Allen's Girl Chapter Two

Story by AllensCali on SoFurry

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#2 of Allen's Girl

XP Sorry for the lack of checking before publishing, I should of known that sofurry would mess with my spacings.

THIS ISN'T A NEW CHAPTER!!!!! This is part two of chapter one... So, Chapter one is broken into two now, that's all C:

Allen tuned out all the ruckus till finally the two came out, catching his attention with the sweet voice that Sky possessed.

"What do you think Allen?" Sky questioned holding onto Cali's shoulders to hold the struggling dingo still to allow the only male to inspect. Allen stood up from his couch and walked up to Cali who stared down at his shoes. "Very, kawaii," He muttered using the word for cute, "It suits you well Cali," Allen smiled teasing lightly, "But do you like to wear it is the question," "Course not you bloke," Cali hissed and stared harder at the floor at his shoes. "She's wearing," the other female nodded and ran back into the room to change. Cutely, Cali folded her arms over her chest shyly swaying from one foot to the other, still wearing her sneakers and socks along with the pretty dress. The chuckly Allen grabbed Cali's hand and pulled her to the couch, sitting down as she followed.

"Relax, you look good in it so stop being shy, even though it just makes you cuter," he teased smirking and winking at Cali, wait to see what Sky would wear. "Where are we going first?" Allen asked and Cali shrugged just as Sky re entered the room wearing a skimpy mini skirt and a tight tank top that showed off her pierced belly button. "We are going to Rue6, you know that club across from the bar up north?" Laughing, Sky looked over to the mirror on her right hanging on the wall and smeared on some pink lip gloss till her lips shimmered with a twinkle. Allen smiled at looked to Cali, enjoying that it wasn't another night by himself. "Yeah, that would be by....My bar..." Slowly the male stood up on his feet, noticing what sky was wearing. and turned walking towards the door, "Meet you out at the car." As he left the front door, Cali stood as well and walked over to Sky who turned and started applying the lip gloss to her cousin. "You're terrible," Cali laughed. "Oh please you aint seen nothin yet, come on he's waiting for us," that said, Sky spanked Cali's rump, and ran out to the car with Cali not far behind. Sky jumped in and locked the door while Cali crawled in back grumbling up at the confused Allen who only shrugged and started the car, turning off the curb. With a blush on Allen's cheeks as to Sky sitting next to him he spoke gulping a bit, "So uh, umm, this is gonna be the first time in awhile that I've been to a club here," Chuckling nervously while Sky started to lean towards the driver seat. She licked his cheek with the tip of her tongue going up to his ear and lightly nibbling it as her hands wrapped around his shoulder lightly, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you," Whispered hushedly into his ear just as cali smacked Sky's shoulder.

"Know it off you half wit!! He's going to start swervin!" Cali gulped nervously. The driver only moaned instantly blush out of embarrassment and looked away as he drove a bit faster to simply get there. "She's right if you keep teasin me like that I'll bein swerving ya know!" He muttered trying to lie to stay calm for his sake, even though he did well under pressure, thanks to the practice from his first ex. Rolling her eyes, Cali grabbed the seat where Sky was sitting to brace herself, which only influenced SKy to grab hold of Cali's hand. "I'll take care of you too cus!" Sky slipped her hand between the driver's knees and chuckled. Her movements only made Allen more excited, starting to get harder from the hand being placed between his knees making him gulp and moan very slightly blushing more embarrassment. "Come on Sky Can't you wait till the club to start teasing me.." Allen muttered as his dick slipped out from his sheath more as he got more excited. Jerking her hand from Sky's, Cali snapped at the two screwing around, "Sky knock it off!" Cali's voice started to crack up under pressure using her hand to hold onto the back seat while Sky laughed hysterically allowing her long wavy hair to flow down on Allen's shoulders, "Relax I do this all the time to my Allen's boys," Sky presses her nose up to his ear and whispers secrets to him. "Good god Sky!!" Cali screamed getting nervous. By how red ALlen's face was, it covered the brown tint of his fur as he gulped. "Quit it S-Sky okay you're making me nervous okay.." Allen now yelled trying to calm down while also allowing Sky to slump over in her seat putting on foot up on the dashboard showing off her slim feet kicking off her heels. "Grandpa," Sky snapped back and smiled as Allen flinched and felt a deflation in the tension of his body making his sigh. He wiggled a bit in his seat from the quick uncomfortable calming technique Sky used frequently on him.

Sighing again Allen frowned then soon smiling a bit as he got to the club, pulling up to the curb. "Thank goodness we're here," Cali sighed as well, crawling out from the car, fixing her dress while Sky just busted out and instantly went to cling to Allen. "Let's go make love to the dance floor!" Sky shouted at Allen, her fingers snacked down his arm and entwined with his as she took the slight lead. Slowly Cali followed behind the two entering the dark, hot, noisy room.

"You know I can't dance well, people laugh at me,"Allen rose a brow at her before blushing a bit to how close she was to him, "Besides shouldn't you hang out with your cousin, she did just get here you know..."

"My cousin's fine, she can handle her own! 'sides I want to dance with you please Allen?" Sky pouted with a puppy lip sticking out tugging on his hand harder. The two skidded out to a less crowded part of the dance floor and pulled each other closer, laying her lips on his neck, just below his ear whispering: "Get Cali out of your mind," She smirked and swung her hips where he could grab hold of her waist and sway with her. The male's thoughts mellowed into nothing but Sky's body as he gulped having Sky grind against him, replied quickly with the same gesture. "So why have you teased me so harshly today?" Allen asked shyly, dipping her back a bit and pulling her up into his arms again. "No reason thats special, besides the fact that you look cute after getting hard," She stuck her tongue out and grinded down and back up heating up their dance style just as the songs switched up. "S-So you're going to dance like this all night with me huh?" Shyly Allen asked, watching the mini skirt swivel on her body. The fluence of the music turned them around as Sky swayed and pressed herself harder on the male and found a smile painted on her lips as she placed her hands to rest on the back of his neck, clenching her fingers around his neck fur that was frosted over with a red tint. "Just let the music take you over," Sky whispered nipping his ear which made them twitch. Allen grew even more excited as he moaned and pushed his paws lower on SKy's body as he grinded against her to the music as he squeezed his eyes shut his fingers shaking lightly to the excitement rushing through his body. The world around them didn't exist any more, only they and the music at the moment. Sky pleasured the akita with her body as she had done before so many times. WIth the song, she started to lip syncing to it, allowing her lips to raise closer and closer till the edge of her lips were dancing off his to her own rhythm. Allen took the chance and moaned moving to Sky just untill he pushed her up against the wall, thrusting forward a bit, grinding a little harder as the music got heavier making him gulp from the pleasure. Shly he kissed Sky's lips as she allowed her lower half to play along with him, teasing his groin with her attention.

Meanwhile, while the two were dancing, Cali sat at the bar staring towards Sky and Allen, sighing looking up at the bartender when a hot breath came from behind. A deep low voice came from the figure,

"IS this seat taken?" The rough voice of a cowboy, a man with a past. Cali shyly shook her head in reply, allowing him to take a seat. "You're not from around here, are you?" The character pulled his hat off revealing the thick gray skull of a bulldog, placing his cowboy hat on the table, sitting in the bar seat next to her. The bulldog ordered up two drinks, sliding one to Cali, where she only played her finger along the brim while he chugged it, getting closer to her. Cali stood up and started to walk away just as he pushed his hands between her knees and up her dress, "I just want something sweet," his hand caught her and pulled her into his chest. The bull dog sniffed her back and nuzzled his face into her shoulders as she wiggled and screamed, "Leggo!" "I definitely won't give up without a fight.." The man growled looking at her lustfully. Cali took her shoe and jabbed it into the soft part of his boot till he released with a yelp, giving her the moment to escape. She weaved through the crowd till she found the two and cuddled up to sky who had been subsided from being rammed against. Allen pulled off of Sky in a moment after seeing Cali and blushed, "Run into the wrong guy Cali?" He asked teasing not knowing it was actually true.

Not long after, the cowboy recovered from his foot being stomped on and growled as he ran through the crowd getting closer to where the three were. "Quit ya runnin' ya bitch!"He snapped loudly the crowd in his way moving to continue what they were doing. Cali grabbed hold of Sky's tank top getting closer to the wall. "Yeah can we go now, please?" she said quickly looking into the crowd to find the cowboy's face struggling through the crowd. "Calm down Cali we're just messing around, havin a good time," Sky ran her paws through her hair and fixed her mini skirt which had ridden up from Allen's grinding. Allen raised his head looking over the crowd to see a pit bull rushing towards the small group and took a step back making a 'be quiet' look at them as he waited for the cowboy to rush out of the crowd and in front of the two girls smirking. "Well two is better than one, now you girls come with me got it.."He muttered smugly licking his lips. During this Allen had turned, running towards the bar in the club.Sky smiled and raised a brow to the dodging akita skimping away to who knows where. "Wha' is he up to?" Cali asked looking to Sky, only to have her shrug in reply as she watched the cowboy draw near, a steamed expression on his face.The cowboy grabbed both girls arms and started to pull them towards the back rooms smirking. "Yeah fun is all i want from you two little bitches..."He muttered angrily backing up as he started to pull them away from the wall.

Crash.... A bunch of glass shattered to the ground as the cowboy fell to the ground releasing the hands he had previously held onto. Allen dropped the remaining chunk of the whiskey bottle beside the cowboy. "Drinks on me, ready to go girls."He asked turning and laughing as he walked towards the exit. Sky shrugged and moved on, Cali slugging behind as they walk over the male's body. The two followed behind Allen to the car, Cali in the front and Sky in the back back. Cali sighed in relief looking out the window. Allen started the car and turned out of the bar and headed back towards Sky's house. "I'm crashing at your house."He said yawning a bit as he drove back to the house. Once there he again opened the car door for the two and headed towards the house.

Allen's Girl Chapter Three

Cali stretched up her arms as she slowly inched out of the car, smiling out towards the house as Sky came from behind and nudged up to her cousin winking and heading. Just behind, Cali followed slower than Sky who had already scurried in, passing Allen...

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Allen's Girl Chapter One

The day had gone by slowly, many customers had stopped by for their drinks and left soon after, leaving Allen alone to work. He sighed, running his paw through his fur, brushing his fingertips against his fluffy ears. The young akita worked diligently...

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