matt closed his eyes as he whimpered from the pain before another crack landed on his butt.

Luke either had good aim, or he had put something on the tawse to make it mark Matts backside because the third and then the fourth crack on matts rear hurt even more then the previous one had. The stinging was getting so bad that they were making matts eyes water.

"Please...please Luke..I'm sorry...I'll behave" Matt cried out as a fith crack struck his backside. The tears began to leak out of his clenched eyes as he dug his fingers in on the top of the desk.

"Shut it bitch" Luke snarled as he held Matt down easily, keeping his hand on Matts back. The tawse swished through the air and cracked against the back of Matts thighs, making him squeal in pain as his legs spasmed from the contact.

"Oh look at that, your getting hard from this. Again" Luke said in anger as he saw the familiar glow of Matts chastity device light up between Matts spread legs. The glowing meant that matt was getting aroused enough to activate the device.

"Please sir...." Matt whimpered as he felt his face heat up from the shame of his punishment. How could he possibly get aroused from such things like this? Deep down in the pits of a part of him he refused to acknowledge...did he actually like this?

"You know, I bet the handle of this tawse is big enough to shove in that bitch ass of yours" Luke said as he grabbed matts cheeks and spread them apart easily. Matt gasped and tried ot move out of the way, but a heavy blow to his backside made him stop squirming.

"Maybe a little dry violation will teach you some fucking manners" Luke snarled as he dug his fingers between Matts cheeks and spread the flesh apart enoguh to expose Matts opening. Luke knew very well that Matt was a virgin, and this was going to hurt.

The thought of Matt screaming in pain from such a violation was enough to make LUke almost burst out of his pants.

"Luke that is enough."

The shout was loud enough for the workers on the other side of the warehouse stop their work and actualy pause in their movements. Luke looked up as he saw Spencer walking towards him, the angry look on his face suggesting he was not in a good mood.

"I'm punishing him" Luke said as the much bigger digimon walked up to him. "He didn't sign a paper properly, again, and i'm dealing with it" he said loudly. Spencer looked down at him, the boy was not intimidated by the bigger male in the slightest.

"Fine. if you want to punish him over something like that, that's your responsibility" Spencer said as he gave Luke a shove on the chest. It wasn't a hard shove, but enough to push the boy backwards and away from the bent over slave on the desk.

"But there is a limit. And that limit involves slowing down Matts work load" spencer said as he pushed Luke on the chest again.

"Hey, fuck off you dumb shit" Luke snalred as he smacked Spencers hand away. "I'm a handler, that means I outrank you. Especially in discipline" Luke said with a smirk as Spencer stopped pushing him away. "Yeah, you forgot about that, didn't you?"

"Oh, I haven't forgotten" Spencer said as he looked down at Luke. "I know you outrank me in that" he said. Luke grinned as he saw that he had the bigger man by the balls, in a sense, and gave a poke to Spencers stomach.

"so why don't you back off and let me finish punishing the bitch while you go count numbers or whatever it is you do on your fat ass in the office" LUke said. He had more that was going to say, but Spencer grabbed him by the shirt and, without even taking a preperation breath, lifted the startled boy into the air.

"Or, since I'm still your boss, I can fire your ass right here and now, and then you can explain to your father why you're suddenly out of a job" Spencer said as he narrowed his eyes at Luke. "And I have a good reason too. While you've been over here dealing with Matt, a departing truck is now late because you have not finished loading it" he said.

Luke stopped squirming as he heard the meaning behind the bigger males threat and he saw the look in his eyes that he was serious about the threat. with a gulp that Spencer could feel through his fingers and a slow nod, the blackwargreymon slowly lowered the flamedramon to the floor and let him go.

"Now get your ass back to work" Spencer said as he pointed away from them both. "before i dock your pay" he added. Without a further word Luke nodded and got away from the angry big male as fast as he was able.

"Matt?" Tate asked. "Do you need me to repeat the question?"

"luke...is difficult" matt said after taking a quick moment to think about how to work his answer, after he got snapped out of his memory again. "I'm afraid of him sometimes. Its not easy working with him."

"And what, that's your best answer again? Can't you think of anything more positive, like he's enthusiastic, or he's eager to show he's a good and quick learner?" Tate asked as he looked over at Matt. Matt shook his head.

"No sir. That's the best I can manage" he said. Tate did not look convinced and wrote down something on his report, but he didn't speak as he wrote so Matt didn't know what he was writing.

"ahuh" tate said with a nod as he continued to write. "now tell me matt, do you feel privilidged?" he asked as he looked up again.

" do I feel wht sir?" matt asked. The question caught him off guard, as it was something that he hadn't expected.

"privilidged" tate repeated. "because of how well you are set up here" he said. "you know, do you feel better knowing that you have been provided for and does that give you extra incentive to behave and be a better slave?" he asked.

"I dn't understand" matt said. He clearly didn't understand the question. "How am I priviledged?" he asked. He coudln't even begin to think how he was priviliged. how could a slave be priviledged?

Tate laughed, although it was a laugh that suggested he was making fun of Matt before he gave him a cruel looking smile.

"you can't be that big of an idiot" he said with a smirk. "The told me slaves could be ignorant, but honestly, I didn't believe it till I met you" he said with a cruel sounding chuckle as if he found Matt to be one big joke.

"see this room? It's all to code. But its bigger then a normal slaves quarters. This is twice the size of a regulated slave room. You should be gratefull you don't live in something almost a quarter size of a trailer" he pointed out as he gestured with his pen in his hand.

"that tracking system your master installed? The one on the ceiling? That costs upwards of fourty thousand dollars. Most maters would never shell out that kind money for their slaves. They usually just keep them on a long leash secured to the wall" tate said as he continued.

"and you have your own computer" tate continued. "most slaves get nothing. Or if their masters are feeling generous, they get a slavetop computer. A slavetop is a pre-programmed laptop computer that is stricty filtered in what it can and cannot do and access. And trust me, I wouldn't be caught dead with such a backwards piece of trash" he said with a smirk.

"So trust me Matt, you are more privilidged then most other slaves" tate said as he sat back in his chair. "so I'll put down that you do feel privilidged and that you're very happy" he said as he brought his pen to his paper.

"but I'm not, sir" matt said. he felt surprised by himself. he hadn't expected himself to admit that.

"matt, lets not kid ourselves here" tate said with a smile. But it wasn't a pleasant one. "you are happy and privildged as a slave, so I'll pass you with that happy notion" he said. "Bes0ides, it's the truth."

"sir, I am not happy" matt said, a little more firmly.

"matt, you are" tate said. But there was no happy smile or cruel sneer on his face. In fact, the pony didn't look remotely impressed. Or amused. "I see no reason why you can't be happy like this" tate said. "Even with all the lies you've been telling me."

"then you're not much of a therapist sir" matt said. "and I have not been lying."

A heavy silence fell between them both as the two found themselvs looking at each other. Tate obviously looked a little flustered and he was trying to keep himself together. OBviously, he had never met a slave who would disagree with him like this. Matt however, wasn't feelign scared.

"Excuse me?" tate said as he managed to regain his composure enough to hitch his false smile back on his face. "what did you say?"

"I said you're not much of a therapist if you actually think I'm happy like that" matt said as he put his hands on either side of him on the bed. He did not feel afraid as he looked at the pony.

"well, I see no reason to think otherwise" tate said as he kept the smile on his face. But he was looking rather uncomfortable. "and watch what yo're saying here boy" he said with a grin as he suddenly thought of something. "You do'nt want me reporting to your master about how you've been insulting me since I walked in here."

"you're the one twisting around everything I say and making me say good things when I'm down right miserable" Matt said to him as he found himself glaring at the pony. "my father tore me out of my life and made me a slave to my brother who has done nothing but mis treat me, and my cousin who seems to find any excuse to beat me. And you think I'm happy here?" matt said to him.

"Matt, we all know that slaves are nothing but compulsive liars who try to make themselves out to be the victims in all of this" Tate said as he sat back on the chair, having regained himself. "So, if you apologise to me for the way you've been behaving, I might just feel inclined to not mention to your master how insulting you have been."

"I'm not going to apologise to some kid whos my age and got his therapy diploma on the internet" matt snapped. He did not know where he got the courage to actually speak like that, but he didn't feel like he was regretting it.

A thin but cruel smile creeped over Tates lips as he finished writing down whatever he was writing and then picked up his papers, quickly putting them away.

"I think I have enough for me to finish my report" tate said as he stood up. "thank you for your time matt" he added with a smile on his face. "I'll see myself out. You might get lost on the way, even with a track system."

Matt said nothing as the pony then made his way out of Matts room without looking back at him. After a minute or two, Matt heard the main door to the warehouse open and close in the distance, but only because he was listening out for it.

He had to take several long steadying breathes to get his heart back under control. He had no idea it had been hammering so fast, but with the pony gone Matt could almost hear his heart in his ears. It took him a number of breathes before he could actually calm down.

Matt looked down at the floor as he managed to not cry. But it was getting harder not to, rather then easier. It felt to him that the challenges being presented to him with being a slave were getting worse, and the more of himself that he sacrificed, the more worse off he was becoming.

And he couldn't shake the feeling that entire meeting had been a trap the moment that pony had walked into the room. And he wouldn't know the consequences of his actions untill he had nowhere to run away from them when they appeared.

Monday. The beginning of the work week. The warehouse lights came on automatically, illuminating the building and every cornor of the place. The entire place was on a timing system that was operated in Spencers office. Only Matts room had a light that operated outside of the timing system.

Matt woke up with the lights. There was one right outside his room that flooded the room with luminescence like an aritificial sunrise. It must have been positioned on purpose right outside the hole the tracking system went through so it shone directly on his bed.

He got up after having yet another night where he had a restless sleep. Sleep lately didn't seem to help him anymore, it just became a way to pass the time between evening and morning now. And dreams were now nonexistent. There was little for him to dream for anymore anyway.

He slowly picked himself up off the bed and stretched his cramped body, feeling his muscles slip back into place as he stretched himself out. He slid off the bed, ignoring his painfully hard and brightly lit lenght that bounced between his legs as he stretched again. ONce he was done stretching he went to take a cold shower.

He didn't want to take cold showers, but it was the only way he could stay soft during the day was if he purposefully shot himself with the cold water. It may have left him shivering for most of the morning, but with all the hard work he did he would warm up soon. And with so much hard work needing concentration, he could ignore his more baser instincts.

It was at least one way he could deal with his constant hardness. He did find at times that he was so pent up that he remained hard even after the ice cold shower. And the few times it had happened, it wasn't like no-one noticed.

Breakfast was the same as every other meal. A bowl of slave brix, the disgusting blocks of nutrients and vitamins that turned water into sludge. By now he could keep the grey gloop down, which was a good thing since he was outright forbidden to eat or drink anything else.

If he ended up throwing the meal up, which had happened a few times after eating nothing but the gloop, he would end up becoming somewhat weak from hunger. and with no choice but to eat what was given to him, eventually his system managed to handle it.

Matt put on his slave uniform and made himself presentable as best as he was able. Everything had to look right on himm, in case it gave anyone incentive to punish him. The less incentives he gave to people, the more he was left alone.

He picked up his previous uniform and his dirtied towel and left his room, the track system following him wherever he went. His lined was taken down to the little twintub system under his room. The linen was put on the cycle just as the other workers began to walk in.

So far, the other workers had remained neutral to the whole slave thing. They didn't come and seek him out to say or do anything to him, but they didn't treat him like he outright didn't exist. At least they did help him when matt had caved in, but they didn't act like they were doing him a favour. in fact, the moment they were no longer needed they just simply walked off wihtout a backwards glance.

Somehow, that wasn't such a bad thing.

"Good morning matt" spencer said as he walked up, hodling several papers in his hands. He had a smile on his face and his long dirty blonde hair was in its familiar ponytail hanging from his shoulder.

"good morning sir" matt said with a nod to his overseer, but he didn't hide the smile on his face. Spencer gave him a smile as he saw how happy Matt was to see him. If it wasn't considered disaproving, he would have hugged him tightly in front of everyone.

"and how are you doing today?" spencer asked as he put the papers on matts desk.

"I'm fine sir. Thank you for asking" matt said with a small smile. He did groan inwardly when he saw the big stack of order sheets he had been given for the day. From the looks of how they were stapled together, there were a lot of big orders coming from a short amount of deliveries.

"and how did your therapist session go yesterday?" spencer asked as he looked down at Matt.

"i...don't think it went well" matt admitted as he looked at the floor. "I..." he began as he recalled what had happened the previous day and he found himself wondering how to word it.

"I don't know what happened. I didn't get any emails or anything, so i'm not sure what the reaction was from what happened" SPencer said to the smaller boy.

"I tried, honestly I did" Matt said as he looked up at the bigger digimon. "But.. you were right. He was only interested in hearing what he wanted and I think he just wanted to make out that I'm happy with all of this. And...Sir I really, really did try" Matt said as he looked up at SPencer. "But...I'm pretty sure I insulted him."

Spener nodded and put his hand on matts shoulder. He gave the boys shoulder a gentle squeeze as he made Matt look up at him.

"don't worry about it. I'll try and smooth things over if they need to be, ok?" he said. "And if you did insult him, I'm pretty sure he deserved it" he added. "If it was me, I think I would have punched him" he added with a grin.

"Thank you sir. That means a lot to me" matt said with an honest appreciation. Spener nodded and gave matts shoulder a squeeze again before he left towards his office. He knew that if the therapist did report that Matt had insulted him, it would be the ponys word against Matts, regardless of what was really said. And he wanted to be prepared to deal with it.

Matt put the situation out of his mind as he set about his work day. He was right in his assumption that the deliveries were small, but fully loaded as the first two deliveries of the day were bigger then they normally would be. Thankfully, there were no trouble from the delivery boys or the truck driver and things were going rather smoothly.

If he expected anything to happen, it didn't until around lunch time.

Matt was up in his room eating his bland meal of slave brix. His appointed lunch time differed some days, depending on how much work there was. Sometimes it was on time, but most times it was delayed due to deliveries. He was gratefull though that he didn't have to eat in front of everyone else.

As he was eating, he heard quite a bit of movement downstairs. The commotion was enough to make him interested in what was going on. Normally, no-one went into the loading area unless it was him. He stood up and put the bowl on the bench and looked out the window.

His father, no his master was down in the loading area, two workers carrying a large wooden box through the warehouse. His master pointed to an empty space near the stairs and behind one of the shelving unites and the two workers slowly lowered the crate.

"Whats' going on?" matt asked himself as he saw the workers put the box down next to the stairs and begin to unpack it. The box was full of styrofoam beans and they poured out of the box in a small shower as the workers started to lift out whatever it was packing.

"matt. I'd like you to come down here please" Thomas called out, but he didn't look in matts direction. Matt heard the displeasure in his masters voie and felt a quiver of fear through him. Somehow, he just knew this was related to the previous day, and although he didn't want to, he hurried outside.

"Is there a problem sir?" matt asked as he stepped up beside the older flamedramon. He stood with his feet together and his hands behind his back, looking slightly down at the floor. Whatever was wrong, perhaps showing he was obediant might help his case.

"actually, matt, there is" Thomas said as he held several papers in his hands. Matt looked over at the box as there seemed to be some kind of rigid looking propped up plank of wood being pulled out of it and assembled..

"what's going on here?" spencer said as he walked up. "What's all this? You didn't tell me you were coming in today."

"Ah, spencer. Good. You're here" Thomas said as he looked over at him. "I'm just putting up a punishment frame for matt" Thomas said as he looked back at the workers who pulled the device out of the box.

"a what" spencer said in disbelief. "why wasn't I informed about this? And why do we need one?" By the surprise in his voice, Matt could tell that Spencer had no idea what was going on at all.

"well, I got the results back from matts therapy session" Thomas said as he looked at matt. "And I am not happy with you. Not happy at all."

Matt looked over at the frame as it suddenly made a clacking noise and it seemed ot split apart. But the pieces set into place revealing a large wooden X. The whole thing was made out of highly polished wood and there were leather bound cuffs on each of the crosses ends. Matt felt a chill go up his spine as he realised just how he could be restrained in it.

"matt, I cannot believe that you talked about me and my son in such a light" Thomas said as he looked at matt. "you told the therapist he was a charlotten? did you really call him that and tell him he got his degree from a carnival prize game?"

"What?" matt said. "no, no I didn't.." he stammered as he looked up at his master.

"You said to the therapist that Timothy is a sick boy with a twisted mind" Thomas said as he looked down at the papers he was carrying and read from the top sheet. "You said that Luke belonged in a mental institution?"

"I ...I didn't..." Matt stammered as he looked up at the bigger male in disbelief.

"You insulted the therpist by being ignorant of the basic rules of politeness and offered him a sub par beverage and tried to act like you were both on equal terms?" THomas demanded.

"Thomas, do you honestly believe the words that are coming out of your mouth?" Spencer asked as he tried to intervene. "Think about it. Do you think Matt would actually behave in such a way? You know him better then someone who met him for five minutes."

"Stay out of this Spencer" THomas said as he turned toward the other male. "I'll be having personal words about your overseer performance when I've dealt with this situation" he snapped. Spencer stopped talking as he closed his mouth and said nothign. Thomas said nothing before he looked back at Matt.

"you told him that you were not happy with your situation?" he asked. "Your therapist explained how privilidged you were, and you said you were unhappy with everything? After all the money I have spent making sure you were comfortable?" he said as he waved the papers in front of Matts.

'well..that...that's true" matt stammered as he backed up a step. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he saw the anger and the disapointment in the older males face. "But...buts it's true sir. I'm not happy. Please..just let me..."

"I cannot believe this. I honestly thought you were trying" Thomas said as he waved the papers in front of matt, not letting him have the chance to explain himself. "I thought you were better then this Matt. I honestly thought you had more dignity then this to go and undo everyhting that's happened."


"no butts matt" Thomas said sternly. "honestly, I am so very disappointed in you" he said, and he actually looked it. "I cannot believe that oyu would go out of your way to disapoint me."


"NO BUTS MATTS" Thomas yelled at him, a look of anger flaring up as he seemd to grow bigger and tower over his smaller slave. Matt recoiled a little and took a step back from the angry male, actually feeling afraid. Thomas calmed himself down after a few very tense moments before he adjusted the tie on his hsirt.

"after all the good words that your overseer has been saying in your favour, for you to go and talk like that to the therapist and show him that you are not even trying, matt, I don't know what to say to you except I am sorely disappointed" Thomas explained as he finished making himself look presentable again.

Matt looked over at spencer for a moment but the big blackwargreymon didn't look back at him. He did give a slight shake of his head, and matt knew that nothing spencer would say would make a difference.

"matt, I honestly thought that you were trying and that you were making an effort to make this work" Thomas said to him. " but to act like this...I guess i was wrong. I was wrong about you being a good boy after all" he said in disapointemnt.

"i...I'm sorry sir" matt said as he looked at the floor.

"you have no idea how much you have disappointed me" Thomas said as he looked down at his slave without a shred of sympathy in his voice. "And you are going to work very, very hard to make up for it, won't you?"

'yes sir, I will" matt said as he looked at the floor.

"You're goign to work hard to get my trust back and show me that you can be a good slave again, aren't you?" Thomas said as he brought himself closer to his slave and looked down at him. "You're not going to embaress me like this again and show me that my trust in you isn't a mistake."

"Yes...Yes sir" Matt said with a nod as he looked at the floor. "I...I'll work hard to show you I'm a good slave and that you can be proud of me" he said as he managed to keep himself still. He didn't dare look up, because he felt that he was about to start crying if he did look at his master.

"well, I certainly hope so" Thomas said to him as he pointed to the cross. "that is your new punishment cross. Its been adapted that I can set you up in it and leave you there for as long as I wish. And I can punish you in any way I see fit while you are strapped in."

"Thomas, is this realy necessary?" spencer asked. "can't we at least sit down and talk this through before you make a decision like this?" he asked.

"the fact that you have to ask about it, proves that it is" Thomas said as he looked at him. "I had a suspicion that something was going on between you two, given your lack of disciplinary punishment towards Matt" Thomas said. "I was hoping to discuss this with you in private, but you are getting a first warning regarding your work practice."

"You can't be serious" Spencer said in disbelief.

"Regardless of whether or not you have more experience then me, I am the one in charge here. And from now on we are doing things by the book, not by experience" he said sharply to Spencer before he looked back at matt.

"and here I thought you would try to make things easier on yourself by co-operating with me" Thomas said to him. "you're going to be working very hard to get my trust back matt." The look on his face and the tone of his voice proved that Thomas was deeply disapointed in him.

Matt nodded as he looked at the floor. He could feel the sadness creeping over and the walls he had built up to keep his emotions away were slowly starting to crack. Had his father really been proud of him all this time? And he was disapointed in him now? For him to be disapointed in him, he must have been proud in the first place.

Suddenly, talking to the therapist like he had didn't make him feel good anymore.

"I'm going to avoid punishment this time around" Thomas said to matt as he made his slave look up at him. "but from now on you'll be filling this out" he said as he placed a small black journal on the desk. Matt looked over and saw that the cover had the words 'Matts Punishment' written in simple typeface on the front.

"every time matt needs discipline, I want you to write down everything he has done wrong in this" Thomas said to spencer. "And then matt has to write a confession and an apology on the opposite page" he added. "This will make sure that Matt is actually being properly handled at all times."

"if that's what you want as his master, I can't argue with it" spencer said. "but in my opinion, this is not necessary for him to do" Spencer said.

"But it is necessary, when the overseer doesn't punish a slave enough. Be thankfull I'm not replacing you" Thomas said to spencer. "And your idea for giving him sunday afternoons off is null and void. From now on, you will find him somethign to fill in the time with. I don't care if you make him scrub the floor with a toothbrush or make him clean it with his tongue. I expect things to change around here and have everythign done properly" he said before he looked at them both.

He got no arguement from either of them. Spencer just looked at him with a blank look on his face, and Matt looked apologetic, but Thomas didn't buy it. He shook his head and adjusted his tie again.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have dinner plans with my son" he said before he walked away from them both. For several long moments both Spencer and Matt just stood there in silence, neither of them very willing to say anything. The other workers had finished setting up the cross and were now carrying the empty box away.

"Matt, I'm sorry" Spencer said at least as he walked up to matt and put his hand on his shoulder, but before he could say anything further, Matt pulled away.

"I need to get back to work sir" Matt said without looking up. "I have to earn the trust back of my master" he said as he sat at the desk and pulled the journal in front of him. The sound of his voice told Spencer that Matt was defeated further.

"matt" spencer began as matt picked up a pen and began to write his first confession into the book.

"I need to write my confession and get back to work sir" matt said without looking up. "Please...let me do what I've been asked to do, then I will go back to work" he said without looking up. He didn't wait for an answer as he continued to write.

Spencer didn't say anything as he could see that what Thomas had said had sunk deep into Matt already. Spencer watched in him silence, just wanting to grab Matt and hold onto him and tell him that everything was going to be ok.

But with Thomas already suspecting them, he didn't dare, not when there were plenty of workers around to witness it. He sighed, feeling disapointed in himself for letting Matt down and not being able to help him further as he turned and slowly walked away.

Matt wrote out his first confession, admitting to saying negative things about his handlers and his master and arguing with the therapist and ending up ruining the trust between himself and his master. It felt surprisingly easy to just simply write out what they expected him to say and what they expected to read.

He only realised he was crying when he felt his tears splash down on his hands. Unable to hold it back he covered his pierced face with his hands and just let them out. There was no-one around ot witness him crying into his hands, and even if there was, no-one was able to comfort him. It took him several minutes to calm down, but he didn't feel better afterwards.

"How long can I do this?" he wondered to himself as he sat back, closing the book slowly. "How long can I last?" he asked himself as he wiped the tears from his eyes and his cheeks. But there was no answer to be given as he opened the drawer in the desk.

He slid the little book into the drawer and was about to shut it when he saw the card that Spencer had given him before, with the councillor Jeannes information written on it. It had been sitting there for the last month, right in the spot where Matt had put it.

Slowly, he picked it up and gave it a look over. He hadn't looked at it properly the first time he had been given it. He knew the phone lines were monitored and he wasn't able to call anyone unless it was an absolute emergency. But he did have an email on his computer.

He turned the card over and saw a simple slogan on the back.

"I'm here to help you when you need it"

Maybe it was time to give him a call.

A favourite Situation 4

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Prince of the Hill 8

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