Gods and Devils

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Ah, having a drink and reminiscing with old friends is always pleasant...Even more so when you are friends with someone that's not quite normal.

Ej'ral belongs to FA: wolfclaw

The soft din of conversation, the sounds of various games on massive flat screens, the satisfying clack of a billiard ball colliding with another and the distinct chuff of cards being shuffled made the lounge the optimal atmosphere for a man to relax and unwind. Thick smoke still hung in the air despite the state- of-the-art ventilation system, making the room a little hazy but that only added to the setting. Dio sat comfortably in his overstuffed leather chair, his thick body sinking into it as one paw slowly swirled a glass of whiskey while the other held a freshly lit cigar up to his lips. The polar bear was settled in front of a television watching his favored sport, rugby. He grinned a little as he watched the replay of a player get slammed into the grass and dirt in slow motion, he wasn't violent bear, but part of him took pleasure in watching such a brutal sport. Friends have tried to convince him American football was better, but he found there were too many clothes covering up such find examples of the masculine form.

"Wow." A voice above him said, it was deep and gravely and it made the polar bear's pants suddenly grow tighter. "The years haven't been kind to you have they, Dio?"

The bear looked up to find an oddly colored Rottweiler leaning against the back of his chair staring back at him, his muzzle drawn into a toothy grin. The dog's coat was blue and light tan while his beard and head fur were shocking pink. Curved and pointed, violet horns sprouted from his forehead with the left one adorned with a gold ring. His 'hair' was styled into a messy Mohawk that ran down the back of his head.

"It's been a while." Dio said curtly, His dark brown eyes staring back into the jet black voids with emerald green rings that the dog called his eyes.

"Bah, you mortals and your consistent aging." The rottie, pushed himself off the back of the chair before dragging one for himself next to the bear's. "It's kinda gross to think that you're slowly dying."

"I don't normally think about it until you bring it up." Said the bear, enjoying a long, slow pull from his drink before setting the glass on the small table beside him. "So, what has a hellion like you been doing for ten years?"

"Ten years already? You're fuckin' with me, it's been like two, three max." scoffed the dog, looking at the bear incredulously and running his fingers though his hair slowly. "It's been ten years?!"

"It's been ten years." Dio repeated calmly, bringing his cigar to his lips and taking a smooth drag before exhaling the arid smoke though his black nose. "Last time you visited I had just gotten my second teaching job, you helped me 'celebrate' remember?" Dio lifted his thick paw and made finger quotes as a grin spilt is thick muzzle.

The horned dog rubbed softly at his pink beard before his dark eye widened, sharing in his friend's smirk. "Oh yeeeah, I remember that like it was like last week. We got drunk and you dared me to walk into a church and confess my sins. That fuckin' hurt."

"You barely got past the doors." A short chuckle left the bear as he took another drag off his cigar before it was snatched away from him.

"Yeah, it still fuckin' hurt. And you sure did take your sweet ass time dragging me out too." The Rottweiler said before taking a much longer drag off the bear's cigar, letting out a puff of dull pink smoke with a dark grin.

"I made it up to you afterward didn't I?" Dio turned his attention back to his screen, taking his glass up again.

"Fuck, yeah you did." The horned dog's leather pants grew tight as a stiff shudder ran up his spine, casting a pensive glance up at the dissipating cloud of smoke . "I still think you cheated somehow, no way can a mortal be that good of a lay."

Before Dio had a chance to lock his door behind him, the horned dog was already at his back, the drunken canine slurping hard at the nape of his neck while strong hips ground leather wrapped arousal against his thigh.

"C'mon..."Pleaded the dog, panting hotly as his arousal hit its peak. "I'm gonna rip my pants if you don't pull it out soon."

"Settle down, pup." Said the polar bear calmly, his jeans were tented as much as the dog's but the bigger man was more restrained.

"Fuck off with that pup shit." The dog growled, wrapping his paws around the bear's waist before yanking him away from the door. "I'm older then you anyway."

"You know you love it." Dio grunted, feeling his shirt being lifted up and over his head by two very impatient paws all while being pushed toward his couch, careful to sidestep his coffee table .

"Come the fuck on, man." The dog said with a slight whine, turning the bear around before taking one of the big white paws in his own and placing it against the bulge between his legs. "I need to get off."

"Oh yeah?" Dio said, raising a thick eye brow as his paw closed firmly around the hidden length of flesh. The dog whined even louder, his jaw clenching tightly as he bowed his head, panting and swearing under his whiskey tarnished breath.

"Fuck foreplay." the horned dog said with a gruff snort, tearing his own sweaty and musky shirt clean off and exposing his well built upper body. "S'down."

Dio's dark eyes narrowed as a lazy grin crossed his muzzle, an idea taking form in spite of his own hazy buzz. The bear reached up and gripped one of the dogs horns tightly, using it as a handle to roughly shove the Rottweiler onto the couch. The dog snarled but fell clumsily into the cushions, glaring daggers up at Dio.

"Fuc-" Before he could spit the rest of his insult out, the rottie's muzzle was pushed hard against the bear's, meeting in a forceful kiss. Their tongues wrestled for dominance while their paws griped and tugged and clawed at one another, if their mouths weren't locked together it could have been mistaken for an awkward fight. Soon, the kiss broke, leaving both men panting hard, their muscled chest rising and falling as they stared each other down. The horned dog glowered at the bear, who still wore his grin, a grin that made the drunken canine angry and turned on all at once.

The horned rottie shoved himself up hard from his seat, taking the bear that loomed over him along for the ride. In the haze of alcohol and arousal, the dog griped Dio's sides tightly then shoved the bear backwards, right onto the coffee table. The heavy polar bear landed with hard thud followed by the distinct cracking of wood, Dio going right though the table as if it wasn't even there.

"Ow." Grunted Dio dryly, shoving half of the split table aside as he tried to push himself back up but the horned dog had other ideas. Dio grunted louder as the rottie straddled his waist and pinned him to the floor by his wrists.

"Who's the pup now, asshole?" spat the dog, a bit of drool dripping from his lips as he snarled down at bear. Dio growled deeply before overpowering the canine, his thick arms straining but quickly working out of the rottie's grip, only the grab the dogs horns in each paw and yank his head to the floor.

"Still you, pup." The bear hissed into the dog's ear as he held his head down. The Rottweiler struggled and fought against Dio's solid grip, clawing at the carpet and swearing in frustration as he tried to push himself back up.

"Fuck you!" the rottie barked loudly, pulling his head out of the bear's hold after some work and tackling the bigger man and slamming his back against the base of the couch. Dio snorted hard, but allowed himself to be pinned once again, locking eyes momentarily with the clearly pent up dog, before he started to yank the bear's pants open with greedy paws. Dio followed suit, reached down and unfastening the rottie's leather pants as quickly as he could before reaching in and unceremoniously tugging out the dog's cock.

The horned canine shuddered hard, as he was freed from the musky leather prison, his scent growing stronger as he kicked his pants off and away. Dio held the hooded shaft in his paw, giving the stiff member a tight squeeze, watching a few pearls of pre cum dribble from it tip and drawing a grunt from its owner before he let if fall from his grasp.

"Fuckin' big ain't it?" Said the rottie with a smirk, reaching into the bear's jeans . Dio merely stayed silent as the rottie pulled out his endowment, the bear's member rock hard, jet black and glistening with sweat and preseed and slightly larger than the Rottweiler's own.

"It's alright, pup." Dio said as watched the roughtly dog jerk his pants away and toss them aside with the leather ones.

"Cut that shit out." Grunted the dog as he slid between the bear's thick legs, placing one over his shoulder and the other around his waist, the still inebriated canine swaying slightly as he steadied his cock against the base of the bear's tail. It only took a brief moment for the dog to sink his thick cock deep into the bear, with only the rottie's copious pre to slicken the entrance. Their bodies tensed in unison, the horned canine shuddering and snarling as Dio's warm tunnel reflexively clenched around his invading dick.

"In yet?" Said Dio with a low rumble, easing his back against the couch and folding his arms behind his head. The dog only growled and slammed his hips flush with the polar's bear firm rump, a solid thud marking their union, the rottie letting out another, louder growl as he felt his entire length wrapped in tight, warm ursine flesh. Words would only ruin the moment, no matter how savage, testosterone driven, and uncaring it might have been. The horned Rottweiler's moment ended as soon as he started pistoning his hips back and forth, the motions fluid and calculated to be as rough as possible.

Dio snarled but grinned, lowering his head while his thick paws gripped the rottie's back, raking his claws over the taught muscles and taking a hold of the blue fur. The rotties own paws clamped tightly around the bear's thick hips, squaring himself up before he resumed fucking Dio as deeply as he could.

The rottie drove in and out of the bear at a breakneck pace, his eyes narrowed as he watched Dio body shake violently under his thrusts, the polar bear's dick swaying wildly and flinging ropes of thick precum against them both. Dio's eyes were closed tightly, he would never admit it to the Rottweiler but the feeling of having that cock slammed deep inside him was starting to feel damn good, that dick prodding just deep enough to toy with that bundle of nerves.

They worked up a sweat, matting down their fur while making the air pungent with their masculine scents. Each held an iron grip on the other, the Rottweiler's claws digging into the bear's sides, while Dio left ten diagonal welts under the dog's fur. The lewd slurps and slaps of their flesh colliding and separating over and over became louder, almost louder than their roars of ecstasy.

The horned dog's heavy balls drew up close while their owner hammered himself deeper, his lust quickly shifting into desperation as his climax neared. Panting and breathless, driven by his most base of needs, the rottie shoved himself as deep into the bear's precum and sweat slick rump as possible, letting out a beastly roar as his only warning. His strong body convulsed hard as came, letting out a torrent of hot spunk deep into the bear's tunnel, loosing himself as rope after rope splashed against Dio's insides.

Dio rumbled deeply, feeling the dog release hard inside him, the heat of the canine's seed sending a stiff shudder up his spine and causing his own dick the pulse dangerously.

"Fff...Fucking hell." Rasped the rottie after sucking in a lung full of oxygen, his green ringed eyes hazarding a glance down at the polar bear. "Ahhh...Shit, God..."

"I love it when you say my name, Ej'ral." whispered the bear with a smirk, panting softly as he shoved the rottie away, roughly dragging the dog's cum slick member out of him, dragging a strained grunt from both.

"Wha-"The dog's words were caught in a loud snarl as he felt something rock-hard, thick as hell and poorly lubed slide balls deep under his tailstub.

The horned Rottweiler gave his head a violent shake, messing up his already disorderly Mohawk even more.

"You can't just admit that I'm just good can you?" Dio snorted, snatching his cigar back and placing it back between his lips, studying the dog carefully.

"Fine fine, you're pretty alright." The rottie said begrudgingly, folding his arms over his chest and turning his attention toward one of televisions, trying his best to ignore how tight his pants had gotten.

"Those are new." Said Dio, pointing two fingers at the rings that rested alongside the rottie's nipples, which were quite visible under his tight shirt. The horned dog grinned before running his finger tips over one of the rings then giving it a slight tug, pulling a grunt from himself.

"Yeah, I got them a while back. You should see the other hardware I got in the last ten years." The canine said, groping his now bulging crotch with his other paw.

"Oh yeah? I think I wouldn't mind seeing that." Dio rumbled, downing the rest of this whiskey and taking a long drag off his cigar before smoothly pushing himself up from his chair. "Come on Ej'ral, we got a decade to make up for."

The Rottweiler smiled darkly and rose to his feet, his tailstub wagging as he paced after the polar bear.

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