The Lion King: Zazu's Choice/Reward

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#2 of The Lion King: Zazu's Pleasure Slave

It's been two sunsets since the promise from Mufasa of a reward of anything Zazu desires. What could he possibly ask for? Will he have Scar Banished? Will he have Scar killed and turned into a nice throw rug? Will he ask for early retirement with a nice nesting tree as a bonus? Or Perhaps he will ask for something more than that? Read on to find out :)

It's been two sunsets since the promise from Mufasa of a reward of anything Zazu desires. What could he possibly ask for? Will he have Scar Banished? Will he have Scar killed and turned into a nice throw rug? Will he ask for early retirement with a nice nesting tree as a bonus? Or Perhaps he will ask for something more than that? Read on to find out :)

Written by: TheBlackMarten

Commissioned/Requested by Me

*Two days later, almost exactly at midday*

Zazu flew quickly across the meadow, keeping low to the ground to reduce drag caused by the air and doing his best to avoid the low flying insects in his path. Fortunately it was just the right temperature for flying that day, hot enough that he had some thermals to ride and get some altitude but not so hot that he was getting unduly tired, and thanks to a clear blue sky there was almost no humidity. He ignored these little facts however, only thinking about what he'd chosen to ask the king for as his reward.

He'd made his mind up on the king's offer, and was absolutely certain that his desire was something that surpassed anything else he could think of, as well as being something that would most likely last longer. It was something he knew he wouldn't get any other way than this, something that would cause great anger if he asked anybody else for it, and that would keep him occupied for a good long time to come if the king agreed.

Swerving up over a particularly large (and from his point of view, unnecessary) molehill, he caught sight of the king waiting for him in a clearing up ahead, that bright red mane was completely unmistakable but also far from something to be ridiculed. Zazu had heard chatter from some of the flamingos that passed through on occasion that quite a few wished they could have feathers in that colour. His back was currently facing the small bird, outlining the predators stocky shoulder muscles, but Zazu knew from past experiences that he had most likely known he was approaching for some time now.

"Hello Zazu", Mufasa called over his back, confirming the hornbill's suspicions almost as soon as he comprehended them.

"Have you been able to bring an answer for me today?" the lion asked getting straight to the point but without any trace of irritation in his voice, obviously making no attempt to avoid his offer to his friend. Zazu flew into the lion's field of view by arching around to his left and alighting on a dead log before answering his king's question.

"Yes, I do as a matter of fact." The small hornbill said with a sly look in his eye as he turned to face the lion while brushing his feathers back into shape, his tone of voice suggesting that his choice wasn't going to be something miniscule. The much larger predator arched an eyebrow as he looked down at his little friend.

"Oh? Then let me hear it." Mufasa replied

"Very well sire, I wish for you to give me a personal servant, specifically a lion female that I might use for my own pleasure whenever I desire it, however I wish." That got the king's attention. He had silently expected his request to be used in this way by his old friend, in the sense that he had expected the request for sex, but he hadn't quite expected him to so forwardly demand that a lion female be handed over to him; the hornbill had a well known fear of predators and tended to do his utmost to stay on the pride's good side for 'mutual protection'.

The king had never forced any female in his pride and had no intention of doing so, which made this request all the more difficult to carry out covertly, but not impossible. Certainly there were a few of his breeding lionesses for him to choose from. However, it then dawned on him that the hornbill most likely didn't want a fully grown lioness.

"I take it that you will want a particularly young lioness, or even a cub?" Mufasa asked in a level voice, showing no sign of his mood, positive or negative, whatsoever; instead running through all the possibilities of whom the hornbill could ask for in his mind.

"What makes you say that?" Zazu squawked, rather taken aback by the king's sharp perception of his intentions. Not to sing his own praises, but he was the royal negotiator on many subjects, and considered himself rather adept at handling conversations even with the most calculating of minds such.

As his own reply, Mufasa opted for a visual demonstration. The lion king moved a strong paw down to his hefty sheath that hung between his legs and with a small movement of his digits, squeezed out his massive member, the large red organ not just dwarfing the hornbill's male pride, but the hornbill himself. "Size difference" the king said with a very child-like grin spread across his muzzle in almost the exact same manner as his son.

The embarrassment was very clear to read on Zazu's face, any shred of an ego that the bird had for himself as a male now shattered by two words, his self-confidence deflated by an insurmountable show of ability by a far more endowed male. Coughing once in an attempt to push his humiliation to the back of his mind, the blue feathered bird continued hastily before the lion had a chance to rub it in any further.

"Be that as it may sire, I wish for Nala specifically to be my personal pleasure from today."

"What?" Mufasa said incredulously with a slight hint of anger finding its way into his voice, making Zazu jump quite considerably at the king's reaction, hoping that he hadn't gone too far. Upsetting the king was something he considered countless other animals foolish for doing as he'd seen the consequences, but with a request as sordid as what he'd asked for, he was suddenly very concerned for his wellbeing, even as meagre a meal for the lion as he would be. Inside his head however, far from considering eating the small flyer, Mufasa was carefully weighing up his options with meticulous attention to detail while keeping his fearsomely focused gaze fixed on the hornbill.

Nala wasn't exactly special in terms of ability or looks for a lion cub; in fact she was rather plain in comparison to many of the lionesses he'd fathered as a king, many had sleeker bodies or softer fur and obeyed instructions more reliably, which confused him as to why Zazu would pick her. However, he knew she and his son Simba shared a very strong bond, probably because they shared this rebellious streak, and he had planned to use that strong bond to his advantage in a few months time by committing Simba's first sexual experience to her; it would make the young male lion's first time much comfortable for him if it was with a female that he cared for, but of course as he hadn't told anybody about this plan, Zazu didn't know about it.

Sexual experience and activity was essential in order for the pride to grow and survive out here as many of the hunting lions tended to get badly injured if they hunted very large prey; so for generations in the Lion king's family the young had been taught about the things that males and females do from an early age, and far from things collapsing as a result of this, it had actually strengthened them as a group due to the closer relationships born from this. The females weren't complaining about it either. As such, the age barrier wasn't as much an issue for him as was the well-being of the young female.

Originally he had planned for Nala to be a Virgin so that Simba would have nothing to worry about as a male on his first time, which was what had irked him about Zazu's request along with the moral problem, as there was nothing that put down a male's pride more than having a female tell him that he wasn't up to scratch as a lover. However he did have a second plan to fall back on.

The alternative was that Sarabi, Simba's mother and his closest companion, could show him exactly how a male lion treats a female in a very 'paws-on' approach, actually he would probably learn a lot more on how to please a lioness that way as well, as he would be learning from a very experienced female who cared for him more than her own life. He would also get the added benefit of having his virginity taken away by a lioness that would do her best to help him become a better lover by showing him exactly what he needed to do rather than just making vague demands for him to improve, just what he needed at this early stage in his life. Now that he reconsidered it, he wondered why he hadn't thought of doing that from the beginning.

He could always sneak Nala away from Zazu later on for some private time with his son after all. He still planned for the two to become close in the long run, as even though he was wise in many aspects and strong fighter, he still needed someone to confide in every now and then. He doubted that Simba would be any different than him in that respect and Nala suited that role perfectly; he could re-introduce the two at a later date when they were both experienced enough to not have to worry about the other's performance.

Keeping his expression completely unreadable to the small blue feathered bird in front of him, Mufasa lifted his head up, bringing himself to his full height before his small companion, his large stature lending its impressive impact to his next words. "Very well Zazu, I've never broken a promise to another creature before and I am not about to start. However, I will only agree on two conditions." Zazu cocked his head to one side in curiosity, listening very closely to the large feline as his delivered his term for their agreement. "If at any point my son Simba wishes for you to stop this arrangement for any reason, or wishes to mate with Nala when you want to do so as well, you may not attempt to stop him or interfere with them. I will make this fair by not informing him of your request until 4 seasons have passed, and I will attempt to ensure Nala does the same, but my condition still stands if Simba discovers this early. His word on this is final.

"Also, you are not allowed to physically injure Nala in any visible or non visible way, just as she is to take care of your needs, you are to take care of her as you performs whichever acts you wish upon her. You may use her for your sexual desires, not for your pent up anger or frustration. "Do you agree to this?"

In truth, Zazu was a little annoyed that Mufasa was putting his own son before him in this request, but the small bird understood that he would probably do the same thing himself if he were in the lion's position; the young prince was young and disruptive but he was also a quick learner, and showed many of the traits that Zazu had observed in Mufasa as a youth, and, if he was honest, as an adult. Also his request was bordering on a capitally punishable crime in the pride lands, so he really had no room to complain. So rather than risking the king's wrath by demanding any more of him, the hornbill nodded his head in calm acceptance of the terms he had been handed, spreading his wings out behind him in the bird equivalent of a bow.

"I agree sire, the young prince must come first if we are to have hope for the future" Zazu said gratefully.

"Very well, go back to pride rock and wait for me at the cave of Held Breaths; I have one more small matter to attend to out here, and then I will bring Nala to you as swiftly as possible for your use", Mufasa added, his ear flicking to the almost silent sounds of another creature approaching. Zazu hadn't noticed them as his hearing wasn't anywhere near as acute as the lion's, but sensed that the king no longer wished to continue their conversation.

"I look forward to it sire, see you there" the hornbill replied eagerly before flapping his wings and disappearing back into the sky in a flurry of brightly coloured feathers and kicked up dust from his take-off.

Once Mufasa was sure that Zazu had left, he got to his feet and turned in the direction of the sounds he had heard moments ago, sniffing the air as he did. Listening closely the precise sounds of each footstep, he was able to work out that the approaching animal was approximately his size, maybe slightly smaller. However, the wind was blowing in from his side at the moment, stopping the creature's scent from reaching him at the moment.

After a while he caught sight of movement in the grass, a flash of yellow between the swaying sheets of green. The king stood stock still, digging his claws into the earth in preparation to strike first at whoever was daring to sneak up on him.

Seconds later, a fortunate change in the wind brought the creature's scent to his nose.

Relaxing his body instantly, the lion sat back down on his hindquarters and waited for his guest to arrive, flicking his tail idly to a rhythm that seemed to pop into his head every now and then, now with his signature grin back on his regal muzzle. After a few moments had passed, the attractive muzzle, intoxicating eyes and sleek golden fur that belonged to life-mate, Sarabi, parted the grass in front of him, bringing with it her well kept figure that never seemed to diminish no matter how many sunrises they saw. She was actually slightly older than him in all honesty, but years of being the leader of the main hunting pack had shaped her into the very essence of a perfect lioness, and birthing his cubs on more than one occasion hadn't even dented her beauty.

Even if he hadn't seen the look of pure lust on her face as she approached him, the heavy spicy scent that mixed into her natural musk would have told him what she wanted in no uncertain terms. She wanted a male, and a damn horny one.

The horny lioness prowled closer to him with almost hurried steps, her eyes narrowed and focused on his already bulging sheath and sizeable white furred ball sack. Once she came within range of him, she drew herself up and nuzzled her male affectionately, rubbing her nose deep into his mane and immersing herself in the scent of the male that chosen to spend her life with, begging him to give her what she needed.

Mufasa happily returned the gesture, nuzzling his own muzzle back against her neck and softly licking her throat, drawing a moan from his excited female. After about a minute of this re-affirmation of their bond, with a little foreplay mixed in for fun, he leaned in close and whispered to her.

"My dear, I believe I have found something very entertaining for you to do with our son. Allow me to show you what he'll do to you if you ask for it."

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