Subbie Gelding

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Gelding lovin's

A certain Wolf find a geldie Zebracorn out cruising and enjoys

Submissive Gelding

"A bit pokey, aren't you?" The sexy silver Wolf teased, as his paw grasped the base of that long spiral horn. Slowly fondling his way down to the sharp point, thumbing it playfully as he looked the Zebracorn over leeringly.

"Naw... I wish but Geldings can't really get that way ya know." Hooves answered honestly, knowing the might Lupine wasn't really talking about his horn.

"You prefer the poking then?" The Wolf asked, as his other paw drove up between the geldings legs. "Anyhow, you're a Zebracorn, why don't they just grow back?"

"Yes I love a good deep hard..." Hooves began, and then jumping as that big paw roughly fondled his scarred crotch. "Errr... yes." Hooves admitted not explaining that his regeneration could be stopped by a strong master. "But that doesn't mean they always work..." The big Zebracorn admitted shamefaced, as that Wolfish grin only widened at the equines confession.

"Heheh... Aha well." The sleek sexy predator snickered, pulling the striped equine in to a powerful hug. "Perhaps a nice silver Wolf might have to help you then."

"I do rely on the kindness of strangers." The pretty Zebracorn replied coyly, as he enjoyed the Wolfs hard powerful body pressing against his own. Cuddling and fondling that hard pred body teasingly, making the silver Wolf Murrrrr in delight.

"Heh just gotta remember not to play leapfrog with you." The handsome lupine snickered fondling that horn point again. "That's one hard poke... I wouldn't like to get. I'd be a fixed Wolf after that, and then where'd we be?"

"Two neuters looking for a stud..." The Zebracorn giggled as his fingers teased the Wolf hot sheath even more wantonly.

"Ohooooooooo Nooooooo." The silver Wolf growls leaning in to lick that big round equine nose gently. "And what's the Zebracorn looking for tonight?"

Hooves whinnies and nuzzles against the Wolfs rough fur, clearly playing up to the big pred. "To be honest, I'm not really looking." He whispered as that big paw fondles up his scar to that limp sheath, reaching in to tug on that soft equine cock. "But... I am easy." Hooves admits weakly as that long soft black hose is tugged out into the open.

That handsome silver muzzle nuzzles the Zebracorns long arched striped neck, as those paws massaged that limp hose. "Easy for any stud or alpha that wants you?" Nibbles sharply along that striped neck, letting his prey feel those sharp deadly teeth.

"Well... yeah... Hooves moans breathily that long equine neck stretching and arching as it's kissed and nibbled.

"Especially predators I bet." The silver Wolf chuckles knowingly as he strokes his paws down that limp stud stick tauntingly.

"I... I... wouldn't say... tha... Ummmm The Zebracorn whinnies, as those big sharp teeth send a shiver down my long spine.

"You'd better say." The Wolf growled wickedly into one of those long pointed equine ears, his hot breath tickling.

"Yes... Yes Big Preds Especially!" Hooves admits weakly as he leans against the Wolf letting those hot paws have their way.

"I'm not that big." The silver Wolf growls, one hot paw moving up to tease the myths thick male nipples.

Hooves inhales raggedly, nipples hardening under those hot paw pads... long black cock drooling as it dangles limply.

"That's ok... small guys can be fun as well." Hooves moans clearly wanting the attentions the Wolf was giving him. A single hot paw pad tugs at that sheath opening, and then slips inside.

"We can fit in here." He grunts teasingly, finger moving around the equines shrunken gelding shaft.

"Ohoo... heheh." The gelding gulps and chuckles nervously, looking down at that finger exploring his sheath hole. "You can if you wanta." The Wolfs hot paw slides slowly around that sleek striped body, finger pad slipping under that stiff zebra tail. Rubbing around the shockingly hot rim of that sexy equine orifice, teasingly thrusting against it.

"I can fit down here... as well." The lusty predator smirked, watching the myths eyes widen as he taunts that hot hole.

"Ummmm Hmmmm easily..." Hooves admits prancing and dancing in place, as that hot tail hole is toyed with. The sexy silver Wolf pressing close, nibbling that long pointed ear more lustfully.

"Maybe too easily?" He demands, knowing his prey's sluttish nature and idly wondering how many males had been inside this gelding.

"Wha... No not at all, I just have good muscle control that's all." The gelding whickers as those teeth tease his soft pointed equine ear, not bothering to explain the reason he'd developed that control was constant use. The horny Pred rubs the ring around Hooves equine cock head teasingly, enjoying the bigger males sexual powerlessness.

"Even if it doesn't get hard, bet this is still sensitive enough huh?" That limp black hose twitching pitifully, wanting to stiffen up badly. But unable to do so, the touch drawing weak breathy moans of pent up desire.

"Ummmm Hmmmm very sensitive." The horny Wolf smirks, showing his bright red pointed lupine cock, and then he rubbed the tip of against that blunt equine cock head.

"Ammmm, feels nice." The silver Wolf chuckles, feeling that black hose twitch trying it's best to harden against his cock. "See... this is what happens when you don't let yourself get gelded." The Wolf boasts, as his cock stiffens thrusting up out of that furry sheath to jut proudly out from his crotch. "Why'd you become gelded anyway huh?" He questions, licking and chewing on that equine ear more forcefully as his sexuale excitement grows. Hooves enjoys the hot wetness of that lupine cock, as the pointed tip rubs up against his own blunt cock head.

"Yes I see..." The big Zebracorn looks down meek and submissively, more than a little ashamed at his own impotence. "Because I deserve it... because preds need to eat... because I live to please others."

"Because you're a subby bottom, that didn't need to get hard anyhow?" The silver predator snickers softly his paws tugging on that limp useless equine cock once again.

"Yes..." Hooves moans softly, as he enjoys the power and firmness of that hard lustful Wolf organ, soooooo powerful and needy. Even as the handsome Wolf rubs his drooling cock along the Zebracorns, soaking it in his hot slick pre-cum.

"And ready to just bend over for any fur who wants you?" The sexy predator growled, sounding half amused and half offended by the geldings wantonness.

Hooves shivers uncontrollably as that hard organ slathers hot slick pre-cum over his limp useless cock. "No sir... only strong handsome lustful ones like you." He flatters meekly hoping to keep the sexy Wolfs interests and serve his desires. A big hot paw squeezes one of those striped ass cheeks hard, the other tugging on rock hard nipples.

"And you love the attention, I bet!" The lusty predator snickers knowingly, licking those hard nipples playfully for a moment.

"Ummmm Yes!" The Zebracorn moans, pressing that firm round cheek back into the palm of that strong paw. "I love to be the center of desire... and to fulfill that desire for my masters." Hooves admits, as the Wolf slides around his trembling body to stand behind him now.

"Masters huh... am I your master?" Kissing along his spine, from top to bottom. The powerful pred spreads his ass cheeks wide apart to see that hot pucker.

"Yes..." Hooves leans over... lifting his tail up and to one side, exposing that big round doughnut shaped anus. Glistening a shiny black just above the long pale scar where his fat testicles once hung so proudly.

"Yes what?" The silver Wolf licks along that scar with his long smooth lupine tongue, gathering in the geldings sweet equine musk.

"Yes Sir!" Hooves moans as the Wolf standing up, slowly sliding his pointed cock head around that sexy tail hole. The Wolf marveling at the differences in color and feel of it, to those he'd taken before.

"Murrrrrrrrrrrrrr you love this." The mighty predator grunted as he teased them both with soft moments. "Don't you slut?" Hooves leans forward farther as the Wolf licks his scar, almost falling over and spreading his legs wider.

"YES SIR..." The Zebracorn pants in breathless anticipation, that big tail hole winking open and close, flashing the pink within it at the lupine. With a growl of delight the Wolf slowly slides into that compliant body, even as that tail hole winks open ahead of his pointed cock.

"Ammmmm, nice bit of horseflesh!" He grunts leaning forwards over that striped back, nibbling at the geldings long neck roughly. Hooves snorts and paws at the ground with one big hoof, but that sleek orifice opens before the predator allowing him to slid in easily. Only to clamp down almost painfully tight as the Wolf reaches full depth... soft meek wickers coming from the passive gelding as those teeth nibble along his arching neck. "Wanting to show me how tight you could be for me, huh?" The sleek silver Pred moans, shoving hard into that tight ass trying to force his whole cock into that withering body.

"Yes Sir." Hooves answers shivering, loving to show off for the powerful male using him, trembling as that fat knot press's against his anus. And then with a lewd sounding _ 'Slurp' _ is forced within him by the predators rough rutting. "Ohooooo gods!" The gelding whimpers meekly as that big knot expands within him.

"Murrr... you like being mated like a bitch, huh?" The silver lupine chuckles gloatingly as he rams that knotted cock home deep. "Nice big, powerful Zebracorn a preds bitch." Chuckles rubbing that limp equine cock, as he press his tied wolf hood deeper into the Zebracorns passive body.

"Oho Ohoooooooo yes sir... I live to please my stallions." The passive striped equine whimpered, softly pushing back even as the predator pushes forwards. That long black hose almost half hard in the Wolfs paws, throbbing weakly as gooey clear juice leaks out.

"Awwww, did my little gelding wet himself in pleasure?" The big predator laughed happily, as he rocked back and forth pounding his hard organ in and out of that hot hole. The Wolf smearing that slimy pre-cum down the length of the Zebracorn's limp pitiful hose. Hooves pants and shivers as more prostate juice dribbles out of his semi hard cock, dripping onto the floor.

"Ammm Ammmm Hmmmm Sir." The gelding moans as his body press's back into that hard rutting, giving himself up completely to his predators pleasure.

"It is only a geldings seedless drool sir." Hooves moans, enjoying the pleasure he is giving the Pred, far more than the impotent little thrill of his own building orgasm. The Wolf growls more loudly, and bites down hard on that long ear, lost in the moment and wanting to claim the gelding even more. Hooves bucks and whinnies tossing his long head, and making those sharp teeth grind into his soft flesh. Bits of meat and blood in the Wolfs panting muzzle, only add to the naughty pleasure in that moment. "Ammm... Ammmmm yes." The sleek sexy silver Wolf pant, holding onto the myth as he bucks and grinds. Waiting for both of them to calm down a little, be for going back to hammering that firm tight ass savagely.

"Gelding want my cum in him?" The smiling Wolf pants as his thrusts grow more and more excited and swift. That hot wet hole with its tensing gripping muscles working its magic on his aroused organ.

"Please Sir... fill me with your hot Wolf cum." Hooves begs compliantly, the whole focus of his being that hard throbbing cock trapped within him.

"Oho Ohooooo yer gunna get it gelding!" The sexy predator moans breathlessly, as he finds himself cumming hard into that submissive body. The lustful stud emptying his potent overfilled balls into the helpless geldings tight tail hole. The two of them moaning and grunting in pleasure, the Wolf his own and the gelding he was providing. Weak gushes of clear juices spurting out of that half hard hose, as the Wolf's paws tug on it playfully.

"WWWEEEHEHEEE!" Hooves squeals, as his feeble orgasm dribbles out of that pitifully pulsing cock coating the Wolf's paws with slimy goo. The big Predator chuckling roughly, and then licks at that long ear as he waits for his knot to go down.

"Sorry hun... I got carried away abit. Didn't notch your ear, did I?"

"Its alright..." Hooves moans weakly, as his notched ear flickers in vague pain. "It's not bad, it'll regenerate in a few minutes Sir." The passive Zebracorn moans, as the sexy Wolf smiles that huge throbbing knot tugs at his anus.

"Zebracorn blood tastes gooooood however." The sexy predator growls into that ragged bloody ear as he lick at it.

"Sweeter than sugar." Hooves moans softly, even as the Wolf fingers his blunt cock head licking at the juices the gelding managed to make.

"This to?" He asked lifting one big silver cream covered paw up to study it thoughtfully.

"Oh yes Sir..." The well fucked Zebracorn assured with a lewd smile, as he squeezes that shrinking knot within his ass.

The mighty predator slowly licking the slimy cream off his fingers, before sliding them along that limp cock. And then reaching into the geldings sheath, even as he tugs at that twitching tail hole with his fat knot. "Ummmm..." Hooves grunts softly, as those fingers explore his limp cock, and then around inside of his hot sheath hole. Even as his abused tail hole aches with pleasure and pain, as that big throbbing knot pulled against it. "Do you want me to open up, and let you out Sir?" The passive gelding asks, knowing what the Wolf was thinking and even more eager to please him now.

"Going to lick me clean?" The predator asks even as he continues to explore inside that hot damp sheath.

"If that is your desire Sir..." The gelding moans as those fingers tease the root of his long black hose.

"I'm going to fuck this hole next." The Wolf announced firmly, even as he fuck fucked that hot sheath. "But first we need to get rid of this useless thing." He chuckled tugging on that long limp hose playfully for a moment, even as his knot slipped free from the geldings hole. "Luckily I'm feeling a bit peckish after that ride..."

"I love to serve Sir."

"Hahah... Yes you do!"


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