Tron Expansion - 04 - Alone

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#4 of Tron

The Grids... A new digital frontier. It was a new way to picture clusters of information moving through a vast network of computers... but beneath the surface, just what did that data look like? Motorcycles? Jets? Trains? Were the circuits like freeways? It was an attempt to recapture a digital miracle, but did it awaken a nightmare instead?

This is set in a non-canon universe where a network of Tron grid systems has been established and networked, each system maintained by an anonymous volunteer user. A few people who weren't supposed to got their hands on incomplete code and cobbled together their own systems.

This is a re-release as an individual chapter.

Tron - Expansion Chapter 4 (Alone)

A chilling winter breeze blustered through the city, navigating between skyscrapers of glass and steel and buildings of brick and mortar. The cold air seemed to match the colors of the clouds above, masses of deep purple riding a sky of pink. It was just before dawn, the sun had not yet breached the horizon but it had thrown its light across the heavens. The night lights of the city were still on, gleaming like stars framed in ice. In the far distance a snow packed mountain peaked out from a shroud of fog, the crags seeming so soft in the snow glowing pink.

Ethan's green eyes gazed across the city, vague and unfocused. Even the massive tower wreathed in gold, pointing skyward didn't hold his focus. It didn't help that everything was sideways to him. Ethan was lying on the cold metal grating of the industrial balcony outside his apartment suite, chilled to the bone. His black hair whipped around his head, lashing at his pale skin. He had been awake all night, outside for at least an hour already. He felt numb in more ways than one. His world didn't make sense... especially compared to the other world he knew. Reality just wasn't... real anymore.

Ethan had been thinking about what led him onto the balcony, where it had all started. His eyes drifted, searching the many buildings to find the regional Encom building. The logo gleamed brightly as ever. It wasn't as impressive as the headquarters, but it had been like heaven to him. It had been three years ago that he had been in that building, an intern fresh out of college. He'd worked hard, giving the company everything he could. He'd even met Sam Flynn... and learned of the Destiny Directive.

Another cold blast hit Ethan, making him shiver... but he was soon back in his own thoughts, thinking of the meetings, the dinners, the talk... the talk about a program in honor of Kevin Flynn, to recreate the miracle he had experienced in his Grid... Isomorphic algorithms. At first Ethan hadn't believed it, but the tales of the Grid, of the manifestation of computers, of independently evolved programs... It was heady stuff.

After several months of planning, the Destiny Directive had been put into place. Numerous systems capable of running the Tron code had been built and linked through a completely isolated network, each equipped with a digitizing laser and a system portal coded for the user's DNA only. Every system was initialized as a blank slate just as Kevin Flynn's had been... and then the users entrusted with each system got to work. It was amazing... absolute pure creation, whatever the imagination could think of.

Sometimes Ethan regretted not being wilder with what he created; not creating anything outlandish... but he had followed the path of Kevin Flynn. He built a massive system, populated it with programs, interacted with them as the creator... and he forced himself to spend some time in the system and some outside. He had taken only one precaution after learning what had happened to Kevin Flynn... The programs he tasked with regulating the system in his absence were not after perfection, they worked for the peaceful cohabitation of all programs and the user.

Cohabitation... The words seemed so informal, so cold... Just like reality. He had created heaven for himself, crafted an entire city populated with people he liked. It was an amazing system... amazing programs. It was so easy to forget they were manifestations of code... So easy, he had. He had fallen in love with a program. It had evolved so easily... Working side by side toward a common purpose, celebrating the achievements they reached together. Ethan had once met another user named Noah who was anonymous in his own system. He never understood that until now. It wasn't just to protect the programs, it was to protect himself... protect himself from what he was going through now.

Ethan remembered the earliest days of his system so vividly it was as if he was reliving them. Even the great Kevin Flynn had needed help to build his system. Ethan's first program was named Cortex, the outer layer of the system. Together they built a vast system to bring about the return of the iso's... A forge of creation, of imagination... and that was what he named his system, Forge. The two worked side by side, the system evolving and growing more complex... and so too did their relationship. Cortex simply became Core... and Ethan found himself waking up in the middle of the night, wanting to share ideas with his friend.

It all seemed painfully obvious to Ethan now... He groaned just thinking about it. Core was his ideal man; creative, compassionate, intuitive and unintentionally attractive. It had been too easy to fall for him. For Ethan it had become harder and harder to mimic what Flynn had done, spend time away from his utopia. Core, of course, was infinitely understanding... too understanding.

"And then Flynn was trapped in his system, he stayed there?" Core had asked, the question hanging in the air for a long moment, "Then stay with me." he suggested. The words still echoed in Ethan's mind, they had been so innocent. Ethan had created a paradise, had followed a routine, and then had been invited to stay. But was that fair? Was he in love with a computer program? Hours on the balcony in the bitter cold, an entire night of contemplation... Yes. Yes he was. A lifetime of never meeting the special someone, he had wound up creating them... It wasn't part of the order though. The iso's evolved before Flynn was trapped... and the new portal mechanism allowed users to enter the systems without fear of being trapped. So... what was the problem? He could leave when he needed to... Maybe it really was time to get more involved with his system, try and foster the environment necessary for the iso's... and he could be happy. A smile crossed Ethan's cold lips.

Slowly Ethan grabbed a hold of the metal bar running around the edge of the balcony, pulling himself up. He stood on wobbly legs, looking across the city as the glowing rim of the sun began to burn along the horizon. This city was nothing compared to what he had created. Ethan turned, moving to the edge of his loft apartment. Two entire walls of the apartment were glass, the other two a sterile white. Ethan opened the door and moved in, finding the heat that enveloped him almost alien. The loft itself seemed cold in a different way. There were no pictures of families, of friends, magazines of other people. The space was set up for work and sleep, little else. Dry erase boards held schematics of the city, bottles of water lined a counter... and along one of the blank walls was the vast silver computer hub that made up Forge. Racks of server consoles filled the massive towers on either side of the glass interface, the computer text projected onto the frosted transparency.

Ethan sat down at the console, his feet tingling as the circulation returned to them. He reached up to brush his dark bangs from his face, feeling his heart racing. He was going to see Core again; he was going to tell him yes. Ethan's fingers began flying over the keyboard. He entered all of the necessary code for what he had in mind. A hum came as the digitization laser primed, powering its capacitors, the lens shimmering as more and more light built up behind it.

The chair eased back gently as Ethan took a deep breath, letting his eyes drift close. His finger hovered over the button to fire the laser, waiting... waiting until a soft tone signaled that the charge had been built. Ethan's finger fell, pressing the button. The laser fired, enveloping Ethan in teal light. The room around him dissolved into a blizzard of light and shape, reality stripped away until it was gone.

For a moment Ethan felt as if he was in limbo, in nothingness, his body floating. As he had countless times, he used that moment to shift his body from the sitting position to standing. His feet touched down on a firm surface. Ethan slowly opened his eyes, looking out across his city. Forge had been crafted as a vast lowland city ringed around a band of mountains with elaborate buildings clinging to the perilous cliffs like electronic monasteries. Optic lines ran between the mountains like prayer chains, carrying solar sailors from point to point. Ethan stood on a smaller undeveloped peak that sat apart from the tallest peaks in the chain.

Ethan gasped suddenly as hands moved around his waist, the glowing red circuitry revealing that the arms belong to Core. Ethan melted into the grip as he felt Core come up behind him. The taller program soon rested his chin on Ethan's shoulder, holding his creator in a warm embrace. The crimson circuits on Core's body suit complemented his fiery orange hair, tousled and feathered as if it had been slightly gelled. Core looked to Ethan with the same brilliant green eyes his creator possessed.

"You finally came back." Core said, smiling gently. He still hadn't let go of Ethan. Ethan took a deep breath, leaning back against Core.

"I had to think... about everything." Ethan murmured softly. Core remained silent in anticipation. Ethan considered how he could phrase it all. He closed his eyes before continuing, "You were right... Other than trips out to the real world to report my progress and pay for electricity to keep the system on, I... There's nothing for me out there. This is where I want to be, with you." Ethan whispered. He slowly turned around to face Core, looking up into his eyes.

"I am so happy." Core said gently, grinning an oddly unique lop-sided grin, "I found it harder and harder to be away from you... The time we share together is so wonderful." He said eagerly. Ethan smirked, nodding.

"I feel the same way." Ethan said, just taking in Core's look for a moment, "But... I think my focus may have to change a bit. I am going to exist in this system for myself, not for the plan... I am going to do what I want to, what I feel. I won't go around changing everything just because I can, I love this place... But I'm not going to limit myself to just what has been done before." Ethan explained. Core managed to grin even more.

"That is wonderful!" Core said, "Our user will be restrained no longer... my user." Core added, more softly. Ethan smiled at that, looking at the ground for a moment before he looked back up.

"I don't know if I taught you well enough to differentiate love or not... But I really hope you have." Ethan said softly, "Because I love you." He whispered, hoping in the bottom of his heart that Core wouldn't lunge into a series of questions trying to define love. It was part of the gap between man and machine, the gap that the Tron system managed to bridge over and over again. Ethan looked into Core's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

Core's smile grew more subtle before he leaned towards Ethan, pressing his lips to those of his creator. Once more Ethan felt as if he was melting from the embrace. He pressed his lips to Core's, wrapping his arms around the program's neck. Core held Ethan around his waist tighter, feeling an odd flutter of glee at being intimate with the user. He had wanted this for so long, dreamed of the user finally choosing him over reality.

The two pressed their bodies together, their arousal soon apparent to one another as bulge ground against bulge. Soon Ethan was humping against Core, trying to get as much contact as possible. Core reciprocated, pushing against Ethan with a great deal of their strength. Soon the two toppled to the ground, humping with a wild abandon neither of them had ever known before. Ethan panted and groaned before he moved to kiss and suck on Core's neck. Core shivered in delight at the new sensation, even more so as teeth grazed the exposed flesh there.

"I... I want to make this a true paradise for myself, but... Things will change. I won't be alone with my fantasies anymore; I'm going to share them." Ethan admitted, his hot breath blasting against Core's neck.

"I can't believe anything you would do would be bad for us... I want to see you unrestrained... Mold this world as you truly want it to be." Core said, moving to straddle Ethan. Core moved his hand, resting it on Ethan's chest, his fingers resting on the street clothes that had been digitized when the user came to Forge, "And join us." He added. Ethan gave Core a wry smile, leaning up to press his lips to his lover once more. One hand reached around and liberated Core's identity disc from his back.

Ethan broke the kiss, focusing on the disc before him. The red disc glimmered as the interface was opened, a mesh of code swirling around. Ethan's fingers began moving at a feverish pace. Data was changed, subroutines added, details adjusted... more and more data was being manipulated. Core watched, transfixed by the creativity of his user... and feeling blessed that he could sit on the user's lap, feel the human's swollen manhood beneath him.

"There..." Ethan said softly, looking at the disc for a moment before he looked back into Core's eyes, "Are you ready for the upgrade?" Ethan asked. Core nodded, moving his hips, rubbing against Core. Core moaned softly in delight, his eyes trailing shut for a moment before they opened again. He had to see the upgrade, the change. Ethan moved the disc around and held it over Core's back. The disc wobbled for a moment before it reconnected.

The instant the disc was back, Core could feel a change. He inhaled slowly, filling the equivalent of his lungs. His eyes slipped shut and a deep smile crossed his face. The circuits on his clothing went dark, leaving him an entirely black bodysuit... but just for a moment.

Hollow red circles appeared on the shoulders, lines spreading up along the line of the shoulder and down at forty five degree angles from the bottom of the circle. The glowing red lines started to spiral around the arms, the twin sets crossing back and forth until Core's arms were covered in a red double helix. The lines that moved up his shoulders dipped down, following his collar bone until they almost met, dropping down vertically.

As the lines on the chest began passing over the sternum, they angled out and then back, creating a split diamond outline. In the center a red diamond began glowing brightly. The chest lines continued down, following the angle of the rib cage back out and down to the waist. Small dots and lines flickered on across his bodysuit, his legs receiving more conventional lines to contrast the elaborate chest.

As interesting as his bodysuit was becoming, that was only the simplest of changes Ethan had in mind. Core let out a soft moan as he felt more changes taking root, his open mouth revealing that two of his front teeth had grown as long and sharp as his canine, if not even a little longer. He had quite the set of fangs. Ethan leaned up, pressing his lips to Core's, kissing the program as he was upgraded. He ran his hot tongue over the sharp teeth. Core started to gently gyrate on Ethan's lap, trying to bring him as much joy as he could.

Ethan reached up, running his fingers over one of Core's ears. The cartilage began to shift and change on both sides. The ears began to stretch into points, the lower portion merging into the head until it was sleeker. They angled back just a bit, stretching longer and longer. They passed looking like elf ears of common lore, becoming something more. Core's fingers were also getting longer, his nails becoming black and stretching into short claws. The black of his bodysuit stretched out, covering them, joining with the claws.

Ethan knew what to expect, what was coming, and how to adjust Core to prepare. Ethan let go of Core's changed ears and lifted his arms upwards, letting them spread wide. The glowing circuits on the underside of his arm and the sides of his torso shimmered before light filled the gap. Hexagons of interlocking red glowing light shimmered, spreading block by block in the empty space between the arm and the torso. Long, curved veins of orange stretched out, bridging the gap as a section filled in before the next section started. Soon Core had massive glowing wings.

The light even spread between his fingers, creating a thin energy webbing that continued the look of the wings, the hands growing a bit larger than normal, the claws on the hands stretching longer. Core was moaning louder and louder, humping at his creator wildly, feeling changes beyond his wildest imagination. Core's feet throbbed before the shoes seemed to melt away, coating his feet. The anatomy was changing, shifting. His toes seemed longer, more dexterous, ending in claws.

Ethan was delighted, reaching up to rub at Core's chin. The skin there tingled before orange hairs began to emerge, soft to the touch. Ethan continued to rub and soon stroke the goatee emerging there, guiding it to grow longer and longer into a three inch tuft. Ethan stroked the goatee almost phallically, bringing Core a degree of pleasure he'd never expected from hair. Core once more bore his fangs in delight, a much longer tongue whipping around his mouth.

"Oh Core... My manly bat..." Ethan whispered in delight, moving to kiss Core deeply. Core returned with animalistic fervor, filling Ethan's mouth with tongue. Even in the kiss, Ethan kept working. His hand moved, groping Core at first... but then the black bodysuit began to contort and contract, shaping around Core's manhood. He was well hung, extremely hard... but Ethan was just starting.

Core felt his user's hand working up and down his shaft, massaging it, changing it... and it felt so good. Slowly the member was gaining girth but it was quickly outpaced by the length it was gaining. The thick head was slowly being tapered to a point, a point that started leaking a clear, sticky precum. Ethan was relentless, working the shaft until it was over a foot long before his hands moved to work on Core's balls. He handled them like stress relievers, letting them swell until they were the size of small oranges.

"How do you feel Core?" Ethan whispered after breaking the kiss, smiling as he realized Core's sideburns had grown wilder as well. Core panted softly, eyes moving to bore into Ethan's.

"I need you. I want you..." He whispered Ethan grinned in delight, moving to kiss Core again... but Core moved with blinding speed. Ethan's lips were parted by the pointed, leaking shaft. The program's shaft pushed further and further into the user's mouth, coated in the sticky precum that melted in Ethan's saliva. Ethan relaxed his throat just in time to accept the shaft deeper, letting it slide into his throat.

Clawed hands grabbed onto Ethan's head, holding the user to his groin before he started to thrust, moving back and forth, using Ethan's throat like a sleeve for his beastial cock. Core groaned in bliss, picking up the pace. Ethan loved it, slurping and sucking on the cock, finally able to revel in his true nature as a furry.

The user was bobbing his head back and forth with delight when he suddenly gasped, feeling claws slicing through his street clothes. One bat hand still held his head in place, but the other was cutting up his shirt and one of the bat's foot paws was slicing through his pants. Shreds of fabric fell to the ground, revealing more and more flesh. Soon a clawed foot wrapped around Ethan's hard cock, starting to stroke it up and down. Ethan moaned, his throat vibrating around Core, giving the bat even more pleasure.

Ethan moved his head frantically on Core's cock, slurping his tongue over its length, eyes rolling back into his head from the pleasure of the paw working on his own member. They were a true match, it was more than he had ever hoped for. Core shuddered and then called out in bliss, his moan echoing through the mountains. His balls throbbed, his shaft pulsed and suddenly thick, hot cum was pouring down Ethan's throat.

The taste was exquisite, practically intangible. Ethan had never considered programming flavors and the result was better than anything he could have anticipated. The user greedily gulped at the seed, but there was so much. It filled his mouth and then leaked out around the cock pushed between his lips. The cum dribbled down his chin and then three drops fell, landing on his upper chest in a vertical line. Where the cum landed, three violet squares of light illuminated on his skin.

Ethan continued to guzzle his lover's seed, swallowing it deep. Below the three lines that appeared on his chest a thick ring illuminated, the circuit lines imprinting on his skin like glowing tattoos. The ring was thick, hefty. Two thick bands of purple stretched up and away from the ring, narrowly missing his nipples. They arched over his shoulders and came down to a ring on the small of his back. Two more lines stretched horizontally around his ribs, connecting the two rings. Finally one last line dropped from the very bottom of the front circle, passing over his navel before it reached his groin.

The line split, moving around his manhood and balls, traveling down the inside of his legs. The side of his human legs flickered as several interlocking chevrons pointing down flickered on, completing his circuitry pattern. In many ways it looked like some of the harnesses Ethan had ogled online... but it was a part of his skin itself, a very interesting development.

Ethan had suckled from Core like a man dying of thirst until every last bit of his seed was gone. Core pulled back from Ethan's lips, lying back on the ground, panting hard. His paw weakly kept thrusting up and down on Ethan's cock until Ethan groaned and shuddered, spurting out his own meager load of seed. Ethan panted hard, trying to reclaim his breath until he too laid back on the ground. Core's ass rested on his thighs, the program's legs spread wide, resting on either side of Ethan's ribs, the two entwined and glowing brightly.

For some time the two laid on the top of the peak, basking in the afterglow of the dawn of their new life, their life together... Dawn. It had been dawn when Ethan gave up on his life alone; it felt like a dawn now. That... was a gift he could give to his system. Ethan turned his head to the right, reaching out to the stone next to him.

Ethan's finger moved in a hexagon, leaving a seam in the ground where his finger traced. When he connected the lines, the center of the panel shimmered before text appeared on it, the system code scrolling along. Ethan lifted the tablet out of the ground, bringing it over to rest against his chest. He brought his other hand up and began typing, entering a new set of algorithms to the Tron root code.

Core craned his head up, smiling a lop-sided grin as he watched Ethan at work again already. Core felt the love inside his chest growing by the moment at how generous a creator they had. As the minutes passed, Core wondered what Ethan was working so hard on... but he never wanted to interrupt the creation process. Slowly Core moved, climbing off of Ethan, turning around. He turned to face Ethan and lay down again, resting his head on the human's glowing stomach.

Core had gotten so comfortable, so content that he'd almost fallen asleep when Ethan moved again, returning the tablet to its place in the ground. The display went blank and returned to rock... and then the entire peak pulsed with light. The ring spread outward, passing over the city before it struck the edges of the system.

The ground tremmored ever so slightly as the outer edges of the system rose slowly, a ring of mountains surrounding the system... but there was something behind them to the east, something that hadn't been there before. The deep inky black sky began to shift, growing the faintest bit violet as light began to spill out from behind the mountains... a glowing halo of pink signaled the simulated dawn that was rising, a symbol of hope and togetherness for the entire system.

Core's eyes had grown wide. He slowly climbed up off of Ethan, moving over to the edge of the peak. He crouched down, his shimmering bat wings folded behind him as he gazed into the distance, at this wonder his user had created. Ethan climbed up and moved over to Core's side, sitting down on the edge of the peak, letting his legs hang off the edge. He reached over, putting his arm around his creation, the two marveling at the new dawn.

Tron Expansion - 03 - Metamorphosis

Tron - Expansion Chapter 3 (Metamorphosis) The system of EDEN was a magnificent jewel of creation, glowing brightly into the endless night of cyberspace. Aptly named, it was everything an Enhanced Digital ENvironment could hope to be. A perfect...

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Tron Expansion - 02 - Wasteland

Tron - Expansion Chapter 2 (Wasteland) A deep resounding thunder echoed across the turbulent skies, black and silver clouds ripping through one another in a seemingly endless tempest. From the darkness would come flashes of teal lightning,...

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Tron Expansion - 01 - Arrival

TRON - Expansion Chapter 1 (Arrival) Curiosity. It is the drive to seek out all that is new, all that is possible, all that is knowable... The desire to ever expand one's reality and potential. They used to say computers were invented to give...

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