MG1) Chapter 4: Large Footprints.

Story by Reye on SoFurry

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#4 of Mutating Genes Part 1: First Mutation

I'm back! And it's actually fairly on time!

Lucas knew that if he followed the river upstream, he'd be taken into the mountains. Mountains were a good place to hide, so they were of course his destination. The trees around him foiled any attempts at scanning the skyline for the mountaintops, so he had no idea how far he'd need to travel. The one consolation he had was that he could make a cocoon whenever he needed, as his body wasn't burning through the cum as fast as he'd anticipated.

Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't bored. Walking through the forest had been entertaining the first few hours, but now, days after he'd fled the mansion, it was getting monotonous. The trees all looked alike, the river seemed to stretch forever, and he hadn't had anything to devour since the two men the previous day. This left him with little more to do than practice the psychic abilities ~~~~~ had unlocked for him. They weren't anything significant, of course. If he focused until his head hurt, he could kinda sorta read the mind of one of the squirrels in the nearby trees. It was necessary for him to unlock more memories, though, so he kept at it.

Around midday was when the monotony was broken. He'd been attempting to push his mind past simply sensing animals, and in doing so had closed his eyes in concentration. He kept walking, and, in his blindness, fell. He'd at first thought that he'd stepped in a hole or something, but when his body began to tilt with no sign of stopping his eyes flew open in panic. He'd stepped off what appeared to be a nearly six-foot drop, with a rather steep hill at the bottom.

In an attempt to save himself he threw his upper body backwards and straightened his tail, though it didn't help. He fell face first into the dirt and began rolling down the hill, his tail sweeping forward to cover his genitals from harm. He hugged himself for fear of injuring his arms, and brought his knees to his chest for the same reason. He was rolling sideways down the hill, luckily avoiding trees and rocks, when a noise reached his ears.

The honking of a horn, the woosh of something speeding by. Cars.

A road.

Lucas' back left the soft dirt and landed on something hard. The surface was level, so he was able to stop rolling and look around. Grey, with a dotted yellow line running down the middle.

"Shit!" He growled, leaping to his feet. There was a honk and a screech, causing the mutant to turn around. A silver car was rushing toward him, the screeching sound coming from the back tires as they tried to stop the vehicle. Working on reflex, Lucas leapt into the air and planted his feet on the hood of the car, punching two large dents and bringing it to a stop. The woman inside stared up at him in horror, lower lip quivering and tears forming at the edge of her eyes in fear. Lucas stepped down from the car and wrenched the hood open, eyeing the dents he'd made from the other side. With two thrusts of his fist they were gone and the teen closed the hood. With a quick nod to the woman, he dashed back up the hill and leapt up the drop.

The mutant ducked behind a tree and waited a few moments before poking his head back out. The woman had gotten out of her car and was staring at the hood in disbelief, as though he still stood there. He briefly considered devouring her, but didn't want to add any more weight to his burden.

However, he wasn't sure if he was comfortable leaving her. She'd seen him, and would probably tell whoever she happened to see next about him. Then people would come looking for him, and he'd need to go into hiding, and-

"Hey Matt? I think I just saw a Bigfoot." Lucas returned his attention to the woman to find her on a cell phone. "Yes, a Bigfoot.... No, I'm fine... Well, I was driving down the road, and he just appeared! I nearly hit him, but he jumped into the air and stopped me with his feet! Then, he fixed the dents he made in my car!... No, he ran off... Well, he was kinda grey, and his fur seemed pretty short..."

...Bigfoot? Lucas glanced down at his feet, wiggling his clawed toes. They'd grown, sure, but he couldn't have been more than a size twelve! And fur! He didn't have fur! There was the hair on his head, sure, but no fur! Oh well, he decided. Now anyone she told would simply believe she'd found an albino sasquatch... Or was crazy, one of the two.

Lucas peeked out from his hiding spot once more. The woman had hung up and was getting back into her car. The engine revved experimentally, and within moments the little silver car was off down the road once more. The teen stepped out from behind the tree and ran toward the sound of water. He'd strayed from the river, but it was easy to find again. He knelt down near the water to find that his knees weren't bending as easily as normal. He glanced down and realized that his calfs and thighs had swollen to nearly twice their original size. His stomach felt considerably wider, and he put together what had happened.

During one of ~~~~~'s memories, Lucas recalled the alien using up some of the cum it had stored in order to temporarily increase it's muscle size and strength. That reflex was probably what had allowed him to both stop the car with his legs and un-dent the hood. Of course, there were a few downsides. As he relaxed the muscles returned to their original size, and the cramps set in. He'd torn a muscle during soccer practice once, and found that the two feelings were remarkably similar. Except, of course, that when he'd torn a muscle before, it had only been one. Both his legs were on fire, and he doubted he'd be able to stand.

Lucas shifted himself so that his legs were submerged in the river, the cool water soothing his limbs. He wished he had some of the cream his mom and given him after soccer practice. Hell, he wished he could see his mom.

His thoughts went to Jerry and Jenny, the twins who'd arrived at the mansion. He'd left the place in a state of chaos, that much was true. But now they probably thought he was dead. They'd probably tell his mom. And his dad. Lucas flopped backwards, his back landing on the soft, mossy ground. His finger absently twirled a lock of his grey hair, a habit he hadn't indulged in since he'd transformed.

For the first time, he found himself resenting ~~~~~. Lucas had lived a happy life, good friends, cool parents, good school. He'd been accepted into a great college and was planning to go into graphic design. If that damn alien weren't flying over his planet...

Lucas sighed in frustration.

He was being selfish. If ~~~~~ hadn't been flying near Earth, then the two of them wouldn't have "met" and an entire species would be decimated. Still, he couldn't help but indulge in a little self-pity.


"She's just a small town girl.... Livin in a lonely wooorrld... She took a midnight train goin' aaaann eeeee wheeeerrree." Lucas sang, his voice echoing back at him through the forest. He'd taken to singing random songs to pass the time, and he'd already sung a whole Wierd Al album. "He's just a city boy... Born n' raised in south Detroiiiit... He took a midnight train goin' aaaann eeeee wheeeerrree!" He stopped and danced to the beat of the music in his head.

It had been almost a day since he'd seen the woman. His legs had healed within a few hours, and he'd been walking since then. The forest was steadily growing darker and darker, but the Ptalmion eyes he'd been outfitted with seemed to catch just about every speck of light and use it. His ability to see color was rapidly vanishing with the light, though.

"....Damn, what's the next lyric?" He cursed, realizing he didn't know the song as well as he'd thought. He shrugged and continued on in silence. The animals seemed to have fled the loud monster, as their thoughts were nowhere to be found. Sensing animals around him, or 'scanning' as he referred to it, had gotten a bit easier. His head didn't hurt when he did it anymore, so that was nice.


Lucas flinched at the sudden noise, the silence around him shattering. He dropped to his knees and elbows in hiding. It took him a few moments to realize what he'd just heard.

A gunshot.

He'd shot a few rifles in his lifetime, though it was mostly at targets on a range, and could tell that it had been close. Not close enough for him to scan, though, so it put them over ten yards away. Way to narrow it down, he chided himself.


Lucas flinched once more, though not as violently as before, and stood up. Whatever they were shooting at, it wasn't him.

_BANG!! _

Lucas reeled backwards, pain blossoming from his right bicep. He landed on his tail and rolled to a tree, bracing his back against it to examine his wound.


Lucas ducked down and reached to his arm, finding, to his surprise, that the bullet hadn't actually gone very deep. The scales near the impact were cracked, but the damage was negligible. In fact, half the round still stuck out of his flesh. Thanking ~~~~~ for strengthening his cells with metal, he reached over and yanked the bullet free and popped it in his mouth. It tasted burnt, but he swallowed it anyways. Any extra metal would help.

"I got 'im!" Came a shout from nearby, "I got Bigfoot!"

What the fuck?! Lucas glared in the direction of the speaker to see three men walking in his direction. All three wore what he assumed were night-vision goggles, though only one carried a gun.

"The skeptics won't be able to deny it now!" came another voice, this one higher pitched. A woman.

Lucas figured that they could see him, and didn't want to find out what a bullet could do to him from close range. Rather, he relaxed his body. If the hunters thought he was dead, they'd come closer to him and he could-

"How do we know he's dead?" Came a third voice. FUCK.

"Good thinkin' Paul!" went the third voice, "I'll just shoot it again." Growling in frustration, Lucas placed his palms on the ground and pushed up, his tail wrapping around a nearby branch and hoisting him to a standing position. A gunshot went off, the dirt where his he'd been laying exploded along with a stream of curses from the humans. Using the time bought by their surprise, Lucas leapt into the tree, his toe-claws digging into the bark and propelling him upwards.

"I've never heard of Bigfoots having tails!" Shouted the woman adjusting her goggles.

"I don't think that was Bigfoot." Went the third voice, Paul, "It had scales, not fur."

He's perceptive, Lucas thought. The hunters were looking around frantically, not wanting the unknown beast to get the better of them.

"I thought you said it was a Bigfoot that crushed your car?" Went the first voice.

"It happened so fast..." said the woman. Lucas had to resist growling, suddenly regretting not devouring her. He heard a clicking sound and looked to the gunner, only to find that they could see him. Lucas leapt from his tree as the human fired, the bullet catching him in his calf and throwing him off course.

The mutant spun to face the nearest tree, his tail stabilizing his fall, and reached out. His claws dug into the wood and quickly slowed his fall, allowing him to leap to the next tree. He took the moment in mid-air to reach back and pull the bullet from his leg, once more tossing it into his mouth like a mint. Another shot rang out, but the bullet missed by a mile. That man wasn't a very good marksman, luckily for him.

The mutant reached the tree and latched on, using his momentum to swing himself so that the hunters were on the opposite side.

"It's so fast!" came the woman's voice. The sound of it made him angry, and Lucas quickly decided he'd save her for last. First, though, he'd need to take out that gunner.

He turned his gaze skywards and began climbing up the tree, his legs beginning to ache in protest. They'd obviously not healed fully. The hunters, meanwhile, began circling the tree to get a better look. Hearing this, Lucas leapt to the nearest tree, his stomach doing flips inside him from the height. Claws extended from his outstretched fingers, digging into the tree bark.

"There it is!"

Imitating a monster movie he'd once seen, Lucas used his momentum to slide full circle around the tree and point himself at the gunner. The wood his claws were scraping up was digging into his fingertips, but he ignored the pain and leapt. The gunner raised the rifle and took aim. Lucas lifted his arms in front of his face as the shot was fired, the bullet digging into his left forearm. Lucas didn't stray from his course, though, and was mere feet from the gunner when the other male pushed him out of the way. The mutant tackled Paul to the ground, rolled, and leapt into the air with the screaming human. Even with the weight, Lucas managed to make it to a tree and scurry to the other side.

"It got Paul!" screamed the woman. Lucas ignored her cries and pushed Paul against the tree. The man tried in vain to struggle free, but the monsters strength was too great. His cock emerged from his sheath in it's full glory, thick grey pre oozing out and onto the humans body. Spurts leapt forth and began coating Paul, hardening whithin minutes and glueing him to the tree. As an afterthought, Lucas scooped up some of his cum and spread it over the mans mouth, forming a rather effective gag. His cock retreated back into his sheath and he turned his attention back to the other hunters.

The gunner had the rifle raised and was frantically looking around, while the woman had crumpled to her knees and was shaking. Easy picking. Lucas leapt from his tree straight towards the gunner, tackling him and wrenching the gun from his grip.

"Those bullets hurt." he growled, lifting his forearm and freeing the bullet with his teeth. The hunters breath hitched at the sight of it. Lucas swallowed the bullet and unsheathed his cock, his thick cum spewing forth and pinning the gunner down. As with Paul, he scooped up some of his cum and used it to cover the mans mouth.

"L-leave me alone!" the woman screeched, crawling backwards in an attempt to escape. Lucas walked towards her, his tail swinging menacingly behind him. The woman's shaking arms gave out beneath her, causing her to hit the ground butt-first. The mutant kneeled before her and placed his forehead against hers, his glowing yellow eyes glaring at her through her goggles.

"I did. Back when you ran me over." He replied, "You came looking for me. You asked for this." He grabbed her by her shirt and glued her to a nearby tree. Once content that she wouldn't escape, Lucas went to collect Paul. He leapt into the other tree and scurried up the bark, easily finding Paul's moaning form. He'd been affected by Lucas' aphrodisiac cum, and was frantically rubbing his body against anything he could find. Lucas grabbed Paul, his cum liquefying and soaking into his skin.

With the chemically addled Paul tucked under his arm, Lucas descended the tree and walked back to where the woman could see him.

"What are your names?" he asked the drugged human, his voice carrying an air of command he didn't know he'd possessed.

"I-I'm Paul?" Paul asked, glancing sheepishly at Lucas. The mutant nodded, and the human continued, "He's... He's Jacob, and that's ... She's Sharon."

"Paul! What's wrong, Paul!" The woman, Sharon, cried. Paul didn't even glance at her, his gaze fixed upon Lucas' eyes.

"Good boy." The mutant rumbled, "Sit down, and take off your clothes." The man did as told, completely naked within less than a minute and sitting loyally on the ground, completely blind without his night vision goggles. His hands strayed to his cock, and were slowly rubbing up and down. Lucas sat down before him and lifted the human into his lap, his back against the mutants stomach and his legs on either side of the gargantuan member.

Paul eagerly leaned forward and began rubbing his cock against Lucas', moans of pleasure echoing through the dark forest. Lucas smiled as Sharon watched on in horror. He could hear the other man, Jacob, begin moaning in need. The mutant allowed a spurt of cum to fly out and attach to Jacobs bonds. A thin wire of cum connected the two, allowing Lucas to liquify the cum and recall it. Jacob immediately struggled out of his clothes and rushed over, sitting before Lucas and waiting for permission to join.

"You shot at me." Lucas stated, staring into Jacobs eyes. The human had thrown off his goggles along with the rest of his clothes, but could still vaguely see Lucas' glowing eyes.

"I-I'm so... So sorry." He stuttered, his cock twitching with need. "Please, can I... Can I join?"

"Jacob, what's happening?" Sharon yelled, only to be ignored by both humans.

"Alright, no harm done." Lucas gestured Jacob over, sliding Paul backwards to make room for him. Paul let out a cry of displeasure, but was immediately silenced by the mutant. "You can fuck his ass." The human immediately leaned forward and slid his cock between Jacobs legs, sliding the shaft between the mounds of flesh in pleasure. Lucas reached up to the tip of his own member and scooped up some of the pre. He brought his hand down and rubbed Pauls shaft until it was nice and slick. Just for good measure, he also rubbed some on Jacobs anus, ensuring a smooth entry. He then brought what was left up to Pauls mouth, where it was greedily slurped up. Lucas pulled Jacob along his shaft towards Paul's waiting prick, making sure to rub as much of the precum on the humans body as possible.

Without any warning, the man gripped Jacobs hips and thrust his pulsing member through the virgin asshole. Jacob gave a moan of pleasure and began rubbing himself against Lucas' pulsing cock, small rivers of pre leaking down and lubricating him. Lucas could feel the mans much smaller prick begin twitching, and soon felt the humans load squirt out and be rubbed into his skin. The mutant chuckled as Jacob began frantically rubbing against his cock once more, his cum acting as the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Paul seemed to be reaching his limit as well. His thrusts were getting erratic, and before long he was depositing his load within the other mans bowels. He began thrusting once more, but was stopped by Lucas.

"What kind of gentlemen are we?" He asked, gesturing towards Sharon, "Our lady friend obviously wants to join in the fun." The two men turned to Sharon as if just noticing her presence. Lucas lifted each of them from his lap and placed them on the ground, both immediately stroking their cocks to make up for the lack of contact.

"N-No!" Sharon screamed, "Don't touch me!!" Lucas pressed his cock against her bound chest, precum shooting forth and covering her face. The cum holding Sharon in place liquefied and returned to the mutants cock, dropping the woman into Lucas' grip. A single strip of the solid cum remained, binding her arms to her sides. The mutant grabbed the woman's pants and tore them off, along with her underwear. She attempted to cross her legs, but Lucas placed his cock between them. Her body tensed at the prospect of being torn asunder by the mammoth prick before her, only to hear the mutants deep, rumbling laugh.

"No worries, even I wouldn't put you through that. At least, not yet." He chuckled, gesturing to Jacob and Paul. The two men stood and darted over, both pricks swollen near purple and twitching angrily. Holding her legs apart, Lucas lowered Sharon between the two lust-addled men. Both looked to Lucas as if asking permission and, upon receiving a nod, eagerly rushed to her.

Jacob went straight for the ass, his cock already lubricated from Lucas' pre. Sharon screamed as her ass was penetrated, and once more when she felt Paul shove his prick into her pussy. Both men pounded mercilessly, their brains long past caring for anything but their own release. Except for their giant, mutant god, of course. Were he to command it, they'd stop immediately.

No such order came, though, and both of them kept at it. Lucas, meanwhile, slowly let go of the woman until Paul and Jacob were supporting her on their own. He was rather surprised that the humans were obeying him so readily, but attributed it to his cum. The chemicals made their minds more open to suggestion and developed an instant addiction to Lucas, meaning they'd be willing to do anything for him. At least, that's what he could gather.

Paul and Jacob each let out moans of pleasure, their cocks emptying into the woman. They stopped for mere seconds before continuing, the smell of Lucas' cum driving them insane with lust. The mutant grinned, tilting his cock towards Paul and grabbing the humans head. He guided his lips towards the gigantic member and latched on, suckling at the slit for more precum. Lucas flexed his sac, a glob of cum rushing forward and down Pauls throat. The man shuddered and came instantly, drops of his spunk dripping from Sharons folds.

Lucas turned and gave Jacob the same treatment before backing away and sitting down. He didn't have much left, and would probably need to absorb at least one of them in order to continue on his way the next day.


Lucas awoke to a rather pleasant sight. His massive cock was standing at full attention, eagerly being serviced by the to men he'd enslaved the previous night. Their bodies were covered in his viscous pre, though neither cared. They were focused solely on making their master cum, on receiving the heavenly nectar that dwelled within him.

The mutant flexed his internal muscles, a small stream of cum pouring from his shaft. Both men eagerly began licking at the white liquid, their swollen cocks releasing jets of their own. Lucas turned from the spectacle to a heap of jizz laying nearby. Sharon lay there shivering, her ass and cunt gaping open as spooge dripped from them. The teen cocked his head, ordering the two men slavering over his cock to stop.

"Bring her here." He said, gesturing to Shanon, "Lather her up." The two men reluctantly stood and left the growing pool of precum gathering beneath Lucas and walked to Shanon. The woman let out a brief moan of pain and feebly pushed at the men as they picked her up, but otherwise offered no resistance. Globs of cum fell from her stretched holes, leaving a small trail as she was carried over to Lucas.

Both men pushed her up against the mutants massive shaft, his pre slicking up her frontside while the two men rubbed their own slimy bodies against her backside. Within minutes she was glistening with the slimy substance, it's chemical effects seeping into her brain. She found herself actively rubbing her breasts and clit against the massive appendage, moaning at the feeling of his skin on hers. Lucas smiled before lifting her up and over his shaft. At nearly four feet long and almost a foot thick, it was a rather intimidating spectacle, even to Sharons chemically addled brain. Lucas, however, didn't plan on penetrating her.

"Pretend you're diving into a pool." He instructed, the woman lifting her arms in an upside-down V shape above her head. Lucas flipped her over and placed her hands against his shaft, slowly pushing her into his waiting cock. The urethra greedily slurped it's way up her arms, and within moments she was up to her shoulders. Shuddering at the pleasure, Lucas found himself eagerly releasing the woman, watching as she slid past her shoulders and breasts and down to her hips. Soon, only her legs remained out, and moments later they were swallowed as well.

Lucas layed down on his back, gesturing the two now frantically masturbating men over. "Crawl in there and fuck her." He ordered. Both men nodded eagerly, circling to his head and positioning themselves at the slit of his cock. Paul went first, pointing his arms like Shanon had done and ramming himself into the drooling orifice. Lucas assisted by grabbing the humans hips and shoving him in, watching as the lump slid down his shaft and towards the one waiting in his balls. Paul was soon devoured, and Jacob followed suite. Within minutes, all three humans were inside his balls, the lumps churning around in what the mutant could only assume was frantic copulation, especially with the arousing scent of his cum now covering them.

Lucas lay there for what felt like an eternity, rumbling in appreciation as the walls of his sac were stroked from the inside. In reality, it was less than five minutes, as the lack of oxygen rapidly drained the former hunters of their strength. They collapsed upon each other, and their bodies were digested into the cum which they'd been so addicted to. Lucas had watched as the outlines of their bodies faded away, leaving behind only his plump sac and twitching cock.

After a few moments of stroking his massive balls, Lucas attempted to stand. Even with his enlarged size, he found that it was impossible for him to move with two nearly six foot tall men and a five-and-a-half foot tall woman worth of cum. He sucked as much as he could into his stomach, but that only served to throw him off balance. Lucas flopped back down on his back, draining his stomach back into his balls and sighing.

He'd just immobilized himself.

Perhaps he could just dump some of it into the river?... No... No, he was still rather greedy when it came to his precious spooge. That also meant he wouldn't be able to just leave the cum lying around, especially since it could be easily found. He shuddered to think what would happen if something were to stumble upon it without him to guide them...

Leaving those thoughts for later, Lucas chose to relive last night instead. After all, he'd felt pretty badass flying from tree to tree, blocking bullets and picking off the hunters one by one. His favorite part had been the trees, of course. Something about leaping from tree to tree had left him feeling so... Alive. The feeling of soaring weightlessly through the air was something he'd been unable to experience as a human. If his legs were stronger, he had no doubt he'd be able to leap those distances and more.

With that thought, Lucas felt his legs begin to stretch. They grew only a few inches longer, but the muscles grew substantially. Each leg seemed almost the size of a childs torso, while the newly increased claws stretched out almost three inches from the tip of his toes. With a twitch the claws were retracted, leaving his strange, three-toed foot behind. His sac had visibly shrunk as a result, though it was still too large for him to move with.

Lucas focused on his arms, trying to recreate the feeling he'd had with his legs. It was unsuccesful for about fifteen minutes, but then he got a result. His biceps stretched outwards, gaining even more definition. His forearms grew as well, keeping up with his upper arms, while the claws on his fingers grew stronger and retractable as well.

The teen didn't stop there. He channeled his feast into his pecs, causing his chest to grow in-line with the rest of his body. His abs were next, eight muscled lumps forming and flexing with his every movement. Lucas' tail grew an extra half-foot, as well as gaining some muscles. The last of his muscles to receive improvement were those in his back, the area around his shoulders and ribs bulging outwards.

Having used up most of his spunk, Lucas found himself capable of standing. His sac was still the size of a large watermelon, but that was easily diverted into his stomach for storage, leaving him completely mobile. The mutant gave an experimental flex of his muscles, happy to find that the growth hadn't impeded his movement. He'd have to enlarge his bone-structure if he wanted to add any more, though. Perhaps he'd check ~~~~~'s cabin for any ideas. Another one of the rooms had probably opened, which meant more memories for him to decipher.

That would have to wait until nighttime, though. Lucas had a lot of ground to cover to his new destination.

Those humans had come from somewhere, and it was probably close by. He had to admit, the feeling of stretching his balls with three people was amazing, addicting even.

So addicting, in fact, that Lucas was going to do it again.

MG1) Chapter 3: Dwindling Humanity

Lucas growled, punching a nearby tree in frustration. As hard as he tried, he couldn't find any more of ~~~~~'s memories in his mind. They'd come so readily to him before, but now that he was trying to study them they vanished. He once more punched...

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MG1) Chapter 2: Awakenings

Lucas stood in a white, featureless space. There were no echoes or sounds at all, and there were no walls or shadows to be seen. Even the space around him was shadowless, other than the ones that clung to his skin. "Hello?" He called, the sound...

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MG1) Chapter 1: Starstruck

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * * * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Sorry man, but me and my sister have to be in Texas by Sunday." Lucas sighed, absently pinching the bridge of his nose as he holds the phone to his ear. "It's alright, Jerry. Your aunt died, you...

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