Allen's Girl Chapter One

Story by AllensCali on SoFurry

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#1 of Allen's Girl

Hey! it's Allen and Cali here :P Just a little run down on this

What the hell is going on? I'll tell you my friends,

Cali ( An Australian golden-brown Dingo) Has just flown in from her home into the cold weather of Montana country where she runs into a bar, meeting up with a young Akita roughly around her age named Allen. The Akita, Allen takes Cali, the Dingo, to an address (Which he knows the person who lives there) and ends up staying there with her. When they got to the house they met an Australian shepherd gal named Sky who turns out to be Cali's cousin. It's a happy reunion till they go to a night club, get hit on by a weirdo Bulldog cowboy and leave. The end of chapter one! Chow everyone

The day had gone by slowly, many customers had stopped by for their drinks and left soon after, leaving Allen alone to work. He sighed, running his paw through his fur, brushing his fingertips against his fluffy ears. The young akita worked diligently at the bar, cleaning out out the empty glasses till they shimmered with a glow about them till a breeze stopped his work. The front door opened by a smooth tan hand that had grabbed ahold of the handle and pushed her way in. A cute, slim female dingo entered the bar making the bell above the door ring as she spoke tenderly, "Uh, Excuse me?," Her heavily accented Australian tone flowed out like smooth vanilla as she shyly walked in, holding the strap of her bag with both paws. "Is the pub still open mate?" Stunned, Allen stood still, slightly tilting his head to one side rubbing his eyes as he yawned from exhaustion before quickly putting on the friendly waiter smile and walking up to her. "We are, how may I help you?" He asked as he lightly grabbed her paw with his own and lead her towards an empty table, pulling the chair out for her, "I- I actually," The male stubbed her words as he asked the next question, "So what's your name cutie, what brings you here to this bar?" He asked winking at the female making her blush. The female sat down and wiggled in her empty seat nervously at the male's presents. "C-Cali, I just arrived from Australia," She spoke softly looking up at the ruggedly handsome akita who towered over her seated form. A blush crept over her honey brown cheeks as she looked down to her lap. Suddenly her nervous eyes tossed back up to the bartender with a bit more determination in them, "I-I-I Actually just came in for some directions," Blushing ut of embarrassment she tucked her muzzle down and gripped tighter around the strap of her bag, a yellow sticky note clutched between her fingers which made the male see it clearly. Allen smiled and sat in a chair at the same table as she was and sat, holding out his hand. "Would you by chance have anything that said where you are supposed to go or did you memorize it?" He asked smiling as he looked at Cali, "Beautiful name, by the way." He winked making her blush even more. Slowly she peeled her fingers off from their perch on the leather strap of her satchel that hung off her shoulder barely mumbling, "I uh-where is this?" Cali asked hanging over the slip of paper into his palm. Allen skimmed his eyes over the yellow slip of paper as he remembered where the address was, "Oh!" Allen snapped smiling as he stood up looking at Cali, "Just your luck Cali, This address leads straight to my friends house, if you don't mind waiting, I just have to close up shop and then I can lead you there,Not too far from my house anyways." Said ALlen as his curled tail wagged legt to right, excited to have met a new person. Cali, on the other hand, stood from her seat at his bold movements and blushed harder, "Oh, okay, I guess so. If you know where it is," As she spoke, her voice sank till softer in mid sentence. She waited for him to close up, looking around at the pub, finding that for the most part it was similar to the ones back home, how she missed the heat there, "Um, I never did catch your name, sir?" Cali said with the thought trailing off as her eyes wandered over the whole room, watching Allen scurry around. His paws ran over the table he wiped and brought over the remaining glasses to their places, except for two. Carrying them over beside Cali he grabbed some saki and poured it for them both, slidding one over to Cali, drinking the other. "Names Allen, drinks on the house. Once we finish the drink we can go," Said Allen taking a drink of his glass in front of Cali. "I'm not much for the drink," Cali took the glass and sniffed at it carefully, the toxic smell seeping into her nostrils making her set the cup back down. Allen only chuckled a bit before nodding and grabbed the glasses, pouring out the one and wiping both down. "Okay time to lead you the house," He smiled throwing the rag he used on the table untying his apron, hanging it on the hook near the door. Allen opened the door allowing Cali to follow out as he shut up and used the key to lock it. Confused as to how he said it, Cali winced up her face and hesitantly asked; "Are we headin up to y-your house?" Confusedly tipping her muzzle to the side with steady eyes of blue gleaming at Allen. Her remark only made Allen smirk with a tease in mind as he walked to his car and opened the door for her. "Oh yeah, definitely...Speaking of which, you don't mind sleeping in the same bed as me do you?" Allen teased as he stretched up letting his tail wag slightly before yawning and walking back to the driver's side, climbing in. A blush formed on Cali's face as she jumped into the passenger side. "You wally, I didn't come all the way up here to play rough with a Yankee Ankle biter!" After Cali busted her top, she blushed and looked to the ground of his car, gulping harshly. "Cute nicknames, but I haven't always lived in the North," He replied chuckling a bit starting the car. "Oh, and I'm very childish, that's something you'll have to get used to if you're going to live with my friend, speaking of which why are you going to see her?" Allen dug his questions in deeper as he continued speaking leaving a smirk on his cheek. "Not to sound creepy, but you look very cute when you're angry and blushing, and how shy you are like a little kid, it's all very kawaii," Allen finished with a chuckle, going on for a good ten minutes of dialog. Cali rolled her eyes with a smile as he looked out her side window, "Dumbass, stop being all cutesy," "Can't stop romance, it's in my nature, I'm flirty," Chuckled Allen making Cali Lightly under the pit of her breath sigh. She placed her cream colored elbow on the car door's armrest then placed her chin in the palm of her soft hand. "How do you know my cousin?" Cali asked finally in a monotone voice just trying to pass the time as she watched the cars on the other side of the line zip by. His ears perked and twitched to his surprise, finding out the new bit of information. "Cousins huh, she never said the new person coming was related, the again she doesn't talk to me the way she used to anyways...Sorry for ranting...Um I have known her since I moved here, first customer to come to my bar.." He said looking over at Cali casually smiling and then continuing, "So why are you coming up here, You're from Australia correct? Can't help but notice it from the way you talk,"

"You talk a lot," Cali responded without much else allowing a moment to go by while she looked off at the male driver, the stron looking akita. The female strolled her eyes over his loose grip on the wheel, across the cotton arm of his silver-gray jacket till she slide her gaze to gently rest over his profile, "You two were sweethearts then?" Simply stated not paying any mind to it, however Allen blushed a beat red and shook his head to the question.

"No...It was just a business slash friend kinda thing," He muttered frowning slightly before snapping out of it and smirking, "Why do you asked, got a thing for me?" Allen stuck his tongue out in a teasing fashion which only made Cali chuck to his remark.

"Afraid not, you're too cocky for my fancy, but I do sense that you were smitten with my cousin, am I correct?" Cali went out on a limb to guess, guessing correctly judging by Allen's frowning face created after she said so.

"Maybe I was maybe I wasn't ask her maybe she'll tell you," He suggested before turning and going into a small neighborhood and smiled at her. "Almost there," Allen said yawning a bit as he drove. The two drove up to a quaint house, red-brown brick home with black roof tops and foliage around the front, covered with clumps of powder snow. Cali opened her passenger door and stepped out, pulling her satchel bag closer across her shoulder, "Thanks for the ride mate." Cali said before the car door slammed shut just as Allen was climbing out of his side and walking around to the other side of the door. The setting sun over the house's roof glimmered into Cali's winking eyes who struggled trying to adjust just as a squeal and then a tackle was made against Cali. A woman bashed into Allen's car, pinning Cali down just so her face was pressed into the female's chest. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HERE!" The familiar voice shouted. With an 'umph' Cali shut her eyes barely able to speak, "G-Good to see you too cuz," Cali gasped breath until the Australian shepherd released and looked to Allen for him to say a hello. Shyly, Allen waved with a blush. "She arrived at my bar, thought I'd bring her here, you know, your house is better than mine," Allen nervously chuckled a bit as he scratched the back of his head running his paw through his fur and smiled at the two girls. The woman, Sky, sat there holding Cali by the head and smiled at Allen winking at him, "I think my cousin and I will be having the fun at my place, you're invited if you want to join," Seductively said, using one shoulder to move up batting her eyelashes sexily. Cali sighed and hesitantly chuckled and smiled finally getting relinquished from Sky's strong grip and out from the double D set of balloons

"Good God Sky do you have ta tease every mate?" "Your accent is soooo adorable Cali-bear! I'm taking us shopping tomorrow. OH! We have to go clubbing, you in Allen?" Sky walked her eyes towards the blushing male smiling deviously at him while Cali just stayed leaning back against the car. The pretty girl's gaze only made Allen blush more spreading over his face as he facepalmed and shook his head. "I have known you for awhile now Sky, I know when you're teasing, but just for the hell of it, and getting away from another boring night, Sure I'm in." Allen said as he leaned against his car looking at the two girls. "YAY!" Sky squeaked grabbing Cali's shoulder bag and running into the house leaving the front door open for the two lacking behind. "Cali, how long are you going to stay?" Allen asked, turning his attention back to the female dingo. "I'll be here awhile, if thats okay with you mista nosey." Cali challenged with a sharp glance of her blue eyes heading up the small gravel driveway to the front porch steps up to the swung open front doorway. He smirked laughing a bit as he shook his head, walking after Cali. "Oh, I'm perfectly fine with that.." Allen laughed walking inside the house looking around, "This is going to be an interesting night..." Thought Allen silently in his head as he sat on the couch in the niche across from the doorway. Cali walked in after Allen and smiled as he flopped in the couch about to join him when Sky jumped up holding a short blue dress, "Put this on 'mate'," Sky teased sticking her tongue out at cali grabbing her by the wrist while Allen flipped on the football channel, ignoring the girls as one was dragged by the other into Sky's bedroom. "You know I don't like to wear dresses!" "You'll look great Cali!" Crashes and bangs of items being flung around the room as the two jostle around a bit.

Allen's Girl Chapter Two

Allen tuned out all the ruckus till finally the two came out, catching his attention with the sweet voice that Sky possessed. "What do you think Allen?" Sky questioned holding onto Cali's shoulders to hold the struggling dingo still to allow the only...

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