In Servitude

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Tad the human from The Good Pet... discovers his own future

In Servitude

"MMMAHAAA!" The human moaned hoarsely, as the stainless steel extractors pulled the last bloody tooth from his head. Tad's sky blue eyes rolling in his head, as his body shivered in the restraining chair.

"Oooooow its ok... its ok." The black Panther purred into his new pets ragged ear, sandpaper tongue snaking out to lick the rich crimson blood off those trembling lip's. "Its over now pet." Darran assure gently as his soft paws caressed that naked fur-less human body. "Your all toothless and defanged." The lean sexy feline explained, as he kissed that bloody human mouth more passionately. "And soon... very soon this nasty old scar will be gone." Darran promised, as his nimble fingers traced the scar on Tad's crotch where the human's genitals had once hung. "Replaced with something to bring your owner pleasure. You'd like that wouldn't you? To bring your owner even more pleasure, than you can now." The Panther purred, as he pulled back to look deep into the helpless human's eyes. Watching as those eyes battled for a instant, and then looked down passively at the Panthers huge paw.

"yesss massster." The toothless New Yorker moaned, as the Panthers other paw stroked his long hair. It had once been blond, but was now dyed a shocking effeminate shade of pink.

"Ohoooo yer such a good pet." Darran purred leaning in again, this time nuzzling and kissing the human's nipples. Which had been enlarging ever since the human's testicles had been removed, cute little breasts forming on his chest. And now were pierced with large golden rings for his masters amusement. A hefty chain connected them to each other and the collar that was strapped tightly around Tad's neck. "I was so lucky to have won you. Your the first thing I've ever won, and your soooooooo wonderful." The big feline rumbled, his hot lip's suckling at those big puffy human nipples as his paws rubbed the neutered human's body. "Just a few more changes, and you'll be a perfect pet." Darran whispered covering the humans mouth with his own again, sucking the bloody saliva from it even as his feline tongue raped it.

Tad lay back mouth wide open letting the big predator have his way, the once cocky arrogant human was a humbled passive plaything now. Darran unstrapped those bound wrists and ankles, and then lifted his pet from the chair. The naked human standing on trembling leg's, as he was slowly lead out of the back room. And into the crowded night club proper, eyes of a hundred predators flashing upon him. The neutered human hear rough bawdy chuckles, they had been there to witness his unmaling. There were also lusty purrs and growls, as he staggered past big paws reach out to fondle his naked body. Some feeling of his denuded crotch, but most pinching an squeezing his fur-less buttocks.

"Lucky Panther." A bitter voice grumbled, as they passed someone who had wanted to win the human pet and had not. The rarity of the fur-less pet, making more than a few turn a jealous eye on the sleek handsome black feline. "Have to be a feline to get anything good around here." A grizzled gray Wolf mumbled to a bushy tailed Raccoon, as the pair watched owner an pet stroll by. Tad suddenly feeling a rosy glow of worth within him, it was something he'd lived most of his life without. But now here he was a cockless ball-less slut, a predators possession nothing more than a fuck toy. Head held down humbled before all, and yet he suddenly felt valued... lusted after wanted above all things. His masters long black tail curled around him like a silken boa, and he clung to it lovingly.

Darran slid into a booth with his friends and guided Tad under the table, the subservient human kneeling and climbing under on all fours. "There problem taken care of." The black Panther announced, to which the table erupted in to laughter and applause. "You'll never feel one of his teeth on your cock again." The Panther assured his associates with a wide feline grin, even as the toothless human returned to his duty. Licking and suckling on the fat cocks that were offered him, while Darran watched his friends pleased muzzles...

In the week that had followed his unmanning Tad had come to realize many things about the man he'd been. And to understand the pet he had become, at last realizing that it was better to life as an others pet. Than to be the man he was on his way to becoming, he was going to end up just like his father. But thanks to his new master, he would never have to worry about that again. Free from making his own choices, free from his hormonal urges... free free free! Tad curls his soft lip's around a big burning hot fuck muscle, suckling gently as his now toothless mouth moved up and down it.

"Ammm... Ammmm damn. He took all of me!" The big golden Lion moaned as those soft human lip's kissed the lip's of his sheath.

"I told you he has a very talented mouth." Darran purred reaching down to stroke the human pale pink mane fondly. "He's become very eager to please, now that he's learned his place." The Panther gloated, as his mind drifted back to that first night, when the freshly cut human had been full of threats and curses. Even trying to escape in the middle of the night, when he thought the big predator was asleep. Darran had found it a delightful game, pretending to be asleep. Letting the human get almost to the door, only to pounce out of the shadows. Pinning him down and ravishing him all over again, the first few night had been exciting indeed. But by the end of the week the human had settled down, knowing there was no escaping. Now he slept peacefully through the night, snuggled close against the Panther hot furry body.

"RRAOARAR." The big Lion roared as his hot bitter seed exploded into Tad's mouth, the salty fluids burning his still weeping gums. Still he didn't lose a drop, swallowing it all down even as his mouth begged for more in that might rut stick. Until a big paw pushed him back off that spent organ, and the big Lion slipped in back into his pants. "Sooooo how much you want for him?"

"Oho... my little pet isn't for sale Simba." Darran growled as the big Lion smiled broadly.

"Sure he is... everything is for sale at the right price." The handsome golden Lion counter as he flashed a huge wad of cash at the Panther.

"Maybe..." Darran grunted as he pulled Tad back over between his own legs possessively. "But you aint got that much!" The human sighed softly and snuggled close to his owners legs, a warm glow pulsing within his chest. Even as the Predators argued a moment longer, until the big Lion stood up and stomped off. Looking up at his owners handsome black muzzle Tad spoke very soft from his subservient position. "I love you master."


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