Prince of the Hill 8

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#8 of Prince of the Hill

Prince of the Hill

A First Time

By Kendo Kawabata

Not based on an episode this time. Please rate, comment and enjoy.

"Dad, can I ask you about something?"

Michael, a large and very tired looking lion looked over from his seat on the old green couch. It was Friday night, and he and his son Alex were sitting in the living room together, dinner being cut up hot dogs and plain bread. The old tube tv was playing a dvd of a movie called 'Dark Floors', which was apparently made by the Finnish band 'Lordi'.

They were up to the part where the main group found the blind girl in the wheelchair, and Alex had to ask his father something. Michael had almost fallen asleep and his sons question had woken him up out of his light daze.

"sure" Michael said as he looked up. He picked up the remote and pressed the pause button, the screen on the tv suddenly freezing as the blind girl was revealed to have her eyes gouged out. "What is it you want to talk to me about?"

Alex hesitated a moment. This was not going to be an easy question to ask, but if he didn't ask it it was going to be harder to ask in the long run. And now was as good a time as any, considering what was happening that weekend.

It had been two weeks since he and his boyfriend Gielle had decided that they would take things to the next level. They had been together, albeit in mostly secret, for the better part of nearly three months. Although Alex felt that they had waited long enough, he had been good natured enough to wait since Gielle had been needing time to figure himself out.

Tomorrow, his father was going to a medical conference over in Mackmaynerberry and he'd be gone till the next morning. So Alex and Gielle would be alone all day Saturday and all Saturday night. And Michael had given Gielle permission to stay over for the weekend and keep Alex company. It was either that, or Alex stay with his mother. And they all knew which choice Alex would have preferred.

Although Alex did want to spend time with his father since weekends were all he had with him anymore, he didn't want to waste an opportunity like this. He felt bad about it, but with his father going away for the day, this was a good opportunity.

" do you start sex?" Alex asked. He immediately felt his face flush bright red to the question and he was glad the room was dark enough to keep his face hidden.

"I thought you had sex ed at school?" Michael asked as he looked a bit surprised at the question. Out of all the questions he had expected his son to ask him, this was not one of them. Or at least not this soon.

"Yeah, we did last year" Alex said. "But all they did was talk about puberty and body changes and what sex is. And a whole lot of crap about how you have to respect girls when you go ahead and do it, which seemed stupid to me cause there was nothing in there about treating a guy right in the same way. But they didn't actually say how know...starts" Alex said.

Even in the dim lighting, Michael saw the embarrassed look on his sons face and saw that he was actually serious about this. He picked up his drink can and took a drink from it, flinching a bit from how flat the liquid had gotten before he put the can back down.

"Well, I can honestly say this isn't the worst thing you've asked me before" Michael admitted as he sat up in his seat.

"Why, what could be worse then this question?" Alex asked.

"Well, there was that time you're mother bought you that book about puberty and you asked me if I was circumcised" Michael said as he felt a grin on his lips from the memory.

"Oh ...yeah " Alex said with a deep flush on his face. He almost swore he was lighting up like a beacon.

"Well, let me ask you this. Do you have a girl in mind?" Michael asked as he made himself comfortable in his position on the couch.

"Well... um...yeah..." Alex said, his thoughts immediately going to his boyfriend rather then any other girl from his classroom. He hadn't actually come out to his father just yet, and he wondered how he could ask without telling his dad or letting him know he was more or less gay.

He knew that his father loved him after everything that had happened, but coming out to him? He had heard horror stories about children coming out to their parents, and ended up being disowned and on the streets. And worse.

"Ok, well, first thing you should know, is that porn is not a good teaching aid" Michael said as he found a place to start off from. "You have seen it, or read some, haven't you?"

"Dad, I'm almost fifteen. I think its obvious I probably have by now" Alex said with a small smile on his face. His father chuckled a bit and Alex found himself relaxing a little.

"Alright then. Well, porn stories are just made up crap" Michael said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That's why they call it 'erotic fiction' and such. Its made up from someone's fantasy about sex. Hence why you can read about some virgin vixen taking an elephants dick first time without getting seriously sick" he said. "I mean seriously, some little vixen taking something a good fourteen inches or longer for the first time without getting her insides wrecked?"

"Well, I guess that's pretty obvious that it doesn't' happen like that in the real world" Alex admitted.

"Yes, that's right" Michael said. "its only in fan and erotic fiction that someone can take something that big inside them and not die from it" he said. "Real life, it just doesn't happen that way. Dicks rarely get that big anyway. Specially without help."

"And porn videos?" Alex asked.

"They're fake too" Michael continued. He took another drink from his can and ended up draining the whole thing. He thought for a moment that he could have used a beer, but he decided against it. He wanted a level head during the conversation.

"Look, in porn, aside from the incredibly bad acting, of course some girl is going to be able to take anything, and in some cases, everything. But it's all staged" Michael explained. "Of course it looks like its going fine and they know what they're doing and all that crap, but you don't see the preparation behind it."

"Preparation?" Alex asked. He had not considered anything about preparation before, and he couldn't help but feel a little intrigued.

"A girls vagina doesn't stretch out to fit a dick first time, or even someone's fist" Michael said. "Trust me on this" he said as he saw Alex begin to speak. "You won't believe how many girls and guys come to me and say 'I saw it happen on porn and I thought I could do it' and have ended up seriously hurting themselves."

"I'll take your word for it" Alex said as he wondered just how much, or what kind, of preparation it would take to have someone's fist inside you. He decided not to find out.

"It takes preparation. A lot of it. Most of the time they start out with something small and then work their way up to something big, so that when they do go on camera, they can take what they're meant too without getting hurt. And thereby making it look easy" Michael explained.

"So, what does that have to do with sex?" Alex asked.

"Because that's how sex starts. Its preparation" Michael said. "it takes time to get a girl ready for sex, and that's just if she's in the mood for it" he said. "what exactly aren't they teaching you about in sex Ed anyway? They even cover anything legit?" he found himself wondering.

"It takes anywhere between a little to a lengthy amount of time to get someone ready for sex. And that's mostly with either oral or physical preparation. You know what oral is?" Michael asked.

"Yes" Alex said with a nod.

"Good. That saves me explaining it, although I will say it's a good mood starter" Michael said. "Look, all you have to know I that when you when you want to start sex, make sure you use plenty of lubrication. Things like whipped cream and chocolate sauce aren't good substitutes. And no matter how good of an idea it might seem at the time, saliva doesn't do any justice" he said.

"So, to get started with sex, you need to prepare ..her...for penetrations with lube?" Alex asked.

"Yes" Michael said. "That's pretty much how you start. Lube and stretching mostly. Using your fingers is fine, but you can use toys and the like. But make sure they're safe toys" Michael said. "and don't expect it to be perfect either."

"Why?" Alex asked. "I thought your first time was meant to be something perfect. They say that on tv all the time for the girls, saying it should be perfect and memorable and that sort of thing" he said.

"Well, for starters, it's not perfect for your first time" Michael said as he looked back at the still tv screen. "It's only perfect in chick flicks and shit tv shows like Dawsen's Creek" he continued. "Sure, you can put soft music on and some rose petals around the bed and make it look romantic, but your first time is going to be awkward and clumsy and its going to hurt and feel weird" he said.

"Seriously, that's how your first time goes?" Alex asked.

"That's what happened with me and your mother" Michael said. "All the scented candles and roses didn't make the actual act any easier on us. We started out like it was something out of a soap opera, but it ended up like a b grade movie. And trust me, you don't finish in ten minutes like they portray anywhere. It sometimes takes a lot of effort" he added.

"But, if that's how your first time goes, it sounds like you'll be disappointed over it. So why put in all the effort?" Alex asked.

"That's just the first time Alex. But you shouldn't be disappointed. You should look at it as a learning experience" Michael said. "On your first time, you're more then likely going to do things neither of you will like or feel like enjoying. But next time you do it, you'll know what not to do" he continued.

"So, its practice and you just get better each time?" Alex asked. "They didn't mention that in sex Ed."

"Yes, that's true" Michael said. "Everyone likes something different in sex, and the only way to discover what you like and don't like is to experiment with different things. But you make sure you wear a condom. Every time" Michael said rather firmly.

"Cause of the diseases?" Alex asked. Michael nodded.

"It only has to be that one time" Michael said. "If you're both virgin, you should both be fine as far as diseases go, but you can never tell. Same for pregnancy. It only has to be that one time, and trust me when I say that no matter what, she will always blame you in the end."

So no matter what, when you actually have sex, make sure you wear a condom. Going bareback sometimes isn't worth the risk" Michael said as he looked over at Alex. "Any more questions?" he asked.

"No, I think we're covered. You've given me enough to think about" Alex said. Michael nodded and picked up the remote and turned the movie back on.

"So, we good son?" Michael asked.

"Yeah dad, we are" Alex said with a smile. He felt a lot more informed about the whole idea of his and Gielle's possible first time, and he was glad that he had actually asked his father about it.

"You want to tell me who it is?" Michael asked.

Alex said nothing for a few moments before he shook his head. Michael nodded and settled back against the couch. He didn't want to push it any further.

"Alright. You can tell me when you're ready" Michael said as he went back to watching his movie.

Alex couldn't help but smile as he moved himself up on the couch till he was sitting next to his dad. He leant against the bigger lion and Michael wrapped his arm around his son and held him close as they watched the movie together.

With every step towards Alex's fathers house, Gielle could feel his nerves steadily grow. He had never been so nervous about something like this before, and it was taking much of his willpower to keep moving his feet forward. Each step forward was a step towards what was going to eventually happen.

He was walking down the sidewalk, his backpack over his shoulder. Dressed in jeans and one of his favourite Dr who t-shirts, he felt that he should be at ease about this. After all, he was the one who said that it was time for them to do this.

He felt an itch on his arm and out of reflex he checked his wrist. The cast had come off a few days ago, but he wasn't permitted to train for soccer until at least the coming weekend. At least he didn't have to worry about hurting himself during practice.

It still made him mad whenever he thought about his wrist. He had broken it trying to get out of a box his uncle had trapped him inside, all because his uncle wanted to know the secret behind a magic trick that Gielle had been part off.

Gielle had forced a deal with his uncle. Child services would not be notified of Hanks child endangerment if his uncle didn't pester him about the trick. Thankfully, his uncle hadn't asked him once about the trick, but it still angered Gielle to know Hank didn't feel bad about what he did.

And now, here he was, going to his boyfriends house, where they were going to be alone for a day and a night. Completely alone. And each step on the pavement and each house he passed and each street he crossed was taking him closer to Alex.

He was nervous, and he didn't feel surprised about it. After all, all things considered, he would not be a virgin by days end. He sighed a little as his thoughts briefly turned to his parents. He couldn't help but wonder what they would think about this whole thing. But he didn't know. His parents had known that he was gay, but for this? He wasn't sure.

He was about three houses away from Alex's' place when he heard the shouting.

"Get the hell of dads lawn Gribble."

Gielle heard the shouting and immediately recognised Alex's voice. The only person that Alex could possibly yell that angrily at in public had to have been Dale Gribble, one of Hank Hills best, if not most annoyingly stupid friend. Although what Alex could be yelling about with Dale Gribble this early in the morning was beyond him.

Gielle hurried himself down the street towards Michaels home. Dale was a conspiracy theorist, member of the gun club and local exterminator. And the rat apparently had free reign to do as he pleased with whatever he wanted. And Gielle wanted to see the rat get what was coming to him.

The house used to belong to Michael's parents, who Gielle had met before. They had handed the house over to their son after the divorce and moved into a nearby retirement village. The house apparently hadn't changed much in the last two years. Michael literally could not afford to change anything.

The fourteen year old flamedramon arrived at the house to find the lawn looking in a rather sorry state. It wasn't as perfectly manicured as his uncles lawn, which was something Hank often pointed out with a full on air of arrogance about him, but it was still somewhat decent.

Today, it looked like someone had dumped red dye over half the lawn. Dale Gribble's van, what he called the 'Buggabego', was sitting on the actual sidewalk. It was a bright white van with a giant plastic queen ant on the top. 'Dales Dead Bugs' was plastered on each side of the van. On the back was a smaller sign that said 'Licensed Bounty Hunter: Read my cap.'

Dale, a thin chain smoking weedy looking rat was standing in the middle of the soaked lawn, dressed in an orange jumpsuit with a chemical sprayer on his back. He was smoking a cigarette between his fingers and didn't seem fazed by the shouting.

"Alex, your dad signed up to Dales Dead bugs, and I'm obliged to spray his lawn for anything from silverfish to fire ants" dale said as he took a calm drag on his cigarette.

"The last time you 'sprayed' dads lawn, the whole thing died" Alex said. He was standing at the doorway of his fathers house in just his jeans and the teenage lion-dragon mix was looking furious. "It took him three months to get it green again."

"Dales dead bugs doesn't accept liability if your lawn dies of natural causes" Dale said flatly. "Plus, he still owes me the ten dollars from the last spraying. Consider the rate of interest, your father owes me at least two hundred dollars. I'll waver the five dollar late fee if he pays in cash."

"It died because you over dosed it with your stupid hand made poisons" Alex said, fury written over his face. "Dad told you not to spray our house for anything. We have cans of mortein in the cupboard. That's all we need."

"Not if you've got fire ants. Which if I stop spraying for you will get" dale said as he put the cigarette back in his mouth and let loose a wide spray of dark red liquid. The red liquid sprayed over the lawn and seemed to stick to the grass like it was glue.

"That's it" Alex said as he disappeared into the front door. Dale continued to spray and smoke, seemingly unaffected by his unwanted presence. That was until Alex reappeared in the front doorway with a baseball bat.

Dale took one look at the bat and gave out a very loud and somewhat girlish scream as he ran like hell to his van.

"If you come around here again, I'll break your damn legs" Alex shouted as dale hurriedly got into his van. Within seconds the buggabego had driven away at high speed, and left tire marks on the front nature strip.

"What happened here?" Gielle asked as he carefully made his way over to Alex, being careful not to step in the fresh red chemicals. If it could kill a lawn, he didn't want to think about what it could do to his shoes. Let alone his health.

"That...bastard" Alex said with a shake of his head. "He sprayed our lawn three months ago with that chemical shit he made and the lawn started dying almost immediately. So dad tried to hose it off and get rid of the crap he had sprayed, and the grass just got hosed off. It killed the roots too and left us with mud."

"He was allowed to do that?" Gielle asked in surprise.

"No, he wasn't. Dad threatened to call the cops next time he did it. I think Dale deliberately started spraying cause he somehow found out dad was away this weekend" Alex said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"Your dad didn't tell him did he?" Gielle asked as he looked over the lawn. It had just been freshly sprayed, but it looked like it was starting to die already.

"No. dad hates him and doesn't talk to him much unless he's actually injured. If anything, that bastard put a microphone in our telephone and overhead Dad making plans. Its not the first time" Alex said as he turned to walk into the house.

"I could talk to my uncle and say something about it" Gielle suggested as he followed Alex into the house and shut the door behind him.

"Don't bother. All hank ever says is 'dale is just dale, I tell you what' or some shit and leaves it at that" Alex said as he put the baseball bat in the hat-stand behind the front door. "He won't do jack shit about it."

"How did you get the lawn back to green if the roots died?" Gielle asked as he put his overnight bag on the floor. "I know your dad doesn't have much money, and grass is expensive. Uncle Hank put in St Augustine grass last year and apparently Aunt Peggy hasn't let him forget how expensive it was" he said.

"The owner of the local garden center's daughter had an asthma attack and the clinic wasn't accepting her because of some insurance problem. Dad took her in without question and the guy was so happy, he gave dad a bag of lawn seed for free" Alex said as he rubbed his face out of frustration.

"Well, that's one bit of good news I guess" Gielle said. Alex nodded before he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, and Gielle did the same.

"I'm sorry our special time has started off with an idiot" Alex said as he held onto Gielle.

"I'm here now" Gielle said as he held onto Alex's bare torso. "That's what matters. And it's not your fault about him" he added as he rubbed his face against Alex's cheek. Alex purred softly and returned the gentle gesture.

They held onto each other for a few minutes, just standing there in the front hallway of Michael's home and hugging one another. It felt nice to be able to hold onto each other without having to hide it or keep an eye out for anyone that might have been coming.

"Are you nervous?" Alex asked softly as he broke the silence. He didn't move away and kept his arms firmly around his boyfriend.

"Shit scared actually" Gielle admitted as he gave a nervous chuckle. "I don't know where to start or what to do" he said softly.

"Shit scared?" Alex asked wit a smile as he pulled away and slipped his arms down to Gielle's waist. "where did you pick that up?" he asked.

"I think the Australian boys are starting to rub off on me" Gielle admitted as he smiled at Alex and slipped his hands gently over Alex's bare chest and down to his waist slowly.

"Well, I guess we just can't hug on the couch and then start making out till we cum in our pants again" Alex said with a chuckle. "We did that the first time you came over" he pointed out with a smile. "Course, you were very upset at the time."

"I think I'd like it to be a bit more involved then that" Gielle said with a smile as he gave Alex's neck a soft kiss. Alex purred softly and tilted his neck gently as he felt Gielle's lips against his own flesh. They felt so nice.

"well, how should we start off? We don't have to start of with sex or anything" Alex said with a smile as he felt Gielle's soft lips against his flesh. His body was a mixture of scales and fur, and the soft kisses on his scales sent chills down his spine in a rather delicious way.

"I um...I think we should just get into it" Gielle admitted as he slowly pulled away till just his hands were resting on Alex's flat chest. "If we don't, I think I'm just gonna put it off and put it off until we've graduated" he said. "And I really don't want to wait that long" he admitted.

"I guess no time for romance?" Alex asked with a smile as he slipped his hands around Gielle's waist. "Unless you want to take it slow" he asked as he slowly began to pull Gielle's shirt out of his waistband.

"Well, maybe later, when we have more time" Gielle said as he felt Alex's fingers slip up under his shirt. He let a soft gasp and a bit of a giggle as Alex's fingers traced over his sides, which were of course ticklish.

Alex smiled, although his heart was racing. It wasn't like the last few times when he was sure of himself. This time, he was going into unfamiliar territory and he didn't know if he was prepared or not. But the soft touch of Gielle's flesh against his fingers was making him calm down enough to focus.

"You know, its not fair that I'm here half naked" he said with a smile. "and you're not" he added as he slid his hand around to Gielle's stomach and rubbed over it gently, watching with a smile as Gielle flinched from the ticklish areas.

"Guess I should take my shirt off then?" Gielle asked with a smile as he flinched again and gave a giggle as Alex's fingers kept finding his ticklish spots on his body.

"I want more then that. I want you bare assed naked and mine" Alex said with a grin as he grabbed at Gielle's sides and pulled him in firmly for a kiss. The sudden action made Gielle's' eyes widen in surprise but he offered no resistance as he returned the kiss, sliding his hands around Alex's sides as he held on.

They kept their lips pressed together for several long moments as they felt their heart rates increase. They both closed their eyes and held onto each other as they kept up the intimate moment between them both before they pulled apart. Alex licked his lips and gave a smile as he tugged gently on Gielle's shirt.

Gielle gave a smile as he hooked his fingers into his shirt and pulled upwards, tugging his shirt up over his head and dropped it to the floor. Alex smiled as he saw Gielle's bare torso exposed to him and saw the gorgeous blue and white skin exposed to him. Gielle had an underdeveloped chest and no definition on his stomach, but the complete smoothness of his body made Alex want to pounce him right there and then.

Gielle saw that Alex was looking at him as he stepped past him, his thick blue tail raised up nice and higher, higher then it normally should be. He cupped one foot under the other pulled his sneaker off at the heel. Gielle switched feet and did the same with his other sneaker. Standing with his socks on Gielle started to undo his belt.

Alex watched as Gielle bent over, bent right over as he pulled his pants down. His eyes went rather comically wide as he saw that Gielle was not wearing underwear. Gielle's pants slid down his legs to reveal a very naked rear end.

Gielle himself was blushing as he exposed himself so blatantly to his boyfriend. He had never done something lewd before and his face was heating up as he knew what he was doing. But the other part of him was hoping that Alex was looking. And liking it. And he couldn't help but enjoy it as he tugged his pants from around his feet.

He heard a clunk behind him and peeked between his legs to see that Alex had slid his pants down to his ankles. He was standing there in a pair of white boxer briefs and they were tenting something chronic.

"Damn" Alex softly as he got his first look at his boyfriends backside. It was blue with an inner stripe of white that ran between his round cheeks and up under his tail. The round globes weren't overly big, but they were nice and round and looked like a good handful.

Gielle stayed bent over as he kicked his pants away, leaving him in just his socks. He hiked his tail up as far as he could and gave his hips a bit of a wiggle. He took a peak through his legs to see Alex's boxers had tented fully.

"Goddam" Alex moaned as he grabbed his crotch and began to stroke it, feeling how hard and aching his cock was. His Italian flamedramon boyfriend bent over with his backside stuck up in the air with his tail raised was perhaps the most erotic thing he had ever seen in his life.

" you want me?" Gielle asked as he stayed in that position, feeling a smile creep over his face. It was starting to feel good, knowing that he could turn his boyfriend on just by being bent over and literally bare ass naked. He gave his hips another gentle shake as he saw Alex hold onto his cock with a hard grip through his briefs.

"Yes" Alex said almost at once as he went to take a step forward with his hands outstretched, Gielle's backside just inches away from him, and immediately fell over. He had forgotten about his pants around his ankles and he had tripped trying to get a handful of Gielle's backside.

Gielle jumped forward as he heard Alex crash onto the ground behind him and bent up to look over his shoulder. He had been kinda expecting Alex to grab him, but not to fall over right behind him.

Alex lay sprawled out on the floor with his arms outstretched, looking like he had no idea how he got there. Gielle could not help but giggle at how stupid Alex looked on the floor. Alex looked up and saw Gielle giggling at him like a naked schoolgirl and the hybrid teen gave a predatory growl.

"I'm gonna get you" he said as he gave a grin, baring his sharp fangs in his mouth as he began to get up. Gielle laughed and ducked out of Alex's way into the lounge room.

Alex got up as fast as he could and dislodged his pants from around his ankles and tossed them against the front door as he gave chase to Gielle. Gielle dodged around the couch and for a moment they were running around in circles, the two of them laughing and acting like a couple of little children playing tag.

It only ended when Alex pounced and literally launched them both over the back of the couch onto the cushions. They both toppled over in a tangle of limbs over the couch and ended up falling downwards together.

They both landed with an oomph on the couch cushions and they both bounced for a moment as they both just giggled and laughed at each other over how silly they were being. Slowly they began to untangle themselves from one another until Gielle was laying on his back and Alex was laying on top of him.

Neither of them said anything as they just gazed at each other in silence, the two teen boys holding onto each other as they looked over the other. This was perhaps the longest either of them had together where they could just be with the other, and certainly the longest time they had been naked with each other.

"'re really going to do it?" Gielle asked as he looked up at Alex and gently brought his hand up to brush against Alex's cheek. Alex smiled and closed his eyes with a purr as he nuzzled into Gielle's soft warm hand. He grabbed Gielle's wrist gently and brought the blue digits to his mouth. He softly pressed each fingertip to his lips and kissed them one by one.

"Yeah, we are" Alex said as he kissed the last finger on Gielle's hand and let go of him before he leant forward and pushed his lips against Gielle's and held them there. He pushed into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Gielle and held onto him.

Gielle moaned softly as he returned the kiss and ran his hands along Alex's sides, feeling the difference between fur and scales on his lovers body. Alex's' body was almost like a patchwork quilt and everytime Gielle ran his fingers over his body he found something new to rub. He moaned as he felt Alex's tongue push into his mouth and he met him with his own.

They both tongue wrestled against the other as they moaned softly to the other, no longer having to hold back their love or their lust for one another. With the house to themselves, they could go as far as they wanted. And be as loud as they wanted too. There was no need to hold back anymore, at least for today.

Gielle's hands went down to Alex's still covered backside and hooked his fingers into the waistband of Alex's' boxers. He slowly began to tug them down as he felt Alex's thick ropey tail wave of his hands as he tugged the silk down. Alex's rear was all plush fur, and the soft feeling against Gielle's fingers felt like he was holding onto a very fine plush toy.

Alex murred into Gielle's mouth as he tongue wrestled with him and slurred around in the warm orifice as he felt Gielle expose his backside. His boxers were pulled down to his knees and he felt Gielle's wandering fingers run up the back of his thighs to grip at his backside on each side.

It felt a little weird to him for Gielle to take any kind of direction, even if it was just to pull down his boxers. So far, Alex had always been the dominant one, and the idea of being in any sort of submissive role made him feel like he was loosing charge. Perhaps this was what his father meant by experimenting and finding out what they both liked

Deciding to take things into his own hands, and keep that kind of experimentation to a minimum, he pulled himself off of Gielle and gave him a somewhat predatory look. With a low growling noise in his throat, he grabbed the surprised flamedramon by his waist and swiftly turned him over. Gielle eepded as he was laid out on his stomach and blushed a fair bit as he felt Alex climb off of him and grab him by the ankles.

"Come here" Alex said with a grin as he kicked his boxers away and pulled Gielle's legs off the couch rather firmly and left Gielle laying with his chest on the couch. With his legs spread on the floor, the flamedramon's tight looking backside was in full view to the other boy.

Gielle felt himself blush as Alex knelt behind him and began to rub his hands over Gielle's backside. He couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he felt those fingers dig into his cheeks and start to massage them. He hadn't been manhandled like that before and it was a foreign but a happy feeling.

They were plump but firm and they fit into Alex's hands quite nicely, like Alex's hand were made to grab that fine backside. Gielle gave out soft squeaks and moans as his ass was played with and he couldn't help but push his backside back into the squeezing. He felt himself flush around his face from the attention to his backside, and he couldn't help but enjoy it.

Alex murred as he played with his boyfriends ass and gave those tight cheeks the good squeezing that they deserved. Now he felt back in his rightful place as he kept Gielle in front of him and spread over just for him. Slowly, he cupped Gielle's cheeks in his hands and spread them apart slowly, seeing Gielle's balls hang down between his legs and his tight pink ring winking back at him.

"You doing ok?" Alex asked as he heard Gielle gasp from the cheek spreading, exposing his tight ring and his taint. He slowly ran his hand down under Gielle and rubbed at his hanging balls and his already hard cock, which made the other boy moan in a wonderful way.

"Y-yeah" Gielle replied, a mixture of nerves and pleasure as he was felt up by the other boy. He couldn't help but shiver as he felt Alex fondle his balls and his hard length which was already dripping with pre. "What...what comes next?" he asked.

"Well, I've gotta prepare you first" Alex said as he gave both cheeks a good squeeze. He reluctantly let them go and saw Gielle's ring become hidden once more. He ran his hands over Gielle's hips gently before he let go.

"Hang on, I gotta get some lube" Alex said as he stood up, his hard length bobbing between his legs from how aroused he was. "Stay put." Alex added with a grin as he gave Gielle's butt a light swipe. Gielle eeped loudly from the spank as he looked up and saw Alex leave the lounge, his naked body on full display. He managed to get a look at Alex's plush looking backside, his thick ropey tail swaying behind him and waving that taloned tip around.

Gielle rested his head in his arms as he patiently waited for Alex to return. He felt a little silly to be laying bent over with his rear stuck up in the air as it was. He was glad that the curtains in the living room were closed....wait, were they? He almost jumped up as he looked over his shoulder, and let out a sigh of relief when he realised they were shut.

"Thank god for that" Gielle thought with relief as he rested his head back on the couch cushion. That would have been something to explain to the neighbours. And something he'd most likely never live down.

He heard footsteps and he looked up as Alex returned with a slim bottle in his hand, his hard cock bouncing between his legs like it was leading the way for him. Alex smiled when he saw Gielle still bent over in the same position he had left him in. He squeezed some lube onto his fingers and knelt back down behind Gielle.

"You ready babe?" Alex asked as he greased up his fingers. The unscented lube felt cool against his fingers for a few moments before his body heat warmed it up pretty well.

"Yeah...I guess so" Gielle said as he pulled the couch cushion under his chest and wrapped his arms around it. He rested his chin on his arm and looked at the crumpled material on the back of the couch before him. "Go ahead Alex" he said softly as he kept his tail raised up for his boyfriend.

"Ok, let me know if this hurts" Alex said as he rubbed his greasy fingers on Gielle's hole. Gielle shuddered from the cold contact and moaned a bit as he was rubbed on his sensitive area. He felt himself pant a bit and let out a gasp as he felt one of Alex's fingers slide into him.

" feels ok" Gielle moaned as he felt himself start to sweat a little as he felt Alex's finger move around inside of him. it felt alien to have someone else do that to him, but he felt no urge to resist the action. Alex's finger curled inside of him and he moaned out a bit louder.

Alex held onto his cock with his other hand as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of Gielle's rear, feeling the tight ring of muscle slowly start to stretch out. His raging length was hard and aching as he slowly pumped it, starting to pant himself with his own growing arousal. He had to pump himself slowly so he didn't go right over the edge just from fingering his boyfriend.

"Ok, I'm going to add two now" Alex said as he extended his middle finger and began to slowly push against the tight orifice. His fingers went in clear and came out the same way as Gielle panted and moaned from the actions.

Gielle tensed up a bit as he felt that second finger push into his insides and he moaned as he was slowly spread out. Two fingers was bigger then one and certainly wider as he felt Alex slowly push in to the knuckles. Alex wiggled them around and curled them against Gielle's spongy insides.

"Oh god" Gielle moaned as he felt that rather nice full feeling from within as he was openly fingered. He let out a shuddering moan as he felt Alex's fingers wiggle slowly inside of him as he panted and moaned loudly as he clutched at a cushion.

He pulled the cushion under his chest and held onto it as he found himself pushing back against Alex's fingers as they slowly pumped into him. He relaxed his body as he felt his ring slowly stretch out as he was opened up further.

"You doing ok?" Alex asked. He was panting hard by now as he kept slowly stroking his length. It was all he could do to not just pounce on his boyfriend and start hammering into him. He remembered what his father said about your first time being awkward and not perfect, but he wanted it to be as perfect as he could help to make it.

"Y-yeah...its starting to feel good" Gielle moaned softly as he clutched at the lime green pillow. He felt Alex's fingers spread open slowly and he gave a soft grunt as his ring was spread open more.

"Think you can take a third?" Alex asked. Gielle nodded slowly over his shoulder as Alex pulled his fingers from his boyfriends butt. He reapplied some more lube to his fingers and pushed three of his fingers as close to each other as he could before he pushed them slowly into his lover. He met some light resistance but it quickly was broken.

"Oh god" Gielle moaned loudly as he felt those three fingers slide into him. they slid in a little easier at first, but as they thickened up towards the knuckles his ring was spread open further. He moaned loudly as he felt Alex's fingers push into his insides and start pushing the right buttons.

"Does that hurt?" Alex asked in concern, but Gielle shook his head and lifted his tail a bit more. His hard length was aching and he wanted so desperately to grab it, but he didn't want to let go of the pillow. He worried he'd lose his balance if he did.

Alex nodded as he licked his lips and started to work his fingers in a bit more steadily. He could almost feel Gielle's rear swallow his fingers in with each push forward as he worked his digits in and out. The delicious moaning of his lover was like music to his ears as he made sure Gielle was stretched well and lubed up properly.

"Are... are you ready for me?" Alex asked as he pulled his fingers from Gielle's rear. Gielle panted softly and looked over his shoulder. He could just see Alex's hard length sticking out of his genital slit and it looked hard and ready to be put to use. He looked up at Alex's face and saw that Alex looked like he was holding back.

"Guess there's no reason to stop now" Gielle said as he gave Alex a smile and wiggled his hips a little. Alex grinned and rubbed his hands over Gielle's tight rear and spread his cheeks apart again. He licked his lips and swallowed a lump in his throat. It was time.

"Ok. Just tell me if it gets too painful for you" Alex said as he lined his cock up with his lovers lubed entrance. He held onto Gielle's hips and slowly began to push forward. His cock slipped between Gielle's cheeks and pushed up against his tight ring.

Gielle let out a long shuddering moan as he felt himself spread open again, this time by Alex's thick cock. He couldn't remember how big Alex was, but he was bigger then himself and he considered himself average. And he was certainly bigger then a few fingers.

"Oh...oh shit" Gielle moaned loudly as he felt himself get pushed into, feeling Alex fill him up more then his fingers did. Inch after inch of thick hybrid cock slid into his backside and moaned as it just seemed to keep filling him up.

Alex was moaning loudly as he felt himself slip further and further into his lover. Gielle's tight ring was still clenching down on him tighter then he managed ot spread him out as he panted, holding onto Gielle's hips. He could almost feel Gielle's rear tunnel suck his cock in and take it in deep as he pushed into him.

When his hips finally fell flush against Gielle's backside, they both knew that they were now fully joined. Alex leant over Gielle as he panted, moaning from how tight he felt and trying not to just flat out pound his insides.

Gielle was moaning as he bit into the pillow, feeling himself stretched full and wide from the thick cock that was inside of him. Alex held himself in place as he let Gielle get used to the feeling of being filled for the first time as he held himself flush with his boyfriend. Gielle's backside felt surprisingly warm against his crotch.

The flamedramon panted as he felt his insides start to get used to the feeling of being filled and he let out a soft moan as he felt Alex's cock throb inside of him. He panted a bit and ground his hips back against Alex's hips, letting him know that he was ready for the next step.

Alex murred and started to pull back slowly, leaving just the tip of his cock left in his boyfriend before he pushed slowly back in. they both moaned loudly as Alex's hips went flush against Gielle's backside once more, and then Alex pulled back again.

"I...I can't believe this...this is really happening" Gielle thought as he moaned softly from feeling Alex push into him over and over again. The slow long thrusts were helping him to get used to the feeling of being mated for the first time ever.

"Oh man, I'm really doing it. I'm inside him, and it feels so good" Alex thought as he leant over Gielle and wrapped his arms around his boyfriends chest. He buried his face into Gielle's long blonde hair and inhaled deeply as he kept his hips rocking back and forth. His cock was throbbing hard and pulsing within his lovers hot insides.

Alex's thrusts began to pick up speed as he kept it up. Sweat was forming on his brow and beginning to drip down his face and run down his back as he steadily thrusted into his lover. He had no idea how long they had been going at it, and he honestly didn't care. He was moaning and growling dominantly above his boyfriend as his hips kept smacking his Gielle's rump.

Gielle moaned as he kept his hips pushed backwards, feeling Alex's hips smack into his backside. It felt like he was being spanked with each thrust and each thrust made his ass hurt, but it hurt in a good way. Each light spank of ouchie just mixed in with the pleasure he was feeling and it made it feel so much better.

"Oh god...don't stop" Gielle moaned as he felt every inch of Alex's cock push into him over and over again. "Please Alex...Don't stop...I want you so badly" he moaned into the pillow. He was feeling himself start to let go and he just wanted it to keep going as he cried out loudly from the pleasure he was feeling.

"Oh Gielle.... I love you so much" Alex moaned as he couldn't hold back any longer. He could already feel his climax start to build up and he wanted to give every last drop of his love juice to his boyfriend. "Oh Gielle. I'm going to cum inside you" he panted as he started to push harder.

Gielle gasped as he felt Alex's hips start to smack against his backside much more firmly. The hard smacking sounds echoed n the house along with their pleasured cries as they kept up their mating. The thrusts seemed to send Alex's cock in deeper and he panted from how full he was feeling. He could see sparks in his eyes as the extra hardness of the pounding was pushing against his prostate.

Alex panted, his breath washing over the back of Gielle's neck as he started to thrust as hard as he could. He could feel himself get closer with each thrust as he kept himself going as long as he could. Gielle was moaning louder as the hard thrusting was starting to hurt, but it was a good hurt and he didn't want it to stop.

"Dominate me" he cried out so suddenly that he had absolutely no idea where it had come from. All he knew was that the hurting and the pain was mixing in with his pleasure and he wanted more of it. He could hear Alex growl harder above him as the dragon part of him seemed to overtake the lion in him and drive him into an almost animal mating.

Alex growled and almost snarled as he dug his fingers into Gielle's sides, his claws sliding out from their finger sheaths and dug into Gielle's soft flesh. His fangs were bared as he pushed Gielle into the couch, pinning him right underneath him as that one command told Alex where their places laid.

"Oh shit...oh god...I'm getting so close" Alex growled as he pushed himself upwards off his boyfriend and leant over him just enough to hold Gielle down as he laid over him almost flat. His hips smacked and slapped against Gielle's backside as he pounded him doggystyle as hard as he could.

"Oh god" Gielle cried out as he felt how hard Alex was going. He could feel the strange mix of pain and pleasure that blended together and he couldn't take it anymore. He let go of the cushion and wrapped his hand around his cock and started to stroke it.

It only took a few strokes before he cried out and arched his back. He didn't try to hold back, and most likely wouldn't have been able to if he had wanted to as he emptied himself. His balls drew up against his crotch as his length spewed his juice onto the floor.

The contractions of Gielle's backside around his cock sent Alex over the edge and he cried out as well, holding onto his boyfriends hips as he shoved every inch he had into his lover and poured himself into Gielle's hot insides.

Gielle cried out, his vocal cords crying out submissively as he felt his cock throb and pulse between his fingers, thick ropes of creamy digimon seed splattering through his fingers and onto the carpet below. He felt the energy in his body begin to drain away as he seemed to empty everything he had into that one orgasm.

Alex's cry was far more predatory and dominate as he suddenly bit down into Gielle's shoulder. The cry from the boy underneath him spurred his own climax on as he ground his hips against Gielle's backside, grinding into those tight beautiful cheeks as his cock throbbed and pulsed and squirted deep within.

They both rode their climaxes out as they shared their orgasmic joy together to the very last drop that they were able to give. The moment they ran out of energy they both gave in and collapsed onto the couch. Gielle landed on his chest and found himself unable to move as Alex toppled on top of him, the heavier teen holding Gielle down just with his body weight alone.

For a few moments all the did was just pant and lie there, Alex still buried inside of Gielle's insides as he kept himself there, Gielle panting and feeling slow trickles of Alex's seed start to dribble down his thighs.

It took them both several minutes as they both laid there, panting and covered in a sheen of sweat to get their breath back. Gielle slumped on the couch, his arms draped off the side of the couch as Alex unhooked his jaw from his shoulder and let him go.

"" Gielle said when he finally managed to catch his breath.

"" Alex said as tried to move. His arms wobbled a bit as he went to push himself off, but he couldn't do it as he laid over Gielle. "I...can't move" he panted as he gave a chuckle to how stupid that sounded.

"My ass hurts" Gielle said, which was all that sprang to mind. He suddenly felt Alex's body begin to shake and rumble over him and it took him a few moments to realise that the boy was laughing rather silently.

"I bet it it does" Alex said after swallowing a lump in his throat and took a breath as he pushed up and off his boyfriend. He moaned softly as he felt his deflating cock pop free of Gielle's backside and the two of them separated. Alex had no strength to admire his handiwork on Gielle's butt and he just needed to sit down.

Slowly, Alex sat himself on the floor with his back against the couch, sliding down till his butt rested on the floor. Gielle slowly pushed himself off as best he could, wincing a bit as his body seemed to ache all over, not just in his butt. He turned around and slowly lowered himself down as he landed on his butt, giving a moan as he felt how tender his rear was after his deflowering.

" what now?" Gielle asked as he leant on his side to relive the pressure on his backside and rested his head on Alex's shoulder. He could feel his backside try to close shut and a trickle of cum was leaking out from him. he blushed rather severely and hoped he'd be able to clean it up later when he had the strength to do so. Alex reached up and grabbed the couch cushions and manoeuvred them behind them so they could sit without hurting their backs.

"Whatever we want. I don't think we're in much of a condition for another round for a while" Alex admitted as he slid his arm around Gielle. Gielle nodded and nuzzled his face against Alex's neck and closed his eyes as they rested in the afterglow of their first time.

It sure as hell wasn't perfect, but neither of them had any complaints about it as they felt their bodies begin to recover. Neither of them were in the mood to move as they rested themselves and kept close to one another. It was only when their stomachs almost growled in unison that they found themselves giggling and realising they needed food.

"Well, how about we watch a movie, eat some popcorn, then take it to the bedroom?" Alex asked."Some popcorn and drinks full of sugar should refill our tanks" he suggested.

"And what, do it again?" Gielle asked. "I'm not sure I could go again so soon" he admitted as he rubbed a hand over his backside. He winced slightly as he felt how tender it felt, but it felt tender in a very good way.

'Why not? We might not get another chance to be alone again and we should enjoy it as much as possible" Alex said with a smile as he gave Gielle's forehead a kiss. Gielle went to protest, but realised that Alex was right and he relented.

"That sounds like a plan" Gielle said with a smile as he kissed him back. "Give me a few minutes and ill pick the movie, you get the popcorn" he said.

"Deal" Alex said as he reached down and gave his boyfriends ass a good firm squeeze, which made the flamedramon moan and blush very heavily.

Michael pulled into his driveway in a good mood. It was Sunday morning, still quite early and the conference had gone well. And he had managed to have a good nights sleep as well. Which was something he not normally had the privilege of getting.

He got out of the car and popped the trunk. He stood up and stretched himself, having been cooped up in the car for a good while. Once he had stretched his arms he shut the driver door and walked behind the car. He pulled a large box out of the trunk and his overnight bag out and shut the trunks lid.

He turned around and saw, in the dim light of the streetlights, the already turning organge of his lawn. Michael almost dropped his bag and his box in sheer surprise and for a moment he stared at his half orange lawn in a state of confusion.

"Shit, not again" Michael said in annoyance as he saw parts of his lawn already dying. He managed to put two and two together and he felt a flush of anger inside of him. "That's it, I'm calling the cops about him. I don't care if he's Hanks friend, he's killed my lawn twice now" Michael said in disgust as he dragged his things to the front door.

"When I get my hands on that skinny rat bastard..." he growled as he dug his keys from pocket and spun them around till he found the right key. "Stupid crazy jackass" he muttered. "Killing my lawn and bugging my house... next time he comes into the clinic, I'm going to be conveniently out of morphine" he mnuttered, grinning a bit to that little thought of revenge as he opened his door.

He shut the door once he was inside and put the bag on the ground, but it bumped into something before it fell on the floor. Michael looked down and saw Gielle's overnight bag on the floor. He felt puzzled for a moment as he saw tossed aside clothing littering the floor. Including a pair of Alex's jeans which were, for some reason, hanging on the doorknob.

"What did the boys do, get naked for the whole weekend?" he said as he moved himself into the kitchen. There was an empty pizza box and a couple of empty bottles of diet soft drink sitting in the sink. "Well, at least they ate, I can be sure of that" he said to himself as he sat the box on the counter.

"Now, where are they?" he asked himself as he walked into the living room. The couch's cushions were on the floor, like they had been propped up so the boys could lie there. A few dvds and a bowl of popcorn was sitting on the table. That seemed normal enough.

"They must be in Alex's room" Michael thought to himself as he walked down the hall. He stopped first at his own bedroom to drop off his suitcase on the bed. He tossed his wallet and his keys on the bed and then left, heading towards Alex's bedroom.

The door was shut and Michael gently knocked on the door. There was no response, so he knocked again. Again there was no response so he gently opened the door enough to see in.

His eyes went rather wide as he found his breath caught in his throat as he saw that both boys were laying on the floor, the menu of 'Resident Evil : Afterlife' playing on Alex's tv. In the light of the tv, Michael could see that the boys were laying spread out on Alex's bed blankets on the floor.

And they were both naked.

They were both laying facing away from the door and Alex had his back to his father, his body wrapped around Gielle's naked form. From the way Alex was holding onto Gielle, it was like he was afraid the flamedramon would try and escape. And the way that Gielle looked, he was happy to be there.

And then there was the smell. Michael had been around the block enough times at his clinic to know what the smell of sex was. And he could smell it all over the room. The scent of sweat, musk and cum was invading his nostrils and he had to pull aback a little lest he become overpowered by it.

Michael slowly closed the door as he realised just what Alex had been asking him on Friday. Only, it hadn't been about a girl. He had been planning on having sex yes. But with his new friend Gielle. Michael let go of the door handle and stood there for a few moments as he looked at the door. Out of all the things he had thought to happen, this was one he wasn't expecting.

Deciding to let the boys sleep, Michael started to walk down the hallway, his hands in his pockets. He knew now that he had a lot to think about as he made his way back to the kitchen.

Although Alex was not asleep.

He had been awake for a while, just lying there and watching Gielle sleep. There was something tranquil about watching your boyfriend sleep and look so calm and peaceful while you have your arms wrapped around him. He had not wanted t spoil the moment between them and just wanted it to last as long as he could let it.

Except he had forgotten to check the clock.

When his father had knocked on the door, Alex had literally frozen up. His breath had caught in his throat and he lost whatever arousal he may have been having at the time. When the second knock had come, he had clenched right onto Gielle and held on for dear life, just waiting for the inevitable to happen.

He was now terrified. To hear silence when you're caught naked with your boyfriend, was probably the worse case scenario that he would have expected. He had somewhat prepared himself for his father to yell, possibly scream. But silence?

His father had shut the door and he heard his footsteps walk down the hall. Alex felt the breath leave his lungs as he slowly began to relax his body. But the nerves and fear was still there, and his heart was racing in his chest in a way that had nothing to do with arousal.

"I should...I should talk to him" Alex thought as he slowly, and regretfully, untangled himself from his boyfriend. He just wanted to lie there and not care about anything but when Gielle was going to wake up. But he needed to talk to his father first.

Alex looked around for something to wear and found a pair of black boxers to slip on. He looked back from the doorway and saw Gielle was still fast asleep, and Alex smiled a little, feeling the longing to lie back down with him.

Alex slowly made his way to the kitchen where he heard his father rummaging around. He was wringing his hands in front of him as he felt the nerves building up. He kept running through various things to say through his mind, but each sentence he tried to form just kept breaking apart before he could land on something solid.

"Oh, good morning Alex" Michael said as he placed something wrapped in styrofoam on the bench. A big empty box was beside it and Michael began to peel away the layers.

"You''re back" Alex said as he swallowed a lump in his throat as he stepped into the kitchen slowly. His attention was diverted to the large box as he watched his father unwrap some kind of fancy looking machine. "What...where did you get that?" Alex asked as he saw the very expensive looking coffee machine that was now unwrapped on the bench.

"There was a door-prize at the convention. I had some pocket change and I thought why the hell not?" Michael said with a smile as he pulled the instruction book out the box. I'm glad this is not a Nesspresso thing, you know that machine George Clooney is waving around on tv. Apparently you can only buy the capsules online and its fifty dollars on a minimum" he said as he pulled out a small box of capsules from the box as well. "Look at that. They have mocha, and hot coffee capsules" he pointed out.

Alex didn't say anything for a moment or two as he watched his father unwrap the machine and start to put the pieces together. Maybe his father was deliberately ignoring him and he was going to start yelling at him at any moment.

"Dad...I..." Alex began in a low voice. Michael looked over and put the instruction book down.

"Yes Alex?" Michael asked as he stood up and looked over at his son.

"Back..back there...." Alex said, but he felt himself shuddering. He could actually feel his body begin to shake and he felt himself tremble all over. His body began to visibly shake and he couldn't speak any further.

He felt the tears begin to well up in his eyes and he had to shut them hard. He felt close to breaking apart and the fear of being rejected by his father over the whole thing was threatening to break him down.

Alex opened his eyes when he felt his father wrap his arms around him and pull him close. Those big strong arms wrapped tightly around him and pulled him into a strong and warm hug that almost immediately broke any and all fears that Alex had at that moment.

"Alex, if I did not abandon you when I found out you were not my son, I am not going to do it just because you slept with your best friend" Michael said softly against his son as he kept him in his arms.

Alex did begin to cry, but it was out of relief as he re-wrapped his arms back around his fathers larger torso and hugged him back. A wave of relief just washed over him and he couldn't form the words to thank his father for not disowning him.

For several long moments, father and son just held each other tightly in the kitchen. Alex stopped openly crying and just let the tears of relief fall as he was comforted in his time of need. And Michael just held him as he let his son know how much he loved him.

"Now, when you're ready to talk about it, we will" Michael said as he slowly pulled apart from his son. "Why don't you go wake up Gielle, have a shower, and I'll get pancakes started?" he suggested. "We can test out the new coffee machine and see if it makes a decent cup."

"Ok dad" Alex said as he wiped his eyes free of tears and gave his father a nod. Michael smiled and opened the fridge to get the milk out as Alex walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh, and dad?" Alex said as he stopped.

"Yes?" Michael asked as he stood up with frying-pan in hand.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too son."

Prince of the Hill 9

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The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Chapter 3

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