Dead Rising

Story by Futuristicdragonman on SoFurry

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Part 6 of guardians of the universe

Kate, Syrris, and James where waling on the pathway, Syrris and Kate can easily see in the dark, poorly lighted path. But James could not see very well even with his flashlight. His light is due for a recharging. As they continued walking, James seemed to grow more and more nervous. Kate began to sense this, she can even notice his heart beat raised slightly.

"Something wrong James, besides your flashlight beginning to go out?" Kate asked.

"It's that fucking god that concerns me, Kate. Odd's are we'll run into him and see allot of dead people trying to kill us. I'm even beginning to theorise the object we search for, if it is here, it'd be such an object that'd get his attention if we touch it. Always a fucking catch to everything," James said.

"Now you're beginning to rattle my nerves with that theory, James". Kate said.

"Yah, he's unnerving me too. I really don't want to be some undead dragon being raised to a bastard's will". Syrris added.

James just smiled and decided to mess with Syrris, then said, "yah, Syrris, if you die this god may let your flesh rot and worms will feast on you. Then when he raises you again you'll smell like dead flesh, and have horrible looks. Maybe an eyeball hanging out of your eye socket and your eyes hang just by the nerves. Maybe you won't be able to speak, when you eat all you can taste is the rotting flesh of your tongue too".

Syrris gaged at the thought, "James you son of a bitch, you're making me loose my appetite! Shut the fuck up already or you're lunch!"

"As long as you're breath doesn't smell so bad now, I'm totally up for that, Syrris". James said

Kate chuckled, "I guess having a human that enjoys being eaten isn't what it's all cut out to be, Syrris. Threatening him with being eaten to keep his mouth shut doesn't work.

"Speaking of being eaten, after where done here, can you eat me Kate? I enjoy being you're snack", James said.

"If worse comes to worse, I may have to eat you if we come across an enemy that you cannot fight, James. And you won't be able to con me into spitting you up so you can get yourself killed like you did with Syrris". Kate said.

James bit his lip, thinking of something to say. But Kate outsmarted him on the last remark.

"Haha! now the smartass is keeping his mouth shut", Syrris said.

James lowered his head, not in defeat, but in worry. "But what if you die, Kate. I cannot allow that. I'd ummm, never mind". James said.

"James and Kate sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...."

"Shut the fuck up or I'll stick a gun up your goddamn ass Syrris!" James screamed at Syrris in an enraged tone.

Syrris just stared at James with a very shocked look, and her lower jaw just hung wide open. "Did you just say?"

"Enough you two or I'll punish both of you. James, knock it off or you're going in time out. And Syrris if you don't shut up, I'll tie your mouth up. You'll loose your talking privedges!" Kate Said.

"I'll gladly go in timeout", James said.

"Human I swear! Wait... I should have seen that one comming".

"Can't punish a human that loves to be eaten, Kate." James said

Kake gave a very loud sigh. "Note taken, James. Wait a minute, yes I can! You'll be grounded from sleeping in my mouth and storage stomach! Act like a child, I'll treat you like one!" Kate said with a grin on her face.

James could not say a word, he had been beat, and held his head down in defeat.

There was a few minutes of silence among the trio. Then they entered a very large cave with a massive statue holding an object. The trio walked over to the statue, examining the object it held. James crawled up to Kate's head, grabing one of her horns, and landed on the ground. James observed the sword. It was nothing spectacular. In fact it was made very crudely. A poorly crafted iorn sword. "Kate, Syrris, you two keep a look out for trouble. Don't need to be eaten by some undead zombie or some shit like that".

Kate and Syrris did as James said. James continued to inspect the sword, he looked over the hilt of the sword and saw nothing He then inspected the blade, and eventually saw familiar markings. An inverted pentacle with the head of a goat in the center, and two serpents on each side of the symbol.

"Well you two, I got really good news, and really bad news. This sword is what where looking for, thats the good news. The bad news is we will find out if my theory of taking the sword will wake up that bad god". James said.

Fear struck the hearts of the trio, as James reached for the sword, something happened before he could touch it. The sword was swallowed in ebon flames, and disappeared.

"What the fuck was that? It surely is a new one on me. No object like this ever done that when I reached for it". James said.

"Was it that god we need to be worried about, James?" Syrris asked as she began shaking in fear.

"I don't know Syrris. However something tells me that we should get the hell out of here if we want to live", James said.

Kate picked up James and set him on her neck, then the trio turned around and began to run towards the tunnel they came through. As they did so, two undead dragons came out of the ground, allong with several undead dwarves as well.

The trio's fear has been realized. It is the work of the god they tried to avoid from the start. "Oh fuck me!" James screamed, then began shooting the dwarves who where easy to kill. However, the more he killed, the more rose from the dead and multiplying in numbers.

One undead dragon looked at Kate, and with a hoarse voice, he said "that's one tasty little snack you got there. I hope you don't mind me helping myself to him once you two are dead. The master will be pleased to add two more dragons to his army.

Kate had a feeling inside her. A feeling as if her blood was boiling in rage. "Over my dead body motherfucker!" She screamed as both her and Syrris charged at them. They leaped at the undead beasts and tackled them to the ground. Both Kate and Syrris where punching at their ancient bones hopping that the bones would break. Kate got thrown off by the undead dragon she was fighting, and the beast leaped on top of Kate bitting her neck causing Kate to make a very high pitched roar, as if she was screaming in agony.

James saw this and was horrified from seeing Kate getting bit in a vital area such as the neck. "Kate! Nooo!" James screamed. He shot at the undead dragon trying to drive the dragon's attention off of Kate and on to him. He continued to shoot until it finally set it's focus onto James.

"James behind you!" Kate screamed.

At that moment James had a dragon and an undead dwarf to deal with. James rolled on the ground, dodging the swing of the undead dwarf's sword, still keeping his focus on the undead dragon who was his greatest threat.

Kate got up from the ground, and ramed the undead beast in his rib cage. The undead dragon took a really heavy blow which broke several ribs. The undead dragon screamed in pain. Kate did the same thing again, this time breaking his spine in half, leaving the beast completely helpless. Kate grabed the dragon's snout and twisted it's head hard finally putting and end to it's unnatural life. Kate then wen't to go help James fight off the dwarves who are trying to kill him. As James continued gunning down the dwarves, his weapon suddenly jammed. James tried sliding the bolt back and releasing it, trying to clear the weapon of any obstructions in the action. But it was no use. The spent case in the firring chamber is still wedged in the chamber.

James pulled out his sword and his side arm. Fighting by blocking the ancient blades of the undead dwarves, while shooting them at the same time. But James was overrun, and a dwarf stabbed him in the back with a spear. It pearced his upper back, and exited the left side of his sternum. Because of a punctured lung, James could not scream. He gasped and fell to the ground, trying his hardest to hold on to his life.

Syrris finally defeated the foe she fought, by bitting it's neck until it's old, frail vertebra gave into the power of her bite. "Yah! you dead you piece of shit", she said as she gloated over her victory, and the battle was over.

Syrris turned to see the group of dwarves who haves James a fatal blow. She joined Kate in killing the undead dwarves. In moments they finnished. To their horror, they saw James lying on the stone floor, with blood streaming fom his body.

"James!" Kate and Syrris simultaneously screamed. Both Kate and Syrris ran up to him, and saw he was in shock. James was barely holding on to his life and quicky fading away. "Kate was beside herself, she just threw herself onto the ground and crying very hard right next to James. Syrris wasn't as dramatic, but she was crying too. A few moments passed by, and Kate had an idea. She kissed James on his forehead, broke the spearhead that pierced James, pulled the broken stick out, nearly causing James to die right now. Then, she reached towards her chest. Her final words where "I love you, James".

Then she put her hand on James's fatal wound and a flash of light appeared. Kate had infused her very being with James. His wound healed instantly, with scales covering the wound. James pulled out of shock and came to his senses. He gasped for air a few times, then his breathing became normal. He quickly started feeling the wound he had, and noticed the open wound has been closed with black scales. James looked at Kate and Syrris, both have tears in their eyes still.

"What happened here..." James asked.

Kate smiled and said "I fused my very soul, and my life force with you James. I honestly could not live without you, I love you."

James smiled at her, he sat up, and gave Kate a long kiss. As happy as Syrris was to see James alive, she was grossed out from the sight of a human and dragon kissing and had to close her eyes.

Kate began to purr a little, or so it seemed. It did not sound like a purr, it sounded like a tiny growl. But James and Kate continued to kiss.

A few moments latter, they ended their kiss.

Syrris came up to James and smiled. "Glad to know my snack is safe!" She said.

James laughed at her comment. "You know it's Kate who has first dibs right?"

Syrris stoped and thought about it for a moment. Finally she said "You know what you're right".

Second Journey into the Deep

After taking a rest in Calgora from their first attempt into the deep, Kate found someone to help with the gates that the trio could not get through. A Dwarven mage who studied the ancient dwarven language. As he stood beside Kate, he saw James. He...

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The Deep

James woke up feeling the effects of a massive hangover. He clutched his head due to the massive headache he is feeling. Noticing Kate and Syrris where gone, he stood up looking around for them, while ignoring the headache and body aches due to his...

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The next morning, James, Kate, and Syrris woke up extra early for they had a long 12 hour flight ahead of them. They had to go to lands far of the east on their jouney to find the artifact which holds the magical power to open a protal to hell. As...

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