MG1) Chapter 1: Starstruck

Story by Reye on SoFurry

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#1 of Mutating Genes Part 1: First Mutation


Whoo! I always get excited when I start a new story, even if first chapters are a bitch to write.

Read, review, and please don't look too closely at the mistakes...



"Sorry man, but me and my sister have to be in Texas by Sunday."

Lucas sighed, absently pinching the bridge of his nose as he holds the phone to his ear. "It's alright, Jerry. Your aunt died, you should go to the funeral."

"Jon's still going, right?" Jerry asked.

"No, the college he's going to rescheduled the Orientation to tomorrow, so he's gotta drive up to Toronto. "

"Bummer... What about Lisa?"

"Her parents decided to take one last family vacation before she leaves for college, so they're gonna be gone for the next month." Lucas wandered over to his bed, flopping down on his back and sighing. "I'm the only one going."

"Why don't you just stay home? You don't need to go alone." Jerry pointed out, the faint sound of a suitcase unzipping just barely audible in the background.

"Remember? We already paid for the week, no refunds. It would be a waste not to go." Lucas lifted his free hand to his head and began twiddling with a lock of his curly brown hair, a habit he picked up from his mother when disappointed. "It's alright, though. I guess a week alone will be fine. Relaxing, y'know?"

"Sorry again, man. Me and Jenny will be back on Tuesday, so we'll be able to spend the rest of the week with you." Jerry's voice faded in and out. He was probably moving around his room, packing.

"That's good. It'll be cool to have you guys there, at least for a little bit." Lucas sat up, checking the alarm clock on his dresser. "Anyways, I'd better start driving if I want to get there before dark. I'll see you and Jenny on Tuesday."

"See ya later." Click. Lucas stood from his bed and walked from his room. His parents were out on one of their date-nights, so the house was empty. The teen walked straight downstairs and to the door, grabbing his suitcase and fishing pole on the way out.

His car was parked outside the garage, trunk already opened and waiting. Lucas set his luggage inside and closed the trunk, going over a checklist in his head. Clothes? Check. Toothbrush? Check. Fishing gear? Check. Door locked? Check. Lights off? He glanced behind him at his family's two story house. No lights. Check. Lucas walked around his car and got in the drivers seat.

"Well," He sighed to himself, "at least it'll be relaxing."

Several hours later....

Lucas pulled in to the driveway of a two-story redwood cabin. He and his friends had planned to spend the first week of summer there, in celebration of completing their Senior year of highschool. They all pitched in and were able to rent a nice, large cabin in the middle of the forest. They'd paid and were ready to go, until various circumstances kept each of his friends from attending.

The cabin was nice, though. It had five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a jacuzzi out back, a full kitchen, and a humongous living room with a nice plasma television. The cabin also sat right on a lake, the porch extending into a dock. Lucas had been told by the landlord that it had a few species of trout, which was why he'd brought his fishing pole. There was a small shed out back, probably where the kayaks were kept when not in use.

Lucas grabbed his fishing pole and suitcase and dashed inside. The door opened straight into the living room, complete with polished hardwood floors and a comfy looking couch facing an impossibly large television. Lucas' jaw dropped open at the sight of it. If he were to spread his arms out, his fingertips wouldn't be able to touch the frames on the television! He wasn't short, either, standing at almost six feet tall.

Lucas shook himself out of his surprise and checked outside. The sun was just touching the horizon, so he probably had a little under an hour left of light. Lucas left his suitcase and fishing pole near the door and wandered through the living room, past the kitchen, and out onto the back deck. He pulled the tarp off the nearby jacuzzi and turned it on. It would take a few minutes to warm up, so Lucas went back inside and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, happy to find it fully stocked, and began digging through it until he found a soda. No alcohol in the fridge, unfortunately, since he and his friends were all underage.

A faint chirping noise was audible from outside, signalling that the jacuzzi had warmed up. Lucas walked back outside and took off his clothes. He'd always felt more comfortable nude, so it was a bit of a good thing that his friends weren't there. Once naked, Lucas climbed in to the warm, bubbling water and set his can of soda in one of the cupholders built in to the side of the jacuzzi.

"Not bad." He sighed, the warm water slowly relaxing his muscles. "Not bad at all."

With the sun finally down, Lucas could see the streaks of white flying across the night sky. He'd never witnessed a meteor shower before, as the lights of the city made it difficult to see even the stars sometimes. Lucas sipped his soda and watched the sky, tempted to make wishes on all the shooting stars he saw. Being the math geek he was, he even attempted to count how many there were, until the sheer amount caused him to lose count.

It was nice, though. The feeling of summer vacation was always a welcome one, and, even if his friends weren't going to make it, spending a week in a cabin out in the forest was a perfect way to begin one. After all, he'd see his friends later. Lucas set the can of soda back in the cupholder near his hand, and closed his eyes. The warm water was so relaxing it was making him drowsy. He didn't know how long he'd napped for, but when he woke up the meteor shower had died down a bit. Now there were only a few every couple seconds.

Lucas squinted, staring up at a particularly bright star. That wasn't there before, was it? It wasn't until he stared at it a few seconds that he realized it was getting bigger. No, that would be impossible. The teen rubbed his eyes and looked back up just in time to see a bright flash of white and blue.

He screamed. Loud. His skin felt like needles were being shoved in, half of them red hot and the other half freezing cold. The cold burn seeped through his body, penetrating every cell and fiber of his being until he passed out from the pain.

Next morning

The sun woke Lucas up. The bright orb was just peeking over the tree-line, it's rays flying right into Lucas' eyes and rousing him from his slumber. When the teen opened his eyes, he experienced a brief moment of panic when he realized he was outside, but remembered he'd fallen asleep out in the jacuzzi. He looked around himself.

The jacuzzi had turned off, so he was sitting in cold water. There were a few bug-bites on his arms and chest, the area that had been out of the water, but that was to be expected. He felt like something should be disturbed. Had the star falling on him just been a dream? It would make sense, after all, something falling from space would've left a crater or at least a scorch mark.

Lucas climbed out of the hot tub, grabbed his clothes, and walked back inside. He found a towel in one of the bathrooms and dried himself off. The clock on the oven said it was six in the morning, so Lucas figured he'd do some early morning fishing.

After brushing his teeth and getting dressed, the teen grabbed his fishing pole and dashed to the dock. He unfolded a chair he'd grabbed and set it near the edge. The lure, which he'd placed on the line before leaving the house, flew almost twelve feet before sinking beneath the placid water of the lake.

The next few minutes were silent, only to be broken by the occasional rumbling of Lucas' stomach. His original intent had been to release any fish he'd caught, but the idea of fish for breakfast didn't seem too bad. At almost the exact moment he reached his decision, the line went taught. Lucas could tell the fish wasn't very big, maybe a little under a foot, and easily reeled it in. It appeared to be a trout, but the exact species was unknown to him. Deciding it was okay to eat, Lucas cut the meat off with the filet knife near his chair and allowed the carcass to slip back into the water to be feasted on by the other inhabitants of the lake. He carried the fish meat from the dock and through the back door, wanting to get as little fish blood on the hardwood as possible, and set it in the kitchen sink. Hastened by his quickly developing hunger pains, he set a pan on the oven and began cooking.

After breakfast

Lucas wasn't feeling too well. It had started with a feeling of unease, or, in his words, 'Wrongness', and quickly escalated into him dashing to the nearest bathroom and puking up the fish he'd just eaten. Had he been more aware, he would've found it strange that his puke didn't contain the acidic bitter taste of stomach fluids, that it tasted the same 'coming up' as it did 'going down'.

After completely emptying his stomach, and the few seconds of dry heaving afterwards, Lucas washed his mouth with water from the sink and shuffled back into the kitchen. He briefly thought of looking for medicine, but the pain in his stomach made him less eager to stay standing. Rather, he shuffled to the fridge and grabbed one of the cans of Coke littering the shelves. After dumping the soda back and forth between a few cups until completely flat to calm his stomach, as his mother had taught him, he shuffled into the living room, wrapped himself in blankets, then turned on the television and sat on the couch.

"Figures," He mumbled, "My first day here and I'm sick." He reasoned it was a cold, because of him sleeping outside in cold water, or that he simply cooked the fish wrong. Whatever the reason for it, Lucas didn't leave the couch for the rest of the day, and ate little to avoid upsetting his stomach more. The strange cramps he was experiencing, however, only got worse as time went on. He eventually managed to fall asleep a few hours past sundown.

The next morning

Lucas awoke on the couch, his stomach still cramping. He managed to find a thermometer in the bathroom, and, after washing it to ensure it was clean, stuck it under his tongue. The reading showed a normal 98.6 degrees, assuring the teen that he was healthy. Deciding the cramps were probably from hunger, Lucas walked into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal.

As before, not ten minutes after eating, Lucas puked it back up. Growling in frustration, he walked back into the kitchen. His stomach cramped again, the pain causing him to fall to the floor in agony. The pain was spreading from his stomach to his waist, and eventually his penis. Lucas pulled the sweatpants he'd been wearing down and off his legs, staring in horror at his crotch.

The shaft had grown by almost a hands length, and was at least twice as thick as before. That wasn't what scared him, however. What had caused the sudden shock to fly through his body was the tip. His urethra had grown, and now gaped open wide enough to take one or even two of his fingers.

'Feed it.'_A small voice in the back of his head whispered, _'Feed it to stop the pain.' Almost on it's own, his body lifted itself off the lenoleum floor of the kitchen and walked to the fridge. Lucas snatched the carton of eggs and set it carefully on the counter to keep the shells from breaking. He opened the container, took one of the eggs and slowly lowered it down to his now fully erect 12" inch penis. Once the smaller side touched the head, the slit of his penis gaped open and around the white oval. Rather than the sharp pain he'd been expecting, there was a quick jolt of pleasure. With surprising force, his penis sucked the egg from his fingers and swallowed it. There was a sizeable bulge running down his shaft, before eventually landing in his balls. The cramps lessened, if only slightly, in response to the strange meal. Eager to stop the pain in his stomach, Lucas began quickly grabbing eggs and slipping them down his cock, until the carton was empty and he had twelve large lumps in his nutsac. The cramps were still present, but not as strong.

Lucas walked, carefully to avoid breaking the eggs, back to the living room and sat down. His balls let out rumbling noises every few seconds, but other than that it was completely silent throughout the cabin. After the initial shock of what he'd just done wore off, Lucas became curious. He hesitantly wrapped his hand around his still erect cock, surprised to find his hand just barely fit around it, and began feeling the skin. It felt different from the rest of his body, almost.... Elastic. Lucas rubbed the tip of his first finger along his urethra, surprised to feel it open up and close around the digit. The muscles inside massaged his finger, slowly pulling it in until his whole finger was engulfed. Luckily, the pull wasn't too strong, and he cold pull his finger back out. The appendage was coated in a clear fluid, pre most likely. It was very slippery, so he assumed it acted as a lubricant to help objects slide down his cock.

There was a sudden pressure in his balls, an suddenly they deflated. Lucas could feel a liquid rushing up into his body, and the cramps faded away. He knew, however, that they'd be back if he didn't find more food. Now that his sac wasn't an easter basket, Lucas quickly stood and walked back into the kitchen, pulling off and discarding his shirt as he walked. There was another carton of eggs in the fridge, which he quickly devoured, followed by an almost full carton of milk. His cock wasn't big enough to take much else, but he didn't mind. Lucas waddled back to the living room and, carefully, sat down on the couch.

His sac continued making rumbling noises as it digested the food he'd just 'eaten', breaking the silence in the room. Within minutes, there was another rush of liquid from his balls and into his body, this time bloating his stomach out a little. He could feel a nap creeping up on him due to his fullness, and he welcomed the dreamless sleep.

Lucas awoke a few hours later. Two things were immediately apparent to him. One, the sun was now high in the sky, so it had to be about noon. Two, his cock had grown. It now stood fully erect at nearly a foot and a half, and was almost as thick as his arm. His stomach, he realized, had gone back to normal. As strange as it sounded, he assumed that his body had, somehow, turned the cum he'd stored into extra mass for his cock.

On some level, he realized that he should probably freak out. However, there was a small part of his brain that seemed to constantly calm him down, as though it was expected. As insane as it sounded, he was beginning to think part of his mind was thinking differently than the rest.

His balls rumbled, almost like his stomach used to, signifying it was time to eat. Curious as to the limits of his cock, Lucas grabbed his fishing pole and walked outside. It didn't take long for him to catch a small fish, maybe half a foot. He held the still flapping fish up to the head of his cock, willing the tip to open. It worked, and the opening to his cock gaped large enough to take the snout of the fish. Shuddering from the combined excitement and pleasure, Lucas began gently pushing the fish down his shaft. Rather than the pain he was expecting, the pleasure from his cock grew more and more as the fish slid down. As he came to the largest part of the trout, the pleasure became too much. Every muscle in his body clenched, his cock going rigid and black dots appearing on his vision. The fish blocked up his shaft, though, so no cum spilled forth.

Once he could think again, Lucas continued sliding the fish into his cock. With the widest part already in him, it didn't take long for the rest of the fish to follow. He let out a gasp of pleasure as the fish slid into his sac, quickly deciding he wanted to do it again. As his balls digested the meal, Lucas cast out his line again. A fish bit the lure almost instantly, this time much bigger. He struggled with it for a few minutes, before eventually reeling it in and flopping it down on the dock.

The fish was easily one and a half feet in length, and Lucas needed both hands to grip it. He felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of sliding it down his cock, despite the obvious size difference. Throwing caution to the wind, Lucas took the hook from the fish's mouth and aimed his cock at the head. He held the mouth shut, so it would slide in easier, and opened the tip of his cock. A small rush of pre flowed out, lubricating the fish's snout in addition to it's natural slime. Lucas slowly slid the fish into his cock, waves of pleasure washing over his body as he did. The fish continued it's struggle, but Lucas held the head still so he could slide it in easier. Eventually, the head was completely engulfed by his cock, and the fish's struggles increased. Lucas continued sliding the fish in, spots beginning to appear in his vision from the pleasure, until only the fish's tail was sticking out. By now, he'd released the trout and allowed it to struggle inside his cock. The clear outline of the fish could be seen, lewdly squirming about in panic. Finally, the tail slid in and the fish dropped into his balls. His sac inflated the outline of two squirming fish just barely visible on the skin.

Lucas would catch two more fish, neither of them as big as the second one he'd caught, before walking back inside. As he entered, his balls emptied into his stomach and began aching to be filled again. The teen wandered into the kitchen and began shifting through the fridge, a grin slowly growing on his face. He pulled out a can of soda, wondering if he'd be able to digest the metal. Just before he set the can at the tip of his cock, a small voice told him not to. He'd need to use 'the other one' in order to digest mineral substances like metal or stone.

Almost on cue, he felt a small tickle at his anus. Lucas reached between his buttcheeks and slid a finger across the hole, surprised to find a liquid not unlike the one in his penis. He'd never done anything anal, aside from one of his girlfriends shoving her finger up there during oral once. Now, however, he knew it would be different.

Lucas set the can on the floor and slowly lowered himself down. There was a little resistance at first, but his anus quickly opened and engulfed the can. The smooth metal surface slid in surprisingly fast, leaving Lucas sitting on the floor. He felt the chill from the can disappear before a small hissing sound began. There was another buildup of pressure, and he felt a glob of liquid flow into his stomach.

Deciding he rather liked anal, Lucas grabbed a box of sodas and one of the liter bottles. He walked to the couch and sat down, unscrewing the cap to the bottle and slipping it into his cock. He let the bottle slide about halfway down before stopping it and allowing the soda to pour into his balls. He bit a hole in the bottom of the bottle as well, so air could get in. As his dick swallowed the first gulps of soda, Lucas couldn't help but notice how nice the carbonation felt.

With the bottle of soda all set up, Lucas lifted the box of soda up on the couch and took one of the cans. He slid the metal right up his anus, just as before, and reached for another. Whithin moments he was like a machine, constantly grabbing cans and sliding them in his butt. He could hear hissing emanating from within his gut, suddenly curious as to how his body was breaking down something as strong as metal. He was quickly distracted, however, by the sudden and very pleasurable gush of liquid slipping into his body. Lucas made a quick note to see what else he could digest, before the feeling of both his cock and anus being filled caused him to moan and groan, glad that the nearest neighbor was over a mile away.

Eventually the bottle ran out of soda and the box was empty. Lucas lay on the couch, his stomach distended as though he was pregnant and a ballsac the size of a grocery bag sitting between his legs. His cock drooled a mix of soda and pre, the syrupy brown liquid running down his chest. The brown liquid seeped across the faux leather couch, eventually dripping down on the hardwood floor.

Lucas stood and walked to the bathroom. Wanting to wash off the pre, he stepped in the shower and turned it on. As he rinsed the brownish liquid from his chest, he heard a rumbling in his stomach. His gut began deflating, until his stomach was as flat as before he started. He heard a few popping noises, and then something plopped down on the shower floor. Lucas looked between his legs in surprise to find a strange, fleshy lump.

'D-did I just give birth?!' He wondered in surprise. He slid his foot over and nudged it, jumping when he realized the lump was connected to him. He followed it back up to the base of his spine, where it connected with his back. 'What the- Is that a tail?!' He gasped, turning off the shower. He couldn't move the tail very well, so it ended up just dragging along the floor behind him as he stepped out of the shower.

'A tail?' He marveled, reaching between his legs and lifting the appendage. That wasn't normal. He should've been freaking out. But, once more, there was a small part of him that knew it was normal. So, rather than freak out, Lucas spent the next few minutes learning to move his tail.

After toweling himself off, which took much longer due to he increased surface area of his tail, Lucas decided to take a quick nap, the generation of a tail taking a surprising amount of energy. As he walked upstairs and to the master bedroom, he felt his ballsac deflate into his stomach once more.

Lucas awoke at three fifteen, according to the alarm on the bedside table, to a surprise. As he rubbed his eyes, a habit upon waking up, he realized that the skin on the back of his hands had suddenly grown rougher. On closer inspection, he could see that, just beneath the surface of his skin, scales were growing. Not large, maybe a little bigger than the nail on his thumb, but the fact that scales were developing at all was enough to send a shock through his body. He ran to the bathroom and began inspecting his body, finding scales developing all over. They ranged in size, the largest on his back about half the size of his palm and the smallest on his stomach, about the size of fish scales.

His tail seemed to have adjusted as well. Rather than the strange, fleshy mass it was hours earlier, now it had thinned somewhat at the tip, giving it a distinctly lizard-like appearance. The scales were almost fully developed along it as well, beginning to turn a light shade of mottled grey and brown.

"What's happening to me?" He whispered, staring at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes had shifted as well, from their original light blue to a cat-like yellow. His pupils were ovals now, on their way to slits also common in cats. He opened his mouth out of curiosity and found that his teeth were largely unchanged, other than slightly larger canines. A trivial thing, but it was nice to have something stay the same.

Lucas left the bathroom and walked downstairs, deciding to try and find something to eat. His cock hadn't grown much, so he was still limited to about the same diet as before, although now that he could digest metal he wanted to try rocks. The monster wandered out back and began scouring the ground for a decent sized rock. After a few minutes of searching, he found one about the size of his fist and smooth all around. Smiling in anticipation, Lucas sat on the grass and rubbed the rock on the tip of his constantly erect penis, gathering a bit of still-soda colored pre as lubrication.

Once satisfied it would slide in easily enough Lucas rolled onto his back, carefully maneuvering his tail out of the way, and positioned the rock at his ass. He began pushing softly at first, gaining more force as he gained confidence he could do it. The smooth surface of the rock, lubricated by Lucas' pre, slid in rather easily. The only resistance was when the widest part was reached, and even then it was only momentary. Once the thickest part of the rock passed through, the rest slid in on it's own.

The second his ass closed behind the intruder his gut began hissing again, slightly louder this time. Lucas rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself up, not wanting to deal with his tail anymore, and slowly regained his balance. The extra weight of both his tail and the rock in his stomach threw him off a bit, but he recovered and went inside.

As he walked past the kitchen, Lucas suddenly realized he'd need some liquid to balance out the solidity of the rock he'd just ingested. Not wanting to use up any more of the soda just yet, he turned to the faucet. A small gush of pre gurgled out of his cock in excitement at the prospect. This would be a good way to test how much he could hold, along with a rather pleasurable experience if all went well.

The only problem was that there was no way to comfortably sit up on the counter where his cock could engulf the faucet. The situation was easily solved, however, when he realized that one of the bathrooms upstairs had a detachable shower head. Once he figured this out he dashed up the stairs, tail wagging slightly along the way.

Lucas spent the rest of the evening catching and eating fish, still unaware of exactly how large his ballsac could stretch. He'd attached his cock to the showerhead and turned on the water, but by the time his balls were the size of watermelons he'd decided to call it quits.

He did, however, come to the conclusion that most of the skin on his body could stretch to incredible lengths, as evidenced when all the water in his balls gushed into and, as a result, inflated his stomach. The sudden shift in weight caused him to lose balance in the shower and fall. He consequently learned to lift his tail when falling backwards so he'd land on his rump, as landing on his tail was much more painful.

After that incident, Lucas grabbed his fishing pole and walked outside, deciding that he'd get some actual food into his system. By the sun had gone down, Lucas had caught nearly a dozen fish, all of which were currently being held in his balls. He discovered that, if he focused, he could actually keep the material in his sac, rather than have it gush into his body as the water had done. Lucas didn't know if there were any practical uses to this function, of course, but he did enjoy walking around with balls the size of basketballs.

As night fell and Lucas was about to go to bed, he realized that his body hadn't absorbed any of the material he'd devoured since waking up. The teen looked down at his swollen stomach, absently rubbing the slightly-scaly skin. In one sudden rush, his stomach deflated into his balls, the unexpected shift in weight causing him to lose his balance for the second time that day.

Lucas' testicles now hung well below his knees, the sheer size forcing him to stand with his legs spread wide. There was a familiar pressure building in his crotch, the realization that he was about to blow his gargantuan load both exciting and terrifying the monster. Realizing that doing so in the cabin would be impossible to clean up, Lucas waddled as fast as he could outside. Once there, however, he realized that simply blowing his load all over the back yard would be a waste, and his eyes frantically searched for somewhere to go.

"The shed!" He gasped, waddling toward the small structure. The door was unlocked, allowing him to quickly enter the shed. It was small, his arms could just barely extend all the way, but something told him small was good. By now, his cock was drooling pre at an alarming rate, soiling the ground beneath him with it's musky odor. Lucas, relieved that he was safe, relaxed his body and allowed the pleasure to wash over him.

It was staggering.

His entire body felt as though it was being pleasurably electrified, burned, and chilled at the same time. His knees gave out, dropping the teen to the floor as his cock continued spewing the gunky white liquid across the walls of the shed. Within seconds the roof and wall across from Lucas were painted, with almost an inch of cum pooling on the floor. His cock continued, though, and soon all four walls were completely covered in thick, musky cum. Lucas, of course, had trouble remembering how to breathe. His tail would spasm randomly in pleasure, causing lewd splashing noises as it moved around in the pool of cum.

Lucas, who had been leaning against the door, fell to his side. He'd never been so completely satisfied and tired in his life, and he doubted he had the energy to make it back to the cabin. But then, he realized, sleeping here wouldn't be so bad. Using the last of his energy, he shifted onto his back, so his nose and mouth were free from the white ooze around him. As he drifted off to sleep, his last thoughts were along the lines of 'This vacation fucking rocks.'



First Chapter, DONE! I'm looking for a beta, so if anyone out there wants to look over my stories with no pay other than the joy of reading them before anybody else, feel free to PM me. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1: Starting off

First off, I do not own pokemon. Nintendo does. I do, however, own all origional characters and the Shape League. You can use any of these ideas, if you want, so long as you ask me first. This is my first story, so there's bound to be mistakes. I...

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