Tron Expansion - 03 - Metamorphosis

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#3 of Tron

The Grids... A new digital frontier. It was a new way to picture clusters of information moving through a vast network of computers... but beneath the surface, just what did that data look like? Motorcycles? Jets? Trains? Were the circuits like freeways? It was an attempt to recapture a digital miracle, but did it awaken a nightmare instead?

This is set in a non-canon universe where a network of Tron grid systems has been established and networked, each system maintained by an anonymous volunteer user. A few people who weren't supposed to got their hands on incomplete code and cobbled together their own systems.

This is a re-release as an individual chapter.

Tron - Expansion Chapter 3 (Metamorphosis)

The system of EDEN was a magnificent jewel of creation, glowing brightly into the endless night of cyberspace. Aptly named, it was everything an Enhanced Digital ENvironment could hope to be. A perfect network of streets and bridges ran between awe inspiring towers and impressive geometric structures casting white, teal and blue light on one another. Glowing fiber optic lines were woven through the city like veins, sub-wave transports gliding along seamlessly to take programs anywhere they needed to go.

Even with the ample transportation of the sub-waves moving high above the streets and below ground, lightcycles glided along the streets in sublime grace while teal Recognizers hummed through the air, attending to their duties. The system had grown and evolved, but it had never lost its roots. It still remained very much a seed of the Tron Expansion initiative.

Programs roamed about the streets, some heading to perform their functions while others headed toward any of the plentiful recreation areas that dotted the cityscape. With so many watching the lightcycle races in the Primary Arena, few programs remained near the plaza in the very center of the system. Eden's plaza was home to some of the system's most unique architecture as well as some of the system's most discussed rumors.

Four gigantic obsidian towers lined in white glimmered at the four corners of the massive plaza, overlooking the central core. While the towers were stark and angled, the core was anything but. Fashioned out of a quadruple helix of silver, the four spiraled structures were interconnected by faintly colored glass bridges spanning the gap. The bridges fed into round a continuous round glass hallway that left the very center of the core hollow, air drifting through the gap that ran from the base of the plaza to the very top, well above the four obsidian towers.

Few programs entered the core itself but the obsidian towers on the corners of the plaza were the undisputed centers of knowledge in the system. Databases, libraries, utility suites and update centers filled the massive structures, feeding off of the processing power and information centered in the core.

The core was often still and quiet for millicycles at a time, and then without warning or explanation it would come to life. Now was such a time. In a brilliant flash a star appeared in the sky, casting a beam of light down into the system of Eden. The column of light filled the hollow gap between the glass bridges of the core, slipping down to the very base. The bridges glimmered with the energy, glowing as brightly as the circuits of the entire system did. Long circuits of energy running along the plaza snapped on and the obsidian towers seemed to glow brighter as a result.

Outside the plaza programs came to a stop, turning to look at the spectacle that had presented itself... but as always, nothing else happened. The light came, the star glimmered. Some programs guessed that it was a message from the creator, that he was there to watch over him. Others speculated that it was merely an energy cycle, a way for the system to keep balanced. Still, after several moments the programs in EDEN went back about their business... all but one.

Vibrant indigo eyes gazed at the core, a young program leaning against the wall of the southern tower, almost entirely obscured by the shadow the dark side of the building cast. If the program had been a user they would have said he was in his late teens and little more than five and a half feet tall. The young program had typical pants but his torso was clad in a glossy black vest, a strip of glowing blue chevrons coming down from both shoulders to meet in the middle before angling back out to his hips.

A necklace hung from his neck, holding a glowing blue disc on a chain just above where the X crossed. To those in the real world it might have been reminiscent of a skull and crossbones. Completing the programs 'pirate' like garb was a glowing blue ring set in his left ear, glimmering as brightly as his circuits. He reached up, gliding his hand along his smooth head and the crest of the three inch black Mohawk he had, an unintentional habit.

"Blu, how much for these music files?" A voice came, waiting for a response. When none came, they tried again. "Blu?" they asked. The young program was snapped back and turned around, facing the street again. Several tables had been set up, covered in boxes of database files, music files, anything he had imported from outside the system.

"Normally it'd be marked up a bit trying to get it through customs, but for you... I can knock off ten percent." Blu said with a practiced grin. The customer shook his head and moved along the street, disappearing from view. Blu murmured "You bit..." under his breath before he moved to organize his goods in case another customer might come by.

The streets Blu had set up in were quiet, empty. He paced a bit, the tread of his sleek black boots getting a perfect grip on the street. He reached up, running a hand along his mohawk, eyes scanning the horizon. It had been a terrible night to try and share his wares. Everyone was at the games watching lightcycle racing and disc target. Blu sighed softly, closing his eyes for a moment, listening to the hum of the system. He always had a surplus of inventory. It was times like this he wondered just why he had been created, what his purpose was... if the user was really out there. Blu opened his eyes, shaking the thought off. He moved back to the table, sorting through the glowing cubes of data.

Noah turned the corner down the smaller side street of the city where he knew one of his old 'friends' would have set up for the night. The user didn't know how to feel about the programs that surrounded him; he knew that they were just human projections of lines of code, but still... they seemed so 'human.' Still, he enjoyed wandering the streets of his city in anonymity, preferring that his status as the user go unknown, and it was under this condition that Noah had first befriended Blu, and as he neared the software pirate's stand, he waved, baggy sleeve slipping down his arm a little, and a smile crossed his face, buried under a low hood. He jogged a little up to the stand, and shoving his hands in his pockets, asked, "Hey Blu, how's business?" The user's black, loose flowing jacket was ornamented with straight neon blue lines, which narrowed and converged at the crown of his hood.

"Sometimes I think I should have been rezzed as a media program, I'd get more action." Blu smirked, "You're the first one that stopped long enough to give me the time of cycle. You interested in anything? I got a new shipment in, an updated Daft Punk discography." Blu offered, lifting up a pair of cubes that glowed gold and silver.

Noah slipped the hood off his head, revealing neat mid-length dirty-blond hair which hung just below his ears and just above his eyebrows. His features were soft, kind, and he'd clearly not suffered too much hardship in his little-over-twenty years of life. He took the offered cubes, examining them, and smiling apologetically he replied.

"Nah, I got somewhere to be. I'll see if you're still around on my way back, though, and then we'll see. How long do you think you'll be here?" He set them back on the surface of the stand along with Blu's other wares, and casually crossed his arms, sleeves hanging off his body. Blu was obviously crest-fallen for a moment that he had failed yet again, but his affable personality sprung up again as he let out a wide grin.

"I'll be here until the games let out, I'm sure I'll get a lot of business going then when everyone's on their way home again. This is the center of the system, lots of foot traffic sooner or later, right?" Blu said before tilting his head, "Hey, why aren't you at the games?" He asked curiously. Noah couldn't help but smile at Blu's unshakable happiness. He started digging through his mental repository of excuses, before producing,

"I've got to go configure a few things a few sections over. Something about a compiler. May take a while, but I'll try to be back before the games finish." His hands returned to his sides, and he assumed a slouch, offering, "We need to go get a drink sometime, man." His eyebrow rose and he continued, "Maybe after you're done here and I'm done over there?" He gestured vaguely further into the city.

"Sure, they've got some good energy shots at this place I know." Blu said, satisfied that he had something to look forward to, "Good luck with the compiler." Noah gave Blu a genuine smile, revealing shiny, well-cared-for white teeth, and said,

"I'm already looking forward to it. I'll catch you later tonight, Blu. Good luck with sales." The user turned and started down the slick obsidian road, hand going up in a wave of farewell as he disappeared into the neon twilight. Blu watched Noah walking away, glad to have at least plans for a reconciliation drink. Once more he began to pace and organize, going back and forth between the two for some time. In the distance he could hear the roaring cheers of the programs in the game arena, the joy they were all sharing. He let out a small sigh before he paused, hearing something near by, a noise he wasn't used to.

Blu pulled the baton from his hip, holding it over the table. The three lights flashed before transparent glass covered the table, keeping the contents secure. Blu moved along the street slowly, passing the black tower on the corner of the plaza before coming to a tighter cluster of buildings. Again he heard the unusual sound. Blu had nothing else to occupy him but his curiosity. The young program rounded the corner, moving into an alleyway. He wondered if degraded data had gotten caught somewhere or if there was a blown capacitor that had to be dealt with.

A figure in black was slumped against the wall in the dimly-lit alley, breathing hard. Through Vanguard's faceless black glass mask, the sound was muffled but clearly out of distress. Despite Vice's orders to stay at the security station, Vanguard... couldn't. He needed to find his master, needed his direction, his attention, and something... more, something Vanguard couldn't understand. He wanted that special feeling Vice had given him back then, a feeling he couldn't describe.

He'd gotten on the next solar sailor and followed him to the city, and had staggered around searching for him. Something was happening to him, though, he could feel. He felt both weak but very powerful, in mounting pain, but yet, he wanted more of it. He leaned on the wall of the alley before slipping and collapsing to the ground. Blu's eyes widened in surprise, seeing one of the many guards of the system. His purple lines seemed dimmed, it was clear he was in distress. Blu rushed forward.

"Are you alright? What happened? Do you need help?" Blu asked, coming to a stop in front of him. The guard looked up, reacting to the program's voice, and his gaze locked onto Blu. His breathing halted, and powerful urges rocked his system. Urges, like from... before... He returned briefly to the orgy in the security station, but pushed the images hazily from his mind... but, he couldn't... A solid bulge emerged in the front of his suit, in spite of his obvious pain.

"V-v-ice..." he stammered before gasping in pain.

"Advice? You need advice?" Blu asked, "We could take you to a recovery console, get you some help... Do you need me to help?" Blu asked, moving closer, lifting Vanguard's arm to put it over his shoulders so Vanguard could lean on him for support. The air around Vanguard almost seemed to distort for a moment before returning to normal... but Vanguard didn't. The purple circuits across his bodysuit began to flicker, glowing far too brightly one moment and almost dimming out of existence the next. Blu's eyes widened. He'd never seen a malfunction like that before. On second thought, he'd never seen a program with claws before either. Blu was starting to regret being so close.

Vanguard allowed himself to be helped to his feet, but then flexed his clawed hand, the sharp edges pushing out from his fingers, just as black as the rest of his suit. It wasn't clear if the claws were an extension of the suit or the body... or if there was a difference anymore. He stumbled forward, doubling over as though flexing his whole torso, inadvertently shoving Blu away from him. Blu fell backward, groaning softly before he struggled back up.

"Maybe I should just get you some help, get someone to come here..." Blu said softly. The purple lines across Vanguard's body continued to flicker before all at once they changed color, settling on a yellow tinged with just a touch of green. The circuits stopped flickering, becoming stable once more... but it wasn't to last. There was a surprising noise as Vanguard's chest plate cracked. Jagged, rough lines split down between his pectorals, the cracks fanning out across the program's abdomen.

Where the cracks had formed, Vanguard's body began to grow and change. His pecs pushed apart, his abs becoming more defined. His armor began to crack more, tiny pieces of black derezzing as they fell to the ground. Vanguard's shoulders crackled next, bulking out dramatically in width and girth. Vanguard seemed almost top heavy now, but the cracks soon spread to his legs. Blu turned to leave the alley, starting into a sprint to get away.

Vanguard's pants had deepened as his body exploded outward, becoming focused grunts. The bottom of his helmet seemed to break away, becoming the bottom part of a gaping maw from which a hanging, black, drooling tongue emerged. It dangled down below Vanguard's broad chest, drooling as it licked over his new 'skin' and the grunts became much less muffled, clearly directed at Blu as he started with a lumbering gait which became an inhumanly fast sprint that soon lowered to all fours.

As Vanguard ran, the impact of his feet hitting the street caused the armor to shift and contort more. His boots splayed out, creaking and reshaping into monstrous talons. Vanguard was at least a foot taller than he had been, his legs changing as he ran. The smooth armor became rough, almost like muscle clusters, bending and contorting. Blu shot out of the alleyway and across the empty street, heading into another labyrinth of low buildings. He'd evaded guards there before, he hoped he would be successful escaping from whatever monstrosity was emerging behind him.

Still following in monstrous pursuit, his rough talons pounded the pavement and he closed on Blu within the labyrinthine alleys. As Vanguard reached out for Blu, his gloves exploded, his hands shifting into wicked, deadly looking clawed paws. He hooked one over Blu's shoulder, throwing him off balance and sending him spilling out onto the ground. With a hunter's efficiency, Vanguard was immediately atop him, a sharp talon pressed onto Blu's chest as the monster shuddered, feeling an onrush of more significant pain.

"I... Don't derezz me, please..." Blu pleaded for life, a life so short thus far. He looked up at the creature, feeling more of a rush of emotions than he ever had before. It was as if Vanguard could sense those emotions, those feelings... Feelings he had existed without for so long until Vice had come into his life. Vanguard's metamorphosis continued unabated. His shoulders continued to stretch out, forcing his head forward a bit. The visor glimmered like liquid silver as it began to contort and stretch. The detached jaw moved along with it, the whole elongation looking almost like a muzzle. Cracks formed near the top of the helmet before obsidian black began pushing through, angling sharply and stretching back as geometric horns adorned the almost primal shape Vanguard's head had taken. Blu was practically shivering in surprise, watching the changes take place... and it almost felt as if Vice would have been proud of Vanguard for making someone watch his change, the change his master brought into him.

Vanguard leered down at Blu, his tongue dripping viral black saliva all over the young program's face as he gave the cheek a lick. His arm swooped down and grabbed Blu, pulling him to Vanguard's chest as the claws clamped around Blu's arm, preventing any possibility of escape. His other hand clamped on Blu's shoulder, spinning him around. Bringing his taloned foot up, he tore away Blu's pants, ripping and pulling them to the ground. His code had been deteriorating and the line between what was 'flesh' and what was 'garb' was gone. Slowly Vanguard's heavy manhood began pulling away from his body. The black coating tried to remain intact, gooey lines stretching as his shaft was pulled by its own weight... but the lines gave way. Hanging from Vanguard's groin was a thick, huge, obsidian black member dripping with his mutated code, faint yellow veins pulsing along the length.

Blu cried out at the claws around his arm, being pinned. He shivered as the black goo leaked over him, although despite the fear and the anxiety... His own groin had come to a bulge. Blu felt disgusted by himself for feeling that way, but he'd never felt anything like that saliva. It was so thick, so soft, so slimy, so warm. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt. He shuddered softly, eyes moving to look at Vanguard's long cock. While the mutating security program had come to a stop, his changes did not. The pulsing organic veins of yellow light surged, a flash of light coming across Vanguard's spine. Slowly a long, thin, whip like tail covered in spikes lowered from his back, connected just above his waist. It swayed back and forth slowly. Where the tail had split from Vanguard, it had left a line of sharp spikes glistening along his spine.

Vanguard's tail darted around in a lustful eagerness, and still holding Blu he bent over and licked the program's cheek with a hissing growl. Then, pulling his hips back, he slammed forward into Blu, his warm cock piercing through Blu's clothing, pressing deep into his warm ass, the shaft slick with a thin, black pre-cum. His hand was tight over Blu's mouth, preventing any noise from escaping. His feet spread apart, and he continued to pound and lick at his prey.

Blu howled out against Vanguard's paw, writhing and flexing but ultimately pinned. The small program was at the mercy of this strange mutated beast, this cyber hound working at him. Blu's body shook with the force of the thrusts, but every aspect of the pleasure centers he had been granted were buzzing. Soon the howls of pain were howls of joy, the grunts of fear were grunts of bliss. He looked up at the drooling muzzle with such confusion, slowly lifting his hips up into the air, surprised at his own actions... But it felt so good, this creature... it was making him feel so good. He moaned more. It was then Vanguard felt it, the hot, wet moist tongue of the program licking against the palm he was using to silence the boy.

Vanguard craned his head around, removing his hand from Blu's mouth to turn Blu's head to face him. He plunged his tongue into Blu's mouth, flooding it with the virus as he pushed his cold, hard, glassy muzzle to the program's lips. Blu was overwhelmed at first but soon his eyes shut and he seemed to be in heaven. He pushed his lips to that muzzle, letting the long tongue slip down his throat. Black slime leaked from his lips, filled his stomach, coursed through his veins. He was being filled from both ends by Vanguard... and that was when Vanguard heard it, Vice's thoughts... Vice realizing his true purpose while making love to his loyal subjects... To spread the pleasure. Vanguard was doing the work of his master, making his master proud. Vanguard's body glimmered before it surged larger again, gaining quite a bit of muscle mass and girth.

Vanguard intensified his efforts as the haphazard yellow lines covering him flared, grinding harder into his prey's ass, black viral cum pouring out from around the invading member. He was moaning, the sound originating deep in his throat as he thought of the service he was doing to Vice. Soon, Blu's body began to pulse under his touch, the muscles achingly expanding further, Blu's iconically diminutive frame no longer so, his spine slowly lengthening in Vanguard's rough hold. He was nearing the proportions of an athletic adult, but things didn't seem to be stopping.

Blu writhed and moaned as he was engorging on the viral cum. His free arm flopped about, trying to find a way to thank the beast for the sea of endless pleasures he was experiencing. He blindly massaged Vanguard's chest and stomach, hands wandering, finding small nubs jutting out of the black that seemed to swell when touched. Blu gulped at the tongue, ass massaging the huge shaft that had invaded it. He was quite the receptive program. Vanguard's claws danced through Blu's mohawk, which surged in length as he continued to grow wider and taller. His other rough hand rubbed Blu's chest, feeling the definition and surging power within the program's newly bestowed musculature. His hand ran downward, to Blu's cock, which was hard as a rock and nearly a foot long, throbbing purple at the massive head which was dripping black-tinted cum onto the alley floor, the virus clearly already working its way into Blu's system.

Blu let out a deep resonating moan, the vibrations moving up Vanguard's arm and into his chest, resonating there in the massive muscles. Blu lifted his hips, humping against Vanguard's stomach. His eyes were wild, pleasured, wanting to thank the beast any way possible. Blu growled more, his cock bobbing, splattering black cum around. As it splattered Vanguard's stomach, his body swole larger again, the beast's cock growing longer inside of Blu. Vanguard no longer resembled a normal program in any shape or form. He seemed more natural on all fours, stalking his prey. His black body was wild, feral. Not a single straight line had been left on him, every streak of glowing yellow was wild like the virus that had infected him. Vanguard was wild... and his instincts could not be constrained. The mutating virus was nearing completion.

Vanguard bellowed into the night, and with a final explosion of viral seed inside of Blu, the flood filling his stomach, he withdrew from him, tongue reeling back into his mouth and cock pulling out with a slick pop. He pushed him away, Blu's ass dripping with his cum. He left the program's body trembling, pain and pleasure rocking his frame. He lowered to all fours, and after one tender lick on the chest, Vanguard leapt up to a wall, and began to clamber up a building before disappearing from sight into the darkness.

Blu lay on the alley ground for some time, his stomach and ass full of cum, the black goo coating his chin. His clothes were warped, his muscled bulged, his mohawk significantly longer, his cock aching beyond belief. Blu basked in his bliss before he remembered something... Noah was coming back, the only individual that had showed him kindness before. A smile crossed Blu's lips, lips he soon licked. He would show Noah this new form of pleasure he learned. Blu soon staggered to his feet and began walking, his cock hanging out as he moved, lumbering slightly. He felt fantastic. It took some time but he made it back to his stand, a grin plastered on his lips.

Tron Expansion - 02 - Wasteland

Tron - Expansion Chapter 2 (Wasteland) A deep resounding thunder echoed across the turbulent skies, black and silver clouds ripping through one another in a seemingly endless tempest. From the darkness would come flashes of teal lightning,...

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Tron Expansion - 01 - Arrival

TRON - Expansion Chapter 1 (Arrival) Curiosity. It is the drive to seek out all that is new, all that is possible, all that is knowable... The desire to ever expand one's reality and potential. They used to say computers were invented to give...

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**Masculate** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by JR22 Mid-morning sunlight streamed through the large floor to ceiling windows across the bright orange floor of the shop, glistening off of the steel and chrome displays showing off leather...

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