Cathedral Of Destiny

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Cathedral Of Destiny

"Stupid! Halt!"

Too late, even as I stood at the end of a cliff within a giant ritualistic chamber with macabre decoration, the queen's personal court jester slams hard against me, tackling me down to the ground, a scroll rolling slowly away from my frantic scrabbling claw, precariously close to the cliff edge.

As the court jester smashed my head against the stone of the floor, my arm shot out accidentally, tipping the scroll ever closer to the abyss. Another inch, the greatest treasure of civilization would be lost forever.

"Stop it, you idiot!"

The vicious hyena in the jingling cap, the patchwork green and red costume gave me a hard punch to the kidney. I thrust myself forward with a heavy push, wrapping my hand about the girth of the document case; a small thing no longer than eight inches with a gold roller between the bundled parchment.

I had it!

The hyena smashes my head against the ground, shooting the scroll from my hand as I scrabble after it in futility.

I HAD it.

The jester spun me around to face him, cackling cruelly with his distinctive baying laugh.

"You truly ARE a fool! Only a fool would lose the most powerful document in all of existence!"

Six days earlier...

"A fascinating creature you are, I can hardly find fault in your character." Replied a red fox lady. She had a red wool dress, her eyes light amber, glittering like gold by candle light.

Within the confines of my humble chamber in the castle, I am further humbled by the wife of my lord, the duke of Dash'roen. I was fortunate to be housed in the castle, as it was better than the living of a serf in a hut. I guess I would be considered an entertainer of sorts. Not a jester, but a Gleeman; a trickster and talented performer.

"Mi'lady doth humble me so." I return, my eyes wisely held toward the floor.

"Charenton, you need not defer to my title. Here in the privacy of your ample chambers, we could be equals, the two of us."

My white ears perk forward in surprise, my eyes looking up to meet hers, but suddenly find her to be laid bare upon my bed!

"Mi'lady! Do not disgrace yourself!" I protest.

"Shhh...Charenton...thy husband hath taken his spear and sword he is for the fight in thy holy land..." Each sentence drawn out sulkily, teasingly, sex in her eyes, her breasts heaving with short panting sighs of feminine heated passion.

'Charenton the white'; I had the baroness of Dash'roen to myself!

I stare in wonder, my pink shaft growing in my tunic, as those red furred thighs and crotch, dark and wet with her honeyed essences became slowly, ever so slooowly pried open like a blacksmith bellows before clasping shut, launching the smell of her musty scent directly to my nostrils!

"But before we start, I want you to do one thing for me, thy secret lover." She whispered, flapping her legs like the slow wing exercises of a butterfly.

"Anything, Mi'lady." I manage to stammer out.

She winks one of those treasured eyes at me, a smile on her long-muzzled jowls.

"Charenton..." She breathes dreamily.

"Yes?" I ask, leaning in closer.

"Charenton..." She whispers into the privacy of my funnel ear.

"Yes, Mi'lady." I try to lean in for a kiss which we of the Francs are so well known for, but she denies me, a wistful look upon her face, amused at my boldness.

"Before I let thou mount me like a lusty knight with thou burning lance, thou must partake of one task."

The wait was driving me utterly mad like the barbarians across the sea in the far north.

"What is your task, Mi'lady?"

She nibbles my ear, breathing hotly into the folds, making me quiver in anticipation.

Her next words fill me with confusion,



I leap up, throwing the covers off a giant stallion erection, the very flesh mounting a tent during the duration of my slumber.

The Baroness of Dash'roen would only fuck the royal entertainer in my sleep-if I were lucky, considering my latest episode.

Only in my dreams, I fear. And truly the pity! An entertainer with nobility! What a disgrace I would make of her!

This would be another boring day, but at least my past had not caught up with me. At least I had a decent job compared to my former life among brigands and bandits.

It was well I had learned these tricks from the many entertainers I had witnessed in my youth as a gangly foal of a pickpocket!

Coming out of bed, I stoke my corner brazier, careful not to let my stallionhood stray too close to the hotly crackling tinder of the fire. Tonight would surely be cold, if not for the missing lover, then certainly for the drafts through the ramparts and halls of winter. I begin to shiver already, the muscles of my naked white-furred body quivering in tiny electric waves.

The door of my chamber eases open with a muted squeak upon wooden hinges artfully crafted by an exquisite crafter of the duchy.

The face of the interloper cannot be seen by the dimness of my dying flame or candles, as they creep in, eerily confident with slow quiet thuds upon the stone floor by hind feet.

I do not know whether to act in defense of this possible burglar, or to hide the flesh of thy loins.

The outline of black naked breasts upon this trespasser!

Neither action, then. What a horrid shock she had made of things!

"Charenton?" She whispered into the near dark, her eyes nearly blind from having to adjust to the light of the many bright torches in the hallways.

She goes toward the bed of my chamber, climbing in, but soon giving a flustered exclamation.

"Wha?! Charenton! Where are you!" She demands in her quiet hush of a voice.

"Here, Julanna." I whispered.

"Where?! Show yourself, and no tricks or I'll spray you!" She snarled in a threatening tone.

"How will you explain to the duchess that the royal amusement has been unduly skunked?"

She giggled, throwing those soft furry arms about my shoulders, bearing me close to her whiskered muzzle.

"I'll find a way to break the nauseous truth of it to her." She teases, robbing her naked crotch along the short fur of my thigh, her side rubbing along the length of my equine endowment.

"A clever maid of your frightening...potency, may yet find the way to explain such inopportune accidents of the...shall we say...boldness of thou rear?" I jeer with a soft blustery snort.

She giggles coyly yet some more, my wit has the skunky maid enthralled!


"Yes, thy dear of the powerful derriere?"

"Charenton...take me like a mare in standing heat." She pleads.

A skunk and a horse; truly an odd pairing. Julanna was no shiny red vixen, but neither could I deny the hot flesh before thy lust during the freezing shock of a horrid December.

"And if I claim thou, how many times will our pairing yet make?"

"A hundred twenty-three."

I was clearly surprised, my muzzle slightly agape.

"So many unions! Perhaps I miscount. I only had a few over seventy."

"You do not count the nights where we approach the plateau of climax more than once."

"Indeed, for I counted the nights, not the number of copulations per night, but yes, many nights we partook of two orgasms, some merely one, but a handful I can certainly count, a good four nights we broke the threshold into many unions, for my seed was overflowing from thy two oval reservoirs-"

"-And thy honeyed thighs craved vicious attention, for they would not let thy rest without the sating of the warm silky inner flesh."

"Yes, lady skunkie, counted that way, we had over one-hundred good fucks betwixt us!"

She continues to masturbate the folds of her labia against my thigh, slippery juice sliding down my legs in hot sticky streams from her prurient moistness, as pre leaks from the tip of thy rubbed cockhead, to drip down her back into her tail and the soft fuzzy fur of that yiffy asscrack.

" to sate this maw with an even one-hundred thirty erotic unions?"

She was asking me to fuck her seven times in one night! Then again, a horny stud like I was always up to par with any challenge by the horny female skunk.

"Lady Julanna, I'd thought thou might never ask!"

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