Fire And Ice

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Fire And Ice

He had been working here for months, not quite a year, and he felt it was quite liberating. Everything about the club "Equus" felt great to him; he always had a job, he always made good tips, and he always danced with passion; like gasoline had been poured on him and ignited, but with more grace-perhaps like a king casually asking to be doused.

Every movement big, powerful, exhilarating, like the dance of his heart.

The passion was always in him; it had never left through the years. He was as spry and sexy and happy as the day he started work-

Stripping in front of hundreds of horny mares and gay stallions.

"Call me lightning, call me the fire, but don't touch beauties, unless you wanna get burned, cause I am raging hot-SMOKY, YEAH!" He screams to the audience, waving his hips, bending over to give them a good view of his red thonged butt and sac.

Wave those hips, lift those feet, shake it, shake it, twwwwwiiiiiiiisssstah. Damn, he was not just immolating himself with these rapid twisting moves, where he threw his head, arms and leg out as if to attack, no, he was the fire; the fire always prepared to attack-fight to the last flicker! Burn to the last match down to the ash.

"Make me hot! Burn me! Burn me! Burn me!"

Even as he sweat from every pore, even as his sides hurt, even as he put everything of himself into the music, it still went on with tempo and demand. Every note, it is for my flame. Every beat, it is for the desire. Melt we do, melding into one another like two differently colored waxes.

Until fire and dancer-

"We are united!" He screams, bending over backwards excitedly, managing to stay balanced enough to kiss one of the mares on the muzzle upside down, before taking a ten out of her cleavage with his teeth, making her blush and the others around her gasp and laugh at his talent-as he tossed his head, flinging the money from his mouth toward the curtain of the stage.

It was his policy not to handle or put away money during the show-he felt it was unprofessional, and besides, the bouncers usually did that.

And glad was Fire that he had these equine bodyguards, otherwise, he was afraid some of the randier members of the audience might make an attempt at kidnapping him for their pleasure; it had happened quite a couple times earlier on, actually, which was why the bouncers were more wary as HE performed; a stallion dancer didn't have the same problem unless he was a miniature like Edward Portias-of being carried off by one or two giant full-size scheming horny equine audience members for personal gratification.

Ice could not help but admire the human who danced before his turn to go up. Before, the gray thoroughbred stallion usually ignored Fire, watching the other out of boredom as he waited patiently for the beginning of his show.

Every equine loved Fire; that he was a human made no difference, Fire was confident, energetic, and vigorous. Perhaps it was not far to infer that Fire had a horses' spirit.

Ice thought more and more of Fire, intrigued; each performance, each day impressing the stallion ever more in his opinion of his fellow stripper.

"Yeah! Which one of you wet mares wanna douse me! Cum on, tell me you don't want to smother the Fire with those hot racks!" The human shouts in excitement.

Ice had heard that one shouldn't play with fire unless they wanted to get burned. But being burned by this Fire, it might be tempting.

The stallion had been born an only foal to two well to do equine aristocrats. His sire wanted nothing to do with his only son after hearing the disagreeable secret of his interesting life.

They called him Ice for one reason; he was always cool in the company of mares, never excited, never horny. He had the patience of a glacier and moved about as fast as one too, during his dances.

Ice was not as passionate as his fellow entertainer, but he was far more graceful and defined in movement; like ballet, each single movement was slow, delicate, and filled with purpose.

Just like his lovemaking.

Look at the human go. To watch was to become a part of the show himself; that was why the human was so popular, why he drew many of the same customers back time and time again-

Could it truly be, as Ice watched him dance like a crazed animal trying viciously to escape from an invisible cage or prison, that these returning patrons wish for a piece of equine spirit? The true wild, feral, and free destiny of the ancient horse at liberty.

Fire burns all with exciting desire; making them remember what it truly meant to be a horse before these ridiculous sophistications were thrust upon them.

What exhilarating infinite flamboyance! What pride he shows in each step, stomp, and flourish of his arms.

As the stallion watched, he asked himself;

Will ice douse flame, or will Fire melt Ice?

"Who wants to burn today! Some hot stuff up here!" Fire declared, laughing, his g-string getting a little tight from a slight forming erection from all the pony cleavage a guy could wish for. A few showing camel feet, too.

Fire kicks out his leg, shaking his long red hair out wildly a little like a rocker, tongue hanging out like a crazie. Each move was as fluid as kerosene alighted by one precarious spark, the feeling was as powerful as the day he had started; the shyness, the false confidence, the fear everyday of horses finally getting tired of his routine, his shaking dainty butt, his impish wiry smile, his happy eyes.

All was a show when he went to the stage; all a fa巽ade to hide his fear from the likely criticism of very witty patrons of his faults. Everyday was a new day for inadequacy. The fact he had been hired as an exotic dancer in the first place stunned him; usually, horses wanted to see horses on the stage taking it all off-

There was certainly more for a stallion to show off...

The gaze of his eyes is powerful, their intensity as fierce as any bonfire or brushfire. And Fire is fast, yes he certainly is; flame can spread in rapid rolling torrents as big and powerful as any giant ocean wave, leveling all before it in heaps of dusty ash and raging billows of thick blinding smoke.

The song is wonderful; it feels like the heartbeat and anger of flame; the bass makes him forget that he's mortal; human.

In flame, he burns brightly, spectacularly with the mortality to be taken away by a calm breath.

Please don't blow me out, he silently prays toward the audience as he twirls in chaotic spirals and waves to the song "Here comes the hotstepper."

But given enough power, nothing can stop flame save millions of gallons of water or a heavy rain.

How weak Fire is; to be destroyed by a breeze or a rainstorm when he boasts the false power of infinite destruction.

Ice watched, entranced by the waving of those arms and the shaking of that bare thonged ass. What a beautiful glowing body with vigorous springy hips. The human was not particularly big, but as an example of the species, he was easily desireable; particularly in the muscular disposition of his frame-lithe, delicate, wiry, almost feminine as opposed to masculine.

The muscle tone was intriguing, as it was not bulky or big, but instead showed off the smoothness of the skin in a finer way for reason of grace. This man truly was a dancer; no amount of bulk weighed him down in his performance. All of it lent the appearance of dainty elegance for someone so fierce and independent.

But the more Ice watched those eyes, the more of a glimpse he caught of the prison within.

"How much do you hurt, little one? Your eyes do not hide the secret you deny with your body." Ice whispered among his curious glances.

The human began to lift his feet like a prissy show stallion, stomping with flair and thrusting his head about, worming his body in rhythmic waves, as he snapped his fingers, and bent down, his head now between his thighs upside down.

Everything he did is a splendorous and frivolous display of urgent movement. Looking at the way he lifted his feet and thrust his crotch sent waves of excitement through the audience almost like they felt him fuck them.

Every inch of his sweaty slimy skin was engulfed with energy of a passionate blaze, kindled to astounding ferocity of a melting torrent which was his pride, spirit, and resolve, grinning like a little furnace imp, stoked further into resolute action by the wicked chaotic footfalls within.

Burning, burning, burning into the soul, united through the elemental power of the most angriest of overbearing firestorms; almost beyond all reason of belief or release. No candle was Fire, he was a maelstrom of heated violence-directing all his energy to the audience, making them whisper in amusement and randiness (a heat of their own), as he displayed not merely the pure eroticism of his body, but the freedom of his emotions as well.

Ice stood; stunned. That's why all horses loved Fire the stripper. He was purest emotion; his anger, his liberty, his pride; all were so blatant and visual with the strength of his will. That was how horses used to communicate, through touch and emotion, that was how they LOVED each other before they became anthropomorphic with hands and voices and amusing little diversions which did not need physical contact or the power of raw emotion being unleashed as unquenchably fierce as this humans'.

Fire stumbled off behind the stage half dead like a zombie, his weary eyes half closed from the tiring performance, his body so drained and weak, his skin is so wet with his own fluids that it looked like he fell in a swimming pool. The beautiful red shiny, almost fiery hair was drenched, plastered to his head in sticky clumps of strands, as he panted the whole while.

Every day, he gives it his best, but he seems just as tired as the day he first danced...

Months ago, it was the strangest proposition. The one who happened to own this all-male dancer strip club happened to be a mare herself, and she had seen Fire burn like a million candles in the night on a stage built for many in a prestigious ballet troupe. Yes, Fire had always been in the ballet, anger fueling his power and grace in a fascinating enchanting way like the silky gliding elegance of a big cat slithering among the foliage.

Every movement rapid and quick and vicious like quicksilver laced lightning. Some of his movements were even almost too fast to see; as he snaps his hand or leg out in a flurry of force which could deck out someone were they in front of the blow.

Dancing-true dancing-had not imbued on him the patience it did upon others; no action without rest, no flicker of Fire's body ceaseless...until fire himself ran out of energy to burn.

"I love your passion, the way you move, the way you dredge up this liberty in me. Dump this idiotic place and go to work for me, where you will make much more money and be the focus of others who will truly appreciate you for your body and muscles." Said the voice of the Equus manager almost from a hundred years ago-at least, that's how it felt.

And she was right; after he got over the shock he had been hired to be an exotic dancer-a step up from a prostitute; he saw she was right.

As a mares' ultimate kinky fantasy, he made four times what he did before, and, because he had gone solo, all the attention was focused on him instead of a whole troupe, making him much more nervous. Among five, he knew he wasn't the absolute focus, and didn't worry so much. Here, with every eye on him, there was always the fear of fucking up the act; which had happened numerous times through the months, but nothing spectacularly damaging to his ego or the audiences' patience-in fact, it was more akin to a consensual joke between them.

But an old fear always came up; he had been doing this almost for one year; he had the routine remembered, he had the loyal fans; but if he did this for a long time, would they still accept him when he become old and undignified, or would they toss him out with a pension check, a kiss on the cheek, and a hoof in the ass?

'Sorry! It's just time to put our Fire pasture and better grazing!'

It felt so cold to think of that kind of future; to be thrown out like shit just because he wouldn't stay pretty forever, then again, he would definitely retire eventually anyway; he wouldn't want to be in his seventies twirling around a fireman pole in nothing but a pair of Depends and shaking his wrinkly ass around when he bore it all.

Ice tries to pay no attention to the exhausted human on the chair right behind him as he walks behind the curtains to the stage front, where the audience is applauding with fierce cries and energetic excited whinnies.

"Ice, try snapping your string." Comes a tired voice from behind.

He turns back to face the human, Fire looking like he'd been to hell, back, and to hell again. Ice cannot help but take a quick peek at the small erect member between Fire's thighs; eight inches of stony cock, balls like a leather sack of marbles, and the human is leaned back in the chair enough in his weary state that he can even see the puckered anus between those plump muscular buns, sweat covering everything in beautiful shiny clear torrents; making Fire look like he was experiencing male estrous.

"What's that, stud?" Ice grunts with a seductive nicker, batting his eyes in a teasing joking manner.

"The string on your sides of the thong. Pull them both back and snap them hard like rubber bands; it'll psyche you up."

Ice contemplated that with a serious expression on his muzzle for a second, before smiling sheepishly and taking the strings at his hips, snapping them hard against the skin with a sharp pinch of pain which made him yelp.

Ice could not help but be a little shy as his black rhinestone thonged sheath and testicles jiggled like jelly for a few seconds from the sudden jerk of the elastic against his gray furred hide. Ice shakes his mane out, now curiously looking at the small being.

"How often do you tire yourself like this? This cannot be healthy. You do this all the time, and you never get stronger. Why?" Ice enquired

"What reason do we have for anything? I burn brightly, and I will be engulfed unto death in the same matter. All we can really hope for is to be able to fulfill the goals of our lives." Fire declared sleepily, sighing.

"But is this life not your dream?" Ice mused, his hands on his great sexy hips, the bulging delicious bulk of his package as enormous as a honeydew melon at his crotch.

"It is, and that is the problem. Why don't you go up; we'll talk about it later." Fire insists, grinning.

Ice tips his black cowboy hat with the shiny sheriff badge on the front, his ears coming through the brim, turning to trot for the stage in a high-stepping show pony way.

Fire sighs through his nose in amazement as he catches the bouncing plumpness of naked furry gray buttocks, a long silver-gray tail swishing side to side with each preening high spirited sexy move as the horse lifts his hind hooves high into the air, clopping them down with delicate stamps on the polished red-tinged and well-scuffed stage, reflections of bright colorful lights bouncing off the wood.

The stallion grabs the polished bronze fireman pole, spinning around it slowly, licking along its length with his ample pink tongue, hugging his body against the slickness of it in horny embrace, still licking, his eyes shut in equine ecstasy, as he grinds his wiggly hot sheath against the cold metal, whickering in obvious delight, the stallion looking like he pretended to himself that the pole was a morbidly large equine phallus to enjoy all to himself.

The butt looked beautiful as it flexed and gripped the thin swatch of fabric in between, as the stallion crouched down seductively, his thighs spread so wide that anyone watching from the front could catch a glimpse of his black sheath between the silk cloth of his shiny gemstone thong, his testicles bulging outward like giant eggs up against the shiny black fabric.

Ice raises his tail, and pulls the bit of fabric to the side, bending over and bearing his black rosebud for the audience with a roar of horny approval, tipping his hat in the process. Fire sees in amusement as the big stallion actually goes into a complicated number of movements to dodge paper money thrown at him, batting a twenty away with a nonchalant swat of his silky shiny well brushed tail.

When one of the mares, a red roan Shetland takes a crisp hundred from her purse and waves it excitedly at him, he saunters over smoothly with a prideful stallion gait; a gait perfected from hundreds of years of equine breeding finesse, grinning courteously toward her, tipping his cowboy hat.

"Howdy." Ice declared, a hand on his hip, his barely covered sheath bulge big and delicious in front of her face.

"Turn around stud, I wanna put this somewhere special." She nickers with a humor filled smile, her eyes half closed in amusement.

Fire looks on as Ice calmly turns around, as she plunges her muzzle right into his ass-crack, taking a deep breath of his unique stallion musk, before she grabs the little string between his buttocks, pulling it back, putting the hundred in, and snapping it hard on his exposed anus with a jerk of surprise from Ice, even as she gave his firm bum a nice good swat.

He turns back toward her, blushing, before finally giving her a wink for her little trick.

Ice goes back to crouching, removing his hat as he grabbed one side of his g-string, ready to pull it down, even as he removes it, his black felt hat is in the way, hiding his goodies, much to the protest of the crowd.

Finally, after a minute of standing there with a hat over his crotch, he removes it, exposing eighteen inches of firm fleshy bulging goodness at his waist. The cock is shiny, beautiful, quite savory for a rod of horse meat. The head slants like the glans of a true stud, the veins on his rod crisscrossing like soft pulsing lightning bolts among the contours of the delicate silky hot skin. The audience can see how the skin is pink towards the six inches of glans, but the rest is purest midnight black the same hue of the skin on his crotch, lower belly, sheath, and yummy testicles. For his sac, each globe glowed softly with dull light right behind the velvet black skin, contours beautifully smooth and radiant with wonderful refractions of pristine misty light.

Now, the way he bounces around with it is almost absurd, the way he trots around with the big organ between his legs, ready to spear a juicy pussy or a hot hungry tailhole at a seconds' notice. Even tired, it left Fire tantalized with the very delicacy of the striptease, making him wonder about the true innate grace of all yiffy stallions.

In one final act, Ice throws his hat out to the crowd, bowing and leaving the stage, swaying his hips, wonderful erect stallion shaft, and giant bubbly balls swaying much like a metronome between his thighs.

Fire knew he owed Ice an explanation for his previous reply, but what greeted him as the stallion came back to the dressing room to meet him was frankly quite scary.

"Shit! You gonna go play baseball with that thing?!" Fire declares, heat radiating from a giant erect equine phallus in his face.

He could even pick out the little half detached piece of urethra at the end, where smegma would collect in regular stallions.

"Sorry about that. Sometimes I tend to forget I have it out." Ice declared, embarrassed.

Fire almost sighed as he saw the enormous length of it leave his personal space. It was a beautiful member, Fire just didn't like anything that close to his head.

"No problem. I think it's sleek and hot, I just like to have my space, you know?"

"Uh huh. So, what did you want to say?" Muses calmly the voice of that beautiful equine creature.

"Ice, I am so afraid." Fire declared, losing all his composure, his pride in front of the big stallion, both before the great mirror lined by round show bulbs.

"Of what?" Ice asks, concerned.

Fire sighed, ready to let out all his doubts to the other dancer; this was no competition, if a guy couldn't trust his fellow strippers, who could he trust?

"Everything. Nothing. My body will age, and when it does, I will no longer have a job here as a dancer."

The green eyes of the big stallion took on a thoughtful tone, as he took that in and contemplated it with the most stoic design. Finally, to Fire's surprise and shame, the gray stallion began to laugh his ass off, his cock bobbing up and down.

"Hey! I'm disgraced! I can't return to my old troupe after this! No respectable company will want a stripper."

The stallion regained some of his composure, calming some from his bout of humor.

"Little flame, you have been with us a year, but you have learned nothing about the other half of the population. Humans, yes, are so cruel in the way they discard their own loyal workers..." Ice declares.

Fire frowns, unsure of what Ice had told him. Had he truly missed something so fundamental in the behavior of the equine race?

"But we horses, when we have our own herd, it will take a miracle to separate us; whether we are genuinely horse, or merely have the soul of one, we stay together as long as possible. Do not fear the manager, do not fear the criticism of the audience, they will love you no matter what you become, for it is your heart they so cherish."

Fire looked into the smoky gray stallions' eyes, mystified.

"Ice, do you love me?" Fire nervously asks.

The stallion simply nods, blushing.

Part Two; Fire On Ice

Ice felt good finally being able to bear the truth of his heart to his fellow stripper. Ice was calm among mares and his father disapproved of him for one reason; Ice-

Was GAY.

It had been weeks ago since he and Fire had their talk which opened everything up. Looking on the stage, at the dressing room with the calm dusky look of the old mirror, Ice remembered the days before, where they showed off their bodies for strangers and fans alike, never realizing that they had advertised the unique beauty of their bodies and feelings to each other.

Ice could only smile as he thought of those times; like foreplay for the main show. He was teasing himself with the passion of Fire's nude body, unaware that the human could have belonged to him whenever Ice wanted.

Strange, in this little world to meet one of the rare men who are not gay outright, but are completely straight save for the dream of loving a stallion.

It almost makes him shiver to have that sort of luck.

"Ready, lover?" Asks the soft voice of the somewhat mellowed fire.

Fire has melted Ice, whom has doused Fire.

Opposites; elements are amazing, they have united by their own mutual passions and became a union of combined power.

Elements are in balanced form, as is the way of nature to truly be; to succeed in it's grandiose scale of power.

Ice blushes shyly as he feels the small hand rest on his butt, slowly slide around his hip, and plunge suddenly into his g-string to feel the hot velvet soft skin of his black sheath, giving the organ and his limp hidden cock a soft squeeze as he neighs out a blissful sigh.

"Yes, beautiful little candelabra, we've delayed this day enough, but now it is ready to bring the forces of our bodies into balance in the manner that was meant to be." Ice mused, grinningly widely from excited horniness and the fear of embarrassing himself and his lover on stage.

They walk out onto the stage, all grins and pride, seizing the other in arms with kisses and caresses, even as the audience howled in surprise, even as they got bombarded with hundreds of paper bills, even as camera flashes went off all around-

An almost nude pair of lovers; a stallion and a man shared with the audience the most powerful emotion one could-


Lips dripping with saliva from both of them, cocks erect and popping out from the thongs even as they rubbed each others' body with smooth loving touches, savoring every emotion; lust, desire, passion-passing it onto the crowd with unhindered force.

Then the audience is surprised again as the two dancers drop their strings, seizing the other's erect organ in their hands, stroking each other's shafts delicately with lovely fine rubs along the silky engorged flesh.

But what shocks them is that Fire is no longer rapid like a flame on gasoline, nor is Ice as yielding as a glacier in a great arctic sea. They go about stroking the other at the same rate of speed.

Fire and Ice are in balance, amazing them all to the curious transformation.

Fire loves the feeling of the large gentle hands plying attention upon his generous (for humans) length of meat, sighing from the power behind those movements, and grinning at the look on the stallions' drooling bliss encompassed muzzle between deep kisses, as Fire carried his own style of pleasuring on the stallions' erect spongy hot glans.

Suddenly, the human just lost all thought to his passion and love, stopping and shoving Ice at the floor upon his naked ass with a surprised gasp from the fans and Ice himself.

"I don't want you like that. Take me, take me like Fire on Ice!"

The gray stallion has his mouth gaping open, bewildered, afraid of hurting his scrawny love.


"What truly is love? I wish to give everything I am to you; to be your greatest pleasure." Fire calmly declared.

"But we never did this before...ever-I could truly hurt you. I do not wish to do that."

Fire cast him a glance only Ice could understand, melting the power of his doubt; Fire's own words coming back into his soul from a night that felt many years ago;

'What reason do we have for anything? I burn brightly, and I will be engulfed unto death in the same matter. All we can really hope for is to be able to fulfill the goals of our lives.'

"Yes, lover, I understand. Your wish and my wish are combined, as it should be when the elements unite."

Fire locks eyes with his most desirable of prizes, true lust awakened within the very core of his body, shattering through all barriers like a bolt of lightning.

"I trust you because I love you. Beautiful desire, you will never hurt me; I know your heart."

"As I know yours, dearest." Ice returned, blushing.

Fire began to feel along the warm length of Ice's penis, reveling in it's enormous elegance and simplicity.

"Someone once told me that trust is never being afraid even when your vulnerable. I am very vulnerable. To give myself is my sincerest gift."

"Vulnerable only in body, dear love; your soul and will is among the strongest I've known."

Fire shivered at the sight of it; at the thought of where it would go. He had never taken anything like that before in his whole life.

"Are you absolutely sure? I am ready to help by doing a special technique we studs have developed for smaller mares, but are you sure?"

But even among the fear, there was the passion, the love, the impression he had of his giant lover to pull him through the twisting horrors of nervousness twining around, making him uncertain, slowly like an hourglass draining his confidence in the decision.

"Yes. Please. Do it now before my fear makes me reconsider; makes me regret my devotion to you through this coming act. I love you, this is in my heart and soul to give to you. I don't want to take it away just because my will is waning in its resolve."

Ice nods slowly, picking himself off the ground, looking into Fire's eyes, before going behind him and lifting him off the ground in his great muscular arms, expertly grasping Fire's legs in his hands and pulling the human to his chest almost in embrace, spreading the buttocks of Fire's dipping ass, hole positioned right above the great member.

"Here we go. Are you ready? I've done this to others and it tends to hurt at first, but after the rectum and anus stretch some, it will begin to feel quite good."

Fire began to squirm a little involuntarily as Ice put the thick tip of his cock at the human's entrance. When he received no protest, Ice began to impale himself on the hot burning caress of Fire, enchanting along his glans. Another inch, and Fire had began to settle down a little.

Fire cringed as he felt the giant horse intrude him in the most intimate of ways, as the head blew him wide open like an artillery shell.

"Uh!" He yelled out, as each slow inch cascaded through his bottom in powerful painful-almost ecstatic waves of horrific pleasure.

Everything I am for you...even if it kills me.

The hot flesh inside began to slowly pulse with squirting stallion pre, filling his ass with the horse's sticky juices.

Three inches of cock felt like insanity, and Fire knew it wouldn't begin to stop there. It would be eighteen inches-

To the hilt...

But the power of it was like ambrosia, the shock of it like a million volts through his system. I won't give this up; I can't. The feeling is so great, even as it burrows strongly into me.

Suddenly, when there was eight inches inside him of thick dick, he began to shiver; the cock was so hot, it actually felt cold; freezing.

How-how is that possible?! Ice is going to freeze the flame-

No, he is going to mellow it, calm it-

Tame it.

"Uhhhhhhh god! Shove it all in Ice! I'm your candle! I want it so bad!"

He had begged, but the cock still crept in at it's very slow pace, undeterred, unhastened.

"If I rush the process of stretching, I will seriously hurt or kill you. I know it feels really good to have it inside you, but that is a misleading aspect of my organ's power; it tempts like the greatest drug ever known-making wiser men and horses crazy with lust as it's penetration into their feeble frail bodies fills them with passion."

Ice was shocked at the behavior of the human; even being told the danger involved with rushing the process, Fire still tried his damnedest to impale himself the rest of the way on Ice's meat; trying to take the whole of it in one hasty slide to the hilt.

Even as Ice struggled to control the human gathered in his arms, even as Fire burned with the most greedy need he had ever felt, Ice could not allow him to rush the whole act or Fire might be killed in the mixture of his un-sated lusts.

"Ten inches. You can wait, can't you?"

"NO! Shove it all in! I want to be your mare!" The human screams, his blue eyes wide like a lunatic.

Ice could only sigh in exasperation as the passionate little creature tried to rush the whole act, even as the crowd watched in horny interest, even as the two dancers got barraged by a thick cloud of money.

Fire lost all control and patience, as he fought the muscular creature holding him, hoping to be dropped the rest of the way down the height of this giant spear of iron, drool leaving his lips in copious amounts the entire while, precum leaking out of his ass in steamy rivers onto the stage.

"Stop squirming, you horny little bastard! Do you have a death wish or something?" Ice snarls, losing patience with Fire, even if the human had no control over his emotions.

"But lover! I want it so bad!" Fire groaned, wiggling, trying to dislodge himself onto the most desirable of pleasures.

"Looks like your lack of patience is a curse in this case. You hate me now, but you'll be thankful later that I'm not the typical horny stallion who will rip ass and pussy apart without a single moral thought."

Fire ignored him, writhing on the painful lustful powerful length of the horse's endowment.

Ice tried to enjoy it more, but he had to spend most of his attention on the human who was in more danger than he realized.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from enjoying the pleasure of that tight rectum clamped all over the length of his stallionhood, and the hot dripping torrents of his own precum leaking out of the human's ass down his black testicles in teasing sticky steamy touches.

Each inch into Fire's ass felt so great; it was ironic that the stallion, most representative of sexual haste and unchecked libido was the one who had to be careful with his lust.

Every time he wiggles on my shaft, it feels like heaven, and yet, if I let him keep doing it, it might cause great harm. He begs for me to take him like a mare, and yet, though I drool at the idea of such a thing, it is his passion talking, not my lover at all-and he is ignorant of the danger that my organ might create.

Oh, lover! I don't want to hurt you, but I know we both want it so bad right now. Am I being careful, or am I just teasing you in a manner most cruel?

Fourteen inches; is it safe to slam the last four down into his ass? Can he handle it without rupture? Oh, Fire, if only you did not burn my length so, melt my patience away like a pile of lead shavings.

Fire felt the resolve of those powerful arms leave, as he slowly felt them brace for something-

He wants me to finish the job! Fire thought in amazement, now ready more than ever with eighteen inches of the finest, plumpest, steamiest horse dick ready to fill out his insides with bulging wicked fleshy goodness, stretching him more that he had been in his life.

With one tentative slide, he feels himself go down an inch a second the rest of the way. Finally, at the end, he blushes as he feels the velvet skin of the warm wiggly sheath clenched between his crack, and soft against the delicate flesh of his hanging scrotum.

"Now I am all over you. Fuck me like the mare I dreamed to be!"

Ice whinnies out in a horny stallion trumpet, grasping the human in his arms and begins to run that tight slick stretched human ass all over his hard iron shaft. Up and down, each oiled slick inch of human passage feels new and exciting as it rubs all over his penis in heated passionate burning embrace.

Ice's penis felt great, buried deep in the chasm of a wicked melting flame, threatening to turn his sacred length to ash as if it were nothing.

Up and down, up and down, each soft thrust into that enveloping slimy hole felt like elemental perfection alive.

"Burning; we are burning; Like Fire and Ice."

"No lover, we burn like Fire ON Ice." The human jokes, groaning in pleasure as the glans mushrooms, scrubbing softly inside his ass like a satin fist.

Every stroke of dick into the human-raw power shared between the two of them, both drooling, both elated in an ecstasy of loving sex shared in the most blatant way; among an audience, flashes echoing around the walls; pictures taken of the most successful show they'd ever put on.

"I feel it; do you?" Ice whispers.

"Oh, yes. The tidal wave of our elemental forces is coming. Feel it inside washing away our control. Soon, we will be unable to control the force of our release."

Fire could feel the shaking of the equine phallus, each stroke making it throb with further excitement, ready to ignite the flame further through the burning furnace that was the humans' ass. Like the true power of nature, Fire can feel the horse get ready with his orgasm. Slowly with each stroke, each thrust, every second of wet hot embrace on the smoothness of the bulging organ, does Fire fear the power of such a monstrous release of climactic energy.

Without warning, Fire is filled with hundreds of pulsing hot frantic jets of spooge, even as the stallion cries out with a horny whinny, reaching around for the small shaft of Fires', and working that too, slowly to completion, which wasn't hard with all that stimulation on the prostate; a long white jet of his human seed flying into the crowd, much to his embarrassment.

After all that, Fire could only gust a tired breath from his nose, collapsing into the great warm furry arms of his gray haired lover.

"Sleep little Fire, you've warmed them up enough tonight. When we go home, I think I'll give you the chance to play 'Ice On Fire'." The great affectionate horse mused with a soft nicker, whuffing the human's hair with his wide nares, loving the scent of the passionate man in his arms.

When elements unite, love can be created. Do not fear the flame if it tempts you, for that is the passion we all seek in the mediocrity of our lives.

A story dedicated to my good friends KrazyStallion, and JakeFoxx, may passion never wane in their hearts for the beings they love.

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