Brothers: Chapter four, Forgive and Forget

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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#4 of Brothers

Jurek has always been wary of Dante...But He doesn't have much time to worry with Lenka distracting him.

<> = Russian

Characters and Lenka's brightly colored undies belong to myself and NoodleBeast (

Summer had come and gone and the chill of fall started to creep in. The first few weeks passed by quickly, the brother easily getting unpacked and comfortable in their new surroundings, soon settling in a loose routine.

"97...98...99...100." Lenka huffed before collapsing on his chest, his biceps burning from the pushups his brother encouraged him to do every morning before breakfast.

"Stupid Jurek and his stupid wanting to keep me healthy..." Grumbled the dog as he rolled to his back, preparing to start on his sit-ups, keeping his neck relaxed as he worked his core. "1...2...3...4."

Jurek had already left for work, the older dog was employed as a librarian at a local college. The idea of his big brother checking out books still brought a small grin to Lenka's lips as he rounded out his first set, resting for a second before starting the next.

"I should visit him, bring him lunch maybe." Lenka thought, trying his best to ignore the growing burn in his belly. "He would like that."

"Anyone home?" Lenka cut his workout short at the sound of Dante's voice, he never knew when that raccoon would disappear and reappear, his brother only warning him that he couldn't walk around in his underwear as a precaution, against what Lenka wasn't totally sure.

"Yeah." Lenka called out as he scrambled for a something to cover up his orange briefs, yanking on a pair of pajama bottoms before the raccoon appeared in his doorway, well dressed like he always was and holding a white bag which wasn't so common.

"Hey there, stud." Dante said, his dark eyes sizing up the bare-chested rottie. Lenka became used to Dante's nicknames, often getting a new one every day. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just got up and did a little exercise. What were you doing out so early?"

"Uh...Its noon, stud. What were you doing in bed so late?"

"There was a raid last night." Lenka said matter of factly,

"A what?" Dante's ears laid flat, his eyes narrowing.

Lenka merely pointed to his desk, the surface nearly hidden under an assortment of clothes and other things, but the computer on it was immaculately clean and well cared for.

"Oh...A game." Dante rolled his eyes a little before lifting the bag a sly smile on his face. "Speaking of which, this is for you."

Lenka took a out a thin, lime green box with a picture of a wolf in futuristic armor out of the bag. The wolf held a pistol in one hand and had a translucent orange blade hovering above the other, a stern expression on his face as what appeared to be a planet was under siege in the back ground. Lenka's gold eyes grew wide as he looked up a Dante, his muzzle hanging open.

"You...You didn't have to get this for me." A smile tugged at the edges of the rotties mouth.

"Yeah I did. I saw you eyeing in the store the other day, that's what you were looking at right?" Dante already knew that's exactly that's what Lenka was looking at, the younger dog begging his brother several times for the game while in the department store.

"This is it, thank you so much." The dog pulled the raccoon into a tight hug, not caring that he hadn't taken a shower yet.

"It's no problem." Dante purred, a dark grin splitting his muzzle as he returned the hug, glad that Lenka hadn't ruined his natural scent with bathing. "If Jurek makes a deal over it, just tell him I got it for you."

"Yeah, alright." Lenka was still smiling as he broke the hug, looking at his new game, hastily deciding on how to spend the rest of his day.

"Good, I'll be in my room if you need me." The raccoon said with a wave of his tail and a wink.

"Okay, thanks again!" Lenka was too excited to notice Dante's body language, already starting to gather a fresh set of clothes and towel for his much needed shower. The sudden thrill and joy quickly wore thin as he remembered was his brother told him a few nights ago. Lenka frowned at himself in the bathroom mirror, running his paws through his short blue mohawk, before striping off his clothes and turning on the water, waiting for it warm.

Most nights, His brother and he would have conversations, as deep as discussing matters of what's the meaning of life and what happens after your death, or as shallow as gossiping and talking about people they found attractive. Lenka remember this talk in particular, because he thought it was cute watching Jurek try and play one of his handheld games with his very big paw.


"So, why haven't I met Dante before?" Lenka asked as he lay next to his brother on his bed, resting his chin on Jurek's shoulder as his brother pressed buttons on the device.

"A few reasons." Said Jurek, distracted by leading a small army of little monotone eyeball people across a field, simple drum beats making them march happily. "Mostly because Dante isn't the best person to know when you're exploring your sexuality."

"What do you mean?" Lenka's gold eyes glanced up at his brother before looking back down at the screen.

"I mean he can be pretty sleazy." The older dog said bluntly, his little army approaching a fort with other little eyeball people. "I didn't want him using you for sex. Hell, I still don't."

"Then why did we move in with him? I mean dad pretty much begged us to stay." Lenka watched as his brother's tiny army quickly leveled the fort before marching onward.

"Because dad doesn't make that much money and I really didn't want us to be a burden on him anymore." Jurek didn't mention the speech his father gave him while moving out. "Speaking of which, you need to start looking for a job, pup. Dad can't pay your part of the rent forever."

The words stung the younger dog, despite the way his brother added the pet name. "Yeah I know...I'll get on it, promise." Lenka's ears flattened before changing the subject. "Why do you think Dante wants to use me for sex?"

Jurek smirked as his tiny eyeball people marched to another fort, much bigger than the last one. "Well you are quite the handsome rottie, I mean It's not hard to figure out."

"Oh really?" The smile returned to Lenka's face as he dragged his tongue over his brother's cheek.

"Really." Jurek's tail stub wagged under him as he tapped out a drum beat for his eyeball troops to attack. "But, just be wary of things ya know? If he starts giving you expensive and random gifts you might want to keep on your toes okay?"

"Yeah, alright." Lenka said with a curt nod.


Lenka was too enthralled with his new game to notice Jurek opening the front door or to notice the glare his older brother was giving him. Jurek slammed the door hard behind him, jarring Lenka out his trance.

"Oh, hey Jurek, how was work?" Lenka tired to look happy but the sight of his brother being thoroughly pissed off quickly stopped his tail from wagging.

"I thought I told you not to buy that game." Jurek crossed his thick arms over his chest, his gold eyes narrowed and trained on his twin.

"I didn't....Dante did." The younger dog whimpered, floppy ears lowering as he set the controller down beside him on the couch. Jurek didn't say anything, merely snorted and went to his room with another slam of a door. Lenka cringed at what he had to do next, but stood up to follow his brother.

"Jurek?" He said softly at the door, reached down to turn the knob but it was quickly yanked way from him. Jurek frowned down at his little brother as he blocked his door way, a bundle of clothes in his arm.

"Excuse me, I would like to take a shower." Said Jurek coldly.

"Oh...Can I come with you?" Lenka smiled weakly.

Jurek sighed hard before speaking. "Fine."

Lenka bathed quietly next to his big brother, trying not to bump into him, but his efforts proving futile as he rubbed the liquid soap into his short fur while Jurek scrubbed his head fur vigorously. The shower was much too small for the dogs, having only a few inches of breathing room as they stood together in the tub while hot water rained down on them.

"I'm sorry." Lenka said, looking at his brother's back as the bigger rottie rinsed the shampoo from his dyed hair.

"It's okay, I suppose." Jurek shook a little extra water from his face before facing Lenka. "Its kind of hard to stay mad at you while your naked."

Lenka could help but grin as he took his turn under the running water, his fingers kneading into short coat as he rinsed the clean smelling suds out. "Yeah, but I still feel bad ya' know? You warned me against this an-" Lenka yelped sharply, his head jerking back toward his brother. He felt a strong paw grip his tail stub, while something thick and warm and familiar nudged against the curve of his rump. Lenka turned around, tugging away from his brother's paw before looking up at the bigger dog with a smile.

"Couldn't resist." Jurek mumbled as he looked down at himself, his member swollen and hard, his foreskin tugged back against his crown of his head.

"It's okay." Lenka's shaft stiffened quickly at the sight of his twin's erection, his own foreskin still covering the thick tip of his cock.

"Remember what we used to do when dad worked late?" Jurek's voice was low and deep as he placed a paw against his brother's arm, pulling the younger dog closer. Their shafts pressed together, trapped between the Rottweiler's muscular stomachs. Lenka shuddered softly and bucked his hips against Jurek's before bringing his paws between them, all ten fingers curling around the twin shafts.

"Yeah, I remember...You always did like handjobs." Chuckled the younger dog before squeezing their shafts together, the warm water making them slick and hard to hold.

"That's because I like doing this." Jurek held the back of his brothers neck softly before pulling his into a deep kiss, their broad tongues easily finding their way into the others maw. Lenka's paws began to move in quick, long stokes over the nearly identical shafts, fueled by the surge of adrenaline from the passionate kiss. The rotties grunted and moaned but the lust filled noises were muffled by their own maws and the sound of water raining down around them. The scent of soap was strong but the musk of their fervent play grew stronger with each grip and fondle of Lenka's skilled paws.

With the risk of them being caught dispelled, Jurek grew comfortable in his brothers hands, then bold. Still locked in the needy kiss, he turned and pushed Lenka's back into the wall, growling deeply into his muzzle before pulling his lips away. Lenka's tail wagged excitedly, coaxing his brother to relax and let loose, in both senses of the word.

"The big dog gonna cum?" Lenka teased, running his tongue over his brother's sensitive neck, as his paws jerked them both faster.

"Yeeeah." Jurek shuddered hard and arched his back, his head raised as he struggled to suppress a howl building as fast as his climax was.

"Me too..."Lenka nudged his forehead against his brother's chest to watch the bigger rottie orgasm. The climax was short but terribly satisfying as Jurek's cock swelled before shooting thick rockets of cum against both of their torsos, clean black and tan fur was made messy again as the member pulsed between them. Lenka wasn't far behind his brother, his own shaft jerking hard before spurting even more creamy white seed between them, filling in the places his brother's load might have missed. In between soft pants and silly chuckles the brothers licked at each other playfully , left drunk from the pleasure of orgasming together .

"Damnit...Why do you always shoot more than me?" Jurek asked as he slowly loosened his grip on his little brother's neck and arm, looking down the mess they made. He could always pick out Lenka's seed, it was thin and a little watery, but there was always a lot of it.

"Dun know. Same reason why yours is thicker and tastes better?" Lenka's muzzle broke into a grin as he watched the still running water sweep their collective seed down the drain. "So, feel better? Not so angry?"

Jurek smiled and shook his head before pouring more soap into his paw to scrub out any stray white in his fur. <No, I'm not angry. I still love you, little pup.>

Lenka's tail stub began wagging faster as he copied his brother, a small shudder running up his spine. <I love you too, big dog.>

Camping, The Right Way.

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