Where Everybody Knows Your Name (Commission for Rut)

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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A commission for Eric_The_Bull Whom Rut belongs to.

Trying new things is fun!...And when those new things lead to much drunken debauchery...That's even better.

And yes I do take commission sometimes!

After the first few months Henry discovered the positives of owning your own bar had outweighed the negatives. Sure his place was small and nearly off the map, but he was friendly and made his drinks strong and those alone had easily earned him a handful of regulars. The burly, old Clydesdale leaned heavily against the polished counter, idly watching college football with some of his patrons, all of them male and built much like him.

The sound of the front door being shoved open followed by the heavy thud of hooves instantly caught the horses' attention. Henry did all he could not to grin as a bull walked into his little hole-in-wall. The bovine's chest thrown out, his gold septum ring shaking with each heavy exhale, but his green eyes darting nervously between the other men in the bar.

"Hey there, a new face. What can I get for you?" Said Henry, flashing the bull his best and most disarming smile as he approached the counter.

"Hey, I can get a beer? Anything is fine." The bull said, his bravado melting away slowly as he took a seat on barstool, well away from anyone else.

"A beer?" The Clydesdale said skeptically, stroking his short beard as he looked the bull up and down. The bovine was strapping, his powerfully built frame covered in short grey fur with tufts of coal black accenting him well. The horse smirked before pulling a stout glass from under the bar and taking it aside. "You look like you could use something a bit stronger than a beer. Ever had bourbon? "

"I've had it maybe once." The bull said cautiously as Henry placed a glass filled with ice and a deep reddish-brown liquid. "But really, I only brought enough cash for a beer or two."

"Don't worry about that, your drinks are on the house." The Clydesdale's muzzle broke into a sly grin as he slid the glass closer to the bull with a single finger. "By the way, what's your name?"

The bull took the drink and eyed it anxiously before tipping it to his lips and taking a hearty sip. The bourbon burned the bull's throat, but it was an oddly meaningful feeling as the smooth maple and vanilla flavors dulled the sensation in a pleasant way. "Man, that's not half bad."

"Your name, buddy?" The horse asked again, a lopsided smirk splitting his muzzle.

"Oh, its Rut." Said the bull, taking another, longer sip from the glass.

"Rut? Good name." Mused the Clydesdale. "Call me Henry."

"Nice to meet you, Henry." Rut said slowly, the potent spirit already starting to take effect on the bull. Henry leaned forward, his elbows planted firmly against the countertop near Rut. He watched the bull down his drink in no time flat, shaking his head a little before retrieving another glass.

"No, no, no. You're going about it all wrong." Said the horse as he pushed himself up to prepared another drink. "You've got to savor this kind of bourbon. Here, try again."

Rut cringed internally but took the offered glass, taking another, smaller sip then rolling the drink around his tongue slowly before swallowing.

"Like that?" The bull raised his brow, swaying a bit in his seat as he looked up at Henry."

"A little better, didn't anyone teach you how to drink?" the horse asked, crossing his thick arms over his barrel chest.

Rut narrowed his eyes but shook his horned head slowly."Uh, no. I didn't think there was a proper way to drink."

"Oh of course there is!" The Clydesdale said excitedly, a mischievous glint in his deep blue eyes as he tugged a flagon onto the counter. "Now this, this is called moonshine."


The room swayed and roiled around the bull, utilizing all of his motor skills to keep him on his chair. Henry grinned to himself, taking a bit of joy in knowing that Rut was having a hell of a time staying still. The drunken bovine soon became the center of attention, the other patrons gravitating toward him like they had known Rut for years. The Clydesdale made himself busy by cleaning the drained glasses, listening to a slurred conversation between the bull and a Great Dane and taking note of how much liquor Rut had enjoyed.

"Alright big guy, I think you've had enough. Time to pay your bill." Henry said, setting aside a freshly polished glass as the beginnings of a grin started to tug at the corners of his mouth.

"Bill?" Rut turned around too fast for his own good, bracing himself on the edge of the bar. "But, I though you said it was on the house?"

"I said your 'drink' was on the house." The horse lied. "I meant the first bourbon."

Rut gazed down at the counter top, glaring intently at his reflection in an attempt to remember and argue his case but, the powerful alcohol left his mind too addled. With a grunt of defeat, the bull reached into his back pocket and pulled his wallet out. "How much was it?" The bull huffed, his ears drooping slightly.

"Seventy-five bucks." Henry said plainly, ignoring the shocked look he got from the bull and those gathered around him.

"What?!" The bull's heart sank as the number sobered him up. "I don't think I can even drink that much!"

"Well, you didn't exactly have the cheap stuff, you know." The horse said, struggling to suppress his smile. Henry made a show of stroking his short beard and humming thoughtfully before speaking again. "I like you Rut and I want you come back, so I'll cut you a deal. You do some work for me and I'll toss the bill out with that bottle of whisky you drained."

The bull ran a thick hand though his head fur, shrugging slightly before answering. "A little work never killed anyone. What do you need me to do?"

"Had you ever sucked dick before?" Asked Henry bluntly, a white smile spread over his long muzzle. Rut's face immediately went hot, the grey fur on his cheeks and ears turning a light pink. The bull glanced at the Great Dane he was just chatting with; looking for confirmation that Henry really asked him that.

"Did he...I'm not that drunk am I?" Rut said lowly, turning back to the Clydesdale in disbelief.

"Yeeeah, I think he did." Slurred the dog, a lazy grin on his own muzzle as he gave the horse a quick wink. Rut cringed, but nodded slowly making Henry let out a quick snort and chuckle.

"Good, then I don't have to teach you how." The horse said casually as he took up a bottle of cheap rum and strolled out from behind the counter. With his view no longer obscured, Rut's gaze instantly fell to the bulge running beside the horse's left thigh, stifling a groan of fear and anticipation as sweat started to bead on his brow.

"Alright bully boy, on your knees." Ordered Henry, lifting his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. The bull hesitated for a moment but soon stumbled to his knees before Henry, ignoring the feeling of being watched by the other men in the bar while he looked up at the muscular horse. Henry grinned and flicked the top button of his jeans loose with one hand while the other twisted the cap off the rum bottle.

"You know, you get surprisingly sweaty working in a bar so you'll have to pardon my scent." Henry said sarcastically, running his fingers through his wide triangle shaped patch of dark chest fur before taking a hearty swing from the bottle. The bull inhaled deeply, Henry's personal musk filling his nostrils, the thick, masculine scent causing him to salivate uncontrollably.

"Oh, so you like it, huh?" Henry snorted before pointing down to his partly open fly. "It gets nice and strong down there." Rut took the hint, his hands shooting up to the horse's groin and yanking the zipper down with a new vigor but, his green eyes widened as he finally saw what he was going to be dealing with. Henry beamed as he brushed Rut's hand aside and allowed himself the honor of releasing his massive and mottled endowment, showing it of to the bar with a boastful pride. The thick rod was half hard but stiffened quickly as the horse fisted the root and gave it a few light strokes before aiming the blunt tip right at Rut's muzzle. The bull chuffed as the tantalizing scent and sight of the stallion made his sheath stir and his maw water as his arousal hit its peak.

"C'mon, time to work off your debt." Was all the horse had to say to push Rut into action. The bull opened his mouth wide then greedily stuffed his muzzle full of horse cock, taking more than half of the huge length inside him. Henry neighed loudly, impressed with the bull's eagerness and apparent skill with well above average endowments. Rut's tongue was dexterous and quick, curling and caressing along the dick trapped between his lips one moment then tracing up and down the swollen veins the next, drool spilling from the sides of his mouth all the while.

"Ooough, good bull." Henry tossed his head back and gave it a solid shake, the stallion had started scheming the moment the bull strutted into his bar but, he had no idea that having the bovine wrapped around his cock would have felt this excellent. The Clydesdale lowered his head again to the man on his knees, a lazy smile plastered on his muzzle as he curled a strong hand around the bull's horn then thrusting roughly down Rut's poor throat, keeping his grip nice and firm. Rut thrashed about and sputtered as he was forced to take Henry to the root, bracing himself against the horse's hips as he coughed up a mixture of drool and equine pre seed. The bull wanted to be angry but, with his chin resting against the stallion's heavy, hanging balls and his nose pushed deep into a thick tuff of musky crotch fur, he found his irritation evaporating.

Rut winced as his own cock started to strain against his zipper, making it that much more difficult for him to concentrate on suckling Henry's dick and not choking at the same time. The bull slurped as best he could around the member stuffed inside him, his throat already starting to feel over worked from reflexively trying to swallow around Henry's bulky cock. Thankfully, Henry had slowly started to yank himself free with a shallow huff, giving his head another shake a before glancing down at the bull.

"Damnit, you're definitely a good bull." Henry sighed, looking over his glistening, pink and black cock. "Got me pretty close there, but I know where I want my load. Bend over the pool table for me."Henry commanded once more, motioning to the hand-me-down billiards table. Rut stood but didn't move toward the table right away, emboldened and aroused by the equine musk, his placed his hands around either side of Henry's chest and dragged his tongue over the thick patch of dark fur. The horse chuffed but allowed the bovine to swirl his tongue around the dark and musky patch of fuzz, the bull moaning softly as the taste of sweat flooded his taste buds.

"You'll get more later." Grunted Henry as he reluctantly pushed Rut toward the pool table. "Right now I gotta fuck my bully boy." Rut groaned in defiance but wiped his mouth with his forearm before fumbling with his belt and fly, pulling them down just enough to expose his round, grey furred rump and letting his own shaft swing out in the musk choked air before him, pre cum drooling from the tip as much like his muzzle. Henry licked his lips and neighed harshly as he leered at the ass offered to him, the old horse finding that he didn't want to waste anymore time not being balls deep inside the bovine.

Before Rut could brace himself against the faded green felt, he could he feel the horse's blunt tip press under his tail, causing him to let out a surprised moo. He gave Henry a wide eyed glance and slight shake of his head as he felt the horse push against him incessantly. Mercifully, Henry stopped long enough to grab his forgotten bottle of rum and tip a bit of the alcohol onto the blunted head of his cock and over Rut's tailhole. The bull shuddered lightly as he felt the excess run down his perineum and drip off his balls but, the delicate sensation was quickly overpowered by a much rougher kind of pleasure.

Henry's hoofed fingers dug firmly into Rut's sides as the horse's dick did the same to his rump, the mammoth member starting to sink inside the prone bovine. Rut mooed once more, this time is was soulful and deep, the sound wavering near the end as his muscular pucker was spread open and the horse made himself at home. Henry bowed his head and closed his eyes tightly as he sunk himself deep inside this thigh bull, snorting through flared nostrils, noting that bull saliva, horse pre and rum makes half way decent lube. Rut's muscular ring and tunnel clenched tightly the moment he felt the stallion finally hilt him, the hot length of flesh making him bellow out, feeling utterly full. Henry wanted to fuck the drunken bull sideways, but the old stallion still had a heart, letting out a shallow grunt as he gave the Rut a few, very short seconds before drawing his hips back then colliding with the man under him once more.

Rut bellowed again, gritting his teeth as his pucker tightened around the thrusting pillar, which in turn made the Clydesdale's grip on his sides tighten. Which each rolling crash of their hips, the bull's resistance as well as the minuscule discomfort faded, making the thrusts smooth and swift. Henry's brow furrowed as sweat started to mat down the fur on his neck and back, his chest rising and falling with his labored pants. Rut slowly started to pick up on the horse's feral rhythm, concentrating as much as he could on trying to match the harsh thrusts with his own backwards motions.

The Clydesdale could feel himself reach his peak and decided to let his lust take him, driving his hips hard against the bull whose moo's and bellows of pleasure made his ears flick with their soulful tone. Henry reached for Rut's cock, curling his fist around it tightly before milking it hard, easily earning himself a heavy rope of pre cum that soaked into the faded felt. His pounding slowly grew to a feverish pace, pumping his hips strongly into the grey rump before him, his heavy balls drawing up close to his body in preparation. Rut wasn't far behind the horse, with the continuous assault on his prostate and the still new sensation that strong hand pumping over his throbbing meat, all he needed was one good thrust.

The bull got what he needed in the form of a particularly hard slam against his gland, causing his cock to swell and his muzzle to hang open with a hushed moo and that moo turning into a loud and resounding bellow as his cum began to spurt to between the pool table and his belly, panting them both with a heavy layer of thick and white bull cum. Rut's body tensed involuntarily with his orgasm, his tail muscles clenching around Henry's ramming cock. The Clydesdale could feel his partner climax on both ends, which only sped him to his own, pounding hard into that milking tunnel while his fist flew up and down Rut's pulsing member, everything about the bull coaxing him to come.

Henry tossed his head back and let free a loud grunt as he let himself go, it was impossible for the stallion to hold back now if he wanted to. His seed pumped under Rut's quaking tail in a series of desperate, orgasmic thrust. The motions forcing his thick spunk deeper into the bull's tunnel and making a few potent rivers of cum leak out between the muscled ring and horse's hefty cock, making a slick mess of his groin fur and the bull's rear.

"Fuckin' hell." Grunted Henry, placing his hands on the panting bull's back as he opened his eyes, finding himself surrounded on all sides by the other men in the bar. Some had their cocks out while others merely watched with a trapped erection but, they all had the same hungry look in their eyes.

"Hey Henry, think we could get a turn?" Asked a short but, brawny boar with a hopeful grin on his face and a hand on his dick.

"Sorry boys, I don't like to share. Bully boy here is mine." The stallion said with a firm slap to Rut's thigh to punctuate his point. "Now, bars closed. Time for you guys to file out and get your dick's wet else were."

The horse's words were met with a resounding groan and plenty of swearing but eventually the males left, most of them pairing off with each other. Rut slowly lifted his head and blinked as his post orgasmic haze lifted and left him with the warm feeling a well earned afterglow.

"So." Henry started as casually as someone he wasn't balls deep inside someone he barely knew. "How didja hear about this place?"

Rut grinned as he put a few pieces together, clenching tightly around the flared horse cock buried inside him. "A big eared critter told me to try it out."

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