A fast ride 3

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Steam Punk

Chapter 3 in the mystery motor Steam punk tale

Steam punk 3

"Come along now its formal." The Zebracorn insisted as the big Red Stag, shook his huge racked head in annoyance.

"I shall simply wear my dress uniform." Vander countered with a wily smile, as the noble unicorn frowned and shook his head.

"Your not in service anymore, and there is nothing so tragic as a old military male who rests on his past glory's." The handsome Zebracorn argued, as he held up his own formal suit in front of the Stag's big sexy naked body. "Your close to my size... we'll stop by my tailors." Cameron said firmly as he carefully lay the suit aside and returned his attention to the Red Stags naked body. "He keeps a few new suits in my size on hand I'm sure he could let one out for you." The Zebracorn mumbled, as he pressed his own sleek striped body against the Stags.

"Have you given any through to the rest of your evening? After you've given your lecture to the Imperial Academy of Sciences." Vander inquired, as his big hands rubbed teasingly over the sexy equines own, unsurprised to find the Zebracorn eager to please once again.

"A bit of late dinner I fancy... Why did you have something in mind?" Cameron asked archingly as he turned to rub his sexy round rump against Vander's pulsing crotch.

"I thought we might visit some old friends of mine in the horse guard." Vander explained, as his arousal quickly grew from the Zebracorns expert teasing caress's.

"Ammmm a hot liquid dinner... I fancy that even more." Cameron agreed with a wink, as he pranced away leaving the Stag hard and throbbing. "But first we have much to do..." The Zebracorn snorted, as he began to dress himself quickly flashing Vander a big smile. "First we must stop by my tailors and let him get your measurements, then the aerodrome and see about my airship. And of course my new carriage should be ready, so that can take care of part of our security."

"I still don't see how..." Vander started, but was cut off as the bedroom door opened, and a handsome young telegraph pony came in. Flashing the still naked Stag a big gape toothed grin as he saw that long pulsing erection.

"Oi whats this?" The handsome young stud asked as he began unbuttoning his sexy tailored uniform.

"We're in a bit of a rush Toby dear... Would you mind terribly taking your ride in the carriage?" Cameron asked with a smirk, as the young pony stopped unbuttoning his trousers.

"Kin ya let me out around Finlers? Gotta one for them as well." Toby asked as he quickly re-buttoned his handsome uniform.

"Oh of course my boy... now get Vander dressed won't you." The Zebracorn assured with a soft smile, as he watched the Red Stag tease the young pony with that long thick erection.

"Righto as long as I kin undress him again in tha carriage." Toby hedged as he began to help the tall Stag get dressed quickly.

"Heheh... within reason of course you can." The sleek pretty Zebracorn chuckled as he got himself readied to leave.


"I... I really should be watching... watching for... Ummmm Gods!" Vander moaned loudly leaning back in the carriage seat, as the horny little pony stallion rode up and down on his throbbing erection. The Red Stag wearing his Kilt once more, thrust his hip's up to meet Toby's firm round buttocks.

"Ammmm... Danial is doing that." Cameron mumbled placatingly, as his lip's moved up and down the young pony's rock hard rut stick. Making Toby squeal and buck up and down even more vigorously on that aching Stag cock.

"Uh Uhhuh Sirs!" Toby panted as those soft mobile equine lip's suckled on him lustfully, even as that hard organ thrust deep within him. The little pony on the precipice of a mountainous orgasmic eruption, as the carriage clattered along the cobbled stone streets. Just then the carriage slowed to a stop and the Otters voice whispered through the brass speaking tube.

"We have arrived at the Finlers house." Cameron gulped once and then twice more as the young stud came hard into his fawning mouth. And then sat up licking his expressive black lip's to answer the Otter.

"Just a moment please Danial... oh and keep a sharp eye out if you would." Cameron chuckled into the tube, as he watched the bucking, plunging Vander reach his own peak within the Telegraph boys tightly clenching tail hole.

"Of course Sir." The Otter answer, fondling the butt of a revolver under his great coat as he looked around nervously. A few moments later the sweating, excited pony jumped down out of the carriage. Smiling broadly in satisfaction and waving a hearty goodbye to the amused Otter... Instantly Danial started the carriage moving again, quickly getting up speed. The Otter glanced backwards over one shoulder, watching for any pursuit. The dirty foggy streets were busy, but thankfully it did not appear there was anyone interested in the carriage today. Still the Otter didn't lower his guard, eyes were upon them he could feel it on the back of his neck.

"Do you do that to ever telegraph boy who comes to your house?" The big red Stag grunted as he sat back panting for breath, even as the Zebracorn fondled his spent cock while it slipped back into it's sheath.

"Yes... but then they know who wants the extra services and who does not, so only the ones willing come deliver to me." Cameron explained with a soft lewd smile as he lay against Vander side, distracting the Stag far more than he should.

"And you always pay them?" Vander asked trying his best not to sound judgmental or prudish, but obviously bothered by it.

"I help them to get ahead in this world." The Zebracorn answered calmly, the smile on his soft lip's only broadening.

"Help them if they give you head." The red Stag teased, feeling the Zebracorns good nature was honest.

"Or if I give them head..." Cameron countered leaning in to kiss the Stag, giving him a taste of the pony's musk and sticky cum. Even as Danial turned the carriage on to Grosvenor street heading for the tiny ancient haberdashers Beale & Inman. Shortly the carriage slowed to a stop once more and the Zebracorn stepped out to a beautiful London day. "Fancy we will see a bit of sun... if the fair weather keeps up." He joked peering into the dark gray sky's as a cold rain slowly began to drizzled down.

"Oh yes a delightful late winters day." The red Stag smirked, as he pulled his heavy woolen coat more tightly about his powerful frame. While the wind whipped about under his kilt, his damp loins feeling the chill. As the pair hurried into the small shop, being greeted at once by the owner...


"You look so very handsome in your new evening wear." Cameron chuckled, watching the big red Stag grimace clearly he didn't enjoy formal attire at all.

"Not as good as you... I expect." Vander countered, nuzzling the Zebracorn's spiky mane to enjoy his sweet equine scent.

"Well obviously, but don't feel badly... No one does." The handsome Zebracorn assured, in a self mocking tone that told Vander that Cameron had no idea how handsome he really was. "The boys in broad school always told me I had a mares sleek round posterior."

"Balderdash you have a sleek round stallion's posterior, otherwise I wouldn't want into it so very much!" Vander smirked hugging Cameron to him, even as he scanned the surrounding country side. Filthy city street had given way to rolling green moor, the aerodrome looming on the far edge. Already a thick silver mist was slowly raising, obscuring the lush greenery. As lightning flashed and rumbled on the horizon, Danial quickly guided the carriage into one of the huge hanger buildings. A massive silvery airship filling the building, making it somehow seem tiny and cramped.

"I call her Silver Heels." The Zebracorn announced, as he hopped out of the still moving carriage in his excitement. "The sleekest fastest airship in the world." He assured, turning to flash Vander a wide bright smile as he showed off his prize.

"That aint been proven as yet!" A gruff voice growled, making the red Stag jump and look around. A small wry Scottish Terrier in greasy coverall's, came stomping around several huge tool box's and milling machines.

"It will be soon enough Angus." Cameron proclaimed embracing the soft canine, who looked decidedly uncomfortable in the Zebracorns embrace.

"Oi come on now... none o that!" Angus grunted, but didn't struggle to escape the bigger equines friendly arms.

"Oho come on you know you want it." Cameron teased making the struggling Terrier freeze for a moment, and then grunt more gruffly.

"Oi got my wife fer such things... you know that!" Angus snorted, but didn't struggle anymore as the big equine sat him back on the ground. One long arm still draped over the canines shoulders, as they turned to Vander.

"Vander dear... I'd like you to meet Angus MacGrievy my lead mechanic... and all around engineer." Cameron squeezed the small dog against his side once more, as he flashed the red Stag a wide smile. "Angus this is my bodyguard and all around stud Vander..."

"Nice ta make yer acquaintance." The little Terrier barked jumping forwards to shake the red Stag's hand vigorously. Vander getting the idea the little canine was embarrassed, to have him watching his interaction with the Zebracorn.

"Likewise to be sure." The red Stag replied shaking the Terriers furry paw strongly, as he smiled gently down at the small dog.

"Have you got my Motors installed?" The Zebracorn asked as his interest moved to his work, one of the few things that could distract from his libido.

"Aye they're installed and runnin'." Angus assured, as he turned back his employer who had thankfully moved on to work. "But I'll be damned it I understand how, no heat... no stream... and quieter than my aunt Tilly in church." The big striped equine's jet black lip's rolled back into a wide smile of delight, as he winked at the Terrier.

"Energy... there is energy in everything that exists... and my machine harness that from the very world it's self." Cameron insisted, although this did little to clear up the little canines bafflement. "No need for wood or coal, the earths magnetic fields are an inexhaustible supply of energy to power all our needs."

"Sounds completely balmy... but it works I'll grant ya that." Angus agreed, as he trailed along behind the Zebracorn; as Cameron climbed up the catwalk to inspect his motors.

"When will she be ready for a test flight?" The Zebracorn asked, clearly excited by the idea of flying his pet project.

"A few days..." The Terrier grunted as he rubbed his chin absently with one paw. "End of the week at the latest... all that really remains to be done is reinforcing the engine mounts. And custom fitting the pods around the engines to protect them from the elements."

"And that would have been done..." An amused voice pointed out as a second canine, this one tall and lean. "If we hadn't been pulled off it to fabricate your new carriage."

"Otto... dear Otto can you ever forgive me?" Cameron laughed, pouncing on the Dane and hugging him happily clapping him on the back. The great Dane licked the Zebracorns cheek playfully, as introductions were made. "So its done then?" Cameron ask as the big dog stepped back and nodded his long narrow head slowly.

"Just like you drew it... altho' I was surprised everything worked so well." Otto growled clearing admiring the equines genius, even if not completely understanding it. As he lead them back down to the hanger floor, and around to a smaller shop just off the main building. The new carriage was all shining polished bronze and gleaming red lacquered materiel.

"Its pretty enough..." Vander grunted, clearly impressed by the look of the thing; but also sounding skeptical about it's benefits.

"Its a beast... two and a half tons." The tall canine grunted, even as he looked over his work with obvious pride.

"The windows are layered, laminated glass that is perfectly capable of withstanding all handgun rounds, and most rifle cartridges as well." Cameron explained as he opened a door to display the thickness of the glass. "While the body it's self is made up of five thousand layers of folded laminated silk and paper, over which navel bronze is plated. I dare most small military cannons could not penetrate it with a single round." The Zebracorn smiled as he showed off the thickness of the walls and doors. "As you can see, the driver is now as protected from attackers and the weather as the riders. Which was of course the weakest point of the older designs, no longer can a carriage be taken simply by dispatching the driver." The handsome hurried on his excitement growing with every word, making him sound like a salesmen of cheap goods.

"For which Danial shall be grateful... I am sure." Vander joked as he couldn't help becoming infected by the equines excitement.

"Danial is far to cute to risk losing." Cameron chuckled, as he began examining the ornament bronze fixtures at them corners and just above the carriage doors. "Torches... each one can release a five foot jet of flame to ward off boarders."

"Seven." Otto corrected automatically, making the Zebracorn raise a eyebrow at the big canine. "I made the nozzles a three thirty seconds smaller, and increased the tank pressure by six pounds." The great Dane explained, casually as he return the equines look with a smug grin.

"That's what I like about you boys, your always finding ways to improve my designs." Cameron smiled, as he looked around the carriages new drive system; which from what the red Stag could see was all brass tubes and wire clusters.

"We also tied the defensive methane gas tanks into the drive, to act as a fuel reserve for longer run time if needed." Otto explained as the handsome Zebracorn nodded his head, noting the cross connections. "The driver can switch over with a valve in the cabin, the lighting is of course powered by the four wheel magnetos. However using the new electrical ladder you made for the airship, we can charge the outer metal. Delivering a powerful shock to anyone who touches it... while grounded of course."

"Brilliant good job boys." Cameron applauded, like a small boy who just been shown a clever magic trick. "That should dissuade any would be invader, and if not the fire most certainly will."

"It damn well should." Vander agreed, showing the fancy carriage a new found respect; sure it was shiny and pretty but it had teeth as well.

"What do you want me to do with the old carriage sir?" Otto inquired, as the Zebracorn climbed into the drivers cabin and began fondling the controls.

"Break it down into part and store them in the warehouse, we might use them later to make something else."

"Yes sir. Would you like me to drive this out for you?" The great Dane asked clearly knowing the answer, but good manners making him inquire anyway.

"No Otto that will not be necessary... I want to test it a bit." The Zebracorn answered trying to sound serious but the gleam in his bright blue eyes, and the boyish grin on his muzzle giving him away.

"Have fun sir." The great Dane smirked as the handsome Zebracorn winked at him.

"Oho I shall." Quickly gesturing for Vander to climb in with him, Cameron took off before the red Stag was fully seated. Making Vander fall against his side, even as the Zebracorn took a hard corner. Making the carriage wheels slid in the slick pave stones, as they careened out of the hanger doors.

"You have driven before?" The red Stag choked, as they turned the corner and started down the long side of the airship hanger. Watching as his striped host pulled the accelerator lever back farther and farther, the carriage picking up speed rapidly along the long straight away.

"Of course... hang on." Cameron shouted as he pulled hard on the steering shaft, sending the careening carriage into a turn around the corner. Tapping the brakes but briefly, as they flew into the turn and then at once pulling on the accelerator as they reached the center of the turn. Pushing the carriage to speed out of the turn at a faster rate of speed than it went into it. This was by far the fastest wildest ride Vander had ever been on, even counting the ride upon the Zebracorn himself.

"Gods watch out!" Vander shouted, as they seemingly instantly flew into the second turn at the back of the hanger. The Zebracorn cutting it so close they almost clipped the corner of that huge wooden building.

"Hahaha..." Cameron giggled wildly as they made the turn, instantly he pulled the accelerator back all the way. The engines straining hard, even as the carriage picked up more and more speed down the long side of the hanger. "Maximum speed!" Cameron shouted flashing Vander a wild mad smile, even as the red Stag watched the end of the hanger flying at them. And more worrying still, the blank side of a second building just beyond the corner.

"We'll never make the turn." The sleek Stag shouted back, even as the Zebracorn turned his attention back to the controls.

"Not at this speed." Cameron admitted, even as he dragged the accelerator lever back and quickly stomped on the brake pedals. The hard metal wheel rims sparking as they slipped across the slick damp pave stones. "We need more traction..." The Zebracorn mumbled under his breath, even as he released one brake and stomped the other hard. Sending the carriage into a sideways skid, even as he jerked the steering lever hard the other way.

"We're going to crash!" Vander shouted bracing himself for the impact, while Cameron shifted pedals. The shiny carriage spinning around the corner at a sharp angle, just missing everything as it slid to a stop in front of the open hanger doors.

"Not quite..." Cameron chuckled as he hopped out of the still rocking carriage in front of a shocked Otto and a knowing Danial. "We really must find a better material to put on the wheels." The excited equine instructed the tall canine, as he was roughly hugged. "Metal on stone slides far to easily, a softer compound, compressed clothe perhaps... like my hoof covers."

"Danial..." Vander grunted weakly as he stumbled down out of the drivers cabin, the sleek Otter catching his arm.

"Sir?" The Otter answered questioningly as the tall Stag straightened up and took a deep breath.

"Never let him get in that seat again." The red Stag instructed even as the Otter smiled and nodded understandingly.

"I shall do my upper most to see to it sir."

"Good lad."

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