I love my gelding

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Gelding lovin's

Why gelding cuz their hot

I love my Gelding

My favorite time was when I first woke up in the morning, I'd watch Cameron sleeping naked beside me. He was an incredibly beautiful young roan stallion, sleek red fur outlining his strong young muscles. So potent and perfect in his maleness, it always takes my breath away to see him laying there. His long lean body stretched out over the cool cotton sheets, his chest gently rising and falling as he sleeps. That fat marbled brown and pink equine cock laying on his rippled abs, ahaha morning wood throbbing gently. Seeing his full equine lips making me wish he was sucking on my hard cock, just as he did last night. I can still see those lips curled up into a smile, as he licks away the drops of cum that had escaped his mouth.

His smooth sleek chest is powerfully muscled, with two nipples that always seem to be erect. His whole body is sleek shiny fur, except for his dark velvety sheath. And that's where my eyes linger this morning, on the soft hose that rests across his belly. It is so beautiful that I can't resist taking into my own mouth, gently so that I don't awaken him up. Holding Cameron's smooth soft cock in the palm of my hand, and lower my lips to kiss the soft smooth shaft. I brush them against the blunt head, letting the tip of my tongue gently caress the urethra opening. I can't wait any longer, my lips part and I slide that fat cock head into my mouth. Lips sliding down... down... not stopping until the whole cock is completely enveloped. My lips and wet tongue bathe it, carefully not letting my teeth nick the sensitive skin.

Cameron inhales a deep ragged breath, but does not awaken even as my mouth begins to salivate. I gently suckle the soft throbbing flesh, loving every second of that exquisite moment. My trembling fingers touching the thin scar below Cameron's fat flaccid equine prick, it's so faint now; that it's difficult to remember what he looked like before I had him castrated. I let his limp cock slip from my mouth, wet and slippery as it lies limply in my hand. I kiss it again, smiling at the knowledge that no amount of touching will inspire it to harden.

When I first met Cameron a few years ago, he had just came of age and had been rejected by his herd. Sexy young stud turned to hustling for survival, I rescued him from the dark nasty streets. Gave him a home, bought him the clothes that he wears so beautifully. Cameron was proud of his masculine young body, especially his cock. long marbled powerful. It took very little stimulation for that rut muscle to stiffen, long and hard as it curved toward his belly. Like most colts his age, just a few strokes or a little sucking and he was shooting ribbons of sticky white cum. I loved his cries of pleasure as I teased and stroked him to orgasm.

But I knew that in time the pretty young stud would become bored with an older lover, and so made up my mind never to lose him or even share him. He innocently drank the sedative that allowed me to restrain him, and the feline cutter l'd hired did his job fast and well. Cameron never stirred as his sack and those precious jewels became mine forever, a trophy for my shelf. Being the young stud he wept afterwords of course, and was inconsolable for days as his ability to achieve erection slowly vanished. But I showed him how sweet life could be as my gelding, and over time he became grateful for the future I had given him.

Cameron awakens now, opening his beautiful eyes, smiling as he sees me kissing his limp cock. He rolls over to kiss me lovingly on the lip's, my tongue rubbing over his smooth toothless gums which inflame my senses. I roll him over farther onto his stomach, spreading his long sexy equine legs. He moans as my tongue dances over the winking pink pucker of his anus, probing it and finally slipping inside. Soft moans of delight escaped him, his head turning to look back at me pleadingly. He wants me to mount him, and I can wait no longer. Turning my gelding onto his back once again, raising his legs onto broad my shoulders. I spit in my palm and wipe it over the huge blunt head of my stiff cock, even as I lean forward looking into Cameron's bright blue eyes. Watching for the moment when my cock touches his hot hole, his eyes snap closes and my gelding sighs deeply as I begin penetrating him. "Ummmm that is what you want... what you need." I whisper gently to him as his body stiffens, telling him to relax and let me inside. I can feel his scalding hot anus loosen as he obeys, the gelding crying out loudly as I slide deep inside him.

Giving him a long moment to adjust to my invasion, leaning forward until our lips touch. A grimace of pain crosses his long muzzle as I begin thrusting, slowly at first, then more rapidly as my passion builds. My hands circle his ankles while strong hips move, and I look down to watch my cock slide in and out of his grasping asshole. Cameron instinctively begins stroking and pulling his limp cock, I watch amused by his futile efforts. He's frustrated by his limp cock, a reminder how hard and long it once would have been, gives me a tremendous surge of excitement. Knowing that I robbed this beautiful male of his sexuality is the ultimate turn-on to me.

His breath is loud and rasping as my heavy older body, pounds his soft round butt. A weak silvery trail of clear slime oozing from his cock slit, that limp cock jingling in his fist. "Ummmm gods... please sir." He begs even as my orgasm explodes within his emasculated body, I slam my hard dick in and out in a wild frenzy. Cameron watches me helplessly as he continues to pitifully stroke at his limp cock. But soon we are lying together, my wet cock pressed against his sleek silky back. As I reach around and fondle his useless cock, still soft small and wet, kissing the back of his long arching neck and smiling in satisfaction. "I love my Gelding."


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