Second Journey into the Deep

Story by Futuristicdragonman on SoFurry

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chapter five of guardiand of the universe

After taking a rest in Calgora from their first attempt into the deep, Kate found someone to help with the gates that the trio could not get through. A Dwarven mage who studied the ancient dwarven language. As he stood beside Kate, he saw James. He waved at James, and James seemed rather pleased to see the dwarf.

"Eglaf! how is it going man?" James said as he shook the dwarf's hand.

"Not bad, James. I'm rather pleased to work with you. I saw Kate spit you out this morning, and to my supise she did so without waking you up. It must be odd sleeping in a dragon's mouth. Kate told me about your little stunt with the orcs. Well, the other night when we where drinking together, you weren't kidding that you fight even when it could cost you. You defiantly got a strong heart, but that time it was just slightly foolish." Eglaf said.

"Ugh, slightly foolish you say Eglaf?" Kate said.

"Ok ok, it was beyond foolish, I was just trying to be nice to the lad, Kate".

"It's not too bad sleeping in Kates mouth. I actually enjoy it. Much better than sleeping on stone, thats for sure. However, Syrris has horrible breath!" James said

"Ummm. you two know eachother?" Syrris asked.

"When I got wasted the other night, it was because Eglaf was teaching me a dwarven drinking game. And well, I had more ale than I intended too." James explained.

"Oh, right... Hey James, did you spend all of the coins I gave you on ale?" Sirris asked.

"Well, ummm, yes". James answered while scratching the back of his head.

Syrris just laughed, "You must have been shitfaced! HAHA! That much gold coin can buy 6 maybe 7 horses!"

"I'm just going to get my gear now, we should talk less, and start moving. I am sure time is not on our side". And yes Syrris, I was very shitface drunk that night". James said.

James wen't to the dwarven armory, and the guard gave him his weapons and equipment. A few minutes passed by, James returned to his companions, and the four of them set off to the deep once again.

It was a two hour walk before they arrived to the same gate that the trio could not open before. James showed Eglaf the little human size tunnel in the side of the cave. When the two where at it's enterence, they heard footsteps that sounded as if it was comming from the depths of the tunnel. James pulled out his pistol from the holster with one hand and grabbed his flashlight with his other hand. As James and Eglaf cautiously entered the tunnel with James taking point A loud squeaking noise can be heard. A rat the size of a large dog came charging ay James. James fired rapidly at the large rat, finally, it laid lifeless on the stone floor.

"That there is one big motherfucker". James said examining the creature.

"James, we should keep going. If you see another one, kill it as quickly as possible. If one bites you, it will cause an infection thats incredibly painful an it will kill you". Eglaf said. James nodded his head and kept on walking.

The two arrived at a familiar stone statue that resembled a gryphon.

"His name is Alork, an ancient dwarven god of death, secrets, and wisdom. I'd assume something he guards is something of wisdom, a secret, or death. And maybe something partaining to all three." Eglaf said.

"Only one of native blood can open the gate" the statue suddenly said as it's beak opened. Eglaf put his hand in the gryphon's mouth, and the statue bit his hand, then released it. The statue tasted Eglaf's blood, the gate where Kate and Syrris finally opened.

"Well that eas easy, almost too easy," James said.

"There is always more to things such as this, James. Eglaf said.

"Well, lets get back to kate and Syrris" James said as he began walking back.

The two came out of the tunnel in the cave wall, and saw the two dragons standing there waiting for them. James walked up to Kate effectionately scratching her neck. While Eglaf was standing there thinking to himself.

"Whats wrong Eglaf"? James asked.

I've read the words carved in the tunnel. It says no longer will a statue demand blood to prove of one's dwarven origin. But I've come across something else disturbing. A clue possibly. An ancient dwarven god, one of the ancient ones who is actually highly manevolent. He was Alork's father, Eleck He has committed unholy crimes, but the worst of all is he raised ones from the dead to become his minions. Raising a sentient being from the dead when their time has already come is a serious crime within the spirit realm", Eglaf said.

"Is it possible it's he who guards this arifact we look for?" James said.

Eglaf nodded, "it's a possibility James. But this is where my usefulness ends. I'm not a warrior, battles is all you should face here from now. Watch yourselves, and do your best to avoid odd looking artifacts, and odd looking stones in the ground, or anything that seems out of place. Curiousity is usually the way how Eleck operates in finding people who stray in the deep. And if he kills you, you'll be raised to his will, and you'll forever be enslaved by him. Farewell, and good luck." Then Eglaf began walking back to Calgora.

"See you latter Eglaf". James said.

Syrris seemed to have a grim look on her face, she just stared at the stone floor and said, "how are we suposed to avoid the gaze of a god, James?"

"I was thinking about that myself, Syrris. When in doubt, wing it. That has gotten me out of bad situations before." James said.

"You mean make up the plan as you go? Thats insanity, James." Kate said.

"If you got a better plan, I'm all ears Kate". James said.

"This is just great, I'm going to wind up becoming some undead dragon, with worms sticking from my stomach, deteriorating skin, shit I'd rather go to hell". Syrris said.

Bullshit Syrris, if you had even the slightest glimpse of hell, you'd be praying every fucking day that you never have to go to hell. You know nothing of it. So stop your bitching." James said.

"Oh shut up you two. Lets get going so we can end all of this and prevent hell from coming on this world." Kate said.

Kate and James being the first to walk through the gates, fallowed by Syrris, not knowing what horrors lie beyond those gates.

The Deep

James woke up feeling the effects of a massive hangover. He clutched his head due to the massive headache he is feeling. Noticing Kate and Syrris where gone, he stood up looking around for them, while ignoring the headache and body aches due to his...

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The next morning, James, Kate, and Syrris woke up extra early for they had a long 12 hour flight ahead of them. They had to go to lands far of the east on their jouney to find the artifact which holds the magical power to open a protal to hell. As...

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The Journey Begins

The next day, James Kate, and Syrris set off to the ships that James commands. After 2 hours of flight they arrived to their destination. Kate and Syrris landed in a nearby grove of trees. Kate gingerly lowered her muzzle to the ground, opened her...

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