Sketch Story: Christmas 'Cheer'

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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What happens to a dog that drinks a little too much at a Christmas party? Well, I don't know for sure this story might be a pretty good guess!

Just a small gift to my watchers, enjoy folks.

The traditional holiday scents of pine and gingerbread and booze still lingered in the air as the huge Saint Bernard roused from his heavy sleep. The world seemed darker than normal, and his big ears felt unseasonably warm but with a short huff he tugged his flat cap over his orange eyes to look around. The dog was in an unfamiliar bedroom, lying in an unfamiliar bed, only slightly confused as to how he ended up there. The party hadn't been that wild, some eating, some gift giving, some heavy drinking, all normal things for a Christmas party. With a low grunt he stretched the sleep and soreness from his thick, fluffy frame before tossing his legs over the side of the bed. Bleary eyes glanced between his bare feet, the sight of a used condom greeting him. His sleep and drink addled mind chugged toward a reason as to why there was a tied-off condom on the floor, looking curiously like his preferred brand and appearing to be in his normal size. A hefty paw came to rub at his fuzzy balls as he considered the solution.

"Oh...Hell." He mumbled as he shook the haze from his head, picking up the rubber gingerly and walking it over to was seemed to be a trash can. It was, and the dog could only tell by the sight of a half dozen red and silver foil wrappers adorned with the 'Red Bone' logo, under it were the words 'Knotty and nice, holiday edition" that meant they had a sweet, peppermint flavored lube on them. The St. Bernard groaned internally at the lame pun before dropping the filled condom in alongside the five others that he had the sense to toss away too before turning back to the bed. The sight of another body snuggled into the covers of the bed didn't shock him as much as it should have, if he had used condoms, he got laid and you don't normally do that alone...Normally.

The huge dog leaned over the bed and slowly tugged back the blankets, grinning as the sleeping face of a familiar Bernese mountain dog appeared, his best friend. The Saint's bed mate was his breed's normal colors but in place of the white on his muzzle, there was a warm shade of yellow, like someone had dipped his muzzle into a pot of honey. For some reason or another, the sight of the golden snout made St. Bernard's loins stir and member stiffen. The other dog was naked save for the light brown harness he wore on his chest, the saint grinned wider as he remembered their costume, they were supposed to be sled dogs. He shook the other dog awake, watching the smaller canine's green eyes flicker open.

"Mmgh..." Muttered the mountain dog, wincing from the sunlight flooding the window.

"Morning to you too." Rumbled the Saint.

"My tail hurts; I'm guessing that's your fault?" Said the sleepy dog, pushing himself into a seated position before noticing the strip of leather clutched in his paw. He pulled the strip from under the sheets, holding up a thick, brown collar with a small wooden keg attached to it. The St. Bernard found that his shaft swelled to full hardness as he looked at the collar, it had been a gift from the dog holding it. The mountain dog smiled warmly as he reached up and strapped the collar around his friend's neck before his newly freed paws curled around the tumescent rod of flesh standing at attention between the bigger dog's legs.

"Yeah, I think so." The Saint spoke causally as he reached for one of the unopened red and silver foil packets lying innocently on the bedside table, handing it off to the other dog."Maybe I was too rough?"

"I don't think so, I think I might have been wagging it too hard." Said the mountain dog, tearing open the condom with his teeth then rolling the sheath of latex over his friend's thick shaft, the Saint letting out a soft bark as the cool rubber quickly warmed against his hot flesh and the scent of peppermint filled his nose. "Where's your harness?"

The larger dog looked around the room, it was a bit of a mess, discarded clothes left in a messy pile on the floor and some furniture was knocked over or totally out of place, it seems last night was more fun than the remembered."I'll find it later, you can grab this though." The Saint said, pointing as his newly acquired collar before unceremoniously pushing his friend onto his back. The Bernese mountain dog barked and smiled wider as his spread his legs, his own uncut shaft rising in anticipation as the bigger dog settled between his thighs. The Saint's probing member found its mark, pushing into the mountain's dog's aching hole, drawing a low groan from both dogs.

Despite the dull pain, the Bernese found himself reaching for the top dog's collar, tugging his friend down until their foreheads touched, the bigger dog's hat falling away. The Saint barked softly before sinking his entire cock into other canine's tunnel, the entrance thankfully still slick from the night before. Their breaths became short, gruff pants as the Saint rolled his hips back again, tugging half of his length out before shoving himself back into his buddy harder than his initial penetration, then again and again. The bigger dog's paws gripped the other's harness, panting loudly as he watched the mountain dog though narrowed, and orange eyes. There was part of him that loved to watch the mountain dog try to take his fat shaft. His hold on the leather straps aided his thrusts, plunging his cock deeper into the bottom dog who winced and wined as he was soundly drilled into the haphazardly tossed away sheets.

"Rrruff...So you remember...What happened last night?" Grunted the St. Bernard between low gasps for breath as he continued to pound his cock into the Bernese.

"Ah...Aaah...Something...A lot like this?" Replied the honey muzzled mountain dog in breathless pants, yanking at the keg collar to pull the top dog into a quick and messy kiss. "Fuck...Almost there..."

The Saint only bowed his head and grunted as one paw released the harness to clutch the Bernese's plush rump, gripping tightly as he jack hammered his friend to a messy finish. Four pairs of ears swayed and flopped with the pair's rough movements before the bottom dog arched his back, pressing the top of his head into mattress before convulsing hard, paws tightening around the thick leather band buckled around the Saint's neck. The bigger dog couldn't suppress the lusty growl rumbling from his chest as he felt the mountain dog's cock pulse hard before shooting a few hot ropes of thick, musky seed between their shaggy bellies.

"Rrrrrh! That's its..." Grunted the St. Bernard before thrusting himself as deep as he could into his friend's quivering tailhole, barking loudly as his cock jerked then letting out a long howl. He emptied whatever cum his heavy balls might have produced while his was unconscious, forgetting he had a condom on until he felt something warm rush over his twitching dick. Slowly the dogs came down from their orgasmic high, spending the last of their seed and panting hard with each other while they enjoyed the warm afterglow. A pair of fluffy arms curled around the Saint's neck, subduing the big dog with head rubs and ear scratches.

"Ahh...Who's my good boy?" Mumbled the Bernese with a huge grin as he rubbed his honey colored muzzle against the St. Bernard's black one.

"Oh hush up..." Muttered the bigger dog, wrapping his thick arms around the other's middle, giving a warm squeeze before letting out a gruff bark. "So...Good Christmas party huh?"

"I would say so." The Bernese said with a light chuckle, finally catching his breath and nuzzling his head into his friend's thickly furred chest. The Saint laughed himself before dragging his broad tongue over the honey muzzle.

"Alright little dawg, can I pull out now?" The Saint's question was met with a whine then a playful nod, the mountain dog loosening his hold on him. Slowly, the bigger dog drew his cock free from the warm and suckling hole, gasping as he carefully tugged the rubber off his stiff cock, carefully tying the end closed and trapping his milky white seed inside. Tossing away his used condom with the others, the Saint flopped back into the bed that wasn't his, tugging the other dog close to him. Both dogs cuddled close to one another, the Saint's eyes closed as he waited for his member to soften while the mountain dog's looked idly around the room.

"Uh...Hey, isn't this Biscuits' room?" Mused the mountain dog, rubbing at his beard softly before the sound of a door opening made them both jump. A short furred, top heavy mutt with a yellow Mohawk and an idiotic grin appeared in the door way, holding a camera to his eye.

"Oh, hell...It is." The saint said before the beep of the camera froze the image of the two dogs, naked and looking less the photo ready with their thick fur matted with sweat and cum.

"Merry Christmas, boys!" The mutt said with a loud fit of laughter as he slammed the door behind him.

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