The Yiffing Man: Roses Are For Romance.

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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"Lo! Hark! Is there anyone here? Doth a pittance to ye masterless knaves! I bring thee into the gap with thy masculine unfettere'd spirit! Show, doth show! All ye cum before thee!"

Decrees the unicorn upon the stage, facing all with his bright glare with a flourish of his energetic tail, each hair sliding along his armored waist with a smooth whispering sliding caress.

"Come! Be counted! Make me no fool, ye damned souls!"

"Come, come now folks! Is there no man brave enough to try his luck against....Lance Alot?"

wearing black windbreaker style pants, red t-shirt, and no shoes.

A dark colored vulpine wearing black windbreaker style pants, red t-shirt, and no shoes, stands amidst the audience and stares defiantly at the stage.

"I WILL! I can outrun that tin can!" He declares, being led down to the stage. He adjusts his ponytail, walking up the steps.

"Yes? Any other knaves? Speak loud, this might take awhile,' flashes thoughtful eyes over volunteer, 'I have to teach this rapscallion some respect of his tongue. Maybe it is better used upon the flesh of thy tailhole? He seems apt already, in filling it with shit, perhaps this will make him think twice of keeping that jaw closed till it t'were polishing my lance!"

One dancer screws up in her routine and crashes into others, eventually knocking them all down.

Lance Alot laughs.

"They've clearly fallen for me! I feel you might do the same, when you are thus my plaything."

Jake walks confidently up to the stage steps, and right up the the armored stud. He glares defiantly at the much larger male, listening to his taunting words.

"You'll never get me pal, you can't possibly outrun me in that metal suit!"

The vulpine's moment of toughness is abruptly halted, as the dancers mess up and fall over. He laughs hard at them, finding himself blushing a little at the equine's last comment to him.

"Shut your mouth, ye bloody bastard! Laughing at these precocious ladies, I will teach you to treat them with civility by having you become the lowest of whores."

An uproaring cheer from the audience, and laughter from the vixens on the stage and audience, mixed with sighs and admiration for the chivalry of an equine prince charming.

The stallion lifts his visor, stares a great moment into his quarry's eyes, and lifts his black lance to point at the peon.

"These words of thou come out fast, but thee legs, how fleet of foot are they, peasant? the armor upon my body would be bulky to thou, but to I, these plates are as if they were dragon scales affixed to my frame."

The unicorn laughs, his eyes twinkling, his horn glinting with silver reflections by the rotating color lights of the stage, mist forming on the ground and twirling about his hock fetlocks like ghostly touches...roaming eerily as if on a scottish moor.

"Mark me, foxboy, I WILL find ye!"

"Lotta fancy words from someone who looks like a pile of clunky metal!" The fox taunts taunts, shivering and blushing deeper at the stud's direct gaze.

He shakes his head, trying to compose himself as he keeps speaking roughly.

"Maybe I'll make you MY mare pal, what do you think about that?!"

He feels something stirring inside him, warming him over as he watches the light glinting off the stallion's horn and hooves.

The audience erupts in a mixture of boos and cheers, as the host laughs.

"Oh my! Such strong, sure words! He certainly seems confident doesn't he folks?"

The audience simply laughs, taunting his positivity. "Rape him! Rape him!" They yell in unison.

"You would be lucky, vagrant, if I were to leave your sorry little tailhole unscathed after an insult of such making! Damned, you'll be, or wishing so, with this promptness of thy own bulge!"

Only now was the glinting bulge of the equines' codpiece bare before the glinting lights. it was removable without hassle, giving Lance Alot the opportunity to fuck with his armor still on.

The stallion, with the hypnotic sapphire eyes wags his finger impatiently.

"Come here, you little ragamuffin, so I can show you what Dante's inferno TRULY means!"

The host walks over to the volunteer.

"Are you going to take that from a 'tin can'?" Muses Jerry.

The vulpine chuckles, wagging his own finger at the uni stallion in reply. He glances down, meeping and turning away slightly as he realizes he was showing a little too much excitement. He gazes back into those big, beautifully hypnotic eyes, grinning sideways.

"No Jerry, I won't." He laughs at the stallion again, shaking a little in anticipation. "I don't think so pal. You're going to have to earn it bud!"

"An insult truly, little fox. prepare to stretch in ways previously before unknown!"

And with that build-up, the host is inclined to get the opinions of the audience.

"Ladies and (not so) gentlefurs, arrrrrrrrre yoooooooooou reeeeeaaaaadyyyyyyy??!!!!!" The fox host practically screams, not bothering in the least to hide his fluffy furred grin at the cumming struggle.

With cheers, and waving arms-and oddly enough tongue kisses with each other-the audience agrees heartily.

Maybe they had been impassioned too much, but in either case, they were primed and ready to watch.

"Then I present the maze of mirrored perversions!"

The doors open, revealing a great shadowy cave-like recess built into the back of the stage.

"Prepare yourself, my little black furred friend, for better or worse, those who leave are never the same again!"

Jake stands at ready by the doors, peering into the dimness beyond. He glances back over his shoulder at Lance, giving the stallion a mischievous grin.

"See you inside pal, this should be easy, I'll hear ya coming a mile away!" He declares, giving his tail a little flick in the other male's direction. He looks to Jerry, giving a nod.

"Ready to go Jerry!"

But just as Jerry is about to make a reply, Lance Alot takes his great black spear and jabs it into the foxs' butt, much to the vulpine's surprise.

"Well, what do we have here? Roast mutton? Not tender enough, I surmise. Perhaps, the heat of my pink rapier will make this morsel more palatable for thine appetite!"

*Jabs fox in other cheek*

"Mmm...but sometimes a REAL hero needs not so minced a dish. Perhaps, yea, mayhaps. I will indulge upon this meat raw!"

*Lifts lance to rest on shoulder*

"And such sport, is there as well, in hunting one's meal!"

Jake meeps and jumps as that spear is jabbed into his butt cheek. He turns, rubbing his poor ass, jumping yet again when it's jabbed into the other one. He yips involuntarily, glaring at the uni stud.

"Ha! Fat chance of that bud! See you on the other side!"

The crowd simply laughs at his comments, knowing full well that he probably won't make it. He looks to Jerry, who brings the mic up again.

"Let's get started then. Runner Ready?"

The fox nods in reply as the announcer continues.


Jake bolts through the open doors, quickly disappearing into the dim.....

......Slowly followed by the silver glinting of a hallowed and quite menacing shadow.

A hiss of steam erupts nearby from a fog machine, the floor flooded waist high with dry-ice vapors.

"He will not anticipate the jubilant events I have planned for thyself, but he will not be wanting when it comes time to find out. Little fox, your days of anal virginity are over. Prepare yourself for so unfit and tight a fantasy as I...and dare thouself to prepare for the seige I plan in yore drawbridge!(mouth)"

The resounding shake of the steel suit is heard echoing off the walls, rattling like a giant spur, wheels aflutter.

"He will not anticipate..." Whispers the unicorn, grinning with delight as his soft voice was cast around eerily like a succubus prepared to strike.

The vulpine rushes through the steam, hearing the loud clanging as the stallion pursues him.

"Damn, how is he keeping up?" He mutters, as he increases his running speed.

He bolts through the halls, sliding to a stop when he enters a pitch black room. Glancing about frantically, he feels the walls, moving away from where he entered and trying to find an exit.

"Where are thou hiding, little boy-wench? I wonder."

The maze is silent, as Lance listens carefully to the hollow drone of the fog machines and the muffled cries of the audience, sounding almost as if they were screaming from a dream away.

Things are still enough-he can hear the ragged breathing of his prey.

"Run much, little fuck-toy? And who says the yanks don't get enough exercise!" Jokes the unicorn in his sultry accent.

The unicorn gives a shrill whinny-almost like a clarinet calling.

"But I digress, the true exertion is yet to cum. You should relax, you'll only make it harder for me to enjoy you when we meet in frantic" Lance declared, unable to resist that last remark.

Jake hears the sexy, yet also terrifying voice of Lance as he is taunted. He tries to slow his breathing and be quieter, but when he bangs into the wall nose first he yelps involuntarily. At the sound of his own voice, he freezes, not daring to move in the darkness.

Lance Alot hears a noise; a thumping echo like a giant grasshopper bouncing frantically against the sides of a plastic cage.

Then the yell follows it.


His unarmored white ears flick forward, his glowing blue eyes pierce the dark, blackness turning his ivory horn neon purple.

Haunted...or hunted.

By the great equine mythological creature?


Jake is dazed for a moment, crawling on his hands and knees in the darkness. Of course the audience can see what's going on because of the night lenses on the cameras in the room, loud laughter and gasping ensuing as the dark vulpine scrambles around to try and find an exit. All he keeps finding is more wall, his exploration leading him slowly back towards his well armored and...hung pursuer.

"Why, what do we have here? Jolly! A new toy to play with. Pity I have a habit of breaking my playthings."

*Motions finger towards himself*

"Come, peasant. You think you live on my manor as a damn humbug? It's time...,' strokes steel of his crotch meaningfully,'...that you show me what good you are as my peon."

*Stamps left hoof in impatience; concrete crunches underneath with a loud crumble sound*

The dark vulpine bumps headfirst into the metal clad unicorn, just in time to hear him speak. He jumps as that hoof crashes down, barely missing him as he looks up, ears lowered as he whimpers.

"C-c'mon man...this is just an act right...?" He asks, knowing the answer all ready.

"I-I'm a virgin...please don't rape me...!" He begs, tail tucking between his legs as he cowers on all fours at the stud's feet.

The blue eyes glow, the steel muzzle of the helmet apathetic to the mewling of the little slut before him.

He picks up the little fox by the back of the neck, lifting the vulpine level to his blue eyes as he puffs a snort through the front mouth guard into the fox's face.

"Rape? I'm not going to rape you."

The fox is about to sigh with relief, but pauses uncertainly as the great unicorn gives a cruel laugh in his elegant voice.

"It's impossible to rape a toy!" Declares Lance haughtily.

"And as my toy, I've thought up many a game!"

The unicorn undoes the rose-crested plate affixed loosely to his crotch, his white and pink-skinned sheathe bared and quivering slightly with the cold.

As the fox struggles in mid-air, as the unicorn laughs, as his cock slowly grows, the unicorn fixes him with those eyes again, stopping him instantly with surprise and wonder like a deer in headlights.

"Care to play 'joust'?" The unicorn mirthfully enquired, his lance red-hot positioned neatly right under the ass of his quarry-khaki pants in his way-but not...for...long!

Jake yips a little as the large stallion hauls him up by the scruff of his neck, struggling to free himself as he hears the clang of the codpiece falling away. He looks down, blanching at the size of the sheath alone as Lance A Lot's male scent fills his nostrils.

He gazes into those beautiful blue eyes, nearly hypnotized by their beauty as he suddenly remembers what's happening. He glances down, then meeps as he sees the massive unicorn cock positioned precariously under his cloth covered virgin tailhole.

"Please...don't break me....too much..." He says slowly, giving in somewhat as his ears flatten to his skull in a show of submission.

"But you forget, little wench-boy, I am often rough with my toys!"

Lance reaches one gauntletted fist down, unfastening the fox's belt; his pants falling off almost instantly, now draping over the great pink shaft like a tablecloth in a magician act, but unlike magic, when the garment would be removed, that abomination of equine cock would not dissapear as wistfully thought by the nervous fox.

"Besides, my tool is a walk through London park compared to the cruel machinations of my more vicious acquantences."

"Perhaps I should tie you up and flog you with MINE. I'm flexible, which is more than I can probably say for your pristine...puckered...shitter."

The unicorn waits patiently there, holding the fox...

"Well? I'm waiting. how can I fuck you with those pants on my cock-unless you like the feel of sandpaper-like abbrasive scrubbing in yore arse! At least, if you be a good little bitch, I promise to lube up."

*Drops fox rudely to collapse on the floor*

"And while your down there worshipping the might of my shaft, why don't you give it a kiss, little bitch? You know you want to."

The vulpine meeps a little as his pants are removed, exposing his dark, thinly furred sac and sheath to the chill of the maze air. When he hears the stallion speak of flogging, he shivers, and not from the cold either as he imagines that length doing unspeakable things to his smaller body.

"Y-yes sir...." he replies submissively, his voice small and shy.

When Lance drops him to the floor, he gives a loud


And whimpers up at the dominant male, getting to his knees in front of him. With a slow nod, he pulls his pants from the uni stud, gasping a little as he gets a better, more close up view of the equine cock before him. When Lance orders him to kiss the beautiful shaft, he simply replies by doing so, planting a firm yet gentle kiss on the side, then kissing a trail to the head. He drools a little involuntarily, secretly enjoying the rough treatment but not wanting to admit it as he soft, moist tongue comes out, slurping slowly over the thick tip.

The metal slides with a shriek as the stallion looks down, the full glare of his helmet covered eyes brought to bear against the little foxie.

A gauntletted hand grabs the fox's wrist roughly, pulling him up on his toes uncomfortably.

"Did i tell you to stop, little bastard fox-boi?" Declares Lance, shaking his visor up, the full brightness of his white face and nostrils bare before the little slave.

He puts the fox gently back to the concrete.

"Assume the mare breeding stance! You might not be in heat, but I am in no way inclined to be picky." He ordered, pointing at a clear area in front, his cock jumping, throbbing and spraying tiny jets of clear sticky fluid with his obvious excitement.

Jake pauses as he hears the armored head shift, meeping loudly as he is hauled up again quite roughly. He lowers his ears more, speechless at the pristine white face of the dominant stud. When he is lowered back down, he shivers again, eyes wide as he thinks of how much that sexy, but massive cock is going to rip him open.

He feels the streams of sticky fluid spraying over him, going to where he was ordered to kneel and gets to all fours, lifting his tail out of the way to reveal his tight, virgin fox hole for Lance.

"Yes. That'll do Boy wench, that'll do. Did I ever tell you how I pacified the ogre of Lunthallow?"

The unicorn crashes his steel knees to the floor with a loud smash like cookware falling to the ground. He then sticks a clawed steel finger into the fox; almost cold as ice.

"First, I did this. Do you enjoy fingering, fox slut? at any rate, a finger is no substitution for the real thing, is it? Fear not, I will show you the authenticity of my sword-stiff resolve without delay."

Then the unicorn rips his helmet off, tossing it to the side.

"But before that, we must get you ready. And I did promise you I would lube up if you were a good little fox wench, didn't I peon?"

The unicorn grins, dropping to all fours, grabbing the fox's ass fiercely in both gauntletted freezing hands.

"Well, we shall see how you taste, little bastard boi, shan't we?"

Declares lance, tearing his rough tongue through that defenseless ass-crack like a woodsman's saw, before shoving the whole length of six inches-squirming and wriggling and slimy as a serpant-into the depths of the fox's virgin ass, ripping him a-uh-bigger one? as the tongue conquers like a fiery arrow, digging deeper with each unmoderated powerful slippery thrust.

He removes his tongue for one moment.

"Bitch, before this (k)night is through, your ass will belong to me in more ways than one!"

Before mercilessly tearing through the fox with the arrow of conviction that was the unicorns soft, yet rough extension.

Jake simply stays in position, not wanting to anger the large unicorn as he jumps a bit at the crashes metal noise. He gasps as that freezing metal pushes into his tight ass, clenching around it a little. Before he can answer the sexy stud, he hears the helmet go clattering to the side, those cold, metal covered hand grasping his rump cheeks as he groans a bit and shivers.

When that long thick tongue penetrates his tight pucker so rough he meeps loudly, then moans in ecstatic pleasure, the slimy, wriggling muscle exploring and tasting his tender young ass as he pushes back instinctively into the rough rimjob.

"Ahhh! Oh gods...."

"Haha. Fox truly is a slut! I bet you're just begging for my cock, aren't you? Yes, the delicious pinkness of it will stretch your imagination, if not yore arse!"

He squeezes the foxes' ass in his hands viciously.

"Come on, fox wench...say you want me...say you cannot live..." lance leans close to the fox's ears.

"Without the attentions of;!"

Then the unicorn slaps him once on the ass with a steel gloved palm.

"And beg like my cock is the only thing that will satisfy yore lust for the rest of your pathetic little yiffy life!" The uni cruelly laughs aloud.

Jake whimpered as his tender rear was squeezed so rough, the cold steel gauntlets leaving imprints on him. As the large unicorn over pronounces each word describing his shaft, he shivers more and more, his sheath thickening a bit more at the visuals he's getting.

The vulpine is about to reply, when he yips loudly, that metal covered hand slapping his ass hard and making him wince. He doesn't want to admit he's enjoying this rough treatment, and in front of thousands at that, but his body betrays him horribly.

"Ohhhh...please sir...give me your big, hard cock..." He begs, looking over his shoulder at Lance.

"I need it so virgin ass...needs a beautiful shaft like yours to break it"

He shivers, blushing deeply at his words. True he was being forced to say those words in front of thousands, maybe millions of other, but he also meant them completely.

"Master I beg of you....give me your throbbing maleness, I've wanted it for so long...."

"But do you deserve it? Perhaps I should ravage you with my black spear instead? It'll do the same bloody thing!"

The unicorn smiles, whispering.

"But perhaps another of thy roles is to grant thee the mercy unafforded by others."

He digs a finger through the fox's hole once more.

"Do you want my mercy? This knights' boon of compassion? I will grant it if you are sincere, if yore body is honest."

"I will only ravage you if ye truly want it and put up with one more degradation..."

The fox stifles a chuckle, despite his situation. He lowers his voice to barely a whisper as he speaks to Lance.

"Sir...'thy' means you..." He says, wondering if he should have said anything at all.

Jake groans loud again, clenching a bit and pushing back at the cold, invading finger in his tight tailhole.

"Sir please...I MUST have you...I need you so badly..." He moans, the tip of his black shaft barely peeking out and dripping slowly.

"I want you, I need to please you master...I truly and double truly...ohhhh..." He pants heavily, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

He's too horny and full of lust now to care what any of the viewers think, every word he's speaking sounding quite sincere.

"You ARE sincere, aren't you wench? Well, my little scullery made slut, I think I have one more surprise."

Then he reaches into his armored tunic, pulling out a cylindrical aluminum can with a pressurized squeeze nozzle.

"Though the advent of the middle ages did not allow for such frivolous things, I think if I break from "historically accurate",' he jeers, responding to the impertinant comment of his slave, 'nobody will care. Certainly not you, you desperate little fuckhole."

Then he shook it, placing the cold plastic nozzle of the can into the tailhole of the fox, laughing gaily in his elegant way as he flooded the fox's bowels with whipped cream, intending to empty the whole thing in the foxies poor cock-starved ass!

Jake groans a little as he wonders what else the uni stud could do to embarrass him, blushing as his correction is met with a cruel jeer when Lance speaks again. He whimpers a little, sniffling at the name calling. He didn't mind name calling, but that was the one name that really hurt him, not that he expected his armored tormentor to care about his feeling at all.

He feels the smooth, cold nozzle push into his rear, his soft crying broken momentarily by a yip of surprise. Before he can protest, he feels the cream shooting into his rear, gasping through the hot tears as it stretches his innards out and makes him feel quite full.

"Now, that is what i call dessert. You must be enjoying it slut; you haven't made one tacit comment yet!"

This goes on for a few minutes, as the can empties into the fox.

"Vulpine pie with a rich creamy filling."

The knight tosses the can to the side.

"Now, for the fun part. Prepare yourself for thy pink intruder!"

Then the stallion has the burning hot tip of it at the fox's entrance, waiting...waiting for any miniscule sign from his war trophy, breathing hotly at the fox's naked back.

The dark vulpine keeps whimpering, the tears running down his cheeks quietly as he faces away from the uni. He turns his head towards Lance, the wetness in his eyes quite evident before he turns back around, tailhole clenching and unclenching at the thick, throbbing equine cock pressing against it. He gives up trying to restrain himself and falls forward on his arms, sobbing quite loudly with his rump in the air as he waits for the cruel stallion to do as he pleases without saying anything at all.

The stallion laughs, amused.

"Moody little slut. I thought you agreed to all this bloody treatment when you volunteered!"

The unicorn snorts a deep gust into the dark, his tip ready to pierce the vulpines' depths.

The stallion considers something.

"Maybe if I take you, you will forget this "transgression" of thine. Is that acceptable, little boy-wench, or are you going to keep crying like the little brat you are?"

He laughs, his chest rumbling, his cock bobbing lightly against the supple warm flesh bared before it in helpless surrender.

"Prepare for my "mercy", little boy-wench, and the flaring painful justice of thy lance of meat!"

The tip of the monstrous thing is slid painfully in, the tip fully enshrouded in hot assflesh.

"Are you ready for the rest of me, bitch? Beg for my dick to fill you like the slut you are!"

The unicorn waits patiently, grinning at his own torte's.

Jake simply raises his head, his tears slowing, then stopping altogether. The stallion had a point, he did want this, more than even Lance himself could possibly know, and it WAS tv....

"I-I'm sorry sir...please don't wait! Take me and make me your slut...please...!" He begs, pushing back a little.

His tight, virgin hole flexes against the monster of a shaft, pulsing in eager need and want to be filled for the first time. When the thick head parts his rim, he gasps loudly, gritting his teeth and arching his back at the invading uni's shaft.

"Ohhh...yes master! I-I'm ready!" He moans, clenching a little around the throbbing male flesh inside him.

"What a surprise, little bitch. Yes you are! Pity yore arse might not be, though. Shall we give it the 'ol heave ho and say we gave it a proper attempt for those watching? I say aye, and you, little bitch do not deserve to breath even the air I exhale, do you slut? My piety is above common "serfs". I grant this "gift" only because I tire of your boring pleads of desperation. Try to entertain me, jester, as I yiff the daylights out of thee!"

Growls the pompous voice of the arrogant unicorn, digging his cock further in, resting a foot or so of length in the vulpine ever so carefully.

"Say my name Jester. Say it like thou meanesth it, and no funny remarks-I know yore lot!"

"N-no master! I am unworthy of even your exhalations..." Jake replies, voice low and forced through his clenched teeth.

His ears lay back in a show of submission, groaning in the painful pleasure of being invaded for the first time, and by so large a shaft at that.

His ass clenches instinctively, dragging along Lance's length as the first foot or so pushes in, his poor ass stretched wider than he thought possible.

"Oh gods...yiff me Sir Lance...! Make me feel it...Your wench must learn his place...ohhhhh..." He groans, doing his best to please the unicorn as his inner muscles ripple pleasently over his thick, throbbing cock.

"By the time these exertions are yet done, yore "place", as ye call it will be of minimal consequence!"

He slaps both fists against the ass of the fox in cruel amusement, leaning forward to take a pinching nip of his teeth upon the fox's bare shoulders.

"Good thing thee like it rough, else I would make thyself rougher still. Course, though, my lance is unpolished, you will find that it comes abrupt to the point!"

Then the muscular unicorn shoves the rest in powerfully, plowing the small fox's hole with his vicious attentions, large fruit-sized testicles smacking hotly against the fox's own.

The uni swats his tail about erratically, grunting with the thundering force of his animated shaky armored thighs, sweating from all about his face, great puffs of breath as he digs his teeth and bites down a little on the fox's furred back, grinding the incisors along the near-bare skin.

The vulpine yips again, those cold metal hands slapping his tight ass as it threatens to tear but not doing so as the uni's monster of a cock forces it's way deeper. He suddenly remembered being taken away from the tasty length before getting a proper chance to lube it, thankful that Lance was merciful enough to rim him first before this.

When the stallion's shaft forces all the way into his bowels, he lets loose a shriek of pain, unable to hold it back anymore at the sudden intrusion as those large, smooth testicles slap painfully against his much smaller furry scrotum. His whole body rocks with each powerful thrust into him, giving in to the moment and his own hidden lust as he rocks back to meet the stud's hips as they pump towards him each time. As those teeth dig into his tender back flesh, he arches sharply, giving a gasp at the painful pleasure of the strong jaws on him.

"F-fuck...." He gasps, the word more of a request than a simple curse...

"Fuck indeed, fox. Is that yore final answer or do ye need a lifeline?" Grunts the superstallionstud, as he slams each inch of slimy cock in and out of the small slut under his complete undeterring control.

Torrents of hot pre gush down the back of the fox's thighs like sticky waterfalls, the rim of the poor vulpines stretched hole red and quite angry-looking, protesting further abuse.

The stallion grabs at the fox's head fur, pulling an ear towards himself.

"Do you love it slut? Do you need me like a man in the desert needs a drink? I will satiate thou thirst in more ways than one; I think I will force you to lick my cum off the floor after I have my way with you bitch. Is that...acceptable?"

"Yes...! That's my *grunts* my answer! AH!" Jake gasps through clenched teeth, each thrust of the stallion's massive, drool and pre coated shaft forcing his small body to adjust to it's girth.

He moans at the flood of pre running over his legs, the warm fluid driving him mad as it's scent fills his sensitive nose. When his headfur is grasped, he meeps at the head pulling and blushes at the unicorn's words when they reach his twitching ears.

"Oh master....I more than thirst..." He groans in reply, clenching around the invading cock tightly without warning.

"I hunger for you...I need your hot seed...*gasp* I need to clean it from the floor, though my AHH! slutty self...errrr....doesn't deserve the honor..." He replies, completely submissive and uncaring of he cameras.

"Looks like our overconfident friend is soon to meet a 'sticky' end!" Jerry comments, making the audience roar with laughter.

Keaton comes on the loudspeakers, blasting his voice for all to hear.

"Now that's what I call a sticky situation, Jerry." The authoritive voice jokes.


Under him, the uni can feel the fox cringing beneath, almost spent from sex, pain, and running, as he finishes up with a few final shoves of his pink cockflesh, surprising the vulpine with a sudden explosion like a firehose going off in his bowels. but the firehose was hot and raging with frantic blood vessels with each fierce shot of cum, every jet striking with the force of a soft punch in the fox's colon.

"It may hurt, little slut, but does my "gift" not pain you in a wonderful way? And when I am ready to discard you from the tool of thy trade, thou better not be too exhausted to lick up the "charity" for which I left you!"

The dark vulpine moans louder, wanting to feel the sexy uni's hot seed fill him. He gasps in surprise, the force of Lance's orgasm making him clench instinctively, taking every jet of his load with little more than loud whimpers.

"Oh hurts Ahhh! So good...I want all!" He grunts, suddenly surprising even himself as he *shoves* backwards, taking ALL of the stallion into his no longer virgin hole.

The uni gives one of his frivolous airy whinny's, desperately fucking the fox to fill a need of his own. giving a few more vicious thrusts, the unicorn pulls out, laying his heavy armored body nearby, his cock against the cold concrete and armor, slowly shrinking back as he cradled his head in his hands, watching expectantly.

"Now, lick my seed up, little pet. Drink every drop as if it were wine and taste my essence truly as your own. Let your rough tongue slide along the rough floor, and devour every drop hungrily like the little fox slut you are."

Jake groans as the unicorn finishes his orgasm and pulls out, some of the hot seed pattering to the floor between them as the armored figure lays to the cool floor. He pants heavily, turning to look at Lance, listening to his order as he gives a look of submission....with a twinkle in his eye that said something else perhaps?

"Y-Yes... *pant pant* sir..." He replies, laying to his belly and sliding his tongue out to slurp at the floor.

He shivers a bit as the cool stone meets his warm, wet tongue, sighing with a happy, but quiet voice as he licks up every drop like a starving puppy. He swallows all he licks up, moaning involuntarily at the taste of the seed on his palate as he crawls to the unicorn and starts to lick him clean of any seed as well.

The stallion watches the fox warily as the little vulpine crawls forward, his tongue out and ready to clean his sticky shaft. The uni lets him have a few licks before-

"Halt, little slut! Did I say you could lick it off my sacred weapon? Beg. Beg me to let you or you'll never taste the cinnamony delicasy of unicorn cum ever again!"

Even Lance was not stupid; He saw that wink and realized with amazement that the little tiger-striped fox enjoyed everything he had been put through!

"Beg for my essence, and the silky soft skin of my shaft. Tell me how much of a slut you are, pion."

Jake murrs happily as he gets those few licks, then whimpers and lowers his ears as he gets chastised for his forward behaviour.

"M-Master, I'm sorry...forgive me please..." He replies, tucking the tail between his legs.

"I know my worth is wanting....but please...let me clean you...I long so badly for the soft, warm flesh of your shaft on my tongue." He pleads, looking at the stallion with a sad frown, but a smile in his eyes.

"I am a slut sir...a terrible, unworthy whore and undeserving of such an honor...but let me taste more of you....?"

"A taste thee shall have, dirty little wench! Get every drop or I will beat you in the arse with my black lance!"

The stallion gives no obvious signs that the fox's delicate yet rough strokes are exciting him in any way, but deep down, Lance could not help but relax in bliss at such an onslaught of pleasure. He rolls himself over on his back to give the fox better access to his shaft.

"And lick all that dirt and grit off it as well; You'll do as my servant for now." The stallion declares, resting a gauntletted hand on the fox's head as the vulpine licked away.

The vulpine nods in response, practically diving back to the softened cock between Lance's perfect white thighs as licking slowly. His semi-rough, but gentle tongue runs over the fleshy surface as he sighs with pure happiness, able to 'groom' the stallion in such a manner.

When he feels that gauntleted hand rest heavily on his small, shifting head he gives a low little murr, tail swishing at the cold contact as he continues his work, tasting a bit of his own rump on the shaft before all the cum, dirt, and....anything else on it was completely removed.

Even after he finishes cleaning, he keeps licking, waiting for a verbal okay to stop from his 'master'.

"Good little whore. Yes, how loyal and sincere; to keep going even after you complete the task. You may stop, servant, and as a reward of your faithful services, master will let you lick his ass."

The stallion rolls over, unhooking some latches on his armor and proceeds to wiggle inelegantly out of his steel leggings, until he is on his belly again, large rounded white asscheeks bared nakedly to the mild cold of the maze, his tail flailing about in anticipation, as he strikes the fox in the face with his tail once in a playful manner.

"Come little slut. You should feel priveledged to taste the dirty tailhole of a unicorn!" He declares, puckering his muscular little donut with teasing winks.

Jake stops when he is told to, smiling as he hears the stallion's idea for a 'reward'. His ears stay submssively flat the whole time, watching excitedly as he barely restrains himself from just pouncing on the unicorn there and then.

He watches the armor clatter to the floor, drooling slightly at the sight of Lance's perfect, white-furred rump in the air, giggling as the tail thwaps his muzzle.

"I feel very privileged master...thank you for the honor...." He says shyly, nosing under the stud's tail and sniffing at the 'winking' hole a few times to fill his nostrils with the lovely scent.

His tongue slides out quickly, running around the edge of the hot, muscular rim as he moans into those ass cheeks a little.

"Hurry those strokes. Love my tailhole like you would if you were about to kiss me. I want my butt nice and clean as is fitting for a unicorn."

The unicorn demands, as the fox eats ass. For good measure, lance slaps the fox's head with his tail in impatience.

"I said this was an honor, not a bloody cleaning task! If you love me, if you truly LOVE me; delve into my ass with your mouth as if we were to share a deep tongue kiss muzzle to muzzle. I want your tongue in me. Clean my ass with your tongue like the whore you are and sing praise of my glorious pink-skinned hole whenever you stop to catch your breath!"

"Y-yes master...eep!" The fox replies, getting thwapped with that tail again.

He presses his lips tightly against the pulsing ring of muscle sliding his wet, eager tongue inside. He 'explores' the uni's soft, warm passage, slurping lovingly at his insides as he makes love to his wonderful tailhole.

He stops briefly, panting as he speaks low.

"Ohhhh master...your tailhole tastes so's so wonderfully inviting. So perfect and soft....murrrr...." He groans, diving eagerly back to the tasty rump, wanting more.

He suckles lightly on the pucker, digging his tongue in as deep as it can go as he kisses it affectionately.

"Yes, fox wench. How do I taste to you? Is the shitter of a unicorn everything you've ever dreamed about eating? Taste me, slut, slurp me all up as you coat my bowel with your sweetened juices."

Lance slaps the vulpine yet again with that waterfall of quicksilver hairs.

"My ass is sacred, so why aren't you hugging and feeling my rump-cheeks with your paws? Is my ass too good for you, bitch? mayhaps I should reserve this honour for another more deserving."

"Oh sir...your ass is's the best thing I've ever been privileged to taste..." He sighs between kisses, tongue stroking along Lance's passage more eagerly, cleaning him quite thoroughly.

He reaches up with both paws, taking a perfect, muscled butt cheek in each hand, squeezing and kneading the muscular flesh against his palms in a firm, yet gentle massage.

"Mmmm...can't get enough..." He moans, still lavishing over the stud's rear.

The studs' muscular hole puckers softly against the relentless and furious probing of the fox whore's tongue.

"Yes, master and his lovely perfect ass love you. Give it a good-deeeeeep kiss goodnight. Give it your best Good Knight kiss, like this was the only thing of beauty you had ever seen! My ass is the Sistine chapel. Say it! My cheeks are pure silver. Decree it! My butt is the mona lisa, the moonlight sonata, the palace of versaille, it is a bloody work of art! You are priveledged to worship the temple of thy ass! Aren't you, you filthy little fox bitch, who has tasted my uni grit on his tongue already?"

"Give my ass a good knight kiss, and then we shall go to my final surprise."

Jake murrs loudly, making sweet love to the uni's ass as he would his pristine muzzle,blushing all the while as he remembers this is all on camera.

"Master...if your ass were to be... *slurps a few more times* ...put in a museum, I'd be there...*suckles a little*...just to see it...those other works of 'art' are nothing compared... *kisses tailhole* you...errr...your ass..." He stammers between his attentions.

He pushes his muzzle forward gently, his nose actually parting the uni's muscular rim as his roaming tongue finds and meets with Lance's prostate, giving on last deep, longing kiss before starting to pull his licking, affectionate organ out with some reluctance.

"Oooooh. That one was particularly delicious, wasn't it? That's the most of my essence you ever tasted in one kiss!"

The stallion gives his pucker one more squeeze around the fox's buried muzzle, neighing ecstatically.

"Mmmm. Come over to my face, foxy love slave. I have something special for you."

The vulpine meeps gently, giggling as the sexy uni clenches his muzzle as he neighs pleasurably. He licks his lips as he pulls away, nodding obediently at the order.

"Yes sir...." He sighs with a smile, giving the puckered hole one last gentle kiss.

He shifts position, staying lower to the floor than the stud as he blushes.

"What's that master?"

"See my horn, little slut? It needs a good lick and polish. I have trouble in this regard, but you can do this task, and you better love my ivory spear of magic even moreso than my sacred cock and my beautiful ass. Can you sensually slurp along the grooved spiralled grooves with that slut tongue of yours?"

The white horn glowed with bright shine, braided smaller and smaller into a needle-thin point that could pierce flesh as easily as a joust target.

"Hmmm...yes, fuck my horn little slut."

"Of course master, I'd be honored." Jake replies, moving to kneel beside the stallion's head.

He murrs softly, his soft, wet tongue coming out to lick slowly around the base of Lance's horn as his hand comes up to stroke along the silvery length.

"Mmmm...gonna polish this lovely length so good..." He sighs as he works.

That gentle, loving tongue runs up the horn slowly, the tip tracing in each and every single spiral as he makes his way towards the razor sharp tip. He grins a little, then parts his lips and takes it carefully in his mouth, suckling softly and moaning a bit.

The uni grins as the fox's attentions make his horn vibrate, spit running down the widening grooves into the fur of his forelock.

"You lie, little fox. Surely you've eaten horn before? You are far too good to be a beginner at this sort of thing. I know why. You are a fan of my work; my body. You must practice at home on a broomstick! Is that it? Is that why you are a sudden expert at something very few have attempted?"

The blue eyes dart upward, gazing at the underside of that drooling, grinning black chin.

Jake groans a little around the horn, swirling his tongue around the silvered horn upon Lance's perfect white head lovingly. Just before he can reply to the stallion's first comment, he blushes deeply as the uni guesses exactly what he had been doing at home. His mind traveled to the broom handle at home, the grooves and swirls he had made in it to replicate his crush's horn before replying.

"Y-yes master...I love you...errr your body. Every muscle...every curvature..." He sighs, his tongue tracing the grooves all the way back down to the base.

He kisses the length, 'accidentally' kissing the unicorn's head before meeping and kissing his way back to the tip.

"And how long will it take for you to be satisfied with the curves and decor of my horn? Surely you will not suck upon it all night!"

The vulpine goes lower, kissing him upon his forelock, startling him the least bit, as he stares at that chin in shock. at first, he thought, 'what audacity of such a whore', but deeper down, under his acting, the real lance was willing to blush and give the little fox a real "reward" for his loving and unyielding dedication.

"Suck it off for a moment more, then we will end the show so I can go to my dressing room and think of some things."

"I will if you so ask of me...master..." The vulpine replies, groaning slightly as he suckles along the hard length attached to Lance's head.

He smiles at the blush he coaxes from the stallion, tracing along the spirals back to the tip.

He slides his lips over the tip again, taking a surprisingly large portion of the horn into his eager, sucking muzzle until he feels it's back too far to continue downward. He bobs lightly on it, sucking as though it were the unicorn's pink shaft.

He keeps up his treatment, waiting for permission yet again to stop, though he'd suck on the silvered surface for as long as the male wished...

"Yes, it is over. I've taken every dignity from you I could."

The uni rose slowly, gazing thoughtfully into the fox's eyes, looking quite odd half naked, as Keaton took this as his que to play the ending theme for the audience.

"Do not leave too soon little fox, I have something planned for you later."

Jake smiles, keeping quite submissive until he hears the ending music for the show. He stands carefully, legs a little wobbly from the uni's treatment of him as he blushes at that thoughtful look from Lance before he speaks.

"O-okay..." He stutters low in his throat, as he waits for the stallion to leave.

"I gotta go clean up..."

The uni nods, paying the fox no more mind as he walks out of a convenient maze exit that is always unlocked when the show ends.

Down the hall, a frantic vulpine femme in a red teddy and stockings pushes a rack of various colored costumes by him in a rush, going toward the stage so they can get ready for the next show coming on; "Let's make a feel" that naughty show of voyeurism and peeking scenes.

"Let's see what scenes our horny contestant didn't peek on!" Jerry announced.

If the contestant picks right, as there are sex scenes for things he does and does not like; he will get to join in on the fun and fulfill his most secretest fantasy.

Lance shrugs, he'd been paid to do a few of those scenes himself.

Coming to the quiet of his private room, Lance sighs, closing the door behind.

"It's good to be home." He declared, peeling his heavy armor off and dumping each piece on the floor, kicking them under a nearby bed with his hooves.

He kicks his whole suit out of sight, except for one small bit of metal the size of a plate which he holds now, and with a motif of a rose upon it's sleek shiny surface.

The room is of exhuberant magnificence; every painting and figure of a unicorn is taking up all room in his quarters, perhaps giving him mythological claustrophobia some days, certainly others, no doubt.

Lance goes to his nearby phone, grinning coyly.

"Gloria? Yes, it's prince charming improved, again. I want you to order something for me as quickly as can be done; let's just say that i might have found another interesting fellow to take to my bed *chuckles as he listens*; yes, nothing over the top. You know which of those I would buy were I there. Just have them taken to me in haste. *listens* yes, and just like that, too, but i want the card to say..........."

Then he pauses in shock, finally looking at the giant bulge under the paper thin sheet of his bed.

"What the bloody hell?"

The stallion still holds the phone, as he goes to that suspicious hump, seeing red between the sheets' fibers.

He takes a corner of the sheet, lifting it carelessly up to reveal the prize underneath; his metal piece he had been holding clatters to the floor with a jingling thud.

His lips part widely along his muzzle in shyness, his cheekbones pink as marachino cherries.

Lance picks up the bundle carefully in one hoof, inhaling the scent into him frantically with joy and love previously unfulfilled. He stands there holding the delicate petalled roses for eternity, wondering as his eyes closed sheepishly, if this were a special dream he would never awaken from.

"Yes he did..." The unicorn breaths gently, almost a whisper, as he gives an affectionate whicker thinking upon his most undemanding volunteer.

"Mr Alot? Are you there?" The far off voice of the phone is just loud and annoying enough to tickle him from this reverie, just like the pesky attentions of those vile botflies.

He stares at the black plastic of the phone; it looks so alien to him now, so uncaring and distracting.

He raises it to one ear, snorting in revulsion.

"Gloria?" He replies.

"Yes mr. Alot?"

"Cancel that order; I think it doesn't matter, anymore. Goodbye."

Then he hung up the phone, staring thoughtfully at the details of each flower, at the eleven elegant reds, and the one shy recently bloomed white.

"Only flowers, it seems, but i have witnessed a shy little virgin blossom from a dull green bud to a startling lustrous glare of a beautiful delicate ivory rose. And I see, though every hour you think of me, upon only one do you truly treasure like no other in thine heart. If that is so, I wish thou were to come to me like thine own whimsical fantasy; arms soft as silk hug and caress me! Lips as fine and gentle as any dainty swatch of velvet comfort thine heart; eyes that glisten with kindness as if from a great well of love outpouring from your very soul! I am restless-I have no rest! Let you be the one I love and nurture to my bosom for all eternity. Twelve? Only twelve hours of love to give? Nay; only twelve hours to share between us until sleep unites us truly to the dreams of our destiny and affections. Love fox, love fox, where art thou is thee!"

Then the stallion feels something; objects of shadows within his heart he could only grasp, now, fully understanding the conditions of his passion;

"These green eyes

They imprison my soul

pluck out my heart

with their heavy pull

These green eyes

Sense away, do they drive

Making me witless

With every look alike

These green eyes

Every moment is blessed

Under their gaze

Casts a joy of love

These green eyes

So familiar, now

Give this lover form

Every waking day

These green eyes

As soft as candlelight

Magnified ten-fold

Into my souls' divide

These green eyes

Every day I dream

Brings me e'er closer

To the love of their look

These green eyes

Fasten on me still

Filling dark holes

With their gentle gaze

These green eyes

Know me as I am

I will not hide from them

They will always know

These green eyes

Into romantic flame

Do I now gawk

As I am gazed at yet a'gain'."

JAke cleans himself up in the dressing room shower, rubbing his tender rear as he does so. His mind dwells on Lance, as he pulls his replacement clothing on quickly.

"W-what if he doesn't accept me...? What if...he really is like his character he portrays..." He wonders under his breath, picking up the elegantly wrapped box of chocolates.

He hoped the uni liked them, having spent hours in the store before picking a large box of Cherry Cordials for him. He nodded to the staff he passed, leaving the room and heading down the hallway, doubt still plauging his mind as he reached Lance's dressing room.

"Taking a deep breath', he whispered,'Here goes nothing..." And knocked on the stallion's door.

As he heard the soft rap upon his door, lance was now a wreck; all that confidence and certainty-all gone in one instant with the barriers of his heart.

The unicorn was confused.

"He must be here, I feel it so warmly in me. My soul tugs to his to join so fiercely! Oh, 'err to my ways; to the indulgences of my apathy and pride. Where art thou, thine heart? Laid bare when I most needest thee!"

"Do I open this door?; become ensnared in eyes that trap me as fastly as the lure of any virgin?-but alas! *chuckles to self with joyfully crying eyes*-he is a virgin no longer, for I have claimed him for myself forever!"

The stallion smiles, perhaps gazing into the tail-end of a dream, as he reachs for the knob, feels every nervous titter and shake of his Lover's paw upon the knob of the other side.

"And I feel thee; you are not the confident, yet submissive slut I met yonder in the maze-and our dreams fulfilled. No, you are as much an actor as I. When the costumes are removed, when the rouge wiped off, when the cameras set aside-recharging-are stopped. You are as much a facade of a parading shadow as I. Vain peacocks, are we, but when the feathers molt off, we are no more vain than any other bird we meet in our travels. A peacock with-"

Lance carefully opens the door, looking into the gentle pleasing and unsure emerald tinted beauty of-

"These green eyes..." Lance whispers in benevolent observation.

The vulpine quivers nervously at the door, hearing those heavy hoof-steps walking towards him from the other side. He hears the muffled voice on the other side, not quite able to hear everything that is said. As the knobs turns, he gulps nervously, putting a smile on his face as the stallions shining, perfect form is revealed.

He attempts to speak what his heart wants to say, but only manages a timid,

"Hello..." As he reaches up with a slightly shakey pair of hands to hold out the elegant red box of cordials to Lance.

The unicorn reaches out gently, enshrouding the red cardboard in his soft effeminate hands, taking the box of chocolates and hugging them dearly to his chest, crying.

"F-For you..." The fox stutters in his complacency.

"How I've taken thee for granted. Every mercy I granted thou in the confines of the maze of our trapped hearts-you should have granted ME instead! I should have been priveledged knowing I reduced myself to nothing before the benevolent probing of that tongue of silk. I have been cursed in the bonds of this career; never to know the means of true romance, or the timid trappings of my nervous pattering heart! Woe to me until the souls' rebirth and wisdom of this moment; no longer soulless am I, for these feelings have dredged, excavated, rising from the ashes of blind avarice! My greed is gone; my pride has left, I am now bared and tender before you, as I am. Not only naked of my body, but naked of my soul-ready to recieve new affections upon this toasty flesh and machinations of grinding down spirit, e'er ready to be wound up, with the key of your pheonix fire; lighting two lonely candles with the same flame, bringing both to warm life at the same time, uniting them instinctually by the sanctimonious power of one burning wick. That wick and fire we share is our love, for you are the flame that burns me into the deepest lustful desires of the soul."

Jake watches in disbelief as the object of his long time affection accepts his gift, then blinks as the powerful, yet seemingly gentle equine starts crying. He quickly steps inside, shutting the door so that nobody else sees him this way.

Such beautiful words...can he really mean them? The fox wonders in his head as he steps forward gingerly.

"Lance...from the time I first saw you...I've felt this passion in my heart for you, burning deep in my very soul. Every waking moment I've thought of you, your grace, your charm, I felt fortunate enough to even be spoken to by you, your words like beautiful music that soothed my aching heart...."

He stands within arms reach of the unicorn, smiling with a blush that burned pleasantly on his dark cheeks as he spoke.

"And to be with you....I came here, to volunteer. I saved myself for only you, no matter what humiliations I had to undergo just to feel your touch, be it gentle or rough...Please beautiful stallion...will you hold me?" He asks, stepping forward to embrace the other male with eyes full of love and tender affection.

"Hold you? Hug you? Embrace thee? No, I reject anything of the kind!" He protests.

Then the stallion trots forward, taking the soft furred fox in his arms.

"Such vile words! So paltry and insignificant; they do not do this love of thine justice. When we share each others' warmth; our breath; we are not embraced, enjoined; we are united! In soul, spirit and deed, are we connected thus!"

He holds the fox close, sharing breath, sharing the rapt joy of his tears.

"So lonely, yes, trapped in my own world of insincere fuckings and slave-play. But not now, no, never again merely the master of a wench-now the master of my heart and lover of my demeaned sugar."

"I've wanted this for so long..." Jake sighs, wrapping his arms around toe powerful, yet kind stallion and sighs in pure bliss.

"If I were to be taken now from this world...I'd be so content...." He utters quietly.

He buries his face in Lance's firm, yet soft muscular chest and simply holds close to him.

He looks up, gazing into the unicorn's now gentle blue eyes with a soft and understanding smile.

"You shouldn't feel so trapped. You do what you have to to get by after all. As did I back there, many of those tears were merely for the gawkers who watched...." He sighs and nuzzles again as he continues.

"And true, most were of pain, but also of joy as well, for the pain was symbolic in a way, of my greatest dream come true...."

"And I could stay forever like this, just being held in your warm embrace...because...I..." He says, gulping nervously before he manages to whisper,

" you..."

The stallion barely blinks, already knowing the truth of it himself; somehow, it was spoken to him; as in a delirious vision.

"Yes. I feel it. Words are not necessary-not tonight-not anymore. Your heart is a sacred tome bared before me to be read as if I were a scholar upon a philosophical journey. Each page glistens brightly with words of soft emerald sparkles."

The unicorn laughs, catching the irony of it;

"I searched for you all of an hour. You searched for me; for my heart as if Artemis incarnate, almost for eternity. You have found my heart, nurtured its passions, its needs fulfilled. A merciful hunter, you are then, as you so cleverly stalked I, your former predator."

The head upon his chest feels heavenly.

"Do you hear it; your quarry? It beats as if ready to take flight, but towards you instead I fear."

The vulpine smiles warmly as he presses his ear to the muscular chest, his keen sense picking up his love's heartbeat. It seemed to be beating quite fast, thumping gently against the listening head.

"Oh love...your words are true. Long have I waited, carefully 'hunting' you, to seek your affections, if only for a night. I never dreamed you'd be this caring and warm spirited." He replies, gently intertwining his fingers in those silvery locks as he carefully pulls the unicorn's head down into a gentle, surprising kiss, their lips pressing together softly.

How audacious. A million years ago, he would have punished someone so reckless and assertive. Tonight, it was like a new age had dawned upon him. An age of a green flash of wanting and needful mischief.

"Why you invoke me so, I cannot fathom. When you have hunted my heart so relentlessly, take it but do not pierce it; but I need not ask so; your intentions are merciful, aren't they, one so warm to me is not a creature of vile station."

Jake fingers the red velvet box in his pocket, shuddering in utter fear of what reply may come his way net. He reluctantly pulls back a little from the uni, gulping audibly as he speaks;

"My dearest Lance....My heart so wanting, I long to hold thee. Thou flesh is like the succulent fruit of life but leaves me ever hungry. Thine gentle blue eyes hold all the sweetness of fine wine but leaves me ever thirsty. Still I long to drink in thou's grace. I beg thee, to let me feel thy delectable lips upon mine this very night. Thy ignoble thoughts hold me prisoner to thou's desires, and I ache with the need to be with thee...." he starts, grasping the red box and pulling it from his pocket into view.

"Once embraced by passion pure and heart's flame, I shall wish only to love thee still. I must see the want and need in thou's blue sea of eyes. I must hear thou's voice rise with blissful joy as I fill thee with thine passionate words...." He gulps again, blushing madly as he kneels down before the stallion again.

"Please, take thy heart and soul; thee will be thine forever more...." He finishes, opening the red box to reveal a men's engagement ring, an elegant silver band engraved with Celtic scroll work.

On the top is a motif of two heart intertwined, made up of tiny diamonds as he holds it up hopefully towards the unicorn.

The unicorn stares at the fine jeweler work, hypnotized. Suddenly, he remembers something. Lance twists about hastily, bending down to search the floor for something. As he bends completely over, his tail swatches a little to the side. Now, Lance accidentally had his rear bared at the small fox, his white and pink tailhole puckering continuously from exposure to the cold air. The satin ivory butt is in the fox's surprised face for a full minute as Lance struggled to find something on the floor. He comes back up slowly in a graceful way, facing the fox with the large triangle of steel with the chrome engraved roses.

"It seems so brutish, now, to give you this. Here you are ready to marry me, and I only have this pitiful piece of garbage I'd been wearing over my sheathe these past dozen or so seasons. Granted, it had been removed to take my whims of my prey, but still, it will not hold the kind of power that a ring fashioned from loves' desire can."

The unicorn snorts, kneeling on one of his own knees, presenting toward the fox.

"Nonetheless. To me it is trash. To you a holy relic. This would probably sell on Ebay for thousands, but I would just throw it away. You would save it in a display case for all eternity."

The unicorn takes the vulpine's free paw, cupping it about the musky-scented metal.

"As you feel the smoothness of it, you will notice that it holds much of my warmth, much of my smell, much of my soul..."

The unicorn breathes softly into the fox's face.

"Much of me... The answer you search for is 'yes'. Please do not take the heart of a unicorn lightly-we have long memories-sometimes of pain and ache."

Jake tilts his head curiously, watching as Lance turns away from for a bit. He murrs low in his throat at the sight of that beautiful pucker, admiring it until the uni came back.

He stares at the piece of metal, entranced for a moment at such a gesture. The engraved armor meant more to him than the other male may or may not have realized, as he gripped it tightly in his hand, afraid to let go.

"Lance...I..." He starts to say, the nearly drops everything in paw when he hears the answer he hoped for, but was afraid to not receive.

He wraps his arms around the large stallion, sobbing again, but this time out of pure blissful joy.

"Oh gods...I never could have hoped more for that answer....please, if this is a dream...I don't want to awaken!"

"Who said you WERE awake, little fox?" Lance whispers, the fox wrapped around him.

"We might still be in a dream, after all, I am what every mortal has dreamt up."

The unicorn grins, as the fox hung on his shoulders.

"Close your eyes, and imagine, little sweetling, what dreams may cum, and when you have done so, describe them for me, and I'll try my damdest as a 'figment' to make them all cum true."

"Oh my love...please don't tease me so...for if this be a dream..." the vulpine starts, nuzzling at the warm, firm body of his fiance to be.

He looks up, a hand stroking the uni's cheek lovingly as he says, "I daren't close my eyes, for fear the beauty before should disappear. But I shall tell you...of the things previously dreamt..." He blushes, looking away a bit.

"I've...always wanted to lose myself to you...and I have. But I also...wanted to take you...myself..." He whispers, flushed red in embarrassment.

"I had expected such. After giving you the love of thine heart, the surrender of thy tailhole is such a small inconsequential thing. All dreams whispered to these ears; be as if they were real. And thus you have dreamt of such a consolidation of me, so you shall have it."

The unicorn delicately grabs the black paw rubbing his cheekbone, looking into the soft emerald eyes.

"My passage will heal in time were it to be abused, my heart-my heart is a treasure indeed. Never must you relent in its care and wants. It constantly needs of you. What does the gentleness of a unicorn's heart require for sustenance? True love from a faithful admirer and confidant."

The unicorn gives a low bow, separating himself gracefully as he places himself on the bed, tail lifted to the side, his head ready to nuzzle with the fox's as he was taken by the lithe lover.

"Come, come take me as you dreamt, but as you do, please answer me a question, kind soul..."

Jake gazes into those big blue eyes, drinking in every word that reaches his ears as if they were a precious and rare melody.

"This piece of steel, though beautiful and loving as a not what I treasure heart, your body, your love...THAT is the most precious dearest Lance..."

The vulpine undresses again, swaying to the bed and gently climbing on, laying atop the uni and in position, but not entering him as of yet.

The unicorn sighs with the bliss of that hot black fur upon him, the soft breath in his ear.

"What...what would you know of me love..." Whispers that loving voice into his ear.

The unicorn stares at the distant wall in bored wonder, fascinated by the words, as he snorts and shakes his tail.

"Lover-what-You...never told me your name. I dream of it, what is the title for whom I hold so dear?"

The unicorn closes his eyes, relaxing in contentment ready for the assault by his lovely silk furred lover.

Jake nibbles that equine ear, giving a little lick as he draws closer to his lover's tight looking pucker.

"My Jake my love..." He answers, feeling himself touch at Lance's entrance.

"But you can call me yours..."

And with that, he pulls the covers over the two of them, becoming one with his true love....

Where they lived yiffily ever after.

The End.

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