The Lion King: Zazu's Pleasure Slave

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#3 of The Lion King: Zazu's Pleasure Slave

Two and a half hours have now passed. Will Mufasa truly go through with it and keep his promise? Will he bring Nala to Zazu so that he may defile her? What will Sarafina think!? Will she try to escape with her daughter!? Will she allow this to happen!? What will she say!? What will she do!? And What about Nala!? What will she do!? What will she say!? Will she allow this bird to do these disgusting things!? Read on to find out :)

Two and a half hours have now passed. Will Mufasa truly go through with it and keep his promise? Will he bring Nala to Zazu so that he may defile her? What will Sarafina think!? Will she try to escape with her daughter!? Will she allow this to happen!? What will she say!? What will she do!? And What about Nala!? What will she do!? What will she say!? Will she allow this bird to do these disgusting things!? Read on to find out :)

Written by: TheBlackMarten

Commissioned/Requested by Me

*Two and a half hours later*

If you were to ask the lion king his mood right at that particular moment, you wouldn't hear words like 'happy' or 'invigorated' or 'fine'. Instead you'd get a barrage of words like 'pensive', 'worried', 'irritated', 'wound-up', 'down-heartened', 'bleak', 'apprehensive', but you wouldn't get anything like the infectiously charismatic lion's usual jovial answer.

Mufasa walked at a steady pace as he made his way deeper into the darker recesses of the cave, the only light coming from small holes that travelled up to the surface, and the smell of stagnant humid air forcing its way up his nostrils despite his best attempts to ignore it. At least the ground beneath his feet was dry, but as luck would have it, it was also covered in a very thin layer of fine dust that stuck to his paw-pads as he walked through it. Maybe it was just his imagination, but even the hairs in his mighty mane seemed to droop in annoyance at its surroundings, his mane itself also carrying a thin layer of dust already, much like his short fur.

This particular cave was surprisingly large once you got inside, yet out of sight to anyone looking at pride rock, as the entrance to it resided cleverly hidden behind a small hill about a mile away from it, with the cave itself actually being both underground and even further away from pride rock. This made it the perfect spot to hide certain things that were either unwanted by the animals or needed to be hidden for their own sake. Previously Mufasa had actually used this cave to store the bodies of hyenas and other predators that he and his lionesses had killed when they didn't learn their lesson and leave the pride lands, and long before his own time it had been used to store food for the winter months, but the pride had since found another area under pride rock itself for that. As such, this cave had been virtually unused for a while now, and was only really patrolled once in a while anyway. Unless there was a real emergency, it was very unlikely that whoever came here would be disturbed.

Beneath his stoic expression, it made the king distinctly uneasy to be back in this cave, as it brought back many unfavourable memories of the hard times and tough choices he'd had to make to keep his family and his friends safe from harm in the past. He'd lost count years ago of how many times he'd had to make a choice that no-one else would be willing to make, or even have to make in their lifetimes, and now he was making another tough decision in order to keep his word as king.

He took a quick look behind him to find the object of his agreement walking close behind him; the small lioness cub seemed to be feeling slightly intimidated by her new surroundings and was staying close to her mother, Sarafina, who walked in line behind the infamous lion with her head nervously turning to look over her shoulder back to the mouth of the cave every few seconds. If he had to guess, he would say that she might be considering running out of her with her cub in tow, before turning back to look ahead of her and resuming her silent walk with the same agitated expression on her muzzle. He wouldn't really blame her if she did try it, but he really didn't want things to end up in an incident where he had to force anyone's co-operation. That could cause uproar across the pride lands if he did something like that without a good reason. Sarafina had already given her consent to him earlier, albeit after a rather lengthy and heated conversation, made even more heated by the fact that she had demanded that he mate her much more often for as long as this arrangement lasted, starting immediately.

Putting his mind to the task ahead, he started thinking of how best to deliver the news of her new duties to the female cub. As tasks come, this would be tough.

Nala was much smaller than either of the felines who had brought her here, still being very young even in comparison to some of the other cubs, as she was born quite late in the breeding season. Her fur was slightly lighter than the golden sheen that Mufasa bore, with the fur on her underbelly being lighter still, as was the case for all the lions in the pride. Her eyes were the same colour as the long dark green grass that covered the plains nearer to the watering holes, with black rounded pupils that radiated youthful innocence in the way they took in her new surroundings. It was clear to see in the condition of her fur that her mother cared for her child immensely. It might be better to be direct and firm with her, but he'd have to choose his words carefully. Noticing her cub's discomfort upon turning her head to look behind her yet again, Sarafina moved up alongside the lion king to whisper quietly in his ear so that her daughter wouldn't overhear their conversation.

"Mufasa, I understand that you must keep your word as king, and I know that I have given you my consent, but couldn't you wait a few days after you've told her rather than bringing her here unawares?"

The king looked over at the little cub, who was still keeping as little distance between the two adult lions and herself as possible, but at this moment was looking in awe as some of the stalactites that hung down from the ceiling; some had spider's webs woven between them that nearly glittered in the dim light making her stop for a moment to look at them closely, a characteristically childish inquisitiveness lighting up in her eyes every time she caught sight of something she hadn't seen before. "I never intended her to be here in the first place, but I assure you that I have made precautions to see that she is not harmed. She and Simba are very close, and I know that if I had said anything before this then she would have told him no matter what I said." The lion replied, if anything even quieter than the question, lest he end up frightening Nala unduly if she was closer to them inside the cave than he thought she was. Lion cubs had a habit of popping up right where you didn't want them to be in his experience.

"Then my daughter's safety is in your paws. But if that little bird goes too far and hurts her, even if I forfeit my right to stay in the pride lands as a result, I will devour him faster than he can scream for help." She said with a slight twinge of venom in her voice. Mufasa nodded his head in agreement, admiring the lioness mother's dedication to her cub.

"You certainly won't be punished for doing so if he does breach our agreement." he said solemnly, "I may have known him for as long as my memory extends, but if he hurts Nala deliberately then he will no longer be the friend I once knew." Perhaps fittingly, Mufasa stepped on a small twig about the size of a bird's neck the instant after saying this, snapping it clean in half beneath his paw without feeling a thing.

Sarafina remained silent after this, choosing to simply walk alongside her male lion until they arrived at their destination. Mufasa's words always carried a weight with them, having never told a lie in his lifetime the strong lion never said anything that wasn't what he truly thought, and being the king he had no reason to lie in the first place; hearing him say that he would not forgive Zazu if he hurt Nala was enough proof for Sarafina that he would intervene on her behalf if it came to that. After a few minutes more of near silent walking beneath the handing stalactites, they came to an opening in the cave wall that revealed another tunnel, the three of them stopping once they had reached it. The large male lion looked over to Sarafina and nodded, the lioness returning his gesture before bending down to nuzzle her cub affectionately. Nala nuzzled her mother back almost instantly, loving the attention.

"I have to leave now Nala, but you have to be a good girl and do whatever Mufasa tells you, okay?"

The smaller lioness looked up nervously at her mother, a little scared of being here without her, taking a moment to make herself look brave before answering. "Okay mom".

With that, Sarafina gave her cub a last lick on her cheek before turning around walking back the way she came, being lost from their sight within a matter of seconds. The little cub had no time to look longingly in the direction her mother went however, as a gentle nudge from Mufasa's paw ushered her into the tunnel before them. She gave no resistance to his unspoken command, the lion's comparatively huge frame making him a very intimidating sight to her young eyes. It wasn't that she feared him, more that she knew there was no way to outsmart or outrun him, as she'd tried both before while she'd played with Simba.

Once again the walk was silent except for their practically inaudible steps on the dirty rock beneath them, but now they had far less room either side of them. The air also carried a funny smell with it, one that Nala couldn't place, and that Mufasa recognised instantly. This time when they reached the end of the tunnel, it open up into a small dome shaped room with a raised stone plinth in the middle, which was illuminated by one of the small holes that let light, and just enough air to breathe, in. Some of the dust kicked up by their arrival floated through the beam of light, providing a nice display as the particles shone in the early afternoon light. Nala couldn't see anything else in here that would give her a clue as to why she had been brought here, no smell of another animal, no sound of someone trying to hide, no large rocks that could have something hidden behind them, nothing. The little cub was visibly perplexed, one of her ears folding back in bewilderment.

"I take it that you're confused as to why I brought you here?" came Mufasa's deep voice of from behind her. Nala turned around and sat down, looking up at him expectantly and waiting for him to continue.

"You already know about what happens between a male lion and a lioness when they like each other, as I've already told you this myself. Under normal circumstances, I would have prepared you more before exposing you to such things, but things have changed without my prior knowledge. As of today, your main task is to perform these acts to please Zazu, whenever he wants you to do them, and however he wants you to do them."

The lioness cub's face almost drained of blood upon hearing this; disgusted by the thought of doing such things with the arrogant hornbill of all animals, she was about to utter an objection, but the large lion carried on with delivering her duties to her before she could formulate a response.

"You are not allowed to reveal the details of your duties to anyone, especially Simba, for 4 full seasons; then, if you can convince my son to ask me to stop these duties, then they will stop as soon as he asks me. There is one more term to your agreement though..."

Nala pricked her ears up, bracing herself to hear the worst part of the agreement. The taller lion licked his lips to moisten them before finishing his sentence. "If you start a relationship with Simba, then you will not have to carry out your duties to Zazu anymore."

"Huh?!" the little lioness exclaimed. Surely she'd heard that wrong? It had to be some kind of trick on words? That last part just had to be her imagining things, right? "Excuse me?" she asked nervously. Mufasa smiled warmly as he caught the cute look of hope in the cub's eyes.

"Just as I said Nala, all you have to do is mate with Simba and you will be free of this extra duty. You didn't think that I would make you do this without having a way out of it did you? Zazu agreed that he couldn't interfere with your relationship with Simba, but he forgot to ask if he could still have you when you and my son finally become male and female; I take care of all my subjects, and that includes you Nala."

Nala's face burst into a smile at the realisation that she could still get out of this bad situation, and even more so that Mufasa was okay with her being with Simba. Secretly she had really wanted to be with Simba since she found out about mating (particularly wanting to try out some of the 'moves' that her mother described from time to time), but she was known amongst the lionesses as being the only cub that was as much trouble as the future king himself, so she hadn't thought that she would be allowed to be his mate. She'd caught him looking once or twice, but hadn't dared to try anything behind the king's back.

Her momentary joy was shattered the next moment by the unmistakable sarcastic voice that came from the plinth behind her.

"You truly are a clever cat, you know that?"

Nala and Mufasa simultaneously looked over to see Zazu standing on the edge of the plinth with his wings folded and a very annoyed look on his face. Mufasa realised that he must have flown straight down the air hole and heard them talking on his way down, as there was no way he could have snuck up from behind him; far from the irritated look that Zazu was hoping to achieve, the king's face only brightened further on seeing the hornbill's displeasure.

"Now now Zazu, you made no argument against it, so the only one you have to blame is yourself."

Nala held back the very strong urge to stick her tongue out and blow a loud raspberry at the little hornbill, quietly happy that this most likely wouldn't last as long as she hoped, but decided not to anger him right at this moment as she remembered what was in store for her.

Zazu looked about ready to blow his top in rage at the indignity of being completely outwitted, but caught himself at the last moment, remembering who he was addressing, and opted instead to smooth his feathers back down again and bow in his practiced manner to the lion king.

"Well then sire, I will not argue with your word, but am I ready to take delivery of my reward?"

The hornbill looked slyly over at the lioness cub as he finished, making Nala gulp and remind herself to find Simba as soon as she could and start sweet-talking him, the moment he was within sight, even if she had to pin him down.

"You know your task Nala..." Mufasa said, looking down at her to check that she was as comfortable as she could be in the circumstances. She replied with a small smile before starting to walk towards the plinth with her head hung down in reluctant acceptance of what was to come. The large male lion now turned his gaze back to the hornbill, his expression now deadly serious.

"...and you know our agreement Zazu. Not a scratch or I will take her away and do what you've done to her to you. Doubled. Do I make myself clear?" he said with a definite touch of threat in his tone.

The small multi-coloured bird, visibly shaken by the king's direct warning, nodded once before righting himself from his bow. Both his eyes and Nala's followed Mufasa as he get to he turned around and left back down the tunnel. As he made his way further from them, he heard fragments of conversation between the two, but made no real effort to listen in or try to interpret what was happening; instead, to ease the burden on his mind, he now pre-occupied his thoughts with his son, after all he sent his beautiful mate Sarabi to 'teach' him about the more pleasurable things in life about an hour ago. The sooner he learned how to mate like a lion, the sooner Nala would be free as well.

If he knew Sarabi half as well as well as he thought he did, he had no doubt that if Simba was a virgin when he woke up this morning, he wouldn't be by sunset.

*Back in the underground chamber*

"Well then my dear, come up onto this rock so that I can inspect my reward." Zazu said in a low, horny voice, indicating the plinth with a wave of his wing. Nala unwillingly did as she was bid, leaping up onto the plinth to land next to the small bird and walking to the centre, where she stopped and held her tail up high like she'd seen the older lionesses do for Mufasa in the hopes that it did the same for him so she could leave. Zazu seemed quite pleased with her when she did this, as he started to walk in circles around her, examining the female cub closely which only made her even more nervous than she already was, not that he paid her any heed.

Zazu, conversely, was overjoyed by the turnout. Nala was in very good physical condition from being a very active young cub that was endlessly bouncing with energy, and despite the play-fights she constantly had with Simba there wasn't a scratch to be seen on her entire body. As for her figure, she was still quite young but already the sleek shape of a fully grown lioness was starting to make itself known, with her cute face showing the beginnings of a great predator with her vicious teeth and keen eyes getting more noticeable by the day, and her back legs just starting to lengthen along with the rest of her body to allow her to sprint after the fastest of her prey.

Under normal circumstances, Zazu might have been intimidated by these signs of a future hunter for the pride, but all these features did for him now was to turn him on even more. He'd chosen Nala because she was right at the cusp of becoming a young adult, still young enough to have that innocent and cute aura around her, but with that hint of rebellion (okay, a tidal surge in Nala's case) that gave her an attractive 'trouble-maker' personality from his point of view, as long as he didn't have to deal with her all the time; the perfect balance between dangerous and delightful.

Having waited for so long to be able to do this, it didn't take long for him to get straight to the point, walking around behind her and getting a good long look between her legs. He liked what he saw: a healthy looking, pink-lipped pussy aligned with puffy light-furred outer lips, along with an immaculately clean tail hole nestled just above; both of these delights being sandwiched between the two firm cheeks that made up her fine rump, each one starting to show the outlines of muscle beneath the fur since the baby fat she was born with had been lost months ago.

"You have a nice backside Nala. Now shake it for me" the hornbill calmly ordered her, wanting to see her 'assets' in action. Still just wanting for this all to be over, the little lioness complied by shaking her backside slowly from side to side and swinging her tail along with it, giving the hornbill a spectacular view of how her sex parts were slightly distended by the movement of her hips, making him practically drool when he saw the light yellow fur of her pussy lips shift slightly as the soft flesh rubbed against itself. He felt his avian cock really start to harden as he caught the low light glistening off her pink inner lips on a particular sway. He needed something to take the pressure off after seeing that!

Reaching down with one of his wings, he proceeded to grasp his member in readiness to start stroking himself off, but then paused for a moment as a thought occurred to him. Why was he pleasing himself when he had a pleasure slave right in front of him?

With a cunning smile, Zazu removed the wing from his member, letting the semi-hard length bob between his legs, before calling over to the lioness cub still swaying her butt back and forth in front of him.

"I've seen enough, now come and lick my manhood." He stated bluntly.

"You want me to what!?!" Nala replied with a shocked look over her shoulder.

"Simple" the hornbill replied, beckoning her over with a curl of one of his feathers. "I want you to lick my shaft until it is as hard as it will get, and if I desire it then you will suck on it and swallow any fluids that I give you." At first she was slightly scared by the thought of having to actually put Zazu's cock in her mouth, fearful that she might accidentally scrape him with her teeth and end up being punished, but then she caught sight of Zazu's member. It was quite thin in relation to its length, and was almost perfectly straight leading up to a pointed tip, but there was no ball sack as there was with lions. She didn't know much about what males were supposed to look like down there, but even she was able to make at least one comparison with the hornbill, tilting her head to the side as she regarded his length.

*Simba's gotta be way bigger than that*

Growing impatient, and having a good idea of what the little lioness was thinking, Zazu beckoned her over again with a wave of his wing. Nala reluctantly turned around and crawled forwards until she was face-to-tip with his cock. Trying not to think about what she was doing, Nala then let her tongue extend from her mouth and travel his entire length in a single lick, making Zazu sigh in relief at the much needed attention. Confident that she hadn't done anything wrong, she repeated the motion, earning a slightly bigger reaction from the bird this time. After this she settled down into a steady pattern of licks, making sure to get all sides of his member in the process.

There wasn't really any taste to his member at all, but his pre-cum was already starting to leak from the tip, providing a bitter and salty morsel for Nala every once in a while as she tended to him. She really didn't want to have the thin fluid in her mouth, let alone swallow it, but made sure to lick up every drop she was provided with as she had been instructed. It felt gross going down her throat, but at the very least did nothing that made her feel sick, telling her that it wasn't doing her any harm. Zazu's mental willpower was close to breaking; a very long time of getting no sex at all because of his job, combined with that rough feline tongue had almost brought him to his peak already. The long time without any kind of real stimulation had left very sensitive to even the softest of touches to his length, and now that he had a wet and eager tongue running up its length all of a sudden, his resistance was shattered. He wasn't about to miss out on one of his fantasies now he had the opportunity though, and rather than shooting off over her face, he instead opted to have Nala change tactics.

"Okay Nala, now put my member in your mouth, and suck on it hard until something comes out of it, and don't let any of it out of your mouth until I'm finished" he ordered with heated breath at Nala's ministrations.

Doing as she was told once again, the lioness cub reluctantly opened her mouth and sucked the bird's cock into her warm, wet opening. She had barely sucked on it three times before she felt Zazu clench up and moan above her, and felt him shoot a thicker and much saltier liquid straight to the back of her mouth. The strong taste of it made her want to gag, but thankfully due to his species and relative size, there wasn't too much of it, so she let it pool in her mouth while he came, swallowing it once she thought he had let most of it out.

Soon enough, the hornbill stopped cumming inside Nala's mouth, and thanks to the large build-up to this, he was still as hard as he could ever remember being in his life. Nala hadn't noticed that he'd stopped yet, so let her continue sucking him for a few moments just for fun. She looked so submissive sucking on him with her nose buried in his crotch.

"Good job Nala, now turn away from me and show me your rear-end like you did before." The little lioness pulled back from his cock and gulped down what cum was left over in her mouth before turning her body around so that she presented her hindquarters to him just as she had before. Once Zazu was satisfied she was in the right position, he gave her another order.

"Now you will stay still no matter what I do to you."

She briefly wandered what he meant by that, her mind racing through possibilities for his next actions; some violent, some pleasant, and some disgusting. Then she suddenly felt his talons dig into her backside as he lined himself up with her virgin pussy, rubbing the tip of his member up and down her previously untouched lips to lubricate himself for easier entry. A twinge of fear shot through her at the thought of what he was about to do, having heard from the other lionesses that the first time was usually quite painful if they hadn't been prepared for it. Her breath caught as she felt him line himself up at just the right angle to enter her and lodge his cock just inside her warm folds, holding onto her tail with his wings for better leverage to penetrate her.

"Ready or not Nala, here I come!" the hornbill exclaimed, driving his entire length into her in one stroke.

Zazu Takes Nala's Virginity

Nala cried out in pain at his entry; his size gave her no cause for concern, but the feeling of having her inner folds parted in such a new way had taken her completely by surprise, forcing never before used muscles to spring into action. A new rush of guilt entered her mind as she realised that Zazu had just stolen the virginity that she had promised herself was Simba's, and she didn't even argue against it, not a single word. She almost felt like crying at losing something so precious, but had been taught by her mother to never show her tears to anyone that didn't deserve them.

Not a single tear fell.

The hornbill didn't wait for her permission, gripping her butt and tail and starting to thrust into her at a moderate pace right from the start. She felt so unbelievably tight around him, but she was also so wonderfully slick inside, causing him no trouble as he plunged himself inside her innocent slit repeatedly. It didn't escape his notice that she seemed to become ever so slightly wetter as he humped her, a quiet squelching sound making itself known between her legs after a short while. "You're such a tight little kitty; I'll enjoy you for a long time to come my dear" he teased.

Nala blushed in humiliation at his words. In truth, while she was certain that this would feel much better with a male lion, the movements of his cock inside her warm canal were starting to have an effect on her after a few minutes. It wasn't so much that it stimulated everywhere inside her (far from it in reality), but rather that it changed angle slightly with every entry, rubbing against a new part of her sex every time he re-entered. It was like the seediest guessing game imaginable trying to work out which part of her tight tunnel he would hit next. She tried her best to ignore it, to pretend it wasn't happening, but with every thrust he made it got harder and harder.

As for Zazu, he loved the feeling of having such a tight, young lover to treat as he wished. For one thing, the female birds would never do the things he'd asked Nala to do. He loved the way she unintentional clenched around his cock every once in a while, how she let out little squeaks as they mated, and the feeling of her soft fur beneath his feet. Also, there was no risk a pregnancy with a lioness for his pleasure, so he could go as fast as he liked and not have to worry about pulling out. Wanting to get the most out of his reward, Zazu started to speed up his thrusting, desperate to achieve his peak inside this beautiful little lioness while he had her to himself. Nala cried out at the change of pace, unable to ignore the increase in pleasure anymore and actually starting to clench against him out of her own free will. She felt so dirty for liking this, like she was betraying what she had been brought up to do by wanting it, but there was no escaping it. She even let a few small moans escape her muzzle, but Zazu was too busy to notice.

Faster and faster the little hornbill screwed her, not the least bit concerned whether she was close or not, only focusing on his own pleasure. He was so close now, her clenching had brought him right to the edge of his orgasm, and now it was time to claim what he wanted.

"Take my cum Nala, take it all!" he shouted, driving himself all the way inside her and holding himself there as he jetted out his seed into her young vagina in short, powerful jets. Nala's face clenched up at the feeling of him releasing his warm, sticky fluid inside her; triggering her first orgasm with a male as she felt it start to accumulate inside her passage, adding her own female fluids to the potent mixture. The quivering of her pussy walls only served to draw more cum from the hornbill's cock, painting her insides with his essence; which in return drew more fluids from her in a vicious cycle of pleasure.

After a while, his flow of stick hornbill seed stopped, and he slowly removed himself from her tight pink lips, letting a small but attractive creampie flow out of her used womanhood, and drip onto the stone surface beneath them, drip by creamy white drip.

"A very nice view I must say Nala. As soon as you've licked me back to full hardness, I shall do that again I think." Zazu said, stepping back to admire his own handywork, already getting worked up for a second round.

And so it went on all afternoon. Zazu would force her to give him oral sex to get him hard, and then he would have her raise her cute little bottom for him so that he could hump her tight pussy until he came inside her, time and time again, never once pulling out of her. After the first few times, which still brought her some small amount of pain, Nala found that she no longer disliked it, and actually started getting into it as well; she teased him as they mated, clenched him to see how fast she could make him cum, and by the end of the evening even sat on him and rode his small length until he passed out. He actually looked slightly unnerved by how horny she was as she turned the tables on him.

Despite all of this pleasure she had received from him however, as she walked out of the cave with bird cum dripping exquisitely from her femininity, it wasn't the hornbill that occupied her mind. Instead her thoughts were dominated by her handsome friend, Simba, and imagining how much better his thick cock would feel inside her, and how much more enjoyable it would be to do this with someone she truly cared for.

She looked up at pride rock as she approached it, wondering if he was thinking of her in the same way right now, if he was imagining doing dirty things to her as well. She knew from the games they played that he had just as much energy as her, so she could go all day with him if she wanted, maybe even longer?

Unbeknownst to the little lioness however, right now the young future king was getting some stern 'motherly advice' from Sarabi, and was most likely not going to up at his usual early time tomorrow. To be continued....

The Lion King: Zazu's Choice/Reward

It's been two sunsets since the promise from Mufasa of a reward of anything Zazu desires. What could he possibly ask for? Will he have Scar Banished? Will he have Scar killed and turned into a nice throw rug? Will he ask for early retirement with a...

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The Lion King: A Quiet Agreement

Warning: this story contains sexual activity, some of it unconsensual, between characters that are not of the legal age to perform such acts. This is a work of fiction, and these acts are not supported, encouraged, recommended or endorsed by the...

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The Lion King: Nala Escapes!

Nala was never as grateful as she was as she made fast tracks across the dying and drying grasslands to get away from Pride Rock. One of the other lionesses had been good enough to waylay Banzai and the other hyenas so the smaller lionesses' presence...

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