Fur Olympics Part 8

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#11 of Fur Olympics

Finally a continuation to this story heh. If you don't like muscle worship then quite simply press the big fat back button now.

Once at the Sydney Airport, they immediately noticed the normally overcrowded and busy airport was completely empty with no sign of any flights taking off or landing. But what they could see, where a whole load of the usual airliners and big planes arranged ready for the event. Kauto jumped out of the truck and quickly trotted over to the security fence to look at the airfield. As he did, the stallion began tensing his body playfully feeling a little burst of adrenaline build up inside him. 'It looks as though a certain horse is ready to pump himself up heh.' Maiden squeezed the Friesians' shoulders as he stood behind him and looked at the airfield with Ula. While looking around, Maiden heard one of his favourite sounds getting louder and louder behind him and Kauto. As he turned, the Sabre-Wolf noticed his much beloved Aston Martin V12 Vantage pulling up in the car park. 'Awe wow, listen to that noise.' Maiden was in awe with the amazing noise and gorgeous looks of the Aston. But when it came to a stop and the side doors opened, his mood quickly changed as his arch enemy wolves stepped out. 'Oh great, they're all I need.'

'Crikey Maiden, would you leave them.' Kauto said with a serious tone as he pulled Maiden's huge shoulders towards him.

'Huh, Kauto I wasn't going to do anything.'

'You weren't?' Kauto replied with his ears folded.

'No, I'll only do something if they do. Come on lets go in the airport and get something to eat, I'm starving heh.' Putting his huge beefy arm over the stallion, they tried to walk trouble free into the airport. But as they were about to enter the large glass pained building, Maiden heard a couple of deep growls directly behind him. As the Sabre-Wolf turned, he was grabbed by both of the eleven foot muscled wolf twins and held up tightly against the glass work. With Kauto and Ula inside and nobody else at the airport yet, Maiden was in a difficult situation with the wolves growling evilly at him. But the Sabre-Wolf had a whole different level of anger and strength which was at this point, very easy to unleash. As he was pounded against the glass, Kauto heard and quickly ran back outside. Outside of the door, the stallion screamed in rage.

'OYE!!! Get your f****** paws off of my wolf!' The two wolf twins laughed at the crazy large stallions' actions.

'Hey, just beat it you steroid freak hahaha.'

'Shut your f****** face!!' Kauto strutted up to them both. As he did, they tried to grab him and haul him up. But the stallion simply caught there paws and grabbed them by the waist before picking them up in his enormous arms. Maiden dropped to the floor with his anger side on the verge of exploding within him. As the Sabre-Wolf looked up, he noticed Kauto was squeezing the lights out of the twin wolves. 'Now f****** quit it and p*** off!!' The stallion grabbed them both by the neck and launched them over the airport fence and onto the hard concrete runway. Maiden watched him as he threw them, gasping deeply in the process. Seeing his Friesian horse huffing and puffing, Maiden quickly got up and put his arms over Kauto's monster shoulders.

'It's ok Kauto, calm yourself.' Maiden said while rubbing against Kauto's cheek.

'God I hate it when people piss me off!!' The Friesian suddenly kicked the lights out of the security wall, almost smashing it to rubble and setting the alarms off.

'Hey, Kauto come on. Please will you just calm down, I'm fine and you've taken care of those wolves.' Maiden rubbed his horses big chest and held him in his grasp momentarily to calm his huge stallion. 'Thanks for helping me out there, I was kinda shocked by them to be honest.'

'Oh no problem, nobody hurts my wolf, you little old rippa haha.' Kauto said with a nuzzle over his shoulder. 'I didn't mean to be so angry then.'

'Oh don't worry, I was on the verge I tell ya. Come on lets go and have something to eat while we wait for the others.' After ordering two large healthy meals they sat down and waited patiently.

Chet and Toqeira suddenly pulled up in the GT350 Shelby after taking a slightly different route through the mountains. As they got out, the reptile tiger stretched off his whole body. Chet couldn't help but look at his stripes and ripped back muscles. When Toqeira turned to face him, Chet blushed as the tiger chuckled at him staring him over. 'Oh sorry Chet.'

'Heh, don't worry you didn't do anything. You look good today Toqeira.'

'Awe thanks Chet, do I look as good as you haha.' The reptile-tiger said with a chuckle. He then put his ripped arm around the chestnut horse and went off in pursuit of finding Maiden and Kauto. Meanwhile, the drivers had just arrived and pulled up at the same time as the two wolves who Kauto had thrown, came strutting angrily out of a side gate from the runway. As they did, the wolves noticed Kauto's beefy truck and Chet's Shelby parked up next to each other. Walking towards them, they had a very suspicious pair of expressions. The drivers took note and parked quietly opposite the two vehicles.

'What the hell are they doing? Don't they realise they'll receive a pummelling.' Falcon said while they both stayed in the Porsche. The wolves walked even more suspiciously around the mighty vehicles and began talking to each other.

'Oh for crying out loud!' Ring Eye climbed out and walked straight up to the pair of oversized wolves. 'HAY!! Get the hell away from those vehicles!' Falcon also got out and quickly ran after the wolf driver to pull him back. The two eleven feet wolves laughed like hyenas and walked up to Ring Eye.

'And what exactly do you think you can do to us, eyy?'

'Bang your fat heads together maybe!' Ring Eye replied with a vicious uppercut, sending one wolf flying against Kauto's truck and leaving the other one shocked. As this happened, Maiden and Kauto had just finished their meal and came back outside with Ula in perfect time to see the vicious punch.

'Holy cow!' The Sabre-Wolf shouted as he and the others ran over to the commotion. 'Ring Eye, what on earth?' As Maiden said this he noticed the knocked out wolf on the floor and the other one standing gob smacked next to him. The Sabre-Wolf suddenly bared his humungous teeth and growled angrily at him. His enemy wolf looked at him feeling very worried and quickly scampered to safety, leaving his buddy knocked out on the floor. 'I guess he doesn't want this rubbish. Man Ring Eye, you sure connected well with your fist heh.'

'Heh, well they were about to damage the truck so I had to do something.' Suddenly Kauto raised his eyebrows and pinned his ears.

'What did you just say? What where they gunna do to my truck?!'

'Err.......we err....we just came into the car park and saw them looking suspiciously at it.' Ring Eye replied nervously to the snorting stallion who suddenly grabbed the knocked out wolf on the floor and strutted off into the airport.

'Oh god, where's he going? Kauto stop!' The Friesian paid no attention to the Sabre-Wolf and dragged the motionless wolf through the airport and into their changing room for the day. Maiden, Ula and the drivers all ran after him, losing the grunting stallion as he went into the changing areas. In the very large room, Kauto had the dazed wolf held up by the throat against the shower wall. The wolf was now in a totally dazed state with his eyes looking shockingly at the snorting horse in front of him.

'What the f*** were you going to do to my truck?!! Why don't I just pummel you into the ground eyy instead of asking questions.'

'I.........we weren't........going to do anything to your useless truck.' The eleven foot beefy wolf said while choking in Kauto's immense grip.

'Oh yeah, like I'm going to believe that.' Out of nowhere, the wolf swung his left foot and connected clean in the middle of Kauto's insane orbs. Sending the stallion into some serious pain, but to the wolf's bad luck, he fell out of Kauto's grip to floor. Only for the huge Friesian to land straight on top of him on the floor. The wolf was then deafened as Kauto screamed and shouted in extreme anger. Outside of the room, the others heard the screams and ran to the locked door where Maiden busted his way through and gasped at Kauto holding himself in pain on top of the wolf.

'Oh my god, what the f*** have you done!!! Get the pissing hell out of here!!' The Sabre-Wolf grabbed the dazed wolf and hurled him against the wall outside. Knocking him out yet again. 'Kauto, are you alright?'

'Awe god that hurt so much, that tosser kicked me.' The stallion replied while holding his orbs with a horrible expression of pain.

'Awe no way.' Maiden picked Kauto up and took him into a private cubicle and began rubbing him with some vigour to relieve his pain. 'How dare he hit my stallion in such a precious area. How are you feeling, you're not sick or anything are you?'

'No I'm just in a bit of pain that's all. But I'm ok now you're here heh.' Kauto replied with a big muscle hug.

'Heh, well I like to keep my eye on you.'

'I swear though, if I see either one of those wolves again today, I am serious gunna kill them.' Kauto said with a puff of his nostrils.

'Good god Kauto, what's gotten into you today. I thought I was in a bad mood, but you're really not happy today are you.'

'I'm just really pissed off after those wolves pinned you up against the wall. It's just totally sent me haywire, I think I need a few minutes to calm down because right now I just see red everywhere.'

'Oh god, I'll leave you alone if that's the case.'

'No, please don't. I'll only end up punching the wall or something, I mean I wanna spend a few minutes with you just to calm down.'

'Oh, ok. You won't knock my head off or kill me will you.'

'Of course not, you're my wolf I wouldn't dare hurt you.' Kauto kept his arms around Maiden until he had returned to a stable state.

Back in the quiet restaurant, Chet and Toqeira were finishing there breakfasts' together. They had not heard the loud commotion since took a walk together around the airport before coming for breakfast together. Throughout the whole morning, neither one of them had taken their eye off of the others' amazing figure. Even though Chet loved the tigers' hugely ripped body, he couldn't help but look at the bright colours of his fur. And with his thickly densed reptile skin underneath, his large muscles were always in a pumped up looking state, even when he hadn't worked out yet during the day. Through breakfast, Toqeira glanced at Chet several times and kept thinking about when he showed the stallion his features. After breakfast, Toqeira got up from his seat and walked over to the changing areas with his tail waving gently through his tight shorts. The polite and rippling muscle tiger turned back to Chet and asked him to follow him. As the stallion got out of his seat and walked to the changing area entrance, Toqeira went through into his changing room and kept the door open as he stood behind it. Chet was slightly confused as he walked through and saw the open door with nobody inside. Realising it was the tigers' room, he poked his head in and slowly made his way inside.

'Chet.' Toqeira said, almost making Chet jump a little.

'Huh, where are you?' Chet replied to the teasing tiger.

'I'm here heh.' Toqeira slowly closed the door and locked it before looking at Chet softly. 'I know you were looking at me while we were having breakfast heh, I want you to know that I was looking at you as well.' Chet blushed at this comment and shuffled his hoof on the ground with a grin. The tiger chuckled and lifted Chet's chin before he looked closely into his eyes while running a paw down his ripped chest. 'I think you have an unbelievable body Chet, I've never seen someone so ripped.'

'Awe shucks, you're very kind Toqeira. You're very ripped for such a big tiger like yourself, with your tight fur you look amazing.' The chestnut stallion replied with his two meaty hands running over the tigers' pecs. Toqeira suddenly moved his large paws tenderly over Chet's hands and began tensing his chest muscles. The stallion marvelled as he could feel Toqeira's pecs ripple under his hands, the soft fur and hard, thick reptile skin gave a strange yet stellar feel to his thick muscles. Toqeira gingerly moved closer to Chet and began rubbing over his incredibly hard lat muscles as he continued making his large pecs ripple under Chet's hands. The stallion began rubbing gently over the sinews and big ridges, even nosing them trying to get the full intake of strength and size from the sexy tiger.

Without saying a word to each other, they each dug deeper into each others muscles. Toqeira once again moved the stallions' hands, this time down to his brick like abs as he also moved his perky nose to Chet's traps and sniffed and blew as though he was a horse. 'I've never seen a stallion so ripped, Chet you're amazing.'

'Awe, thanks. You're amazing too, I mean your stripes really bring out your physique. I would never have thought I'd be here right now with a tiger who's actually worshipping me as well.' The chestnut stallion said while marvelling in Toqeira's stripes on his heavy developed neck.

'Well, I've got to say, I'm not your average or normal tiger really heh. I always found it hard to speak to people, since I'm so scared of, well, either annoying them to hell or just because I was so shy to speak. Some tigers are a little despicable shall we say, but I can't see why really. I always like getting to know furs, but I will also say that this is a little shock to me as well. I never thought I'd meet such a strong and perfectly cut stallion, never mind worshipping one heh.'

'Can I just ask you something quickly Toqeira?'

'Sure.' The tiger replied while rubbing his cheeks against Chet's neck and traps.

'You said you're very shy. I was just wondering why you were so playful earlier after breakfast.'

'Oh when I closed the door? Well during this whole morning I kind of noticed we were getting along very well, and while we were coming down here and during breakfast, we were looking at each other quite a bit heh.' As Toqeira said this with his paws running over the vast landscape of Chet's back, they both blushed with a chuckle. 'And when I showed you my features, I must say you had some pretty soft hands. I mean that in a good way, for such a strong stallion you sure know how to muscle worship heh. All these things kind of made me want to get to know you better and well, this seemed the best way to me.'

'I think you chose well Toqeira, this way we get to see fully what each of us has to go up against from a close view heh.' As Chet said this, his hands moved from the rocky canyon on Toqeira's abs around to his wide back, feeling the ridges and sinews in full detail. Suddenly in perfect sequence, they both closed there eyes and dreamily moved their hands and paws slowly down the rear of the other. Toqeira began purring quietly sending Chet into a deep sexual dream. But as they were doing this, Chet's and Toqeira's paws and hands reached the rump area of the other. They instantly jumped back from each other and produced the same blushing expression, with Chet shuffling his hoof and Toqeira looking at the floor.

'Oh err sorry Chet, I didn't mean to........'

'No really, it was my mistake.'

'Err why are you saying sorry Chet? I don't mean to sound funny but you've...........heh, you've touched me there before so you should know I don't mind it. I'm the one who should be sorry really.'

'Honestly Toqeira, if you don't mind then I don't mind. We were just enjoying each others' company and well.............body heh.' Chet said before there came a knock at the locked door and a calmed Kauto asked Toqeira to get ready since the plain event would be starting very soon and the Friesian Stallion didn't know Chet was also in there with him. 'Oh I think we'd better get ready to be honest. Err maybe we could try this again another time?'

'Certainly Chet, I'm always open to a stallion such as yourself heh. Thank you for doing that with me, I'm glad that I've finally been able to be with someone without coming up with an excuse to leave.'

'Do you mean because you're shy?'

'Oh, yeah. It's hard for me sometimes to talk to someone I've either only just met or don't know properly. Thanks buddy.'

Fur Olympics Part 9 (plane pull event)

Outside of Toqeira's changing room, Kauto had informed Chet and the tiger of the event and was now walking back to his room to get ready. While trotting back, the stallion bumped into Ula as she came back after tidying herself up. 'Oh hi Ula, you look...

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EXTREME Hyper Growth and Fun

Six A.M and the Sabre-Wolf opened his eyes to find his beloved Friesian Stallion not in the bed with him. Maiden called out Kauto's name as he slowly sat up. His body was huge and hung as usual, but Maiden was feeling worried as to where Kauto was. But...

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Remember, Don't piss this wolf or stallion off!!

After the NASCAR season had finished, the drivers were very busy with there new winter testing for what would be a whole new challenge in Formula 1. With Toqeira and Ula in the garage with them during the day, it left the big two alone at the mansion....

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