Fuck the Police

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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What do you get when you take a deer police officer, a fast driving dog and a little sexual tension? I'm not sure, but I think it would look a lot like this!

This one was inspired by a twitter post! You can follow me here (https://twitter.com/Darokko) and maybe you can inspire one yourself!

"License and registration, please." Said officer Reed politely. The buck leaned against the side of the GMC truck, watching as the blue tick hound inside reached for his information before passing it to the white tailed deer.

"There a problem, officer?" Said the hound in his deep southern drawl, pushing his cap up slightly before placing his large paws on the steering wheel as he looked the lean buck up and down idly.

"There most certainly was mister..." Officer Reed glanced down at the dog's license. "Northman. You were going thirty miles over the speed limit."

"Oh, only thirty? Could have sworn I was doing at least forty over." The hound dog chuckled good naturedly. Despite his blatant disregard for the law, Reed couldn't help but share in the canine's infectious laughter, shaking antlered head a bit.

"Yes, it was only thirty. Where do you have to be in such a hurry?" The buck looked down the highway. The silver truck and his own Crown Victoria were the only cars on that particular stretch of road, he figure a little banter would break up the monotony of his day. "Only a few reasons for a man to drive that fast, mainly for a girl."

The dog laughed before leaning back in his seat, a wide grin plastered on his face as he looked at the empty road ahead. "You could say that, but change girl to guy, two guys in fact. My boys are waitin' for me on the west coast."

The deer's green eyes widened and his ears flicked softly as he put two and two together. "So...You're queer?" Reed snorted softly as he looked back as his cruiser.

"Bisexual, but I guess when you got two sexy boyfriends that might make you seem pretty gay." The dog chuckled warmly again, stroking at his beard before turning back to the buck. "So, you gonna to let me off with a warnin'?"

Officer Reed looked intently at the license and registration before handing it back to the hound, sighing lowly as he pushed himself off the side of the truck to stand up right. "Yeah, you're free to go. Just try to stay at the speed limit, please."

"Well I appreciate that officer, and I'll be sure to." The dog said with a wide smile and a nod of his head. "Say, let me give you something as thanks." The hound reached for his seat belt and flipped the switch to unlock his door.

"Ah, I'm sorry, we aren't allowed to take money." Reed said with a wave of his hoofed paw, stepping away as the dog opened his door and hopped out. The buck noticed how much bigger the dog was compared to himself, feeling small even though the dog was only about two inches taller then he was. His height wasn't was intimidated officer Reed though, it was the body that was build strong, no doubt the result from years of hard farm work.

"Bah, who said anything about money, I was gonna give you something better than a little cash." Said the dog in his deep drawl as his thick paws reached for and unfastened his belt. Officer Reed wanted to turn away in disgust and march back to his car, muttering and cursing under his breath before speeding off, but his feet stayed put as his jaw dropped. The dog's fingers pulled open his fly then hooked his thumbs into the waist band of his navy boxers, pulling them down them down in one smooth motion and exposing himself to the cool morning air.

Reed attempted his first idea once more, but instead found himself tossing cautionary glances up and down the road before taking a few steps toward the blue tick hound, his eyes falling right to the dog's plump sheath.

"So, the buck is a little queer himself, hm?" The hound said as a cocky grin tugged at the edges of his muzzle, reaching down and giving himself a few slow strokes, the red tip of his shaft peeking out from the tip of his sheath.

"How could you tell?" The officer tried to keep a professional demeanor but it quickly melted away as he neared the dog, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked over the canine's impressive equipment, trying to work up the nerve to touch.

The dog smirked before lifting a finger to his nose and tapping lightly. "I could smell the arousal on you when I said 'boyfriends.' Where you thinkin' about me with two guys?" The hound inhaled the cold air slowly, his mastery of his olfactory senses picking out his own scent, dry pine needles, his truck's exhaust and the distinct aroma of white tailed deer rut. His eyes shot down to officer's Reed's pants, watching the crotch tent quickly. "Or were you just thinking about you and me in a nice warm bed some place?"

The deer said nothing, he couldn't speak if he wanted to, his mouth had grown painfully dry as the dog's words made his heart race and his uniform pants grow very uncomfortable.

"Well, I don't have a bed on me but, the cab of my truck is pretty comfortable. And speaking of warm, I could use a nice warm tongue to prime my bone here." The dog's tailed wagged as he watched the impact he had the officer, His grin growing wider by the second. "Hurry up now, I gotta schedule to keep."

Officer Reed snapped to attention, closing distance between him and the imposing canine before falling to his keens on the old highway, his sudden cotton mouth cured when he found his nose just inches away from the hound's endowment. The deer glanced up at the dog's smirking face before curling hooved fingertips around the base of the sheath while his other paw came to cradle the dog's hefty sack. "I've only done this a few times." Reed admitted, his panting softly as he breathed in the hound's musk.

"That's fine, just mind the teeth." The dog said politely as he pulled the hem of his flannel shirt out of the buck's way. With a touch of hesitation, Reed opened his mouth, a bit of saliva dribbling down his lip before he tucked the pointed tip of the hound member into his muzzle. A soft grunt escaped the dog as the deer wasted little time, the herbivore's agile tongue sliding all over first few inches, catching the beads of pre cum that started to dribble from for the canine's thick member. The hound bucked his hips slowly into the cop's eager muzzle, trying to slide himself deeper but the deer gagged and pulled away, shooting a mean glare up at the dog, which was only met with a wolfish grin and a strong paw around the base of his left antler. Reed gasped loudly, but it was muffled by the thick cock being shoved past his lips. The buck wanted to be pissed, but he found that any anger he felt dissolved when the pointed tip of the dog's cock met the back of his throat. His tongue tried to move, but it was trapped beneath the engorged meat, only able to roll and lap against the underside of the angry, red cock.

The blue tick hound held the antler firmly in his grim, his eyes half lidded as he watched the closeted cop take his huge cock like a champ. The hooved fingers rolled his balls around his scrotum gently, keeping them warm and loose in the cool air while his muzzle coated his shaft in a thick layer of saliva. The buck's ministrations were a little shaky, but the hound enjoyed them none the less, gingerly tugging Reed's muzzle up and down the last two inches of his cock, watching his knot swell between the buck's slurping lips with voyeuristic delight.

The dog began to growl lowly, his tail wagging against his truck as his felt his climax near. "Alright Officer...I think you got me ready enough." Said the hound as he yanked the deer off his cock a little roughly, watching the strands of pre and saliva connecting his dick and the deer's gapping muzzle slowly break. Reed gasped as his caught his breath then moaned, rubbing his jaw carefully with both paws as he looked over the bulky cock that was just stuffed into his maw.

"Damn...You gotta big one." The deer stated dumbly, wiping his mouth on his forearm fur.

"So I've been told." The hound said with a smirk before reaching under the driver's side seat and tugging out a clear bottle with clear fluid inside.

"Y-you just keep a bottle of lube u-under your seat?" The deer said, his voice shaking a bit as he stood up, watching the dog flick the cap open and tipped the bottle over in his palm.

"I'm an outdoorsman, I'm always prepared." The blue tick hound brought his lubed paw down to his stiff cock, rubbing the cool and viscous fluid around before shuddering. "Damnit, this stuff gets cold. How about you come up here so I can warm up?"

The buck cringed but the dog grinned warmly, using his clean paw to pat the driver's seat gently. Reed found his feet shuffling slowly toward the truck, his tented pants leading him along as he easily bent over the seat. The hound moved up behind him quickly, his muscular frame casting a shadow over the buck. Quickly but smoothly, the buck's pressed pants were yanked down by two strong paws, belt and all, his white tail fluttering as his firm rear was exposed to the elements.

The deer had never had more than a curious finger under his tail, so when the hound dog shoved his member inside the fairly virgin tunnel with little warning, it felt like he was on fire. His backside seared with pain and an unfamiliar, but weak pleasure as his insides were forced to accommodate the thick cock invading them. He tried to scream but only a shallow grunt escaped his muzzle, most of the air was pushed out of his lungs when the hound pushed inside him. Blunt fingers clawed at leather seats that smelled of blue tick hound musk as he struggled to relax around the shaft, writhing as he tried to gather his senses again.

"Damn...You must be a virgin...Should have used a bit more lube then." Said the dog causally as he watched the grown man whimper and gasp in an attempt to find some relief. Soon though, the dog felt a tinge of guilt tug at him, causing him to slowly draw his cock from the clearly too tight ring. "You need to loosen up, officer." The dog said as he reached into back seat, his paw searching blindly inside a duffle bag. The deer took the moment to catch his breath, trying to discreetly wipe a few stray tears from his eyes as he watched the hound dog tug a glass mason jar from the bag that appeared to be filled with water.

"Take a few sips of this, should relax you right up." The hound said as he handed off the jar to the buck, who weakly unscrewed it the lid.

"What is this?" Reed asked, smelling the liquid before bravely bringing it too his lips. He eyes widened the watered again, but the deer gulped down what he had tipped into his mouth, his question being answered for him as the taste of rubbing alcohol assaulted his taste buds.

"Moonshine." The dog said with a grin, taking the jar back from the buck to placing it back inside his bag.

"I could arrest you...For having that." Slurred the officer, the effects of the strong drink hitting him like cannonball, his muscles relaxing as a warm feeling burned in his belly.

"Then you'll have to arrest yourself, officer. You drank it." The dog said with a cocky smirk as he pressed the tip of his cock back against the deer's only slightly stretched ring.

The dog thrusted his hips forward roughly, the first few inches of his thick cock sinking inside the deer but with a much different response. Reed's back arched, as he let out a deep and soulful moan as he was penetrated again. The dog could feel the dramatic difference on his end, his cock pushing quickly and firmly into the buck's warm tunnel which flexed loosely around him instead of trying to push him out. The deer's eyes flickered shut as he groaned, tipsy from his single mouthful of moonshine but drunk off the sensation of being filled by such a thick and hard cock, his own shaft still throbbing in need.

"Man...You are a cheap date..." Grunted the hound as his hips finally slammed into the buck's, panting hotly as the he felt the tunnel clench tightly around him. The drink was already working its magic, turning the once stubborn ass into one that was much more flexible.

"Fuck, don't stop now." Groaned the deer, glancing back the hound before trying to fuck himself on the cock buried inside him and failing quickly. The dog merely grins and curls one paw around the buck's shoulder and the other around his antler before he starts pounding away. The slightly inebriated cop could only whine as the hound yanked that hard, thick cock from his anus before having it hammered back inside, the buck quickly feeling thankful for that bit of moonshine.

The hound dog was relentless with his thrusts, ramming the full length of his cock inside the buck over and over again despite the swelling knot at the base of his shaft. The buck could only shudder and whine pathetically as he was fucked soundly against the driver's side seat. Being filled to the brim took its eventually toll on the deer, a deep seated shudder wracking his lean body as his felt his still hidden cock pulse and throb hard before shooting thin steamers of cum against the inside of his cotton boxers. His ass flexed tightly with his paws free climax, panting hard as he fingers griped the edge of the seat, moaning in pleasure and exhaustion as he dog kept drilling him.

The tireless hound dog's thick shaft pistoned in and out of the spent deer's rump, his knot swelling up to the size of a tennis ball that pounded against the underside of Officer Reed's fluttering, white tail. The dog's paw griped the base of the cop's antler tightly, using it as the perfect handle to aid in his wild humps.

"Damn..." The dog growled lowly, loosening his grip on the buck's shoulder to cradle and squeeze his angry, red knot as his own climax neared. "You ready?"

He didn't care to wait for the buck's answer but he knew it would have been a yes. With flesh burning with pleasure the dog's balls drew close to his body before he came, shooting hard rockets of thick cum deep inside the police deer, filling him with nearly every inch of his cock. The battering ram of a dick spurted hard against Reed's prostate, nearly sending the young cop into a second climax but he found himself too exhausted from the first, only managing to dribble a few more drops against into his boxers. The hound growled and barked as he flooded the cop with his seed, balled quivering against his body as he delivered shot after warm, musky shot, the flow just beginning to taper off a minute or so later.

"Ah...Well I don't know about you, but I feel loads better." Said the hound with a wary grin, tugging hi still knotted up shaft free from the deer's warm and now very messy tail hole, giving himself a few idle shakes. The deer tugged his pants up slowly, trying his best to keep himself clenched as to not allow any more the dog's cum to leak from his hole, but in his half drunken state it was a difficult task.

"Why didn't you tie?" Questioned the deer as he rose to shaky feet, watching the dog tuck his cum slickened member safely into his pants and button up his shirt.

"My knot doesn't soften up for a long while, and like I said, I got a schedule to keep. I got a boy that's gonna be angry enough that I wasted a week long load on you, don't needa make it worse." The dog said with a warm smile, moving to hope back in his truck. "You might want to sleep off that 'shine too, stuff is potent."

The deer only nodded as he stepped away from the truck, groaning as the soreness started to hit him. "Yeah, well drive safe, no more doing eighty on my roads, alright?" The deer tried to return to his tough demeanor.

"Don't you worry, officer." Said the blue tick hound as he closed his door and started his truck back up. "I'll just start doing ninety."

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