Allen's Girl Chapter Three

Story by AllensCali on SoFurry

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#3 of Allen's Girl

Chapter three guys! ;DDD >~< I don't know how to change it from all ages to rated R but know that there is a small sex scene, I'm sure you're all old enough to handle it, if not you really shouldn't be reading this stuff.

Cali stretched up her arms as she slowly inched out of the car, smiling out towards the house as Sky came from behind and nudged up to her cousin winking and heading. Just behind, Cali followed slower than Sky who had already scurried in, passing Allen and heading for the booze in the kitchen.

"Are we gonna party or what boys and girls?" Sky asked pulling out a couple of bottles to share for the whole group just as Cali came in.

"Your house is like a pub Sky," Cali grumbled under short bits of breath and sat on the couch sighing running her paw through her slightly curled hair, fixing it from where it laid. As Allen saw this he shook his head laughing a bit.

"I'm done for the night, I am gonna sleep.."He muttered looking at Sky with a slight blush, heading towards the couch. Laying down he closed his eyes and yawned, burying his head in a pillow, closing his eyes. With Cali sleeping on one couch, Allen sleeping on the other nearby, the two looked cutely snuggled up to their plush beds. SKy held the bottles over her head for a few short lived moments and sighed putting the bottles back

"Fun killers," Grumbled sky as she sluncked up to her room, crawling into bed. The night lived on for only an hours rest as Cali awoke with tears filling the grim of her lashes, sniffles sniffling from her nose while her hands desperately wiped at the tears hanging off her eyes trying to get back to sleep curling tighten up on the couch. As Cali awoke so did Allen to the sniffles that were being made yawning he sat up and looked over to see Cali curled in a tight ball still sniffling and quietly stepped towards her, sitting on the side of the couch, slowly placing his paw on Cali's shoulder.

"Hey... hey are you okay Cali..?"He asked looking at her before nodding.

"Anything to do with the guy from earlier..?"He asked slowly waiting for an answer from Cali. As Allen approached the young girl, she tried to stop her sniffles, but was fruitless in her effort.

"N-No, I'm fine, really," Cali nuzzled her face into the couch's soft back board of blue material. "I'm okay," Her fingers traced over the top of a warn wallet sized picture holding it tighter to her chest turning her head towards Allen.

"You're a hopeless liar, I'm a barkeep... I know when someone's lying or not."Allen said as he looked at Cali and leaned back on the couch resting his back against it.

"So tell me Cali, for the purpose of avoiding silence, why is it that you are crying, even though you look adorable with the twinkle of those tears down your cheek."He said teasingly trying to get her to smile instead of shed more tears. Cali rolled her eyes at the male keeping the glassy look in her eyes,

"You're a hopeless romantic..."Cali sighed hanging over the photo she held in her paw. The photo was a nice captured image of a memory, a beautiful lake from behind the three figures, one holding a fishing rod in one hand and the child's shoulder in the other. "Those are my parents, they- died a month ago. Thats why I came up to America because Sky is my last family line besides her parents." Allen frowned and bit his lip as he sighed and suddenly hugged Cali.

"Thought so..." He muttered as he pulled away looking at her."Cali if it helps any my parents basically died... you know zombies get the best of us..."He muttered as he placed his paw under Cali chin and smirked a bit."Smile and live on, things happen to the best of us, i know how you feel my parents were honestly really dead to me, i did better living with my grandparents.... your cousin she's not the best to live with but at least you have family so please keep on smiling i mean hey how else is the sun gonna raise...?"He said smirking as he tried to get a good reaction from her. Cali sighed sitting up running her paw through her messed up hair from shifting in the night and looked up at the ceiling, holding onto her forehead,

"You suck at pep talks," Cali whispered duly leaning forward grabbing the remote off the coffee table in front of them, flipping on to a random channel just to stop the awkward conversation. Allen frowned.

"Trying to get you to laugh, geeeez..."He muttered before smirking deviously."Fine, not smiling the easy way.... now... the... hard.....way..."He muttered as he tackled Cali pinning her down and began tickling her staying out of kicking and punching range as he laughed and tickled her. Cali held tight to her frown as his fingers wiggled over her body making her squirm under him slowly having a smile crack onto her lips. Slowly her hands tried to grab one of his wrists to make him stop, successfully capturing one while begging.

"Stop tickling you bloke!"

"Eh Eh Eh i need to see a bigger smile cutie.."He teased tickling her more and more as he laughed a bit, amused by her reaction.

"Come on i wanna see that sun shining brighter than it ever has before."He teased roughly as he got close to Cali's face smirking. Cali side smiled stubbornly Allen's head was close enough, Cali jumped her back up popping their foreheads together to create a thunk between them. "Knock it off you looney!" Cali laughed cracking her lips more with every word he spoke. Allen winced a bit as he fell back rubbing his head as he laid on the edge of the couch.

"Yup i was right about you, you're one stubborn headed girl.... guess i'll have to work harder ta get ya..."He smirked teasing as he rubbed his forehead still cringing a bit."Good to know at least if i cracked a curtain it'd be shining brighter than hades when he's angry.."He smirked laughing a bit as he yawned looking at the t.v. Cali sat up curling up her legs to her chest and resting her chin on her knee caps, while her hands smoothed over the fur on her legs finding a comforting feeling by just him being there. The T.V. flickered catching her attention when the channel changed after her butt moved slightly one way, pressing a button to change the mood set of the room.

The sudden picture of two movie stars staring deeply into each other's eyes before he pulled her into a deep kiss. Cali blushed heavily and skimmed her eyes towards Allen, quickly sweeping them away to look at the opposite wall before franticly trying to find the remote, having it fall in, sucked into the cracks of the couch where it wouldn't be likely found again. With the mood set in the room for Allen, he quickly took this opportunity to tease or perhaps make a move on Cali, scooting closer Allen leaned forward until his muzzle was in front of Cali's and his paw was on her's, moving a bit forwards he smirked a bit more.

"Can i have this kiss..?"He asked in a cheesy manner, expecting to have her move away quickly. Cali blinked at him with a deep blush plunging over her cheeks creating a cherry coloring over her tan fur lined cheeks. "I-I," Cali stuttered as she blushed harder, falling back on the couch till her back came to lean against the arm of her seat, while the rest of her body faced Allen who edge closer with every moment he got. With Allen enjoying the moment he was getting, he edged as close as he could to Cali brushing his fingertips against her smooth stomach before smirking as he tilted his head and let his lips edge as close to Cali's lips as he could, Suddenly he smiled backing off and got off Cali.

"Time for midnight food.."He said laughing a bit as he walked towards the kitchen beginning to pop popcorn, as well as get out marshmallows, m&m's followed by a huge bowl. Cali sat waiting for Allen to kiss her, her lips pursed up waiting for a long moment of silence, his hot breath no longer present. As she peeked open her left eye she found that Allen had moved on. In a bit of a fit Cali rolled from the couch onto her feet and stomped into the doorway of the kitchen snapping her attention directly at Allen,

"That was it you were gonna let me sit there with my lips puckered sittin' there lookin daft?" Cali said in one breath and sighed at the end folding her fingers up into her palms till they formed fits as she turned and walked back out from the kitchen to the couch again growling a murmur of grief. Suddenly a beeper went off as the popcorn was done. Smirking Allen mixed everything in the bowl and brought it out sitting the bowl down on a table in front of Cali.

"You know Cali if you wanted a kiss you could have just.."he stopped as he suddenly leaned forward kneeling on the ground as he kissed Cali letting his warm lips ensnare Cali's bringing her closer to him for the moment being, slowly he pulled himself away with a slight reddish tint to his fur.

"Could have asked for it..."he muttered smirking as he finished his sentence. Amazed by Allens motion, Cali's eyes grew wide as her cherry cheeks upgraded to a beat red. with a quick sweep to the right Cali dodged the kneeling figure and ran with her tail between her legs rushing to the room she was borrowing.

'my hearts racing...Why'd he do that...I don't understand..' Calis mind raced with excitement gulping as she touched her lips with the tips of her fingers gently before crawling into bed for the night. With a frown Allen smirked and shrugged.

"Damn now who is gonna eat this snack with me..."He muttered as he began eating the popcorn and yawned watching t.v as he rubbed his eyes."She seemed to enjoy it... cute.."He muttered rubbing his eyes as they even became heavy from his overly excited emotions. Cali yawned a smile and curled up with her pillows wrapped snuggly in her arms drifting off into a deep sleep, recovering her picture from its safe place and holding it up to her heart. Before long, Sky hazily waltzed out from her room sleepily in a long t-shirt cutting off just at her mid thigh length. She walked up to the couch all the way around till her knees matched his sitting form. "Room for one more?" Sky asked with half open eyes, the v cut in her t-shirt showing her collarbone as her legs swung around his lap and sat down, instantly plucking at his lips with her own, hands running up and down his chest. "I'll give you something to snack on." Her voice echoed into the night, leaving only the promise of morning to arrive.

Morning rose with an early smile over the melting snow lands, the turning heat of the day wormed its way into the home, flashing into Allen's eye lids as if the rays themselves were giving his honey brown eyelids a kiss good morning. Speechless by what just had happened Allen had groaned a bit from the sudden action, However the night was like a dream to him and when he awoke to see that Sky was not laying beside him and frowned rubbing the back of his head."was that a dream?..."he muttered sighing as he got up and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. Sky held onto a limp smile as she used a spatula to flip over the hash browns to a nice crispy top cooking the bottom. "Hey there handsome, breakfast will be ready in a minute," Sky said in a sing-songy voice

"Yeah yeah yeah... I'm gonna take a shower before i eat.."Allen yawned smirking as he rubbed his eyes,and looked around the room.Sky went scurrying to the other side of the home to where the bedrooms were, "Wake up sunshine time to get up now Cali," rushing in, Sky jumped up on top of Cali and tickled the blanket bug till she squirmed screaming coming out from the warm glump of fluff.

"No! I don' want to," Cali groaned as the blanket was pulled off and Sky bit into Cali's shoulder playfully.

"Come on get up!" Sky laughed while Cali yelped

"Ow you bit me you fucking bitch!"

Entering the bathroom Allen carelessly closed the door behind him starting the water, before he stripped down his clothing, climbing into the shower, the warm water rinsing down his fur as he ran his hand down past his sheath and back up to his chest yawning as he let the warm water wake him up. The two struggling fell onto the floor rustling each other until Cali finally wiggled herself loose from the claws of her cousin running out the room cutting two corners before jumping open the bathroom door and closing it behind and locking the lock. A blush formed over her cheeks as she hit the door with her back, seeing his silhouette from behind the curtain. With one of Allen's paws on the wall he blushed and rubbed himself a bit before snapping out of his moment of lust he sighed and decided to hurry up bathing himself and began to look for a bar of soap. Looking around the small shower he found nothing, and thinking that Sky had just ran out it was possible there was some on the counter and stepped out of the shower walking to the counter.

Finding the small bar of soap he stood straight and started to turn before looking at Cali, quickly letting his face turn cherry red after looking down and realizing his member was out of his sheath and hard from his lust a second ago. Looking back at Cali he gulped a blushed frozen as he waited to see exactly what'd she do. Cali blushed and screamed turning to face the door and shaking the door knob roughly in a panic not realizing she'd locked it a moment ago.

"Sorry Allen I-I didn't know you were having your manly time!" Finally the little switch slipped to the side and shivered to the side, unlocking the door allowing the door to shift open and letting her out. Cali sprang out from the door and slammed it shut again meeting Sky on the other side.

"Manly time huh," She teased hmphing a bit.

"Sh-Shu up Sky," Cali embarrassedly spoke Blushing Allen slightly opened the door popping his head out, blushing more to find Sky as well as Cali outside the door.

"Uh... do i need to um hurry up, o-or can i finish up my 'manly time'..."He muttered trying to joke a bit as he hid the rest of his body behind the door looking at them. Sky laughed and fakely winked towards the soaked male, her eyes wandering over her furry chest, watching the droplets fall down his body.

"Or you could just come out like that, finish your manly time watching Cali and I make out," Sky offered bluntly heading back to the kitchen.

"You're so vulgar Sky," Cali squeaked out faintly with a sigh. With an even redder tint to his furry cheeks, Allen turned closing the door.

"I'll be done in a bit..."He muttered as he got back in the shower, lathering up his paws with the soap before rubbing his entire body with the soap. After a while he finished and got out of the shower walking out of the room."Sky do you have any of my clothes i left here last time..?"He asked blushing a bit trying to get ready for any flirty come back Sky had to his question,

"Oh, yeah in the closet in Cali's room," Sky said walking around the table with three plates in her arms filled with hash browns and pancakes on them. Cali came behind her with two glasses of orange juice setting them on the table.

"Okay thank you..."He said as he walked out of Sky's bedroom and past both Sky and Cali before entering Cali's bedroom, instantly digging through the closet."Found it..."He called out slowly. Pulling on shorts and a black t-shirt, Allen walked out of the room and looked around.

"Yush Hashbrowns!" He said as he quickly got to the table and sat down, taking a plate and smiling at the girls."Ready to eat.."He said happily. After a good hot meal and the girls 'quick' change, the trio headed out of the house, Sky in the lead walkin right passed Allen's car.

"Lets walk off that breakfest shall we?" Sky clapped her paws together in a rhythmic direction forward. Cali, lagging behind as she struggled with the zipper of her jacket grumbled,

"Okay just hold on, I can't-get-this-bloody-zipper," Choked Cali growling. Smirking Allen lightly scooted in front of Cali.

"I'll help you Cali..."He whispered, his muzzle near Cali's ear. While his paws traveled down to the hoodie's base and grabbed the zipper. Lightly he blew air on Cali's ear. The motion made Cali jump back in reaction just a little, which only made her be pulled back by his grasp around the tail of her jacket's edges.

"A-Allen," Cali softly said blushing holding her hands over her chest, staying out of the zippers path. With a devious smirk Allen slightly leaned forward, blowing hot air on Cali's neck before zipping up Cali's hoodie completely.

"What's wrong, nervous."he said looking at her and stretched."Sky's waiting we should hurry before she comes in and gets us."He said smirking. Cali sighed as he left growling a bit at his tease,

"You bloke!" Snapped Cali as she raced up beside him and punched his left shoulder running further up ahead looking back with a smile at the male, Allen. Playing as if he was hurt Allen laughed after a while and rubbed his shoulder, sticking his tongue out at Cali he walked to the drivers side and opened the door starting the car waiting for everyone else. Cali rolled her eyes at the male and walked passed the car turning slightly, walking away.

"Oye, we're walkin unless you wanna drive all by yourself," she smiled trying to hold it back turning around and walking with Sky in the lead, heading down the street. As soon as he started it, the car was shut off by Allen, who then quickly closed the door and ran to catch up to the two.

"Thought we were taking the car..."He muttered rubbing the back of his head."Okay where to first..?"He asked sticking his tongue out at them. Sky held back twisting her torso around to see the male and pinched his tongue with her fingers and smiled sneakishly at the two.

"We're heading to the mall mister, we need some groceries as well," Sky nodded looking over to Cali smiling as she tugged at Allen's tongue. Blushing Allen tried to pull his tongue from Sky's fingers, blushing more from her tease as he pulled back.

"Okay okay i get it, to the mall!!!"He smirked as he raised his hand and ran past the girls.

"Follow me!!!"He yelled back to them laughing a bit and smiling at the as he walked backwards. Cali laughed and rolled her eyes faintly, lifting her lips to a smirk while Sky nudged her and jumped forward towards Allen. With the two in front, Cali watching their tails up ahead, Cali smiled and walked up ahead just behind Allen and Sky. Allen had ceased his blushed and continued to walk beside them.

"Which store do you girls wanna go to first?"He asked smiling as he rubbed the back of his head and looked around the neighborhood they walked through. Sky looked over at the male and winked releasing her tongue from her clenched fists. "We're going to go to Victoria Secret," She nudged her self in front of Cali and looked back sweetly winking to her blushing cousin.

"No we're not, we're going to the market,"Cali reapplied growling towards the collie with a hint of irritation in her vocal cords. Continuing to walk backwards, Allen tilted his head.

"Well which is it, Victoria's..."He muttered blushing a bit as he looked at them both."...or the market."He muttered stopping as he waited for an answer, so that he could find the quickest way there.

"Victoria," "Market," Both girls snapped at the same time, locking glares with one another, growling while they snapped at one another.

"Sky, we're going to the market, we need food," Cali twitched her eye as she sharpened her glare. "Well then, since you know the grocery list, why don't you go to the market, while Allen and I go to victoria's secret, we'll pick out your panties and a matching bra," Sky swung around Allen, wrapping her arm around his and tugging him down the hall between buildings. As red as Allen thought his face could get, it soon tripled in color.

"W-wait panties and Bras..."He muttered as he gulped blushing as he watched Cali seem to get further and further away before looking at the ground as he himself was being dragged away.

"Come with me my little pet," Sky muttered leaning her muzzle up to his ear to breathe a breath of air into his hot ear. The two walked along the path and turned onto the cement path where other furries of the town walked, gossiping to one another about off and on topics. Slowly the pair matched strides and entered the store with a smile on her face. As she released his arm and rushed over to the hanging fabrics of lacy, bold, items to honor any kind of man's fancy. Ears twitching and his eyes running over every piece of fabric that Sky seemed to look at made Allen bite his lip and gulp wondering what Sky was planning. Walking up beside her, Allen scratched the back of his head.

"See anything you like?"He asked blushing and smiling shyly at her. Sky only smirked daintily shifting her fingers over the tops of the hangers stopping at one, pulling it from the rack and showing it against her body. "This one," She held a black set of panties, lacy and skippy that entwined two thin black straps clipping up to the rim of the bra's bottom. "I call it, Sexy Time With Master," Sky teased handing it to the curious male and continued down the row, picking out panties and bra sets throwing them carelessly into his arms. Blushing, Allen looked down at the see through laces and fabrics that laid in his hands. Gulping he somewhat walked a bit closer to Sky.

"Are you getting all of this...?"He muttered blushing deeper.

"O-or u-uh try it on.."He muttered quietly towards the end as he looked up with his ears folded against his head shyly. Sky turned around and winked at her toy shrugging her shoulders, "I think I might just play with you my pet," Her fingers gathered under his scruffy chin and stuck her tongue out, taking the skimpy panties and bras heading towards the stalls, along with the clothes, Sky nipped her fingers around the collar of Allen's shirt.

"C'mon big boy lets go," Biting his lips Allen smirked a bit, although it quickly went to shyness when he was being dragged to the stall.

"W-wait a-are you serious sky..."He muttered blushing as he bit his lips and followed her into the dressing room only closing his eyes in embarrassment curious to see what sky would do. Sky pulled the male into the tight space closing the door, swinging the clasp down into locked formation.

"You know I'm serious Allen,"Slowly her top was peeled off from her torso as she also continued to pull at her skirt till it shuffled down as well.

"Hand me the first one, will you Allen?" She winked, standing in only her hot pink panties and lacy matching bra. Seeing Sky in her bra and panties made Allen blush and fidget uncontrollably as he bit his lip and looked at Sky.

"U-uh yeah o-okay...."He muttered handing Sky the first pair. She sighed and rolled her eyes, pulling on the new panties and bra over her own and looked in the mirror, turning so her rump faced Allen,

"Does my ass look okay in this?" She asked Blushing Allen bit his lip, his long hard member hard and out of its sheath from his excitement. Biting his lip rough, which caused some blood to trickle down his lip, Allen suddenly grabbed Sky's hips and lightly grinded against her.

"L-looks g-great Sky..."He muttered trying to calm himself and stop. With a smirk, Sky braced her palms on the wall of the changing room, the mirror in front of them. The female callie bent and wiggled herself against his form, teasing more with her body. As she moaned, Sky murmured out;

"You like that big boy?" With a deep dark red blush, Allen nodded quickly as he started to tug at the panties Sky was wearing, eager to get Sky's clothing off, as Lust took his body quickly. Growling and moaning a bit himself he checked Sky's body out, letting his eyes scan over every inch of her body. With a passionate toss of her head, her hair flipped back showing off her grin in the mirror, leaning up her face to lick under his chin,

"Someone is getting too excited to contain,"

"i-is that a-a problem Sky...."He muttered blushing as he bit his lips thrusting harder and harder against Sky's ass before moaning, with one hand he began to tug his own jeans down wanting his hard member in Sky as quick as he could get it in.

"Noope," She teased and wigged down the double pair of panties, allowing her tail to wag freely with no type of fabric between her bare bottom to his mass.

"You know I never have a problem with our encounters," Nodding quickly, Allen bit his lip and took hold of his member and guided it into Sky, thrusting forward into her amazingly wet cunt.

"G-god it feels so good..."He muttered in a moan as he thrusted back and forth causing Sky to rock back and forth. In the mirror Sky watched the male thrust deeply into her body as she placed her hand onto the mirror higher, clawing at it as she moaned from his sudden length being hammered into her flower. With a blush on her cheeks, Sky reached back grabbing his hand and placed it on her hip steadying their pressured movement to move against each other. Moaning a bit louder Allen forcefully grabbed Sky's neck and twisted her around making her face the bench inside the small room. Continuing his hammering into her wet delicate flower, he tried to hit every sweet spot Sky had moaning more and more as he got his rhythm up and slammed deeper inside of Sky. The cold texture slammed her back as she moaned at every jab and stab of his cock bolting in and out of her tightness.In moments, Sky grased his shoulder and pulled her leg up onto his hip giving him more leverage into her body while he continued his beat to her body. Allen bit his lip growling as he leaned forward and kissed her as deeply as he could, pulling away from the kiss he bit her lip and thrusted deeper into Sky hitting her g-spot and closing in on her womb. Blushing he bit his lip harder.

"y-you like this Sky...?"He asked blushing more. The panting fae only blushed harshly on her cheeks while grunting into the motions of his large member drilling open her walls.

"Y-Yes T-Toy oh Yes," she cried with a sudden force passing up her g-spot, making her body weak in the knees for his tip.

"O-ohhh god S-Sky ima...ima cum..."He moaned biting his lip as his body shuddered getting close to an orgasm as his knot filled up and barely started to push against Sky's wet, cum dripping cunt. After hearing that, Sky pushed back on Allen's shoulder forcing his length to pull out just as he came. With her panting voice, she laughed running her hand through her bangs, fixing them as she turned and looked into the mirror to push herself into the right place, pulling on the bra and panties she owned, shoving all the rest aside. "Alright lets go," dumbfound, Allen looked at her confused frowning a bit, somewhat disappointed that he couldn't have came inside her and sighed.

"Can't we rest for a moment Sky, you know cuddle...?"He asked blushing a bit as he looked at her scratching the back of his head shyly as he pulled his clothes back on. Sky glanced up to the corner of the mirror, finding his furry hazel cheeks and white patches under his amazing eyes.

"Fuck no Allen, what are you crazy? This is victoria secret, we fucked in the changing room, that's our secret no cuddling, just hot sex," When Sky finished with her hair, she pulled on her clothes and opened the door walking out like nothing happened, though a few clerks and customers did however stare as she walked confidently out of the store. Frowning now even more disappointed by her answer he sighed and slowly walked out of the changing room, not caring if people stared, trying to catch up to Sky.

"Guess we go find Cali now...?"He suggested looking at her, his head tilted to the side. Cali came up from behind carrying bags in each arm, one arm holding up a sack of fruits and veggies onto her hip, while the other arm held tight to the other bags by the handle.

"Already found me," Taking her eyes off Sky, she edged them towards Allen, finding the irritated frown and disappointed gaze in his eyes, unnerving.

"Didn't find anything?" Cali asked, not taking her eyes from Allen, suspiciously.

"Oh you could say I found something I was looking for," Plain as a bell Sky spoke, reaching back and grabbing Allen's hand playfully almost as a claim motion. Allen's eyes wandering away from both girls he sighed before slowly blushing and smile as he looked at the hand that grabbed his own.

"so you two ready to go home..?"He asked calmly as he smiled at both calm from simply cumming earlier.

Allen's Girl Chapter Two

Allen tuned out all the ruckus till finally the two came out, catching his attention with the sweet voice that Sky possessed. "What do you think Allen?" Sky questioned holding onto Cali's shoulders to hold the struggling dingo still to allow the only...

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Allen's Girl Chapter One

The day had gone by slowly, many customers had stopped by for their drinks and left soon after, leaving Allen alone to work. He sighed, running his paw through his fur, brushing his fingertips against his fluffy ears. The young akita worked diligently...

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