Tron Expansion - 05 - Mutation

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#5 of Tron

The Grids... A new digital frontier. It was a new way to picture clusters of information moving through a vast network of computers... but beneath the surface, just what did that data look like? Motorcycles? Jets? Trains? Were the circuits like freeways? It was an attempt to recapture a digital miracle, but did it awaken a nightmare instead?

Co-written by LeoTodrius and porsche454

Commissioned by PanzerMaus

This is set in a non-canon universe where a network of Tron grid systems has been established and networked, each system maintained by an anonymous volunteer user. A few people who weren't supposed to got their hands on incomplete code and cobbled together their own systems.

This is a re-release as an individual chapter.

TRON -EXPANSION Chapter 5 (Mutation)

The skies above Eden glimmered with a brighter aurora than usual, the buildings in the system pulsing with excess light and energy that came with improvements from the user. Programs had emerged from the games Arena to find several new towers rising up into the night sky and new programs populating them. In one quadrant an entire new structure had been formed, vast curved ribs of metal rising out and up and back again, containing a sphere of teal that cast light on the surrounding area. The system seemed faster, more efficient. There were more optical lines woven through the system and more Subwave Sailors gliding along them. The Subwaves were fantastic for getting programs where they needed to go without clogging up the streets... and they moved with a silent, subtle grace gliding high above the system one moment, arching down and dropping beneath the ground and traveling unseen the next. There were murmurs from program to program discussing how kind and ingenious their user was, wishing they could know him.

None of them knew that he was on the craft with them, a mere shoulder away. Most had not even seen the changes yet. Noah sat with good posture on one of the long benches in a Subwave tram, his robes around him with their steady blue glow. A purple guard stood at the back of the cabin, obscured face gazing on impassively. The car was rather scarce of people, though that was expected with the games concluding in a few minutes. In a way it was why he was there now, to beat the post-games rush. Though, the lack of people placed him in a state of isolation. There was a chime from the speakers as a feminine voice softly announced the approaching station. The tram decelerated smoothly before coming to a subtle stop. A whir of electricity and the doors slid open. Noah stood up from the bench slowly and disembarked.

Without any touch from his hand, his hood slipped up along the back of his head, moving to shroud his features from view. The power Noah held over the system practically radiated from him, and yet none of the other programs were any the wiser. The station outside of the tram was crisp and clean, glistening. Black obsidian walls reflected the light of the tram, silver braces arching over and translucent teal steps leading up toward the surface. Outside the hum of light cycles came and went as the traffic moved. With Noah having disembarked, the tram zoomed along, resuming its course and leaving nothing but the shimmering beam of light behind it. There was an indefinable quality in the air as Noah approached the surface, almost a midnight dew caught in the air. Eden lacked any subroutine for such a thing, but after a certain point, it was as if the system evolved under the subconscious inklings of its user. Whether the programs dressed in cyberpunk garb had come from the subconscious of Kevin Flynn or had been maintained by that of Noah was anyone's guess.

Noah checked his surroundings, the streets silent. Only the echoes of cheers came from the distant arena. He had completed his upgrades, he had traveled the city unobserved... It went as well as it always did, but something was missing. Noah would have felt guilty if he thought what he wanted was acknowledgement or thanks, this was his duty. He had worked very hard to follow the guidelines of the Destiny Program to bring along the rebirth of the ISO's. Noah felt he had made great strides. Still, it was lonely to go about Eden the way he did. At least he had allowed himself a few friends. Noah continued walking, heading back to the portal, slowing a bit when he saw Blu's table.

The table was still there, all of the objects present... But the program standing watch was not the program Noah had created... but at the same time he was. The same blue chevron patterns glowed on the legs of his pants, a very prominent blue and black Mohawk rose above his head and the same glossy black vest clung to very tight muscles. It looked like Blu, but... he was almost a foot taller than he had been. His arms rippled with muscles. The glowing blue earring in his ear seemed bigger. Even his chest seemed rounder, his ribs expanded. The boots at his feet were gigantic. For the first time Blu dwarfed Noah. As Noah approached the table, he took notice of how Blu was moving around, seeming to do the same pre-programmed 'busy work' script he always did between sales. With that as his safe sigh, he continued with an interaction test.

"Sup Blu? How's the weather up there?" Noah joked, punching the program's thick shoulder. Blu looked down to Noah with...a predatory smirk. Noah took a precautionary step back, trying to diagnose his program's obvious glitch. Blu turned, his eyes settling on Noah. A grin crossed his lips.

"How did the repair go? You ready for that drink? I think I figured out something better than energy shots." He said, swinging his large arm around Noah's shoulder, pulling him tightly to his body. Noah's senses alerted him to a scent, a musky, rubbery, half synthetic sort of scent he had never smelled before. Trying to not provoke the program that now had combat advantage, he went along with answering his many questions.

"The compiler just had to be un-cached, nothing tragic," Noah started, trying to get out of the big man's grasp. Blu seemed to not notice his attempts, keeping him tight. With one large hand he pulled the cover over his station and began walking with Noah. Their pace was casual, relaxed, but Noah was completely aware of the layout of their system. They were heading the wrong direction for any of the entertainment venues likely to serve energy shots or any other sort of refreshment for the programs.

"So...where are we going for those drinks?" Noah asked casually, bringing his hand to Blu's waist, mere inches away from his identity disc. Blu smiled, feeling like quite the rogue as Noah moved his hands over his big body. Blu was practically strutting as he moved along the street, heading off the beaten path and into interlocking walkways.

"It's a pretty private place, not too many patrons. I'm sure you'll love it." Blu said. Noah just nodded, pressing his head into the Blu's side. Though his acts seemed sweet and caring, he was just trying to get to the identity disk. His fingers grazed the ribbed edge of the data disc. He peeked his head around Blu's side, able to see the center of the disk as he gently pressed a finger on it. As if sensing the creator, the interface snapped on. The first few levels of menus seemed normal but as Noah got into the code, something was very wrong. Countless lines of blue text scrolled by, code created by Noah himself. Silver lines were interspersed, the original Tron code that was inviolable... and then there were instances of a neon green code. The code didn't belong, it was alien to Eden, and it was spreading. The green code was getting longer, infecting other algorithms. Noah had to do something to stop the virus, but didn't want Blu to react and possibly attack him. He leaned forward again and continued bluffing Blu.

"Mmmm, so, we'll be all.... alone?" Noah cooed, lowering his hand to Blu's supple ass. Blu grinned gently, a deep and animalistic pur escaping his chest. He glanced around before he turned, pushing Noah into the wall, leaning in to kiss Noah. The boy's lips were fierce, focused and strong. His large hand moved down to grope Noah's package, squeezing it. Noah had never felt the caress of one of his programs, let alone one that was seemingly so eager. Now that he was pressed against the wall, Noah was unable to access the identity disk. But, that felt so perfect cupping his package. Blu grinned with such pride, leaning in. Noah suddenly felt a very unnatural tongue slathering along his neck, a gooey moistness remaining even when the tongue left as the hand squeezed more intently. His hazel eyes grew wide as Blu retracted from his rather affectionate lick. The tongue that lapped him was not what he had programmed, far from it! Panic set in and he pushed at Blu's chest, trying to get free of him.

"Don't worry friend... You'll enjoy this by the end, I did..." Blu uttered, reaching down. He ran his hand over his own groin and the mesh of his pants began to derez, pulling back to reveal a very long, thick shaft. It was quite wide, the tip leaking a black precum that drizzled down onto the ground beneath them. Blu moaned, his teeth seeming abnormally sharp. The scent intensified, a waft smacking Noah across the nose. He felt his own cock stir, but he refused to be dominated by the program HE programmed. Noah focused his mind, using his knowledge of the Tron system to summon enough strength to push Blu away, darting down the alleyway and away from the infected program. Blu let out a growl of dissatisfaction, turning to face the man who had turned down his advances. The circuits on Blu's bodysuit began to flicker off and on irregularly.

Blu took a step towards Noah and then another, thinking of how handsome and strong the beast had been that blessed him with this infection. He wanted to share it and he could think of none he wanted to share it with more than Noah. His long shaft continued to throb before him, dripping the tainted code. Noah's soft soled shoes padded through the alleyway until he skidded to a halt. Such a foolish move, he went down the alley with a dead end. It was now him....and Blu as he saw the infected program slowly grow closer. Noah was disheartened, he was slowly losing one of his only friends within his crafted world.

Blu braced his feet to the ground and lowered down before he charged forward, his heavy shaft swaying, ropes of black cum splattering across the floor and walls as he narrowed the gap between him and Noah quickly. Blu planned on being relentless.With a disinclined sigh, Noah pressed his hand to the wall of the alleyway. A black hexagonal pillar jutted from the side of the building, catching Blu and trapping him against the alley wall. Noah walked up to the snarling Blu, his eyes filled with dread. He continued through the pillar as he reconfigured it to form a walkway while keeping Blu in place. With the infected program subdued, Noah was easily able to acquire the glitching identity disk.

"Don't worry Blu, I'm gonna fix this." he assured with a tone of affection toward him. With the disc removed from Blu's back, the light grew steadier. The center of the disc filled with code, the matrix becoming accessible to the user. Blu struggled a little, though he soon grew quiet. Even his virus addled mind wasn't able to process everything he had seen. The column, the response of his disc... it all pointed to one thing. Noah walked back in front of Blu with the ID disk, his hands working fervently through the pool of code. Blu's eyes looked Noah over.

"You are different..." Blu murmured, quite the understatement. Noah's face remained emotionless, whoever's virus this was surely was a better coder than himself. It seemed to rely on programming completely independent of the Tron code. The virus continued to spread even as he corrected and restored the previous bit, the virus was picking up momentum, it was a losing battle. Quickly, Noah thought of a solution, he created a new subroutine, a way to counter this malicious virus. After a few thoughts and hand movements, he waited for the virus to hit the newly made code. As the green code hit the proverbial brick wall, it seemed to sift through it, slowly becoming a teal. Noah leaned over Blu's shoulder, sliding the disc down to the mount on the back. The disc flashed as the code was interfaced. Noah watched with impatience in his eyes.

Blu's struggles to break free came to a stop, his eyes going distant. There was a war going on within him as the viral code tried to infiltrate the subroutine created by Noah... by Blu's creator himself. Blu's back arched and he gasped. The subroutine was activated, the retrovirus released. The code surged through Blu, reinforcing his own code, rewriting the virus itself. Blu's circuitry patterns pulsed with light before glowing neon blue, almost radiating. The degradation was stopped in its tracks, the damaged code being reconfigured into something stable, but entirely unknown.

Noah knew Blu would be saved, but he did not know as what. Blu's eyes returned to normal, an almost serene look on his face. He closed his eyes and embraced the change, his body starting to shimmer gently. The tips of Blu's ears pushed up before they seemed to shift, his canine teeth remained sharp. The tips of his fingers reverted from the black claws they had been, but only partially. The claws looked like extensions of his fingernails rather than taking up his entire fingers. The claws that had contorted out of his boots shifted into metal studs in the end of the black material... but his legs didn't return to normal.

It wasn't until Noah saw Blu motionless that he realized the boy's legs were digitigrade, bent backwards and then forward almost like an animal. The smooth sides of Blu's head pushed out with a thin layer of stubble, the same stubble pushing out across his face. It blended seamlessly from head to beard, growing just a bit denser while the mohawk stayed prominent above his head. Attention was only taken away from the crest of hair when his rather canine ears quirked and flexed a bit, covered with dark black fur.

Blu flexed his fingers and his toes behind the pylon, feeling something change behind him. His tailbone shifted, growing longer, stretching out. Neon blue tendrils erupted from it, forming a strange blue animal tail. His throbbing shaft was pushed against his leg behind the pylon, but the incessant throbbing stopped and the precum turned clear before subsiding. Normal color returned to the flesh, though the base was wider, swollen. With one more gasp Blu collapsed against the pylon, his head laying on it, his chest still trapped by it. Blu was still for a long moment, his circuits steady, his simulated breathing constant. When he finally did move he turned his head to look at Noah, concern crossing his face.

"Are... Are you alright?" Blu asked softly, grief crossing his face, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... That thing, he... That guard, he changed right in front of me and then he attacked me, and... It was all wrong, but it felt so good... I couldn't... I tried not to, but I did... and then I saw you. I... I'm so sorry." Blu murmured, looking forlorn. Despite being taller and wider than Noah, he seemed to be the young program once more, his eyes pleading for forgiveness... and then realization crossed his face and he looked even more startled, "You're... the user, the creator, aren't you?" Blu whispered, "I'm so sorry!" he whimpered, lowering his head, clenching his eyes shut. Surely he would be derezzed for what he had done... but he deserved it. He shook gently for a moment before calming himself, trying to prepare for what was to come.

This was the reason why Noah hid himself within his own world... his Eden. The programs would worship him like a God, not nourish him as a friend... as a companion and compatriot. He looked at the hunky Blu with disheartened eyes. But, as his gaze continued on Blu's disfigured body, he felt rage engulf him.

"Blu....I am not going to end you. You are my only good friend within this world. And I am going to find the bastard that has done this to you!" Noah pledged, releasing Blu onto his new legs. Blu seemed unstable at first, his legs functioning differently but after a short moment he adapted. He moved toward Noah to hug him before blushing, passing a hand over his exposed crotch. The fabric of his bodysuit mended, the material pixelating across until it hid his package. Blu resumed his advance and wrapped his arms around Noah, giving him a gentle hug despite the program's new size.

"You could have had all the friends you wanted... You are an amazing pro-" Blu stopped himself, giving a sheepish smile, "Person." he corrected. Noah's eyes watered in his friend's embrace, a warm tear trailing down his face, resting upon Blu's shoulder. Noah broke the hug and wiped his tear filled face.

"Let's.... let's go Blu, we need to find that guy." Noah stiffled, a smile upon his face. Blu shifted his feet a bit, his canine like ears flattening against his head a bit.

"The last thing I want to do is let you get hurt, even if you weren't a user... But I also don't think you'll take this lying down, you programed me to understand people's tastes." Blu said with a lop-sided grin, "The program that attacked me started out as a Guard, and if anything has slipped into Eden then it had to come through the port, and there's usually only one running at a time. I know that port like the back of my hand, some of those music files aren't easy to come by on the network. Seems like a good place to start." Blu offered, his ears perking up again. Noah was rather intrigued at the complexity of the virus and how deep it had gotten into Blu's code, while at the same time feeling a bit of pride at how efficiently his subroutine had stablized the damage and turned it into something... completely new.

"Lemme have your disc Blu. I wanna see something." Noah requested, extending his hand. Without reservation Blu took his disc from his back and offered it reverently to Noah. Noah's palms were grazed by Blu's sharp nails, sending shivers up the user's spine. He pushed his feelings aside for the moment and opened the disc's interface. There was a flood of text and he sifted through all the lines of blue code, searching for the remains of the root of the virus. "Hopefully I can find the remnants of the virus in here, and get it contained so I can see who I'm up against." Noah stated, glancing up at Blu before beginning to walk towards their next destination. "Come on, we better walk and chew at the same time if we want to get there." He told Blu. Blu scoffed.

"If we're going, we might as well go in style." Blu gloated, pulling out the baton from his hip. He pulled the baton apart and held it out. Light spilled in-between the two pieces, the light forming into lines that stretched back and apart. Noah had seen the formation of lightcycles countless times, but this... was forming differently. The lights formed rings for the wheels, the engine core, the main housing.. but the handlebars were higher, the seat longer, the wheels somehow even thicker. The light became substance and the bike materialized. At first glance it seemed to remind Noah almost of a Harley, lacking the fluid grace of Eden and almost possessing an animal prowess. Blu lifted a large leg and slipped up over the bike, leaning forward to grip the handlebar. He glanced over to Noah with a grin, folding his tail out of the way, "You wanted a ride?" he asked, his ears pointing right at Noah expectantly. A smirk grew across Noah's face. Blu was always hot, and with him in that bike, even with the new features, he looked damn sexy.

"I sure would like that." Noah acknowledged, returning the disc to Blu's back before swinging his leg over the bike. There wasn't much room for him on the bike, but he didn't care. It was one more reason to be closer to Blu. He wrapped his arms around Blu's thick torso and laced his hands together against his abdomen, pressing his crotch against Blu's rear. Blu grinned, his fanged smile primal despite his personality having returned to the sweet kid Noah had made. With a gentle movement of his hand he revved the cycle and it roared to life. A powerful vibration moved up through Blu and Noah, almost massaging Noah as he clung to Blu. A shimmering came as a helmet formed over Blu's head. Tall, firm pointed covers formed above his ears, the smooth obsidian glass sloping down along his head... although it didn't follow the contours of his face. The helmet jutted forward into almost a muzzle, much like Vanguard had.

With his helmet in place, Blu leaned forward and the two rocketed out of the alleyway, navigating through the backwater paths before darting out onto the main street. They passed other lightcycles and carriers, Blu leaning one way and then the other to bring them around and between at impossible speeds. Noah was helpless but to cling onto Blu, watching his system race by until they left the core of the system, heading out toward the boundaries of the system. The further out they traveled, the less dense the buildings were until they were traveling on open road.

Floating high above them in the distance was the port, suspended in the air by glowing engines, a solar sailor docked inside the firewall, ready to head out into the network. Noah knew the port well, it had some of his best security... and even that had been breached somehow by the pernicious virus.He nudged Blu a bit, the bike vibrating against his ass, though pleasant, he didn't want to get an erection and have Blu know about it.

"Can this thing go any faster?!" He yelled at Blu, daring not to lift his head into the howling wind as they continued passing the few remaining vehicles left and right. Blu grinned, leaning down further. The back of the bike shimmered before an arch began forming over them, sloping just over Noah and Blu's head, meeting the handlebars and forming a canopy down the sides. The handlebars shifted forward more and soon Noah was pressed tight to his creation's ass, laying over his back. As the bike reconfigured the vibration went away, the cycle racing forward at obscene speeds, an afterglow of teal shimmering behind them without forming the cycle's customary band.

Like the four winds themselves, the cycle left Eden behind, traveling over one of the few stray roads to cross the Outlands. They made excellent time, finally reaching the ground beneath the port before the bike finally slowed, coming to a stop. The canopy derezzed and Blu lifted his head up, putting one boot on the ground to keep them up. His muzzled head looked up, the port reflecting on the obsidian glass that made up his helmet.Noah straightened himself up and disembarked the bike, his dirty blonde hair a mess from the turbulence they experienced, but it soon slipped back into it's default configuration. He grabbed Blu's hand and guided him off the bike. Blu pushed the handlebars back together, the bike dissolving into light and disappearing. Blu followed Noah, looking to his user.

"Hold onto my hand." Noah warned Blu as his left foot stomped the ground. A hexagonal portion of the silicon around them shimmered before it lifted up and away from the outlands, quickly accelerating up towards the port. Blu looked down at his feet, realizing that it was being kept completely stationary on the tile, holding him in place. As they rose higher and higher he realized that was most likely for the best. With sudden deceleration the tile came to a stop perfectly even with the floating port, high above the ground. A cool simulated breeze whistled over them, deflecting around the office built onto the platform.

While Noah and Blu had some cover from the office, they could see a great deal of motion around the corner by the Solar Sailer. Noah's own guards were loading crates of files and information, even energy onto the transport to send out of the system. The guards were operating completely outside of their parameters, their glistening black and purple bodies usually relegated to standing watch but now were petty lackeys moving crates. The Solar Sailer's petals were still tucked tightly to the craft, the departure still some ways away it seemed.

"Please watch your step as you disembark the lift." Noah chuckled, releasing their feet from the allocated stone. He was the first to walk onto the port's platform, lending Blu a hand. If it weren't for the fact that they were tracking the virus down, Noah would be unable to keep his hands off of Blu. Blu followed Noah onto the port, looking around before his eyes went wide. He reached out and grabbed Noah's shoulder, pulling him back around the corner of the office. A deep growling came around from the far side as huge black claws clacked against the surface of the platform, a drooling extended muzzle moving part way out past the obstruction. Vanguard turned his beastly head to look along the far side of the platform. Seeing nothing, he turned around, his spiked whip tail swaying in the air before he disappeared from sight again.

"What was it?" Noah whispered to Blu, though he didn't mind being man handled by his creation.

"The beast that changed me, he's standing watch." Blu said, "I should... lure him away, you've got so much to deal with." Blu murmured. Noah didn't want it to come to that but Blu was right. Still, he could surely do something... Noah pressed his hand against the wall, both Blu and him spun, the wall revolving them into the office. The room was vacant and dark, plus, it gave Blu and Noah access to the platform's control panel. Noah moved across the office to the main console, crouching down below the windows to keep out of view.

"Keep watch, I'm gonna see when they are going to leave, maybe I could disable it." Noah told Blu as his fingers tapped on the obsidian panel and went to work. The black surface flooded with code and he began to type randomly, bringing up the time schedule. The system had already been tampered with. There was no record of the transaction taking place, no information that any network activity had been going on. It was obvious it was the virus' attempt to keep the user from detecting the infection. It also kept Noah from knowing when it was time to go.

"Oh there you are!" Came a manly, pleasant voice from outside. From Noah's vantage he could see through a narrow gap between the console and the window. A tall figure with a black bodysuit and cracked neon green lines strode across the platform with confidence. There was a sudden patter of claws before there was a thump. Vanguard had ran to Vice, pushing off so his front paws landed on the virus' shoulders. The degraded beast leaned in, a dripping black tongue slobbering all over Vice's face. Vice cooed before opening his mouth, kissing Vanguard for a moment before he broke it, reaching to rub between the beast's horns. Vice smiled, "I had never expected my code to do that to you... but it's fitting. What a nice guard you have become." Vice said. A deep resonating purr of happiness came from Vanguard, so potent Noah could feel it in his own chest through the wall. Noah dropped down and looked at Blu, their eyes meeting. With the hopes of stopping the Solar Sailer from departing, Noah crawled over to Blu. He pressed his back to the wall adjacent to Blu.

"What're we going to do? He's....corrupted everything.." Noah whispered, pressing against Blu's shoulder.

"Well... you saved me. Most of the guards don't look infected as badly." Blu said, contemplating, "You can't redirect the sailer if it isn't on the record, but you could lock out the platform from future use and you could use what you did on me on the guards, would that work? Preserve whatever code is left from their creation?" Blu asked.

"That is why I made always have good ideas.." Noah appreciated, hugging Blu's broad torso. "Get my back!" Noah lunged, bursting through the window. The shards scattered out, clattering along the platform before they sizzled and degraded into nothing. Purple lights across the platform began flashing. Vice's eyes narrowed as he looked around, trying to isolate the change, the threat to his purpose. Noah jumped into the air before bringing his fist onto the platform. The immense platform rippled, a wave of light and code surging through the superstructure. The alarms and flashing lights faded away and the guards came to a standstill. Their identity discs flashed brightly, resetting to violet and then purple once more.

It was a very different matter where Vice was standing. The platform beneath him shimmered, his boots glowing a sickly green and crackling. Vice sneered, showing sharp teeth as he began walking across the platform. His footprints shimmered before fading. A sorrowful, deep growl came from nearby as Vanguard spasmed and throbbed, falling onto his side, his circuits flickering violently. There was no choice but to abandon this project for the moment. Vice held up his hand, his palm glowing. A deep resonating hum came from the Solar Sailer as it began to move, pulling out of the station and heading towards the port. Vice turned and started to run, heading towards it. Blu and Noah chased down the Solar Sailer as it began to creep away from the platform.

Noah and Blu saw the virus attempting to escape and broke into a run. Vice had a head start, having been standing on the part of the platform closest to the port... but the sailer was picking up speed faster than it was designed for. As Noah huffed and puffed, it seemed that Vice and Blu had the advantage, but even Blu wasn't making ground fast enough. As they watched, Vice headed not for the sailer but for the end of the platform. He reached the edge and leaped off of it. The user watched in surprise before the virus spread his arms and the gap between them and his body filled with green light. The grid of hexagonal green energy caught the wind and the virus sailed up, arching towards the bow of the sailer, catching a part of the frame and pulling up.

Blu growled. He wasn't going to fail his user. He pulled out his baton and focused. One end surged, shooting out like a grappling hook, affixing itself to the tail end of the sailer... and promptly being pulled. Blu held out his arm, catching Noah around the waist, their four feet sliding across the platform before they swung off the end. Blu held Noah tight, starting to retract the energy cord linking them to the craft. They began rising upwards, dangling high above the outlands.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Noah yelled, terrified at the extreme height. Every limb upon him was clamped to Blu's strong body. They wobbled, suspended by the moving craft, rising up more and more. Soon, the grappling hook's line was reeled back up, leaving them directly beneath the sailer. Blu reached over with his large hand, grabbing Noah around the waist again. He began pulling his user from his body as much as he regretted it, lifting him up toward the lower deck of the craft with surprising ease. The minute the deck came to view, Noah grabbed hold and scampered onto it. He propped himself against the inside wall of the sailer's cargo hold and watched as the rather dexterous Blu pulled himself up in an elegant movement.

"Show off." Noah snickered playfully, running his fingers through his dirty blond hair. The Solar Sailer shuddered as it moved out of Eden and into the void between systems, causing both of them to grip the walls in order to not slip and fall. Light died away round them, the void as black as night. The sailer itself gave a dull blue glow, each cargo block lined with lights. Once the shaking was over, there was a surge of energy as the sailer accelerated constantly, its velocity was incredible. Noah glanced at Blu, both knew they had to get topside.....and fast. They ran together step for step between the blocks of cargo, reaching a ladder. Blu took charge, climbing up first to make sure it was safe. He peered up from the gap between cargo blocks, looking along the catwalk at the top of the Solar Sailer.

Vice stood at the front of the solar sailor, his eyes gazing forward as if he could see their destination when no one else could. His hands were braced behind his back, both resting on his spine just above his ass. His chest rose and fell as he calculated his options. The situation in Eden had changed suddenly, completely. He had underestimated the phantom user... but Eden had brought him the closest to the information he needed, wanted....craved. He'd have to figure out a way back. Blu and Noah climbed onto the catwalk, their advance muffled by the howling of the abyss zooming past them. Noah and Blu moved to the sides of the catwalk, keeping low. They gestured to each other with their hands and glances, moving to drop down off the side and hang between two containers when Vice peered back as if he smelled something in the wind. Seeing nothing, Vice looked back forward, giving the two a chance to stand back up.

Blu nodded and at once Blu charged at Vice, his boots thumping against the catwalk as he lunged at the unsuspecting virus. Noah tumbled up from the side of the catwalk and aimed his baton at Vice as Blu distracted the virus. The end emitted a ray of light that dispersed into a net of white energy, the corners ending with barbed hooks. Vice easily deflected Blu's lunge, but the net snared him. The barbed hooks pinned him against the grating, bringing him down onto his knees. Vice looked up, a mad glint in his eyes before he flexed his fingers and brought them down.

Just as Noah had done on the platform, Vice was sending out a wave of energy. Noah watched the metal and glass ripple as a wave of green passed through it. The leading edge knocked Blu off his feet. He rolled uncontrollably and slipped off the edge, one hand grabbing on for support. In the wake of the energy wave, something else was happening. The steel catwalk was turning black, beneath it the cargo containers were changing, the blue lights turning green and the white framework becoming black. The glass frosted, looking far more menacing than it had before... and the entire craft began accelerating much more. Noah reacted quickly and ran to get Blu. He grabbed his forearm with both hands and began to pull him up. Blu gazed up at his user with gratitude... and love. He had been saved not once, not twice, but countless times in such a short time by Noah.

"Don't worry......I got you." Noah assured as Blu moved to help out, his free hand grabbing onto the cargo's ledge and he was able to get up. From behind the two there was a sudden groan of collapsing metal. The net fell limp over a hole in the grating. They both looked at the hole where Vice had been. Both were alarmed and were checking their surroundings for the nefarious virus. "Show yourself coward!" Noah ordered. There was a chuckling from beneath them.

"So you really were around... Not just a ghost in the machine, not just a rumor?" Vice's voice drifted up from below deck, "You moved among the people and never let them know you were there... It is ironic." he chided, still not visible. Noah really wasn't liking this virus, he tried to interact with the Solar Sailer, but it was useless....everything was corrupted and beyond his reach. Blu and Noah stood back to back, making sure they weren't going to be jumped. There was a sudden whistling as a neon green identity disc shot out from the cargo pods, arching up and coming back, narrowly missing Noah before it swung back beneath the deck. It took sophisticated motor control to get the swing just right for an arc. Blu reached over his shoulder and brought out his own disc, the edge glowing brightly as he readied for battle. Noah took his own and divided it into two, before flexing his fingers and separating them again, creating four discs a quarter of the original size. Blu blinked in shock.

"You're just showing off..." Blu muttered before smirking.

"Well, when you're the get perks." Noah explained, bringing them ready to attack. "If you show yourself, unarmed, we could talk...." Noah offered, trying diplomacy rather than brute force. There was a long, silent pause..... then movement. A figure sprung up, landing on the catwalk. His identity disc was replaced along his spine, his eyes gazing forward. Vice was tall and lithe, his hair almost as bright of neon green as his circuits. The hair in the back was fluffed up and stylized, two long bangs hanging on either side of his face. He stood a fair distance from Noah and Blu, looking them over.

"What shall we talk about, user?" Vice asked, his voice carrying well despite the noise. Noah merged his discs together and placed it in its carrier.

"Let's start with greetings, keep it gentlemen like..... Hello, I'm Noah, and you are?" Noah introduced, signaling for Blu to lower his disc. Blu looked at Noah, not wanting to let his guard down but he lowered the disc finally, the edge going dim. Vice grinned a bit.

"My designation is Vice... Nice to meet you Noah, and to see you in person Blu. Vanguard told me about you." Vice replied. Blu all but growled. Noah was uneasy of him bringing up Blu, but he had to keep the talk going.

"So, Vice, what brought you to Eden?" Noah asked, trying to keep himself from tearing the virus to pieces, along with keeping Blu tame.

"I was designed with one purpose, one purpose only... To collect the information my creator requires to complete his work... To make my system as good as the ones you were given, to give my creator the power you freely flaunt... to let him walk among the programs he created, to see our world with his own eyes." Vice said, sounding very much as if he had gained the bitterness of a user without the full tron code... a hacker. There had been rumors of hackers getting their hands on the Tron code, but Noah had never encountered evidence. Noah calculated his options and they weren't good for the virus.

"Vice.....there are better ways to spend your life," Noah acknowledged, trying to talk to the hacker rather than the virus. "With the complexity of your could have created a world far greater than the one I was practically given. A world far from the norm, ruled by freedom.....and dreams. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than successful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve problems."

"Are humans always so full of babble?" Vice asked, his eyes narrowing, "Or are you trying to buy time? I am open to talk, to making this work... Laying aside my abilities, even my very existence if you will grant my creator the power to enter his own world, to be among his programs. You know full well that Tron systems require their users, not just designers from the outside. Even when you are not in your system you can see it in your head, can't you? Because you've been there..." Vice replied. Noah was pinned, he had ran out of options.

"Only Sam Flynn could give you that ability," Noah started, "or you could build your own bridge into this world. If you have the can accomplish it. But, if you continue this way, your advance ends now." Noah enforced his threat with bringing out his four discs yet again, signaling for Blu to ready his disc. "So, will you want to end this now... or be allowed to remain in existence?"

"I cannot build the bridge, nor can my creator... But he created me, and I will take that information even if I have to take it from inside you." Vice said, pulling his disc off. There was a flash of light as he adapted his own code and the discs split into two. Vice brought them apart, dropping into a predatory crouch before he began charging. Blu let out a roar, his muzzle shaped helmet slipping back over his face, as he charged in turn. The two programs closed the gap between them quickly. Noah took crack shots with his four miniaturized discs, trying to make Vice falter as he fought Blu. The discs seemed to narrowly buzz past Vice, but Noah took each aim cautiously, ensuring that they wouldn't be able to damage Blu.

As the Solar Sailer shot through void, they fought with ferocity and candor. Light flashed with every clash of the discs, Vice mercilessly forcing Blu back as he blocked the behemoth's attack and then struck back with his own spare disc. Blu was getting closer and closer to his user... but even in the midst of fighting, Noah felt something was wrong, that something was different. The void around him felt... wrong. There were no changes to the sights or the sounds, but something in Noah's gut told him it was different. Even amid the roaring wind in the tunnel, Noah realized with a terrifying sensation that he was no longer moving. The Solar Sailer had stopped... they were in some sort of mirage.

"Blu get back!" Noah ordered. Blu gave up his attack and moved to get to Noah, letting Vice advance even faster. The virus slashed out, catching Blu's shoulder, light spilling out from where the blade penetrated his skin. Blu rolled, getting behind Noah, springing up to help him. Vice came face to face with Noah, a grin crossing the virus' face. Noah shoved the virus back several feet, a ring of energy emanating from the contact. Then, he quickly unleashed three discs, each arcing towards Vice as he sailed through the air. Noah ran forward for the incredible speed, going for the kill. He lunged forward, pushing off the grating to come down on Vice with calculated and deadly accuracy. Vice lifted his hand up, his claws glowing with unnatural energy as Noah came down at him. The new variable within the fight set Noah back, he adjusted his approach by tucking in a leg, pushing off of Vice's chest as an escape maneuver to give him a boost. Noah looked back at the virus, throwing his final disc directly at Vice before landing on the catwalk. Noah reached one hand above his head and caught the three previously thrown discs, forming one in that hand. Vice tried to block the shot with his hand. The disc cut through it easily but it had given the virus time to move his head out of the way, the disc sticking into the catwalk's grating.

With one last glare, Vice ran to the side of the Solar Sailer and pushed off, spreading his arms and forming wings once more. He glided seemingly into the void before suddenly disappearing in a flash of white light. Blu looked at where the virus had disappeared, wondering if he had deleted himself rather than to be destroyed by the hand of a user... but his thoughts were soon interrupted as the Solar Sailer began glowing, the metal losing cohesion, the glass becoming completely transparent. Noah's last disc started to sink as the sailor began collapsing. Like fine grains of sand, the lower level was dissolving into light. Noah ran and grabbed his last disc, pulling it out of the murky soup that had been firm metal.

"Run! We gotta get off!" Noah yelled, stopping to look at Blu. "Are you going to be able to make it?" Noah asked. Blu was holding his shoulder but nodded.

"Where do we go?" Blu asked, worried. He didn't have the intuition that Noah had, he had no way to believe they were anywhere but between ports, lost on the network. Noah trusted his gut feeling and grabbed Blu's unharmed shoulder.

"JUMP!" Noah yelled and Blu listened. The grating below them disintegrated as their feet left it, their bodies arching through the air. The mirage was perfect, complete. It seemed like they were falling through vast emptiness before suddenly they both hit hard ground, rolling roughly along a loading dock. Noah hit a raised lip on the edge but Blu emerged at the top of some stairs, rolling roughly down four or five before hitting the deep gray silicon ground below. Before Noah had even opened his eyes, the sound of thunder rumbled in his ears, light flashing all around him. Noah rubbed his head and looked around, scoping the area. He saw that the dock was vacant, save for themselves. The large mirage that whirled in the vast space was shielded in a quarter of a tunnel built into the very edge of the system, but that was the least of Noah's concerns.

As the user turned around to face away from the dock, he saw a truly remarkable sight... another system. Years of work, countless hours inside the system... he had never seen anything outside of Eden. None of the Destiny project's users had crossed over to another... But here Noah was, looking out across the vast wilderness... and wilderness was putting it politely. The system before him was still full of the rugged silicon that made up the raw outlands, barely harnessed. Rivers of pure energy flowed through wildly, moving like soup in some parts before cascading down waterfalls into insanely deep crevices. In the distance, Noah could see movement on some of them, glowing silver and white boats drifting along peacefully.

While the system was unrefined, Noah could see what Vice had been alluding to. Random structures dotted the system... Towers, buildings, bridges... but they lacked any theme, any cohesion. Some buildings were upside down, others leaning at angles. One tower was set sideways onto two other buildings to form a new structure. It was a city built by the blind, pieced together by luck and chance... But there were signs of true civilization. The harsh rock of the outlands was interrupted by pristine and perfect roads, glittering like black obsidian veins. The lines on the road were the same dull blue of Eden. Lightcycles raced along them, the hum a sound Noah had heard a million times.

"There!" Blu groaned, pointing. His finger was extended toward the end of the port where a massive Recognizer lifted off, the massive craft's circuits turning neon green as it lifted up into the atmosphere before finally gliding toward the center of the system. Noah wasn't worried about getting Vice for now..... They were in his domain, and he wasn't going anywhere. He hurried over to Blu's side, propping him up to a sitting position.

"Let me fix you up, okay luv?" Noah said, taking Blu's identity disc and examining it.

"Love..." Blu whispered softly. He gave a small smile before grabbing Noah's head with his good hand, pulling him close. Blu pushed his lips to Noah's, letting them brush together for a long moment. Despite Blu's face being covered in a short, dark stubble after the changes, it felt impossibly soft against Noah's skin. Noah dropped the disc and brought his arms around Blu's neck, taking caution not to harm Blu's injured shoulder. Their lips stayed locked in a passionate kiss as Noah moved to lay upon his creat...... partner's abdomen.

"" Noah repeated into Blu's wolfish ear, before biting his neck. Blu exhaled sharply in delight, grunting in passion. He moved, nipping at Noah's neck, his sharper fangs grazing the skin before the program started sucking on it. Despite being in a computer, Noah felt the sting of blood rushing to the surface. Blu was marking him. The moment was hot with spirit. Noah rose enough to gaze into Blu's sapphire blue eyes. "I want you....." Noah cooed, running his hand to Blu's crotch, giving it an enthusiastic grope. Blu gave an excited grin.

"Here, now?" Blu asked, grunting as his member responded to the creator's touch, growing quite hard, the bodysuit melding out into a bulge. Blu moved to suck and nibble the other side of Noah's neck, his good hand roaming all over Noah's abdomen before massaging his groin lustfully. Noah arched his back. He never had anyone touch him in the system like that... it was amazing. He sat up quickly before tearing off his own body armor, the black bodysuit derezzing to leave his smooth skin bare, the warm tone contrasting with the immense gray around them. Noah began to worm his fingers beneath Blu's plates before peeling the program's armor away, tossing it aside. Blu's bodysuit derezzed as well, his constrained member springing out from his groin semi-erect. Blu practically drooled as Noah released his shaft. It had returned to a more normal color, though the base was swollen much like a canine knot.

"Creator, my user, my love..." Blu grunted, pushing Noah onto the ground, moving to hump him gently. Noah felt the hot, hard shaft of his program rubbing against his own quite eagerly. He took his hands, he hated how Vice corrupted Blu, but the animalistic flavor in his stabalized code was rather..... erotic. Noah gazed upon Blu's deformed shaft,half way between human and animal......he truly wanted to maintain Blu's physique, but that partially canine cock looked like it would be amazing inside him. He took his hand and groped Blu's shaft again, coming to his conclusion.

"This will be for both of our pleasure babe." Noah assured Blu. Blu smiled, watching in awe as the palm of Noah's hand began radiating light as he began reconfiguring Blu's genitals. Noah's fingers closed around the length, sliding up and down once before closing over the head of Blu's shaft. He drew it down the length, the entire member glowing before Noah worked back toward the tip. Fixed to Blu's abdomen was a furry sheath protecting a deep red, glistening canine shaft that drooped from it. Noah drew his hand off, a string of precum connecting his hand to the shaft even as it drooled and dribbled even more. Blu's eyes were wide and wild as he groaned, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, his canine ears going flat against his head. His cock throbbed hard, his programing taking cues from Noah's mind itself for his instincts.

Without warning Blu got up and moved, pushing Noah forward, moving to start humping against him. Noah felt Blu's hot, slimy dog cock slathering across his ass cheeks before sliding up and down in the gap between them, getting progressively closer to his hole. Noah began to rock back and forth, feeling Blu humping him as if he were a leg. Blu kept one arm at his side, the shoulder still damaged but he wasn't going to let that stop him.

"Here, let me help you." Noah offered, gliding his hand down to the flustered Blu's throbbing dick, guiding it to his hole. Noah nodded to Blu, the canine cock throbbing against his sphincter, spewing more precum in between his cheeks. Blu gasped in delight, feeling the bliss of spewing his juices into his creator, his master, his lover. He began pushing forward, the pointed shaft spreading the hole wider for the thicker base. As Blu thrust in, he reached down to wrap his hand around his master's exposed shaft, squeezing and massaging it before starting to move it from base to tip and back again, picking up speed. Blu leaned into Noah's neck, inhaling his scent before licking the skin and then biting gently, his fangs nearly breaking the user's skin.

Noah flinched as Blu nipped him, receiving another bite mark upon his soft skin. But that didn't deter him from experiencing such wonderful pleasure as Blu continued to thrust, his good arm wrapping around Noah's torso as he rammed his knot against the human's anus. Their combined weight was supported upon Noah's arms now, but that merely made both of them quicken their pace as they made love. Blu was running off of pure instinct now, his ears perked forward in a goofy way. The pressure built and built against Noah's ass until there was a satisfying plop, the knotted flesh sliding in. Blu kept thrusting but his cock never emerged from Noah, the canine member buried deep inside him, radiating such heat and warmth, filling Noah with thick precum. Blu's tail wagged eagerly as he clenched his eyes shut, feeling so manly, so amazing.

Another pressure was building deep within Blu....but were centered at his balls. The furry, swinging balls were clenching to the program's crotch, signaling that it was primed for release. Blu kept thrusting, instincts searing into his programming before he lifted his head and let out a deep howl. His huge shaft pulsed and began spraying thick cum into Noah, feeling so very real. Blu kept thrusting even as he came, churning it in Noah's ass before at last he thrust as deep as he could, his knot reaching its full thickness, locking him tight. Blu brought his head down onto Noah's shoulder, shuddering as he kept cumming, the last of his orgasm moving through his body. Noah's nails were digging through the grey cement around them, particles clumping under his fingernails. It may not have been his system, but he was still a user. Blu's cock rested against Noah's prostate, adding constant pleasure and heat, bringing Noah to an immense orgasm. Before long Noah's shaft was pulsating as it sprayed his seed onto the ground before him. They collapsed onto the cool ground, their bodies sticky with warm cum. Noah felt Blu's pulsing knot deep within him, barely starting to subside.

" real." Noah panted, sweat pouring from his forehead. He didn't want to leave Blu's warmth, he made him feel safe... wanted. Noah remained laying, his stomach down on the ground as he waited for his partner's knot to deflate completely. Blu licked Noah's neck softly.

"Of course it was real... My feelings for you aren't a simulation, I am experiencing them with you... We saved each other's lives, we're doing this together... It might be a mutation of your original intention, but it's real." Blu whispered. Noah's heart filled with joy at those words.....the Destiny program had accomplished something... Maybe not the unique life it had intended, but it was truly a digital miracle for Noah.

Tron Expansion - 04 - Alone

Tron - Expansion Chapter 4 (Alone) A chilling winter breeze blustered through the city, navigating between skyscrapers of glass and steel and buildings of brick and mortar. The cold air seemed to match the colors of the clouds above, masses of...

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Tron Expansion - 03 - Metamorphosis

Tron - Expansion Chapter 3 (Metamorphosis) The system of EDEN was a magnificent jewel of creation, glowing brightly into the endless night of cyberspace. Aptly named, it was everything an Enhanced Digital ENvironment could hope to be. A perfect...

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Tron Expansion - 02 - Wasteland

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