A favourite Situation 4

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#4 of Favourite Situaion

The beginning of Matts new life.

A favourite situation

Part 4

By kendo Kawabata

The 'classroom' was no different then any other room that Timothy had been in. there were about twelve desks, each with a note pad, a pen, a bottle of water and a nametag sitting on top of it. Each desk was facing the front of the room, where a large whiteboard was sitting on the wall. It felt like any other classroom, but there were a few major difference.

On the whiteboard, for one, were two words. Slave Handling.

The teachers desk, which Timothy assumed was, had a dozen or so books laying over the top. The titles would not have been anywhere near his normal school. 'The history of Slavery' 'Slavery : A how to guide', ' The Psyche of the indentured', and, perhaps the one that sent a chill up his spine, 'Rise Above : The Freemans manual of the class underneath.'

The rest of the desks were all full. Males, females of assorted species, and of assorted ages. He was surprised to see that, at sixteen, he was the youngest there. The oldest looked like he was more then fifty. The rest were either young or old. All between various ages. But while they were all of various ages, there was one thing they all had in common.

They all looked like they came from money. The oldest there, the one in his fifties, was wearing a designer suit and a rolex watch. There was a horse nearby who looked a little older then Timothy and wearing what looked like a Fraternity jacket from the private high class college at the next town over. There was a female cougar wearing a red designer dress and had her hair held up in probably a designer haircut as well. Whoever these people were, Timothy was sure they could afford it.

Timothy could still hear his fathers words in his ears from that morning, when he had woken up to his older brother matt being hauled into a black van. When he had asked his father what was going on, his response was that matt was no longer his brother.

Matt was now the family slave.

Timothy sat back in his seat, looking down at the plain white notepad that sat in front of him. he wasn't sure how he was supposed to be feeling about all of this. Somebody out there was probably going to tell him he should be horrified and sick and disgusted and sorry for his brother. But he wasn't any of those feelings. Sure, the news had been shocking, but didn't feel the way he was probably supposed to. One thing he did know was that he was conflicted.

Honestly, he had to admit that he had no real idea on what was going on with his older brother. If his father had told him he was going to do what he did, would Timothy have believed him? All he knew was that it was funny as hell to him to see his brother get put in a chastity device and have to wear buttplugs all the time. Who wouldn't laugh at their older brother when he was going through that?

But he had no idea his father had just removed his brother from the family and turned him into a slave. He had been removed from the family name, and in societys eyes, they were no longer brothers. Matt was nothing more then an object that the family had total control over. Thomas had said that Timothy had gone pale when he had finished explaining everything, but timothy couldn't remember that happening.

"so, matts a slave now" timothy thought to himself as he heard everyone behind him talk. He wasn't paying attention and he didn't care what they were talking about. It didn't matter to him anyway. He couldn't care less what they thought.

He felt bad for him. He had to admit that what happened to matt did scare him somewhat. Who knew that your own father was capable of doing something like that? Your own father, the man who raised you and taught you right from wrong, was capable of turning his offspring into a subservient burden.

Timothy looked down at his pen. It was silver. Not real silver, just coloured that way. He picked up the slender looking thing in his fingers and spun it around a few times before pressing the button on the end. The tip came out and he dragged it against the corner of the page. The ink was black.

What he didn't want to admit, was that the thought of his brother being a slave turned him on.

The first time that the big bull Michael had held his brother down and spanked his rear end and turned his brother into a big blubbering baby made timothy so hard he had to jerk off. And everytime he thought about it, he got hard over it. It was s tarting to become a recurring theme for him to pleasure himself too, his brother being punished, manhandled and ...abused.

Those kinds of thoughts were meant to be wrong. They were meant to be sick. They were meant to be perverted. To think of your brother in that light, to get turned on over his suffering and his pain and his humiliation, was not right.

But yet, he did. He was even getting turned on a bit now just thinking of his brothers naked ass being spanked repeatedly while he screamed for mercy that never came. He had to reach down and adjust himself as he sat himself up so that no-one could see he was tenting his jeans.

Now he didn't know what to think. His father had left him at the B.O.S.S compound to take a slave handling course so that he could be a handler. And then had gone out to dinner like it was some kind of normal night. Like nothing had happened outside the norm of the family.

Maybe whoever was doing this course thing would help make sense of things. Or tell timothy just what was wrong with his line of thinking. Maybe that's what he needed. Someone to explain things further.

The door to the room suddenly opened and a tall muscled wolf walked in. The people in the desks behind Timothy suddenly went quiet and there the noise of scuffling as seats were adjusted and phones were turned off. But Timothy had frozen in his seat as what he hoped was his teacher had just walked in.

He looked like some kind of a security guard. Heavy looking black pants, thick black boots, a tight black singlet that ...wow showed off his muscles. And he had a long dark red ponytail. He had a serious, intimidating, and very manly looking face that was crowned with a dark red goatee.

"Fuck me he's hot" timothy suddenly found himself thinking as he pushed the thought of his brother aside almost immediately, and saw the big hunk of wolf that walked in. he was now glad he was sitting in the front row. He found himself straightening up and brushing his hair aside from his face. He wondered if his teacher was gay as well, or possibly bisexual.

"good evening class" the wolf said. Timothy tried not to squeal. His teacher was perhaps the hottest looking older male he had ever laid his eyes on, and he was his teacher to boot. The tent in his pants grew and he hoped the male would notice. Then he mentally slapped himself.

The wolf then picked up a marker and wrote over the whiteboard.

"My name is Mr Nelson, but you can call me nelson" he said as he wrote the single word in large letters. "And I'm hear to teach you about rearing a slave. This course is going to teach you everything you need to know about handling the lower class."

"now" he said as he leant over his desk with his hands on the surface. He swept his gaze over the class as he saw most of them were already preparing their note pads. Timothy saw the way the wolf was lowered and he could almost see the crevice between his pecs.

"Most of you have never even seen a slave before, much less even touched one or given orders. And that's understandable. But you have to be prepared for when you do either meet one, or own one. And since you are all in the handlers class, you will get into contact with them. Later down the line, we will be using live subjects in the demonstrations."

Nelson stood up and crossed his large muscled arms over his chest. The heavy looking bulge in his pants was just sitting on the edge of the desk, and timothy had a perfect view over it. And all his thoughts were starting to move towards undoing that bulge and seeing what lay behind the covers.

"Being a handler is possibly the best job you will ever have" nelson continued. "owners own them. That's pretty much all they are. A person who owns one. He's like a dog owner. The man who owns them, gives them a place to sleep and a place to shit.

"An overseer is just a babysitter. A person who makes sure that your slave is behaving when you are not around. All they do is sit around and look after your slave until you get back. A glorified babysitter who does nothing at all except watch them.

"But a handler is the one who actually trains them" Nelson said as he turned around and wrote the word 'discipline' on the board. Timothy was only half listening. The wolfs big long tail was waving over a pair of tight round glutes that were almost begging to be kissed.

"And you use this. Discipline" Nelson said as he turned back around. "There are two people in this world. Freemen and slaves. No grey area, no sitting on the fence. They are either or. There is no used to be, or going to be. They are either freemen, or a slave.

"A slave has no last name. They only have a label. It is whatever you want to call them. Boy, slut, bitch. Doesn't matter. Want to get creative? Licker, spank-it, or anything else you can come up with. A slave has a label. No name. They have an id number, because they are not people. They are a product."

Timothy could hear pens around him scribbling down on papers around him and he suddenly remembered he was meant to be taking notes. This was a class after all. He fumbled slightly as he grabbed his pen and started to copy down what the teacher was saying.

"And discipline is the best and most effective method of dealing wit ha slave" nelson continued. "Fresh slaves still harbour the illusion that they are people. That they matter. That they have a last name. And that they matter. They don't" nelson said as he opened a drawer and pulled out a thin looking rod. Timothy recognised it almost immediately.

"The longer you take to break in a slave, the longer they hold onto these illusions" nelson said as he tapped the desk with his tawse. "If you don't put them in their place, they become manipulative. Slaves will lie, they will deceive, and they will try to barter with you" he said as he kept tapping on the desk.

"you give hem an order, they will try to reason with you. You give them a demand, they will try to ask you out of it. You ask them why they are not doing their jobs, they will lie and try to make you feel sorry for them" he said. The wolf grinned as he looked over the class.

"The quicker you break them in, the quicker they realise their reality. And the reality is that they are no longer in control. They have no control over themselves, or their bodies, their thoughts or their dreams" he said.

"You want your slave to be thin and slender? Stick him on a treadmill till he pukes and feed him little. You want him to be stronger? Feed him nothing but protein and force him to lift weights till he's begging you to make him stop. You want your slave to have tattoos and extra piercings? Well, what's stopping you?"

"NOTHING" Nelson shouted so loudly that everyone jumped in their seats. "nothing is stopping you. Your slave is yours to train however you want. You should never be afraid to discipline your slave. They will cry, they will beg, they will lie and they would do everything they can to make you feel sorry for them."

"there is nothing to be sorry for. They are not real people. They are slaves. To own a slave shows that you are good enough to have one. To train one means you are better then an owner or an overseer. But one thing that you should take to heart, is that when your slave is at your feet, crying and hurt all over and begging forgiveness for abusing your good nature, and you are the one to break them, you will know what power over another person is. And you will always remember that power."

The bad thoughts Timothy had about his brother were pushed away as he continued to take notes from the big handsome sexy wolf at the front of the class. With each note he took down about breaking a slave through discipline, his cock got harder. His mind got harder. And the word brother was soon forgotten. And so was the word Matt Harper.

After all, a slave had a label. Not a name. And that label, was Matt.

All matt could feel, was cold. The blanket he was supposed to use was thin and he could actually see his skin colour through the flimsy material. The pillow was so thin he could see his fingers through the filling. The bed had no mattress, just hard wood that wouldn't warm up to his own body.

The bed was small, but he didn't manage to make much more then a small dent in the meagre coverings he was permitted to use. Underneath, he was as naked as he was able to be. He had thought briefly that maybe wearing his 'uniform' would help him feel warmer, but he didn't want to wear the damn thing. The long chain attached to his face was draped over his neck, the cold hard metal the constant reminder of what he had become.

He had woken up not long after falling asleep and had just cried, curled up in the fetal position and just let loose with his tears. He had cried into his hands and screamed into the pillow until he had nothing left to cry or scream with.

There was no clock in the room, and the warehouse was pitch black. When he had run out of tears and a voice, he had forced himself out of the hard bed. With no way of telling the time Matt turned on his computer, hoping to find comfort in his metal friend.

But the only thing that told him it was his computer, was that it was his computer. The mouse, the keyboard, the monitor, the computer and the speakers were all his. He had bought them himself and looked after the machine. But the computer was wiped clean.

None of his accounts worked, none of his programs were installed. He almost broke down and cried when he realised that his skyrim heroes were all gone, vanished into cyberspace and never to return. He knew they were only characters in a game, but he felt like crying for them all the same.

After that, he had just left the device on and turned on his shower and stepped into the spray. Then he had sat down and just hung his head in his arms and let the water run. How long he stayed there, he didn't know, but the water was cold and he was feeling numb when he finally got out.

Perhaps the worst part was that he was pent up. Because of the device around his 4 inch dick he was not permitted to cum for the last couple of weeks. The little electric device allowed him to get hard, but no further then that. The cold shower had helped him a little, but all his small dick seemed to be good for was to add to his frustration now. It was also hard to sleep when he had a nightlight between his legs.

He found himself drifting in and out of sleep under the cheap blanket as he just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. His mind was a conflicted mess of thoughts that tried to break down the web of lies he had been told and put together the fragments of reality he was trying to deal with.

But all that he got was a restless sleep that offered him no comfort and gave him no relief. No matter how tightly he clutched the blankets and held himself, all he felt was a broken numbness.

He was woken when he felt someone in the room. No-one had spoken or made a noise, but he had jolted awake when he realised that someone was standing in the doorway. It was more like he had just felt the presence and realising whoever was there was like a bolt of adrenaline.

"Matt?" the figure asked as Matt jumped up into a sitting position and dragged the sheet with him. The overhead lead snapped up with him and struck the wall behind him rather loudly.

"y...yes" matt said in a very small voice as he clutched at the meagre sheet like it was possible it could defend his naked form against the new intruder. The overhead light snapped on and flooded the dark room with its golden glow.

Standing in the doorway to his room and almost filling the whole frame out, was a blackwargreymon. The big guys head was almost touching the top of the doorway, and he was rather well muscled. He wore a pair of faded jeans that hugged at his muscled legs. He had on a black leather jacket that was zipped up over what looked like big muscled arms, a wide hard chest, and perhaps something of a muscle gut.

The males face was hardset and looked intimidating, and he had thick dark blonde hair that was swept back into a ponytail. It was laying over his right shoulder and down past his chest. He had his hands in his pockets and was looking right down at the scared boy.

"First off, when someone addresses you, you need to respond. Say 'yes sir' everytime someone addresses you" he said. His voice was deep, but it was calm. It didn't sound like he was scolding matt. "Although don't go off shouting 'sir yes sir' or something like that. You're not in the army" he pointed out.

"yes...sir" matt said softly as he felt his heart begin to clam down. He slowly began to let his arms down as he looked up at the hulking male. "Who...who are you?" he asked in a low voice.

"That's better" the male said with a small smile. The smile broke through the intimidating look and for a moment Matt thought he was looking at someone else. "My names Spencer, and I'm your overseer and your boss in the warehouse. It's nice to meet you" he said with a smile.

"Are...are you going to hit me?" matt asked in a very nervous voice. Spencer looked at him for a moment before he chuckled.

"I do give that impression don't I?" he asked with a small smile on his face. For some reason, it looked foreign on the males face, like he hadn't smiled in a while.

"Matt, I do not want to hurt you, nor do I want to strike you. If you do something wrong, I will tell you what it is and ask you to improve. If you repeatedly do something wrong and do not improve, I will discipline you. But I'm not going to hit you just because I'm permitted to" he said. "Does that make you feel better?"

Matt felt a little better he had to admit. He wasn't sure why, but for some reason he didn't think badly of the big man who just admitted that he could possibly strike him. Maybe it was out of fear because Spencer was a shit load bigger then him.

"Now Matt, I'd like you to put on your uniform and get dressed for me. I'd like to get a good look at you" he said to him as he picked up one of the tunics and the matching pieces from the table beside the door and placed them on the bed.

Matt looked down at the uniform. The thought of putting it on made him feel sick as he looked back up at spencer. He didn't say anything for a moment as he tried to think on how to ask his next question without angering his new overseer.

"um...could you....turn around... and not look?" matt asked. Spencer chuckled again and shook his big head.

"Matt, I know this is hard for you, but I need you to start dealing with this, and we're going to start now. You don't have privacy anymore, and most likely you never will. If I want you to work fully clothed, you will be covered. If I want you to work stark naked, you will be. If I want you to dress up in a french maid outfit, it is going to happen" he said calmly.

"Matt, you have no privacy anymore" spencer said. "And the sooner you realise it, the easier it will be. You have nothing on you I haven't seen before, so its not like I'm going to be surprised by anything" spencer added.

Matt was not sure what to do. He did not want to get naked and dress up in the uniform for this...stranger person that had just ordered him to.

But, spencer was a lot bigger then him, and could probably force him to do it if he wanted too. And he did he really want to make this new person with authority angry with him so soon? He hadn't actually given the impression that he was angry, but what if he did get angry

Slowly, he swung his legs off the bed and removed his blanket from his body. He felt his face heat up as he slowly stood up, not looking at the bigger male nearby. He felt ashamed that he had to expose the shoulder restraints, the new tattoos, his bald head and his facial disfiguration.

Matt almost felt like crying again as he pulled the short tunic over his body. The tunic was zippale around the shoulders so he didn't have to slide it over his head but rather pull it up. Once it was on he picked up the belt and secured it around his waist. When he heard it click he slipped his feet into the uncomfortable slave sandals and stood still as he looked at the floor. He could feel those stupid shoulder restraints keep him standing up straight and he had trouble fighting them.

Spencers large looking boots appeared in his vision and matt held his breath as he realised how close the bigger male was. He almost whimpered loudly as he felt spencers big hand on his shoulder.

"Stand up straight please" spencer said gently. "Don't fight the restraints. Let them hold you up if you can't do it yourself" he said. "You need to correct your posture.

Matt slowly looked up as he saw the older male looking down at him.

"When you stand for a freeman, stand with your feet apart and your hands behind your back at your tailbase. Bow your head a little so you're looking at the floor. Most freemen now won't allow a slave to look at them like they're equals, so if your not sure, don't look at them unless they give you permission" spencer said as he cupped matts chin in his hand.

"You have my permission, so when I talk to you, I want you to look at me back, ok?" he asked.

"y...yes sir" matt said softly.

"a little louder please."

"yes sir" matt said a little louder.

Spencer nodded as he removed his hands from matt and took a step back from him.

"Now, have you had your breakfast yet?" he asked him.

"My...my breakfast....sir" matt said as he almost forgot to add the sir on the end. "I...don't know about my breakfast...sir" he said. He didn't even know if he had to ask for permission to eat. Or where to get food from. There was no fridge in the room, and he hadn't seen any vending machines in the warehouse after being escorted through it last night.

"well, its over here" spencer said as he walked over to the table with the assortment of goods that matt had yet to look over.

Matt walked over o the table and got his first real look over it as he saw the goods up close enough to recognise what they were.

There was a sink on the table with only one tap. There was a dishrack with a single plastic bowl, a plastic spoon and a plastic cup resting on it. Beside it was a tall looking device. It was a large tube on a stand with a turn based dispenser on the base.

"Unfortunately matt" spencer said as he grabbed the bowl. "You're no longer allowed to eat what is considered 'freeman food', which is pretty much everything except water and this" he said as he pushed the bowl against the base of the dispenser and turned the handle.

Matt watched in disbelief as what looked like dry dog food emptied into the bowl. They looked like hard little square biscuits, all coloured the same pale grey colour. It took three turns to fill the bowl up, and it looked like something you'd put on the floor for a dog.

"What....what is that?" matt asked in disbelief. "Is that...is that dog food? Does my dad expect me to eat from the floor like a dog?"

"The only food you're allowed to eat ever again" spencer said as he used the tap to add water to the dry looking food. "And no, it is not dog food. According to B.O.S.S. policy, a freemans food is considered unhealthy for slaves. They contain any number of chemicals and additives that would make a slave sick and unable to work" he said as he handed the bowl to matt.

Matt looked down at the bowl as he took it. The grey bricks were soaking into the water and starting to turn it the same pale grey colour. It looked worse then the porridge that Matt had eaten the other night.

"So, their food specialists have created 'Slave-brix', which has all the approved nutrients and vitamins to keep a slave healthy and keep his appetite sated. Although it only comes in the one flavour" spencer said, and he sounded almost apologetic.

"This...this is all I get to eat...ever...sir?" matt asked as he looked at the very depressing looking meal. He could swear it was bubbling as it broke down.

"also, you are not permitted to drink anything except water. That means no alcohol and no soft drinks. Even if someone offers you food, you need to decline, even if they get angry" spencer added. He saw the crestfallen look on matts face and saw the way he was looking at the meal that was slowly turning into something that looked like mud.

"Matt, I'll give you half an hour" spencer said as he put his hand on matts shoulder. Matt looked up slowly from the contact. "I want you to eat your breakfast, clean your dishes off and tidy up your room. Then I want you to come downstairs with the clothes you wore yesterday and I'll start teaching you about your new job. Can you do that for me?"

Matt slowly nodded as he heard the digimons request. Spencer nodded to him as he let go of matts shoulder and left him alone as he headed out the door and down the stairs.

No real food. No alcohol. No soft drink. Slave-Brix. Water. Dog food.

Matt sat on the bed s he let that sink into his mind as he slowly pulled the spoon from the slush and took a gulp. It tasted like sawdust mixed with water and even though his stomach was demanding food , he wondered if he was going to be able to keep it down.

He said nothing as he slowly at the food, struggling with each and every gulp. Part of him just wanted to drop the slush into the toilet and flush it down the pipes so he'd never have to see it again. But the rational part told him that since this was all he was permitted to eat anymore, he had better get used to it.

When he was done, matt rinsed the dishes off in the sink. The plastic must have been non stick or something because the food residue slid right off under the cold stream. Matt placed the dishes in the rack to let them drip dry, then proceeded to tidy up.

He made his meagre bed and wiped up the water from the shower with one of his towels. It took him almost the half hour he was supposed to have to get the room looking tidy enough that he hoped Spencer wouldn't get cross over. Once he was done he gathered the uniform and the dirty towels and left the room.

The track system tugged on his face for a moment before it began to follow him. matt was surprised with himself to realise that he had forgotten about it till then, and it kind of made him sick to know that he had gotten used to it so quickly.

Spencer was downstairs at the desk beside the loading doors, going over several dossiers of papers. He looked up when he saw matt walk up to him with his dirty laundry.

"alright matt. First off, you have only three towels and three uniforms at your disposal" spencer said to him as he gestured behind the stairs matt had just walked down. Matt followed and saw a little twin tub washing machine behind the stairs.

"Wear one, wash one and keep one for emergencies" spencer said. "try and get into the habit that, before work starts, you get up, wash, eat and wash your dirty linen" he said as he showed matt how to operate the machine. "put it in the wash at breakfast, put it in the dryer at lunch, pick it up at dinner. Just don't get caught with nothing to wear, because that is what you'll be wearing" he pointed out. "It doesn't look good for a slave to be wearing soiled uniforms outside of work" he added.

Matt nodded as he tried to burn that into his mind. He was not going to be left with the choice of going naked if he could help it.

Once his clothes were put in the wash and the little cheap machine was spinning in what Matt could only assume was a happy way, spencer took him back around to the desk.

"Now, you are responsible for checking off the unloading of al the goods that are coming into this warehouse" spencer said as he showed matt the papers. "these are just samples of the sheets you'll be given for stock. We'll only be getting a couple of deliveries today so today it will just be practice, ok?" he asked

"yes sir" matt said with a nod as he stood next to the bigger male. He took a look at the sheets. They seemed simple enough.

"Alright. When the truck delivers the goods, you watch them unload" spencer explained. "They will unload the goods onto this area here" he said as he indicated to the ground. "There is plenty of space, so it won't be crowded. Just open one door at a time, so the trucks will know which bay is open for them to use.

"if it gets too crowded and you're getting backed up, you may call me in my office and request for help" spencer said as he showed matt the phone on the desk. 'Just push one and it'll go through to me. If I can spare the help, I'll send someone. Try to get used to doing it on your own for a bit first so you can handle it on your own" he said.

"Now, once the goods are unloaded, you need to check that they match the inventory receipts" spencer explained. 'They will look like these sheets and you need to check off that each box or item has been delivered. If they haven't been delivered, that's not your problem. We'll contact the company and deal with it. So don't worry if there's something there that isn't on the list.

"Once you've checked everything off, put the papers in here" he said as he indicated a paper tray on the top of the desk. "I'll collect them at the end of the day." He then walked over across the bay and grabbed the handle of a pallet jack.

"this is a pallet jack" spencer explained. "everything should be delivered on a pallet, and if it is, you secure the jack under the pallet, lift the pallet up and then take it this way" he said as he let go of the jack and indicated for matt to follow him.

Matt nodded as he walked behind spencer. It felt slightly strange to be following such a big looking male, and from the back Spencer did seem a lot bigger, which made matt feel smaller. But so far, all Spencer had done was just explain things. He didn't seem to be trying to make Matt feel any smaller, like his father had been doing.

"each of these aisles are marked, but the track system won't let you go into the aisles properly. So when you drop off the goods, you place them in these areas" spencer said as he indicated several areas marked by yellow painted squares on the ground.

"you drop the goods off, and go back to the unloading area. The workers will unpack each load and put them away. They are also responsible for packing them up and getting them ready to ship back out again" spencer explained as he led matt back to the unloading area.

"No matter what anyone else says all you are responsible for is just that. Unloading, checking and moving" spencer said. "You can't go anywhere the track system won't allow you to go, so there's no point in helping anyone beyond your area.

"Now, are there any questions so far?" spencer asked as he turned around and looked at the smaller male.

Matt shook his head. It sounded pretty straightforward, but he was still feeling uneasy about the whole thing. But he didn't want to just simply open up to someone he had just met. Spencer did seem ok so far, but he was still unknown to him. What if Spencer didn't want to hear anything? He decided not to spill his guts and said he had no questions. Spencer nodded.

"Now, we have our first delivery soon, so I want you to get the area ready. The deliveries will be spaced apart, so you're not going to drown quickly. If you have any problems, just call me in the office" he said. "But I would like you to try and do this on your own if you can."

"yes sir" matt said. "but...but what if I make a mistake?" he asked.

'don't worry about that" spencer said. "At the end of the day I'll go over what you've done wrong and we'll work it out then. I'm not going to punish you for making a mistake you had no idea about doing. But for now just focus on getting the job done, ok?" he asked with a smile.

Matt nodded and spencer then turned around and walked away. Matt heard the washing machine give off the noise that the load was finished, so he figured now was as good as any time to see to it. Once he had put his clothes into the spin cycle, he sat at the desk and just waited for something to come around.

The first delivery arrived within the hour. The men in the truck unloaded the pallet of goods and didn't even speak to matt. They didn't look at him, or indicate that they had even seen him. they just dropped the goods and drove off. It was like they didn't even see him, or simply chose to ignore that he existed.

Matt wasn't sure how to think about that. He wasn't too sure about the men in the truck actually seeing him, but to be flat out ignored didn't make him feel any better either. Almost like he didn't exist. He didn't think though that being noticed would have made his situation any better.

Matt checked off the goods on the sheets of inventory and then moved the goods away to the unloading spots. It was taking him longer then he thought. The boxes were all stacked in odd ways and wrapped tightly, so he had to unwrap the pallet and unstack everything to check it out.

And they weren't stacked in the order according to the sheet. More then once Matt thought they hadn't delivered something only to find that it was sitting on the bottom of the pile of goods. And more then once Matt had made more then one error by mixing up one item with another.

But it did give him time to think while he was being busy.

He hadn't seen his father since last night, and if he did see him, matt eventually decided that he didn't want to see him. All of this had happened because matt did something wrong only once, and his father had thought of this as the best solution.

To keep matt in the family, to give him a job and to keep him apparently 'safe', his father had turned him into a slave for life. He had his life turned upside down and rewritten, but it was to his fathers ideal. To his fathers way of thinking. To his fathers expectations.

Perhaps yes, this was one way of keeping him safe by keeping him in the family and giving him a job for life. But, did his father really and honestly believe that all of this was for matts good?

Even if this was his fathers belief that he was doing the right thing, Matt just simply could not believe that.

And then there was his brother. Timothy was supposed to be his handler, whatever that meant. But more then that, timothy was allowed to use matt for sexual purposes. Both he and his brother were gay, but Matt had never done anything with anyone before. He had always tried to look for the right guy to do anything with, but as of yet he had had no luck. And maybe he never would.

Timothy though, was no virgin. A few times Matt had almost walked in on his brother topping one of his football buddies or some dreamy eyed fan boy who loved watching the muscled flamedramon run around and own the field. Rather then let Timothy run wild and have sex with people who carried who knew what, Timothy was meant to use his brother to ease his frustrations.

Plus, since matt was not classified as timothys brother, it wouldn't be incest. And it would be perfectly legal as well.

Matt put down the boxes and stood there for a moment as he let that sink in. Sixteen years of being a brother to timothy and all of that was gone by the sweep of someones pen on a contract. Ties broken just like that with ink written on paper.

An timothy was allowed to use matt however he wanted. Did matt even get a choice in the matter, to 'let' his brother use him and take him? Just the thought of that sent chills down matts spine. Just the very thought of his brother doing ....anything with him...made him feel dirty.

And sick. Really sick. Really really sick. Matt clamped his hands around his mouth and felt himself start to retch as he felt his stomach try to throw back up that horrible disgusting breakfast he had swallowed.

But nothing came up except for a few slimey globs of grey that trickled through his fingers. His stomach began to slowly settle down as he fell to his knees and his hands went to his stomach to try and hold it steady.

"I...I can't" he whispered as he wiped his mouth clean with the back of his hand. "Oh god...I just can't...I can't let Timothy do that to me" he panted as he felt like tearing up again. "I can't let my first time be like that" he said as he wiped his face free of tears before he just flat out began to cry.

"But...do I even have a choice?" he wondered as he simply sat there on his knees and stared at the floor underneath him. He knew the answer already and he couldn't bring himself to say it out loud either. Just thinking about saying 'I don't' was enough to make his stomach churn again.

"Guess... Guess I should get back to work" Matt said as he slowly pulled himself up. He suddenly found that the boxes felt a lot heavier and he just felt like he was in a slump as he packed the last few boxes away.

By the time matt had finished putting the goods away another delivery showed up and matt had to focus his thoughts elsewhere. For some reason and he wasn't sure why, he didn't want to let Spencer down. The big man had asked him to try and do it all on his own, and for some reason, he fet a sense of determination to do just that.

Matt realised that by holding onto that determination he was able to get through the next delivery without thinking about anything rotten involving his father or his brother. He had no idea why being determined to do the job on his own would help in any way, but he wasn't going to question it.

By the time he had finished the second delivery, it was lunch time. And lunch consisted of another bowl of Slave-Brix and water. Matt hadn't seen Spencer since that morning, but there was a sheet of paper on his desk explaining the rules about lunch breaks and rest periods.

At twelve every day, Matt was allowed to have a half hour lunch break till twelve thirty. Every two hours he was allowed to have a ten minute rest period. However, he had to ask for permission to take the breaks, but not if there was no orders coming through.

The Slave-Brix was depressingly bland and it unsettled his stomach again. It felt like he was going ot throw it back up and Matt ended up spending his entire half hour lunch break sitting on his desk chair beside the toilet in case he ended up emptying his guts.

But thankfully he did not get so upset that he ended up puking into the porcelain bowl and managed to drink a couple of glasses of water to keep his stomach more settled. Once he had finished his lunch break he headed out of his room and went back to work.

There was a total of four deliveries that day and by the time the last one had finally driven off, matt was sore in places he had never thought existed. He had no idea that carting pallets and lifting and shifting boxes around would make him feel so sore and want to just collapse on the floor.

But there was a certain euphoric sensation that he was feeling. He was sweating, he was aching, he was hungry and thirsty and sore and tired, but he was strangely happy. He had absolutely no idea why though and he wondered just what was causing it.

He walked back to his desk and picked up the completed inventory papers as he looked them over. Seeing them all completed and in order seemed to add to the feeling and he wondered if possibly he was ill or something.

Matt picked up the phone and pressed one. Spencer answered and matt told him he was done and he could collect the papers. Spencer said he'd be over in a few minutes and before Matt could hang up, Spencer said something.

"You managed to get all your work done by yourself on your first day. Good job" the blackwargreymon had said to him before the dialtone filled Matts ear. Matt stood there for several moments as he listened to the monotone noise in his ear before he put the receiver down.

"He...thinks I did a good job?" Matt said to himself. That strange euphoric feeling inside of him started to swell up further and he felt slightly light headed from the intoxication feeling.

Was this what the good feeling was? That he had made Spencer pleased with him just by doing his job?

"hey matty."

Matt heard the voice and it broke him out of his thoughts as he slowly turned around and he saw Timothy standing before him. timothy must have let himself into the warehouse, and now he was only a few feet away, wearing his football uniform and looking a bit dirty. He must have just finished practice.

"Timothy" matt said as his face broke out in a smile and he hurriedly made his way over to his brother. He forgot everything except that Timothy was there and he actually looked happy to see him. Once he was close enough to him he wrapped his arms around timothy and hugged him tightly.

"Hey matt " timothy said as he returned the hug. At first when he saw his brother all slaved up and pierced when he had first walked in, he had been slightly afraid to even speak to him. He had never seen his brother wearing such skimpy looking clothing, and the facial peircings had almost made him look unrecognisable.

But he had recognised Matts eyes. They looked sad and conflicted, but they were the same behind the changed face. The happy look on Matts face changed the appearance of the strange looking boy and now that he had Matt in his arms ,it felt somewhat right.

"timothy, I'm so glad to see you" matt said as he pulled away. He could feel tears of relief in his eyes as he saw timothy stand before him. 'I can't believe you're here."

"I had to check up on you. Dad....dad told me what he had done" timothy said. "God, look at you. You look so...different" he admitted as he saw how Matt looked up close. He brought his hand up to touch th piercings through his brothers face, but when he saw how Matt flinched from the action he took his hand away. "Man, its still you under there" he said softly. "How are you holding up?"

"I...I don't know" matt admitted as he held his hands together and rubbed his fingers together. "i..i spent last night just crying and I couldn't sleep. And this morning, I didn't want to get out of bed" he said. "I felt so lost and alone and cold...."

Timothy nodded as he looked Matt over. Now that he was up close to him and seeing him as he was, it was starting to get a little easier. And Timothy couldn't help but see how revealing the tunic was.

"I'm just really glad you're here now" matt said with a smile. "I feel better knowing you're here. I...I don't know if I can face Dad right now, but I'm glad you came" he said.

"I'm glad too, to see how things are. And to see how you're doing" timothy said. "so, you met the new overseer yet?" he asked. "I heard he was experienced. Had his own slave or something once before, so I don't think Dad just hired anyone."

"yes, I have" matt said. "I met him this morning. He woke me up for work and helped me out."

"what do you think of him?" timothy asked as he sat down at the office chair.

"Well...he seems ok" matt said. "he went through a few things with me and told me about what I'm going to be doing here. And he's really big. And kinda intimidating at first, but he seems...friendly" Matt admitted.

"oh really" timothy said with a smirk.

"but he seems nice enough. I don't...I don't feel afraid of him" matt admitted. "well, I was at first, only cause he's so big, but I feel alright around him."

"Well, that's good" Timothy said as he sat back. "glad you can feel ok around him.

"yeah" matt said with a nod.

For a few moments neither of them said anything. Whatever brotherly feelings that they had had minutes ago were starting to fade away and it was being replaced with an awkwardness between them both.

"tim, do you maybe think you could talk to dad?" matt asked as he broke the silence. "I ...I don't think he'll even listen to me at all anymore."

"why? What about?" timothy asked as he looked up and over Matt as he stood before him.

"well...about all this" matt said. "I mean, about what he's done. To me" matt said as he looked at his brother. "I mean...can't you see that what he's done is wrong?"

"you mean about turning you into a slave?" timothy asked.

"yes" matt said with nod. "maybe if you talk to him, he might change his mind. Tim, I turn 21 in a few months. I figure if I can hold out that long if dad undoes all this, I can get my trust fund and get the hell out of here. I can't stick around after what he's done to me" he admitted.

"You just want to leave?" Timothy asked as he sat up in the chair.

"Why should I stay?" Matt asked. "Timothy, you know how much our trust funds are, and you know its enough to start over somewhere. Once I'm legal I can leave and after what Dad has done to me, what reason do I have to stay?" he asked.

"well, I could go talk to him" timothy said as he looked like he was thinking about it. "I mean, this is a pretty serious thing we're talking about. You wanting to leave and never come back."

"Oh Thank you timothy" matt said as he felt a wave of relief wash over him. "I knew that you'd listen to me. I mean, you're my brother after all. Why wouldn't you listen to me?"

"That's just it" timothy said as he stood up. "I'm not. And you seem to have forgotten about that."

"but.." matt said as his brother took a step forward. "Tim, what ...what are you talking about? You can't have forgotten that we're brothers already..."

"shut up, right now" timothy said in a cold voice. Hearing the cold hatred coming from his brother made matts voice catch in his throat as he stared at his brother in disbelief. Suddenly, Timothy didn't seem at all friendly and it made a well of fear slowly rise up inside Matts chest.

"you know, my teacher was right. Overseers are just glorified babysitters. They don't teach anything" timothy said as he pulled something from his pocket. Matt took a step back as he saw that timothy was now holding onto a pocket tawse.

"timothy..." matt said in a quiet voice as he saw the horrible striking tool in his brothers hand.

"it's not timothy. Its Sir" timothy said as he tapped the tawse against his palm. "I thought this spencer person would have taught you manners already. Guess he must have just let you lay around all day and did nothing to you."

"but...timothy" matt said before there was a sharp swishing noise and matt cried out as he felt the hard sting against his face. Matt cried out as he took another step back as he brought his hand up to his stinging cheek. His brother had just struck him across the face.

"that's sir timothy" timothy said with a smirk as he looked at his cowering slave. "and you better start getting into the swing of things. My father is not going to listen to you, because you are not his son anymore. And neither am i. I'm not your brother, I'm your handler. All slaves are are just liars and manipulators. And you're no different."

Matt ha never heard his brother speak to him like that before and he felt a cold dread feeling well up inside of him that was mixing in with the fear he was feeling. Timothy was actually buying into all of that? No, he wasn't just buying. He was embracing it.

"now, I'm going to overlook your misbehaviour, only because this new guy hasn't taught you jack shit" timothy said as he walked up his brother. "obviously you weren't trained well and I can't really blame you if you have a lousy teacher. Im going to have to ask Dad to build a punishment spot in here so I have somewhere to show you proper discipline."

Matt wanted to object, but he feared angering his brother further as he held his hand against his cheek. He took a step back, but his brother simply walked forward.

"now, I'm guessing you're still thinking your having a hard time over all of this" timothy said with a grin. "so, I'm going to give you a treat, just to show how nice I am to you" he said with a smirk. "I guess I can do something nice to you since we were once brothers before all this."

Matt said nothing, and he saw timothy start to look angry.

"well, you going to ask me what it is?" timothy demanded. "what, you don't want me to be nice to you? I'm giing you a treat and you want to insult me by not showing an interest in it?"

"what...what is the treat..sir?" matt asked quickly asked as he felt his body start to shake. His stomach started to churn again and he felt a wave of nausea well up inside of him.

"I'm going to let you paw off" timothy said with a smirk. "I'll turn your little chastity belt off for half an hour and let you do what you want" he said. "gotta put that little baby dick of yours to some good use."

"you...you will..sir? matt asked slowly. Pawing off was the last thing that was on his mind at that moment, but with the way his brother was being quick to assert himself, he was actually dreading refusing.

"IF" timothy said with a grin. "you kiss my feet."

Matt said nothing for a moment before he remembered how to speak. He had to swallow back a lump of nausea that had ridden up inside his throat and he could feel a cold sweat on his forehead.

"kiss...you're feet sir?" matt asked. The very notion made him stomach churn harder and he was finding it hard to hold it back.

"yes. You get on all fours, kiss my feet, apologise for being a useless brother and an even more useless slave, and if I like it enough, I'll let you paw off" timothy said with a grin. Mat felt his body grow cold from the idea and he wondered if he was turning pale.

"And if you don't, then who knows how long it'll be before I decide to be this nice again" timothy added. "might be a week, might be a month. It's not gonna be your birthday, cause slaves don't have birthdays. And forget about Christmas. Santa doesn't visit slaves, so don't bother thinking I'm going to be nice on those days."

Matt slowly brought his hand down from his cheek as he realised what his brother turned handler was saying. He had thought that maybe timothy would have been on his side, but it seemed that timothy had decided to instead embrace his new position. And he seemed to enjoy it. No, he was enjoying it. The rapidly hardening bulge was proof that Timothy was absolutely loving this.

Now the question remained was wether matt would do as Timothy asked, or if he instead chose to not to do it. Should he swallow his pride, or should he give in? Hold onto whatever shred of dignity he had left, or sink lower then he had ever been in his life and stay there?

"I'm waiting" timothy said with a smirk.

Matt apparently took too long to make his decision as timothy smirked and put the tawse into his pocket.

"Well, I guess I can ask you again next month if you're ready to paw and act like a good boy" timothy said as he began to walk off. "I wonder how mad Dad will be when I tell him how bad you're behaving towards me?"


Timothy stopped and turned around as he saw matt sink to his knees slowly. Matt didn't look up at his handler as he got himself onto all fours and tried not to cry. It was the thought of Timothy going to Thomas and telling him who knew what about him. And if Thomas hadn't bothered to listen before hand, he certainly wouldn't believe Matt if Matt said Timothy was a liar.

Timothy smirked as he pulled his shoes and his socks off and stepped up before matt and stood before him with his feet under Matts face. They smelled horrible, like Timothy hadn't showered in the last few days.

"now kiss them" timothy ordered. Matt swallowed a lump in his throat as he closed his eyes and lowered his head. His lips touched timothys feet and he fought the urge to hurl. The nausea was getting worse.

"come on, you can do better then that" timothy said as he felt matts lips brush against his naked blue feet. Matt felt his face heat up in embarrassment as he, regretfully, put more effort into it. His kissing motions became more firmer as he moved to timothys other foot.

"good boy" timothy said as he watched his brother just obey him. His teacher had been right. The pleasure of being in control was something to savour. Already timothys length was almost at full mast and his bulge was sticking out through his denims.

Matt heard an unzipping noise from above but he didn't pay any attention as he kept kissing his brothers feet. The flesh tasted sweaty and dirty and matt felt what little dignity he might have had just melt away. How would he be able to hold his head up high and look himself in the mirror after this?

"yeah, give them a lick" timothy said as he pulled his hard cock from his pants and began to work the sensitive flesh. The rush he was feeling from ordering his brother around was making him feel good and he didn't ant to waste the opportunity.

When he felt matts tongue touch his feet timothy moaned loudly and began to pant as he felt his cock harden fully and he started to hump into his hand as he pawed hard. He was starting to leak pre faster and he knew that his orgasm wasn't going to last for long.

"come on, put some effort into it. I'm your handler. Show me how much you love being my slave" timothy ordered as he moaned in pleasure. Matt fought to the urge to cry, but he was fighting a losing battle as he kept licking. His tears were starting to drip down his cheek, as he kept licking away. He tasted the salt against the grime and the sweat and he felt even more shamefull.

"mm,good boy. Oh so good" timothy moaned as he kept pawing. His fingers were starting to get coated in his pre as he felt his lust tingle in his loins. His fingers were sliding wetly up and down his hard large length, so much bigger then his brothers little baby dick, and the knowledge of that turned him on more. "Now beg me to forgive you" he ordered.

"please sir..forgive me..." matt whimpered at his brothers feet as he opened his eyes. His eyes went wide as he realised that timothys dirty feet were glowing slightly, and he felt sick to his stomach to know that the glow was coming from his chastity device. He was getting turned on by this?

"for what? What should I forgive you for?" timothy ordered as he kept pawing.

"for...for being a bad slave sir" matt whimpered as he kept kissing his brothers feet. They were almost shiny from the saliva that coated them. "please sir, forgive me for being a bad slave" he whimpered as he felt the tears stream down his cheeks.

"oh god yeah, so good. Come on bitch, beg for it. Beg for it" timothy ordered. He was almost there, just a little more. Just a little more.

"please sir...please show mercy to me" matt whimpered as he heard his brothers squealching motions. Was Timothy pawing off over his humiliation? Just the thought that timothy was sexually enjoying this was further proof of how low he was really sinking.

"look at me bitch" timothy ordered as he gasped loudly as he felt his climax hit him and he went over the edge. "LOOK AT ME YOU LOUSY WHORE" he shouted.

Matt looked up as he heard his brother gasp and immediately wished he hadn't. he felt that first horrible wet splatter of his brothers cum hit him in his face and he fell backwards from the shock onto his backside as his brother came over him.

Timothy was panting as he furiously stroked his exploding cock, so much bigger then his slaves and so much more impressive as he fired his load over his slave boy. The ribbons of pearly white cum splattered over matts face and down the front of his tunic as he was marked.

Each splatter on his face was red hot and sticky and it felt worse then the striking from the tawse. It felt like he was being struck with a liquid tawse and the knowledge that this was his brother, his flesh and blood brother now turned handler had just cum on him from doing nothing more then humiliating matt like this, made Matt wish he would die on the spot.

Timothy slowly came down from his high as he panted and looked down at his brother. Matts tunic was soaked and had ridden up past his waist to reveal his hard four inch cock, glowing in the restraints that were permanently attached to it.

The younger flamedramon couldn't help but laugh at Matt as he stroked his slowly deflating cock and dribbled the last few drops of his fcum onto the floor between his now cleaned feet. White cum was dripping down his slave boys face and mixed with the tears that were already there.

"look at that. And you think you don't love it" timothy said with a smirk as he tucked his softened cock into his pants. Matt looked away as he didn't fight back the tears of humiliation and just sat there covered in his brothers cum and crying without a sound.

He looked up when he heard a soft beeping noise and the glow from his crotch vanished. Matt looked down at it for a moment before he looked up at his handler.

"you got thirty minutes" timothy said with a smirk. "so you better put them to good use. And you better go clean yourself up. You look like a cheap whore" timothy said with a smirk as he put the remote control back in his pocket and proceeded to walk out.

Matt didn't bother to hold it in anymore as he just put his hands on his face and began to cry. It felt like the floodgates had opened up and he couldn't hold it back. He sat there on his hands and knees, weeping into his hands and he didn't even try to hold it in.

How long he sat there on his knees crying through the cum ropes on his face he didn't know. It could have been ten minutes or the full half hour, but he didn't care. Nothing was worth doing what he had just done. And he had a sick feeling that now that timothy knew he would do such a thing, he could make matt do even more.

And he had thrown away his dignity for the freedom to jack off. How could he look in the mirror and look at himself and not think of what he had just done? He felt low, lower then dirt. He felt dirty and used and unclean.

He heard footsteps walk up to him but he didn't do anything. He didn't care who was there, and he felt disgusted that he was going to be found covered in someone elses cum. He felt two large hands hook under his shoulder and pull him up, but he didn't fight back. Two thick and large arms wrapped around him and pulled him against the person holding him.

"its ok matt" spencer said softly as he held matt against him. "cry all you want. Let it all out" he said softly as he let matt cry. And matt did. He didn't hold back and just let the flood of tears fall through his tears.

He then realised just how bigger spencer was then him, and he realised that the males round gut was pressed against his front and his head was resting against his chest. The two large arms were wrapped firmly around him and he felt completely surrounded.

Eventually, matt was unable to cry anymore against the bigger mans chest as he was held. Spencer just held him in his arms and matt felt slightly better that spencer wasn't judging him over what happened. He didn't know what he would think if Spencer actually did.

"matt, don't let them see you cry" spencer said softly as he held matt against him.

"wha...?" matt said softly as he moved his hands from his face.

"most freemen now will try and push a slave. They will find something to use to get a rise out of a slave and look for an excuse to punish them. Simply because they can. And you need to hide your feelings" spencer said softly.

"you can't let them get to you, no matter how hard it is' spencer continued. "you need to hold your tears back and not let them know that you are vulnerable. If they know you are, then they will pick you apart and make things worse. A vulnerable slave is a bigger target then a slave who doesn't react" he said.

Matt wasn't able to respond as he felt that if he spoke he would just start crying again. He felt one of spencers hands gently brush his tears and the cum stains from his face. He felt his cheeks flush and he felt the shame and humiliation rise up with the nausea in his stomach.

"Matt, I know you're stronger then you look. It will take time, but I want to help you be the best slave you can be" Spencer said softly as he made matt look up at him. 'it will be tough, it will be hard and there will be times when you feel like you can't do it, but I want to help you through this" he said

Matt slowly nodded an 'ok' as he listened to spencer. He was starting to figure out why he was trusting this big intimidating man so easily.

Because Spencer told him the truth. He had been open about everything, hadn't hidden anything and told him the truth about it all. In just that one day matt had learned more out of spencer then he had learned from his lying father the last month.

"now, I want you to collect yourself and go up to your room and make good of the time you have" spencer said. "I don't have a remote, so I can't give you more time. So you should take advantage of the time you have left" he said.

Matt nodded softly and managed to say 'yes sir', although he felt more like he was mouthing it more then saying it. He honesty didn't know if he could even bring himself to paw off after what just happened.

"and here" spencer said as he tucked a card into matts belt. "this is a councillor who helps masters and their pets and slaves. His name is Jeanne, and he...he helped someone very close to me. He has two pets of his own, so he knows what he's talking about. You can email him and have someone to talk to" spencer said.

Matt nodded softly as spencer let go of him and pulled away. Part of matt just wanted to jump right back into those arms and not have spencer let him go. But he knew it wouldn't happen as he tried to pull himself together.

"why...why are you helping me?" Matt asked as he looked at the floor. "after...after what I just did..." he said as he felt himself shudder a bit.

"Because when I needed it, no-one held me" Spencer said softly. "Matt, I'm not supposed to get close to you, but I don't want to see you get hurt like I did" he said. Matt looked up in surprise for a moment to hear that from him, but he couldn't think of anything to say.

"matt, one last thing" spencer said gently. "rely on yourself" he said. "if all else fails, rely on yourself and you'll stay strong" he said with a nod. "I'll come in early tomorrow to see how you're doing, ok" he said. Matt nodded as spencer turned around and left him.

Matt stood there for a few moments longer before he slowly began to make his way up to his quarters, the card clutch tightly in his hand. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he was starting to feel better.

A favourite Situation 5

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