Confessions and Ill Omens

Story by Futuristicdragonman on SoFurry

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Chapter 7 of Guardians of the Universe.

James, Kate, and Syrris made their way back to Calgora to go back to their resting place the dwarves prepared for them days ago. As they where resting, Syrris was sound asleep while James was leaning against Kate's neck.

"You have any idea what happened to that sword, James?" Kate asked.

"Regretably I do not have the slightest clue, Kate. This is the first time any deity has intervened in me taking such an object. And sense this particular deity is malevolent, who knows what he is planning". James said

"So it's far from over right? It's been over a week sense we started off for this."

"Well, you know when you're trying to stop a world from ending, it's going to take more effort than you'd think". James replied.

Kate sighed, "I suppose so. Hell I've never had to save a world so I wouldn't know. Kate said

"Saving worlds isn't what it's all cut out to be Kate. It's not a job for the ambitious. You'd think a world would be very greatful. However, my job isn't so glamorous. No, it takes one who knows they are no different or better than anyone else", James said.

"Well your world pays you right? All human societies pay their solders. Kate asked

"HAHA! Yah it does, but I only get paid 12,000 dollars a year. Meaning that is about the same amount as someone living in poverty. And I'm a commander. Regular recruits get paid half that. Like I said, their is no glamour In my job. However thats ok. Somebody has to do it", James said.

"I suppose thats true. Dragons don't use any form of currency. We are more into knowing secrets of our world, and knowledge, Kate said.

"Sometime knowledge is a dangerous thing however. My world had much knowledge, yet it lacked wisdom. For that we paid a very heavy price for it. after 1,000 years our world still hasn't recovered completely". James said

"Ive learned by reading your thoughts about that war. When hell itself invaded. But there are still many wars your world seen. The wars you yourself where appart of, what of the battles you fought on your planet before you where recruited for this. You've been in several battles. What is war on your world like, James?" Kate asked

James lowered his head thinking about the horrors of his violent past.

"You can hear shots being fired in the distance. Even when you're sleeping gun shots can be heared. Bombs exploding in the distance causes small tremors in the ground beneath you. The next day you wake up, if you wake up, you patrol the bomb areas for straggling enemies. You find none, most are dead. However allong with the fallen enemy troops, you find families. Men, women, even children who where at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Their bodies chared, and the children's once beautiful innocent faces now mutilated and grotesque. Ill tell you something, Kate. Those same faces haunt me in my dreams, I can even hear screams of some civilians who saw bombs raining down on them. One area I patrolled, no bombs where dropped. We where on a search and destroy mission. Kill all enemy in the area, once your squad and the other squads are done, the area smells like nothing but burnt gun powder and blood. I looked into a nearby house there that once had a family in it. When I walked in, there a family lay on the ground. Their bodies chewed up from gun shots. Only one was spared. A girl no older than 7 years crying over dead mother. I tapped the girl on her shoulder, she turned and looked at me with a horrified look. I extended my hand and she grabbed it. And I walked her out of the kill zone. Not mine, but another squad had committed murder on that girls family". James said

"Damn... Even most dragons feel it's wrong to kill children, even human children. We see their innocence. And to think humans do such things is something we don't know why. I'm sorry you yourself had to see such things." Kate said

James was looking at his weapons that lay beside him. "I completely understand why weapons are needed. Even civilians need something to defend themselves. But me personally, I want to one day just live in complete peace. Never having to see another battlefield. The horrors of war still haunt me in my dreams. They seem to come in some kind of flashback. When I wake from them I feel like I'm going to fucking snap. Because as hard as I try to move away from the past, the past finds me in my sleep, and ravages my mind. However I keep my cool not for myself, but for those I command. Im not as strong as I seem, Kate". A tear began to trail down James's cheek As James turned his head trying to hide it from Kate.

Kate used a claw to turn James's head and she wiped it off of his face. "James, I love you. You do not need to hide any tear from me".

James wrapped his arms around Kates muzzle knowing her love will eventually heal the emotional wounds from wich he hidden like secrets in the shadows. While James never killed any innocent being in his life, the horrors of him seeing people doing such things haunted him. And now James has Kate. And with her, time may heal what truly causes him a pain no one can immagine. Kate began purring as James hugged her. A sound that actually sounded more like a weak growl than a purr.

As James was hugging Kates muzzle, Kate opened her mouth slightly and said, "

you should rest a little. We need to go back to the council in a couple of hours. We leave in the afternoon".

Kate's tongue snaked around James and pulled him into her mouth. She placed Jamed under her tounge and James felt how much more soft the underside of her tongue was. The bottom of her mouth was just as warm and comfortable as her tongue, but he felt the underside of her tonge slide on top of him like a soft warm fleshy blanket.

"Ohhh wow, this feels so amazing". James said as he was tucked in for a nap.

"Glad you think so, James". Kate replied

"I ummm, love you"... James said hesitantly. He said it hesitantly due to the fact he is not used to loving in the way he loved Kate, and being loved as well Is something he is not used to. It actually felt very weird to him.

"I love you too James". Kate said as she gently rubbed him with her tongue. James quickly fell asleep, as Kate's tongue caressed him. Kate quickly fallowed James and took a nap herself

Early afternoon had come. Syrris woke up Kate. Kate stood up bringing her hand up to her mouth, and spit out James into her hand.

"Hi there! Ready to go?" Kate said happily.

"Yah, just gotta get my guns and my sword from the armory". James replied with a little sleepiness in his voice.

James did so, and in about 15 minutes, he returned to his companions.

James attached his weapons to his pack and handed them to Kate. Kate lowered her head to James's level and opened her mouth. James happily went in.

"You're an unusual one, Kate. No dragon in existence. Has ever loved a human like you love James". Syrris said.

Kate shrugged her shoulder, and took a few experimental beats of her wings, suggesting to Syrris that they need to leave.

As the trio was on their way to the council, about half way there they saw a black, green, and purple color mass in the sky. It's presence was nothing of natural causes. Kate and Syrris landed on the ground, and looked back up in the sky further examining it. They saw two other malevolent looking masses appear beside it. Kate spit out James who was sleeping. James on the ground wiping both the sleep and Kate's saliva off of his eyes then looked at Kate. He noticed a very unnerved look on her face. Kate looked I back to the sky and James looked up as well.

"Oh hell no!" James said with an equally unnerved look on his face.

"What are those things James?" Syrris asked...

As Syrris asked the three masses began to form into one.

"Its a portal, Syrris. The same one the armies of hell use.vwe need to get back to the council and fast!"

Kate quickly placed James itheir mouth and both dragons quickly took to the sky flying as fast as possible to the council.

Dead Rising

Kate, Syrris, and James where waling on the pathway, Syrris and Kate can easily see in the dark, poorly lighted path. But James could not see very well even with his flashlight. His light is due for a recharging. As they continued walking, James seemed...

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Second Journey into the Deep

After taking a rest in Calgora from their first attempt into the deep, Kate found someone to help with the gates that the trio could not get through. A Dwarven mage who studied the ancient dwarven language. As he stood beside Kate, he saw James. He...

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The Deep

James woke up feeling the effects of a massive hangover. He clutched his head due to the massive headache he is feeling. Noticing Kate and Syrris where gone, he stood up looking around for them, while ignoring the headache and body aches due to his...

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