Around the world 4

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Steam Punk

Cameron and Vander are up to more mischievous things

Around the world

Steam Punk 4

The Zebracorn paused for breath, looking out over the assembled audience of learn furs. Noting the looks of disapproval, disbelief, and open hostility on the muzzles of so many. Only a few muzzles look excepting, far fewer inquisitive and only one looked understanding. "Hard to understand I know, and even harder to believe yet let us remember new ideas, genuine new thoughts are often derided and held up for ridicule..." The Zebracorn warned the nay sayers in his audience even as more and more of them frowned. "At first, however once they come into common use, become common knowledge we think how could those fools have not seen." Vander smiled and winked at him from the stage wings as Cameron took a drink of water to wet his throat. Even as the hall full of learned well dressed furs jeered at him among themselves, muttering and laughing at the thoughts he'd just shared with them.

"Rubbish... complete and utter Rubbish! Waves of twin-polar force... magnetic resonance collection and redirection... Humbug and Hocus Pocus." A deep voice rumbled from the front row as lord Sussex the dean of Engineering stood up. The massive Hippopotamus grasping the lapels of his finely tailor frock coat. "You claim to have machines that utilize this power... machine that can bend steel or heat it red hot. And yet you will not let any scientific body examine these machines... indeed or even examine detailed drawings of their mechanisms."

"I will gladly demonstrative my motors to any scientific body who cares to come to my laboratory." Cameron countered as forcefully as he could, even as the scoffing audience grew louder. "I will not however give the secrets of my designs out willy-nilly to any and all who ask to see them. Firstly that would not me financially wise, nor do I think safe for the general public. Make no mistake the power I have harnessed, in the wrong paws could do greater damage to this world than any discovery as yet made."

"Your machines will destroy us all? Hah... pardon me my lord Dumbarton, but that seems more the fanciful ravings of a mad male. Hardly the concern of an august body of scientific pursuit, but more for the good Doctors of Bedlam."

"When Coal was discovered... the burners of peat scoffed, who would delve so deep into the earth. Risk such danger, spent their fortunes in so mad an endeavor. When Peat was just laying there for the taking, it was in use for centuries; safe and easy to dig. Now however our world runs on Coal, it heats our homes, powers train, ship's, Zeppelins."

"All based on time honored principals of mechanical engineering... But that of which you speak sounds more like magic than principals of mechanical engineering." The Hippo turned and favored the audience with an amused smirk, even as numerous voice joined him in mockery.

"I have equipped an airship with my motors... and fully intend to circumnavigate the globe. I shall do so without the need of Coal or any other type fuel, and anyone from the august body who wishes to do so may accompany me as I do." The Zebracorn shouted back at his detractors, even as the hall clamored louder at this announcement. Arguments breaking out amongst the watchers now, at the Zebracorns offer was repeated.

"And pray tell my lord when will this... expedition be taking place?" A voice called out from the back of the hall, Cameron noting the speaker. A handsome young Lion who looked more like some rich nobleman's son than professor or other academic.

"As soon as possible." Cameron answered at once, Vander could clearly see that the Zebracorn's blood was up. "The week after next... however I will give any gentlefur who wishes to come sufficient time to put his affairs in order before the extended journey."

"And you expect us all to just drop all of our own affairs, to join you on this mad endeavor." Lord Sussex snorted incredulously, as he stamped a single hard hoof on the polish floor.

"Hardly my lord... I expect you all to go to blazes, while I stride confidently into the future." Cameron snapped, turning his back on the disbelieving audience and striding over the the shocked red Stag. "Shall we go... there is no point in staying here any longer."

"Assuredly." Vander snorted as he lead the way down the isle, and towards the hall exit. While the audience dissolved into shouting and argument, even as voices demanded to know how to sign up for the journey.

"Telegraph my secretary, and we will return instruction." Cameron shouted back over the din, even as the pair slipped out of the hall and towards their waiting carriage.

"Around the world by airship. And when did you plan to tell me about that?" Vander asked, as he watched the Zebracorns shiny black lip's rolled up into a smile.

"You heard about it at the same moment I did actually." Cameron chuckled ruefully as he leaned back in the carriage seat and looked slightly sick. "I suppose I shall have to make plans for it now, I'll have my secretary look into it in the morning. Luckily I doubt we shall have to leave anytime soon, those old bastards love to make fun. But there is damn few of them that will pass up the chance, whether its to prove my madness or be there for any success I might have."


"The Equestrian club... how quaint. I think I shall feel very much at home here indeed." The Zebracorn chuckled reading the small weathered brass placard, as Vander led him down the six nine steps to the under ground entrance. Pressing the button, the red Stag grunted into the brass speaking tube.

"Don't spare the crop." A weathered grate slid open and a bright pair of eyes looked the tall masculine pair over.

"Enter brothers... to ride or be ridden." A deep surprisingly authoritarian voice snorted, as the door swung open wide. The Stag and Zebracorn stepped in out of the cold night air, to be greeted by a thick bodied older sergeant-major. The grizzled older stallion smiled at the pair in obvious delight, as he ushered them through the entryway. Down a short dark hallway and into the club proper, of course what was going on in the club was hardly proper behavior. Gentlefurs mostly of Equine and Cervine descent were drinking and carousing in various states of undress. Mostly younger military males most prominently of the well known horse guard. They flamboyant uniforms tailored to display health fit young bodies to the upper most favor.

"Hehehe." Cameron nickered in delight as he looked around the club, noting all the sleek sexy male bodies. "Very much at home here indeed." The Zebracorn chuckled as he removed his bow tie, and opening his formal shirt to the waist. Even as he tossed the tie into his top hat, and then handed it his over coat and cane off to the coat check boy.

"Vander!" A powerful voice shouted across the room and a pair of tall young black stallions charged over. Shaking the red Stag's hand and clapping him on the back heartily for a moment as they greeted each other.

"Darcy, Corwin." Vander greeted the two silky black equines delightedly as he guided Cameron into the group. "I'd like for you to meet my new friend Cameron the earl of DunBarton." The red Stag introduced as the sleek striped stallion dropped into a graceful sweeping bow.

"Gentle furs." Cameron greeted in his most reserved and courtly voice, before flashing the brothers a lewd knowing smile.

"My Lord..." The pair greeted in return, both bowing as courtly and effortless as the Zebracorn had. Before sharing that lewd knowing smile with their new acquaintance. "Lord Stripy-Butt." Corwin teased, the two black studs leered together as they pushed in examining the newcomer more intimately. Big three fingered hands roaming over his sleek chest, as long slotted nostrils flared wide. Taking in the Zebracorn's sweet musky male scent, as the four males sharing gentle caress's.

"And don't spare the crop." Cameron replied, making the soldiers roar with laughter and fondle him more aggressively.

"I see why you like him." Darcy commented to Vander with a big white toothed smile, as the Zebracorn returned they're fondles with teasing tickles.

"You've not seen the half of it yet." Vander snickered, as he watched his three favorite equines explore and examine one another inquisitively. Catching a passing waiter the Stag ordered them all drinks, when his eye caught on another newcomer. The blue Bull was looking around in wonder and slight discomfort, as he took a seat at a empty table near the door. His suit through well cut was ill fitting, and the red Stag's practiced eye noticed a bulge behind the Nilgai's right hip. It was also not in keeping with the uniforms and evening wear of most of the other patrons. While it was clear the blue Bull had a certain military bearing, it was also obvious he'd not been an officer. "Have you ever seen that Nilgai in here before?" Vander discretely asked the pony waiter, who was watching the three bigger equines lustfully.

"Ammm wha... him no sir." The waiter stammered, as he realized he'd been caught looking and blushed a bit. Vander lay a bundle of francs in the waiters hand, and smiled knowingly.

"Once you get our drinks, why don't you go and try to get to know him better." The red Stag ordered, making it plain this wasn't just a suggestion the extra money in the bundle helping to keep the waiter from arguing. Obviously this wasn't a request that the waiter hadn't gotten before, most likely from the fathers or older brothers of young wall flowers.

"I'll see to it sir." The pony promised as he eyed the Nilgai again, a blush of delighted anticipation coloring his pink nose.

"So when did you get back in London?" Darcy asked as the foursome took over a corner table.

"And how didn't you find the delightful Lord stripy-butt?" Corwin added, as he lean in nibbling on the Zebracorn's long donkey like ear whispering certain plans he had for that stripy-butt. Cameron laughing merrily, as he listened to the most delightfully lurid things the handsome black stud had in mind for me.

"Well as you may know the admiralty is drastically reducing forces, now that England is no longer part of the imperial. Without Frances backing the navy has fallen upon hard times indeed, so only the most junior and senior officers were retained." Vander explained, even though the stallion's were only half listening to him. "As for Lord stripy-butt he's an old family friend who is given me a place to stay, in exchange for certain... services." The red Stag finished, making the twin brothers roar with laughter and clap his shoulder heartily again.

"I bet we can guess what services those are." Darcy chuckled lewdly, as he looked over the Stags new evening wear with a smirk.

"Oi and you must have gotten better at it if he's bought you these fine things." Corwin teased good-naturally as he fingered the fine tail coat and crisp white linen tuxedo shirt.

"It's more in the nature of security services." Vander explained, much to the amusement of the brother who were having as merry a time as they'd had in ages. As they're drinks arrived, Vander pulled the pony waiter aside instructing him for a second.

"See he's not any better at rutting than he use to be." Darcy joined his brother in teasing the Red Stag, who punched him playfully in the shoulder. Even as Cameron assured them he was quite pleased with Vanders rutting abilities. Drawing more lewd guffaws from the black stallions, as they nuzzled that sexy striped equine. The stage show starting even as the foursome in the booth ignored it, far to enthralled by one another to pay attention.

"But I didn't order any Champagne." The Nilgai protested, as the little pony waiter smiled at him pleasantly.

"Oh the Champagne is for me sir." The sexy little pony explained only making the blue Bull look more confused. As the pony dropped to his knee's and slid under the table, an instant later the Nilgai jerks and looks down sharply. As the little pony unbuttons his trousers, and draws the Nilgai's hefty genitals out.

"But I... I didn't ord... Errr." The blue Bull grunted his eyes flying open wider, as the waiter began working. That soft hot mouth kissing his sheath, long equine tongue delving inside to caress that flaccid member. "Wha... wha... wait..." The Nilgai protested weakling glancing around, startled to see that no one was paying him any special attention. Until Vander caught his eye, sharing a knowing grin with him the red Stag lifted his drink in mock salute. The blue Bull's muzzle looking decidedly red now, as he looked back uncomfortably. "Ummm... Ummm..." He moaned, as the pony's soft mobile lip's suckled that rapidly hardening cock from it's sheath.

Standing up Vander excused himself from the three equines, and ambled over to the Nilgai's booth. Sitting down opposite him, the big red Stag leaned forwards and looked the blue Bull in the eyes. "This really isn't your kind of place is it?" Vander asked softly, as he heard sucking noises coming up through the table top.

"I... I'm sure I... I don't know what you mean." The Nilgai stammered his voice sounding both sharp and nervous, but at the same time subdued by the pleasure between his legs. Vanders smile grew wider, as he watched the obviously straight Bull enjoy his first gay sexual experience.

"Hahah... you look almost as comfortable as a fish out of water... almost." The red Stag observed, reaching over to caress the blue Bull's cheek. Making him jerk back involuntarily, this drawing another soft chuckle from the Stag. "When you are spying on someone, you must not look out of place. Even when you are in a place you've never been nor wanted to be, like another males mouth." The Nilgai's hand dropped to his side, heading towards that bulge behind his right hip. The red Stag's hoof pushed against the waiters back, and the blue Bull's eyes flew open wide. As something icy cold and metal suddenly pushed up against his testicles. "If you draw that revolver we will be forced to say goodbye to your male hood."

"Oho gods..." The Nilgai moaned, even as the little pony's suckling lip's and tongue pushed him closer and closer to orgasm.

"And we both know your really enjoying being a male right now." The red Stag smirked, even as the blue Bull lay his hands back on the table top. Squirming and panting for breath as the waiter worked hard to get him off. "Now who are you working for?" Vander demanded making the Nilgai squirm even more uncomfortably. "Now... now don't make my associate scramble your eggs." The red Stag snarled nudging the pony again, making him punch that hard metal tube against those fat nuts harder.

"Dar... Darius." The blue Bull stammered, as he felt the gun barrel punch into his quivering genitals again.

"Cape Buffalo?" Vander asked with a frown, as the blue Bull nodded his head gulping for air. "But who is he working for?"

"I don't... don't know... he... he never discus's... just calls us when he needs things done." The Nilgai moaned licking his lips and leaning back in his chair obviously nearing his peak. Vander frowned, but of course it made sense the blue Bull was just a hired underling.

"Ok here is what is going to happen..." Vander grunted, aggressively leaning across the table to look deep into the Nilgai's eyes. "Your going to cum hard in a males mouth... tuck your things back into your trousers. And leave this club, if I ever see you again I'll make sure you never cum again." He made the little pony jam the metal spoon handle into the blue Bull's nuts again. "Return to your boss tell him you were discovered and inform him I know who he is." Vander watched the blue Bull pale as he heard that, clearly he was afraid of the Buffalo. But at least he was semi sure that Darius wouldn't geld him.

"Ummm but... Ummmmm gods... I'm cumming." The Nilgai moaned loudly leaning back, hips bucking as the pony sucked him dry. When he opened his eyes a moment later, the red Stag was back at his own table. And the pony waiter was sliding out from under the table a wide smile on his muzzle.

"Yumm that was good... thank you for the Champagne sir." The little waiter breathed, licking his lip's as he stood up and handed the Nilgai a napkin to dry himself with.

"Uhem... Uhem your... your welcomed." The blue Bull choked, shoving his spent genitals back into his trousers and hurrying away in humiliation and embarrassment.

"What was that all about?" Corwin asked as Vander rejoined them, taking a drink of his gin and tonic.

"One of the fellas who has been tasked with keep a watch on us." Vander explained, as he turned to Cameron so serious now even the twins sobered a bit.

"Do you know anyone named Darius... a Cape Buffalo?"

"No, but a Cape Buffalo was the leader of the bunch who waylayed Danial and I, when they stole my schematics." The Zebracorn recalled, forcing his mind away from the two huge equine cocks he was teasing with his hands.

"So he is most likely an agent for some higher power." The red Stag postulated, as the twins began to realize things were not as lighthearted as they had thought.

"Agent for a higher power?" Darcy snorted, looking at his old friend more seriously. "I thought you were out of military intelligence."

"I am..." Vander grunted, thinking about his uncle and wondering if he'd accidentally agreed to reenter it by moving in with Cameron. "But Lord stripy-butt has powerful enemies it seems." The red Stag snorted trying to lighten the mood, but the mood had been broken.

"In here... in The Equestrian club." Corwin spat as he climbed to his hooves, that mighty black organ still dangling from the open crotch of his uniform trousers. Angrily he stomped off across the club, intent on having a sharp word with the door man. While Darcy led them into the back of the club, opening a secret wall panel behind the bar. Behind them they could hear Corwin yelling at the older door man, who was protesting that the Nilgai had known the password. "From this day forwards if the person is not known to you... or the guest of someone known to you they are to be permitted entry." Corwin roared as Darcy lead them up a set of dark stairs, and then through a series of narrow twisting hallways.

They emerged into a males athletic club almost half a block away, the young military males obviously needing a place to flee if the Equestrian club was raided. Which had never happened, but when one lived a secret life such things were always planned for. The Molly house's were far more high profile, and had been raided by the metropolitan police more than once. The nude or towel clad health club members hardly noticed, as the well dressed trio passed through the steamy hallways. And then up yet another set of stairs, into the private offices of the health club. Which of course was managed by the same furs who secretly ran the Equestrian club, with which it was connected.

Darcy sat them in huge comfortable leather bound chairs in front of a roaring fire, pouring them all a brandy. As moments later, a still disturbed Corwin stamped into the room taking a seat with them. "Perhaps now you can tell us what this is really all about." The big black stallion demanded, as his brother handed him a half full Brandy snifter.

"Honestly we'd just stopped by for an enjoyable evening." Cameron began, even as the black stallion's eyes shifted to Vander. The red Stag winced as those eyes bore into him, and then cleared his throat and took a long drink.

"Well... to be honest I thought if we had powerful enemies, it wouldn't hurt to have some well connected and skilled friends." The red Stag confessed, making both the twin's and Zebracorn flash him a nasty look.

"I told you I don't want to involve any government agency's in my private affairs." Cameron snapped angrily as the twin's looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Corwin and Darcy are old friends of mine, and would not be working in any official capacity." Vander countered flashing them all his must innocent look, even as the twins lip's began to curl up at the corners. "They can both fight and shoot very well, and beside they're two of the sexiest males your likely to meet." The red Stag went on, piling on the flattery as he saw smiles spreading on those lovely equine lip's.

"Well I..." The Zebracorn stammered for a moment finding no way to refute the Stags arguments. "What I mean to say is of course there is no denying that. However putting others in danger just to... I am... We are.... perfectly capable of looking out for ourselves."

"Well that is pretty obvious." Corwin smirked, as he watched the flustered Zebracorn try to argue with the Stag.

"Vander did handle that fellow pretty discretely." Darcy observed, sharing a smirk with his brother; who smiled back.

"And amusingly from what I saw... he was a straight boy wasn't he Vander?" Corwin asked with a lewd chortle, that seemed to break the tension in the room.

"Use to be..." Vander snickered, as he thought about the Nilgai's muzzle as he was cumming into that pony's mouth.

"Hahaha..." The four of them shared a laugh, as they thought about the young blue Bull having his first gay experience.

"So tell us the full story." Corwin demanded as the four of them shared a drink, gently coaxing the Zebracorn and red Stag to completely explain.


"Spotted you..." The massive Cape Buffalo snarled, whipping a huge back hand across the Nilgai's handsome muzzle. Leaving the blue Bull's lip and left nostril oozing blood, and the handsome Nilgai looking even more uncomfortable. As he explained what had happened to him in the Club, and what the red Stag had said to him.

"And... and he said he knew your name was Darius." The Nilgai stammered, as the huge Buffalo turned to glance at him intensely once again.

"How did he know that?" Darius demanded slowly, as he eyed the uncomfortable blue Bull darkly.

"I... I don't know." He lied, fearing Darius would harm him even more if he knew the Nilgai had named him.

"Get out of my sight." The big Buffalo snorted angrily, as he stalked back and forth in the small shabby pubs back room. Once the Nilgai had exited, Darius turned to Alistair the big Gorilla who was the second in command.

"We need someone who can move in the Zebracorn's shirt-lifters circle." The Gorilla snorted and shook his head, as he thought about all the thugs he knew.

"Shirt-lifters are easy enough to come by... one that moves in his circle could be more trouble however." Darius grunted, as he looked around the room.

"Them high class shirt-lifters use any number of lower class whore bois." A grizzled older bear smirked, as he rolled a set of worn dice in one big paw. Clearly the big bruin had something in mind as he rambled on.

"Hey yea... I hear those telegram boys make extra francs by hiring out their ass's." The big Gorilla snorted, as he looked from the Bear over to the Buffalo. "And we see them going in and out of the Zebracorns place all the time."

"The way I see it, all we gotta do is find one he uses a lot." The old Bear licked his lip's as he thought about that, obvious he was going to enjoy the investigation. "I know the mommas of a few of them, might be able to persuade them bois ta work fer us."

"I don't know as I trust whores... there are just as likely to sale us out..." Darius snarled, even as the old Bear grinned and shook the dice in his fist. Tossing them onto the table top, where they rolled to a stop on a nature seven.

"Seven." The old Bear called not even looking down at the desk top, as he scooped the dice up. "We don't pay'em and we don't play'em fair, them lads love their momma's." He chuckled darkly, as the big Buffalo understood his meaning and smiled wickedly.

"Then let us find our new confederate, and his mother." The big Buffalo snorted, as the big Bear nodded and ambled out to investigate who that would be. Leaving the others to their own vices and devices, Alistair smirking and shaking his head.

"I still favor a direct assault through the kitchens, by use of the servants entrance. They will try to run for the coppers of course, but if we just shoot'em..." A short ex military Bulldog growled from his seat in the corner as he expressed his opinion again.

"That would draw the attention of the police faster than frantic screaming servants Avery." The big Gorilla grunted, as he turned to watch the Bulldog polishing his revolver.

"However with my new weapon, the plan does have more merit than it use to." Darius snorted, as he lay a huge fist on the butt of his new gas gun. "We will suffer loses of course, the red Stag has no conjuncture about killing either Avery. And the Zebracorn is a known marksmen, however let us call this course our plan B." Darius smirked, as he drew the gas gun from it's holster and checked its chamber.


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