A Family Outing

Story by BunnyBoy on SoFurry

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#3 of Young love

A Family Outing

By BunnyBoy

This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains a romantic relationship between two furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further.

Thank you for reading and please enjoy

It was yet another boring family dinner. John was suffering through one of his father's tiresome rants on how Johnny should be striving to better himself, to show he was better then the blasted prey out there. Then his dad started ranting about how his boss --a sheep by the way-- was running the company into the ground. Unless there was anything directly asked of him Johnny ignored as much of it as he could, as usual.

His mom, trying to put on her best vacuous Stepford wife smile, looked over at Johnny, "So when are we going to meet this new girl, John?" she asked half-heartedly.

Ever since his father had set him up on a blind date, Johnny had been feeding his parents a convenient lie about his love life. He'd tell them about this nice girl and how they were going out that weekend. Then on the day in question he'd instead go out on the town with his boyfriend Tommy. When the parents got interested in meeting her he'd just say they broke up and he'd move on to the next fake name. It got confusing at times, but it was the life he led. "Oh, well I don't think it's working out mom, in fact I think Sabrina is cheating on me," said the boy with little enthusiasm. Mentally he sighed and decided to ask Tom for a new list of names.

"Ha! You are too soft, boy. Can't even hold on to your women," barked John's father. "But you seem to have a steady supply... not surprising, you being on the football team and all. You've got to work on keeping them in line though. Can't just let them do whatever they want."

The fur on Johnny's neck just bristled and his ears lay back at this. He couldn't stand his father's attitudes.

"And another thing: you've got to watch your reputation now, being on the foot ball team and all. You can't be seen mixing with the wrong type. That rabbit for one. I think it's time you got over that. He's just a rodent; find yourself some canine friends. Hell, even a cat's better then a rodent." The old fox took another bite of meatloaf before continuing, completely oblivious to the fact that his son's hackles were up, the boy could hardly keep from growling. "He's probably what is jinxing it with these girls, the way he minces about. I bet he's spreading all kinds of stories too, the gossiping little faggot."

There was the scrape of his chair being pushed back as Johnny stood up, one fist pounding the tabletop. "You know dad you might be right... But I don't think Tommy is a fag. He's no fag pop, he's gay, and yes I know that for a fact, but I won't have you insult him. Oh, and about the girls... he might be the one who's ruining my chances with them, but it could just be because I've been dating him for the past 3 years not these made up fantasy women!" The younger fox is shouting now merely inches from his fathers face.

The shock quickly drains from the old man's face and with a growl his fist comes round.

In a properly dramatic world it should be a dark and stormy night. But this wasn't a dramatically run world. It was rather a mild late afternoon just before sunset. Tommy was sitting at the kitchen table pouring over his homework and occasionally glancing out admiring the play of colors as the sun sank lower. Then there came a slow steady knock at the door. Hearing the steady rhythmic movements from up stairs Tom just shook his head. It was a rabbit thing but still knowing your parents are having sex, it's just so embarrassing. As Tom opens the door he's shocked by what he sees. "Johnny, are you okay?" he sputters as the fox staggers in.

The fox is bleeding from a split lip, and one eye is badly bruised and swollen, he's been crying and he staggers into Tommy's arms.

The bunny supports the sobbing fox, guiding him into the house. Tommy leads his love to the bathroom sitting him down on the toilet. He runs some cold water and wets a washcloth, "What happened Johnny, who hurt you like this?" asks the terrified bunny. He dabs the wet cloth at his sobbing fox's wounds cleaning up his muzzle and tentatively cleaning off the swollen eye.

The cool wet cloth feels good against Johnny's skin, as he tries to calm down long enough to talk it over. "It was my dad, Tom. He said he didn't want me mixing with a filthy faggoty rodent like you. I couldn't let him say that, I got so mad, I just..."

Tom wrings out the cloth and wets it with fresh clean water. "Oh... I'm so sorry hon." He turns back to the fox and wipes the fresh tears from his eyes before pulling Johnny's shirt off. He winces seeing the bruises. He had tended John's injuries before, when dating a football player one tends to see a few bumps and bruises, but he was sure that these hurt worse than any other, if just because of who they came from. Helping the fox back to his feet he leads him across the hall to his room. "Here hon," he says the bunny, "you should get some sleep. Things will look better in the morning." Laying the fox onto the bed he crawls in after him cuddling up close and sighing as he holds his love. There will be explanations in the morning but those can wait. Right now it's Johnny who needs him and that's all that matters.

The boys rose early the next day, and at Tommy's insistence, Johnny's wounds were looked over again. Once the protective little bunny was convinced the fox was okay, he offered the Tom first dibs on the shower, "Come on hon. Take a nice relaxing shower and I'll get some breakfast for us," said the dotting bunny as he slipped from the bathroom.

Taking the bunny's advice the fox sighed as the warm water saturated his fur. The warmth cascading over his whole body, the heat soothing his bruises. That bunny was right; this is just what I needed. Twenty minutes later the fox stepped out toweling the water from his fur as his nostrils where hit with the scent of food cooking. He steps out and spots the bunny in a bustle of activity: a big stack of pancakes, some sausage, and bacon. "Ohh Tommy wow!! Who knew you were such a whiz in the kitchen?" gasped the fox.

Tommy spun around and smiled at the fox waving at him with a spatula, "Well you know the old saying, Kisses fade but good cooking is forever." he said with a grin. They settle down at the table, Tom made plenty though. The two hungry boys hardly make a dent, but they are helped though as the bunny's older brothers and sisters as they breeze through the kitchen on the way to classes and work. Most smile and say "Hi" to John, no one really surprised to see him there, the fox was almost a fixture in the Martina's house, but he keeps his head down so they can't see the marks. Tommy had already decided that they would take the day off from school today. John was in no mood to face their classmates and a personal day is most likely what he needed.

"What smells so good? Mmm, what is the occasion son? You normally don't do breakfast for the family!" says Ms. Martina smiling at her son. It was a split second before she noticed Johnny but that fox was there so much he was almost family anyway. "Good morning Johnny, you're here early. Is something up?"

The fox looked up at her and smiled, letting her see the damage done the night before.

"Oh! John what happened to you?" gasps the older hare.

"Mom, it's kind of my fault but do you think Johnny could stay with us for a while?" interjected the younger bunny.

John spoke up, "Tom, it's not your fault, you weren't there. If it's anyone's fault it's mine. Ms. Martina, this was because of my dad. He thought I shouldn't be friends with Tommy. And when I stood up to him and... told him that I was going to keep hanging out with Tom because... because..." Tom laid a paw on Johnny's shoulder.

"Mom, he's trying to say he's gay and we've been dating for a long time." The bunny looks up at his mom with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Well, that's a shocker." She chuckles and sits down at the table. "Tommy, hon, could you make me a cup of coffee?" Turning back to John she smiles at him and takes one of his paws in her's, "Welcome to the family hon. I've been wondering about you two for months now. You're a good boy John and you make Tom happy, just have to watch you together for five minutes to see that. If you want you can stay here as long as you like." She then turns and fixes her son with a stare and her voice shifts a bit, shifting to that matronly tone all mothers have for laying down the law. "You two will sleep in separate rooms, I don't expect to keep you apart but we've got to maintain some respectability. Hugging, kissing and such is okay in the house but anything sexual is behind closed doors. Those are the house rules. Do you think you can follow them?"

"Yes Ma'am" said John.

"Yeah Mom" said Tom.

"Good. John, you can now call me 'mom' like the rest." The older bunny is smiling again.

"Is Dad still sleeping Mom? Do you think he's going be okay with this?" said Tom, a little worried as he handed over a pair of coffee cups.

"Yes, he's a little tired, not as young as he used to be you know," she says with a brief giggle. Tommy sighs wondering if all rabbits had to put up with this or if it was just his parents. She sips her coffee and stands up, "As for John, your dad likes him too Tom, you know that. Besides, thanks to you two I owe him five dollars. I'll be back in a bit. Save us some breakfast okay? I'm guessing we've got a bit more to talk about."

"Okay John, are you sure you want to stay here with us?" said Mr. Martina. He was a normal sized loop eared bunny, a bit of a belly but he'd earned it.

"Yes sir" said the suddenly shy Tom.

"Well then, you can have Mark's old room. It's on the second floor, third room on the right. You should probably talk with your dad and try and settle things. That is probably too much to ask right now but I want you to think about it and at least write him a letter, okay? I'm going to make a call and after lunch you'll head over and pick up some of your stuff. You okay with that?" the older rabbit sighs.

Johnny nods looking down at his paws, "Yes Sir."

The older rabbit smiles and reaches out to tousle the fox's headfur, "You're a good boy John, but none of that 'Sir' stuff, you make me feel old. Call me 'Dad'."

Just as Mr. Martina left for work a big red pickup truck with "Bull's Eye Construction" painted along the sides pulled up in front of the house. Out stepped a short little bunny and a bull that was almost double his size. The rabbit had on a rumpled police uniform but the bull was just dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. As they stepped into the house the bull bent over and swept Tommy's mom into a tight bear hug. "OH Madalynn it's been way to long dear!" cried the bull.

"Ufff! Gods Bruno, that's quite the grip! Brother dear what have you been feeding this boy?"

The smaller bunny just laughs watching them, "Oh sis you know Bruno will eat just about everything you put in front of him."

The bull huffs, "Well just for that none for you all week," but Bruno winks as he says it.

Ralph, the police bunny, takes a seat at the kitchen table. "So Maddy, what's this family emergency you needed to see us about?"

The bunny sighs for a moment gazing off into the distance. "Well," she says, "it's all to do with the new addition to the family."

Ralph just sighs shaking his head, "Another one? Maddy I know you two are rabbits but..."

"Not that kind of addition hon." She just smiles and shouts up the stairs, "Kids could you come down here?"

There is a brief thunder of paws down the stairs as Tommy charges down, "Unca Bruno!" cries the young rabbit as he leaps forward and hugs the big bull, "Hi uncle Ralph." John makes his way down the steps a bit slower, just standing at the foot of the steps. Tommy won't let him stay in the shadows for long though. The bunny runs back and takes his hand pulling him out into daylight. "Uncle Bruno, Uncle Ralph you must have met Tommy before."

John manages a sheepish grin still trying to hide the bruises, "Hello sirs," he mutters.

Seeing the marks on the boy Ralph frowns and leans closer, "John, when did this happen?"

The fox sighs, "It's nothing sir. I'd rather not talk about it."

Tommy frowns at his boyfriend, "They're here to help Johnny. It was his dad last night, John told him we were dating and then he showed up here."

The police bunny sighs, "I'm guessing you don't want any official action, right? Well let's just get a couple pictures just in case." He straightens up, a tired look on his face. "I'm guessing that's not all, sis, or you wouldn't have asked the big lug to come."

Maddy smiles at her brother, knowing she's asking a lot. "Well," she says, "John is going to be staying here with us for a while so I was hoping you two might go with him to help get his stuff." She left the rest of the reason unspoken, but she knew her brother would pick up on her concern for the kids.

Bruno smiles and says, "Sure sis that shouldn't be a problem."

Ralph sits in the cab of the pick up truck, his hat pulled down low over his eyes as he tries to doze. He'd worked late last night and was in no shape for heavy lifting, though from the sound of it, there wasn't too much heavy stuff to load up. The boys were up in Johnny's room mostly tossing stuff into boxes and Bruno would lug them down and load them in the back of the truck. Mostly clothes, books, and some assorted sports equipment.

Half an hour after they started, Ralph was rudely pulled from his light nap by the sound of an engine as a rather loud SUV pulls into the driveway and an obviously angry adult fox storms out. Just as he's about to pass the truck the off duty police officer blocks his path with the cabs door. "Mr. Toddworth I presume."

The Fox barely spares the bunny a glance as he tries to push past him. "Just what the hell is going on here?" He snarls angrily. The rabbit grabs the fox's arm and pulls him back. The fox rounds on the bunny growling he raises his fist like he's about to swing when something makes him stop. He finally notices that not only is this rabbit not scared, he's also wearing a badge. He fumbles to recover, "I demand to know what is going on here." He spits out the words trying to intimidate Ralph. "One of my neighbors called me and told me there were a bunch of strange people in front of my house. What has happened, and are you here to stop them?"

Ralph sighs, he'd almost hoped the old bigot would have hit him. It would have been the perfect excuse to run the old bastard in. "No sir, I'm off duty. Besides I'm pretty sure I'm one of the people your neighbor called you about." He stared up at the fox wondering just how far he could push this. "I'm here with your son. In fact he's found new lodging for a while and he just needed some help retrieving a few things." Hearing John was inside the fox wheeled around but the rabbit was too quick for him, moving to block his path into the house. "Do not go in there!" said the police bunny growling.

"Get out of my way leaf eater, you can't keep me out of my own home," barked the older fox.

"Now normally I'd agree," says the rabbit his tone low and dangerous. "But not today. You see, I've seen the marks you left on that boy, and I'd be damned if I was going to let you near him again. It's only because John wanted this off the record that I'm not hauling your tired ass off to jail right now, bright boy. However I want you to know I took pictures, and I recorded a nice long conversation with him about what happened last night. Like I said before I'm off duty right now, so don't do anything stupid and make me have to change that fact alright?"

The fox is still angry and it looks like he's not quite convinced when at that moment Bruno walks out the front door. The massive bull carrying what looks like a weight set on his shoulders, muscles rippling under his sweat lined t-shirt. With little apparent effort the steer loads the weights into the truck and walks over to stand behind Ralph one hand resting on his shoulder. "Is there a problem here?" He keeps his tone neutral as he smiles at the fox but since he stands a full head taller then either of them the shear size of him seems to intimidate Johnny's father in a way that Ralph's badge just couldn't.

The bunny pets the bull's hand tenderly, "Oh no Bruno no problems here. Me and Mr. Toddworth were just having a nice gentlemanly chat is all."

The bull looks on concerned, not sure he should leave these two alone. "Well okay then, we're almost done here. I'm going back in to help the boys out with the last load then we can head out." Bruno glances down at Ralph, concerned for a moment before heading back into the house.

The rabbit grits his teeth as he frowns at the fox before him. "My brother in-law insists that you and your son should try to make peace, but I see things differently. If I had my way you'd never see your son again. Lucky for you that's not my call, but you will not be bothering him today or any time soon. It'll happen on his terms not yours." He spits the words out as if they taste bad. "Your son should have left you a note in the kitchen. Don't worry he'll be well taken care of, and will still be attending school." The fox is growing angry again, but just before his temper blows Bruno steps out of the doorway again, an older computer monitor in his arms. The sight of that hulking side of beef is enough to stop any outbursts. Right behind Bruno, lugging a garbage bag stuffed full of clothing comes Tommy. The young bunny squeaks and bolts for the back of the truck as he catches the older fox's eye. Finally John comes last carrying the rest of his computer, he doesn't even give his father a second glance as he climbs into the back of the truck with Tommy. The youngsters cuddle close, glad the truck's cap shields them from the fox's eyes. Bruno watches them for a second smiling before he latches the tailgate.

As the truck pulls out of the driveway, it's too much for the fox and his rage boils over. As they fade from view he's still screaming profanities and hurling curses after his son's new family.

A few hours later Bruno and Ralph have gone home but the boys are still hard at work. Most of Johnny's stuff is still in boxes and bags but the boys have managed to find room for it all, as well as school clothes for tomorrow. Over the next week or so they'll see to the unpacking, but for now they're just happy to be alone.

The fox lays back on what's now his bed, as Tommy snuggles close to him. He stares up at the still unfamiliar ceiling and sighs. "That was harder then I thought it would be." He feels the bunny shudder briefly at his side.

"I knew your dad never liked me love, but the look he gave me today..." The young hare shivers again just from the memory of that withering gaze.

The fox shushes the bunny, "Let's not think about it hon. We're together now and that's all that matters. I don't want my dad to ruin this moment." He sighs and nibbles on the bunny's ear.

Suddenly Tommy surprises the fox, rolling over onto him and straddling his waist. "Well, I do know something that can take our minds off the bad happenings of the day." He grins down at the fox through half lidded eyes as he whispers, "This is a new bed for us... maybe we should break it in?" He rubs his rear against the fox's growing bulge.

"Now that's a good idea. A little, or not so little, something to take our minds off my troubles." Says Johnny as he smiles at the bunny. The tip of his tail twitching like mad all the while. "But..."

Tommy in already in the process of stripping out of his shirt pauses halfway, his arms stuck over his head. "But what?" The little bunny whimpers.

The fox grins up at the bunny. "But it's my new bed that we're breaking in right? So if anyone's going to be fucked in it, it's gonna be me."

The bunny just giggles and slips off the bed, loving when Johnny talks dirty. The fox doesn't bother taking his time getting undressed. His shirt is tossed one way while his jeans and boxers are kicked off in another direction. The bunny works just as franticly, struggling out of those damn confining jeans when his erection keeps getting in the way. Tommy sighs as he climbs onto the bed, the springs singing out under his weight. Johnny pants softly in anticipation as his lover approaches. The bunny spreads Johnny's legs while carefully straddling the fox's tail. One paw softly stroking the fox's belly as the other guides the bunny's cock to that tight canine tail hole. The bunny teases his mate, slowly pressing into that ring of muscle but quickly relaxing before any penetration. The fox whimpers at his teasing love before a sly plan springs into action, he wraps his legs around the bunny's backside pushing the rabbit's cock into the eager young anus. Both boys moan softly as they come together, Johnny closes his eyes and just savors the feeling of having the rabbit he loves so close. Tommy rolls his hips, rocking gently into the panting fox. The boys are careful to keep the noise down, but the soft singing of the bed springs and their own panting and low moans betray what they're doing. With tender loving care, both of Tommy's paws find their way to the now fully erect fox cock before him. The bunny gently strokes his mate, his paws working along that length in time to his own thrusts. As the boys get closer and closer to their release, their pace picks up. As Tommy eagerly thrusts into his mate, those soft hands squeeze the fox's swollen knot. The bunny falls forward wrapping his arms around Johnny and kisses his lips passionately as he thrusts into him harder and harder. Their deep kiss stifles the loud moans as the boys climax, Tommy flooding the fox's bum with streams of hot bunny seed and Johnny coating their bellies, and matting their fur with his own sticky boy juices.

The boys lie there panting in each other's arms, just basking in the feeling of love. All too soon a female voice belts out from down stairs, "If you two are quite done up there, wash up, dinner is ready."


Jizzpaw By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading...

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A Real Soft Sell

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