Brothers: Chapter Five, He Ain't Heavy.

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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#5 of Brothers

Ah fall, the leaves start to change, the weather gets nippy, your twin brother doesn't have an excuse to walk around half naked anymore...Wait, that doesn't happen to everyone?

Characters and Lenka's cooking belong to myself and NoodleBeast (

Lenka's toes curled tightly, his chest rising and falling with quiet pants while he kept a death grip on his sheets, doing his best not to make too much noise but, he couldn't keep in a few low grunts of joy.

"J-Jurek."He said in a heavy whisper, his breathing was labored as he clutched tighter at his sheets. "I'm gonna cum."

Lenka looked down at his brother though half lidded eyes, watching the older dog's muzzle bob slowly up and down in his lap. Jurek flicked an ear and nodded softly around the member trapped between his lips, letting his thick tongue roll softly against the underside of his twin's manhood. The younger dog tensed hard for a moment before climaxing, letting free a hushed howl while he shot watery volleys of cum against the roof of his older brother's mouth. Jurek opened an eye to glance up at his brother, watching the Rottweiler seize up before shooting his load.

The orgasm was quick but satisfying for the younger dog, leaving him panting louder with a wide grin plastered on his muzzle. Jurek swallowed before reluctantly letting his brother's cock free from his muzzle, watching the musky and now wet shaft soften against Lenka's thigh.

"Oh man, you're the best at that." Lenka groaned as he flopped back against his bed, sprawling out against the mess of blankets and sheets. His bed was in a greater state of disarray then it normally was and he blamed his older brother. They decided to take a risk and slept together the night before, though getting some rest was the last thing on their minds but, their romp had to be quiet.

"I know." Jurek said with a cocky grin despite his cheeks feeling warm under his fur. He rose to his feet, his own erection standing hard before him, a few beads of pre getting caught in his foreskin. Despite the fun they had last night, Jurek still felt a pang of neediness in his gut. His brother's paws were warm and knew all the right places to touch and rub and his muzzle was moist and begging to be filled yet that desire still gnawed at him.

"No, I mean like...Really good. If there was a fucking contest, you would win. Hands down." Said Lenka, pushing himself upright again after catching his breath. "Last night was pretty awesome too, it sucks we couldn't...'Ya know."

"Agreed." Jurek said with a low huff, walking to his brother's dresser and pulling out a jet black jockstrap, carefully tucking his softening cock back into the pouch as he put it on. That was the need nagging at him, he hadn't taken his brother in a long while, too long for his tastes.

"That looks good on you. So, heading to work?" Lenka asked, suppressing his whine.

"Yeah, have to prepare for the first day of school so we have to check all the systems and make sure we aren't missing anything." Jurek wanted to whine too but resisted. "I should be back around four."

"Gimme a hug then." Lenka said, holding out his arms and smiling wide.

"Lenka, I have to take a quick shower, get dressed and eat something in the next twenty-five, I don't want to be late." Groaned Jurek, glancing at the clock.

"And you just wasted forty seconds explaining that when you could be giving me a hug." Lenka wiggled his fingers, his arms still outstretched.

"Your 'hugs' normally lead to making out." Jurek crossed his arms over his bare chest, but his docked tail wagged slowly.

"You know, this is all time that could be spent hugging me goodbye."

"Ugh fine." The older rottie groaned before reaching down to pull his twin brother into a tight hug, a deep rumble rising from his throat as he felt a pair of lip press against his.


Jurek's stomach growled angrily at him as he pulled into the college parking lot. He was forced to rush his shower, throw on an outfit and skip breakfast, all due to a dog with a blue Mohawk. He found a spot next to a familiar pickup truck and parked beside it.

Red Sands College was a small school, its handful of buildings spread apart with grassy lawns and shady trees in-between. At the center of the campus was the library, a tall structure that seemed to be made of only stucco pillars and glass. The campus was mostly abandoned; only Jurek and a small handful of faculty roamed around, but in a week's time the campus would be bustling with students new and old attending for the fall semester.

Jurek had resisted breaking into a sprint but nervously checked his phone, the meeting should have started at ten o'clock and it was already nine fifty-five. The silently cursed himself for allowing his brother to make him late as he started to jog toward the library. The pneumatic glass doors slid open as he approached, the building greeting him with the smell of old paper. The scent was oddly calming to the dog, his tail stub wag slowly as he checked his phone again, the lock screen reading '9:59.'

"Well ain't this a surprise." Drawled a familiar voice, making the dog's ears perk and his tail stop. "An' here I thought you were gonna be late for once." A muscular bison in a black flannel shirt approached Jurek, his height and girth rivaling the rottie's.

"Well damn, if you beat me here then I must be late." Lenka said with a smirk, holding out a fist toward the bison. "How's it going, Shag?"

The bison bumped his fist softly against the Rottweiler's before bringing his free hand up to scratch at his forehead, his brow furrowing under his fingers. "Not lookin' forward to next week, I can tell you that."

"It's not that bad, I figured you would be too busy trolling for freshmen to notice." Jurek said with a smirk as elbowed Shag lightly in his ribs before making his way to the front desk.

"Aww, do I hear a hint of jealousy?" Shag teased, his heavy voice going up an octave as he followed close behind.

"Yeah, whatever." Jurek said as he looked around, his ears flicking softly to the side. Besides himself and Shag, the library looked and sounded empty. "Where is everyone?"

"Oh, no one else has shown up yet. Just you an' me, buddy." Shag said with a huff, crossing his arms and leaning heavily against the front desk.

"Are you kidding?" Said Jurek with a scowl as he thought back to his brother. "I could have eaten breakfast."

"Lenka made you late, didn't he?" Jurek didn't have to look at the bison to know that Shag had a stupid grin on his face. "What did he do this time? I bet it was hot."

Jurek stiffened, it was still a little weird that Shag knew about him and Lenka but, the bison took it surprisingly well. "Nothing much." Jurek evaded the question with a shrug before making himself comfortable behind the counter.

"Cut that shit out and give me some details will ya'?" Shag turned toward the dog, his grey eyes meeting Jurek's gold ones, burrowing deep and trying to wheedle an answer out of him. The sudden whir of the pneumatic door opening made them both jump, the rottie saved by the late arrival of his other coworkers.

Lenka whistled loudly as he trotted up the steps leading to Red Sand's library, an insulated bag clutched in his left paw while he typed out as messaged on his phone with the right. He took a seat at the stone picnic tables in the shadow of the two story building, waiting with a smile on his muzzle. He didn't have to wait for long though, the sight of his grumpy looking brother making his smile wider.

"What is it, Lenka? I was kinda in the middle of something, you know, having a job." Jurek grumbled as he approached. Lenka said nothing; he only reached into the bag beside him and pulled out a fork and glass dish with lid.

"What's this?" Jurek raised a brow, taking the still warm dish and opening it slowly. The scent of poultry, cream sauce and pepper filled his nose and made the older rottie's mouth water. "You made me fettuccine alfredo?" Jurek said, his expression instantly softening as he took the fork and sat across from his brother, wasting little time shoveling the tender pasta into his maw.

"I felt a bit guilty about making you miss breakfast so I decided to make you something special for lunch." Lenka said cheerfully as he took another dish out for himself, watching the other rottie eat voraciously.

"Thank you, how did you get out here? Oh God, this it so good, Lenka." Jurek said between bites, barely looking up at his sibling.

"The bus, and thanks, I tried something new with the sauce." Just as Lenka was starting on his own pasta, Jurek was licking his bowl clean. "Jeez, slow down a bit, didn't eat the fork did you?

Jurek whined a bit as he set his empty bowl down, frowning slightly as he realized there was none left. "It was really good."

Lenka, smiled again before pulling another dish out of the bag and placing it before his brother. Jurek's eyes lit up before he tore into second portion, forcing himself to slow down after a few bites.

"Hey, you know that girl you like, Cody right?" Lenka asked with a mouthful of pasta. "Does she have red hair?" The question was enough to make Jurek stop eating and look up at his brother, his brow raised as he licked any sauce from his lips.


"yellow eyes?"


"Really fuckin' hot?"

"Heh, yeah, she's pretty hot."

"I'm glad you said yes because she's right behind you." Lenka said as he pointed with his fork.

Jurek tensed before turning quickly, nearly spilling his bowl. He was met with the sight of a lean female panther standing over him, her dark red hair falling past her shoulders and a sly smile on her face.

"Oh fuck." Jurek hissed sharply between his teeth. "I mean, hey Cody. How much of that did you hear?" The older rottie's ears folded against his head, feeling like his heart was pounding in his throat.

"Enough to make you feel embarrassed. I came to pay for my classes but, I didn't realize I would see you here, Jurek." Cody said coolly, brushing a lock of hair from her face. "Oh, you got a little..." She motioned to her chin, as if she was stroking a fake beard.

"Oh!"Lenka quickly took the collar of his shirt and tugged it up over his chin to wipe away any stray sauce, suddenly realizing he looked like a slob after he let his shirt go.

"I have napkins." Said Lenka quietly as he pulled a few from the bag beside him and handed them off to his brother.

Cody chuckled softly before turning to Lenka. "Jurek said he had a brother, he never mentioned you guys were twins though." Cody inhaled slowly, taking the scent of the warm fettuccine alfredo. "But he did say you were a great chef, that smells amazing."

"Thank you! I have a bit more if you want to stay." Lenka said with his best smile.

Cody shook her head polity and frowned slightly. "Nah, I really want to but, I have a few more things I need to get done."

"Then you'll have to come over for dinner some time, I insist." Said Lenka, a smile still on his muzzle despite feeling his brother glaring daggers at him

"You don't have to if-"

"That sounds awesome, I would love to." Cody said over Jurek her smile returning. "I have to head off but, Jurek has my number. Just let me know when and where."

"Alright then, nice to meet you, Cody." Lenka extended paw.

"Nice to me you too, Lenka." The panther took the Rottweiler's paw and shook it before leaving the way she came. "I'll see you guys soon!"

The twin rotties sat in relative silence, Lenka finished his meal while Jurek tried to light him on fire with just his eyes. The younger dog finally looked up at his brother, a grin plastered on his muzzle.

"So, enjoy your lunch?" Lenka asked with a low chuckle.

"I...Am going to kick your ass."

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