Fur Olympics Part 10 - Sybaritic Passion

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#13 of Fur Olympics

Phew this was fun heh, a bit of a diversion here so enjoy. It's pretty sexy I'm hoping and has a strange ending to it.

P.S. If there are any mistakes in this, then it is because I am way to tired to to read through it lol

Some muscle worship, pleasure etc so press back if you hate it :P

After leaving the airport for the day, Toqeira and Chet were walking to the beach front with the sun low in the sky. The temperatures were still hot, but a more manageable 28 degrees Celsius. As they got to the beach road, the burly reptile-tiger turned to Chet and put his hand on the stallions shoulder. 'Are you ready to see the car I bought then Chet?'

'I am, I'm curious as to what kind of cars you are into heh.'

'Well, follow me I asked the delivery to be taken to the bar we are going to.' Toqeira led Chet along the beach front, which was littered with many muscle furs who themselves could compete in the Olympics. At the end of the street, Toqeira had his vehicle parked up on a trailer under a cover safely. As they both got closer, Chet took note of the big shape and began thinking and guessing as to what it might be. 'Ok, close your eyes Chet and no peaking heh.' As Chet did this, the tiger unclipped the cover and revealed what he had bought. The stallion opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows at the site of a Jeep Wrangler which had been lifted and also had an amazing livery. 'Well, what do you think?' Toqeira asked with a grin.

'Wow, a Jeep Wrangler. How did you get it lifted?'

'I got it from the same place that Kauto got his truck, I ordered it online and they sent it here this morning. I came here about four o'clock to collect it heh.' The tiger chuckled. Chet walked around the tall vehicle and awed at the stripes and the huge chunky off-road tyres. As he was, Toqeira watched his tail swish from side to side.

'It certainly suits you, have you made sure it supports your weight? I mean in a good way heh.'

'Haha, yeah the suspensions' been beefed up loads. Oh and Chet, you might like the engine.' The tiger moved round to the front and opened up the engine compartment to reveal the seven litre Corvette engine with hidden turbos. As Chet walked in next to him, Toqeira placed a hand on the chestnut stallions' shoulder. 'Do you like the gold engine block? It's similar to the Mclaren F1 as a heat shield.'

'That's cool, what's the horsepower?'

'Err......if I remember correctly it's around six fifty ish.' Chet gave a hearty smile just as a buzzing noise came from Toqeira's shorts pocket. 'Oh, excuse me a second Chet heh.' On the phone, the tiger was greeted by none other than Maiden. On the phone, the wolf told Toqeira that they were heading back to the hotel. 'Awe you're not coming, what's wrong?'

'Well, Kauto's not feeling too good. Is it ok if we do this tomorrow, we might have something to celebrate as well.'

'Err, sure ok. I hope he gets better quickly, I guess we'll see you back at the hotel later.' Toqeira said feeling let down some.

'Yeah I guess so, I'm really sorry to let you down like this. But he's kinda had some bad mouthed wolves having a go at him, and well you guess what happened and how he's now feeling.' Maiden said in the back of the car behind a very angry stallion behind the steering wheel.

'Ah ok, no worries. We'll see you later.' Toqeira finished his call and turned to Chet who put his hand on the tigers' big shoulder. 'I guess we should go back to the hotel, would you like to drive Chet?'

'Huh?' Chet reacted in a rather shocked manner.

'Would you like to be the first one to drive my Wrangler?'

'But you haven't driven it yet.'

'Oh I'll have plenty of chances to drive it Chet, come on I insist. You can drive it and us back to the hotel if you'd like?'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, go on hop in.' After a rub on the back from the tiger, Chet sat behind the wheel and revved up the Corvette engine. The loud, deep bellow rumbled through them both. Feeling a little edgy, Chet put his hoof on the pedal and took the first few miles easily before he quickly got used to the big Wrangler.

'This is nice to drive, the engine isn't as vicious as I was expecting.'

'Oh that's good, I was hoping it wasn't overly powerful.' The burly tiger leaned over to Chet and suddenly began stroking his mane as he looked at the rev gauge. Chet folded his ears back and leaned his head to the side. All the way to the hotel, Toqeira smoothly stroked the chestnut stallions' mane. As they parked up in the car park next to the Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale of Kauto and Maiden's, Chet thanked Toqeira for allowing him to drive his Wrangler first. But as they walked into the hotel, Chet suddenly remembered his Shelby was still at the stadium. Toqeira turned though and noticed it parked up beside Kauto's lifted truck. 'Chet don't worry, it's over by the truck.' Toqeira placed an arm over Chet's shoulder to calm him.

'Oh few, I guess one of the others drove it back. Hmm strange heh.' Heading inside and up the stairs, Chet watched as Toqeira playfully swayed his tail from side to side. Without realising, Toqeira accidentally flicked the stallions' nose with the tip of his tail. He turned quickly and apologized with an arm over Chet's big shoulder while rubbing his soft nose gently.

'Sorry about that Chet, I forget sometimes how long my tail is heh.'

'Heh, I was maybe a little close.' The two nosed and headed for a refreshing shower, to cool off from the desperately hot temperatures outside. As they walked past Maidens' room, the Sabre-Wolf came out and bumped into the reptilian tiger. With quick reactions, Maiden caught Toqeira before he fell into the wall.

'Are you ok Toqeira? I'm really sorry about that.'

'I'm ok, man you're certainly someone I'd not want to tackle heh.'

''Heh, well it's the same for me with you buddy. Plenty of muscle strength to knock a wolf off his feet hehe. What are you guys doing by the way?'

'Oh, err we were......just about to have a shower to cool down.'

'Ah ok, well enjoy yourselves guys.' Maiden patted Toqeira on the back and nuzzled Chet before creaking the wood as he went down for a bite to eat. The tiger and stallion headed for the shower room not realising they had an arm around each other. In the shower room, Chet quickly hopped into one of the showers and switched it on to moderately cool. While standing under the running water, the stallion caught a glimpse of Toqeira stretching his upper body before going into a shower opposite. When the tiger began to purr, Chet shivered slightly before melting again just like he did at the airport. Toqeira looked over to the stallion before walking over and seeing him with bright red cheeks.

'Chet are you ok? You're looking.......flush almost.' The stallion turned and looked at the big tiger with the cool water running down his warm face and soft muzzle.

'I was just wondering, you stretch a lot Toqeira. Do you always stretch before a shower?'

'Err...........I guess I do heh. Why I wasn't making you feel uneasy or anything was I? I didn't mean to if I did.'

'Oh no, no. I err............I thought you looked quite good.' Chet said with a small grin.

'Awe thanks heh, you look good too. As ripped as ever I'd say.' Toqeira rubbed Chet's mane again just as the stallion took a step towards him and nipped gently at his pecs over the shower door. As he did, the tiger flexed his chest some and rippled the thick, hard muscles at the touch of the stallion's soft lips. Toqeira leaned over slightly and took a deep sniff of Chet's mane, taking in the soaking wet horse scent. 'Wow, this may sound strange but you smell great Chet.'

'I do?' Chet replied while nosing the tigers' chest some more.

'Yeah, it's like you've never stopped working out heh. Really strong and intense.' At that, Chet took a deep inhale of Toqeira's vast chest and shivered slightly at his strong muscular scent.

'Such a strong tiger.' Chet said this in a quiet, almost dreamy kind of manner. Toqeira took a step back and looked into the stallions' eyes with a blushing smile.

'You think so?'

'I do.' Chet opened the shower door and let Toqeira walk into the cubicle with him, both were trying hard not to make their passion for each other obvious again. They stood facing each other under the shower and slowly moved their muzzles to the opposite side of the each others' thick neck to nip and lick one another. While doing this, Chet began rubbing Toqeira's vastly developed abs, while the tiger couldn't help but feel the stallions' ripped chest. He ran his fingers along the deep ridges and incredible sinews. The chestnut horse meanwhile, followed the many pencil veins which snaked over his brick ab wall with the tip of each finger. The definition was amazing and the stallion could feel it. Each muscle brick could be felt easily, even with his tiger fur.

Meanwhile outside, Maiden was heading back upstairs and noticed Kauto about to enter the shower room. The Sabre-Wolf stopped him and walked with him back to their room. 'Maiden, I'd like a shower I'm kinda sweating here right at this moment.'

'I know, I just think you'd like to spend a few minutes with me maybe?'

'Of course I would, but maybe in the shower because I can stand this heat much longer. I don't how you, Ula and Ring-Eye are coping to be honest heh.'

'Oh we're fine, the thing is the shower room is out of use right now. They err.......they're fixing the plumbing because.........err one of the pipes has busted or something I dunno heh.' Maiden said with a stutter and a rub on Kauto's chest.

'Well, why don't we go in the ones downstairs, there seems to be people using those ones.'

'Err ok, I think it was only these upstairs ones that weren't working. Ok come on then lets go and cool off heh.' As Kauto left the room, Maiden grabbed a scrap piece of paper and wrote 'out of order' on it. He then grabbed the poster from the wall and took the blue-tack off it before heading out of the room and quickly slapping it on the shower room door after checking inside on the tiger and stallion. 'There, that should give them plenty of free time together. Enjoy yourselves guys.' He said to himself before going downstairs. Inside, the ripped pair were now in a muscle hug looking over one another's shoulders and lats. Chet moved down the tiger slowly and licked his dripping pecs again until he reached the brick wall midsection again and traced the veins with his soft lips. Toqeira gave a little tense and pushed his abs further out. As he lowered and traced the grooves and deep ridges on Chet's chest, the stallion moved slowly back up to his pecs. At the same time, they traced one another's veins up their thick necks until they reached each others' cheek.

In a dream-like state, the two found themselves looking deep into each others' eyes, and their lips were being drawn together, until they met. Tenderly, they kissed at first until the passion grew more and more intense. So much so, their hands even moved slowly to the other one's cheeks as they connected. As they were kissing with such intense admiration, the inner arousals started to build. They were not just feeling and showing the passion on the outside by worshipping. But they also had a deep affection within which was constantly building. As they separated slowly from the kiss, there inner consciousness soon rushed to the surface as they looked softly into each others' eyes again and blushed deeply. 'Err.....you're a good kisser Chet heh.'

'Awe shucks, so are you heh.' Without properly noticing, they took a step closer to each other and nuzzled their thick necks softly. Gently caressing the skin and nipping at the hard muscle underneath. Up to now they had kept there strong arousals under control, but it was getting very difficult for them both to hold back any longer. Chet moved slowly down Toqeira's chest, licking the soft ski as he did so until he reached his abs and then the immense bulge in the tigers' soaking wet shorts. With the water still pouring over them, Chet could see clearly that this was one big tiger. Toqeira looked down at the stallion as he pulled his shorts off to reveal his buff cock and bulky orbs. Chet was by his size since he wasn't the most revealing tiger ever, Toqeira generally kept his features quite and out of view. Chet looked softly up into Toqeiras' eyes softly, the tiger looked a little nervous but couldn't really resist the stallion stroked mane again with a smile.

'I haven't been with someone like this for quite sometime Chet, so could you be gentle for me heh.' Toqeira's cheeks lit up as he said this. Chet nodded softly before he started stroking the tiger's member. Giving a lick now and again, Toqeira certainly got what he asked for. Chet was virtually a genius as he made the big tiger purr deeply. As he did, Chet's own arousals built making him feel a tad horny for the tiger. Toqeira's length bulged some as Chet worked it with vigour and some passion. Slowly, Toqeira's length grew until he was fully erect at nearly two and a half feet. At his point, Chet too was in a similar state as he began to suck gently in Toqeira's tip. A delicate flow of pre oozed out as the stallion urged the tiger with his muzzle. The tigers' purrs became ever deeper and louder, the more Chet suckled. His purrs where then joined by a few soft moans as he got close to climax. The stallions' soft lips worked over the big tip more and more until it bulged some and shot a big muzzle full of tiger seed into his mouth. Chet was very hungry and kept sucking gradually, more energetically to get the best and most out of Toqeira.

This overly buff, and ripped tiger had a lot to offer and he was definitely giving all that he had to offer to Chet. Maiden's idea of putting the sign on the door was also working a treat. Not one had come in up to this point, giving them both the much needed privacy they deserved. As Chet emptied the big tiger and took the big tip out of his muzzle, Toqeira raised the chestnut stallions' chin gently so he would stand to his hooves. As he did, the tiger tenderly placed his hands on either side of Chet's cheeks and wrapped his soft tigery lips around the stallions'. 'Wow, I haven't felt that kind of contentment for a while. You're so kind to let me do something like this with you.'

'Awe shucks heh.' The stallion replied in a bashful way. 'You're very kind to let me be with you, you taste nice as well heh.'

'Haha, err does it have to stop now? Or can we continue do you reckon?'

'Err......' To answer the tiger's question, Chet simply turned the shower off and dug his nose into the dripping wet pecs which were so defined at this point they looked like various sharp mountains.

'Heh, I guess not.' Toqeira suddenly picked Chet up in his ripped arms and placed him gently down on his back over the sinks. Playfully, the tiger began licking Chet's abs and traced the veins like the stallion had did to him earlier. His member quickly bounced back to life and pronged onto the equine's chest, teasing him to take another suckle. 'I know this looks a little strange Chet, but it makes it a little easier for me to get a good look at you heh.' At this point, Chet was still fully stiff and Toqeira hadn't tried anything. But as he traced the veins slowly down, his pristine nose bumped into the stallions' flared tip. Looking up at Chet, who was sucking gently on the tiger again, Toqeira opened his big jaw and took in the equine cock. Various bulges instantly appeared along Chet's length as the tiger started taking in his horsey seed. Purring like a house cat, Toqeira was just as hungry as Chet as they each swallowed copes amount from one another. The deep purrs melted Chet and made him moan slightly as their passion reached a high peak.

A few loving minutes past as they finally emptied one another and stood looking softly into their affectionate eyes. They leaned forward against each other and embraced in a warm hug for a few seconds. Suddenly out of nowhere and rather annoyingly, there came a knock at the door leading to the corridor. 'Oh god, err quick Chet we'd better put our clothes back on.'

'What's going on in there?!' A lion worker shouted. Maiden had also locked the door with the key which was left in the lock, so the lion wasn't able to open the door. Chet and Toqeira quickly put their shorts and what have you back on and began to worry slightly.

'That door's lock, how are we going to get out of here?'

'Err..........' Thinking fast, Toqeira ran to the large window and opened it. 'Do you reckon............'

'I am not jumping.'

'Erm.......oh god. Err what if I go down and then catch you?'

'Err....ok I guess.'

'It's the only way really without getting caught, I promise you I'll catch you.' The tiger friskily leapt out of the window, and like all cats supposedly do he landed firmly on his big feet. His thighs and calved rippled and bulged from the immense strain on landing. Feeling literally no pain, Toqeira looked up and held his big arms out for Chet who was looking down at him. 'Come on Chet, quickly.' The stallion jumped from the first floor window as Toqeira braced and caught him comfortably in his ripped arms. Placing him back on his hooves, they ran quickly around the hotel to the entrance and walked in casually all dripping wet still. As they walked in, a certain Sabre-Wolf was heading out from the restaurant with a big glass of......milk. (LOL)

'Huh, how did.......how on earth did you guys get there while still soaking wet? I didn't see you go past.' The stallion and reptile-tiger looked with a blush at each other and gave two small smiles.

'Erm......Maiden have you got a towel first, I think then we can explain.'

'Oh yeah sure, I've got some in my car. Racing out of the hotel and back, Maiden brought back some towels and let them both dry off. With a few other furs looking strangely at them, Maiden thought it'd be best if they headed upstairs. Seeing the commotion outside of the shower room, Chet and Toqeira quickly darted into the big wolf's room, bumping into Kauto and the drivers in the process. Ula quickly came through and gasped a bit. 'Holy moly, what's wrong with you guys?' Maiden asked as he shut his door and helped everyone up.

'Err......we may have annoyed a couple of workers I think.' Toqeira replied in a slightly embarrassed tone. 'We were in the showers....err.....showering........and someone has locked the doors. So we had to find another way out and well.......the window was our only option to be honest.' Maiden instantly put his big paw over his face and groaned some. 'What's wrong?'

'I really shouldn't have done that.'

'You mean you locked us in there?'

'Err yeah.'

'Maiden how could you do that! They were worried sick it looks like in there.' Kauto quickly commented.

'I know! You guys don't know what we're on about.'

'We don't?' Kauto asked with confused ears. Chet and Toqeira both went a bit red in the face as well as the Sabre-Wolf who kinda wished he hadn't said that.

'I guess we really should tell you.' Toqeira announced.

'Tell us what? Maiden what on earth is going on here, me and the drivers are confused as anything.'

'Kauto if you be quiet for a moment we might be able to explain. Look don't be bad about this, because I think it's a very good......and works beautifully.'


'Well, Chet and Toqeira are a little bit like you and me, and Ring Eye and Falcon. You see since the other day in Sydney, they've gotten to know each other pretty well. And things have developed some shall we say and I think they kinda like each other you know heh.'

'Really?' Kauto looked with a soft smile to the chestnut horse and reptilian-tiger.

'Err yeah I guess so heh.' Toqeira replied.

'Is that true Chet?'

'Erm....in a funny way yes it is heh.' Chet gave a chuckle.

'So why is there all that commotion in the corridor?' Kauto asked.

'Well.......that's a slightly awkward story as well. You see, I kinda had a feeling that they might want some privacy for a little while. I know how hard it is sometimes to kinda resist someone heh. So I ended up putting an out of order sign on the door and locked it. I was going to come back up and unlock after we had a shower downstairs, but I forgot.......sorry about that.' Maiden explained.

'Actually, I think it's a good job you didn't come back up with all that going on now heh.' Toqeira looked out of the door but quickly shut it as he saw the lion headed towards him with a piece of paper.

'Hang on let me get this straight, you locked them in the shower room and put a sign up so nobody would go in there. Then you guys end up escaping through the window to avoid the commotion. Does that mean that you two were...........err.........having some private time together?'

'Oh god, I hate answering those questions.' Toqeira replied again in a slight embarrassed tone.

'Toqeira, I'm just asking. I think it's pretty cute and funny that you guys did that together. Funny in a good way I mean. you guys don't need to be quiet about it and keep it secret.'

'Well, you know now so I guess everyone is feeling better now?' Maiden asked before hopping on the huge mattress on the floor to lay on it.

'Yeah we agree with Kauto, it's pretty sweet that you guys like each other.' Falcon said.

'Yeah there you go, come on guys lets get some sleep and forget about everything so we're refreshed and ready for tomorrow eyy.' Maiden said before Kauto and Ula joined him as well as everyone else and rested for the night ready for the final tomorrow.

Fur Olympics Part 10 - Sybaritic Passion

After leaving the airport for the day, Toqeira and Chet were walking to the beach front with the sun low in the sky. The temperatures were still hot, but a more manageable 28 degrees Celsius. As they got to the beach road, the burly reptile-tiger...

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Fur Olympics Part 9 (plane pull event)

Outside of Toqeira's changing room, Kauto had informed Chet and the tiger of the event and was now walking back to his room to get ready. While trotting back, the stallion bumped into Ula as she came back after tidying herself up. 'Oh hi Ula, you look...

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Fur Olympics Part 8

Once at the Sydney Airport, they immediately noticed the normally overcrowded and busy airport was completely empty with no sign of any flights taking off or landing. But what they could see, where a whole load of the usual airliners and big planes...

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