Tron Expansion - 07 - Recruitment

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#7 of Tron

The Grids... A new digital frontier. It was a new way to picture clusters of information moving through a vast network of computers... but beneath the surface, just what did that data look like? Motorcycles? Jets? Trains? Were the circuits like freeways? It was an attempt to recapture a digital miracle, but did it awaken a nightmare instead?

written by LeoTodrius

Commissioned by PanzerMausFearing his own limitations, the virus VICE creates two new subordinates to raise an army and complete his goals... but will they achieve more than any bargained for?

This is set in a non-canon universe where a network of Tron grid systems has been established and networked, each system maintained by an anonymous volunteer user. A few people who weren't supposed to got their hands on incomplete code and cobbled together their own systems.

This is a re-release as an individual chapter.

Tron - Expansion Chapter 7 (Recruitment)

The air was alive with the power of the Recognizer as it flew high above the rocky surface of Enigma, a bright spotlight scanning around, narrowing in on the few stray programs trapped in each section... but there was no sign of the user Noah or his program Blu. Vice stood at the front of the craft, his neon green hair rippling in the wind as they moved in toward the tunnel that acted as Enigma's covert port. Vice turned, facing one of his neon green guards, standing tall and at alert as any guard would.

"Set us down at the port, we need a change of strategy!" Vice commanded. The guard's head snapped up to the pilot above, relaying the orders. The large horseshoe shaped craft slowed and descended, turning to face the port. The spotlight snapped off just before the large feet touched down. The rectangular cabin at the top of the craft suddenly descended, sliding down the legs until it rested against the ground.

"What is our new strategy?" The guard asked, awaiting new orders. A smile crossed Vice's face. He reached out and ran a hand over the guard's chest.

"Both of you, come with me." Vice said before he stepped off of the Recognizer, walking across to the port. Both green guards quickly moved to follow, catching up to him as Vice moved up the stairs. They were compelled to watch their master, to study his body... His lithe form, the jagged green circuitry lines that contrasted to their own ordered ones, his muscled arms and his flexible feet. They were hopelessly dedicated, their programs altered to serve the virus.

Vice reached the top of the stairs and moved to the end of the port, placing his hand on the interface for the display. A schematic came up of the adjoining network paths. There seemed to be nothing, the network extremely quiet. Vice's face narrowed in dismay, but still, he would prepare his plan. Vice moved over to the guards, reaching up to run his clawed fingers across their similar cheeks. It was sad to him how similar they were, how uniform, copies from a mold.

"How would you two like to help me more than ever before? To become something... special?" Vice asked.

"We would do anything for you Vice!" the guards said in unison. Vice smiled, looking them over.

"Just what I wanted to hear." He said softly, bringing his finger to the groin of his bodysuit. The programs watched in curiosity as the virus brought his finger down, forming a seam in the black fabric. Vice pulled the cloth apart, running his claws through the nest of neon green hair before he fondled his shaft, drawing it out. He was partially hard already, his shaft veined and throbbing, a tip of pearly viral cum at the tip. Vice thought of all that cum had done to Vanguard, his loyal pet... It had turned him into a fully fledged virus... and that was exactly what he needed.

The two guards trembled in delight as they watched the virus please himself, their eyes widening behind their dark lenses on their helmets as he collected the drop of cum on his fingertip. Vice brought it up and smeared the goo across the lips of one of the guards. The guard moaned softly and as soon as Vice took his finger away the guard licked the tainted seed from his lips, moaning even more. He shuddered, groaning. Almost at once his circuits started flickering, seeming less green and more yellow as he moved past simple infection to something more. The other guard tried to remain looking ahead, focused, but he felt a new emotion... one he hadn't felt before, jealousy.

"Don't worry... you won't be left out." Vice whispered, as if reading the program's mind. He reached down and collected a smaller drop of cum on his finger, lifting it up, holding it before the guard. The tall man quivered before he moved forward, his lips parting over the tip. Soon the guard's head was bobbing back and forth as he sucked the finger clean, licking the dangerous claw before he stood back, panting. Vice grinned, stepping back as well to admire his handiwork. Both programs writhed and murmured before the second guard to feed fell to his knees. Vice grinned wide, noticing the first subtle changes.

The first guard to feed was looking almost stronger. His muscles were growing, his shoulders were spreading, even his head was getting bigger. The guard stretched taller, his feet broadening, his gloved hands widening. Slowly his arms stretched longer, his large palms coming to rest below his waist. The body armor on his throbbed and stretched, growing just like his muscles. The shoulder pads swelled upwards, obscuring the guard's neck, making him look extremely beefy.

By contrast, the other guard was almost shrinking... He had grown shorter, thinner, lither. His arms were flexible and fair, his chest smaller. His armor rested loosely on his shoulders like a little boy trying on his brother's football gear. The guard reached up and slipped the armor plating over his head, tossing it aside. He pulled the gauntlets off his arms and dropped them, leaving his torso covered in nothing but the black mesh suit, the green glowing lines and circles underneath mimicking what had been on the armor.

The smaller male reached up and slipped off his face, revealing a fair chin, subtle cheek bones, and pointed ears. His hair appeared to be short and brown but a lighter color was spilling into the strands, a blond. The smaller guard shook his head and the hair stretched out suddenly into wavy blond hair with the hint of green at the tips, falling just past his jaw bone. To any user he would have looked like a teenage surfer boy. The glowing lines on his body shifted and contorted, forming neon green angles rather than lines, a dotted curve moving around the collar of his suit. There was a sudden flash of light as a green line moved around the boy's throat, the line spreading into a thick green glowing collar rimmed by silver.

As the smaller virus took his first gasp with his new longs, a hearty snort came from the larger guard still on his feet. The larger guard's armor had adapted to him, covering his arms and chest, his stomach and back, his legs... In many ways he looked as much tank as man. The hard armor puffed out over massive pectorals, angled around huge biceps and triceps, coated his tree trunk like legs... but what interested Vice most was the larger guard's face.

Only the guard's nose, mouth and chin were visible beneath the dark visor, the rest completely hidden. Vice watched as the guard's lips turned black, his nose flared out, his skin turned an ashen grey... and the chin widened out. The nose kept spreading until it didn't look human anymore, the mouth pushing out into a slight muzzle. Vice walked over and took a hold of the huge guard's helmet before he pulled it off.

The head beneath was undergoing a great metamorphosis. His ears were misshapen, a sort of teardrop shape. Jagged lines of code sprawled across his temples before suddenly two solid black obsidian horn nubs curved out. The horns looked promising enough to Vice before the horns began pushing out sideways, the horns coming flat out of the head to the sides. Inch after inch spilled out wider. The guard's skin shifted, a soft thin coating of fur moving over his head. His hair turned black and narrowed into a short Mohawk, making a sort of mane. The circuit lines on his armor spread wide, growing fatter than any Vice had seen, huge panels of light as wide as some program's arms.

The large guard snorted through bovine nostrils just before a glittering of gold appeared, a thick nose ring appearing, hanging from his muzzle. The last changes came from creaking below. Vice turned and looked down, watching the guard's boots shorten, widen, flatten. His knees inverted and moved behind him and the boots had become leather and metal hoofs, supporting the man's enormous waist. Next to him the smaller virus stood up, his form brilliant in contrast. Vice let out a deep sigh of satisfaction as he looked at them both. Vice turned to the smaller virus first, reaching out to caress his soft cheek.

"You, my pet, are Nim... Stealthy, sly, using any method to spread." Vice said, leaning in to kiss the new virus. Nim reached up and slipped his hands over Vice's cheek, their lips embracing, tongues swapping for a long moment before Vice pulled back and turned to the other man. Vice reached out and put his hand on the broad chest, "And you... You are Thrall... You are a strong virus, able to smash through any defense." He said, leaning in to lick the minotaur's lips.

"Yes master." Both grunted happily. A chime sounded; an alert from the port that a solar sailor was en route, ready to pass through the trap. Vice lifted his head to the heavens and let out a sigh of delight. At last something was going right. He looked back to the viruses.

"A solar sailor is coming. You will sneak aboard and use your powers to infiltrate the system it is going to... Infect the system, infect an army, do whatever it takes for us to accomplish our goals. We must learn how to build a portal for our master, to let him enter like all the other users do." Vice said, looking at the port mournfully, "I wish I was going with you... but I must stop the intruders. Good luck." Vice said softly, "Now go."

"Yes master." Both programs said, moving to jog along the port and get into position. Vice turned, moving back toward the resting Recognizer, stepping onboard before moving to the pilot's position. The cabin lifted up and the engines roared to life, the vehicle lifting up into the sky. Nim and Thrall stood at two of the gaps, gazing into the void. The tunnel was wild, dark and deep and vast, simulating the network with streams of light and energy and data flying around wildly... But as they peered through the camouflage they say the massive craft advancing, the sails glimmering with such a soft blue, the hexagonal cells almost white at the edges.

The two viruses watched as the solar sailor slowed before they ran and leapt, arching out. Nim landed on the top, skidding to a perfect stop, turning back. Thrall had dropped down, his muscles so much heavier. He grabbed a hold of the side ridge and pulled himself up, squeezing between two cargo containers full of barrels of data. Nim nodded in approval, moving to slip down a ladder and walk along the center of the cargo containers, heading toward the passenger sections near the front. He smiled, imagining all the glory he could achieve for Vice and Enigma.


Swirls of color and light passed along the solar sailor like an aurora filled fog, the gaps only revealing the infinite nothingness between systems. It was a somber view, almost a lonely one, but for most of the programs on the solar sailor it was completely normal. Most programs gazed ahead, thinking about their ordained function, their purpose in travel. The door to the compartment slid open as Nim stepped in, standing at the back and looking around. The long rectangular compartment was full of countless benches facing forward, black material banded together with strips of silver. Nim looked down at his circuitry pattern. Unlike his creator, the lines were clean and direct... the only hint that he was out of the ordinary was that his pattern was alinear, abstract, imbalanced.

Nim moved to the aisle and walked up, practically strutting. Despite being clearly male, his hips had a bit of curve to them, something he utilized as he walked along. He looked from program to program, disgusted how they all just gazed ahead. They were like sheep, like he had been... Too focused on function and duty to see the world for what it was. Nim thought back to the guard he had been in disgust. That program was gone; he was something... far more interesting. Nim was nearing the front of the compartment, fearing all of the programs were irredeemable when he paused, spotting crimson eyes gazing at him.

"Do you need somewhere to sit?" the figure asked. Nim was almost taken aback. The program was tall, broad shouldered, his fingers unusually long. His black hair had red highlights through it and his ears were angled to a point far taller than the rest of the programs. He was quite unique. Even his red circuits contrasted with the white and blue majority of the others. Nim gravitated toward him.

"Yes, that would be lovely." Nim said, smiling, "I was so busy looking around, I forgot to save one." Nim said. The crimson program stood up and slid over to the window, patting the seat next to him. Nim stepped in and lowered, smiling.

"I know, I had to look around myself. Sadly, I think... some of these programs are more 'basic' than others." He said. Nim gritted his teeth behind his plastered on smile. Had the program already guessed that he was different? That he was from a system that lacked access to the full Tron code? The red haired program reached up to brush his bangs out of his face, "I mean, we are all capable of so much... It just makes me sad to see programs that take everything for granted, that don't see the majesty around us." He said. Nim's eyes widened. This program felt the same way about the others, locked into their function. Nim looked over the program before smiling.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Nim asked. The other program laughed.

"Go right ahead. I'm pleased that you're asking, it shows true sentience." He said. Nim grinned before he looked the man over.

"Your design differs from most that I've seen, how did it happen?" Nim asked.

"Well," The program said, pausing when he had intended to refer to his new friend, "Oh, I didn't catch your name." he blushed. Nim smiled.

"Nim." The blond virus offered. The other program grinned.

"I'm San, nice to meet you." The red program said, shaking Nim's hand before continuing, "So, how did I get this way? Well, I was lucky to be created by a user that evolved and expanded his mind. He started out building his system to the plans of the Flynn, following everything perfectly... but as he saw the beauty and the grace he created, he wanted to become one with his system. He gave up his own world to join us, to be one with us, and... to fully embrace his imagination. No longer were we trapped by the constraints of the first one, we were free... Free to experiment in form, in design. He offered upgrades to any program that wanted them. I choose to become a bat form, like the creator's favorite." San explained slowly. Nim sat still, gazing at the program, his mouth hanging open a little. He had been stunned, amazed. The story was so compelling, so wonderful. Nim's eyes suddenly were downcast, falling to the floor.

"I wish my creator could become one with us." Nim said softly. San slid over, putting his arm around Nim gently.

"Don't worry friend, I'm sure your user cares for you... At least you will be able to see my system. Perhaps then you can inspire your user to join you." San said. Nim smiled.

"That's what I hope for." The blond replied, looking San over.

"So you said you're the same type as your user's favorite?" Nim asked. San nodded.

"Yes, a bat type. Most of those who join the user in his monastery are flying types." San said. Nim smiled, reaching his hand up San's back slowly, rubbing the small of his back in a friendly way before he laid his hand on the program's identity disc.

"It sounds wonderful." Nim whispered before he plunged his fingers into the gap between the disc. Green energy shot out, dancing from Nim's fingers all around the disc. San gasped sharply as his circuits flickered. For a brief moment his eyes and circuits turned green before returning to a normal color. San gasped and then fell back against his seat, panting. Nim smiled, bringing his hand around San's side, resting it on his groin with a playful squeeze. San groaned, pushing his groin into Nim's hand, not even caring when Nim suddenly stopped, distracted.

The void around the solar sailor was growing brighter, almost like dawn was approaching. Nim had never seen anything like it. Slowly he rose to his feet, eyes widening. San whimpered at the loss of the virus' hand. He stood up and pressed against the boy, towering over him, pressing around his shoulder longingly. Nim watched in awe as the light continued to blossom before suddenly light erupted around them. Nim nearly fell back in shock as they entered the system, leaving the nothingness behind them and passing into wonder.

Misty rainbow colored clouds hung around the solar sailor, disrupted as the craft zoomed through them. Nim moved over to the window, putting his hands on the glass, gazing out in awe. The vast outer edge of the system appeared not to be a wall but open sky... a sky unlike Enigma's. It was not black, it was... blue and orange and purple and pink, it was... so much. Nim felt weak in the knees. His eyes followed the sky down to where it met the rippling waves of a sea of simulation, the vast ocean wide and rich. Nim followed the edge where the sea met sky until his eyes fell across a circle half buried in the sea, glimmering brighter than any light he had ever seen, casting light across the entire system. Nim had to look away, his visual processors unable to handle it for very long.

"What is that?" Nim whispered, looking at San, desperate for answers. San looked up out of the window and smiled.

"That is the sun... Welcome to Forge." San whispered. Nim gazed back out in shock. He knew he had to get his user the plans for the portal... To show him the possibilities, to make him build a paradise for his programs... a paradise like Forge. Nim kept gazing out of the window as the solar sailor zoomed on towards its next destination, a floating port high above the ocean.


Thrall felt the wind rushing through his fur, his nostrils wide, his horns proud. He stood on the catwalk beneath the solar sailor, the vast sea of simulation beneath him. It was impressive, but not nearly as impressive as what parts of the sky he could see; the light at the horizon fading darker further away, stars desperately twinkling despite the light. It was amazing to say the least, but the bull's wonder was interrupted as the sails before him began rotating. Thrall looked up, watching the indigo wings rotate and tuck back, the whole mass slowing. It would be time to act.

Hooves clanged against the metal as Thrall advanced, making his way to a ladder as the solar sailor slipped into dock. Copper colored metal floated just wide enough on either side to let the sailor come to rest, the platform raised to be even with the doors of the cargo containers. Thrall stopped suddenly as he felt a charge in the air, turning. A wall of glistening white energy was passing through the solar sailor, scanning the contents. Thrall snorted, thinking of Nim. Nim had the stealth, the guile. He could maneuver through the system unchallenged if he could only get in. Thrall had to get him that chance. Thrall broke into a run, charging along the catwalk, all but leaping into the scanner field. As he passed through the light, his circuits flickered. A heavy tone sounded on the platform.

"Warning, virus detected. Quarantine immediately. Warning, virus detected." An automated voice echoed. On the platform countless red guards withdrew their batons, activating them to form long black katanas. Their visors slipped down over their eyes and they charged toward the solar sailor.

"Find that virus! We can't let it into the system! Protect the programs!" The lead guard exclaimed. The guards surged toward the sailor but they suddenly stopped as a massive form leapt out from beneath the craft, landing in front of the guards. He snorted, eyes gazing at them, hunching his head down before he charged. The guards roared, moving toward him. A heavy swing of his arm sent several guards skidding to the ground. Others slashed at thrall but their swords didn't penetrate his armor. They were fighting valiantly, but conventional tactics weren't going to work.

One guard charged at Thrall, his sword directed forward. Thrall swiftly moved, deflecting the sword away before he bucked his head. One of his vast horns skewered the guard through his torso, lifting the impaled program off his feet and pinning him to the wall of the operations room of the platform... but rather than derezzing, green lines spread out through the guard's torso, his body pulsing and swelling. The guard let out a scream, his voice deepening as his chest grew twice as thick, dark hair pushing out of his chin into a goatee before his nose flattened and his face pushed into a muzzle. His helmet shattered from his head as huge horns pushed out and his scream of pain became a moo of pleasure, his groin swelling out wildly before his boots morphed into leather and metal hooves. Thrall pulled his horn out of the new bull, the two turning to face the others.

"I have claimed my first. Who is next?" Thrall called out, looking at the solar sailor. The lead guard looked between Thrall and the craft full of innocent programs. If the guard had been his first, he hadn't infected any others.

"Get that sailor out of here! Cut off his form of escape!" The guard exclaimed, it was only logical. The solar sailor began surging forward, zooming away from the platform and toward the city. Thrall broke into a run, making it look as though he had to get to the craft. More guards tackled him, trying in vain to pierce his tough armor or hide. Thrall only grinned, knowing that Nim would get to Forge. A deep bellow came as his fellow bull as he clattered into the pile of guards, sending them flying in every direction. Thrall grinned. It would certainly be an interesting battle.


The steady flicker of simulated candlelight and a sweet, warm breeze filled the vast stone chamber. What appeared to be ancient columns rose up from the stone block floor to support the roof. The back wall held a wide, arched double doorway made of thick wood. The walls to either side had shelves carved into the stone, books and knickknacks sitting on them in an ordered fashion... and where the last wall would have been was only an open space, the room ending in a balcony edged by a knee high stone wall, curved gently along the balcony. Beyond was the vast landscape of Forge, from the other mountain peaks to the vast plains, the hillsides that rimmed the city and the sea of simulation beyond. This was the creator's sanctum.

Kneeling on a wide, flat pillow overlooking the view was Ethan, Forge's user. The young man was taking in the view, enjoying every moment of his life since he had entered his system for good. Ethan's wardrobe had not changed much, though he wore a shimmering violet loin cloth that gave him the slightest bit of modesty. Aside from that, he was completely naked. Bright violet lines glowed on his skin like tattoos, the circuits so bright they almost looked pink on the man.

Three squares glowed brightly on his sternum, stacked vertically. A small hollow ring of light glowed just below them and on his back in the same position. Bands spread out from the rings directly around his sides, up over his shoulders, and down around his ribs to give the appearance almost of a harness. The last line dropped down from the center ring before spitting apart and going down the inside of his legs, the outer flesh marked by chevrons. It was a complex pattern, but Ethan liked complexities. The wide doors suddenly burst open, a tall figure striding through.

"Ethan, a computer virus has made it into the system." The voice said. Ethan rose to his feet, turning around to face Core, his lover and the system monitor. Core was tall and strong, muscled. His arms were covered in glowing double helix lines, a diamond on his chest and small dots of light at various other points. In many ways Core looked less than human. A double set of sharp fangs filled his mouth; his ears were sleep and extremely long points, angled back and up, away from his head. His fingers ended in black claws and his legs ended in bat paws. Despite all of the animal qualities, Core's shaggy hair was bright orange... as were his wild and fuzzy sideburns and the three inch long goatee hanging from his chin. Even in an emergency Ethan found it hard not to be turned on by his creation.

"Where are they now?" Ethan asked, striding toward the door. Core moved to follow alongside him, the two traveling in perfect pace.

"The port platform has been infected and it is being repositioned, the virus is... flying it toward shore." Core said. Ethan nodded.

"Then we have time to intercept. All guards are to go on active alert, units one through eight will position along the shoreline, the rest will beware any other incursions and prepare a fallback strategy." Ethan said. The door to his sanctum shut behind them, the two moving through much more modern hallways. The floors and ceilings were solid white and illuminated, the walls a neutral tan in color. The elevator ahead of them opened, the lift filled with almost entirely red guards. Like Core, most boasted bat paws and claws and fangs, though one had black horns curve from his head and dragon paws. One of them stepped forward, his black hair streaked with red.

"Sir, I think I have found an asset for us in this crisis." The guard murmured.

"Ah, San, what is it?" Ethan asked, moving over. San stepped aside, revealing the young program behind him. His bodysuit was a crisp black, his blond hair quite unique.

"This is Nim, he comes from another system." San reported.

"And you can assist us in this event?" Ethan said, motioning for them all to move toward the hanger.

"I have seen a virus or two in my time... the strategies they employ. I might have some sort of knowledge that could be useful." Nim offered.

"Good, you can tell me what you know while we are on our way." Ethan smiled. Core grimaced.

"Ethan, for all we know he might be a virus himself... He comes from outside the system, his design is unusual, he-" Core was interrupted.

"What, is it his circuits? There were Iso's on the ancient grid that had green circuits, an entire colony of them... And variation is a blessing, as Forge demonstrates. We will not judge anyone by appearance." Ethan said. The doors to the hanger parted before them and Ethan led the way toward a light transport.

"You're right, creator." Core said, eyes downcast at his mistake. Ethan reached out and rubbed his lover's shoulder.

"Don't feel bad, you're just trying to keep us safe." Ethan said. Core cheered up at once. Nim watched the exchange, a smile creeping across his lips.

*** Snorts and murmurs of satisfaction came from the four minotaurs on the floating copper platform, the three new beasts massaging at Thrall's muscles, even licking his neck and cheeks. Thrall stood proudly, his hooves standing in a pile of crimson particles from the guards that had be deresolutioned. Thrall took pleasure in his conversions and pride in his strength, though he still knew it had been a fool's death. They had been crossing the ocean for what seemed like an eternity but Forge stood ahead. Thrall had seen several islands in the distance connected by vast glistening black bridges, but the center of the system, Forge itself, was magnificent.

The virus could see many mountains rising high into the sky, hillsides covered in a strange carpet of green fibrous strands that swayed back and forth, and rich white sandy shores... but he also saw something else on those shores, an army. The shore was lined with red guards, every one just a bit different from the next. Every sort of height and build, some showing features of bats while others had aspects belonging to hawks, falcons, even some dragons. Thrall exhaled slowly. Fighting that many individuals would be quite... difficult.

The light of the perpetual sunrise glinted off an object as it approached from high in the sky, the light jet shimmering as it descended, massive white wings lined with violet folding up as it moved to touch down behind the masses. Two huge landing gear sunk into the white sands before gaining purchase. The engines powered down and the cockpit descended, Ethan sitting in the front with Core and San behind him, the back row of seats holding three more guards and Nim. Nim sprung out of the seat, stepping out of the way so the guards could join the others, though the one that had been sitting nearest him was sporting a massive bulge in his uniform. Nim turned, facing the sea of simulation, eyes rising to the advancing target in the distance... and the minotaur standing proudly atop it.

"Brother..." Nim murmured under his breath. Ethan's bare feet padded out into the sand, Core right behind him. Ethan looked up, feeling a shock of terror in his heart... that a virus had made such advances into his own system. Ethan stared at the platform for a long moment before he turned to his assembled guard.

"Prepare to neutralize the viruses!" He exclaimed. The guards spread their arms, wings of light filling into the gap in hexagons. Nim took a step forward.

"They well be prepared for large numbers, the deletions will be large..." Nim said. Ethan looked at the younger program.

"What would you have me do, send them one at a time to the slaughter? How would that be any better?" Ethan hissed.

"Send me..." Core said, his deep voice reassuring. Ethan turned around, eyes wide.

"No, I can't send you... What if something happened?" Ethan said, moving to hold his lover. Core smiled softly.

"You have my code in the archives... If anything happens to me, well, you won't be alone for very long. I am your protector, it is my duty." Core said. Ethan grimaced.

"I won't send you alone... And I won't send you first." Ethan said, breaking their embrace, "Wave one, attack!" Ethan ordered. Nim watched in terrified awe as a dozen guards pushed off, blasts of energy launching them into the air before their wings caught the gusts and they arched up toward the platform, weapons at the ready. The guards swarmed around the platform. Some used their batons like crossbows, launching bolts of energy. One shot out a grappling hook and caught a minotaur on the chest, trying to tug him off the edge. The minotaur gabbed the line and tugged his attacker from the air, sending him slamming into the platform. He skidded across the surface before a hoof came down on his wing, trapping him in place.

"No!" Ethan murmured, watching as more of the programs started mutating, changing into the beasts. Core bore his fangs. He could take no more of this incursion.

"Wave two!" Core said, running. Ethan reached out for him but Core had already pushed off, launching high into the air. His orange hair whipped around in the wind as his arms spread wide, the red wings catching the air. He could even feel the drag between his elongated fingers. The shore fell further and further beneath him, though he didn't have as far to travel as the first wave had. The platform was still advancing toward the land. Core signaled to the guards on either side of him to split after a moment. All three headed toward the bull standing on the corner before they broke into two directions.

Core suddenly banked right, avoiding a horn that had been thrust his way. He slipped around his attacker before gliding over the platform, landing on the outer edge. Shimmering white squares of light filled in the gap where solar sailors rested, creating a walk space between the two portions. Core's green eyes studied the intruders before settling on one, the largest one, the one that seemed to be watching everything with greater experience. Core flexed the claws of his hands before he charged. He would defend Ethan at any cost. Thrall turned in time to see the elite guard charging at him, looking at how complex the circuits were on his arms. A grin crossed Thrall's bovine face.

Core let out a roar of anger as he lunged, claws slashing at Thrall. Thrall moved, almost missing but Core's claws cut into the program's shoulder, a spray of pixels shattering out, a jagged gap of damaged code left in its place. Thrall punched at Core, his heavy fist coming down hard. Core rolled out of the way just before the fist struck the platform, the copper material cracking under the pressure. Thrall swung another punch but missed again. Core sprung to slash at Thrall's stomach, hoping to give him a more crippling blow. Thrall slid back in shock at how fast the program was, feeling the claws tear into his clothing.

Core grinned with the feeling of victory for a split second before he realized he had missed his target. His claws had torn into the bull's pants, the cloth around his groin too damaged to stay in place. It pulled back, freeing his massive, drooling bovine shaft. The pent up shaft fell free, thick yellowed drops of tainted viral code dripping from the end. Thrall looked down at his shaft and then at the shocked program before grinning. He thrust his hips, flicking his cock at Core. Ropes of precum lashed out, splattering across Core.

"Ugh!" Core grunted in dismay, trying to wipe it off of him... but a heat was infusing his body, the animalistic scent invading his senses. Core grunted suddenly as his groin swelled feverishly, his very long manhood swelling. His bodysuit stretched around his groin as his arousal expanded. Core took a step before stumbling to his knees, his instincts overwhelming. He began tearing at his pants, trying to get to his cock. Thrall walked over slowly, feeling quite pleased. His cock lifted up to full erection, throbbing with need. He reached out, fingers tangling in Core's orange hair. He got a good grip before forcing the bat boy down.

Core gasped in shock before his cheeks bulged with cock. The shaft slipped more and more between his lips, bucking at the back of his throat. Core tried to fight, tried to push it out but Thrall was so strong and the precum made him hornier by the nanocycle. The bull thrust back and forth, grunting with release. Core's hand tugged at his pants before he used his claws to cut the material, releasing his own shaft. The bat hands wrapped around the length, stroking up and down wildly. Thrall bellowed out in lust as he saw the program helpless before him. The image was just enough to send him over the edge. He threw his head back and let out a satisfied grunt as his shaft pulsed, the infected code spilling down Core's throat.

Core greedily gulped the cum down, feeling it infuse him and taint his code, filling his belly. He wanted it willingly, embraced it. A vast tingling spread through his body, his wings flickering and flashing, his circuits pulsing. Each gulp seemed to be changing Core, but not into a bull like the others. His change was more unique. Core's lips began darkening, turning almost grey before they tinged with brown. The coloration spread out across his face, his skin thickening. Core's nose began to contort, the tip shifting to rise up into a bit of a crest, spreading out wider as his nostrils became more slit like. His mouth pushed out around the bull cock into a bit of a muzzle. The program's pointed ears began to flare out wider and move up his head, turning from human flesh color to the brownish grey.

Beneath Core's arms his red light wings flickered before turning black, the hexagonal segments starting to blend together and turn into ever present flesh. The light between his fingers turned into webbing, the digits becoming even longer. Core fondled his cock wildly, feeling it grow even bigger in his hand. Core's muzzle parted before a very long tongue shot out, coiling around Thrall, sucking him off for all he was worth. Thrall howled, spraying the very last of his seed into the program that was now MUCH more bat like, though he still had his intense orange hair and goatee, contrasting greatly with the brownish gray bat hide. After some sucking, Core pulled off the cock, licking his lips eagerly. Thrall smiled, knowing exactly what he was going to have the male do next.


Ethan gazed up at the platform, his muscles stiff with concern. He paced back and forth on the sand, his eyes glistening in dismay. He had sent four more waves but they were making no more progress... and Ethan hadn't seen Core. Ethan couldn't live with himself if anything happened to him. Ethan's hands were clenched so tightly that his fingers dug into his palms. He had been second guessing his decisions since the moment Core disappeared from sight, wondering if he would have had the capacity to design some last minute weapon to blow the platform out of the sky, or the ability to localize some sort of reformat of the affected area... but he couldn't do any of that now that Core was there, even if... Ethan's thoughts were interrupted as a hand came down on his shoulder. He glanced over his shoulder, looking into the turquoise eyes of Nim.

"It will be alright." Nim said softly, "Although... it might be time to think up alternative outcomes." Nim said. Ethan grimaced, looking back ahead.

"What do you mean? Chalk them all up? I know it is a risk to the entire system, but I can't... just go and delete them." Ethan murmured. Nim smiled.

"Then don't try... You assume what the virus is after is negative because he was provoked negatively. It can be a positive experience." Nim said. Ethan's back tensed as realization dawned. Ethan moved to spin around but Nim was too fast. The virus grabbed a hold of the user's identity disc, turning as Ethan did before he put his palm in the center of the disc. Bolts of green energy shot out from Nim's fingers, dancing around the inside of the identity disc before the energy crackled over the entire ring. Ethan flinched and panted, Nim shaking. Guards turned, readying their weapons... but they didn't know if their actions would harm their user, their ultimate fear. Several guards advanced, trying to grab Nim but as they touched him, their bodies were thrown back across the sand.

Nim's mind was flooding with information; glimpses of a real sun, riding a bicycle, the smell of rain on pavement, the Seattle skyline, masturbation, coffee... Numbers, the complex infinity of code involved in the Tron system. Nim's circuits were becoming brighter and brighter, flashing, strobing. He shook more and more as a light began spilling out of the disc he was infecting. Ethan suddenly fell forward to his knees on the sand, Nim tugged forward by the move. Ethan felt like he was gasping for breath but his lungs barely moved.

It felt to Ethan in the back of his mind as if his life was replaying, whispers of his experiences dancing on the edge of his consciousness, but there was something else pounding in his mind... His love for Core was there, present, but... something else was there too. It was an urge, a similar need... But for what? It felt like when Ethan was compelled to come into the system to be with Core, but, what else? It was a maddening feeling to be compelled without knowing what for, but then it started to form on the edge of Ethan's mind. A word, first, 'Seeker'. A master? No, that wasn't right. A... friend? No, that wasn't strong enough. A lover? No, Core was his lover... A crush? Yes, that was it. He had a crush on Seeker, whoever Seeker was, and needed to please him, was compelled to please him. But how?

While Ethan was trapped in his own mind, Nim was being overloaded with information and energy. Swirls of lights circled them, moving around like spirits and specters. The beach started to tremble and quake, the ocean growing wilder. The sky was growing darker and darker as a frightful mist was building up above the sea of simulation. Many of the stars above were going dark... and in the eerie eclipse of light, it was Ethan that was emitting the brightest light, spilling out of his back like a fountain. Nim was fighting the raging surge of chaos that a human mind represented, trying to complete his task. The infection was so much slower in a human, so much more subtle...

And then, like the sound of cracking glass, the silence was broken. Nim watched as jagged lines of brilliant white light splintered up his arms, through his shoulders and into his torso, the cracks growing brighter before he burst into a flash of light. Ethan collapsed forward onto the sand, landing with his cheek on the rough white grains. Behind him Nim's identity disc fell to the ground, the ring of color a bright white. The sun returned, the stars resumed their twinkling and the mist of chaos ended abruptly.

Ethan panted gently, his breath drawing grains of sand back and forth slowly. His brain struggled to organize all of the new data he had uploaded into his mind. After many moments he reached out, putting his hand into the sand. Ethan shifted his weight, forcing himself up onto all fours before he stood up all the way. Tiny grains of sand fell from his pale skin, his black hair catching in the wind, green eyes gazing up into the sky. Ethan lifted his hand toward the advancing platform. As if Ethan had pressed a button, the air before his hand shimmered.

The platform stopped its angled advance before it dropped down, touching onto the surface of the sea of simulation like a floating dock. The dock floated to the shore, wedging into the sand so three sides touched water and the last led right onto the beach. Between the eclipse and the sudden change of the platform, the guards and the viruses had come to a stop. Ethan advanced toward the platform, stepping up onto it, looking around. He saw the many minotaurs that stood there, a few of his bat guard that had come to a stop, and...

"Core..." Ethan gasped softly, looking to the beast his program had become. He stood tall with leathery wings, a long member hanging out and drooling, his furry face both animal and man... but the same circuits remained. Ethan all but sniffled, moving over to Core. His hands came up to press to the bat's cheeks, holding the head of his lover in his hands. Ethan gazed into those red eyes, looking for whatever would be left of his lover. Ethan moved forward, pressing his leathery lips to those of his master, his creator, his lover. The lips parted and his incredibly long tongue pushed into Ethan's mouth. Ethan melted into the kiss, clinging to Core, arms locking around him. Core worked his tongue back and forth, slathering every part of Ethan's mouth before he finally broke the kiss.

"Ethan..." Core whispered. Ethan looked him over, up and down and back again.

"You... still care?" Ethan murmured.

"Of course I do!" Core smiled.

"Even given my best infection, his love for you was incorruptible." Thrall murmured.

"As was mine for you." Ethan said to Core, leaning in to put his head on the bat's furry shoulder. Ethan moved, licking at Ethan's neck.

"So... you have been infected too?" Core asked softly. Ethan gave a gentle nod.

"What of Nim?" Thrall asked gently, looking back to the beach. He saw no trace of his friend, his brother. His muscles tensed.

"He requires reinitialization... He can be restored, but as what... I don't know." Ethan said softly. He gestured to one of the guards and then pointed to the disc on the beach. The guard ran to go and retrieve it.

"What of us?" Core asked softly.

"We must go to Enigma and provide Seeker with the information on building a portal, he must be able to walk among our world." Thrall said. Ethan looked over at Thrall, his heart fluttering at the mention of Seeker, as if he was going to be with his crush after so long an absence.

"I will prepare right away..." Ethan said. The guard returned with the white disc, handing it to Core who held it at his side. Ethan turned to the guard. "Return the men to their primary duties. Have construction teams format a new port system. Make it a larger one with more accommodations." Ethan ordered.

"Yes sir." The guard said, moving off. The army on the beach began to disassemble, many pushing off and rising into the air like a flock of birds. Ethan looked back to Thrall and then Core.

"It looks like we will need to arrange a ride." Ethan said, holding up his hand again. The platform shuddered and lifted off from the water, rising into the air. Thrall and Core looked up in wonder, watching as neon blue lines began forming in mid-air, high up where the fiber optic line led to the network, a solar sailor coming into existence.

Tron Expansion - 06 - Enemy Ground

Tron - Expansion Chapter 6 (Enemy Ground) A quiet stillness remained across Enigma, a gentle wind and the occasional crash of thunder in the distance. Noah stood on the dock, peering around the tunnel edge that obscured the network trap,...

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Tron Expansion - 05 - Mutation

TRON -EXPANSION Chapter 5 (Mutation) The skies above Eden glimmered with a brighter aurora than usual, the buildings in the system pulsing with excess light and energy that came with improvements from the user. Programs had emerged from the...

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Tron Expansion - 04 - Alone

Tron - Expansion Chapter 4 (Alone) A chilling winter breeze blustered through the city, navigating between skyscrapers of glass and steel and buildings of brick and mortar. The cold air seemed to match the colors of the clouds above, masses of...

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