MG1) Chapter 3: Dwindling Humanity

Story by Reye on SoFurry

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#3 of Mutating Genes Part 1: First Mutation

Lucas growled, punching a nearby tree in frustration. As hard as he tried, he couldn't find any more of ~~~~~'s memories in his mind. They'd come so readily to him before, but now that he was trying to study them they vanished. He once more punched the tree, pieces of bark flying off from the force of his strike.

It had been almost a day since he'd fled from the house, the setting sun indicating nightfall, and he was hungry. He'd seen a few deer, but he couldn't fit them into any of his holes so he let them go. His stomach cramped in hunger, and he was more irritable than he'd normally have been. Being chased from the mansion didn't help.

He heard running water nearby, and decided to stop for a drink. The water was clear enough, he found when he arrived, and probably okay to drink. He knelt next to it and scooped some up with his hands, bringing it carefully to his mouth and drinking. His stomach felt better, but he still needed to absorb something solid.

Lucas gazed at his reflection in the water, slightly surprised at what he saw. His face remained mostly the same, other than the skin being replaced by very small scales. His ears had grown more pointed at the tips, and his teeth were much sharper. His eyes were bright gold, with cat-like slits. His hair had grown longer, the light grey locks hanging in his face.


Lucas' head whipped to face the noise, his eyes immediately landing on a rabbit across the river. It too was drinking the water, and didn't seem to have noticed him yet. The sound probably came from the twig it'd stepped on, indicating that Lucas' sense of hearing had improved. Without a thought, the teen leapt ten feet across the river and grasped the rabbit in his hands. It squirmed and attempted to bite him, but he kept his fingers away from it's teeth. He knocked his fist against it's head, knocking the mammal unconscious.

'Success!' was his first thought, his next was 'What the fuck?' How had he leapt across an entire river? He assumed it was one of the bonuses of ~~~~~'s body, but wasn't sure due to his inability to find any more memories. Shrugging it off as a problem for later, the teen leaned against a nearby tree and lifted the limp body of the rabbit to his cock.

The constantly erect appendage twitched, a small stream of pre making it's way down the front of the shaft. It, like the rest of him, had turned a light shade of grey, and remained mostly human-shaped. Placing the tip of the rabbits nose at his urethra, he began pushing. Pre began shooting from his stretching cock as lubrication, easing the entrance. Soon, the mouth and nose were in. No large accomplishment, he'd had bigger fish. He kept pushing, however, and soon the head was inside, then he came to the shoulders. With a rather large burst of pre, Lucas kept pushing. His cock opened wider, allowing the shoulders to just barely slip in. With the arms, however, he hit his limit. Pleasure rocketed through his body, rivulets of pre now oozing from his cock and into the rabbits fur. Stars burst before his vision and, unable to stop himself, Lucas pushed the rest of the body into his cock.

His tail thrashed below him as his vision blacked out, but he stayed conscious. The rabbit made a large lump in his cock that slid down to the base and into his balls. Once it was unobstructed, his cock sprayed a stream, he had long since stopped cumming in spurts, of cum into the air, most of it landing in the river and washing away, the rest landing on him and quickly reabsorbed. His vision returned seconds later, allowing Lucas to see the obscene lump in his balls. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, absently rubbing his swollen scrotum.

Then, the rabbit woke up. It's squirms began softly at first, almost completely unnoticeable. They slowly grew stronger, and stronger, until eventually his sac seemed to have a life of it's own. His cock, which had just begun to soften, hardened once more. Streams of pre began flowing again, the viscous fluid running in a small river down his shaft and over his writhing sac. Lucas wrapped his hands around his cock and began pumping, his tail whipping around behind him and his back arching forward. Through what he thought was instinct, his tail wrapped around until the tip sat at his puckering tail-hole. With a gasp, the appendage slid into his ass. His hips bucked, and he could feel his orgasm coming.

Through his haze of pleasure, he realized that losing more cum would probably result in more hunger. Stopping was out of the question, so Lucas craned his neck forward and wrapped his lips around the bulbous head of his shaft. Not a moment later, a flood of the salty liquid gushed out of his tip and down his throat. The rabbit began to slow down, the lack of air probably sapping it of it's energy. After waiting a few moments for the stream to taper down, Lucas released his shaft from his mouth with a wet pop. His tail slowly slid from his ass, the sensations causing his cock to spit up another blob of precum.

The mutant dropped to his knees and scooped up more water from the stream, downing it just as quickly as he had before. The rabbit was digested within a few minutes, allowing him to resume his travels. He followed the stream upwards, deciding it would probably lead him into the mountains where he could put a plan together.

He continued along the river for days, the forest growing gradually denser while Lucas tried to learn as much as he could from his new body. The first, and, in his opinion, best, thing he discovered was that he could leap markedly further than before. Somewhere around fifteen feet seemed to be his max, but it greatly assisted when he needed to catch prey. The second was that he could absorb things through his mouth. When he'd first begun changing, anything eaten through his mouth inevitably came back up, but he found that now anything he ate stayed down and was absorbed just as it would've been through his cock. The final, and most unsettling, thing he discovered was that he could sense the animals around him. It wasn't like he could hear them or smell them, though those senses had greatly improved. He could feel them, as though they spoke to him. Lucas briefly recalled ~~~~~ saying that his species were known for their psychic ability, and assumed some of it had rubbed off. It hurt his head to do, though, so he usually tried to avoid the activity.

On his eighth day of walking along the river, he stumbled upon a campground. He'd been lost in thought at the time, and didn't hear the camper until he was, quite literally, less than six feet away. Luckily, the human was busy starting a campfire and didn't notice him, but the event startled him all the same. With one leap, he landed in one of the nearby trees, his claws digging into the bark to add support. For reasons unknown to him, Lucas didn't leave. He simply sat in his perch and watched the man go about his business.

The teen found it strangely appealing, going unnoticed. The man had no idea that in a matter of seconds Lucas could leap down and shove him down his cock. He felt as though he should be horrified at the thought, but found it strangely normal or even exciting. His cock twitched at the prospect of such a large meal, but the knowledge that he couldn't possibly stretch enough to fit it made the idea seem less appealing.

Yet there was still a small part of him that wanted desperately to absorb the man. Maybe he actually could fit a human inside him, how was he to know?

Lucas shook his head as though the action would shake the thoughts loose, and turned to leave, the words "You will live with a constant need to devour them" echoing around in his head. Due to a rather fateful shift in the wind, however, he caught the scent of the human. Male, mid-twenties, high testosterone levels. His monstrous cock vomited pre in anticipation.

"It is our way." Lucas whispered. With a feral grin, the mutant turned and faced the oblivious human, his muscled legs coiling in preparation for the leap that would cross the gap between the two.




His legs pushed off the tree with such force that the branch nearly snapped, his grey body speeding across the distance between the two in less than a second. The man turned just in time to see the giant grey monstrosity tackle him to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The man screamed, body bucking in a feeble attempt to throw the beast from him. The mutant slid up the mans chest until the tip of his cock rested at the mans lips. With a quick, powerful push, he forcefully penetrated the mans mouth. Two loud pops rang out upon the beasts forceful entry.

Lucas had just used his cock to break a mans jaw. A wave of masculine pride washed over him before he went back to his work.

The human let out muffled gasps and screams, which Lucas answered by sliding him out from underneath his scaled body and holding him at the appropriate angle. He began sliding the man down his cock, visibly stretching out his throat. Globs of pre slid into the mans stomach, the liquid calming the human and acting as an aphrodisiac. Lucas felt the mans teeth push feebly against his cock, it's width having stretched his jaw to it's limits. His cock was less than half in, however, and the mutant was far from done. After renewing his grip on the man, he began his pushing again. The humans screams began again, this time in more pain that anything else.

His cock had just reached the half-way point, and had already entered the mans stomach. The stomach acids stung a bit, but it didn't matter. More and more of his pre began pumping out, diluting the acids and giving the man a slight gut. The mutant began withdrawing his cock. The man was broken now, which was what Lucas had been going for.

Whithin seconds his cock was free, and the mans pained moans filled the campsite. He held the mans face before his cock, releasing gobs of pre to begin lubricating his meal. As his pre seeped into the mans hair, the beast began ripping off the mans clothes. This shirt and jacket came first, followed by the pants and shoes. He rubbed the mans body along his tip, coating his entire torso. The man let out a few surprised gasps, but seemed to have gone into shock.

Lucas placed the man in a sitting position against the nearby truck before turning around and lifting his tail. His tail-hole gaped open obscenely, eagerly awaiting it's next meal. Lucas pressed his ass against the mans face, more just to establish dominance than anything else.

"Lick." He growled, reaching back and grinding the mans face against his ass. Still in shock, the man followed orders. His tongue slipped out and began tracing the monsters gaping asshole, occasionally darting past the lips to lick around the inside. Lucas grew bored of this quickly, though, and pulled the mans face away from his tail-hole. He positioned himself over the man, his ass resting on the crown of the mans head. The mutant bent his knees, his ass quickly sliding over the mans slimy hair and skin until his head was completely engulfed by the scaly grey rump.

Then, a problem presented itself. The mans shoulders were too wide for his ass to engulf on it's own. Not wanting to withdraw, Lucas reached both hands down and slipped three finger from each into his ass. The mutant began pulling his tail-hole wider, the skin stretching just wide enough to fit the mans shoulders. That's when Lucas realized that his hips were too narrow to fit a full-grown mans shoulders. He kept sliding, though, his hips growing wider and wider to accommodate the mans frame.

The monster simply took it as a sign to go on, and, unable to stand it any longer, dropped his full weight on the man. Lucas' stomach swelled up with the mans torso. He felt something prodding the base of his balls and, upon investigation, found that his preys erect cock was still outside his ass. Lucas let out a chuckle, reaching down and slowly stroking the humans manhood. It was nearly nine inches in length, puny compared to his monster of a tool, but large for most humans.

"Hey Rob, I got the firewood." Came a voice. Lucas turned to his left to see another human, a few inches shorter than the first, walk into the campsite. Letting his instincts take over, the mutant turned his body so his cock was facing the second human and let loose a burst of viscous white fluid. The man turned just in time to be nailed in the face with the substance, which quickly hardened into the grey material that had covered the inside of the shed over a week ago. The pile of firewood was dropped in surprise as the man stumbled backwards. His mouth was covered, but his nose remained free so he could still breath. Lucas bent the tip of his tail and shoved it up the ass of the first human, Rob, so he wouldn't fall out when the mutant stood.

The second human, upon seeing the towering, grey monstrosity stalking towards him with human legs dangling from its ass, turned to run. Lucas let out another burst from his cock, this one wrapping around the mans legs and binding them together, causing the man to fall on his stomach. The mans struggles continued, but the scaled nightmare was on him within seconds. His clothes were torn from his body, exposing his tanned backside.

Lucas grinned, an idea forming in his head. The beast got on all fours and slid his body up the mans back, his cock leaving a trail of slime from asshole to neck. He reached backwards and grabbed Robs still erect cock, guiding it towards the second mans newly lubricated ass. He slid forward, hilting Robs impressive manhood in seconds and sliding his own monstrous member along his new victims back. Muffled screams could be heard, but, since nobody was around, the effort was futile. Rob, meanwhile, registered only that his cock was inside something warm and soft, so he reacted naturally. Bucking his hips as best as he could, he began fucking his former companion.

Lucas laughed at the spectacle, amused simply by the situation. Business as usual, however, the beasts' cock began expelling even more of the slimy lubrication, which Lucas immediately began rubbing over the humans skin like massage oil. When finished with the back, Lucas lifted the human and flipped him over, sliding Robs cock back into him and continuing his task. The man, finally able to examine his captor, screamed once more. The beast batted the mans face with his cock, growling in warning. Screams faded to whimpers as Lucas finished, proud of his work.

There was another prod at the base of his cock, causing the beast to look down. The second humans erect cock poked at his scaled member, aroused by the mix of anal and the aphroditic musk of Lucas' pre. Grinning, The mutant rubbed his monster against the humans tool, the small streams of pre from the tip of his cock providing enough lube for pleasure. He felt Rob shudder, his thrusts coming to a violent stop as he climaxed. The second human let out whimpers at the feeling of his friends seed spilling into his bowels.

Lucas' tail pushed harder, sliding Rob the rest of the way into his ass. He retracted his tail, now focusing solely on his next meal. The mutant lifted the human up and positioned his head at the tip of his cock, gently sliding the human in. Lucas moaned as his manhood engulfed the humans head, stretching obscenely. He once more had to slip his fingers into his urethra and widen it for the shoulders, luckily the second human was smaller, though, so it wasn't quite as far. Once the shoulders were inside, Lucas slid the human further in until he was level with his victims cock. It was just under eight inches, still pulsing in chemically induced arousal. The mutant licked the meat as it passed by, mostly just to lube it up a bit, and was rewarded with a spurt of rich cum on his tongue. Lucas swallowed the liquid and watched the humans manhood slid into his cock, followed immediately after by the legs and feet as the head and torso curled up in his balls. He could feel the human rub and grind against his insides, but didn't mind as it gave him much more pleasure than usual.

Now completely alone, Lucas leapt into the bed of the humans pick-up truck and stretched out, his monstrous cock bobbing with the obscene movements in his balls. His body had begun digesting Rob, and was just starting on the second, unnamed human. The beast let out a sigh of contentment, absently rubbing his sac as he fell asleep.


Lucas awoke after nightfall, the chill in the air causing some discomfort. He usually slept under a layer of moss to keep the cold out, but this time he'd forgotten in his post-feast stupor.

The mutant glanced down at his body, relieved to find that he'd remained mostly the same. His muscles bulged out more, but he hadn't grown any taller or developed any new appendages, so he was happy. If he were to assume the humans he'd eaten not six hours earlier were around six feet tall, he'd estimate himself at just over eight feet tall.

Newly formed muscles rippling, Lucas sat up and glanced down at his sac. It was gargantuan. Most of his meal had been stored in his balls, apparently, which was why his body hadn't undergone any drastic changes. He was slightly grateful, but he wouldn't be able to move far with nearly two men worth of seed dangling between his legs. He briefly considered just jacking off and depositing the load somewhere, but something told him to keep it.

Maybe he could burn it off? Lucas hadn't put much thought into what his body used as a fuel source, and it made sense that it would be cum. The only problem was that he had no idea how to willingly transfer the cum back into his body, or even if his body would accept it. For all he knew, he'd taken all the nourishment he'd need while digesting.

A shiver wracked his body. The mutant hugged himself, the nighttime chill getting to him. He thought fondly of his short time spent in the cocoon back at the mansion. It had been so warm and comfortable.

Lucas laughed at his own stupidity. He'd just make a cocoon! There was certainly enough cum in him, all he needed to do was find a suitable place... Then he realized he was sitting in the bed of a truck, which was as good a place as any. Lucas flopped back down on his back, both hands wrapping around his ever erect member. He hadn't had a chance to marvel at it lately, but it was truly gargantuan. Even using both hands he couldn't wrap his fingers completely around it, and the tip nearly touched his chin. Lucas scooped up a handful of his slimy pre, using it as lubrication and rapidly pumping his shaft. It twitched occasionally, but other than that he felt almost no pleasure. Frustrated, the teen scooped up another handful of pre and painted his tail with the stuff, allowing for easier entry into his ass. The appendage slid as far into him as it could go, which added to the pleasure but did not bring him closer to cumming.

The mutant growled, pumping his arms as fast as he could while writhing his tail around within him. He tried every trick he'd learned between girlfriends, each of them yielding the same results as the last.

"Cum, dammit!" He cussed. His cock twitched, another glob of pre spilling forth. Lucas then realized that there was one trick he hadn't used yet. The mutant balled his left hand into a fist and shoved it down his urethra, his cock easily absorbing the intruder. Electricity danced through his body, his cock gripping his fist with surprising force. Lucas gasped and tightened his grip on his shaft. He began rapidly pumping his left hand in and out of his cock, using his right to steady the monstrous appendage.

The streams of pre turned into rivers, quickly running down his shaft and pooling around his balls. He could feel his climax closing in, relieved that he'd be inside a warm cocoon soon. Lucas gave a few more pumps before pulling his fist free of his cock. The pleasure overcame him, his gargantuan balls clenching.

The rivers of precum turned into a flood of the slimy, viscous white fluid which geysered forth and coated the mutant. The cum pooled briefly at the bottom of the truck bed, before rising up to Lucas' command and forming a cocoon of white around his body. White quickly hardened into grey, instantly warming the mutant up and lulling him to sleep.


Lucas stood in a forest. A forest that wasn't a forest. It was his mind, he realized, and he'd finally figured out how to return to it. No, not return to his mind. To see it, truly see it, was what he'd discovered. Each tree held one of his memories, but those weren't what he was interested in. What drew his attention was the unnatural structure among his trees, the cabin. Within the rustic-looking log cabin sat all of ~~~~~ s memories, a veritable treasure trove of information that would allow him to better understand the body he'd been given.

Lucas strode through his forest, passing trees that smelled of his mothers cooked-from-scratch pancakes and sounded of his cousins eighth birthday party. His hand took hold of the doorknob, a rush of emotions and memories filling his mind.

_ ~~~~~leaps to its left, barely avoiding the monsters spiked tail. The Ptalmion, as~~~~~ s people call the beast, stood on all fours, it's shoulders easily rising above ~~~~~ s seven foot frame. It's body was covered in spikes,_ not unlike a porcupine, Lucas muses, _and acidic saliva coats it's mouth. _

The door to the cabin opens and Lucas walks inside, another memory filling his head.

~~~~~gently lifts a small, scaled creature to the hole in it's chest. The scaly animal writhes back and forth, it's mind filled with a loud mixture of fear and panic, which~~~~~ easily picks up with his own. The hole in ~~~~~ s chest glistens with some form of natural lubricant, and the animal is easily devoured.

While eating animals through a hole in the chest sounds downright strange to Lucas, he reminds himself that he eats them with his ass and dick and moves on to the next memory.

~~~~~frantically taps the various glowing buttons before it, desperately hoping to re-route the rest of the ships energy to life-support and ride his momentum to the next planet. It's no use, however, as another meteor strikes the ship.~~~~~ reaches above it and pulls a red bar from the ceiling labeled 'ESCAPE'.

_ Lucas had never seen the markings before, but somehow knew what they meant. _

There's a loud grinding, before smoke begins to fill the cockpit. The escape pod was jammed. Cursing it's bad luck, ~~~~~turns to see another meteor coming at it's ship. In an attempt to save itself,~~~~~ begins preparing its mind for travel. The chunk of space-rock crashes into ~~~~~s cockpit, knocking the pilot from it's seat and into space.~~~~~ manages to hold its body together long enough for a spurt of grey liquid to shoot from its chest. The alien attaches it's mind to the DNA, hoping to ride down to the nearby blue-and-green planet and recuperate. It's lifeless body is taken with the meteor, flying off to god knows where.

_ ~~~~~can't see. It's eyes were taken with it's body, and the alien is left using it's psychic ability to scan the area. It breaks through the planets atmosphere, relieved to find that the air wasn't too acidic. Its descent picks up speed with each passing seconds, the friction from the air forcing~~~~~ to create a more heat-resistant skin around it's precious DNA. It reaches its maximum falling speed, and begins scanning the area it's heading toward. ~~~~~ couldn't detect any life-forms with self-awareness and figures the planet is still in the early stages of evolution. _

The alien begins forming a strategy for survival before it strikes something. The force of its impact rips the skin from the creature, it's DNA quickly soaking into the exposed muscle and taking root. With no other option, ~~~~~s mind and the creatures mind are fused. The pain of the landing seemed to have triggered a reaction in the creatures mind, as its conscious thought is at a minimum.~~~~~ begins taking over the body and engulfing the creatures mind, happy to find the task rather simple. It then recreates the damaged tissue from the landing and restores the body working condition. ~~~~~ begins adjusting the bodily functions to better suit its mission, before the creatures mind stirs.

_ ~~~~~scans the consciousness of the creature it's hijacking, only to find that it's conscious mind is still out cold. Another presence makes itself known. The subconscious mind cuts off~~~~~ s control over the body, it's will nowhere near strong enough to withstand the onslaught of the creatures subconscious. ~~~~~had never encountered a creature with a subconscious powerful enough to overwhelm a trained psychic, and is easily locked away in a corner of the creatures mind. Looking for answers,~~~~~ does what it can to probe the creatures conscious, or 'upper' mind, and is surprised to find that it's sub-par at best. How could a creature with such a weak upper mind lock away a psychic without even realizing it? Further probing provides the answer. The creature was of a sentient species called "Homo Sapiens," more commonly known to themselves as 'humans.' As a species, they possessed no natural adaptations to better their survival, other than fragile nails and laughably ineffective teeth. It's eyes were capable of perceiving the world around them in color, but only in well-lit areas. It's ears could only hear a small range of frequencies, and it's nose couldn't smell anything too far away. It's skin was weak and easily torn, it's bones were broken with ease, its internal organs relied on 'blood' to function, and it's neck was completely unprotected. It's muscles weren't capable of very heavy lifting without years of work, and it's legs couldn't carry it fast enough to escape any predators. As a species, the humans should've been hunted to extinction by the better-evolved species surrounding them. _

But they survived. These creatures were little more than an easy meal for predators to devour, and yet they survived, thrived, and dominated the planet. How?

_Their minds. Their affinity for cognitive thought and preemptive thinking allowed them to outwit their predators, their social ability led them to band together and form civilizations. They harnessed the most primal power on their planet, fire, and turned it into a tool. They learned to harvest the plants that could feed them. They created weapons to fight with. Clubs, spears, swords, arrows, catapults, cannons, guns! They domesticated animals that once hunted them, and even wiped some creatures off the face of the planet! They captured the raw energy of electricity and used it to bring chunks of refined ore to life! _

Without their minds, the humans were nothing. But, and this was the most surprising, they weren't even using their whole mind! The majority of their mind was locked away, unable to be used in everyday situations. This section of unused brainpower formed a 'middle mind' one that wasn't subconscious but wasn't conscious. It was this untapped potential that overwhelmed ~~~~~.

_It had been so focused on the humans upper mind, the part that saw every day use, that it had been blindsided by both the humans lower and middle mind. Upon realizing this, ~~~~~came to the conclusion that it was doomed. No matter what it tried to do, the alien couldn't break free. The lower mind was working to absorb~~~~~ s consciousness, and succeeding. The alien didn't give up, though. Even from it's cage in the depths of the humans mind, ~~~~~could morph the DNA of its shared body.~~~~~ began sifting through the humans genetics, quickly finding something miraculous. The humans DNA contained a resistance to Marthnla, the plague that was decimating ~~~~~ s planet. The alien made a decision and began fiddling with the humans genes. It integrated what little of the DNA from its old body it had and continued working on the humans body. _

_The human had very little by way of holes to work on. The only orifice made for taking in solid objects was the mouth, and even that couldn't open up very wide, so ~~~~~started with the bones. First things first, it dissolved all of them. Bones would get in the way. It instead rearranged the humans muscles in a way that would support the entire body while still allowing for movement, not unlike~~~~~'s previous one. Then, it increased the elasticity of all the internal tissues, along with a few areas along the humans skin. It singled out the mouth and anus in particular, allowing both to stretch well beyond the natural limits of a human being while still retaining their shape and strength. _

_ ~~~~~then started on the internal organs. Dissolved those too, along with the blood. Most of the creatures internal space was taken up by additional muscle.~~~~~ left enough room for a few new stomachs and a set of lungs, though. The lungs weren't for absorbing oxygen, however. They would fulfill the humans habit of breathing, along with providing the air necessary for speech and other sounds. ~~~~~created a much stronger vocal system for the human, tuning it so the speaking voice sounded nearly identical to the humans original voice. The human would have three stomachs in all. One connected to the mouth, and one connected to the anus. The largest was connected to the two smaller stomachs and would serve as the main nutrient supplier for the body.~~~~~ added glands that would create acid strong enough to digest most materials, including various mineral ores. It was about to begin work on the upper stomach, before it realized that it did not have enough materials. _

_Determined to finish it's project, ~~~~~turned it's attention to the humans genitalia. Humans naturally associated pleasure with the area, making it the perfect place to make a few adjustments.~~~~~ replaced the tissue with more elastic material, dissolved the testicles, made the scrotum capable of containing animals many times the humans size, and added ducts with acids powerful enough to digest any type of organic materials, then connected it to the central stomach. All that was left was adding extra pleasure sensors around the anus and urethra. ~~~~~ would continue work on the upper stomach if the human managed to absorb enough materials to do so. _

Lucas sat down on the cabins floors, head aching from the memories that weren't his. He almost couldn't believe that his body had gone through such a drastic change literally overnight. He didn't have any blood! Or lungs! Or even bones! High school anatomy classes told him that he should be dead, but he wasn't. Lucas moved on to another memory, this time with a mix of dread and anticipation.

_ ~~~~~watched through it's cage as the human went about it's day. The human thought of itself as a male, and referred to himself as 'Lucas.' While it's species didn't possess genders,~~~~~ had met with other species that did, and was familiar with basic gender differences. _

The human had attempted to feed through his mouth earlier, but his body had no way of properly breaking down and absorbing the food and rejected it. Instead, 'Lucas' retired to the 'couch' and wasted the day away watching 'television.' ~~~~~ grew frustrated, but there was little it could do.

Lucas laughed, remembering how miserable his first day had been. He then wondered how much different his body would've looked if ~~~~~ had an extra day to toy with it.

_ ~~~~~watched as 'Lucas' fell to the ground. The human was writhing in pain, it's mind flooding with frustration and panic. It's subconscious screamed desperately at the boy to eat something, anything, just to stop the cramps.~~~~~ realized it could use this. With the subconscious distracted, the bars on his cage were weak. Using all the willpower it could muster, ~~~~~pushed ideas into the humans head. The pain spread to his genitals. When 'Lucas' removed the garments covering them,~~~~~ yelled out_

" FEED IT! FEED IT TO STOP THE PAIN! _" The human heard ~~~~~ , and was soon stuffing the ovum of an avian species, 'Chickens' as his mind seemed to refer to them, down his urethra. His mind calmed, and the pain receded. The human would go on to devour another batch of avian ovum, along with the breast milk of a large mammal, before falling asleep. _

With the conscious mind resting, ~~~~~took the liberty of making a few physical adjustments. It finished adding the ducts in the upper stomach, and increased the size of the humans genitals once more. The increased size would allow 'Lucas' to absorb larger objects, and~~~~~ began whispering ideas to the subconscious about the 'fish' the human had been catching the previous day. His 'cum' would gain attractive and extremely addictive quality, allowing 'Lucas' to catch and absorb prey with relative ease.

That had been ~~~~~? Lucas hadn't felt as though there was another presence telling him to go fishing...

While content with the amount the human was absorbing, ~~~~~wished it could leap out and take control. 'Lucas' needed to be watched over like a newborn, having nearly absorbed a metal through his genitals.~~~~~ had needed to scream at the boy to stop him from doing so, and scream once more to inform the human to use his anus. Once directed to the proper path, however, 'Lucas' took to it with gusto. The metals absorbed were used in reinforcing the skin and muscles, and the fish were used to create a tail for balance and, should the need arise, a weapon. During the humans second nap, ~~~~~ began using some of the extra to form scales beneath the boys skin. It modeled them off the various scaled creatures it had absorbed over its lifespan. It started from the tail and worked it's way upwards, running out of metal near the base of the tail and only partially forming the scales on the rest of the body.

_ ~~~~~ then decided to do something about the eyes. It modeled them off the Ptalmions eyes, which were capable of seeing in near pitch blackness. It considered changing the teeth, but settled instead for simply increasing the size of the canines, mostly as a way to scare off predators in case of an emergency._

Lucas recalled looking at his eyes in the mirror, how he'd compared them to cats. Well, apparently they were from the Ptalmion, the large, spiked creature from ~~~~~ s home-planet.

_The rest of the second day went fairly well. The human instinctually grasped that liquid would be required to balance out the rocks density, indicating that it's subconscious was slowly adapting to the new body. Admittedly, 'Lucas' had gone a bit overboard, but ~~~~~ didn't mind. The extra liquid could be transformed into 'cum', as the human referred to it, and used in the creation of a cocoon. It pushed the human to absorb a few more fish, before giving it the need to nest. _

Nest? Lucas remembered the need to blow his load somewhere, and he recalled being strangely picky about where, but calling it 'nesting' seemed a bit weird.

_ ~~~~~ prepared itself. The human was wrapped safe in his nest, and all that needed to be done were the final touches to his body. Nerves and synapses in his brain were adjusted to allow control over the 'cum' while also allowing access to his latent psychic abilities. A few remaining codes were put in place for when 'Lucas' absorbed the rest of the nest, along with a very unique one that would allow the human to access the rest of his mind. It would be slow, to avoid breaking the humans sanity, but it would be constant. _

There was one final thing that ~~~~~needed to do. It had been resisting the humans subconscious mind until then, holding on to its identity long enough to evolve the human.~~~~~ s time, however, was running short. The alien finally allowed the humans mind to absorb it, immediately drawing the conscious mind into a dream.

Lucas pulls out of the memory, already knowing what happened next. When ~~~~~had told him it had been in a spaceship crash, he hadn't realized just how severe it had been. An image of~~~~~'s body floating around in space flashed before his eyes, only to be quickly boxed and shoved into the depths of Lucas' mind.

"Don't think about it." He stated to himself. Out of mind, hopefully out of sight. Lucas spent a while trying to learn how to change his DNA, only to find that there were no conscious thoughts that ~~~~~had placed when it had morphed him. Whatever the alien had been doing, it was instinctual. Lucas attempted to dig deeper into~~~~~'s memories, only to find himself locked out. It was as though he only had the 'key' to the entryway of ~~~~~'s mind, he'd have to develop his own psionic abilities before he could delve any deeper into the cabins rooms.

Lucas left the small house, and spent the rest of the night living in his memories, with his friends.


Lucas awoke early the next morning, quickly re-absorbing the nest he'd made. His balls were too large for him to walk, so he distributed it evenly to his other 'stomachs'. With the problem solved, he went about finding something of worth within the camp. He picked up the humans clothes from the previous day, balled them up, and shoved them down his shaft. No evidence... Other than the truck.

Lucas turned and eyed the large vehicle, knowing that he'd never be able to fit it inside himself. Deciding to leave it, the mutant turned towards the half-erected tent sitting near an unused fire-pit. Upon closer inspection, Lucas found a frying pan and two coolers. His tail grabbed the metal pan, folded it in on itself and quickly shoved it into Lucas' rectum, while his hands went about opening the cases. One contained a package of steaks and a package of hotdogs, while the other contained at least a dozen unopened beer cans.

Lucas was eighteen, well under the legal drinking age. That said, he wasted no time opening a can and taking a sip. He immediately spit it out.

"Why in the world would people drink this?" He muttered. Still, the metal could be useful, so he spent the next few minutes shoving the beers into his ass to be digested. Then he moved on to the steaks, ripping the package open with his claws and grabbing one. It was at least two pounds, and there were four in the package. Lucas opened his mouth as wide as it could go, downing the meat in one gulp. He devoured the rest in a similar fashion, along with the dozen or so hotdogs. He briefly wondered if eating them raw was a good idea, but decided that, if his body could digest metal, it could fight some germs.

Lucas left the camp afterwards, the tent and truck the only things still intact.

To make up for the lack of updates over the past while, I decided to release this chapter immediately after the second.

Sucking up? Yes. Shamelessly.

MG1) Chapter 2: Awakenings

Lucas stood in a white, featureless space. There were no echoes or sounds at all, and there were no walls or shadows to be seen. Even the space around him was shadowless, other than the ones that clung to his skin. "Hello?" He called, the sound...

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MG1) Chapter 1: Starstruck

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * * * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Sorry man, but me and my sister have to be in Texas by Sunday." Lucas sighed, absently pinching the bridge of his nose as he holds the phone to his ear. "It's alright, Jerry. Your aunt died, you...

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Chapter 1: Starting off

First off, I do not own pokemon. Nintendo does. I do, however, own all origional characters and the Shape League. You can use any of these ideas, if you want, so long as you ask me first. This is my first story, so there's bound to be mistakes. I...

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